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Other urls found in this thread:


Cards against humanity
My ex cry in the corner
My ap macro teacher struggle to sing
Dumb shit by you faggots on my phone

Gonna replay FF7 when I get home from work
Have like 13 volumes left of Seven Deadly Sons
Turkey and lettuce sandwich
Not for another few days
Pretty good, just finished uni for the year

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At work, browsing Yea Forums to pass time

Ninja storm trilogy, witcher 3, dokkan battle.
Metokur's ProJAred stream and all teh shitstorm
Alabama 3 -Woke up this morning
Nothing really
Spaghetti with spice tuna, it is delicious
COffe and water, some times i mix Greek yogurt, coconut water and grapes, the result is delicious.
Usually milfs, tanlines, huge breats.
No so good, got a new job but it is far away from home and every place a looked to rent was either way too expensive or a dumpster fire. My father is also having more heart problems and i am afraid he might die some time soon.

Gonna probably buy CTR on release if whatever place i find has decent internet.

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Amiibo training in Smash Ultimate
Missing Link last night, which is Laika’s worst film to date. Palate cleansing by watching Saga Of Tanya The Evil
Anime Outsiders
Social media feed of the whole ProJared fiasco
Sweet and sour pork earlier, eating popcorn now because it’s the appropriate food of choice while reading the schadenfreude that is ProJared’s divorce and nude leaks
Rockstar Punched
Gay chubs
On my way to work and my AX jar is halfway full, pretty good so far

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Ruiner, I might check out the Hat in Time dlc if it's good.
The Sopranos, I also start later Mob Psycho 100 today
Jojolion & Yea Forums's ProJared threads.
Left over salmon and rice
Nothing yet. I'll hit up some sadpanda loli doujin at random if I change my mind later.
Pretty Good
Been out of work since early April. I got a few interviews lined up for next week so wish me luck Yea Forumsros

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Picked up Age of Empires 2 HD so will relive the older days for a bit. New Battle Brothers DLC just hit so will play that too.
Romance of the three kingdoms 2010
I can't read

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good luck, user.

Super Mario World
Jojo, youtube
Maybe some comics/manga
Pretty good

>Usually milfs, tanlines, huge breasts
I see you're a man of taste as well. Sorry to hear about your dad, user.

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Yakuza 0 and YGOPro
youtube shit, jojo friday, and whatever is on shudder or on amazon prime
Forrest.and crime junkie podcast
grilled chicken breast with a lemon, paprika, olive oil, and oregano marinade
water, pineapple juice, and a root beer made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup
cute boys or imagination
comfy now that finally getting some good weather plus got a cat in the house i\m petting her every so often

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Finishing up dq11 this morning. That was a long game ;_; then ffxiv. Ribi rabi and maybe a few rounds of siege later!
Seasonal stuff, sukasuka
Yea Forums!
Nothing yet. Skipping breakfast and might get a pizza later
Water! Coffee in a bit
Relaxed. Happy.

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PWG's Hand of Doom
Periphey - Hail Stan
Yea Forums, /g/, Yea Forums
Sour cream and chili crisps
trap, stomach_deformation
I've exercised every day this week and am feeling good for it. Just got to keep it up.

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Thanks bud!

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2nd Bloodborne playthrough and RE4 Mercenaries. Might also play some FEXL and UNISt if I feel like getting my ass kicked.
Watching Borat and IT Part 1 with the movie for movie night tonight.
Random vidya OSTs
Yea Forums
fruit and later snacks with the boys
lemonade with the boys
7/10. Life has definitely been going my way these past few days. I honestly feel like I have a purpose again.

Metokur's stream is still on Youtube? I thought he took down all of his livestreams when they were done or did someone record it?

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>vidya no longer brings joy into my life

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Breath of the Wild
Maybe LEGO Movie 2 tonight, YouTube
Spider-verse soundtrack
Nothing right now
Leftover pizza
Pepsi Vanilla
Nothing yet
Tired, sleepy

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Yakuza Kiwami, Xenoblade 2 post game stuff I never did (I could play this game forever)
Tuca and Bertie, KF/AF, Code Geass. I saw Detective Pikachu last night and would recommend it to anyone that grew up loving Pokemon and may have stopped enjoying it as much over the years.
Alesana, Taking Back Sunday
Komi-san and Sukeban Deka
Gonna make a chicken curry probably right after posting this. It's early in the morning and I'm probably just gonna save it for the next few days of dinner.
ride the dildo and look at shotas
Pretty good. It's another rainy weekend once means it's time to open the curtain and enjoy the beautiful cloudy sky. I'm inspired to write today especially after an image I saw earlier.
Based Devilmanon. Good taste in all aspects.
>Ninja Storm Trilogy
Best way to experience the Naruto story. I'm very sorry to hear about your father user. I've lost loved ones recently as well and I'm still kind of getting over it.
I haven't actually used my amiibos at all on Ultimate when I saw it was pretty much the same it was on Smash 4. I wish there was a little more you could do with them. Like have them be your co-op partner in Classic and WoL/Spirits. There's just not that much reason to train them.
Good luck with the job!
Nice. Also do you know anything good on shudder? I have it through vrv but I've never really used it.
Is there any day more suitable for pizza than Friday? I haven't played Siege in a while myself. Or xiv for that matter. Sometimes I miss xiv but catching up to my friends and probably most of the playerbase sounds like it might be too long and boring at this point.

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Watching Borat and IT Part 1 with the boys for movie night tonight.

I really need remember to spell check more.

>Metokur's stream is still on Youtube?

He always deletes his streams but there's at least 100 channels that watch and re-upload the streams in their channels.

Have fun.


The first game is kinda clunky though and there's no good tutorial that i found the so far it is alright.
Also, we all gonna make it bro.

Princess evangile
Kimetsu no yaiba
Promised neverland
Princess evangile
Tired, didn't sleep at all

you might be bored of the gameplay mechanics. try something different. eventually you'll go back to joylessness though

Dominions 5 might try SS13
Missed part 5 last week so watching that and the new episode. Hoping Green Day and Oasis is as awesome as it was in the manga
Been on a Comus First Utterance kick which ends up including Primus and Oyster Head in that rotation
Yea Forums and/vg/
Rice with hot sauce and tahini probably
Hyped because it's the weekend

I figured older games might do it for me, or maybe my life just sucks

With how shit the industry has been going over the last decade or so it's bound to happen to all of us some day. I just hope you have some/find some other hobbies to fill your time.

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Pic related. God a Circle Pad Pro because I'm left handed. I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't control it using both sticks, but still, it's a pretty good game.
YouTube stuff.
Vydia OST (Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories)
ProJared's thread on KF and the whole shitstorm on Twitter.
Gonna look up some good trap doujin later.

Sorry to hear that Yea Forumsros. I wish the best to both of you.

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Just reinstalled ESO but havent decided if I want to resub
If not, maybe FF XV for the first time, or some good ol Sunless Skies
The Leftovers S3
Post hardcore shit
Made a lot of progress on Blood Meridian but its stalled past couple weeks
Tacos from a Tacquiera
Nah minds too messed up right now
Im moving into a new apartment today in a super cool city. Other than that Im one day further to a full on mental shattering friends. Some fences just cant be mended, but hey Ima keep on keepin on and workin my butt off

Give your ex some snacks user crying is tiring
congrats on Uni break
You put grapes in your coffee?
Laika also made some insanely cool Nikes as part of a bizarre promotion and now theyre like $300. It was weird.
Good luck. Similar boat but Im in a startup and weve had just enough work for me to keep on, but not enough to pay my bills. Keep on truckin user.
A fellow Shudder bro, based, also comfy
Thanks for the new listenin
pretty based overall
I was LISTENAN to both those bands just a yesterdayyy with a lil Sleeping with Sirens on top
Idk what most of these are but I think you should take a nap

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Yes yes yes user Kid Icarus Uprising is so good. I really hope you like it. It's like my second favorite game ever.

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What the fuck someone on Yea Forums actually knew Alesana for once?!
>Sleeping with Sirens
Oh gosh I haven't heard them in ages. I'm gonna throw them into the mix as well.

Mortal Kombat 11
Game of Thrones out of spite. It’s so bad now lol
Linking Park and Rage Against the Machine. Got a bad nostalgia itch this music seems to scratch
Some Agatha Christie
Grilled chicken and veggies
Ice cold water
Pretty good. I live in Houston which is currently flooding and raining a lot. Staying high and staying dry

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>Breath of the Wild
Me too! I'm slowly getting burnt out on my Master mode run though. Any suggestions to spice it up a little?

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I think I know the whole On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax tracklist by heart and its been a solid ten years since I found them. How time fliesss away from you on the way out from banging you in the ass amirite.

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I dunno I'm still on my first run. I just have fun exploring.

I've played through the first level a few times, just to get the hang of it and clear the Intensity Gate. Really good stuff. Another plus is Palutena...

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Blood: Fresh Supply most likely

Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer over and over and then Space Ghost Coast to Coast

FFVII music on shuffle

This site and FFVII news

Doritos for lunch, Hot Dogs/Cottage Cheese for dinner, and popcorn for snack

Diet Coke, Rolling Rock/Yuengling for tonight

Foot tickling, most likely Sasha Foxxx


>Give your ex some snacks user crying is tiring
Nah she’s fucking awful. Broke up with me after emotional abusing me while I blindly followed her and then turned it into some shit where she said I had raped her (her entire friend group does this shit because they have to play the victim). She’s beyond fucking saving and it’s kinda funny desu, I told her to stop saying shit about me raping her because that’s not who I fucking am and I despise that shit so she reported me for harassment to the school board which led to nothing because I didn’t fucking harass her, she still tells people that she has a restraining order on me all the time because I was her life and it fucking broke her because she’s an ugly ass bitch with no personality or goals that compulsively lies and manipulates people just to have a couple of friends who are just as fake as she is.

Well I didnt say they had to be tasty snacks
Ive got alot of exes user they all suck in their own unique way. At least you finally ended it, time to move on to the next one and never look back.

