RDR 2 > RDR 1 > Revolver
RDR 2 > RDR 1 > Revolver
Other urls found in this thread:
>/pol/tards will cope over this
>23 million
And all 23 million of those don't even talk about it anymore
back to /pol/
>American Krogan did an hour long video outlining the SJW agenda in Red Dead Redemption 2
>This is how much money the jews made!
Nice thread.
The only reason people point out how many money the Jews make is because there's a severe amount of delusional people that think they don't make money if they "go woke". It's time to wake up to reality.
regardless of anything, reposting OAG retardation should be a bannable offense.
Only ? Thats pretty piss poor for rockstar. Those fucks inject ridiculous amount of money in marketing and have massive goodwill amongst casual.
c o p e
Whats the point of this thread
To BTFO gwgb believers.
>23 million copies is broke
rofl, the absolute cope on this lad
You could feed feminists and niggers to crocodiles. In Skyrim they were immortal.
political shit flinging by people that simultaneously screech about muh /pol/ but also by their own logic belong there
Skyrim was very successful too, ya dimwit
All three of those games were abject garbage.
I like OneAngryGamer threads. That website is the funniest shit imaginable. Cope Central.
>get woke, go broke
>the quasi-alt right cretin shrieks as Captain Marvel and Black Panther take in billions of dollars, critical acclaim and a few oscars
RD2 was sjw? I played it and kinda just ignored the femistist/brown love talks. Gameplay wise it's a poltards wet dream
>rdr1= new ip
>rdr 2= heavily marketed successful ip by a studio whose last game was rated 10/10 everywhere.
>Bloodborne sold 2 million copies while gta 5 sold 90 million.
Sales means nothing.
>RDR2 had a public lifespan of two months and it was forgotten already
RDR1 stayed in the public eye for a solid year.
Then where did the money come from?
>Sales means nothing
Well, it does mean if you're broke or not. Which Rockstar isn't.
>RD2 was sjw?
>just ignored the femistist/brown love talk
why did you ask that question?
Nope, dumb nigger scum. Its a lot. Its also a lot less than GTA 5. I understand that your ilk is retarded and words are hard. Take your time.
The RDR series is objectively trash. It's GTA with horses and even less to do while taking longer to go places. And everything is on rails worse than GTA. T. Beat RDR and unlocked everything.
>well the jews arent broke hehe
that's nearly all of modern gaming though, everything's garbage
And that means "Get woke, go broke" is a sham. Wishful thinking instead of actual facts. A cope.
He's proud that, for once, leftardism hasen't ruined itself.
And then everyone forgets about them, just like RDR2
>2019, I am forgotten
That's a pretty damn large outreach right there. You should probably calm yourself, you seem unhinged.
Yup. Shows how weak of a hook being woke is. Guess leftards have very short memories, which explains a lot.
I still have no idea what was so woke about RDR2.
>rdr1= new ip
>what is Revolver
>A game sells well despite being "woke"
>B-b-but that doesn't mean anything, get woke go broke lol
You should go check out the 1 hour video for details on it :^)
We got too fucking cocky wokebros.
Didn't LoL get called sjw though?
You act like one game disproves it. Gimme 5 woke game who did better than their predecessors.
>You act like one game disproves it.
Because it does, sweatie.
>You should go check out the 1 hour video for details on it :^)
I'm lazy. But I'm really curious because you can kill the femtard lady and the done with the SJW elements in the game.
If the game was truly SJW, you'll be unable to do it.
Mafia 3
Tomb Raider
GOW for PS4
The game itself doesnt preach the retardedness of leftism overmuch. The company itself and its employee are woke(and obviously it's a complete shitshow)
It's probably something like
Classic /pol/tards
The one hour video he's talking about is the one where a guy calls the game anti-white for having blacks and natives.
>Mafia 3
I thought they realsed sjw characters though? Also ine of thier new characters was revealed to be gay as well.
As expected, a witless mongoloid. That was my last (you), enjoy going broke and losing 2020.
>enjoy going broke
Still coping? RDR 2 proves ya wrong, mister.
>and losing 2020
I'm not a mutt. Do whatever you want.
How populated is rdro compared to gtao?
Studio said it was successful but if you don't like that then MKX
let's create some much needed context
I asked for games that did better than their predecessor, and i see none. Maybe GOW if you enjoy cuckoldry and consider it woke. I'll gladly call you a cuck from now on
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Bloodlines 2 will milk money out of degenerates after calling them mentally ill while keeping tit monsters
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>A game noone ask for beat MK11 and his whole multicultural rooster by putting a white cis male as protagonist (despite SJW journos going apeshit)
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and Mic.com shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
Unaware of that. I know nobody who follows lol. Its entirely held by Koreans, chinese and 3rd worlders.
>Game is "woke" because it's not the personalized racism simulator a couple of faggots on a Taiwanese cat wrestling forum wanted
Why white people prone into transgenderism?
>I asked for games that did better than their predecessor, and i see none
Did you even attempt to look any of those games up whatsoever?
im not sure that means it doesnt have sjw elements though, doesnt the writing for the protagnoist feature some unfitting stuff?
That's true. I play HoTS personally
How is RDR SJW when the game gives morgan always an anti-SJW opinion or stance?
literally no one complaining about sjw's has ever asked for such a thing you projecting retard
literally no one has ever asked for a game featuring a white ethnostate or some horse shit like that either
>muh /pol/
yeah you're right, you and everyone in this thread belong on /pol/
/pol/bros forever
They're not, retard. Read the graph, whites are under represented in trannies. Niggers are more likely to be faggot and trans, its not new.
>ten times
If you were to look up the image hash it'd be much higher
the chart says that whites are less prone than non-whites.
not surprising that a vine-swinging lib arts major like you can't do basic math
Because faggots need something to cry about/bait for (you)s with.
