May 2019

May 2019
I am forgotten

Attached: halo mcc.png (1040x580, 107K)

I cannot fucking believe they announced it when it wasn't ready. Should have held off until E3

All the fucking games released years ago no the PC version in a fucking year.

Fuck them

Blew their load too soon.

I wish. I cant stop thinking about it.

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They have on multiple occasions said Reach was ready for PC release. But they're trying to make sure it's a good port and mostly bug free and all that. But seriously, fuck it, it's going to have bugs and problems no matter what. As long as it fucking works on a basic level and is playable, just fucking release it god damn it.

They either shouldn't have announced it until it was ready and releasable immediately or should have been working on it much harder and longer before announcing it at all.

It just makes no sense to just blue balls the entire fanbase for no reason. Idiotic to say the least.

Very false.
I for one cannot wait to finally mod reach to have infinite forge world resources. Feelsgoodman.

>It just makes no sense to just blue balls the entire fanbase for no reason
That's all the xbox brand has done for about 5 years.

Shitty company that's why they lose at everything this generation.

You're probably right. But Halo is arguably THE Xbox game. THE biggest brand they have. To do something so dumb as to say "Halo is coming to PC!..... Sometime!" It's just fucking dumb. Like something so dumb it's hard to believe anyone would even think to do something so stupid. Why say anything at all when it isn't ready, has no steady release date, and doesn't seem to even have been worked on very hard in the first place (for something as big of a franchise as their Halo IP)?

Its just so dumb. I truly don't think they understand the amount of sales and shit they'll get on PC for this release. They're gonna make fucking BANK and they should have handled it smarter than they did. Especially because they'll probably realize what a kick in the ass it could/would have been to handle it better than the butter fingers they're doing now when they see the numbers.

>But seriously, fuck it, it's going to have bugs and problems no matter what. As long as it fucking works on a basic level and is playable, just fucking release it god damn it.
>this is unironically the braindead consumer mindset that buy broken shit like bethesda garbage
>you share a board with people like this

No dick head that isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying they're spending too much time doing bullshit like "polish" on a port that they have already admitted is good and playable. They're trying to get it perfect, wanna hear a secret dumbfuck? Nothing is ever perfect. No matter how much they work on it right now and polish it now, it's going to have problems on release. Some thing, some how, some one, is going to have problems with it. It is inescapable.

If it wasn't in a good playable state (like they've said), sure keep working on it and making it good and reaching that goal. But trying to spend X hundreds of man hours working on something that isn't going to be perfect in the end is a waste of time and resources. Ever hear the phrase "too much of a good thing"?

Kill yourself you drooling lobotomite.

There's more shit to do than you'll ever have time with and you're here bitching about unreleased video games

I sure as hell hope their e3 announcemet won't be the PC beta but the full game. Otherwise I'm gonna kill phil.

They've already said they're only releasing one title at a time so I hope you like reach cause it's never gonna have players in anything but that.

I was really excited until they announced it was a staggered release of one game at a time.

>announce full game before beta has even started

Nope, 1-3 are better than Reach and that's the general consensus, sad to hear you're underage and never got to play those.

You're literally a fucking drooling retard.
Try reading my post again, really slowly so your peabrain can understand it.
They're releasing one game at a time, reach being the first.
No one is ever going to wait 3-4 months to play another game. After reach comes out, and the game has been out for a month, everyone will stop playing.

>game has been out for a month, everyone will stop playing.
Only the normies, every Halo game is still being actively played to this day. Not to mention that every time they pump out the next game it's going to bring a huge mass of players back in.

>After reach comes out, and the game has been out for a month, everyone will stop playing.

No shit? That happens to literally every game, Nostradamus. Launch hype leads to a high playerbase, and then it drops off slowly.

When the next game is bound to release, it'll happen all over again. People will play the game they like the most. Needless to say, a ton of people just want the campaigns.

That's what would've happened if they released all the games at once, people would've flocked to one game for a few months and that's the end. Releasing them one by one every 3 months will quadruple the lifespan of this collection and ensure that every single game has it's time in the spotlight.