If you like final fantasy, you are either a faggot, a woman, or a virgin. Real men don't play final fantasy

If you like final fantasy, you are either a faggot, a woman, or a virgin. Real men don't play final fantasy.

Attached: cloud-in-final-fantasy-vii-remake.jpg (897x600, 98K)

According to who? You? Who are you?

I want to marry Terra Branford and let Rydia dominate us both in the bedroom

Faggots, women and virgins can also be real men, op. You're just lgbtq*phobic.

>post the one game that made jrpg so popular that many chads probably still think is the best game ever

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If you like video games, you are either a faggot, a woman, or a virgin. Real men don't play video games.

Final Fantasy was good until Final Fantasy 13, and you're obviously a zoomer that was born after the millennium and missed out on Final Fantasy.

No need to take out your frustrations on your elders, kiddo, just because you don't understand.

This, either Rydia or Yuna is best FF girls

>I want to marry Terra Branford and let Rydia dominate us both in the bedroom

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The fight scenes in Advent Children were high test but yeah a lot, if not all, final fantasy games are for women and fags.

>real men
Good think I was a little boy when I last played it - FF7 is the only one I've played

>Real men

Yeah, I'm sure you're a shining beacon of masculinity.

I'm confused, OP. I have a penis, I've had sex, and I'm not attracted to men. I don't think your theory holds water.

Remember when jrpgs were serious games for adults?

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All true except for 8

t. personafag

says who?

FF 1-7 were manly games. 8 was the first made specifically for a female audience. 9 tried to return to form but then 10 and onward were all made for faggots.

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It's really depressing that this board is mostly brainless 16 year olds who found a place where they're allowed to say faggot

piss off, faggot.

Fucking THIS. 10 is where I stopped buying Final Fantasy. Just fucking Stopped. For good.

Sgt. FA6607


Faggot detected. 10 has the best combat, story actually became complex and nuanced unlike usual "pretty boy/insane clown wants to destroy the world stuff", it has Auron and Jecht, the fucking manliest characters in entire series, and all girls are best girls. Tidus is mostly comic relief though.

Attached: auron.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Gayest post in the entire thread.

10 has the worst, most boring combat of the entire franchise if you don't include shit like crisis core. It's impossible to lose or fuck up. Wakka hits birds, Rikku insta kills robots, Tidus kills "fast" enemies, etc. It's nothing but tedium and there's no planning or thinking involved.

The entire cast is made up of retards. Tidus is bratty little boy with daddy issues, Auron is a cripple, Jecht represents how men lacking femininity are evil, Kimahri is the runt of his entire species and got bullied out of his home, Rikku is some idiot thief who lives with gypsies, Lulu has emotyional problems and went emo, Wakka is the biggest loser in the world who leads the worst blitzball team in the world with a record of zero wins and all losses, and Yuna is just plain dork that all plain dork girls wish they were, getting to be a princess and all that despite having snothing special going on about them.

The game is about a band of losers and the story was pulled out of someone's ass.

what is even the point to threads like these? honest question

Low IQ post

>y-yeah? w-welll you're... STUPID!

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Hey guys, OP here with a correction. Instead of whats above i meant to write:
"I am a faggot, a wannabe woman, and a virgin. Real men is what i fuck with my asshole".

Sorry to bother your time it's just 4channel does not allow me to edit my posts, thanks.

I'm not a man. I am one of 319,528 newly discovered genders.

Your hierarchy has no meaning.

>Real men don't play final fantasy.
>Real men
nigga where do you think you are?

The only thing FF fans are overall is old/aging
I don't know any zoomer who cares about FF

If you are OP, you are either a faggot, a woman, or a virgin. Real men don't Make shit threads.