>Also do you know anything good on shudder? I
have it through vrv but I've never really used it.
last drive in with joe bob briggs, the hellraiser movies, cannibal holocaust, some of the halloween movies, Sadako vs. Kayako, and even some ridiculous exploitation shit like Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama

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Modded Skyrim.
The original Laughing Salesman anime. It's so fucking fun.
Books in Skyrim while i'm staying at an inn or bathhouse in between contracts from the Dark Brotherhood.
I ate 3 corndogs for breakfast with mustard, the holy condiment.
Cute assholes on thicc asses/ass worship
Pretty good, been full bloomer for a while and it's fucking great. I'm loving life right now and i'm working on my hobbies and staying physically fit. Might either rake the yard or go for a walk around the neighborhood.
good fucking tastes user. I'm so sorry for the issues plaguing you right now man. Hopefully things get better for you homie.
I need to finish reading that. I stopped halfway through with the biker stand.
You might be burnt out on them. If you only have vidya as your hobby i'd suggest looking into more to have different things to fall back on. Other than games I collect horror movie memorabilia and props.

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Mordhau, Enter the Gungeon, and Sekiro
I am trying to finish up Star Trek: Voyager, but it's tough. It is nowhere near as good as TOS/TNG/DS9
Podcasts and youtube videos about Roman history
I am taking a break from reading. I just got done with my finals and I had to study a lot.
I got some potato skins for lunch and I am marinading steak for dinner
Dr. Pepper and Water
Haven't decided yet
Well, actually, best I have felt in a long time. Finals went really well and next semester I should have my masters.

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Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, The Sims 3
Just finished L.A. Noire, amazing game.

Nothing atm

The Ape of Naples - Coil
Time 'n' Place - Kero Kero Bonito
Koibito He - Lamp
Flood - Boris

Prone to Violence by Erin Pitzey


Just coffee

Gay porn, daddies w/ twinks as usual

Pretty chill actually, wbu guys?

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Me too

Out of curiosity, what's your issue with Voyager? Not a huge Trek fan as I've only seen some of the OG series and movies but from what I've heard about it Voyager sounds like the one I'd like the most.

I have other hobbies, but I find myself burnt out on them too

I'm trying to get back in vidya, I've been not playing them for too long. I might play some Smash Ultimate, or some Counter-Strike, maybe SMT Nocturne.
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
anki flashcards
MILFs because I'm not a faggot

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Probably League even though that game makes me want to blow my brains out. After scraping up the grey matter I'm gonna try and work on my backlog starting with Darkest Dungeon. I hate turn based games but the art style is right up my alley (love Lovecraft), so let's hope it's not too much of a slog.
Gonna go see Endgame sometime this weekend, I don't even like Marvel movies at this point I just go and see them so I'm not left out when my normie friends talk about them. ENDGAME SPOILERS IN PIC RELATED.
Just listened to Fishmans - Long Season for the first time yesterday and it absolutely blew me away so I'll probably have a listen again today.
Nearing the end of Thoreau's Walden, comfiest book I've ever read in my life, makes me seriously consider going /innawoods/ 10/10 would recommend
Gonna make some French toast for breakfast, love that shit.
Coffee, honestly what else would any sane man drink on a Friday morning?
Hopefully not.
I've got the day off and it's pouring rain outside so I'm feeling pretty comfy but I know it's only because I'm using copious amount of sensory input in order to drown out my crushing inner monologue, literally why else does anyone play video games?

Fav Grimes album?
What do you do for work?
Stop playing new shit, it's all dopamine farm trash. Look for reviews about older games from people like Mandalore or Sseth and find something that interests you, most of them will probably be like Podcasts and youtube videos about Roman history
I'm interested, got any links?
>Gay porn, daddies w/ twinks as usual
Only the best I see.

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PUBG mobile
Yea Forums
Apple cinnamon bar
My gfs vid she sent to me last night


Go back

>literally just watched that episode an hour ago
Small world.

Is there something in your life that's affecting your mentality or anything that's keeping you sad or depressed to where you can't ignore it? Or are you just feeling burnt out on everything? It'd be pretty fun to try and explore new things if you can. I wish I could help you more user, but this is all the advice about being burnt out that I personally know.

league / mahjong soul
twitch, whichever content im most interested in among my followed streamers
online uk radio / calvin harris
mahjong soul introductions and guides
fries with eggs / frozen pizza ( 4x cheese flav )
7 up / water
my erp slut slave / cam girls priv shows
sugar infused

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Dead Cells now, Sea of Thieves update later it's surprisingly good
Re-watching MHA with my wife, dunno why but she's obsessed with it. Later gonna get drunk with some of my friends and do our own version of MST3K but with shitty horror movies
Random podcasts for background noise, mainly paranormal and true crime shit
Some random biography of Nikolai Tesla
Smoked gouda and brisket grilled cheese
White claw and water
Glad the work week is over. Little stressed cause my wife is bipolar and she started a new job. She's stressing about it pretty hard and major life changes can trigger manic/depressive states. So a little worried.

fuck yeah
man of taste

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DMC5 or Destiny 2
Maybe JoJo.
DMC5 OST if I'm playing DMC5, vaporwave/synthwave if I'm playing Destiny 2.
Pan pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, bacon and sausage and cheesey bread from Dominos.
A&W root beer.
Nothing so far.
Big dick energy. Just got an 86 on my unit test and I really feel like I am the one in control of my destiny. Pic related rn.

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>You put grapes in your coffee?
No, they are all different drink.
just mix the yogurt, + grape juice + coconut milk, dont even need to add sugar.

Far Cry 5 and Mordhau now that my new computer is done
Girls Frontline
Weekly Animu, my sanity slip away
Nothing right now
>Diet Barqs
Working at the moment so no
Extremely stressed, a fuckton of work deadlines coming up and a recent family medical emergency. I'm glad its friday

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i cant figure out why dont they just make him move between the two girls
he looks like an old small dick bald fat loser, anybody would wipe the floor with that idiot

FGO, using some time I got before finals to try to rush this BB event. Probably won't start any real games until a week from now when tests are done and I'm back home.
Finished Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Las night and it was pretty good. Nothing really blew my dick off but it was very solid in every aspect.
Weekly Jump chapters as they start to trickle out over the weekend. Checked out Kishimotos new series and it was meh but I was never big on Naruto either so I'm not surprised.
Haven't eaten yet but I plan on going up to the local burger place later for one last trip before I leave.
Too early.
Pretty good, only got one final I need to legit study for so it's not like I'm up to my dick in work or anything. Just ready to wrap this up.

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>I need to finish reading that
Take your time, from what I've heard, Araki is taking his sweet ass time releasing chapters so I've been trying to pace myself accordingly.


I'm just angry-ing. Can't buy Kiwami 2 because of banking issues.

>Later gonna get drunk with some of my friends and do our own version of MST3K but with shitty horror movies

Nice! I've been wanting to do this with a friend of mine that I introduced The Room to with but high this time along with some other movies in the future like the Sonic movie.

Arma 3
Generation Kill
Maybe Chinese soon, don't know yet.
Pretty tired. Barely slept last night.

playing pre-GCN Fire Emblem but I'm too casual for permadeath

here, forgot to do my replies.
Good luck with your writing, sounds like a comfy atmosphere to get creative in.
Long Season is an amazing album, glad to hear you like it. Good taste too, french toast is the best.

played some smash ultimate earlier, not sure what I'll play right now though
like shit. My fucking uni grades haven't come in yet, and my headphones broke in one ear so I need to wait until saturday to replacements to come in the mail
good headphones fucking ruined music and vidya for me

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Let me just say that while Voyager is worse than the others, I still really like it. I am just a bit burned out from watching 6 seasons of it. I watched all of the other Trek series through right before. TOS is 3 seasons, TNG is 7, and DS9 is 7, so combine that with the 6 seasons of voyager I watched, and that is 23 seasons of Trek.

Voyager is just TNG-Lite with a worse cast and worse writers. It has its moments of brilliance, and there are still likable characters and good episodes, but I would say more often than not the episodes are not handled as well as they were in the previous series. It also is the first Trek series to feel like it didn't do anything new, as the initial idea of a "Survival Series" was quickly abandoned into episodic TNG-style content. TOS/TNG/DS9 all were extremely different from one another.

For youtube I can recommend the Kings and Generals youtube channel that focuses primarily on military history, as well as Historia Civilis for more about everyday Roman life.

Thanks, Gungeon is based. Dead Cells is also great user, I beat it several times a while ago.

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Ah, good to know then. With how slow he's been going with it this might be the last part of Jojo we get but who knows, maybe he might still continue it.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Having to redo a save sucks but playing this game again after so long reminded me how much it kicks ass, even if it's unfinished the gameplay is top-notch. Gonna play Hat in Time Nyakuza Metro later. Anyone got any Phantom Pain mod recs for when I get bored of playing vanilla?
Teh epic internet person drama
80's shit to go with my Phantom Pain gameplay, City Pop mostly
Might as well be illiterate at this point, but I still need to finish the fourth Song of Ice and Fire book.
Had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast
It's almost the weekend, and the weather's getting nicer and the sun's coming up earlier, so I woke up feeling pretty good.

Haven't seen Endgame yet but I've heard it's at least not a disappointing finale to all the excessive buildup. I'm totally burnt out on capeshit by now but I'll probably pirate it from somewhere and watch it with a few buds. And I know that feelan.
On the subject of the Sonic movie, I'm almost totally convinced that they made him look purposely shitty for the trailer to get people talking while having the actual movie with a more palatable design. I'm not usually one to go tinfoil hat over this kind of thing, but you just can't re-render and redesign an hour and a half movie in less than six months. It'll obviously still have shitty writing you can expect from new movies but I'll probably go see it anyway, just to know for sure.

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>but high this time
part of me wishes I could still smoke but I get pretty bad anxiety. And yeah, its a lot of fun. Thinking of either doing Rings or The VVitch this time around

Also, what movies were you planning on seeing?

>my headphones broke in one ear
Condolences, I know this pain well.

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CSGO pubs
Some horror movie later
Yea Forums
Aight. Going drinkan with an ex soon.