>Maybe GOW if you enjoy cuckoldry and consider it woke. I'll gladly call you a cuck from now on
>personalized racism simulator
so games before 8th gen were racism simulators, good bait
indeed. We must dig deep into the dog fucking suicide correlation.
>a discord tranny thread just now got 480 posts before finally getting deleted
Let's see how much this one will get
>literally no one complaining about sjw's has ever asked for such a thing you projecting retard
The anons that called RDR2 sjw litterally did complain that niggers weren't being hanged by the main gang.
Rockstar could sell actual shit, And fools would buy over brand loyalty alone, Why is it a surprise there latest game sold well?
>/pol/tards in charge of not being schizophrenic faggots
Killing KKK and seeing women's suffrage in a time appropriate era isn't really going 'woke', but ok
These always get archived
oh my bad then
I never understand why some boards obsess over /pol/, tsundere style
You gals(male) know you could simply go there and make these same threads, right?
You should go check the video to find the answer
What is the dude in the video crying about, then? You go tell me. I ain't gonna watch it.
could you link me the video please?
I for one am very attracted to black girls
So by this logic /pol/ and Yea Forums are tsundere for trannies and blacks?
That's not even remotely what I said.
We have an infestation.
You wish tranny nigger
I'll do you one better
I still don't get it. The transgender-identified people is certainly bigger if you count in each race. But the chart make it looks like the white non-hispanic has the bigger population of transgender-identified people.
Go to /pol/ now, screencap their catalog and bring it back here
Let's see what they really talk about
So are you actually saying that you can hate things without secrectly loving them? Kinda like how Yea Forumsermin hates /pol/tards
that's the only logical result when you take into account that everyone complaining about sjw game design just wants people to return to how things were before they started involving personal political activism in their development process instead of maximizing how fun the game was
You must be jewish, Because not even black men like black women
No need, i know these. Mafia 3 was an abject failure. BF1 wasn't woke, was followed by BF V who was woke and cratered hard, lara Croft has been declining since the reboot, nCOD is also declining to the point most casual retards i know bought the last one just to access the Modern warfare 2 remake, and GOW sold well while being boring. (I blame snoynegro bad taste and having no games there).
Anyway, it's pretty obvious to people with 3 digit of IQ that leftist ideology is losing ground.
Children driven here from other websites.
So tsundere for blacks, immigrants and chinks
It's ok when /pol/tards do it
they're here with us
say hi!
and trannies,gypsies,feminists and pajeets
>So are you actually saying
No. I said "You wish" Slow down with the mental gymnastics.
this, based jews can't stop winning baby
That's because there are much more whites than blacks. If the blacks, who are only 13% of the population, were responsible for more than 50% of something it would be extremely high, and warrant serious questions.
>conveniently leaving out the actual date
pretty transparent
Huh, what agenda? Outside of that really awkward comment by Dutch in the swamp, I can't remember any "SJW" agenda.
The Transtastic Four
Have you tried watching the 1 hour long video crying about SJWs? I'm sure they explain everything in detail.
blocks your path
>by woke they mean ignoring history
The outlaws hated everybody and would never help the Indians, especially if that help implied working with the government.
black girls play videogames and enjoy them too
>actually faking it
you NEED the boogeyman don't you
>No need, i know these
So you deny they did good on personal bias and not facts?
>Maifa 3 was an abject failure
give me numbers user
>BF1 wasn't woke
Oh fuck off Yea Forums called it niggerfield for a damn reason
>nCOD is also declining
COD WW2 is the 2nd best selling 2017 game user
>lara Croft has been declining since the reboot
Her Reboot sold more than her OG games
>PS4 owners are SJW's
who would have guessed?
Yeah, having Arthur not run around calling people niggers the whole game is some real hot take political activism.
>24 times already
no agenda, huh?
Its may 2017, you can see from the site announcement.
that only means more money for less jews
Only Idiots believe the SJW Propaganda in RD2 is Pro-SJW.
>The game is literally Anti-Women's Suffrage.
>Its a resetera thread
>"critical acclaim"
But by your logic one or the other is happening user so choose
She looks like she fucks white boys, oh wait she does.
did you watch the video? it made a few decent points and i don’t remember any about sjw-ism
Are you retarded?
Go search them . I know they failed. You don't, since you deny the truth. I don't expect leftards to atgue in good faith, you are unable to.
>/pol/tards are now pretending they didn't spend months crying about Battlefield 1
no it's woke because he actively espouses opinions no white man would have espoused at that point just to pose him as a good guy
Everyone who's not delusional realizes Disney was padding seats with Captain Marvel. I'm %100 sure Black Panther took in a lot of money. And I'm also %100 sure Captain Marvel only made a fraction of what Black Panther did.
>Disney is going to learn how hard they fucked up with George Soros's Brie Larson.
I'm not even the same user you were talking to, Schizo. I just said you wish we loved blacks and trannys, That's it.
>Video supposedly outlines the SJW agenda in Red Dead Redemption 2
>But it has nothing to do with SJWs
What did he mean by this?
Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs is more believable than this thing. Fucking hell
what a fucking retard
>everyone i dont like is /pol/
/pol/ does not give a shit about video games
>opinions no white man would have espoused
Also Athur was raised by a guy who in game is considered a radical liberal fucking lunatic.
red dead 2 is not a good game, this is (not a good thing} absent the political aspect one way or another
>the one thread about videogames is a thread about unions
really makes you think
Affirming. Prove me wrong, post months of threads here that prove your point.
so no you didn’t watch the video, and only read what the op said
Lindon B. Johnson better do som-thin about that GOLD Standard...
>No fucking Nigger in that time period said shit about the fucking Gold Standard.
