>Hey all! Act 2 update!

>So it’s been a while. There are a lot of reasons for our silence, and honestly it’s a whole tangle of stuff that maybe one day we’ll get into. But right now the good news is we’re in a stage of development where we can start sharing some things and are committed to talking with you more frequently.

>We know you’re eager to find out something, anything, so let’s cut to the chase - yes, Act 2 is in active development. While we don’t want to start throwing out release dates until we’re a little further along, we’re happy to say that the script, art and design work is nearly complete, and programming is underway.

You might gather from the above description that Hiveswap development is a little unusual. Let’s just say we learned a lot of lessons during development of Act 1. For Act 2 we have built a staggered development process where the script and design come first, followed by the art. Then our programming team will put it all together while the writing, design and art teams move on to Act 3. Once we have all the Act 2 content and programming together, we will move into a play-testing and iteration phase before release.

This approach is working much better for us but one downside of this approach is that there isn’t much gameplay footage to show for most of the development. We can’t show you any gameplay yet but we would like to share a few snippets…

>We will have more to share on Act 2 soon and we want to share it with you first. For our next update we’d like to invite you to submit questions about Act 2 via this google form and we will aim to answer as many of them as possible in the update.

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Joey is just a short haired Jade and Hussie is a fucking hack.

>You may have seen that we will be attending LudoNarraCon this weekend, a digital convention for narrative games that is taking place on Steam from May 10-13. We will be “exhibiting” at the event and streaming on the Hiveswap Steam store page.

>We do want to let you know in advance that we will not be sharing any further info on Act 2 during the stream beyond what we have posted above. Any new info on Act 2 will be delivered here first, when it’s ready.

>That said, we would be thrilled if you can join us for LudoNarraCon. The Hiveswap development team will be playing Act 1, chatting about the story, Homestuck as an inspiration and channeling their inner 90’s teenager! The Friendsim team will also be taking part in the stream and we will be making a demo of Act 1 available for the duration of the convention.

>The indie game label Fellow Traveller is running the convention, and we’re really excited to be taking part alongside so many great developers like Inkle and Weather Factory.

>Thanks again for your patience and support. We’re so happy to be back talking about Act 2 and can’t wait to share more info soon.

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>it's 2019, 5 years after the promised release date and the game is still lightyears from being finished
>the devs still don't have their shit together after 7 years and still don't tell anyone what the fuck is going on internally
>the game itself is bad with boring ass writing and basic ass gameplay
>friendsim filler to hold fans over was lame
>the homestuck epilogues were kino but the fans hated them, and they ended on a fucking cliffhanger

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Joey is mildly insufferable, whereas Jade is sweet and kind unless some harpy shrew from late-Stuck is writing her. I can't think of any character in Homestuck written like Joey (from the beginning). She's like Calliope if there was no forced effort to make Calliope "nice".

I think the epilogues could be kino, but there's enough horseshit in them for Hussie/IPGD aka "v" to turn them into something as bad/worse than late Homestuck.

You know, it's weird but I can't bring myself to talk about the Epilogues. There were really interesting and I normally talk avidly about any content straight away once I'm caught up, but I just can't for some reason. I feel like I'm missing something that I need before I can begin discussing them. Not sure what.

Homestuck is seriously still going on?

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If you didn't like the epilogue you can fuck off back to tumblr and cry about ships with the other teen girls.

They're both sweethearts with a bitch streak a mile wide.

I completely lost all interest in homestuck when they introduced the trolls
they were so boring to me. I really liked the human cast but they just kept adding trolls and trolls all the fucking time

Why? Vriska and Karkat are more entertaining as fuck than Jade.

Both parts of that statement are wrong.

So Jade is not a sweetheart

You've "corrected" the wrong way.

I've read all of Homestuck and only like it for the humor (of which there was barely any compared to Problem Sleuth). Should I read the epilogue?
>tfw all I wanted was Problem Sleuth: The Game or even Hussie Blogpost: The Game but instead we got Homestuck fanfiction simulator

No. It's literal fanfiction that goes out of its way to ruin all of the surviving characters and ships except John x Terezi for the purpose of oh so deep meta wankery and sequel hooks.

I've never read homestuck but I like adventure games and I got this key on a random bundle. Should I give it try?

