You don’t know that
I really want Brachy, Zinogre and Barioth.
I wanted Lagiacrus too but I guess that's not happening. He looked so good in alpha build.
Why can't we have underwater battles back?
thats one huge ass lagia
You ever wonder why the MH team has literally never mentioned it after 3 released?
Why wont they add him
Don't even need them for Lagi, not only does best leviathan have a ground variant but underwater monsters like plesiloth existed before Tri 's water mechanics.
I'd be ok with that honestly.
whaddya mean
60% of my time on 3 was spent hunting Lagi underwater and it was fun
i don't like mounting but they kept that in
he uses a skeleton already in world so he's got a better chance than most
Everyone who didn't start with gen 3 hated it.
I started with mhf2 and I liked it
I'll believe you, but you're a tiny minority and like all tiny minorities you don't matter.
>all of the revealed monsters for Iceshit are still reusing skeletons
>besides Narga
are they serious? the elder dragon is just another Kush, there's another fish and another barroth
I preferred fighting Plesioth underwater. Also Gobul was a really fun monster.
How do you know?
but narga has a generic flying wyvern skeleton
Just give me a new game desu, potion run is flawed and breaks the whole game way too much. It's just not fun anymore.
Didn't they announced 16 new monsters
Who do you think will make the cut?
>Didn't they announced
Didn't they announce*
Brazil sucks
I hated it too, but it wasn't because it was "underwater" for fucks sake.
It was made incompetently and idiotically.
>le natural habitat
Except monsters get hit with a stupid stick as soon as they enter water and just zip 70 miles in some direction and when you finally haul your ass to them 5 hours later they just do some dumb attack, drool in place for a solid minute and then zip to the other side of the map again or change zone
>fucking gimped moveset almost for everyone
>shit awful depth perception
I'm absolutely all for water combat if whoever the absolute fuck was the idiot responsible for all the shit ideas for it in 3 stays the fuck away
I'm just tired, sorry.
Brachy is a popular monster and they can be lazy fuckers because they don't need a new skeleton to insert him in Iceborne.
It's 100% in.
The elder dragon looks almost identical to alatreon, which does use the daora skelly
Its a rehash of a rehash
Now imagine 90% of the playerbase hating 60% of their time spent in 3rd gen.
Yeah I think I'm finally completely over World. Used to defend it but I don't think I will anymore.
I don't despise it or anything but everything from stunted PC content release schedule and the timed exclusive quests bullshit to this expansion thingie looking like it some small dick update with some dumb ass reskinned plesioth #895498789 instead of the usual G-rank big expansion format, everything about it is just not appealing anymore.
Honestly, I was kinda hyped for Iceborne to come out so that I finally purchase the game on PC, but I think I'm sticking with my vanilla PS4 copy that I haven't launched in a year.
Brachy is too wacky for World
What a retard, you actually think there'll only be 4 new monsters. It's as if you're a newfag pretending not to be one because "only newfags would like World". Have you ever watched any other media leading up to a G-rank update? Of course you haven't. Pro-tip: They don't reveal everything in 1 go.
Why did you even bother replying, imbecile.
Why is everybody pretending G rank ever added anything more than 2-3 new monsters? A new Elder, new Flagship, new subspecies, and a returning favorite are par for the course.
so how many new monsters are in iceborne?
around 16
i dont play mh. whats the issue with using the same skeleton for monsters?
The new slinger moveset integration on every single weapon plus the claw mount thing, new bowgun custom mods, and probably more is already way more stuff than what we usually get. From X to XX for example there were very slight changes to 1 or 2 combo strings in specific styles and some changes like destroying traps and separating kinsects from the glave's upgrades.
And it's pretty much confirmed more monsters will come. Tigrex is also in, that makes 5 monsters from the first ever presentation, there'll also be another "end-game" monster (the equivalent of Xeno) and Fatalis was teased way too much not to be a thing. Not even mentioning more sub-species.
It isn't, always was a thing.
No reason not to have them back now that the slinger has a grappling mechanic. Completely negates the issue of being too far away from the monsters
Unless it was a quirk of the translation, they also said they’d be adding “fan favorites”, and Narga was the first. Then Tigrex (who was teased at the end)
Its been years since theyve done anything new. World is a huge budget release that they actually took time to make like tri was, and yet all they did was focus on graphics and set pieces instead of the monsters and combat. Its honestly a bad joke at this point, you can really tell who is a braindead graphics whore by wether or not they actually like this stunted, downgraded mess of a game
Excluding small monsters, endemic life, etc. How many large monsters? Seven, eight?
