Why are western game devs so fucked in the head?

Why are western game devs so fucked in the head?
They're literally giving their employees crunch time and PTSD...

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imagine getting ptsd from some rekt video lmao

>Waaaaah violence!!

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the only difference is that the japanese don't complain about it since it's the same in every industry there.

can you stop shilling your fucking game ? nobody cares about this shit

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Reminder that Japanese devs have a history of locking people in rooms and forcing them to work on games. All your favorite Japshit games from the 90s were made this way.

these weak people should die

Christ I fucking hate that these people have the same rights as I do

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>less than two weeks
>I am forgotten

desperate shills have to create fake news on their gay aidsfaggot special snowflake buddy's video game blogs to remind people that this peice of shit exists

>suffering from ptsd after working on some 3d animations
my dad saw an F14 shoot down two migs right above his head and received a bullet in his helmet yet i don't see him complain like a little bitch

We got some top tier reference of murder victims when working on LA Noire and I hear Visceral actually slaughtered a goat and let it decay for reference.

Netherrealm need to stop hiring absolute faggots, what do their artists think they're going to be researching and creating?


Not every dev.

You can call them pussies all you like, but if you were spending eight hours a day studying gore, not just looking at videos but poring over them in order to get the details right, with no way to ask your boss for a break or anything, you'd get fucked in the head too. It's not just the violence, it's the constant and unrelenting exposure to violence coupled with a stressful work environment.

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>seen the worst gore vids on Yea Forums over the years
>watch liveleak regularly
>sleep like a baby

maybe they need to stop drinking soi

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>t. pussy

I thought the same thing, but it's the screams that get me man, and the gurgles don't help.
I mean, just fucking watch this

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>no way to ask for a break
Yeah these game devs are working in sweatshops obviously. Not like you can actually talk to your management, say "hey this gore stuff isn't for me" and get a different task or fired.
They brought this upon themselves. They signed up for NRS who's only notable game is MK. They shouldn't be surprised and if they are they're better off somewhere else

Yea Forums gave me PTSD
Finna sue Hiro

Didn't the team working on Dead Space reference car crash victim photos for enemies?

Always carry a weapon

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It sounds like some rinsing with mouthwash while walking on a shitty wood floor. Those estrogen pills taking a toll on your brain?

Actuall, there really isn't a way for them to talk to the management to ask for a break from the gore stuff. They literally have no procedures for that.

And like a lot of you, they probably underestimated the effects of being constantly exposed to gore and being expected to not look away but to study it in detail. It's one thing to look at some gore from the comfort of your own home, it's another to be required to do so for your paycheck(ie survival) for hours each working day, surrounded by others doing the same thing.

Kill yourself, spineless libcuck.

Don't fucking call me a liberal you fucking waste of oxygen, I'm a leftist. You're more liberal than I am.

Nah, but that's the problem, it sounds like it's not even a human behind that scream, I never thought voices go be this high pitched. I mean I can watch Chechens and Mexicans behead each other all day but the sound gets me
Anyway, post gorekino you fuckers

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Because degeneracy and homosexuality lead to mental illness


How does this happen in developing MK11 but NOT for people working on bloody gory horror movies?



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Just have all these pussies be forecfully drafted into war.

Never relax around...

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cool cgi

Publishers not developers.

It only happens when you hire faggots

Serious Sam devs cut up meat to model gory gibs
The guy who got to kill Lara croft in the old games has a fetish for killing women and loves his job

Because good movie gore is reserved for impact whereas good game gore slapped all over the game.

Come fight me you weak little bitch. I'll fucking kill you with my bare fists

how the f you got PTSD from video game

>shoots you
nothing personell

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>PTSD from working on a Vidya game.

What level of onions has he reached

they were watching real murders.


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welcome to the clown world.

"hard stance" sound good when you don't have any big project to finish at the date of the announcement.
Let's see how that work on the long rund. How many late deliveries Tencent is gonna bankroll.
I guarantee you than in a few months they'll change it to "everybody agreed to do those extra days so it's not crunch"

How is gore still scary?

What the fuck am I missing that people are finding blood and guts as a result of violence more disabling than Orwellian or Freudian spooks????

I can guarantee you the clown that complained about PTSD had a social media full of GoT's "mature" content and murder meymeys.

It isn't scary. You missed the point.

The guy who wrote that game has always been terrified of female genitals
The guy who wrote that game always wanted to get caught
The guy who programmed the game had a big thing about women getting pregnant by men

Veganism. To stay in the cult they have to rewrite people emotionally to ridiculous level.