Mafia 3 was such Nigger Pandering Trash it made me sick to my stomach that I purchased it.
>154 replies 48 unique ip
Why doesn't trannies just give up? That's why no one likes them. They have twitter and reddit but no its not enough, have to find literally every forum on the internet and spam their retarded shit
You will never be a women, fuck off
You cheeky cunt
Genuinely thought the leftist posts were shitposters baiting for (You)'s. How embarrassing your ideology must be to be constantly mistaken for bait.
>Go search them . I know they failed
user please actually do exactly what you told me to
wtf is revolver
I fucking Hate Jews.
>Athur was raised by a guy who in game is considered a radical liberal fucking lunatic.
Who turns into the antagonist at the end, What did they mean by this?
why do sjw's try to rip off other people's sayings and expressions so much?
>You're only allowed to reply to a thread one time
A mediocre arcade shooter that doesn't have jack shit to do with the rest if the series except for the name and 1 or 2 in game references.
why why why do people like this exist? Like it absolutely baffles me why people just sit online on forums discussing what is quite literally a childrens media and how they can critically view it with their retarded left wing agenda. Do they not have lives? Are they autistic? And I mean in the literal sense not the derogatory sense. What would compel one to just sit on a forum circlejerking about how much they hate developers that don't fall for their forced narrative?
npc's don't think for themselves, they follow code
That being a radical fucking lunatic that murders people for not living like him is a bad thing.
Does this person know that women physically have wider hips?
I feel so bad for these people. How can they not see they look like human Shrek in drag?
OneAngryGamer is the ones that made the article. They're based and redpilled gamers such as ourselves. I trust them :^)
glad you brought that up, they like to use cope, brainlet, smooth brain, etc because the most creative thing they can think of is ‘chud’, and of course they can’t be calling people niggers and faggots lol
You have to be mentally ill to spam this board. Everyone knows this is the place where you are coming from. Just look at the "Decon-III" dude, he literally made like 30 fucking replies to the thread. He literally replied to EVERYONE who disagreed with him.
It's just pure mental illness, why even bother pretending to normal at this point.
Nope, you do it. You affirmed those games did well. Prove it. Its your job. C'mon, don't be a deadbeat nigger and get to work
>its like annudah shoah
Also the crypto commie was a conman all along
what point are you trying to get at
I'm taking this as an L since any faggot here worth his salt would do research on this shit while arguing here's your (you)
someone post that resetera screencap where literally everyone is banned in the thread
>Lack of Self-Awareness: The Thread
because it has zero gameplay its not a game it just one boring movie.
All this teaches me is that politcalfags ruin everything no matter what side they are on
Reminds me of /tg/'s resident tranny and his attempts at getting his own meme rolling, predictably it hasn't taken off
186 pages of random threads because you are a dumb nigger that think that searching Battlefield in the OP is all you needed to do.
Try again, this time without embarassing yourself
user you can see it on the very thread there start around that thread
A lot of those resetera queers have anime profile pics, A lot of tranny's happen to be into anime too, It's where they breed new tranny's.
Just saying, Be vigilant around anime fags.
Not how it works, faggotron. You affirmed these did well ( i know they didn't,) so i asked you to prove your point. You are unwilling to do so (because you can't, they failed, and i know this) so you just project your failure.
I'm sorry that you are a loser,user. Maybe next time you won't say retarded shit, so you don't get btfo.
KH3 outsold RDR2 though
I love how much of a meltdown leftist are having because of a analysis video that shows how rwds2 is left wing garbage and highlights just how bad it’s writing is
>We unironically live in a world where trannies pretend to be more normal and above anyone else
If 5 years ago you told me this I literally would not have known how to react. I still don't know though.
I go on twitter and some gay furry porn avatar is trying to tell me how to live my life and what to think about things. On April fools day the /r/Games moderators locked the entire sub for a day and told everyone to donate to some tranny organization. unironically. with straight face.
Seriously what the fuck is going on? Am I trapped in some fucked up simulation? Is anything real anymore? There is literally nothing that would surprise me anymore, at this point I feel like I've seen everything. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Where do they come from? What the hell man get my out of this shit.
Most /pol/ fags want to stop. They want to stop really really bad, but we can't. We can't stop or those whiny little fucks will keep getting their squeaky wheels oiled. And then every medium of escapism turns to absolute shit.
Reminds me of how much they hate Stonetoss and remain oblivious to all the free publicity and exposure they give it
stonetoss makes some dumb shit but like
jesus christ
these people need some chill in their lives
How is RDR2 an SJW game, exactly?
It's a game where you can beat up feminists and deport Mexicans.
At least Native Americans could commit to Agriculture unlike the Africans. It's much more believable that the North American Savage could build something of value than the fucking talking apes in Africa.
i doubt politics is related to video games becoming more ‘cinematic’
Trannies flock to the shittest boards what a surprise.
it’s unironically time for you go leave
This. I was fine with how it was until 2007. Then faggots leftist kept on pushing harder and harder. I was on the left back then, never again, i can't unsee the fucking retardation and degeneracy anymore
It's a strawmen. I spent a lot of time on Yea Forums around the time came out and like half of the threads at least were just console war shitfest with toddlers seething as always.
The rest was pretty genuine discussion and at very worst people disliked how opinionated Arthur was it comes to racism compared to other things he did not seem to care about.
No one claimed its an SJW game, literally no one
this thread isn't about video games anymore, is it
explains why you're here
holy shit i hate this
the whole reason the 7 ancient wonders were so 'wonderful' is because quite literally nothing else on the planet was like them
it wasn't racism, it was that nothing else existed like them and that they couldn't wrap their heads around how these buildings were made without more modern engineering
No I got better things to do than watch some fat entitled youtuber bitch about something that doesn't exist in RDR2
Terrible example. RD2 has been looked forward to for years. There's no way it wouldn't have sold well no matter what. On the other hand, there's no shortage of examples of games/brands being hurt by "going woke". It's a meme for a reason.