Lagi is a terrible fight on land and Ivory is a dogshit fight.
I-I liked it user. Underwater battles were fun. Besides, the ocean can be comfy.
Stop replying to bait.
Zinogre. We need another lightning element.
>Ivory is a dogshit fight
I really liked Ivlry, what was wrong with it? It's a fight where you can't abuse iframes, which I think is neat
Terrible hitboxes, unavoidable aoe spam depending on your weapon like a super khezu. It's just not fun in any way like regular underwater.
>Unavoidable aoe spam
It's literally not unavoidable, git gud
Looking forward to ice duramboros
I just want Gore back so I can have my super edgy cape armor
>pubes and pit hair
I did, get fucked nigger.
Pukei is a good boy
damn thats the sexiest color combo ive ever seen
from how they described the new Field it sounds like they are trying to make it like 3 areas that gradually unlock. This doesn't sound good, reminder, Coral Highlands is the worst area to navigate not because the level layout but because there were enough basecamps.
Imagine having to go through 3 MHW maps with only the default basecamp
get fucked worldbab
the maps in World are way bigger and have vertical layount, not just horizontal. Kill yourself for trying to bring consolewar shit here. No really, do it. Nobody likes you here and we are all rejects.
Because most of them are Tri or 4G babies, that's why.
If the monster is unique enough like Narga/Astalos/Glavenus/Brach/Valstrax and many many others, there's not issue at all.
Its not console war at all you seething manchild.
>waah not enough basecamps
Get fucked, older games only had 1 base camp and you had to go into maps actually fucking prepared. I fucking hate that it was missing from MHW (despite it ostensibly taking place in a "new world" with everything essentially being frontier land) and hope Iceborne brings it back somewhat.
Are you talking about the right monsters? Ivory is super easy because it's a land fight. Maybe you just positioned yourself poorly.
>5 fingers
Ok user you have your lance finishing a stroke into her chest the second Ivory decides to do the super khezu shock field
I'll wait for you to have not been hit
Good job not even bothering to admit to the broken hitbox of the frontal slide. It hits you from 3 feet away every time.
it is actually pretty hard to get Ivory to fight you underwater and all the AoEs Ivory does don't even cover one of its weakpoints, the tail. You seem to be describing Abyssal instead
>reveal trailer
>3 reskins, one being a third fucking Plesioth
>Narg looks like it's the most braindead it's ever been despite being a G-rank expansion
>nothing shown on the new elder
>drastic moveset buffs in a MH where the hunter is already overpowered as fuck already
I hope they got more than just this shit up their sleeves
Abyssal is fun.
>to go into maps actually fucking prepared.
Take the same fucking items every quest before starting it. Oh no look, this time I took some flashbombs. What a great "preparation", so strategic.
What the fuck do you want ? Monster Hunter IS reskins. So tired of the constant whinning of this """community""".
>Going into a quest without item space
lol. Nothing like scrambling with the menu after picking up a shiny.
the tail has a 38 hitzone for cutting, technically 43 if you use Lance or GL. The chest is 44 max for both cutting and impact. The actual weakpoint is the back but that is impossible to hit without tripping it.
No matter how you look at it Ivory has a good hitzone exposed constantly until it does an end of rage discharge
Arzuros, Lagombi and Volvidon are reskins and their fights are not similar at all. World's reskins are more like recolors.
did you see the Developer stream? The two new monsters had a bunch of new animations on them in the brief gameplay shown
Bullshit. There's the same shit as Jaggra/Girros/Dodo. Some minor changes and that's it.
What they showed from the new pisicine wyvern is all new.
Been a while but isn't Lagi always placing the tail the furthest away from you since it's so long and doesn't stand still outside of shocking and roaring?
>how DARE wyvern families have more than a single species each?!
>I know, I'll call them RESKINS, that'll teach em!
For the reskins to actually be creative uses of existing skeletons instead of shit like 3 fucking Plesioth-like monsters, a monster that literally no one has ever liked ever, that all fight exactly the same minus whatever elemental blight they inflict
Are we just supposed to settle with World's roster continuing to be total shit and waste it's chance to improve itself because hur dur it's tradition for every monster to be the fucking same
No it isn't. It's just another underwater monster that isn't fought underwater. The vanilla game already has TWO of those and they're both TERRIBLE.