Ah nice. I've never seen either or before. May I also suggest Manos if it hasn't been done to death already?

Persona 5
War and peace
Oatmeal with peanutbutter
Black coffee

Bit of Wildlands with a bro, just got it the other day and it's great. Some DMC5 later.
Nothing right now, pretty excited for new Tyler but apart from that most albums have been pretty poor recently.
Golden Kamuy
Just had some Korean food for lunch, was great.
Pretty good, almost finished with exams.

How many hours do you have in DQ11? I must have put about 30-40 in before I got bored, the game was just so fucking easy. Disappointing because I usually really enjoy DQ games.

>Seven Deadly Sins

Darkest Dungeon is amazing, would highly recommend. Definitely a bit slow at some parts but I really enjoyed the time I spent with it and the DLC was good as well.

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tw: shogun 2, gotta try some of new vidyas, i guess
occasionally wrestling
2hu covers, open to suggestions
nothing, anyone suggest me some manga or shit like that, idk
dry squid
soju and beer mix
not today, maybe tomorrow
whole buncha shit, tryna socialize and be as friendly as possible and literally turning into a dudebro

Audios, man. You just can't go back, kinda like monitor frequency shit

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Heroes 5.5 and Witcher 3
Gonna check out OPM season 2 and maybe some Black Clover.
Don't really have the time for reading anymore. I guess manga counts?
Cherry pie
Gonna check out some milf doujins later.
Okay, I guess.

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Hitman 2 silent assassin but i might start wolfenstein II
Sausage egg and cheese on everything bagel
Iced coffee
2 girls

>LA Noire is amazing
>is a faggot
Checks out

you know, I've actually thought of doing some of the movies already on MST3K before, but I've seen Manos so many times I'd probably have to do something else. Maybe the Brain that Wouldn't Die or Horrors of Spider Island

Scribblenauts Unlimited and Saints Row 3
Gun Jesus
Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Dr Pepper and strong beer
Good, I can be lazy piece of shit all the weekend

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>no one is fapping 24/7
How fucking weak this place became?

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>because I'm not a faggot
>post megumin
Get the fuck out

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thanks mates
apparently it got fucking pushed back to sunday now, but on the bright side they're cheap.
>good sound quality headphones that have shitty padding and are uncomfortable as a result
>replace the pads and suddenly they're fucking great and last for a long time

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Divinity Original Sin 2, Titanfall 2.
Saw Detective Pikachu in theaters last night. Was pretty good.
Shrimp for dinner
Fruit Punch juice
I had a commission be finished yesterday, so that.
Ok, found out my Dad may have a heart disease yesterday so that made me a little worried. Other than its been a comfy day.

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My life just blows, and everything just seems pointless and cyclical. The only thing giving me a modicum of peace is music and beer

I was just distinguishing myself from some of the posters above me by pointing out that I am, in fact, heterosexual. I'm not sure what offends you about my post.

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Final Fantasy IX
Detective Pikachu
Black Flame by Bury Tomarrow
Probably idw sonic
Cute muscle girls

As a matter of fact, I needed a new headphone as well, wouldja recommend it? Used some of the lower price sennheiser model before, no bulli

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Started Vampyr, good old eurojank. Dialogue sucks. Some nice ideas
Someone mentione Mandy in some other thread and I kinda wanted to watch it
Weeb shit and some Rolling Stones
The fall of Hyperion and Rumble 2
Whatever is at Uni tonight
Meh not feeling it today
Pretty good, it's a nice day overall


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If you guys want a comfy game then you should play My time at Portia, it's in the vein of Harvest Moon, only it's the Post-Apocalypse and you inherit your fathers rundown workshop, the focus isn't exactly on farming, although you can farm stuff, you can also mine, fish, build a ton of shit obviously and delve into ancient ruins to fight monsters and get old technology, but the comfy levels are through the roof in this game, I got this two days ago and already have 12 hours in. Also Emily = best girl.

dota 2
twitch zelda randomizers, mlb baseball, rockets/warriors
malazan book 9 dust of dreams
dont know
bai coconut water, got some fruit punch comin in the mail later gonna try that

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How does one fap 24/7?
Do you just edge for the whole day?

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DQ8 and Dark Souls. Both are crazy fun, can't believe I never played either series before recently.
Youtube shit.
Why Liberty, it's some collection of short essays by libertarians. It's ok but it's short. Might start The Stranger or Lolita if I finish it.
no clue yet
Something on sadpanda or /hgg2d/
Pretty good. Finals are over and I get to be a degenerate for a few months.

Various fighting and action games
Nothing - I'm gonna be trapped at work all day
Work-related sounds
Work-related things
Probably gonna pack a roast beef sandwich with some horseradish
Who knows?
After work, probably fat asses
Pretty alright

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You just reminded me I bought it some time ago and never actually played it

>Battlefield 1
>The Silmarillion
>Cough Syrup
>Lesibian sucking each others nips like babies
>tired, coz im sick

Are you fat?

Kingdom Hearts for the first time. I'm liking it so far, despite having zero attachment to any of the Disney shit.
OneyPlays to fill the social void
Reading is for nerds
Ham sandwich
Pretty aight. Gotta work an insanely long day tomorrow, but with the days off I've had I got to finish Final Fantasy 3 after starting it like a year ago.

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going to play gungeon, mario galaxt 2, and possibly start a game of cavestory, tf2 maybe for tonights party van.
>WATCHAN youtube
nothing atm
>READAN book for dumb!!1 (actually a hat in time thread and, this)
super mario cereal (bing bing wahoo)
falco :(
summer soon boys

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Had a Dawn of War itch to strach (mainly playing Tau campaigns in Dark Crusade and Soulstorm), and ended up re-installing everything and replaying the campaigns, minus III for now because that shit is heavy. Also, Last Stand mode: Still alive, still so good to blown up legions of Howling Banshees with that marker drone bomb that I managed to get.
Couple of new Ducktales episodes
LibreOffice and Retroarch documentations
Lunch soon: Rice & Beans with Sardine and Salad
Mango juice
Some gym tagged videos, probably
*grunning noises* Mother's Day. The problem is: for me, it means going to spend a couple of days at my grandma place, where all the family comes along. I REALLY don't want to go, that place alone is a hazard to my health, not to mention all the nerve-havoc caused by my cousin's kids (and I have a LOT of cousins).

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have been playing some Warframe, some IR (lol), thinking to do another playthrough of final fantasy crystal chronicles
alternating between Jerma’s vod of Dreams and Zfg1
Neil Cicierega’s Mouth albums
history of western philosophy by bertrand russell, been wanting to into philosophy for a while now
nothing at the moment, 4pm and I still haven’t eaten anything
apple juice for now, may have some whiskey depending on how the night goes
pretty okay, starting a new job on monday and I’m very anxious
>Rolling Stones
whose rando are you watching? I’m still catching up on Zfg1’s latest rando but I reckon I’ll be watchan his human-theory TAS in a bit

what is neet, newfag

Rising Storm 2, also Might play some Minecraft if my friends get on tonight. Maybe TF2 party van if I feel like it.
New JoJo's, possibly a movie not sure which one
Nothing special, just YouTube playlist I always listen to.
This website
Not sure yet
Probably not tonight
Alright, but I've been pretty lazy these past couple days for a few different reasons so I'm not proud of myself.

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Final Fantasy X for the first time - nothing like a good turn based rpg when you're in the mood for it. I love that early 2000's ps2 /beachcore/ atmosphere.
Maybe I'll watch an anime movie just so I can add something to mal this weekend
New mac demarco album
I'm reading a bunch of manga. Trying to get mostly caught up on The Promised Neverland, finish Teppu and Ping Pong.
English muffin with butter and strawberry jam.
If I can get tomorrow off to watch the ufc with my buddy I'll be very happy

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not really kinda a little overweight
no one yet, i like watching streams with less viewers and then some of the bracket matches like zeldaspeedruns or speedgaming and all that

hol up, Last Stand mp is still alive?

Maybe some Dark Souls, possibly Smash Ultimate. I've been looking into getting into Melee/Project M so Ultimate sort of fell by the wayside.
Made a playlist of songs for the Stands I'll use in a JoJo Mutants & Masterminds campaign, so that.
Yea Forums
Eggs or pizza. My fat ass should eat eggs since, you know, calories.
Not sure yet.
Kind of stressed since this weekend is super busy for my job and I still haven't gotten my mom a Mother's Day gift yet.

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>JoJo Mutants & Masterminds
Sounds fun but difficult to manage with the wacky powers. Basic story/setting for your game?

Lobotomy corporation, because of all the new posts about it
Catching up on OPM season 2
Nothing in particular
Besides some uni books, nah
A can of tuna
Cedevita, if any of you actually know what the fuck it is
Look at >PLAYAN
Overburdened with indifference

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I kinda sorta avoided it like a plague for no specific reason. Gimmicks aside, is it fun?

Nothing right now, A Hat in Time's new DLC later.
A stream for background noise, maybe classic Powerpuff Girls later.
Hino-san no Baka
Salisbury Steak
Root Beer
Nothing probably but maybe short stack paizuri or a certain character I'm gay as fuck for.
Awful, I need to do shit I hate and I'm tired.

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Snake charmer priest in a big city is gathering Zodiac-themed Stand Users to construct a Stand he can have sex with and give birth to the Antichrist.

I was thinking some greasy downtown area, since a stripper is one of the Stand users.

I like it, but it took an hour or two for it to grow on me. But honestly, just the comfy threads make it worthwile.

Nice, that sounds like some shlocky Troma-esque fun.

