What's Yea Forums go-to beverage when gaming?
What's Yea Forums go-to beverage when gaming?
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I don't drink while playing games
freakin epic post xD
water. staying hydrated is more important than getting diabetes
What would the raging beast within every gamer act like? Would it just say the n word over voice coms non stop?
>OP says beverage
>Literal retards in this thread don't understand water isn't a beverage
Dr. Pepper, I enjoy the taste of 6 gorillion flavors
You can keep that diabetes, fattie.
Enjoy the low IQ, retard.
Water. Can't game if I die of diabetes. First day of my one meal a day fast. Lord have mercy on my soul.
Enjoy your heart failure.
Just eat smaller portions stupid faggot
you mean allah?
first day of my
>one meal a day
what did he mean by this?
Gamer girl pee
Enjoy pretending to be healthy because you had a glass of water lmao
coconut water and tea are great if you want to mix things up.
You can do it!
>Lord have mercy on my soul
Someone sounds like a liar
>A liquid to consume, usually excluding water; a drink.
>usually excluding water
>Most of the time; less than always, but more than occasionally.
It's a form of intermittent fasting. You eat within a smaller window of time and let your body handle the rest in a much larger span. It's surprisingly effective.
I need to mix tea into my diet more. Coconut water is fine, but I'm trying to avoid sugars, which most coconut water around here is loaded with. thanks
>enjoy *breathes in* pretending to... *heavy panting* be healthy for *munches burger* having a... *claps* glass of water *gets shot*
are you a neet? having one meal a day is going to fuck you up if you have to get out of your computer chair. why not 2-3 smaller meals spaced out 4 hours apart? you're setting yourself up for failure
A few glasses of vintage Damilano Barolo red wine
Monster Khaos or the pink one is really good too, forget what it’s called
where's my cachaçabros at
My own unfiltered urine. I cant drink anything made by other people since the government drugs it all
I usually do two meals. The one meal thing is a once in a while thing. It isn't the norm.
Keems Kotton Kandy is the best flavor
Rolling Rock of course :)
>Dog with a blog
I’m not going to ask what that is
It's out of touch bliss.
a disney sitcom about a talking dog that has a blog. someone thought of rhyming words, wrote a show about it out of their ass, and it aired for 3 years.
I like milk with a teaspoon or two of sugar.
>princess toadstool's cherry
man, I completely forgot about this
Why, water of course
My own piss, for maximun time efficiency.
After a while you also acquire a taste for it.
Just cold water. Maybe a Monster sometime
It sure was great marketing to convince fatsos that they need sugary caffeinated drinks to sit down and twiddle their thumbs in front of the TV
Really wanted to fuck the main lead in Dog with a Blog. Like I really wanted to give her a good pounding to that tight pussy. You should see how tiny and skinny she is in the show. I could have just pinned her down and use as as I wanted to. Just feel up that tiny and flat body. Fuuck.
Anyways, usually just water. Don't really drink that much soda anymore since I've been trying to lose weight.
Water or lemonade.
I remember this show, never watched it because I only turned on Disney to see gravity falls but I remember it vaguely. You’re an autist. But it’s good to know you’re hydrated.
It's pick related, anyone who says otherwise is a cuck
The only drink fit for Yea Forums.
>one meal a day fast
>not doing at least 72s
cow juice with a side of palm oil and empty carbs
Zero calories. Maximum taste.
Love me some Big Swig sparkling water, or a glass of Iced Black Tea with a little bit of sweet cream. I don't drink sodas or juices much any more ever since I started my diet, but when I do i'll grab a Vanilla Pepsi.
Calories and fat aren't the problem. Sugar and carbs are.
For me? It's Schweppes Citrus
Ok, Yea Forums. How do we make the ultimate gamer fuel?
Should it be a drink or a snack?
What flavor should it have?
What ingredients should be in it?
What color?
What should be it's name?
Lets brainstorm this shit.
Nigga just pull a coconut down from a tree in your yard and drink that. You don't need to buy coconut water when coconuts grow so fast. You do have based coconut palms in your yard right?
Martian milk
Martian milk
I don't know, it could be black
She turned into a raging feminist but she has big hooters now
>After a while you also acquire a taste for it.
Yeah. It's called beer
I like it ice cold with nothing
People look at me like some Worth of freak even i order it as dessert at a restaurant
>Posting Disney Shit
Hi Plebbit
I only drink milk before schleeping and I prefer dulce de leche instead of Nutella
daddy's cummies >w
Water coffee or once in a while booze. The only things I drink.
dude freaking water! Its so unhealthy to drink anything else!
*goes back to sitting in a chair playing videogames for multiple hours without moving*
>It is designed to unleash the raging beast within every gamer
I'm gonna level up, bros
I don't have a yard. I barely have a porch with the chain smokers that live under us.
Being sedentary for hours is fine if it's not the whole picture. I kayak hike and work out regularly. It's totally fine if I want to play games for hours at a stretch.
Blood clots.
I'd like to see the studies. Also 6 hours is a bit on the extreme side don't you think? Also .7 hours of vigorous exercise isn't even a single gym visit let alone the other shit I listed.
>american education
Orthodox Christians practice fasting while you both practice being retarded
More like Orthodorks
I haven't seen this in fucking years. Bless you.
No one cares about Russia.
Booze. Everything else is for trannys.
Abrahamic shit is all the same, prove me wrong.
gaymer cum
>Has sugar but no calories.
Can I hear your logic? I'm genuinly curious.
No wonder gamer boys have man tits.
my own cum
Sugar triggers insulin to kick in. Insulin locks in fat. It's the reason diabetics often have fat pockets around injection sites.
But pepsi max doesn't have sugar, I still don't get your point.
How the fuck can people drink soda? Is it addiction? That shit is as gross as smoking in its own way.
Mocah spiked with 3-4 teaspoons of sugar.
artificial sweeteners are treated the same as sugar by the body and trigger the same response
It tastes good.
I'm sorry to hear about your literally shit taste.
Not to normal people man. I feel sick after like 3 sips. It's sugary syrupy trash.
It tastes good.
I feel sorry for you.
I've known a few people that have become obscenely addicted to soda, namely Pepsi. They always have to have some with them and even drink it in the early morning.
Worse than that. Your body has a hard time dealing with it and it fucks with your gut bacteria.
Sorry you have different tastes than most people. It must be very difficult trying to understand not everyone has the same opinion as you. You'll get through this.
as someone who went from a 250lb lardass to a 160lb not-as-lardass through fasting, good luck!
Theres so many different flavored sodas that just saying "it tastes bad" is pretty retarded. I drink it sometimes but I usually end up feeling slow brained after a while so I unironically just drink that thing that our bodies have evolved to love to which is water.
Fuck water. Vodka straight is the best weight loss drink.
There's opinions and there's being wrong. What are you going to say that doing meth is a viable live choice and I should just accept it?
There's no soda that doesn't taste like shit to me after a few sips, it all has like 30 plus grams of sugar. That's fucking retarded. I have a low sugar diet because I don't like sweets and that amount of sugar makes me ill.
>tfw no gamer-girl pee