Because underwater combat is shit.
maybe I want monster skeletons other than wyverns
You might not know this worldbab, but those actually exist in MH
Every moves they showed from it were new. Why the fuck are you going "no it isn't" on me you retard. I don't give a fuck that you fight it on land or not, it has its own moveset, that's what matter.
crabs when?
Did you see the gameplay ? The new piscine wyvern is nothing like Plesioth/Lava. More like a Zamtrios.
The turf war was identical to lavasioth's.
>tfw no new Hermitaur unique to MHW that inhabits the Wildspire Wastes and uses spires as it's shells
never ever and it hurts
Maybe I want you to stop being retarded, but not all our wishes come true.
If you want to speed up the implementation of the old monsters in World, then send your job application to Capcom. That is, if you can actually rig a model.
>Implying a tuf war is a move.
>plays nothing like Plesioth
>literally stole Lava's turf war, movement, and moves wholesale
imagine defending a Plesioth clone
>no argument for World's lack of variety in monster skeletons
With how many monsters run around the maps in World it might as well be 30% of the fight. My favorite is Luna/Teo who just stand around for like 20 seconds giving you enough time to run to the other side of the map before anything happens.
>It looks shark-like physically so it's like Zamtrios
It didn't fight anything like Zam whatsoever.
>this monster is a clone of this monster
>n-no it isn't, actually it's a clone of this monster
they should have just brought back or cloned Zamtrios then instead of vomiting up another Plesioth
just to name a few
>U-turn from charge
>flailing around trees it carries
>charge into slamming down rocks it picks up
>harder to notice but throwing a projectile without charging similar to Jade Barroth
>new lunge animation
>backflip into submerge
these guys aren't reskins, they just use the same animation skeletons which isn't even new. Deviljho and Great Jaggi use the same animation frame but fight nothing alike as does Tetsucabra and Zinogre
Literally the only good thing about World is 60FPS and most of the playerbase didn't even get that
I'm amazed Capcom was able to ensare you drooling fanboys so easily. A fool and his money will soon go separate ways
verticality was a mistake
I started with gen 3 and I still hated it.
>Implying a turf war is playing against the monster.
Goddamn morons. Every moves shown are unique, I don't give a shit what you say.
>bring back Dobsonfish
no thanks
Because boomers refused to adapt.
I liked that garbage.
Why can't capcom make both types of monster hunter?
Like the classic ones for the switch (or whatever handheld is out currently) with underwater combat and stuff and world as their big one
I'm sorry user but you're the only one here using that term. I did not.
God mounting is some dumb shit.
The real reason is that every hunter animation needs an underwater version and Capcom's not willing to do all that again.
That's probably what they are doing, but consolewarfags don't want to admit that
Zamtrios is cool as fuck.
Oh so you fought him already.
Make the perfect MH game and keep it simple please
>3U's maps (IE underwater but no verticality) and weapons
>GU's monster roster and soundtrack
>World's resolution
>underwater combat
Fucking yikes.
I think they can have water-based monsters, they'd just need to come up with an elaborate fishing system that you use to drag them onto dry land and then fight them
Fighting aquatic monsters underwater with a sword is retarded on a conceptual level, they made the right move by abandoning it
>B-but they are c-clones
if that's the first thing you thought while seeing Zamtrios' gimmick for the first time that just means you're the degenerate
How do you feel about Great Jagras
rumor is that's what they're doing. Newfags to the series can go on and on about World being the most profitable game in the series, but MH's team historically does not give a fuck about what's going on around them and does whatever the fuck they want. Lower budget and Jap's autism for portable MH will ensure the game is a massive success no matter what.
Nope. Iceborne is being made by the director behind 3U/4U/XX. There's no one left.
Obviously Capcom isn't going to ignore the switch market because they're greedy fucks but it will be trash like frontier, stories or, worst of all, a port of World.
Is basically just MH4U but with MORE content and World's graphics, there, the absolute most powerful MH game is born.
HD MH4U port with 60fps on Switch and PC
GU but with graphics that don't fucking suck
>not give a fuck about what's going on around them
What ? Of course they did. They go where the market is. And as of today, it's clearly where World is for them as it is their most profitable game, not just in the series but ever.
You can play 4U in 60fps on Citra already. With working online any everything.