On the whole yes, although it's really not that funny it is definitely better written and more interesting than late Homestuck was. And at times it is hilarious.

Sort of this, but understand that it's not really meant to be canon. Homestuck has always been "meta", presenting itself as a text parser adventure when it's actually a linear webcomic. The epilogues present themselves as fanfiction when they're written chiefly by the original author, that's just part of the ride. But yeah, characterisation is wild but largely enjoyable.

yeah, and if you like it see you next year for the release of act 2

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I hated Homestuck but I liked Problem Sleuth and most of the other old things Hussie made. He shouldn't have gotten stuck on it for so long that he forgot what was even going on numerous times.

Hussie definitely wildly overinvested with Homestuck. His initial instinct to give the comic a 2-3 year run was correct and he let the wave of crap fans that were draw to the trolls mislead him about the quality and viability of his content.

Even still, Hussie could've ended Homestuck proper on 10/25/2011 (my birthday, interestingly enough) and it would've worked out fine. The hanging plot threads could then be resolved in one or two well planned sequels at later dates, while Hussie explored other works of fiction with more freedom. That would've let the troll twats (aka ex-Axis Hetalia and pre-MLP fans) die off so the remaining fanbase returned to quality, and he would've got the clear feedback he needed to make more good MSPA content.

>we could've had a fifth MSPA by now, covering something as different from Homestuck as Homestuck was from PS
>might've even been Problem Sleuth 2

Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales

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The epilogue is classic Hussie shameless humor. You'll probably like it.

The people who don't like it are obnoxious underage shippers like

Just a protip. This guy is in every thread now calling anyone who doesn't like his pretentious garbage shit like this. He should get a trip, but I don't think he knows how.

>Everyone who disagree with my infantile opinion is the same person!

You got BTFO in the last thread and you're getting BTFO in this one as well. Go back to tumblr.

And he always has these same four or five little spiels he gives.

I wish PBS has never covered Homestuck. But at least they revealed to us who the true person responsible for fucking up Homestuck was.

And those spiels are correct. No point wasting any more time on idiots like you.

Yes, please leave. We don't need you go YOU TUMBLR everytime someone complains about the epilogues being pretentious wank that's basically PXS 2.0

who gives a shit
let's talk about fantrolls

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Any thoughts on this, Tad?

shame the tumblr purge killed my favorite ones

>its been 2 years since act one
what the fuck have they been doing? did the vn shit really take that long to make?

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I belong here. You are the one who doesn't belong. I'm here to tell new people that the epilogues are good, so they don't end up listening to tumblr morons like you who didn't read Homestuck until the original fanbase was already long gone. You know I'm right. There was a strawpoll here a while ago, and it proved that the people who don't like the epilogue are all ignorant teenagers like you, while those over 30 all liked it. Now fuck off and take these other tumbl faggots with you

>bragging about being into homestuck at 30+
holy shit, and i thought i was bad at 26

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So basically you're an old guy with shit taste. Go watch McHale's Navy grandpa.

>Keeps proving my point by posting godawful tumblr garbage

He was busy hiring fanfic writers to write fanfic.

Don't you have some hysterical twitter outrage to cause with your sensitive friends?

stay mad my fantroll is cute and yours isn't

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You know, going around calling everyone tumblr doesn't really help whatever point you're trying to make.

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Take note everyone: This is the kind of person who doesn't like the epilogue, exactly like I said.

>so let’s cut to the chase - yes, Act 2 is in active development
What, did they fucking hire YandereDev to do their coding for them?

i liked the epilogue though, just found it a bit disappointing
stay mad, boomer

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This entire argument is becoming incredibly silly.

Actually it does. Because anyone on the fence about reading the epilogue who isn't a retard will understand that since tumblr hates it, it's definitely good. And it's not like calling people tumblr is unfounded, they're literally admitting it.

Who are your favorite characters?

I think you mean "proved adults who didn't like it have moved on with their God damn life, leaving the dumb fags who like the Epilogue to fester alone in the corpse of a shit comic that they should have left to rot half a decade ago.

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Then why are you complicit in trying to drive good readers away from Homestuck? Are you trying to reduce the fanbase to just you and your stupid tumblr friends, or are you just retarded?

Imagine if game of thrones fans were like this

That's not how statistics work.

