>start to care about complex mechanics
>stop enjoying the game
Start to care about complex mechanics
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe if youre some kind of metafag, some people enjoy mindgames
he should just go for scald
Meta is awful and ruins the game.
The best feeling is coming up with a weird strategy that actually works.
You don’t get to feel smart or unique looking up a tier roster or copying good players.
>Has Energy Ball
>Hurr durr Gastrodon switchin
One job and he still couldn't do it
How can you be this retarded?
Is this true? Is it impossible to care about complex mechanics and enjoy a game?
this thread again
>learning complex mechanics
>game gets progressively more fun
Pokemon pretty much became a single player only game for me as soon as I learned how deep the meta went. I've always just played to catch as many as I can, use the ones I think are the cutest/coolest, beat the story, and trade with friends.
What are you even trying to say?
if deeper mechanics make a game boring then the game isn't good
"complex" and "pokemon". Lol.
I used to play tabletop RPGs in a group that sometimes had an obnoxious autist who seemed like he feels genuine anguish when everybody isn't minmaxing and optimizing. It was amusing though when GM threw some other challenges at us where he actually had to figure out and solve things outside just number crunching.
Only thing I see is the word "predict". If the point is just to predict the game is pointless by definition and you could just play predicting what another person wants to say next in a gay discord, it would be as fun and as gay.
t. absolute sething casuals that play gacha shit all day
have sex
A lot of bad RPGs are like this.
Politoed has Energy Ball and is faster than Gastrodon. Therefore, it doesn't matter if Gastrodon can switch into Scald, since Gastrodon's getting OHKO'd the next turn if he stays in.
He has no reason not to go for Scald
oh shit you got me
This. It's what ruined MOBAs for me. Literally everyone became a metagaming fag running pre-set 'builds' they found online.
The best days of MOBA for me was when it was completely new and no-one knew anything. You could experiment, take people by surprise with wild new tactics and build-experiments. Now it's just "google -> top build char X -> write down -> do"
Pokemon is more complex than SMT
Politoed doesn't have Energy Ball, Celebi does.
>be adult
>start playing fighting games
>most are learnable within a few weeks if not days
>start playing tekken
>every character has 70 mid/low strings that you have to memorize before you're allowed to play real tekken
when i figured i could spend 2000 hours learning tekken with no real benefit but entertainment or i could spend 2000 hours learning how to draw or play an instrument or speak a language it made me not want to play fighting games any more
politoad has access to a grass move (energy ball) which is common on the rain team set so assuming a gastrodon switch in (who is 4 times weak to grass) is dumb
Someone who plays pokemon meta professionally probably isn't having sex...
Read that too fast. Never mind then.
>start to fap to the porn
>you start to play the game by building harem teams instead
>he didn't egg move glitch to give his politoad energy ball
>pokefags are proud of being brainlets
Why do people go through breeding and EV training autism instead of injecting?
just play dota
why are IVs still even a thing desu?
>i could spend 2000 hours learning how to draw or play an instrument or speak a language
If you prefer playing video games but practice this for the sake of being a normie, you're not better than gam*rs.
The thing about """Competitive"""" Pokémon is that, as expected of Pokémon, it's inhabited by fucking brainlets whom you can run circles around.
It's a lot more lenient than you'd think and you can run whatever you want and win if you play your cards right or make your opponent play theirs wrong: Just because your opponent has a team of OUs doesn't mean he's a braindead faggot with 6 win conditions and nothing to even remotely support each other, or just a lack of thought in general, and these sorts of teams are as easily broken as a well built team of not fully evolved Pokémon.
just look at the retards you find on showdown
Same, that's why I just play Tekken for the fun and models.
>Scald is from gen V
>picture shows Lucas from gen IV
The amount of time i've seen people use Earthquake on Eelektross is dumb
Literally no point in going that in-depth unless you're going to be doing some tourneyfagging.
Just stick to type match-ups for normie playthroughs.
>it's inhabited by fucking brainlets
>win if you play your cards right or make your opponent play theirs wrong
Which one is it then, retard?
>person complaining about people into pokemon thinking too much about battling
>this person being small brained means those doing the tactics are brainlets too
Shit, man, just play with the 'mons you like and make up the strategy as you go. If you win, great; if not, at least you had fun. The moment you start seeing cute little monsters with magic attacks as little more than a collection of numbers and values for you to memorize is the moment you should stop playing - games are made for you to have fun playing, not for you to stress out over Min/Maxing and micromanaging every possible variable imaginable.
didn't we have this thread yesterday?
its a good thread
You won't need to worry about complex mechanics in Sword&Shield.
Sounds like a you problem, fagboy.
I remember this thread.
Why did you feel the need to repost it?
if you stop talking out lout all that shit he said would be thought of in a second
To expose Pokemon as a shit game
Pokemon always plays it way too safe. The series hasn't tried to seriously innovate since gen 2 with the return to kanto. Even gen 5 with its pokedex refresh was just another standard pokemon experience in every other aspect. Gamefreak are not the right developers to handle the series anymore IMO; they don't even have camera control after this long. They're finally making a pokemon for a capable system and instead of trying something new they rehashed sun and moon and made another handheld iteration.