>no zinogre
>no keytar
>more boring bone horns
Ill pass on this one
Literally Citra
What's the problem user, my point was that world wouldn't have underwater stuff but those who like it (me) can play on the other one
World's Quests (meaning 95% hunts 5% gathering) *have the few gathering quests be handled like 4U which had fun shit like Eggstraction
3U's weapon craftable variety since it is the only balanced Mh game solely because every weapon was given good craftables.
World's weapon movesets
Frontier's approach to subspecies and variants
and importantly, nothing from both Gen games.
My retarded PCfag friends are too stupid for Citra
An offical release is the only way
Crossing fingers for the return of Brachy and Khezu. Hoping for various types of zones in the new map like caves and frozen lakes if they are boasting the Hoarfrost Forest to be their biggest map yet.
If their model is to be believed, they might be spacing out their potential future expansions or games to include more and more maps and monsters, both old and new
>draw a girl
>call it androgynous
one of the many problems with this shit anime
But I'll play both so I don't want that shit anywhere.
It took them 2 years to make 4 rehashed monsters and 0 new monsters. If I had any interest in the future of MH whatsoever I'd question their competence at video game development.
Ichinose is the director of the portable games and he's not working on World or Iceborne.
Arts return, but tied to specific weapons. For example, a new narga weapon branch trades out affinity for access to absolute evasion.
No styles.
>Deviljho and Great Jaggi use the same animation frame
Jho shares it with Jaggia. Not G.Jaggi.
>3U's weapon craftable variety since it is the only balanced Mh game solely because every weapon was given good craftables.
What the fuck ? 3G was broken with blast and Brachydios weapons.
Joke's on World; Brachydios was already ruined in MH4 so they can't ruin him anymore.
3U's Brachy is still the monster that scares me the most. When he rages and starts punching the ground, holy jesus.
>their competence at video game development.
And you do that now ? It took them one year for a G rank game on 3DS with only two new monsters and no new maps (3G).
That's very selfish of you
All in a good day's huntin'
What? That's 2 more completely unique monsters than Icebore in half the time, while also integrating all the content from both P3rd and Tri except tigrex and amatsu for some reason.
What are you talking about he's totally in.
Fighting him right now.
Because World is classic MH, obly refined withiout bullshit no one liked like areas with loading screens on your face all the time
>b-but it's casualized
I followed /mhg/ during content update s, you shitters are so bad at the game you actually cried about flashpods being nerfed for tempereds. Get fucked
Loud minority (read: plebians) didn't like it.
I'm still holding out hope for underwater combat to come back some day.
Most people don't like underwater combat, if anything YOU are being selfish by wanting that shit back.
>waah waaah uneven terrain
what a bitch
Why did they give Narga a charge attack? That is going to be obnoxious
>I love bullshit
>"pro"" player defeated by a light slope
what a bitch
Might as well litter the areas with mines that instantly kill you whenever you step on them. That's how terrible ledges are.
the worst thing about the whole stream is the clutch claw looks like how mounting should have been handled from the start (assuming clutching works the same as SA's new discharge) but mounting is still going to be a thing.
Just fucking remove mounting and let the Clutch Claw take over
they just slapped narga on a wyvern skeleton and called it a day
iceborne is going to be nothing but heavily recycled content on orders of magnitude more blatant than even the old games and nu-/mhg/ will still eat it up somehow
>"pro"" player
why thank you user
learn to position, learn to take advantage of the terrain or use a dung pie
People didn't think they would launch a Monster Hunter with only 30 large monsters either. You'll probably getting 2-4 more at most.
and a bing bing wahoo to you tooo
That's the point, stupid. You can't position properly with a ledge in the way. You just end up avoiding them entirely, like the rape corridor in FnH area 9.
Did they fix Citra stutters in MH4U? Whenever a cutscene plays or a monster roars, it'd slow down to a crawl. I stopped playing because of that.
Wow so you’ve been to their office and you’ve seen all they had to offer? Huh. Wonder why they said for us to watch E3.
Fucking retard.
I'd rather it just be removed thanks
Nobody asked for ~13th kush reskin and there are much better(recent) skeletons to make new monster out of them
but you can, you can reposition, abuse slide attacks or throw shit at them. you are just a bitch that can't handle a very gentle 5% slope
tbqh I'd totally fuck the guildmarm if she wasn't already with a massive explosive slime dragon
This doesn't sound too bad.
Actively directing the monster into an environmental trap IF there's any around, is better than just riding the monster randomly and ashing one button.
Although I'd honestly prefer the slinger to be removed from the game as well. Unless they somehow miraculously fix it, it's just a really forced gimmick.