It's fun user, there is a pink fat cat in it


Accounting ladies, they are too noisy.
Like a boss

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Nothing, gotta do Uni stuff even though I'm not feeling like it. Getting barely anything done but deadlines and exams lol.
Whole month this same shit, but after that it's finally summer break. 3 more weeks..
Random spotify, I haven't paid attention to it.
I made pancakes. They were good but I'm still hungry.
either today or tomorrow

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Hat in Time DLC tonight, Smash tomorrow. Bringing my switch over to a friend's and getting drunk with a few people. Might buy Mario Kart 8 so we have more stuff to play.
Nothing, random stuff on YouTube
I've played Black Ops 3 twice, but fuck I love this dumb mindless buttrock
No clue. Might grab some fast food when I'm off work.
Coffee right now. I'm trying to quit monsters so I'll survive another year.
Mina Ashido
Pretty good. I made two new friends last weekend by being the fat drunk funny guy and we're going drinking again tomorrow. Going to try and score with their single friend, but I'm not expecting much.

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post more of this nip qt pls

Finished my work for the day. Thinking about dipping to watch anime and play guitar at home

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>Smash tomorrow. Bringing my switch over to a friend's and getting drunk with a few people
Sounds like a great time.I wish I had friends to do this with.

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A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
Riverwood Trader is always feeling up for selling wares.

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Mordhau and Lobotomy Corporation
Prodigy and various Metal Gear OSTs
This thread
Bepis, coffee and water
Monster, Forced, Anal

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>Prodigy and various Metal Gear OSTs

Studying for finals if that counts
Horny and lonely

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maybe some D:OS2 since I got that fairly cheap, or hopping back into either MHW or MHGU
probably JoJo later in the day
some mellow jazz while I'm waking up still
stackoverflow Q&A about miscellaneous questions with a framework i'm learning
a piece of bread
eh, tonight probably. we'll see how i'm feeling
pretty okay; had an interview earlier this week and i'm hoping i hear back with good news from them. outside of that, just trying to motivate myself to work on things through the day

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A Hat In Time, somehow I skipped an entire act when I played through it
I don't know what I'd watch
KEXP radio
The Time Machine
Just had some toast
Rum & coke
If anything it's going to be bara
Hopefully not like shit after my drink

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NR2003, best racing game ever made. Using the Grand National 1970 mod to run the 1977 series as Richard Petty
Full Metal Jacket, fucking banger of a film
Reading Ken Clarke's Memoir
Big Mac and a mcd's apple pie
Coke zero
nothing yet but am brit so got lots of porn on the dl
Bretty combfy brother.

are they ever going to introduce this wank licence or what? seems like they’ve been keeping us on the edge of their seats for ages

Siege I guess, might get back on YGOPro. Finally retired from Smite a few days ago and it feels...good. The really bad matchmaking ultimately broke me and I had one last great game before hanging it up, no regrets. I really wish I had a game to main though, Siege is alright, but it's not ideal.
Might watch some capeshit movies or anime, who knows.
Various anime OST.
Diet shit in a few hours.
I do it every three days and it's the third day today, but I don't feel like it, so not sure.
I finally got an interview for a job and feel like shit. While on paper it seems like a good gig, I don't think I should take it. The location is time consuming to get back home due to traffic, it involves quite a bit of accounting which I fucking despise, etc. I'm really hoping they call me back and reject me to make my choice easier.

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Wipeout 3
The Sopranos
Sirius Sounds - Children of the Bong and old John Peel radio shows from the 90s.
A Confederacy of Dunces. Not my favourite book, that's for sure.
Fish and potatoes later
Just coke
Already done
My left ear is blocked and is a bit quieter than the right and it's driving me fucking insane man.

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Yes, at least for me it only took 5 minutes at most.

Dragon's Dogma. Trying out magick archer and it's pretty fun so far. Might switch back to assassin or strider though
The Last Kingdom. Good show. Gonna look at Chernobyl
this thread
not sure
Pretty good mostly. Only thing is my left ear I can't really hear out of. Might be blockage cause things sound muffled. I'm hoping it's not an infection

>My left ear is blocked and is a bit quieter than the right and it's driving me fucking insane man.
Just let them know that you found a different job if they do call back
how's a hat in time
what's the job exactly
how's UNIST
How do I git gud at mordhau

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>left ear is blocked and quieter
what the fuck? mine is the same. it started yesterday

Pour hydrogen peroxide in your ear and lay on your side until the sizzling stops. It's probably wax.

Also you.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Maybe will try and beat Sonic 3D Blast for the first time in forever.
I want to see something this weekend. Maybe Endgame or Pikachu.
Yea Forums, Yea Forums
Maybe some pizza with mushroom.
Water for now. There's a beer I like with a clown on the label. If they don't have that, I'm probably going to buy some Rolling Rock.
Chubby milfs with collars/leashes getting fucked silly
Maximum fucking comfy. Passed my certification exam. Semester is done with everything handed in. First time in months I have literally nothing to do and can just sit and actually play something. So later tonight gonna get a little drunk and play some /vr/ Sonic.

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Don't do this it creates mustard gas.

Fucking around with John in RDR. He's a cutie.
Susperia if I'm not too tired. Dateline/Fraiser otherwise.
Spotify driving playlist
Cue sheets
Probably a quick steakum sandwich.
Alt girls, feet.
Leaving work to go work some more in broadcast. Won't be home til late only to get up and work again tomorrow. Every weekend this month and most of June, but at least the money is good. And tomorrow, going to ask my coworker out for a drink. Friendly since she's in a relationship, but gotta still put myself out there. Haven't really bounced back since my ex left me last year.

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If you don't start playing xiv now you're never gonna catch up silly user!!
I had like 75 hours in DQ but blazed through it. I got burned out at around the 40 hour mark too but just kept going since I poured that much time into it. Part of me wishes I enabled stronger monsters because everything was ridiculously easy but... That'd make it longer

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Great playan. I have a huge soft spot for 3D blast. The genesis soundtrack is amazing, and Rusty Ruins is one of my all time favorite stages for the look and colors alone.
What kind of pasta?
Happened to me once after a flight. Shit was unbearable during approach and the next two weeks was sort of hell.
I guess you got to weight those pros and cons some more. Do the interview, get a feel of the people, then decide if the extra shit is worth it. Sometimes, the right people can make it at least somewhat easier to deal.
Go DQP instead with the big mac sauce. More food, better deal.
More interviews. Proud of you faggots. What this one for? Good luck.
>horny and lonely
I know this feel. But it's mostly my fault. I don't really put myself out there.
Pancakes usually fill me up fast. Summer plans?
>classic PPG
Absolutely based. One of the best cartoons of its time and still to this day. I have a tattoo of Mojo Bubbles on my calf.
>Lobotomy corporation
Never heard of this. What is it?
>still haven't gotten my mom a Mother's Day gift yet.
Yikes. You just reminded me. Tell your mom that you love her. She's lucky to have you.
FFX gets a lot of shit but I really think it's one of the top 3 in the series. If only it had X-2's battle system. It'd be perfect.
Good luck in the new job. Use the weekend to calm yourself. You got this.
>a lot of cousins
I know this feel. But my family also all hates each other so theres only a few family gatherings we actually ever do.
Slipknot takes me back. Isn't there some drama happening lately?

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Warhammer miniature painting
Judas Priest - Firepower
This thread
Beer nut mix

>I have a huge soft spot for 3D blast.
I unfortunately didn't appreciate it as a kid because of it's release date. Even so there was something about it that stuck with me!

Lots of p5
Sailor moon and Chaika.
Might give Gantz another draw
Not sure but I'm gonna buy snacks
Ok I guess. Blood pressure is feeling high again though. Besides that, I'm pretty happy with my art progress. I'm thinking if I should draw a fire emblem character today

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MH4U, and trying to finish some JRPGs as fast as possible to move on to other stuff. Craving another Zachtronics game and might pick up Shenzhen.
Streams for now, Chernobyl later?
Nothing but wanted to go to the library to get some Pynchon after his birthday
Not bad, slept like shit and woke up too early but it's a pretty glorious day. Going to go out and celebrate my new job with some folks later.

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly
Roadside Picnic and a whitepaper about the planned US invasion of Canada
Ukrainian Import beer

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XIV, all I've really played lately I can't find anything else that interests me
need to catch up on seasonal stuff
nothing yet, may just order a sandwich in a bit
coffee, instant today because I was too tired to make a decent cup
took a 14 hour nap, feel pretty meh

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fettuccine alfredo pasta

Zachtronics games make me feel like such a brainlet.

xiv is sucking your interest away from other video games. I was addicted to it as well, 2 years ago. It's a fantastic game but it does not force you to log on everyday. Take breaks and play other things, you'll appreciate returning to xiv more.

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Summer plans: Vidya and neet until uni starts again.

Watching the world burn
and playing some mgs with some metallica

Just started Vikingane
Stan Rogers
Vodka with 7up
Exhausted from work, but overall happy. My work is great.

>Age of Empires 2 HD
Based af
>Blood: Fresh Supply most likely
How is it?
>malazan book 9 dust of dreams
I need to read that series

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sorry about your dad, i wish him well
good luck user
>took a 14 hour nap, feel pretty meh
can't remember the last time i managed to sleep for more than 8 hours

deus ex, drakengard and teleglitch
also shadow of mordor and bastion but not as frequently.
drakengard's combat is really frustrating because it's very easy and boring in grounded combat, and it's really fun when you're riding the dragon but somehow i'm doing less damage to grounded troops with a fucking dragon than with a dumb sword, also the voice acting is godawful
i watched avengers endgame, which is currently the only marvel movie i consider to be above average.
i also tried watching lain, first episode is weird but i think i'll keep watching it
this thread
russian dumplings
water and maybe tea
what do you call it when you don't like doing something anymore but you can't stop doing it
couldn't find much time to learn moon runes this week so all i did was practice hiragana, going to actually learn stuff tomorrow.
i keep telling myself that i should also continue with learning programming but for some reason i seem more invested in learning a language for absolutely no reason than learning something to make a career out of.
why am i like this

mordhau, a hat in time
girls frontline
senryuu shoujo
curry soon
tired and empty

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>xiv is sucking your interest away from other video games
But it's not the lack of anything decent out is, I was really looking forward to Imperator for example then it ended up being pretty bad and nothing else that I actually want to play is coming up for a few months, the closest thing I can think of is Fire Emblem but that's not til July

>can't remember the last time i managed to sleep for more than 8 hours
I was literally exhausted after working yesterday, I didn't really do anything but there's just far too many people and having to interact with everyone wore me out, I'm already missing working online or in a cubicle

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>I was really looking forward to Imperator for example then it ended up being pretty bad
you and me both user

Monster Hunter world and maybe world of Warcraft, MAYBE. Also fortnite and metal gear survive
I don't know maybe a cute anime or something by trigger
R&B jazz and rap
Horticulture and agriculture. I'm looking into being a gardener
To my gfs newds

Same, but Baba Is You fucked me up even worse and I'd like some puzzles I can at least brute force my way through

>The Leftovers S3
Unironically kino

flipping between shakedown hawaii and stardew valley, after taking a break from cuphead, gotta love not being stressed when playing
gona watch what we do in the shadows e7 and earth from space tonight
just listened to DANKMUS' Dr Zaius mix
catching up with ksbd
not much, not a fan of food
Juice i guess
the constant crushing agony of life ofc

I'm shite at it unless I go full chaingun but it's breddy fun
Strike the Blood, it's arse
Found a load of PC Zone full issue scans online, fucking loved that magazine so I'm downloading them all
Microwave chips and curry, because I'm too hungover to eat properly
Finishing off the vanilla vodka and pink gin
Whatever catches my eye on /h/
Better now I've got some food in me

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Not sure, I was going to play it but got blindsided by the FFVIIR trailer and focused on that last night before going to bed.

