What's this about?
Have I missed something?
For the mods: This thread is not directly about the person in question nor his actions, but instead about board rules and -culture.
What's this about?
Have I missed something?
For the mods: This thread is not directly about the person in question nor his actions, but instead about board rules and -culture.
Mods banning things they dont like rather then letting the discussion die out naturally
ProJared was caught cheating on his wife and had been getting nudes from his fans for years but we're not supposed to discuss it here cause mods don't consider it to be related here
Nothing new there, although generals have gotten their own board for good reason.
It's sefl explanatory
The topic at hand is not about video games, nor does it generate video game discussions within its threads. By all means, it's not video game.
I do wish this would extend to all e-celeb shit, but it seems it hasn't been the case so far. Disappointed, but not surprised.
Some faggot e-celeb cheated on his wife and blocked her on twitter. A bunch of retarded children spammed the board with threads about it. Nothing to see here.
Literally who?
it should say "ecelebs are not video games"
Projared cheated on his wife and it's now known he was also giving dick pics to fans which have now leaked heavily, his career is ruined and everyone is going against him now, that's what happened. As for that sticky, the board was being raped on the topic so a mod did that, now people are bitching about it since it's basically board culture to talk about e-celeb shit, in my opinion they should've been strict on the e-celeb stuff long ago.
Mods are retards though and went about it the wrong way. If you sticky a thread saying not to do something, people are going to do it.
>mods allow a mauler thread to go to max post
>jontron thread deleted
>game grumps deleted
>projared deleted
Mod go fuck yourself
If you want to discuss videogames you can go to /vg/ or /vr/ but god forbid we talk about stuff that's orbiting around videogames in the clusterfuck that is Yea Forums.
E-celebs are dumb but people should be allowed to talk about them if they so choose. Mods are scumbags.
>give enough of a shit to make a sticky about one eceleb doing whatever
>do nothing about the rest
> and had been getting nudes from his fans for years
Don't leave out that by "fans", user is refering to underage boys. As in ProJared has been using his YT channel as vehicle for building a community around generating and exchanging child porn.
I wish mods would ban e-celebs as a whole.
Yeah, it was handled rather poorly. At least, it can be used to make a statement about the need to contain that stuff to a board. I really think an e-celeb board is long overdue, and I believe if i'm not mistaken that Yea Forums isn't the only board suffering from issues with e-celebs, and admitedly, they don't really have a home of their own aside from /trash/
Go to reddit if you want to discuss them.
That mentality is exactly the reason Yea Forums gets worse every year.
they're not doing anything about the e-celeb threads that litter Yea Forums
they're only deleting projared threads to protect his honor
projared cheated on his wife,
the internet starts talking as if this shit was relevant.
why does every single faggot talk the same?
seriously his career is not ruined, last i checked he only lost 50k subscribers, stop talking shit out of your fucking ass because you browse retarded circle jerk shitholes that delude your opinion
>mod thinking
>eceleb threads are not allowed unless it's a a eceleb I follow
Mod go fuck yourself
Yea Forums a little bit but it's mostly a Yea Forums issue.