Valentine's build does.
I fear you will be eating those words.
git gud
>slide attacks
Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about monster hunter. My mistake.
Those people are delusional. The only other 2 points of comparison are the first ever MonHun which has less content, and Tri (the only other "reboot") although MHW is the first TRUE full reboot, and MHW has double the monsters and double the weapon classes compared to Tri.
It's just a bunch of newfags used to 9+ years of recycled content and PS2 era assets complaining that a full reboot doesn't have as much content on year zero. All I have to say is wait half a decade and THEN complain if the game still lacks content.
Valentine killed his builds ages ago. And I tried playing with one of his builds I managed to find, and it didn't fix it.
Who do you think I am exactly?
I like some of the changes they made to World, and I dislike others like everyone else. I would like the classic games as well as world because they changed the game so much
>World is classic MH
it's not though
Dude, Tri's monsters were almost all entirely new while over three quarters of the monsters in World are returning monsters, in shape or name. Just because it's covered in skellingtons doesn't make it not Uragaan.
Your posts make too much sense, and as such will surely be ignored or dismissed with shitposting replies.
Yeah, he regressed. I can verify that it works on this one and pretty much nothing else I've tried.
But they didn't. At the core it's the same game, it was even going to be called MH5
MH was never defined by cumbersome controls, shitty hitboxes or the godawful "mapp" that is just a few arenas gated by loading checkpoints. Is is not now MH, because you are not stuck on a lengthy animation to pick up a whetstone? get real
>egg quests
Kill yourself.
>true reboot
>more old monsters than new
>95% of the new monsters are recycled to hell and back as well
3 has a thimble dick roster but it reinvents the wheel way harder than World could ever hope to
>b-but my maps and movement
maps and player movements don't mean shit when the monsters are still as janky as the good old days since they're still resuing skeletons from the PS2.
Ever notice how Worldsperm apologists sound exactly like Frontiershitters?
>Loud minority
Misleading way of saying "everyone"
>shitty deflection
We're done. Thanks for playing
Look, you're admitting that world overhauled a lot of things about the game right? So then it's fair to call games before the overhaul a different kind of monhun and to want more games of that type right?
So you're admitting you define "classic MH" by taking 5 srcondd to pick up plants?
Can't imagine why you'd want it back
Go play God Eater or Hunter's Blade if you can't tell MH from some shitty clone.
Gimmie link user, I can't find that.
complaining about having limited amounts of whetstones is one of the biggest worldbaby tells lmao
quest rewards purposefully smothered you with them alongside your typical part drops and you literally never ran out fucking ever no matter how hard you tried
>Gobul will never come back
>Lagi will forever be a shitty version of herself
Fuck off, beggar.
>TRUE full reboot
lmao, no, it's on the same level of Tri.
We're not all as incompetent as you.
>Can't imagine why you'd want it back
Your understanding of the differences between the two types of games and the potential preference fans would have towards one or the other is irrelevant to the conversation
Tri has 15 new monsters, 3 returning.
MHW has 20 new monsters. 13 returning.
(didn't count color swap subspecies, which only benefits Tri)
Your argument makes no sense. It's true that a higher % of Tri's total monsters are new, but that just goes to show how many more monsters MHW has despite being a far higher-effort true reboot on all possible aspects. Skeletons were made more complex even for returning monsters with added attacks and map behaviors on top of that, the maps took a shit ton more effort than Tri's maps, the overall progression, armor, (and more) design took a massive change, etc etc.
TL;DR MHW still has more new monsters than Tri anyway.
Your post is factually incorrect. Also your opinion on the quality of content is meaningless when we're talking about the effort it took to create it. Placing dozens of bones for fur with physics in an armor piece in MHW is much harder than a PS2-tier armor piece asset in any previous MonHun, even if you hate the aesthetic.
Uh sweaty, you should look at this
>mentioning how long it took in 4U and 3U to get shit from gathering points is complaining about likited whetstone usage
Congrats for winning an argument that was never made i guess
Come on user. I'll give you a rare Pepe for it.
Good job ignoring the main point of the post. I guess you agree there is no such thing as classic MH and World MH
holy shit
Cute raven
>argument for why world content and skeletons are better is graphics and not their function or gameplay
Can't you read? They're not new monsters. Rabodaan is not a new monster. It's just Uragaan.