>mortal kombat developers watch snuff for reference
>loli visual novels developers watch ________ for reference

If you got PTSD from that you are naive and simply don't understand the world as it is. That shit just gets me angry and motivated.

So they can experience the same thing??


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Shit. At least the kids weren't white.

da bad dweems!!!!!

>trusting (((Hollywood professionals))) with your life

Im no longer sure if I should insult you or agree

You don't get ptsd from anime tiddies


this. all the shitters itt have no idea what they're talking about.
the only thing worse than pussies are internet tough guys.

real gore is pretty terrifying. ever saw a slow beheading where afterwards the eyes keep staring at you?
looking at it regularly can definitely change your worldview.

movie gore is harmless. a lot of the time you can even tell the sfx teams are just making shit up.

>cut up meat
the fact that you're comparing this shows how clueless you are.

Americans literally cheer during gameplay reveals of violent scenes. MK as well as Doom Eternal. They love this shit.

>Stress casualties
This is brought up in board meetings lol.
Like these niggas are in the military
That's why games and video media from the 90s were so good. Slave labour gets results.

You mean they don't do that anymore?

>it's well documented that seeing death frequently fucks with your mental health

It didn't affect me so it must be fake. :^)

But that is just gore! That's what gore is! How the fuck do people think gore is still this fascinating and widely explored tapestry of human invention? We don't know the first thing about dismemberment! We don't know what happens when people lose limbs, we don't know shit about nerve endings. We don't know shit about the cerebellum, about the amygdala, about the fucking frontal lobe! That's gore! We don't know! How is that world of everything we have no fucking clue about shaped in such a huge and disorienting way so as to inspire trauma and dysfunction!? What the fuck is that?! That designing a video game, not even going to fucking war can persuade you into PTSD!? What the FUCK?

>people are literally becoming mentally scarred from this over the top violent videogame
>but it's sexy videogames that are evil

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>You mean they don't do that anymore?
Nah, it's kinda frowned upon. Japan has heaps of crunch, but there's a reason Konami treating their employees like shit raised some eyebrows. The weird thing is that Konami's behavior was pretty typical by 90s and even 2000s standards. And to be honest most people outside Japan only cared because muh Kojima.

>People on Yea Forums 24/7 claiming they are mentally sound

sexy games have a bad effect too. they create rapists

They create people jerking off hentai in the closed space of their homes.

but no cases of that whats so ever.

They're scarred from using actual violence to make vidya violence.

there's tons, the illuminati are covering it up, they plan to create tons of rapists and unleash them

>Thubking MK11 would give you PTSD
Nigga I’ve been watching Mexicans behead each other, and Chinese bugmen die on the street from piss poor electrical systems for over a decade and I’m still fine

Many loli artists just redraw actual CP.

But it's so extreme it'll give you PTSD! Don't you want to buy it and make a reaction video for your youtube channel?

Source on that? It's not hard to believe, but I'm curious as to where it's stated.

Stop being a weak willed faggot.
I work in the medical field and watch death video often
People die but at least the rip one loud ass fart when they finally die

they take normal porn and just use the resize tool of MSPaint

what do you expect from rich liberals
they dont give a shit about the workers

You and your fake ass news are the reason Rustle left business.

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I wanted gore recorded in 2008 with a shitty 3 MP phone the kind of shit you just can’t fake

and nothing of value

They need to ban violence in video games and bring back sexy women. Fucking amerimutts have it all backwards. Eagerly awaiting for the day that disgusting puritanical shithole collapses and China and Russia take over.

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>white good
>everything else except Japanese BAD

>b-b-but sexy vidya gaem women make real life women look like objects!!!

That's true. What's your point?

Poohs VA is a rapist dog abuser. Chinaman won

they should make porn games instead

Well, they are.

That you're stupid as fuck.


Seems like you're extremely asocial. Did the porno games make you such a threat to society? Good thing China bans porn games and media with too much sexuality, so you can calm down if you embrace Chinese leadership.

Seethe more. Won't change a thing.

Well how about become actually useful then instead of being so fucking horrible if they didn’t have pussies and babies Men would hunt woman for sport

why are firsto*ds so fucking beta?

Violence is actually detrimental to society, it deserves to be banned. Sex is the opposite.

>man I'm really sensitive to violence
>what game company should I work for
>oh I know the one that makes mortal kombat and nothing else

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both should exist you thin skin fag

China will never ban porn
How easily are they gonna keep over a billion man who will mathematically never find a wife happy and content?

End all violence with yourself faggot

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The only gore video ever to make me feel REALLY bad was that video where a woman in high heels is stepping on a dog's eye and crushing its skull.

what's the appeal of gore honestly speaking

t. violent brutish raging mutts

How do I disable this chain shit? Don't know what turned it on.