>why can't i dodge ;_;
>jumping or moving out of the way of something isn't dodging
>r/t_d or Stormfront
imagine being this far left.
When are threads ever about video games anymore
>At least Native Americans could commit to Agriculture unlike the Africans
Makes you question the whole slavery shtick. They had plenty of natives if they wanted slaves, But they spent months crossing the sea to africa to enslave the most useless "humans" on earth.
Doesn't add up, Seems like an intentional sabotage of early america by you know who
>Rockstar selling millions
wew lads
Trannies liking /gif/ is a given, it's without a doubt the most depraved and degenerate board, but their Rekt threads are top notch.
this is a /pol/ meme for example
Pretty much anyone is that far left of you, son
Everything with these people is
It's like these people are incapable of believing anyone can have an alternative viewpoint to them and are automatically in a brainwashed echo-chamber of alt-right opinions, even moderate right opinions to them are like spouting pro-Nazi propaganda.
no retard, everyone bough african slaves from dealers there, and the indians would just fight to the death under the threat of slavery
My dad's still booting RDR2 every morning for a comfy horse ride while drinking his coffee.
cope r*dditor
>I wouldn't date a guy who's under six foot tall.
The "go woke" phrase refers to games that put too much emphasis on the "woke" part while completely neglecting other, more important parts of the game. Prime example are Battlefield V where the entire marketing campaign was about virtue signaling and they even doubled down afterwards. Meanwhile the game was unfinished, filled with bugs, the maps were mediocre and the promised "game as service" updates were keep getting delayed and rescheduled one after another.
Rockstar games did not go woke. There are a very few missions and a very few elements some people found it weird, but the overall product as a whole is not woke by any means and I don't see anyone claiming it otherwise.
You don't see the irony of this statement whilst bitching about resetera?
>even moderate right opinions to them are like spouting pro-Nazi propaganda.
You're just not as moderate as you think
Funny part that this is not unusual. I remember during Allison Rapp situation ( the Nintendo marketing lady who was a whore on the side with pedo t
Advocacy text) that the thread was a fucking carnage fir multiple day until her escort page was found and the mods deleted everything ( and banned whoever reminded them they were banhappy retards)
lol under his progressive rules all homosexuals are bigots
You know... Who owned the slave ships? Holy Shit user... that's a pretty big think.
Where does he mention resetera?
Mostly white Europeans and only revisionists with an agenda will say otherwise
Children are quite programmable and People Farms really aren't that difficult to manage.
I am a neurotypical person so I am able to infer what the referent of "these people" is from context
OP is coping faggot. RDR2 is anti-SJW, retard.
The common man never owned a slave only the rich, It's known that over 50% of slave owners were Jewish, Yet they were only 1-2% of the population, And, It was the Jews and their ships that brought the africans there in the first place, America was still fighting the indians at the time.
Cope harder idiot, no where in my post did I even imply I'm on the right. And you're literally proving my point.
>I don't think all center and moderate right-wing takes are straight from a /pol/ echochamber
You seem to be mistaken.Majority were jewish.
You're a revisionist
Bring on the infographics you saved from /pol/
>reply all the previously posted images for the spam that they are
>nothing happens
Really makes you think, also makes you remember there's a new chapter of HeroAca out
Imagine expecting one of the most xenophobic cultures in the modern era to represent ethnic diversity.
my ass they were jewish, wheres your proof at?
As an european the one thing I absolutely do not understand is why black people keep blaming whites for slavery when they were slaves beforehand in Africa in the first place.
We aren't thought that much about american history so I always just assumed they went to Africa and enslaved random tribes they found to be fit enough physically.
But as far as I know they literally bought slaves from other black slave owners. It makes no sense to hate whites more than to hate the black slave owners who sold you there.
Too bad Jews aren't white.
>no where in my post did I even imply I'm on the right.
You are, though, aren't you?
I never implied I was one of "them" :^)
If you want revisionism; turn on the TV and find a News Program.
No. It's very clear you aren't here to argue in good faith, so i won't
>i make assumptions on what other people are saying so i can strawman them
lmfao good for you
Whatever I say you're going to imply I'm right-wing so its not like it matters. I just think its a bit rich that you'd say something like "maybe your moderate opinions aren't as moderate as you think" when talking about how lefties always seem to think that slightly right wing opinions are ripped from mein kampf.
98% of slave shippers and owners were Jewish.
but again, this isn't even correct
KH3 outsold RDR2
The thing that always puzzles me about lefties is their attachment to pro-wrestling, specially now that the WWE has reached an all-time low in popularity
Japan should be for the Japanese!
The United States should be for the Anglo!
And Israel should be for the Jews. Rip the Nomads' biggest excuse right out of their wringing hands.
This is utter fucking bullshit. Depending on the state about 1/3 of all households in the South owned slaves, and the few Jewish households conformed to the norm in this regard.
LMAO what a faggot.
>blacks are more likely to be tranny than not
who the fuck made this
Like most people, The blacks are none the wiser, We are pitted against each other
>why black people keep blaming whites for slavery when they were slaves beforehand in Africa in the first place.
Whitey is in power where they complain, and hope for free gibs essentially. Africa STILL deals in slaves, it never went away. Same as the Middle East
>But as far as I know they literally bought slaves from other black slave owners
That is what happened the majority of time.
kek what a bitch
revolver is the only actual game in the series, the other two are just shitty movies.
Ummm... No dude. Poor people didn't have slaves, dumb ass.
Yeah this. How would they have even paid for the slaves
>everyone had slaves goy!
