2, is down!

>2, is down!
>Man, 7, o'clock
>Machinegunner, 3, o'clock
>8, is down!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (960x720, 75K)


Boomers, report to thread, 100 meters

I played the demo for hours and hours and hours.

lol wtf is this nerds

>This is, 1, I am taking Command!

u r me, i used to read some dudes blog and this came up in some super autistic detailed single player operation and I played it out on the demo, then ArmA 2 came out and I joined a super autism Yea Forums milsim group then arma 3 came out and literally who cares its shit

>only 1 save per mission

Attached: 1543877440303.jpg (650x638, 77K)

Other than plunging performance into the fucking ground and somehow ruining environmental sounds (ArmA 2 has amazing atmosphere on a windy night by yourself sneaking cross-country, 3 just somehow doesn't), I think 3's worst sin is almost completely removing all impact from bullets that connect. They just ping off of armour hopelessly, and the most common weapons use ridiculously high calibers that are totally uncontrollable in full auto or even bursts.

It sure was nice when you tried to get braindead AI-medic to treat your broken legs, but he gets killed instead.
Lot of the missions become really easy if order your squad to scavenge for machine guns and RPG/LAW or any other AT-weapon. In the end you have like half of your 12 man squad with rockets and the other one with machine guns.

Oh no - SEVEN - is down!

I played the shit out of OFP back in the day, mission creator was the best thing

>max XP squad
>give half PKMs
>give other half RPG/Dragunov combo
there was really no point crewing these freebe tanks you get by end of Resistance campaign, RPG rain would gut ruskie armor faster than tank platoon and any infantry coming into 500m range would be gunned down in seconds

>making a thread about an actual good game for once
I expect this thread to die immediately cause Yea Forums is shit and just wants to talk about nintenbro.

>that one guy who can't get into the truck

is there a fix for heli gunner accuracy? 1.99 patch seem to fuck it up for me, they seem to always lead as if target was moving at max speed, hitting ground before it.

Attached: papa bear come in papa bear.jpg (1680x1050, 210K)

>that first mission after getting promoted and you're in charge of the squad
Jesus fucking christ i don't want to be in charge, it's too much pressure for 12y old me

Attached: 1356375228097.png (140x134, 4K)

>just wants to talk about nintenbro.
it's related to sticky, or you're talking nintendo in general?


t. Phonefag
Yeah Yea Forums only talks about nintendo not based games like arma. Real shame

you can alt-tab, delete the save file from the game folder and then the game lets you save again

so who's hosting the server then?

that is the most memorable mission in the game, can still remember it from the summer of 01

I beat it by setting the time acceleration to max and just sprinting to the goal in a straight line because the young me couldn't do it legit, this tactic worked like 20% of the time