Compare with Tri's first 5 monsters. Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Barroth and Gobul are all new monsters with new skeletons and new moves that have never been seen before in the MH franchise. Tri had more fresh content than any other MH game and nothing else even comes close, except maybe MH1.
every change world made defines the difference between "classic" and world
>more like zamtrios
the new one doesnt even have a unique gimmick to it, its a boring design.
Nargacuga is, the rest are just add ons for me
man I forgot you can't pause the game, what the fuck
Did they really forget that Lavasioth was the least popular monster in World for a good reason?
Jaggi/Barroth share the same skeleton and quru's not new.
Yes it is.
>have a big mammoth monster en even 4 legged monsters already
>make the anthles a barroth clone
Did they change designers? this so fucking lazy.
Also they are going to add a bunch of narga, tigrex and barioth reskins just to reuse the skeleton.
Can we define a "classic classic" MH before 4U since those titles didn't have mounts?
This. Underwater was better in every way than shoving those fucking ledges into every map. It deserved some refinement.
Everyone who hates underwater has never used Gunlance, prove me wrong.
I have started MH with 3U.
Why the 3rd gen monster are so low in MHGU ?
A theropod moosr is objectively morr creative than a regular moosr, only really big
MH works by generations. Gen 1-4 is classic and Gen 5-whenever they shitcan this crap is modern.
Nobody likes Gen 1
Gen 2 is oldfag's choice
Gen 3 is peak MH
Gen 4 is the era of Nintendo
>bring back brachy
>in a game where slime is shit
this is so retarded that I actually believe it.
Wtf am looking at
Mounting affeted the gameplay much more than anything in World
If you're still going with your classic MH reatrdation, understand 4U is not "classic"
I think the only ones that are missing are "reimaginations" of gen 1 monsters, i.e. Jaggis and Dromes, Quru and Kut-Ku, Gigginox and Khezu, so they probably didn't want to bother.
And Gobul, for obvious reasons
qurus is entirely knew from mvoeset to gimick if you are talking about hypnocatrice.
And to be honest thats what this game is missing, monster with unique traits that makes even the easiest one fun or engagin.
>Mounting affeted the gameplay much more than anything in World
Mounting is optional. Sliding ain't.
>4U is not "classic"
So you're telling me adding another way to down a monster eclipses all of the changes World made?
They confirmed Narg will have his entire old moveset plus more which they are keeping secret. We haven’t even seen it enraged.
>A theropod moosr is objectively morr creative
no in the context of MH where there is a shitton of Theropod or brute wyverns
And a new weapon class. I think most people would have given World a pass if it wasn't mostly rehashed content but worse in every way.
Why would I ever want to hunt World's Diablos when I can hunt Tri's Diablos?
What a coincidence however than vertical attacks started in 4U
So much for your clasic MH
I hate playing the same monster over and over again
I hate how unbalanced the armors are
I have Kulve so much
But I talked about those too?
I mentioned MHW's mosnters have more complex skeletons, which is animation related (not graphics) and that they have new moves and map interactions (gameplay, not graphics)
In fact, I didn't mention graphics once in that post. Only that the assets are harder to create, take that as you will.
>Can't you read? They're not new monsters. Rabodaan is not a new monster. It's just Uragaan.
I gave the exact same standards on my counting.
Gigginox is just a Khezu clone, but I counted it.
Great Baggi belongs to the small dino club from previous games, still counted it.
The mosnter count would decrease on both games if I subjectively counted only the monsters I felt were "worthy", and MHW would end up with more anyway.
Also you're drunk if you think Great Jaggi and Qurupeco are new skeletons, especially great jaggi (seriously?). Qurupeco isn't as obvious due to his size but your brain will get there one day.
Nice job moving goalposts though, it went from "number of monsters" to "number of new monsters" to "number of new skeletons". I can be a prick too and just say that every skeleton in MHW is new because in fact they re-did them all from the ground-up.
Although just to entertain you, MHW has 5 brand-new skeletons (small 4-legged type, Prowler type, Kulve, Leshen, Zorah) more than Tri's 4 (Brute type, Gobul, Mohran, Serpentine type).
For better or worse, World really toned down the gimmickiness of monsters. It has a lot of monsters that basically do nothing unique, like Anjanath, or ones that rehash existing gimmicks like Ya-Ku or Mudsioth
Fuck off kuze. Nobody likes you
Doesn't Kulve use the Jagras skeleton?
>Gigginox is just a Khezu clone, but I counted it.
>Great Baggi belongs to the small dino club from previous games
These monsters have completely different skeletons.