>As an european the one thing I absolutely do not understand is why black people keep blaming whites for slavery when they were slaves beforehand in Africa in the first place.
What happened in Africa has no real bearing on black Americans today. It was the white institution of slavery and the systemic racism that was invented to uphold it that still affect them.
How's the gender studies degree working out for you, fren?
>Depending on the state about 1/3 of all households in the South owned slaves,
haha imagine hating black people so much that you continue to make shit up that didn't happen to discredit their anger at bigotry
Yeah and I think it's a "bit rich" that actual literal Nazis say the exact same things.
Do you think they would have been better off in Africa?
0/10 way too obvious.
>go to prison, like most do
>get ass-raped, kinda like it
>explore it as a career path once you get out of prison
Makes sense
i disagree
here’s a link so you can make your own opinion about it
wait RDR2 is a SJW game? I haven't noticed that.
gl with misinfo in your daily rdr2 threads pretending this was a good game
Games inspired by politics unironically have more emotional and intellectual value to them than games made entirely in a vacuum to tell a dumb story.
Yes user, when you have two extremes they are going to have really extreme views on the other side. Very good observation. You are so smart.
Remember you're replying to a /his/fag with a pass
Eventually he'll start bragging about paying 20 bucks to Hiro so he can kip captcha
They don't care about being judged by it. But they want the freedom to do it.
You see this is very different from people complaining about slut shaming, they actually don't want to be judged from what they do.
The nazis are long gone retard, Just say "Anti-Semitic" reveal what you truly are.
So that leaves 2/3 of the population to be considered poor, see how that works?
>I can't read fractions
I think it's funny that you find it ludicrous to suggest 1/3 of all households in slave states owned slaves but you didn't flinch at "Jews owned like fifty times more slaves than other whites"
who’s the fag
Nah. Kill yourself
This chart doesn't make any sense. How can there be MORE transgender people than regular people?
Imagine hating Jews so much, rather. This is just historical fact. The claim that practically no one owned slaves except practically every single Jew is what's obviously a fabrication intended to further an agenda.
>defending capeshit
I don't even care about the politics, that's just sad regardless.
And claim to be moderates who are wrongfully dismissed by the "extremists" on the other side who are really centre-right.
Niggers costed a fucklot, and unless you had a shitload of cotton yo pick ehy would you buy a barely sentient blackie?
You know what else still effects them? Freedom.
All those men failed as parents. They got what they deserve.
This can't be happening.
>Strawman: The Post
user asking the real questions
The right bar is percent of trannies by race.
Do you actually believe 1/3 of the population was wealthy? Do you comprehend the numbers involved with what you're saying?
There is NO FUCKING WAY one third of the population was wealthy enough to own slaves.
Especially during the time period.
The 19th was one of the west's greatest mistakes of ALL time.
What's wrong with the family in 5th row? Seems i seems just a ordinary douche kid problem that playing too much fortnite or minecraft,
I am barfing.
Janny trannies always let these reach autosage. Which wouldn't bother me as much if they didn't destroy so many good threads that are actually talking about vidya on sight.
imagine being this brainwashed
>Rockstars patented "humor" of makeing fun of both sides of the political spectrum is woke
Imagine being so starved for attention you try and spam this on the board every day
Disagree, i can't imagine Collin being a shitty dad. I'm much more about mothers pushing it on mentally weak sons for social currency and kuddos
>The nazis are long gone
Best way to spot a Nazi
he wants to change his gender
>everyone had slaves goy!
I wouldn't care either, except for the fact they're blatantly pro-nintendo too
When it comes to slaves, jews are considered white.
When it comes to everything else, jews are not white so they can join the oppressed circlejerk.
How convenient.
Thank You. People were coming here from Absolute Nothing to try and make a better life for them selves.
Not like the Alien Scum we have today. That are paying Coyotes thousands of dollars to break into our Nation.
We get more trannies bitching about /pol/ than actual /pol/. From the few times I've been on /pol/, they don't really give a shit about videogames.
To cook your meals and clean your rooms. Slavery was actually slightly more common in urban areas than rural ones.
oh fuck
nazi > leftard
Man, You lot are mentally ill, Seek help
>Yes, well, obviously me brutally anally raping you affected you, but of course what affected you greater was me graciously decided to stop raping you. To think, I could still be continuing to rape you at this moment. Aren't you grateful?
Exactly... Look at the Cartoons in GTA V. I used to get high and chill out watching TV in GTA V. And they defiantly played both sides. Which is absolutely fine.
I voted for Trump and RDR2 was my GOTY. Hating on the KringeKK isn't "woke"
>STILL no proof of slave owners being mostly jewish
How do people not realize that all these men want to be women because it's so much easier and rewarding being a woman than being a man? We keep pushing this narrative that being a woman is hard when it's the complete opposite. No fucking woman wants to be a man, because as a man your only worth is your work, as a woman you have more shit going on for you.
This is what the statistics show, your feelings notwithstanding.
Oh yea... there sure are alot of 80 and 90 year old German National Socialist men and women on this board.
>immediately starts thinking about gay sex
You don't make it sounds like they're very different user.
It's worth remembering the KKK was founded by democrats and even to this day it's financed by the democratic party
But you didn't brutally anally rape me in your shitty analogy. You raped my great great grandfather.
>forearm scars
lol, it was over two centuries after the fucking Mayflower, dipshits. The people trying to make a new life for themselves were out on the frontier, and many of them were establishing free states, not slave states. The South were old colonies and old money.
No one cares about what you think, FA6607.
No, but there are a lot of twenty-something manchild Nazis around
What statistics? Please... Show me those Statistics.
The following passages are from Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
>Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
>This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.