That usually makes me like the game more (Smash, Halo, TF2, old school platformers, etc).
If I don't enjoy a game's mechanics I typically drop it really quick.
The worst thing is when somebody finds a fun item combination that breaks the meta and then the devs nerf the item to maintain it. Fuck you, Hi-Rez.
Of couse they are. Theyre the same people who bitched about Whitney whooping their asses, get lost in Sinnoh, and quit when they get to the Elite 4, but are confused when the latest games have a vicegrip on your hand.
you can play tekken only knowing enough strings that you can count the number of button inputs in your hands and go up to yellow ranks, the real bitch is movement
I don't memorize that much in tekken, I just know what moves I have that are good for combos and what moves the opponent has that I should watch out for. Obviously I'm not at evo or anything but I do well enough, this is just how fighting games should be approached.
problem is each move has specific directions you need to sidestep
That's what makes Showderp fun though, utterly retarded "builds" that Metafags fall pray to due Overthinking, and i don't mean the basic bitch shit like FEAR clones and Boom Boom, even stuff like Red Card and names like will fuck em over.
yeah, movement
SMT was never complex, it just has a reliance on status effects which a lot of JRPG players are trained to ignore. Start using them frequently and you're set for the whole game, even the relatively difficult entries like Nocturne and Strange Journey.
How's my Platinum team, lads? I was thinking of replacing Luxio with Rotom but I don't have the Secret Key to get its different forms, and I still haven't figured out who's gonna replace the HM slave.
What does he mean by "even with a Timid nature"? Shouldn't it be "even with a Modest nature" or "since I have a Timid nature"?
>Starts to care about complex mechanics
>Begins to enjoy the game a lot more
Referring to Old School Runescape, Battlefield 3, CSS, Morrowind and to an extent Fallout: New Vegas
You'd be surprised but the answer is yes, when you do competitive shit, even pokemon has a surprising level of depth because there's a lot of decision making to be done both before and during a battle.
Before you have to decide your team build/strategy. Shit like do you want to play a game of stalling with something with big defences or build a team designed with a couple of fast glass cannons that you have the rest of the team support? You want to decide on item usage and type coverage too both in the moves you give each pokemon and what types they are.
During battle, you'll have your general strategy (opening moves, whether you need to use set-up techniques, etc) but also trying to guess what your opponents next move might be, are they going to protect and essentially let you have a free turn for more boosting or recovery, try and switch out a pokemon that's got a type disadvantage, etc.
There is a lot of decisions to be made. Way more than I can be bothered to go through the effort to learn though.
pokemon is mathematical and mostly based on memorization due to its turn based nature and ridiculous choice bloat that makes pinpointing the best compositions possible, and very simple for someone just coming in that they only need to understand basic mind-games and a small risk assessment factor to be able to play after looking up what other people did
competitive pokemon regardless of which type you play is basically just a shitty card game where you have your whole deck in your hand
>Git gud at game
>Enjoy it less
Imagine being this much of a shitter.
Casuals are having more sex than you and you know it
Pokemon in one of the few JRPGs that even remotely has that kind of depth in the first place.
Who cares about low level play. Go try your "basic mind games" on a high ranked player on smogon or showdown and find yourself eating shit.
And that still makes it way more complex to play than 99% of JRPGs.
Wrong, the series continuously evolved its mechanics until Gen 5. RSE introduced abilities for example. 6 is where it started to stagnate.
you make this thread daily
And the people who play it absolutely hate that and want all of it removed. Why?
Because the Pokémon fanbase is the most casual shit eating community there is out there
That's why they couldn't appreciate or get into Pokken
I miss going fast as (scout?) by throwing conc grenades and getting up to 999 sanics. People got so asshurt over that even though good enough sentinel class could stop it or just have the other team do the same thing.
Pokemon would definitely be better if you had a randomizer between a range of attack instead of a pure number.
>RNG good
Why do stinky competitive fags have to ruin every game?
based furitenposter
you could try Houndoom or Spiritomb
any fightan, really. unless it's broken.
Just use fissure every turn if you want luck wins.
You mean like damage rolls? It already has that and it's terrible
tfw I enjoyed Platinum with Toxic Wormadam-TrashCloak
I definitely hate reducing a game down to numbers. It's why I refuse to do IVs or use damage calculators in Pokemon and will NEVER learn frame data or damage numbers in fighting games. I feel like the moment I take a dip into that level of autism for games then it starts taking away what little immersion these games have.
>no infernape
might as well reset
Ironically, the third biggest group playing gacha faggotery after whales and waifufaggots are metafags.
but that's... how it already works...
>any fightan, really
Fucking false
The better you get at fightan the more faggoty people your going to have to fight
>wow you guys DONT want to autistically run mathematical equations 90 times over to predict what “AssBlast73” is going to do with his Wigglytuff named “Boar Cunny”?
>you guys must not be having sex LOL
That’s not how that works and you know it
humans need to compete
This is an awfully complex way of interpreting a 50/50.
that's like the one comeback you have no right to throw lmao
Just play Dota, stuff like that still works and people actually do it.
Sadly it's impossible to do in LoL because they force the meta there.
6v6 singles is an unsalvageable format that hasn't been good since Gen 4 and Smogon needs to stop pretending it's worth preserving.