I'm hoping that the expansions fix it but at the same time I really hate that paradox is apparently embracing that mentality, sure their other games were all improved with expansions and time but nothing has felt as half finished at launch as Imperator did, or maybe I just had too high of hopes

Forza horizon 3
Toxic avenger
Pure moods volume 1
Predator comics
Italian sub
Bud light
bbw ebony or shemales depending on how horny I get after listening to pure moods

I have 121 minutes on it because I just realised I’d left it on the loading screen when I considered refunding it
now I feel obligated to buy the myriad of dlcs that will inevitably come out to even make the £30 price tag worth it

>Music For The Jilted Generation
amazing album.

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Smash, ACNL, and Mordhau
Bullshit on youtube
A pepperoni roll
Probably some degenerate macro furshit later
Pic related, got a half ounce of OG and some friends coming over for Smash tonight

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Shin Megami Tensei 1
Maybe X-Files later
Decline of the West
Just had a sandwich, was good
Breddy gud. Finals coming up but all my classes are ez so whatever. Wondering if I should get a job over the summer or if I should take summer classes. I guess it'll depend on what my financial aid application says.

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Deus Ex, MHW
The Dick Show
Nothing atm
ried frying eggs but got way overcooked
Impregnation doujins
Don't feel like hanging out at all.

420 blaze it faggots looked hilarious but I could never bring myself to join them when I played. Which camp you going for?

some swtor
might switch it up from playing as a sith warrior to a bounty hunter
melee is kinda, eh eve nthough i'd love to play saber

youtube vids
drum n bass
tis thread
new whey choco shake
pretty decent
exgf invited me to her theatre play but i declined, wew a lot of drama has been had at last weekends party
any of you guys working as a it sys admin in a hospital? what's it like

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Probably some tarkov later but I've got a friend over
Dororo 2019
Probably should catch up on some manga, I heard berserk got updated
Just had some Chipotle
Pibb Xtra babey!
Not yet
Pretty weird, schools about to end but I don't really feel ready

> but I could never bring myself to join them when I played
Same here, but this time I want to join them, jyst to see how it is to worship Sleeper

I was half way through Kiwami 2 and ffX when I decided to give up video games for good. Amazing games just was wasting yo much time and as a 24 year old I need to focus on adult things more now.
Alternative radio
This guide to Buddhism I found it’s great
Bang and vergil’s Cream soda
Pretty great

>old I need to focus on adult things more now.
oh user...

for an intern QA position at a startup that seems promising. i've been looking to get more into a tech role (CS major, been working as a tech support/customer service for a shit anti-fraud company)
paid internship though, everyone was generally young and didn't look like they wanted to kill themselves, so it seems like a nice enough place to work
honestly though i would be excited to get the offer, since it's some good experience and pretty decent pay

About to start the first SMT Raidou game. Probably gonna play some R6 Siege later tonight

Eli Manning's famous pass in the 2008 superbowl on youtube

Voodoo Vince's theme music

reading's for yellowbellies

Got some leftover stew in the fridge, gonna reheat that soon for lunch


maybe later ifyou're lucky

not too bad. Just work up a few hours ago and the hangovers mostly gone

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>24 year old I need to focus on adult things more now
You have lived barely a third of your life.

not him but i'm 28 and i've been or still am in some mid life crisis "don't know what i want" shit

Nobody ever knows what they want until they stumble on it.

Ultra conservative upper middle class parents anons, can’t pleae them unless I give up my vidya addiction.

i guess so user, life's got me thinking the last couple of months, i really do not know what i want

>How do I git gud at mordhau
1. Enter a duel server and fight with tryhards, this is the most natural way of getting a feel for this game.
2. Don't just spam attack and faint, try to switch up with morphing.
3. Stop parrying with weapons completely and chamber instead.
4. (Re)Play the tutorial and pay close attention
If you still suck: [Spoiler]Rapier + Shield combo and just spam thrust attacks[/Spoiler]

>tfw they were revealed to be the Seekers in 2

I'd recommend it
The only problem with the headphones is that they're extremely tight and have terrible earpads. The tightness is worsened by the pads, but it goes away once you've broken them in. If you replace the earpads with something like pic related, then they're easily 10/10. Cheaper pads exist, but that's what I went with and I intend to reuse them with my replacement headphones.

Even then, all together it still comes to a little under $40 which isn't bad at all for what you get out of it.

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Do you think 95% of the planet knows what they want? Everyone is just mostly stumbling and making the best of it. All 7 odd billion of them

they at the very least look like they know what they want out of / in life

No they don't. I almost guarantee it.

Final fantasy 12. I'm loving it so far.
A protocol video from the manufacturer of this specific DNA extraction kit we're gonna start using in my research lab
MF DOOM, Kamasi Washinton, Curtis Mayfield, etc.
Protocol for the aforementioned kit
Nothing right now. Might pick up a sub from my local sandwich place
Coffee and water now, beer later
Nah, too tired
Pretty good, but worn out. I'm currently working in 3 labs and two of them are starting new projects soon, so there's a bunch of prep work to take care of. In the other one, all of the research I've done over the past 6 weeks just went up in smoke, since we got a drastically different result than what was expected. At least I'm graduating soon. Hope all you anons have a good weekend

donaught and coke-buta

it's okay to acknowledge your parents expectations of you but try not to internalize them

AC Odyssey. Pretty fun so far.
American Dad
Cumtown, random gaming podcasts
Batman: Court of Owls
Ribs for lunch. Leftover pizza and wings for dinner
Coffee now, some local beers later.
Hoping for sex tonight so I'm not gonna fap today. BUT if I did probably chubby milfs.
Meh. Glad I'm graduating, job hunt is fucking annoying though.

Is that the guy from Fringe?

>Final fantasy 12. I'm loving it so far.
Nice, how far are you? I've been playing Zodiac Age, I can see how people dislike the game but it's really relaxing to me. Love the world design, and I do enjoy the gambit system as it's fun for me to tweak and revise the combat plan and watch how it works in practice.

Dreamcast burns to make sure they work. Going to pick up some more disks tonight because this is stupid easy. Anyone recommend anything?
Rozen maiden. It has its moments.
alright/10. I was expecting more issues with this dreamcast.

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Vampire the masquerade bloodlines for the first time
Free Flow Flava
Onion soup
Bio grep syrup

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why drink piss?

I live in Bongland. Most lager is pisswater.

Sonic Forces (it's bad but I'm having fun), Dragon Marked For Death, Touhou Genso Wanderer (I'm not sure if I like it yet)
Saw Detective Pikachu last night. It wasn't great but I had a lot of fun watching it and I really liked the way it presented the world. It had a slight cyberpunk vibe in parts, which surprised me.
Trying to make some dnb
Ham tonight. I made eggs and oatmeal this morning
Water until I feel like making coffee or tea
I feel extremely congested and I'm having a hard time breathing
Do you have the Dreamcast hooked up to a CRT? I really want to get a Dreamcast again but I don't have the room for a good old tv anymore.
I really loved FF12, I hope you have a good time. I wish I hadn't just played it or I would have got that Switch port.

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Oh, well my condolences, makes sense now.
I liked Hobgoblin but that's not the same price category, but Stella wasn't terrible.

Tales of Vesperia
Robihachi while on break, hopefully JoJo after work
Relistening to Kamikaze, Eminem needs to keep being fucking pissed
Yea Forums threads
Gonna order a pizza later
Water, coffee
Either loli or milf /ss/
Fucking exhausted, I just hope I can leave work by midnight. Also hoping I can find time to see Detective Pikachu sometime soon, I just want to see the first decent live action vidya movie since Mortal Kombat

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Hollow Knight
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Talisker Skye
bretty gud

Hobgoblin also isn't lager. Stella is 10x worse than Staropramen.

Smash Ultimate with the lads later
JLP Videos
Yea Forums and /r9k/
burgers with the lads later
not today
Alright, going to college later this year, still trying to find a job which is a bitch and a half.

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>Do you have the Dreamcast hooked up to a CRT?
of course.

probably Orange Jews
dunno finshed Ash vs Evil Dead and don't feel like watching anything
some crepes
hoepfuly won't have to tonight
bad, feel like I'm gonna get sick any moment

Xenoverse 2, it's my first playthrough
600lb fatkino
chicken strips

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Sakura Cardcaptor later
Spotify playlist, currently on some Muse then Drowning Pool and after that some K Paz and Leo Dan.
New chapter of Hino-san no Baka, Watamote and finally finished Pandora Hearts(terrible manga).
Just ate lunch, spaghetti.


Stand-up on YouTube
Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick
Leftover chinese food later
Coffee and water
Not too horny at this time
A'ight. 2 classes down, 2 to go.