I'll give you a chance to explain this idiocy before reading the rest of your surely misguided post.
the start of MH world is the est on the seires ut the end game is one of the worst. And has to do more with design choices rather than monster count.
I dont want to hunt in anything that is not waste or recess becasue the other maps suck ass and you dont even care about the "living world " 20hrs in, you just want to smack some mosnters and the map is such an annoyance that prevents that.
Fuck, you can find that shit on youtube, you absolute mongoloid. Of course it isn't LITERALLY impossible, you're just an impatient ape
You're right, now that you mention it Mohran might also use the serpentine type, although not as obvious.
I don't understand. Do you not agree that Kulu-Ya-Ku, Great Jaggi and Velocidrome all use the same skeleton family?
Because if you don't we're talking about completely different matters.
Play another MH game. I've been hopping between 3, 4 and GU lately.
Not him, but monsters like Tigrex and Narga share the same skeleton as Rathalos and Diablos; they're all Flying Wyverns. The games are pretty transparent in their usage of monster skeletons, and the taxonomy is pretty consistent.
The only difference (and I might be using thei ndustry term wrong, but the literal one is correct) is the rigging. Gigginox lies on its front wings, while Khezu et. al. stand on their back legs. They have the same skeleton. I wouldn't call them "clones", however.
Is MHWorld worth geting if I only plan on playing singel?
i think is for worse because the gimicks could relate to new movesets and experiences, like this orange monkey that swing on vines and the spider swinging around and queen bettle that is a 2vs 1 battle, the ice armor on zamtrios makes you aproach different than other monster since you want to break those shit, and the exploding scales of the snake that make awareness a need.
Wolrd design while more realistics, similar to trii, re use the concepts already implemented rather than create new ones like trii. Only difference would be the fluffy bat which would be better if it wasnt a wyvern skeleton.
Ancient Forest is an actual godawful map, it's such blatant E3 bait that's made to look pretty and cool but is awful to play on
it's better singleplayer anyways
yeah is good 40hrs from start to finish.
fuck that, give me insects back. Yes I know they said their skeletons are hard to implement in World, but I would be royally pissed if they didn't spend time solving that problem and implementing underwater combat instead.
>Seltas Queen in World
there is so much maps that have unused locations, the mud section and forest in spire. Everything that is below on coral.
Those shit i only visted a few times and by high rank i pretty much ignored and had no reason to go there since there is no reason to farm on map.
>another reskin plesioth
What kind of way is that to fucking generate hype. Im fucking beyond dine with world. The direction they've taken the series is so disheartening to older fans. Plus the sns nerf is pretty unfair and our of nowhere. At this point, I can only hope that the B team makes another switch game on the old engine.
>Someone actually compiled this
Impressive, It's not very efficient in gathering (you)s though, the main reason why i liked the list
You have no idea what a skeleton is.
>Gigginox lies on its front wings, while Khezu et. al. stand on their back legs.
>They have the same skeleton.
Fucking lol
*Pledge of Demon intensifies*
Okay. What do they share then? Humor us, user. Why are we wrong?
>the snow map is their biggest one yet
Oh then. there are dozens of new skeletons on each game by your standard, and MHW ends up with more by sheer volume of total monsters.
We can use any made-up goalpost-movin' standard and MHW ends up with more regardless.
MH3 has more monsters with swimming animations
checkmate nerd
My biggest problem with underwater is that it makes cutting tails and going for small parts like Gobul's lantern harder and Gunlance also sucks at that.
Coo. See ya.
I'll happily stay in the minority if you think subjecting yourself to needlessly awkward controls and a terrible ass camera is in any way a welcome gameplay mechanic. Fucking Trifags.
>subjecting yourself to needlessly awkward controls and a terrible ass camera
...is what everyone says when they first play MH. Underwater needed refinement, that's all. Just like the very first title and its stick attacks. Imagine if they scrapped MH as a series because some people disliked that control scheme.
Imagine your entire point having weight if it wasn't just comparing a poorly implemented mechanic to the entire, then evolving, base gameplay. They didn't even bring it back for Gen. Take a H I N T.
Still waiting for an invader wasp monster.
they also mentioned that every weapon will get new moves.
don't forget 4
Why do I always go back to MHGenU bros...
I can't wait to use the nude mod in the snow region
>Not wanting to be that slime dragon
and how much money do you have, actually
Because its actually good.