Why buy a nigger for that when my wife can do it? And again, negroes were fucking expensive, you have real trouble understanding that
>make absurd claim
>uhhhh sweetie shut up :))
stop posting
Nazis ARE making a comeback in response to the extreme lefty views that are being pushed by schools and the media, not to confuse with conservatives or anyone who doesn't agree there are 69 genders since almost anyone is being called a nazi nowadays, but there are people who actually adhere to these views and they're a reaction to how fucking annoying you faggots are being. And it's not just about identity politics of feminism, try to find one of these people that isn't a hardcore communist too, you won't find any, they need to be silenced, they don't care about sacrificing their children just to virtue signal with immigrants.
When a little girl gets raped by a muslim immigrant and the media doesn't cover it and tries to hide it, that's what creates nazis.
don't forget the joos are controlling everything and the illuminati is real
No, you don't comprehend the difference between Pioneers and Economic Migrants.
>Just like a typical Liberal Democrat. Who doesn't understand the difference between an Immigrant and an Alien.
Holy shit, the Trump curse hit him like a barrel full of bricks.
Who cares? Everyone was dabbling with slave trade at some point
OneAngryGamer and /pol/tards are a joke that contradicts itself all the time
you guys sure spend a lot of your time talking about /pol/...
>and even to this day it's financed by the democratic party
That's false
look up "Southern strategy"
There's a few, but calling anyone right of Mao a Nazi doesn't really give you a clear picture of that.
Conservatist Counter Culture does not equal National Socialism. You FUCKING RETARD.
Nazis are, just like sjws created by fear and lack of understanding how the world works. Most dogmatic extreme ideologies are just a safe haven for the intellectually deficient masses.
OneAngryGamer claims it's a game with an SJW agenda, whatever the fuck that means to you /pol/-brained retards. That article wasn't made up and photoshopped, take it up with them and whoever made the hour video crying about SJWs.
>STILL no proof
>proof provided
>who cares?
the absolute fucking state of BTFO kikes
What about people on /pol/ posting nazi symbols, worshiping Hitler and stuff like that?
>And again, negroes were fucking expensive
And again, that didn't stop approximately one in every three households in the South from owning them. I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish with your speculations in the face of facts to the contrary.
>There's no way it wouldn't have sold well no matter what
So much for "Get woke, go broke". Seems pretty conditional :^)
>why are people being edgy when i can't stop crying about it?
why do you think I cry about it? I don't have anything against nazis
>the indians would just fight to the death under the threat of slavery
alpha as fuck
Except for the fact its not the truth. You keep trying, friend.
>It's true that in an extremely narrow sense, only a very small proportion of Confederate soldiers owned slaves
It's True but muh butthurt.
God help your little mind, This place is used by thousands if not millions of people daily.
Get woke, go broke really got to you in a visceral level fren. Maybe you shouldn't let buzzwords crawl under your skin like that.
Are you really throwing a tantrum because people aren't playing along with your preconcieved strawman?
The only serious bitching I've seen about RDR2 was from people upset you could feed the feminist to an alligator. How dare a sandbox game be a sandbox.
There is no mainstream "left" in America, only centre right and far right. And no hardcore communists.
Also I'd take my chances with immigrants over a Nazi who has explicitly said I need to be "silenced".
>Conservatist Counter Culture
Does that make your eyes well up with water?
>What about all those Hindu's who used the Swastika as a religious symbol hundreds of years ago. FUCKING ANCIENT NAZIS.
>they are doing it because you won't stop giving them attention
>i-im not g-giving them a-attention!
don't ____ the trolls
I still don't understand how is RDR2 a "woke" game and nobody explains it to me
>threads like this are allowed but we cant make fun of an eceleb
>You can't post the same image BTFOing me more than once
cope and seethepilled
I'm so incredibly tired of you Nazi fucks and your obfuscatory bullshit.
I don't understand your logic at all man, I think leftards are way more dangerous than nazis in this age.
Oh ho ho... I don't believe you comprehend what is and is not currently main stream.
reddit has the equivalent in stalin apologists
Leftists have been worked into a seething frenzy but four words and they desperately need to have a """comeback""". To a fucking retarded meme phrase.
I think the jannys secretly like them.
>Something else outsold it, so it's broke
>22 million copies is broke
Prove me wrong.
>I found the one line in the introduction I could quotemine to agree with me, so I am done
Try this part:
>In the vast majority of cases, each household (termed a "family" in the 1860 document, even when the group consisted of unrelated people living in the same residence) that owned slaves had only one slaveholder listed, the head of the household. It is thus possible to compare the number of slaveholders in a given state to the numbers of families/households, and get a rough estimation of the proportion of free households that owned at least one slave. The numbers varies considerably, ranging from 1 in 5 in Arkansas to 1 in 2 in Mississippi and South Carolina. In the eleven states that formed the Confederacy, there were in aggregate just over 1 million free households, which between them represented 316,632 slaveholders—meaning that just under one-third of households in the Confederate States counted among its assets at least one human being.
You guys are so fucking easily triggered I'm ashamed of being on your side.
how about you read the thread faggot
Leftists will grasp on to literally anything and will claim they know what the other person's politics are with out a second thought.
By four words. That was retarded of me.
>There is no mainstream "left" in America, only centre right and far right.
Just because you keep repeating something, it won't make it true user.
Maybe you shouldn't set yourself up for easy BTFOs by spouting obviously wrong shit. Makes you look pretty desperate.
Cant feed the old ass suffragette to crocs anymore because leftards raised a stink. Also MC being really friendly to injuns.
I know for a fact you don't comprehend what is and is not "left wing"
Did it? Why? I heard nothing about KH3, that staggers me if it outsold RDR2
>You Nazi Fucks
Sounds like you're the one with the problem, dude.
>There is no mainstream "left" in America, only centre right and far right. And no hardcore communists.