Rice and hot sauce sounds really good desu
based responder
Agatha Christie holds up surprisingly well.
And it's really hard to believe that almost 20 years ago, Linkin Park was something you'd hear on top 40 radio stations. Good times.
What other beers are rolling rock comparable to?
This sounds like a very decent Friday even though i am into none of these things
>Generation Kill
Is it any good? I want to watch this but haven't gotten around to it.
>Detective Pikachu
I wanted to go to a midnight premier of this (I work late) but I guess midnight premiers aren't really a thing anymore? It was just playing at normal times yesterday.
I don't know why it's so hard to find a decent vampire game
>summer soon boys
fuck yeh, days getting longer already. feels good.
New or old Susperia?
Good luck bouncing back. I was convinced my last ex was the best I could get and ended up with a girl who was better in literally every about a year and a half later.

FFXIV. I hope I will not spend all morning playing it (again) and play something from my backlog instead.
Just finished No longer human.
Already did to Azur lane Prinz Eugen doujin
Weird. Too sensitive to stuff. Trying to relax.

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>mfw have to go to uni on Saturday
save me

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Just skip

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Already skipped two previous Satudays to finish the term paper in time, seriously risking failing two subjects if I don't show up tomorrow.
The worst thing is my group is the only one that has only 2 days of holidays instead of a whole week like others do for some fucked up reason.

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Pokémon Emerald
Nothing atm
Nothing atm
Cheetos Twisted Flamin' Hot
Diet Pepsi
Not tonight, I don't think.
Concerned for my mother. I had to take her to the hospital after she came down with a series of skin rashes which she thinks may have been caused by her arthritis medication. I've swapped places with my dad so I'm at home waiting to hear what's up.

>One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Good movie And good book. I read the book when I was in the psychiatric hospital, mom thought I need some good book while I'm there, or maybe she thought it would be a good joke. But I enjoyed it a lot. Try it some time if you like reading, user

Final Fantasy XII
Impractical Jokers
The rain outside
Pork Ribs
Ok as I can be My grandma had to go to the hospital on tuesday. She has mild congestive heart failure and a small hole in her heart. She's going to see a cardiologist tomorrow, they think it might have something to do with her IBS and she signed a waiver that if anymore problems she just wants to be left untreated

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Kicking back with some MTGA Sealed
Some kill la kill later
Fatima Yamaha
This thread
Sandwiches and some eggs
Got a fresh can of tea
Not tonight
Really good despite the metric fuckton of uni stuff around the corner

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RE2. Claire's second run and a lil Blood.
Finally watched Persona by Bergman. Incredible film.
New SebastiAn finally. It's about fucking time.
Also listening to MauLer's Outlast critique.
Egg salad sandwich
Probably tonight
Tired but alright. Finally sold my vehicle I've been trying to get rid of for months, which is a huge weight off my shoulders.

Sorry to hear about your father. I hope he makes a turnaround for the best. Good taste in FAPPAN btw

Don't skip

What did you think of AvED?

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FF 14, Dragon's Dogma, maybe MTG
IDK whatever pandora plays
May finilly start The Dark Knight Returns
Going to walk to the store in a bit and see what sounds good
We will see what I feel like when it come to that... maybe asians
Pretty good. Although something seems off and I'm not sure what it is.

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Wrapped up Yakuza Kiwami. I'm by no means a completionist, but I wanted to at least get all the substories that pop up on the map. Can't be bothered with grinding Majima everywhere and minigames related content though
Also Enderal. Pretty impressed with it overall, main story is genuinely interesting
The Office
Parkway Drive
Not today
Meatballs with pasta and veggies, protein shake
Monster Ultra and Pepsi max. They have no sugar so that means they're good for me
2D idols
Horny and lonely, but also too sick and tired of people to even try doing anything about it

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Just finished the latest episode of Jojo. Will watch Uchi no Maid OVA and Bocchi soon.
Been stuck relistening to youtube.com/watch?v=HrYvy3XvwDw
Catched up on the latest chapters of Hino-san no Baka, maybe will pick up something else to read in the meantime.
Lasagna, olives and meat.
Erdinger beer.
Not entirely sure if I want to right now. Will see a bit later.

Dragon's Dogma
that Denzel Curry Bulls on Parade cover
this thread
Pretty good. Finally got AC fixed at my place and it finally feels nice and cool

what is erdinger beer?
which color ultra do you get?
what vocation are you?
glad you were able to sell it. do you plan to put down for something new?
enjoy the free time man. don't fret about the uni stuff now
holy shit man I'm sorry to hear that about your grandma. how are you taking it so far?
hope your mom makes a full recovery
how is FFXIV?
who's stand-up you watching?
Dr pepper is top tier

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>dragons dogma
Sorcerer>everything else
Loli pawn>everything else
Whoring out your pawn>shiggy diggy

>how is FFXIV?
I am new to it so pretty good.

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FORTNITE with the boys
Paramore and Kaiyko
Pizza, or lasagna
Black lesbians painted blue and purple, or some Naga, or just pawg
Pretty gross, slept in til 2 pm almost, head feels weird

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>what is erdinger beer?
It's a brand, but I don't know what kind of myself. First time trying it out. Seems fine, but nothing to write home about.

>Whoring out your pawn
If only that were an actual option in the game.

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Might start Legend of Dragoon since I got it on my modded PS1 Classic, on that note throw me some recs if you have any, I'm looking to really jampack this thing. I also might play more of XB2 Torna since I've been slacking there
Gonna see Detective Pikachu with some friends later tonight, may watch Golden Time as well
vidya OSTs
Kinda feeling like reading Beheading Cycle since a friend of mine lent me her copy ages ago and I forgot I had it
Probably some bizza
Thinking about getting a pack of Purple Haze, I'm normally averse to beers/IPAs, but I've heard from a friend that shit's really good despite that so maybe that
The thought of being given a nursing handjob among other things, so primarily /gfd/
Weird. I have finals coming up in a few days and I'm not super stressed, but the lack of stress is making me feel stressed about not taking this seriously enough. I dunno, my brain does some weird ass bullshit. I'm also just feeling really lonely lately and it sucks, I just want to be able to lay my head on a mommy gf's lap and just let all my worries melt away

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Erdinger is a wheat beer (Weissbier)

It is, people are paying riftbucks to get it on with your pawn.

Milton Friedman speeches
Chicken/pasta salad
I try not to
tfw no gf, at least I'm gonna spend some time with friends soon™

Play Medievil 1 and 2. Great games. Some of my favorites ever, especially the first game.

Yeah, I understand that, but the taste overall isn't as great as I expected at first. It starts of really nice, like how quality wheat beer would taste, but then when you swallow it down you're left with this kind of a watery taste. Well, I still have the dark beer, Dunkel, to taste. So there's that to look forward to.

Yeah, but there's no mods where you can actually go and stick it into your pawns, so that's disappointing.

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Final Fantasy 14. Bought the collector's edition since it was on sale. Might buy the new expansion pack if it's worth it
Summer Camp Island
Nothing at the moment
This thread
Green Apple Fanta
Already fapped twice today
Relaxed. Just have to turn in 3 more assignments and finish a final at 8 in the morning next week. Already got a B for my final grade in one of my classes

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Space Griffon VF-9
You know old sci-fi anime OVAs? The plot is like those, and the game is some mad FPS/Survival Horror/Mech sim combo. It's fully voiced which is really impressive given the time and how much dialogue there is, a lot of it optional and brought on through codec calling your squad as you progress between plot developments. Good shit, give it some time to grow on you if you try it

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Forgot to reply last week because I was busy, oops
FFVII and Smash, maybe also Persona or Devil Survivor. Might even fuck around and play SMT if...
Chris Chan documentary
Loli and scat
Been feeling pretty good, graduated college last week and it still doesn't feel real. Not sure what to even do with my life now. I'm a little pissed because my parents wouldn't let me take a job I wanted because it wouldn't pay enough and are practically forcing me not to move out, but I'll figure something out. It's nice to not pay rent in the meantime I guess.

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is drinking wine gay

Wine used to pretty much the drink for everyone. So no.

I had a handmedown 03 Ranger, and I bought myself a 12 Fusion. Really happy with the switch.

A little bit
Same with drinking sweet delicious liqueurs and the like

No it isn't, you're already a woman, or a frenchmen, either way people expect you to like cock.

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 and World at War
Random shit on youtube also a documentary about leopards on tv, new JoJo episode later
Comfy, preparing to visit my friend for the weekend as he invited me to a Bon Jovi cover concert in his hometown

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Dawn of War Soulstorm with a buddy of mine. Tau comrades where the fuck we at?
LoL esports, there's an international tournament going on. Also JoJo
Slav rap
Shitposts on /lolg/
Fish fillets with sweet potato fries and garlic dip
Green Tea
I've edged for 2 hours today, saving up primarina and serperior pics all that time. Pretty sure I saved up to 500MB of porn. The best part is that it makes me feel like a fucking animal, corruption is my fetish so giving in to porn addiction and weird fetish art is the main appeal. It feels so good to be a brainwashed slave, I know I should stop but I can't
Content Work tomorrow fellow anons.

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if you drink it to appreciate it, no
if you drink it because you don't like liquor or beer, yes

YGOPro practicing a Mystic Mine deck
Siege, SFV, and Chrono Trigger
Jojo and Superstore later
Old streams
We Never Learn
Ganna cook up some fried rice
Coffee and water
Shitty last night a company I applied for emailed me to set up a time to call and talk and they never called.

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>drinking boxed wine because you're poor and need to get loaded fast
Not gay
>drinking wine because beer and spirits taste bad to you
>drinking wine because you want to fuck the person you're with
Well that depends on the person
>drinking rare expensive wines in a wine group
Gay only if you spit it out
>drinking rare expensive wines to piss off old rich boomers
Gay but also based.

200 IQ post

It really does get to the heart of the matter.
Senpai, what if I want to drink select wines to signal my high class taste?

>Senpai, what if I want to drink select wines to signal my high class taste?