Only thing I dislike is hyper monsters. Not just the insane damage, but how big damage sponges they are.
I'm only at village 4 in GU and I already have max money and 50+ platinum eggs on top of as many g rank armor spheres and slickaxes that I'll ever need because of the item packs that they threw at me. Legit worried about going online and getting banned lmao
But seriously what the fuck do I do with all this shit. I have 999 honey etc.
EX monsters are even stupider. As if anyone wants to right a Mizutsune with a 14x attack modifier and more HP than a Fatalis.
You'll use it. Oh boy, will you ever use it. Max money and 999 Honey is nothing.
The series is dead, stop making threads about.
Gen Eater XX on the one hand and Worldtrash in the other, worst thing of all is that following the sales this is the winning formula it took Capcom 15 years to perfect.
I feel you bro
when they were showing off Greatsword's new combos you can see Banbaro doing some close-range swipes with his antlers
>more slinger bullcrap
Nice how you just restated his argument, then claimed he was wrong. Underwater combat was great, and could be improved on. Same with everything else in the series.
You're gonna buy the expansion and you're gonna enjoy it, faggot.
sure I will
>enjoy it
In MHW, as a bow user, am I better off not attempting to mount monsters and just raining arrows? I feel like the bow mounting attack is too risky but I'm still learning the weapon. I seem to have more luck downing monsters with the rain of bullets than anything.
Bows have a stupid amount of KO damage. All you need is your coconuts. Mounting isn't nearly as efficient, but if you have fun with it, then more power to you. It's pretty satisfying to smash a monster's face with an arrow and ride them for a while.
Maybe they'll make it work. If we can't remove it from the game, wouldn't you at least want it to be good?
This was the first trailer. Stop jumping to baseless conclusions.
You can already come to the conclusion that the layered armor system hasn't been fixed, and with that you can also come to the conclusion that the event quest system hasn't been fixed as well. The weapons shown are bone remodels still, so that hasn't been fixed too. None of these are baseless conclusions.
I think you're the one who doesn't know what a skeleton is
There's just something about the classic-style games that World can't replicate. It's hard to describe.
I would rather have had them improve underwater battles than have them add stupid shit like mounting and turf wars.
Because it has basically almost all of the meaningful content of all of the MH games before World?
What gimmick does Kulu-Ya-Ku rehash?
Ah.. nothing worse than a monster hunter thread
they dislike all monster designs that are too "goofy" and "unrealistic" for world. though.
Which is why i bet they won't include brachydios
World lacks precision. Still like it tho and I'm confident they will improve.
Literally the same logic retards used for Deviljho and look how that turned out
Brachydios is really strange, you have to admit. I mean, kulu-ya-ku or Paolumu are goofy. Bazel is really not a realistic animal at all. But Brachy, the thing is just so out of place, even in a volcanic area.
What's goofy or unrealistic about Deviljho?
Brachydios is out of place in EVERY game.
There's no locale in which his palette wouldn't clash with the environment.
Deviljho is hella goofy my guy are you really gonna argue this?
>too "goofy" and "unrealistic"
This argument again
Enraged Naruga is going to be absolutely mental, more so if they decide to incorporate T and AT in master-rank
I really don't see what's goofy about it, aside from what the fanbase projects onto it.
Maybe next DLC.
>fat fucking cucumber looking cunt with a fat tail on tiny legs and even tinier arms
>gets so fucking mad he starts glowing red
I love Deviljho but cmon man
You’re gonna tell me that Bazelguese and Paolumu aren’t goofy and unrealistic?
Of course these may not even be possible additions and I’m stretching very fucking far, but I’d love to see these in World:
Silver Rathalos
Gold Rathian
And all 3 of the Fatalis
Is this the only lewd armor we’ll get? The winter/snow theme has me worried it’s all gona be indistinguishable fur coats
Well we at least have a new Anjanath Armor.
P3RD is blatantly the best 3rd gen MH and one of the reasons is the way they got rid of those. If only it had G-rank/3U's content.
>G rank just removes part of the armor so virgin NEETs can jerk of to their hunter
Looks like they took a few tips from the MHXX way of designing G rank armor
Well, it is the MHXX director
oh nonono
I fully expect them to bring back plain old Plesi at this point just for a laugh.
Can you imagine being this much of a faggot?
t. bad at the game
It wasn't an issue at all.
Maybe we'll get the bunny in the game, that has cute armor.
I have no confidence that Iceborne will add new skeletons or reintroduce old ones at this point.