Homestuck is oddly unique in how fervent its fans will get defending shitty aspects of it. Like Hussie repeatedly fucks people over, misses deadlines, mismanages every aspect of it, and then releases half-hearted bullshit and says he'll do better, and people buy it.

I don't get it. What loyalty does he inspire? Is it stockholm syndrome of a sort? Why are you supporting him instead of cutting loose and just fapping to the porn like any sane man would do.

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user, a voluntary online poll done through twitter with a shit sample size doesn't come close to qualifying as "statistics".

haha i don't have a tumblr anymore dude, not in ages
>implying homestuck still has any good readers

unironically all of the midnight crew. the intermission is the best part of all of HS

You're delusional.

What's this referring to?

>that maybe one day we’ll get into.
They're not even trying to explain their bullshit.

PBS's Idea Channel did a thing about how Homestuck was the new Ulysses. Since then Hussie got way up his own ass with the hypertext elements.

He literally gave us porn in the form of the epilogue. But retards like you hate it because the porn isn't exactly like your fanfics.

>people who liked the epilouge exist
What the fuck

>Defending a literal fanfic
>Says people are mad it isn't a fanfic

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If that's your idea of porn you might be asexual.

Either they need to feel special for having unique opinions, regardless of how retarded they are, or they're abuse victims who need to convince themselves as much as everyone else.

Everyone who was actually a fan of Homestuck in its prime and didn't get into it via tumblr during Act 6 likes the epilogue.

the more i see of people talking about homestuck long after its over the more i'm reminded that survivorship bias exists

Nice taste. I enjoyed the intermission, too.

Dave and Rose were pretty interesting back then, but I enjoyed Karkat's lines more. Then Act 5 happened and I became a Vriskchad instead.

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>He literally gave us porn in the form of the epilogue

We're all victims of abuse here.

I don't know why that's surprising. Sure there are definitely bad parts but on the whole I enjoyed it. I started reading Homestuck when it was in Act 3.

Every member of my group of friends who read Homestuck from the start loved the epilogue. We are around age 28-32.

We have one younger latecomer friend who started reading last year. She doesn't like it. She spends all her time drawing "cute" fantrolls on tumblr though.

This pattern repeats itself almost infallibly on the internet.

Not me, I broke free of the spell once I was deep into Act 6. It just got unbearable.
Been reading since the beginning too, which I still love, but at that point it no longer felt worth it.

>lived enough to see JohnXTerezi becomes canon

What a time to be alive. By the way the epilogue sucked.

Me and my group of 35-40 year old gym buddies all hated the Epilogue.

We had one 18 year old gay twink who loved it, but he spends all day deep throating a Hussie impersonator at the local gay club though.

This pattern repeats itself almost uniformly across the entire globe.

Can you two just get a room already?

I don't believe this. Nobody would willingly impersonate that ugly motherfucker.

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I'm afraid it can happen. I know a guy that dresses up as Hussie for conventions.

>will never get to fuck Tyzias under the covers all day, making her late for class and forcing her to work herself to further sleep deprivation
Why do I even bother getting up in the morning

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awesome taste
vriska is the best and tavros is a loser

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Karkat is the obvious best troll, however.

Come on, man. Karkat just became a disappointment instead and we all know it.

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Lmao cry about ships. Got nothing to do with the shit tier quality of writing, complete character assassination and incoherent shit that reads like shit, edgy fanfic was 6 years ago.
Say what you will about hussie but farming the writing off to some hack was a fucking mistake.

What was his problem?

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I really just want Hussie to move on and start drawing/writing something new. Doesn't he realize that he can make twice as much money with half the effort if he did this? Who the fuck is going to buy Hiveswap act 2?

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BKEW was right, and inversion is real.

Vriska become a disaster once Hussie tried to make her redeemable/sympathetix. She was selfish and an all around awful person on the good guys side. Thats what made her interesting.

the person who wrote the epilogues literally had brain damage

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What you're missing might be the fact that the epilogues are intended to actively kill Homestuck through character assassination and abysmal prose, all while being directly modeled on the worst kind of fanfic.
Homestuck has been shit since the trolls were introduced, but the epilogues manage to sink below the ending acts through sheer force of will. I haven't actually liked Homestuck for a long fucking time, but it always hurts to watch someone deliberately destroy their creation.

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