Tha...thank you senpai

mix of SFV, Smash 64,
& Conker's Bad Fur Day
Home Movies, fightan vids,
& FMA:Brotherhood at some point
The Will to Keep Winning
chicken wings
p fkn gud. rly into SFV l8ly

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VtMB. Had to start a new game and lost ~2 hours of progress
good game so far though so I don't mind
probably some more Dead or Alive 6
jap shit
Yea Forums
nothing right now
coke zero
not really sure yet
alright. can't get a job, trying to get into art, playing piano is going kinda well but I'm trying to shift my focus to art
once I learn how to draw competently I can learn how to animate
it'd be nice to be able to make movies or shorts that are similar, in presentation, to Tenshi no Tamago
my mind is brimming with ideas, just no way to realize them

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L.A. Noire.
from the arson desk cases.

hopefully not halo reach again
the show with the fox girl
also the one about poetry autists
i cant read
coke, my face hates me
ponies with fat nigger asses
heya hoya hiya
i'm too lazy to reply to everyone again, fuck you and your mother

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I don't wanna fuck my mother

not with that attitude you wont

Fruits Basket
assorted Nobuo Uematsu tracks
kanji textbooks
rice with stewed beans and pork tripe leftovers
may be a gokkun mood night

based and incestpilled


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Nothing in particular, just some gacha stuff.

Limit Break on Twitch, nice background noise.

Nothing interesting.

Watamote, reading the university searching. I'm happy the manga became very wholesome, I'm enjoying it a lot.


Coke, nothing special.

Don't feel like it.

Kind of melancholic and numb, but I'm fine overall.

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Zero no Kiseki. Translation is kinda spotty, but it gets the job done. Fluency in English makes it easy enough to reword or figure out what's being said with especially egregious translation errors.
I've actually gotten kinda burned out on music lately. My soundcloud feed is a constant disappointment.
Maid Dragon
Dickgirl on dickgirl.
The 2D variety obviously. 3D shit is gross.
Fucking sick as a dog. I have bronchitis and am debating on whether it's worth going to the doctor before it becomes pneumonia or if I should try and just let it pass and save myself some money.

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FFXIV, having fun with pvp but not a lot of people do secure so might go lvl alt classes today.
Gonna watch cooking shows
Yea Forums
Chicken with rice
Cuteboys, cuteboys every day
Pretty okay today, but the constant headaches due to the recent heatwave are kind of killing me.

Have fun today folks

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A Hat in Time with the new DLC
My cat sleeping on my desk
80s Mix
Death on the Nile
Hamburger with tator tots
Iced green tea
Did yesterday
Fucking left knee keeps giving me shit but otherwise I'm feeling good for a change. It's dark and cloudy outside, and it isn't hot. Perfect day for playing.

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I really hate this picture and thread, I mean could this BE more neckbearded?

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go be problematic somewhere else

Gonna emulate some Mega Man V some more since it's a low-commitment little game. Studying for finals currently. Want to go back to Bitterblack Isle and DBFZ after finals.
Nothing in particular.
Getting into Fishbone lately. Hell of a band.
Accounting textbooks.
Cheese/Salami sandwiches. Some Smarties just to get some sweetness and keep me going.
Half & Half Lemonade Ice Tea
Nutted to a Jasmine Mendez video where she hires a guy as a secretary and then gives him a thighjob this morning.
Okay. Finals won't be too hard but I haven't really spent much time studying yet. Been getting hit with heavy thoughts about the inevitability of death lately for no reason.

Cool night user. Hope things end up well for you and your dad. My dad's getting over a huge seizure on Christmas.
Man I got to get back into indie wrestling. Shit's always wild.
>The original Laughing Salesman anime.
You saw that video too huh? I remember that dude randomly posting his channel on Yea Forums when he had a few hundred views per video years ago and I liked it so I subbed. Cool to see it finally blow up for him.
BASED Doggie poster. Why the fuck was Shadow Ranger not in the fighting game?
Hope your dad comes out well.
Every Yellow vocation is fucking busted good in one way or another. You can't go wrong with one. Sorc and MK are also good if you can work around the setup time. It's pure Red that are underpowered (but still fun).
More based Arisenposters up in this thread.
At least treat yourself somehow. Get some Vitamin C, sweat it out, sleep. Also, make sure you get around to fapping since it will boost your immune system just a little. Dickgirl x Dickgirl is inferior to Dickgirl x Girl though, unless it's based Rebis.

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That's when God steps in.
Take the breadpill, user.

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My movie theater plays new movies at 8pm on Thursdays now.

Red Dead Redemption 2, Sea of Thieves; they're both so comfy when just hunting/fishing respectively.
started Howl's Moving Castle last night so I finished it earlier. I've been in this habit of putting on a Studio Ghibli movie to get me tired enough to sleep then finishing it when I get up the next day.
the TV
thia thread, hi guys
bologna and cheese
Vess peach
Meh, I have to work but tonight shouldn't be too bad, Detective Pikachu looks horrible so hopefully it's a snoozer at our cinema.

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The new one, user. Amazon Prime has it now, hoping to be in the mood for a full movie when I get home later. And thanks. I’ve talked to a few girls since but they haven’t developed into much. One I’m still talking too, and the one I really like is taken. Timing and circumstance is annoying but it’s not like I’m owed anything. In time, right?

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>Miss the ONE time that the original phrase "based God" which coined the use of the word "based" as it is now could've been legitimately used
You fucked up, user

i am feelan shit.

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Haven't seen new one but I definitely want to see it at some point.
You never know. Sometimes you go out with a girl and it ends up clicking more than you'd expect. Never let the oneitis get you to miss out on a potentially good or better thing.

Tropico 5. Been thinking of getting into Total War, either Shogun 2, Warhammer, or the newest one
Logan soundtrack
Dune, figured I should read it before they finish the movie
Just water
Nothing yet today
Anxious about getting a summer job, I'm interviewing to be a counselor at a summer camp but I also might work as an intern on a political campaign

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One piece
Different stuff, mainly wu-tang, some death grips, pantera, and other random more chill music
Just finished farewell to arms, looking to get a new book
I’m on a diet but had a cheeseburger for lunch, feel like shit
Water, might have some rum I brought from Cuba or some lambanog (Filipino liquor my gf got me)
Watched some Japanese porn earlier
Kinda shitty from that burger since I’ve been eating hardcore health food for the past week, I’m gonna run later and I’m not looking forward to it. Other than that I had an exam today that I feel like I did good on and I was able to finish a a final paper that I’ll edit this weekend so I’m doin okay

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RS2, RoR2, Hitman 2
Grand Tour S2
Yea Forums
Had homemade fries and a burger
water, beer
pic related

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>Based anons wishing good things to my dad.

Too bad he just got some back spams or something and is going to the doctor. Fuck.

who is she? and links please

>mfw all these fags saying water so water spergs don't sperg at them

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I just got off work, gonna hit the vidya store like i do every payday and Id like to grab a game for switch physical to expand my small collection.

can i get some recommendations?
i currently own:
>vall halla

Looking for something 3d as im going to be picking up either katana 0 or cuphead digital and they are both 2d, light on story, could be exploration simulator, shooter, im open to suggestions

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Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Smash Ultimate
youtube, maybe Lego Movie 2 later
water, 7-up
Amazing, first day of vacation

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LA Noire is pretty neat if you haven't played it yet.


this chess game on the library computer


the clock


some asshole arguing with a librarian about an overdue fee or some shit


this thread


not tonight or ever maybe


had some water in from the fountain in the lobby




fucking horrible. as of today, i am officially homeless. i've spent the last few hours on the computer here at the local library and they're about to close soon. i'm not sure where to go for the evening.

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I already played it on xbox 360, but its been like...6 years or so maybe its time for a replay.

Dragon's Dogma is fantastic and only $30 since it's a port. Megaman 11 is another option. If you like Kirby then Star Allies is also good (main game is too easy but the post game has a lot of meat on it now).

There's some other digital games I have and like or am looking at and think look good that I could mention but they're all 2D and you don't seem to be dropping too much cash.

Then get DD instead like this user suggested.

I've seen this pasta before.

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Where do you live user? I’d offer you a place to crash for the night if you were near by. Also, youse your remaining computer time to search for jobs if you can. Every little bit of money helps. Good luck

Is dragons dogma sold in physical though?

>There's some other digital games I have and like or am looking at and think look good that I could mention but they're all 2D and you don't seem to be dropping too much cash.
what are they?
Money is no issue, I just try to always buy one physical game when i buy 1 digital so things are in balance and I have a decent collection god forbid anything happens to my system or card
I am highly considering it so long as they sell it physical. ive never played a dd game before

Library was closed last Saturday I take it?

these nibbas really be out here falling for this ancient pasta

Might start the witcher 3 soon
Game of thrones
Grilled chicken, broccoli, spinach and a baked potato

I thought it was sold physical. I've seen anons post their copy. Definitely worth it, I love that game to death.
>what are they?
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove (obvious, and you could wait until the complete physical release comes out with the final campaign), Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe (it's like anime Iron Chef where you kill your ingredients in the wild and then do a puzzle game to cook), Gunman Clive HD Collection (two solid Megaman/Contra-inspired platformers with a good visual style for $4) and Megaman Legacy Collection 2 (7/9/10 are great games, 8 is okay). I've been looking at Bloodstained Curse of the Moon (Inti doing Classicvania, seems like a slam dunk), Boxboy+Boxgirl (puzzle-platformer from HAL with a lot of levels) and Mechstermination Force (Clive developer made a game that's Contra + SotC) lately.

tales of zestiria
michael jackson
vegetables and rice
lesbians tribbing
very pleasantly stoned

yeah I just found Dragons dogma at the local store, and its only 25 bucks which means I can pick up that and another physical at the same time, then purchase katana 0 and another digital at the same time.

That bloodstained curse of the moon sounds really good, only question now is what my other physical should be...