Tell me why is the media so against Trump then? Just tell me that, I'm not even gonna go into Gillete making ads about toxic masculinity and shit.
>Are you really throwing a tantrum because people aren't playing along with your preconcieved strawman?
Again, OneAngryGamer made the article for real. It's no strawman. They're also the same retards that have a Get Woke, Go Broke masterlist, if you want to google it.
It's funny that they BTFO themselves. If you're not a /pol/tard that cries about SJW agendas, then why the fuck are you mad?
Have you tried watching the one hour video crying about SJW agendas in RDR 2? That might lead you there.
You do realize niggers breed like rabbits.
>it’s like my video games! us vs them!
shut the fuck up
Yeah, my problem is with Nazis
Here's some food for thought for you:
Pretty much everyone these days hires mexican maids(more than likely illegal ones) to do their cooking, their laundry and their cleaning. They work hard, they work cheap.
So, adjusted for inflation how much did it cost in today's money to own a slave back then? Which of the two is the better investment?
I don't even know what you're talking about anymore user.
>gets told to stop seething
>starts seething
Boring. Here's a hint my mentally challenged fren - get woke, go broke is something designed to upset you. Like soiboi before it, you let it crawl into your head and live there rent free. Make like HBomberguy and make an hour long rebuttal video about a meme phrase while pretending it doesn't upset you.
>My side?
You were never on my side if you think I'm triggered when I wrote that statement.
>Tell me why is the media so against Trump then?
Because the centre right thinks the far right is too extreme.
I'm glad that the "get woke, go broke" meme, designed to piss me off, makes BTFOing you and disproving you so easy.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded to piss you off
Oh, you sure got me. I'm boiling right now.
No you don't. You don't know that for a fact. You don't even know if I'm a troll or not.
take your meds
Just a little thought here
Don't get triggered when people call you a Nazi, there's nothing wrong with being a Nazi, if Hitler actually managed to kill all the Jews we would live in a better place. Just own it, if leftards see that calling you a Nazi doesn't make you defensive, they will change their "insult".
What on Earth could possibly be your point?
Are you on the left?
why do you keep repeating yourself
reminds you of all the fuzz they raised over NPC
And then you realise there was 6 million in the south, and that splitting blackies with households doesn't consider bigger plantation owning the majority. Leftards btfo, as always
Hey, take it to "American Krogan" and OneAngryGamer, I ain't the one crying that the game has "SJW propaganda" LMFAO
Then go out and punch one. Find out what happens next when that page gets turned.
>get woke, go broke is something designed to upset you
But instead it lets us point and laugh at you lol
>so worked he resorts to animeposting
>i-im not angry y-you are
You are in a 450+ post thread seething about four (4) words and desperately trying to "prove them wrong".
>avatarfagging with animegirls again
We lost, MAGApedes... It's over
RDR2 is not a SJW game.
TLoU 2 is a SJW game.
Pride before the fall.
Happened too many times with jewry.
Platinum mad.
Succeeding and getting many copes in response.
>I-i-it's not real SJW
>N-n-no one said it's SJW *momentarily forgets OP*
The copes are endless
Well, I know for a fact that you're a troll now, anyway.
the world is flat user i saw it on youtube
You got btfo, get used to it.
I'm to the left of the Democratic party in the United States.
>im laughing by making threads everyday fuming about it
lol sure
>ha HA, one game was a success, take that incels
Pretty sure people go by statistic when ascertaining the truthfulness of a statement, even a shitpost.
No you don't. See that's a problem I've noticed with Liberal Democrats. They have no idea what the word Troll even means anymore.
I don't think RDR 2 is SJW, though. I'm not the /pol/tard. "SJW agendas" is a completely meaningless term to me. OAG and American Krogan are the /pol/tards. They're the ones bitching about SJW agendas in Red Dead Redemption 2 (A very successful game) while simultaneously spouting the "Get woke, go broke" meme. That's the joke.
Like a wiseman once said
>it's a meme. you dip
The fact you feel the need to deconstruct it and analyze it and try to "prove it wrong" just further shows it got to you, like soiboi and like NPC and like whatever with come next
It just goes to show you how the left can't meme
Yeah RDR2 is not SJW.
But why are you user? What makes you think like that? Did they brainwashed you at school? You must be very young.
Worked and seething.
It literally lists the amount of slaveholders, so yes, it actually does consider that.
Right, I get it now, It's your bias talking.
>Yeah RDR2 is not SJW.
Should take it up with OAG. Can't believe those guys are spreading misinformation...
They've changed and rewritten too many definitions. Now they can't keep track of their own words.
Why are you so obsessed by Youtube nobodies?
>can't read charts
You better hope that burger flipping isn't automated in your lifetime.
Not that I give a shit about political garbage, and I specifically go out of my way to avoid it, but RDR2 is also fucking dead and it's online is a joke compared to GTAO. GTA5 is still a top seller nearly every week on every platform, and RDR2 is long forgotten.
What is OAG
>There is no mainstream "left" in America
Because all the left does in America is virtue signaling and unless you fall under to the "protected minority" they claim to fight for, it makes absolutely no sense to vote for them. Even then it makes no sense, but I understand why some of them fall for it.
The left is the exact same billionaire corporate owned party as the right, they just manage to make people believe they actually care about them. But they don't have any solutions and their actions are no more than virtue signaling.
I'll admit the left is smart in this regard, while conservatives openly don't give a shit about black people, the left will do some cute march every now and then with clever signs that make blacks believe they actually care about them. But do they have an actual impact on anything? Absolutely no.
Black Lives Matter, Gillette ad, Converse ad, Nike ad, Battlefield V marketing. They are absolutely perfect for making people think big corps and political parties actually care about them. They don't actually have to do any change, they don't impact anything. It's enough to write "I care about you" to their forehead while changing absolutely nothing whatsoever.
