>go to talktotransformer.com
>put something vidya related through it
>come back with the results
Is literature kill with this?
this should be canon
this shit is blewing my mind.
what the actual fuck is this.
OP is a faggot.
If you're going to mock a community that supports free speech and freedom of expression with this kind of "hate speech."
Go fuck yourself.
What the hell are you doing here?
Am I the only one that finds this shit scary.
what the fuck
Robots replacing humans before our eyes.
> You feel the presence of a terrifying demon.
> Will you stay here?
> Okay, so you've already told the boss you want to leave. I'll tell him.
>typed in Hideo Kojima is a ha
>the AI crapped this out
Hideo Kojima is a harem developer.
Kojima Entertainment's development of Metal Gear Solid V - a third game set in the same universe as Metal Gear Solid 3 - has been well-received by critics and fans alike. The first outing, Snake Eater , is said to have sold over 13 million copies worldwide and, according to the website PocketGamer, Kojima has plans to continue with a new game and a remake.
However, as the project has taken so long to be completed, a sequel has not been confirmed, although we do know that Kojima is working to continue development on one of his previous projects.
Kojima's reputation as a harem developer means you may never be able to obtain an "official" Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain release. However, that's not to say its success was not a sign that game developer is not afraid to take risks on the projects they produce.
> My dick grows longer and longer.
It reaches around me and it curls up into a ball. I start pulling it, and I can see that it's quite a long dick. Do you know what my dick is? It's one of my best friends' dick. I'm almost sure my dick's not going to grow anymore, huh? What if my dick never gets bigger?">>\ ''You start thinking about how long your dick has grown,'' the other girl says, as she takes the other end of your cock off. 'He's not happy about it. You're pretty sure you heard him swear to God that you never get harder than this, okay?' You laugh. You know this isn't funny.'' \ ''Her lips are slightly parted, letting out a small moan of pleasure. You rub it and rub more, getting it wetter and wetter until you think you're going to cum.''
Somehow I feel that this isn’t what Plaescape Torment writers had in mind when they wrote that question.
Origin: I love Amy! I love her cute twintails, I love her little sad expression, and I love her gothic lolita dress!
(I want to wear it!) She's a beautiful person, too. It was so very difficult to let go of her. It was impossible! I wanted to love her so badly, but for so long, my whole personality had been so very dark. And I thought her whole personality was so very bright. I knew I was going to lose her, but I couldn't understand why! I thought I was really lucky and really wonderful and really special but no matter how much I tried, all that made sense. How could so many things we've experienced in our lives have just disappeared because I was so wrong?
But she always brought people into her life. You know I think it's a miracle that she's still healthy. I have had to think about my heart, how many times have I felt like I should've had this heart surgery back in the day?
>named main character
>release in past
What are you doing, Todd?
Okay, this just fucking creepy.
Link: Gee, it sure is boring around here.
King Harkinian: My boy. This peace is what all warriors strive for.
Link: I just wonder what Ganon is up to.
King Harkinian: This would prove to be a wonderful opportunity. I'd like to see him finally defeat the evil Ganon.
King Harkinian: All creatures know our strength, but no one can understand us.
Link: How pathetic is that?
King Harkinian: You can never truly understand Ganon unless you know that the enemy is all of your will, strength, and hatred.
Link: Ugh... I can't believe I'm dying.
King Harkinian: That's why I've crafted a technique which allows you to bring yourself close to Ganon at will. The more you use it, the closer you become to him.
Link: It looks so cute with Ganon's tail.
King Harkinian: You see? If you learn this technique I promise you'll get to eat a whole horse.
King Harkinian: My favorite piece of armor.
Wha- What
I get the stuff about Burch, but I’m more surprised about David Cameron becoming the first lady. That has been some intense repression, becoming a conservative PM and all before coming out of the closet and becoming trans.
Bros, my head fucking hurts. This is some time loop shit
All aboard the feels train
I've come to make an announcement !" (Luo Feng)
"Ai, ai, ai. That's right, you're right right." Chu Lian was not as calm as she looked, she became even angrier, "What I want to ask you this instant is that I do not know who did it or why. I don't know if I should leave or not. If not, I want to kill you all. Please kill!"
The three youths looked at him in shock, they were astonished, he was not the worst person at Luo Feng, but for these three, he was just a person from their school but he actually caused their heart to hurt in a bad way, and they felt really enraged.
"What's wrong, this will make up for the others of the team." Chu Lian raised both of her hands high, her expression turned red, looking at her brothers, her eyes filled with hatred, "They did it? But, were you the one who did it?"
Her voice was cold as it shook the walls, "Who is it? Everyone, listen to me."
You said there would be cake, eggman! What else?"
"Bacon cake, of course; it's a favorite breakfast of mine," Kate said, dropping the spoon and looking at me with a smirk. "You can't come with us, either."
"You're welcome to bring a snack to share for the duration of the tour," Colin pointed out. "We won't force you."
"It will work if it works," I said, putting bread in a little bowl and making myself some of my own.
"So, how was the first day?" Kate asked, picking up the phone and dialing my number. The answer was short. A message for me on the line would arrive as soon as I finished my sentence, so I did not bother to respond. Instead I picked up the phone again, hoping the phone would answer.
There was no answer. I was in a strange state, as if everything had fallen back into place; I could feel the pressure of my life falling back onto me, almost as
Wall of the Faithless
Checks out
Boreale sounds like he changed class to Rouge Trader
What the fuck
Expanded Universe was weird.
Zero: ... Iris!
(Iris goes limp and dies.)
Zero: Iris! Iris! .... Iris...
(Zero holds Iris' body, screaming.)
Zero: Nooo!! This isn't happening!! There's no reason for me to go on! What... What am I fighting for?!
(He throws Iris into a door, but Iris' soul returns to her body only to get hit by a car. A huge explosion sends her flying to the ground, but he escapes when he hears the crashing of a large door.)
Owlman: I had a feeling it's an accident.
(He finds out what Zero did to Iris. The memory of an evil ghost follows him around and takes away the memory of his life, giving him to the evil creature.)
Zero: (to Owlman) Stop killing people!
Owlsman: You won't. You won't stop. You won't stop now!
(Owlsman kills him by cutting off his finger.)
Owlman: What is wrong with you!? Did someone cut your finger?
Zero: (to Owlman) Look, Owlsman... Just...
i'm in fucking stitches holy shit
>(He throws Iris into a door, but Iris' soul returns to her body only to get hit by a car. A huge explosion sends her flying to the ground, but he escapes when he hears the crashing of a large door.)
This would make the actual scene even better.