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fucking gay is ur sister still bullying you

Nioh or Horizon. Wanna finish it.
Something on neflix/hulu
probably nothing
hamburger steak and vegetables
nothing. not really horny
bluh. may go for a walk and see if I can unwind.

might play some FF7 since the trailer got me looking forward to being disappointed. I'm going to an fgc meetup tonight too so I'll play DOA6 and BBCF. I might take my laptop and force people to play vsav with me so I can practice for a tournament I signed up for.
Funhaus stream on in the background.
Listening to Paracletus by Deathspell Omega. Also listening to Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by Ulver due to the fact that
I'm reading The Marriage of Heaven and Hell as I picked up a hardback copy to take with me since I look like V from DMC5 and everyone keeps telling me that so I may as well play it up.
I am seriously craving a burger, I need to find a nice place to get one. I've been working out more but I'm a twig so I need to get more calories in me to actually get some real muscle.
Water, all day every day.
Imagining fucking a friend of mine in the ass.
Hopelessly romantic, I've been catching up with said friend I want to ass fuck and I feel like I'm falling in love with her. She feels so far out of my league it hurts though.

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Probs some quake 1 later on. Found out SM196 released
Coupons on the paper
Protein shake
Kinda salty that I won't get OT for half a day tomorrow. Had to take yesterday off for a funeral

>I've been working out more but I'm a twig so I need to get more calories in me to actually get some real muscle.
Yeah me too, i started a month ago and im a little less twiggish now. It's tough to get all the food in though, especially since I'm trying to do it as clean as possible and stuff like chicken and rice are filling and low calorie.

how long are you gonna keep this up

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Quake 1 is always fun
Nice music choice
Played some Payday 2,
Youtube shit
ASOIAF, again.
Had a pasty
Depressed as shit. Though I think I'm being used. I have a friend who is always wanting to hang out and I'm the kinda guy who likes being left on my fucking own once in a while. He keeps asking to borrow money because he's piss poor but It just seems to be taking the piss recently.

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DMC 5, Sekiro and Mordhau
Tame Impala
The King in Yellow
Don't know yet
Bree Daniels

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Dragon Quest 5
Snail's House
nothin right now
about to have some pizza
getting some pop with that pizza
gonna jack off to some femdom
kinda lonely

the game i play every day. can't tell you why. it's just still fun after all these years
ozark. i'm an accountant so watching it is fun.
synthwave. good stuff.
i'm finally about to finish the moon is a harsh mistress
burger king nuggets and cheeseburgers
bottom shelf nikolai vodka and mountain dew baja blast
not today
my girlfriend dumped me last week, so now i'm depressed. i thought we had something, but i was wrong. i just don't understand what went wrong. oh well. fuck it. vidja never lets me down.

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New Vegas with mods
Currently watching Ristorante Paradiso, on episode 7. Excellent anime, very comfy
Alice in chains if bored of hearing big iron
Yea Forums
Not feeling like it
Kinda nervous, i have a job interview next week, will be my first ever interview and my first ever job if i get hired.

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Good luck on those interviews, i have mine next week too, but I'm getting cold feet. Maybe i should apply for some more just in case i fail.
Also Ruiner is such a good fucking game, nice taste. You reminded me i have to finish that speedrun and get the alt costumes

Magic Arena
some alkaline trio
war of the spark book
celery with pb
Somber but seeing the little brother later so its gonna be a good day

>Dark Crusade
my man, i will play some myself too. Chaos Space marine as always

By “little brother” do you mean like a younger (18-19) or younger looking guy who you meet up to have anal sex with? Because that’s my definition of “little brother”

Kiwami 2
Mob Psycho 100
Some comfy playlist on spotify
Yea Forums
Monster & vodka
All fapped out
>birthday tomorrow
>no gf to spend it with

Pokemon, haven't decided which one to emulate yet
Will rewatch fight club for the umpteenth time
Shit tier threads how the fuck it's been like 20 hours since the last quality Yea Forums thread get me out of here
Leftover biscuits
Can't fap on the workplace

Probably some Vermintide, Mordhau, Quake Champions
Kamen Rider
Killer Instinct Music
Some Dr. Strange comics from the 60's
Steak and Cheese wrap
That blattarieva comic with the goblin and the dog knight
Painting minis is fun but also makes me want to kill myself

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Borderlands 1
Melt Banana later
Kingdom before sleep
Lacypets or CM3D2
tired but okayish...

bbtag,doa6, dbfz, fate/extella umbral star
Saint Seiya
Persona ost
Hinomaru Sumou
Lolis and gyarus
Bretty gud.

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Nunno. Might do some HOI4 or Skullgirls later. I'll probably start Zanki Zero tomorrow
I need to finish Bebop and the third season of Prisma Illya, but I've been stalling for weeks on both.
Blood Mountain is pretty top tier youtube.com/watch?v=5lvWMimAiko
I'll probably grab something later
Half a bottle of Crown Maple.I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would
Not tonight
'sall good

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Still waiting for the full uncensored English release of that game

>Saint Seiya
>that pic
Fucking nice. What's your DBFZ team? I currently run Broly/Jiren/SS Goku and Zamasu/Jiren/Gotenks, but I'm considering going all in on Broly/Jiren/GT Goku. That assist works almost as well as an adult Goku beam for combos and is way better for neutral; combined with Broly or Jiren's 5S it literally forces opponents to Vanish or respect you from a range, and if you Vanish Broly & Jiren have armor/counters.

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dude mob psycho 100 is fresh as fuck

Seek help

Pyre, DCSS and DMC3. Maybe gonna try out UNIST too.
JoJo and Mob Pyscho. Might watch End of Evangelion over the weekend also.
synthwave shit on youtube
Land of the Lustrous
Don't have anything in mind right now. Kinda in a lolidom mood I guess.
Happy my cold's gone after like 2 weeks.

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Trunks, Gotenks can't decide for a 3rd one yet, might get GT Goku. How does Jiren do anyway? Might wait till Janemba gets added.

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Playan Zero too. Got that cheat engine running so I can turbo mode like the Sky ports. God the combat actions are so slow for no reason

probably sven while gettingdrunk
chicken and rice
monster zero ultra (tm)
my thread on /gif/ is poppin off and so will I
like a piece of shit

Jiren is a 100% counterplay character. His 5S just beats shit out, period. His 2S functions like a 2H and is larger than Black's 2H AND reflects ki blasts. His 2H side switches so he has two anti-airs that send you in different directions. He has a counter that does a lot of damage (EX has 1F startup), and a projectile counter that teleports to their location. He has insane corner carry and you can quick tag after his j.S and it will combo. His 2L scales like a medium and if you land it he can do insanely good damage. His supers are all really good and set up Z-Changes well, and his Level 3 is up there with Tien's damage-wise (although no way to pump more meter into it). His assist is also great for lockdowns and good for combos.

Jiren & Broly are really good together if you can deal without a fast low, and GT Goku can provide that for me when before I had to use SS Goku who is too fundamental for my grappler-playing ass. GTku can meme on people, like Gotenks but more fun.

We made it, fellas.
Mordhau and Apex Legends with the lads, maybe some Assassin;'s Creed Unity for single player later.
NHL playoffs this weekend, Mad Men
Lots of Zeppelin and Dylan lately
The Leftovers by Tom Perrotta
Taco Bell
Baja Blast
9/10, have a great weekend ahead hanging with family and spending some time with the bois online.

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Monster hunter world, pokemon moon
Old westerns on local tv
Dead milkmen
Giving it a break
Sorta want to dump my gf. She’s cool and all but extremely negative, a pothead, and chains smokes. I see her only once a week, but even that feels like too much at times.

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Just finished watching that FF7 remake trailer, damn I hope its good
La Matos
Brisk, baby
No but I just drew my first ever lewds
Mixed - I graduate in a couple weeks but I'm stressed the fuck out like never before about classes, and what comes after. Trying to just relax with some comfy older gaming.

>Can't manage to play anything for more than 5 mins.
>Lofi Chillhop Radio
>Please suggest a food. I am hungry.
>Water + Watermelon Arizona Tea
>Going to try to nofap
>Not great. College debt is coming soon and I can't find a job. Thankfully I'm in good hands. Not losing my apartment or anything but I really want a job. Thinking about starting streaming.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance, might dick around in the Division if anyone from gamerdads is online
Sharpe, it's absolute kino please watch it
Idk, Cumtown or something, not in the mood for music
Poilu. Got a hardback copy for dirt cheap at a bookstore, good stuff if you're into WWI
Venison burger, baked potato, broccoli
Sweet tea
Not sure, recommend me some good anal doujins
Kinda shit honestly. Had to end stuff with the gf, getting ready to move outta town, not a great feeling.

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>thinking about starting streaming
If you wanna make money I do not recommend this

Nothing right now. Maybe some Dragon's Dogma later. I haven't been playing vidya lately.
Rewatching Game of Thrones. I don't give a shit if you bros don't like it, I've been reading these books for twenty fucking years.

Watching Joe Bob Briggs' The Last Drive-in later tonight.
Been listening to The Protomen's album The Coverup a lot lately. Also Alestorm. Anticipating Gloryhammer's new album, they just released a new single today.
Had tacos from Chuy's. Still eating the chips and salsa/creamy jalapeno.
Just water for now. Trying to get in shape. I'm under 1500 calories for the day, so that's pretty good (only had a protein shake for lunch). May have a beer later (Dragon's Milk).
Pretty good! Nothing seems to be going right today, but I'm trying to stay positive.

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About to start the Red Alert 1 campaign. Allies or Soviets?
Just finished Dune.
Nothing yet. Might make a fruit salad or something.
One of those 8man doujins where he gets fucked.
Kinda lonely, home for the summer.

AoE2 aged a lot better than I imagined it would.
Take a break from vidya please
Bounty Hunter is actually really fun
Go get some chalupas from Taco Smell

Going to a fondue restaurant for dinner with my family.

I finally finished all of my map stuff. Does anyone wanna see the map I poured 100 hours of my life into? It's shit.

I have to go to a birthday party with hundreds of people and my mind refuses to cooperate.

Deus Ex: Invisible War. It's better than I thought it would be
Ghost in the Shell
Author and Punisher, Godflesh, Swans
About to get Sushi
Ice juice
Artificial Academy 2
Mentally unhealthy

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is he ok