In video games, these corps will cover women in burka to virtue signal, something that changes nothing in the world, something that has no impact on anyone's life. But will work their employees 80 hour a week in a shit condition.
How anyone can fall for this shit with a 3 digit IQ is absolutely beyond me.
meanwhile you slander the video you didn’t watch, hang yourself immediately
>Why are you making fun of retards that self-contradict?
Do you know where you are, amigo?
>spends the entire thread seething about a literal who on youtube while getting no engagement
and answer please
Rockstar could make a game where you're a proud ISIS soldier raping women and taking back his land from degenerate Western decadence and it would still make billions of GBP.
I'm a fucking Math major so you better explain that stupid chart right now and try to not make a fool of yourself.
I am the one doing the slandering? I just quoted the article that says the 1 hour video is crying about SJW agendas. If anyone is doing the slandering, it's them. Ya seethe?
>No you don't.
I definitely do. The only defence you can give for your own words at this point is raising the possibility that you weren't being honest about anything you said. Arguing any further with you would just be a pointless exercise in tedium. In addition you just made a far less likely assumption about me, so you're being blatantly hypocritical too.
>leftists projecting his identity based hivemind thinking
every time
>still arguing leftists
Don't even bother Yea Forums, I tried.
>anime avatarposting
>Yea Forums lingo
Does you being a math major change anything I said?
Also, it's percentage of population of respective categories.
>dodging the question
Why are you so obsessed with Youtubers? I can point out every post you have made in the past half hour because you seethe about a Youtube nobody. No-one else in the entire thread is talking about them except you.
based Yea Forumschads AND mentally ill trannies living inside your head
I represent an actual left-wing position, one that has no mainstream representation in the American political landscape. To my right are the centre-right Democratic party and the further right Republican party. Any objective (rather than relative) assessment will show this.
>8 post away from auto-sage
what did the mods mean by this?
No you arent. Not for long anyway if you can't read a basic ass chart.
Do people not actually understand the concept of fallout? The consequences of an action rarely affect the product they are in, they show up down the line.
Ignore the bait /pol/ shit and look at it another way. Mass Effect 3 sold very well. Using the logic of these, "Haha, look how much it sold, the people complaining are wrong! Cope! Seething!" Then Bioware's 3 color ending and slipping into wokeness was not a complete disaster for the company.
And then we see how their titles after ME3 are doing. Suddenly the argument of how well the title that introduced the problems sold is a complete nonsequitur. Of course it sold well, it was highly anticipated. The fallout from its bad decisions are not going to affect it, they are going to affect the future, that is why it is fallout.
You don't even know the definition of the word fact.
No, user, the left doesn't do that shit. The centre right party does. The neoliberals. No shit they're the same as the rest of the right in most regards. You won't catch me with this shit.
>Someone makes a thread with an opening image mocking youtube faggotry
>I respond on-topic continuing to make fun of said youtube faggotry
>Thread gets derailed to talk about Nazis or whatever, I just skip over those posts since I don't care
The absolute state of (You)
kys commie
See, I'm proven 100% right, and that's a fact.
A brand new cope. Let's add it to the list.
The protected minority is a fucking joke, literally oppression Olympics, everyone wants to be a part of it.
>wait but I'm white can I be oppressed too?
>okay you're a woman so let's say you're oppressed
>what about me, i'm a white male and gay
>okay sure
>i'm a white male and straight, but i'm disabled
>you're welcome too
>i'm a white straight male and I have no disability, also I'm rich, but I want to be oppressed too
>okay you're fat so you're welcome too
In the end 100% of the population will have an excuse to be in the side of the oppressed, that's what cultural Marxism is, seeing the world as oppressors and oppressed, and everyone wants to be on the side of the oppressed.
You mean yourself. And you are still dodging the question why are you so frothing at the mouth seething and obsessed with some loser from Youtube?
>questions nothing he reads and repeats it ad nauseam
ok now it’s time to kill yourself
Why does everyone think RDR2 is "filled with sjw shit"?
this so called "culture war" has fucking rotted your minds
The coping never fucking ends LMFAO
If "it's just a meme", why do you fags spend so much time coming up with copes to justify it?
Oh no no no no
>living vicariously through fake tough guys
refer to
I used to argue in these threads until I went to one of these leftists groups and saw a selfie thread. Ever since then, I simply can't take them seriously.
Even without that though, I don't understand how these people expect you to take them seriously when their key online figures they keep circlejerking is video game playing NEETs and some dude with a crossdressing fetish.
If there is a leftist in there it would genuinely helped me if you explained the mentality behind expecting people to care about your opinion, take you seriously when you are clearly mentally ill and have struggles in life most people do not face.
I liked rdr2 because it was comfy but I doubt I'll ever touch it again. The online is also pretty much the exact opposite of what the game was made for. 1 was great but anyone who acts like it had better combat is deluding themselves, both games combat sucks and relies heavily on auto aim. I played revolver when I was a kid and loved it then.
If you're accusing me of being the OP, then it makes even less sense that you're crying about me being on-topic, my dude. Why do you care so much about me making fun of OAG? Is it striking a nerve with you or something?
Leftards NEED a counter example for get woke go broke so they latched on RDR 2
>being worked so hard you respond to the same post three times with the same reply as the thread autosages
fuck wrong pic lol
also relevant youtube video
Meanwhile, on the side of reason.
>hijacking pepe
further proving they can't meme LOL
Based negro, fuck pedos.
>n-no u-u!
Another dodge. Why is the opinion of a nobody from Youtube literally living in your head rent free? If you aren't going to answer don't bother replying it's boring watching you desperately trying to avoid a simple question.