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>First worlders get PTSD from game violence


no, violence in video games is fine you retarded fiesto*d betafag

>watch snuff
lol, they just rewatched old ass B and Z movies, who the actual fuck believe mortal kombat is realistic? Yea Forums gore webm proves they don't use that as reference, reality is boring and unimpressive.

burger games really are exceedingly gore-filled and violent, no boobies allowed though because that might mess with the minds of children

>deliberately applied for a job in a video game company known for making Mortal Kombat - the game known for having extreme violent and gore
>wtf this is so gross im getting ptsd and shit help

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*smashes rock with club*

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Everyone on Yea Forums sees that shit everyday. He's just a faggot trying to get attention.

you say that as if the gaming industry wasn't oversaturated as fuck and everyone just had the luxury to pick where to work

I've seen real gore and even that is not really traumatizing. Game gore is a joke. Gettin PTSD from a joke is a pathetic, most low-test thing I can imagine, seconded only by being cuck.

Friendly reminder that these people, and the people who wrote this article, are allowed to drive cars and vote.

Diversity Hires. That's why. You think the Original creators had these problems? Fuck No.

Democracy is a bad meme, the West apparently needs to learn this repeatedly because it keeps trying to re-implement it

I fap to loli regularly and I have a drive license as well as the rights to vote

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>work on game requiring you to look at brutality and anatomy
>"Wow i'm so traumatised man"
I won't deny that being desensitized is also fucked and it's not natural to look at that shit, but what did you expect? Even the Dead Space guys got unsettled during their research, but I don't think they got PTSD like that one pansy

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I'm going to assume he's a vet? He could go shoot up a school and I'd never call him a pussy. Guys like him are heroes because they don't look for that sympathy. He's taking it like the man he is. You should be proud.

I can show you later

you're such a trog dude. the "original creators" worked on games during the SNES and Genesis era. dev cycles were way shorter back then, and games generally took less time to make. but yeah it's cuz of diversity hires i guess

Cops for example get this sort of thing. A "special" type of depression from the constant shit they deal with, and compartmentalizing it so they don't bring it home. It never works.

That's because you have patrician taste.

ur dads a pussy

how can you be against democracy when it got Trump elected

I’ve seen fucking Facebook livestream videos with worse gore.

>disgusting puritanical shithole collapses
>and China and Russia take over.
the fuck? are you trying to be funny?

I'd much rather have China and Russia around than burgerland and I think most of the world would agree to that

>everyone just had the luxury to pick where to work
not only do people have the luxury to chose their work, but companies have the luxury to pick their employees. There's no crisis in that market.

they are scared of the human body, the outside and the insides.

How high is the UK stabbing rate?
Your fucking cops need to wear god damn chain mail you retard.
Plus violence is literally a human trait and our desire for it transcends all

>as well as the rights to vote
I do too and yet I detest it. I don't like being forced to stand in a line for hours just to number some boxes, and getting fined if I don't. That's some fascist bullshit.

feel free to leave and join their countries, the west can only profit from having you go and get killed by an escalator.

there's also to consider 240p gore can hardly compare to what we have today

>Plus violence is literally a human trait and our desire for it transcends all
it's a trait in the poor and uneducated

Why have journos been trying to spin game devs into some kind of endangered, opressed minority lately?
The way they've been writing you would think they would be refering to ethnic cleansing genocide victims or some shit

We are a Republic, not a Democracy. The 19th was a mistake.

No. I'd simply rather have less americunt shit being shoved down our throats. Russia and China are filled with their own kinds of shit.

Graphic shit like that can still sometimes get to me, but it's not because of the gore itself.
If the character being mauled can sell it, then it'll make me uneasy.
A good realistic scream and well done facial animations are the best ways to make it hard to just think of the character on screen as a bunch of data.
It requires getting over the uncanny valley though, which is incredibly difficult.

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what's even the difference?


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if you go frame by frame you can see the boy and the man's head/upperbody come off
at least it was quick

>We are a Republic, not a Democracy.

You're a Representative Democracy
Why do other people have to explain to you how your own country works

nice sjw blog buddy

>Why do other people have to explain to you how your own country works
Because the US has such a shitty education system they don't teach them this shit.

if you weren't a zoomer newfag you'd know literally everyone on the internet used to spend 8h a day studying gore

It's absolutely shocking how little they know about very basic things.

Post frame. I'm not going to look for it.

This is why I literally never play any MK game. I’ll stick to Tekken, thanks.

>guy who jerks off to no nose anime freaks
>insinuating anyone else is subhuman

You're some special kind of stupid aren't you?

>wanting nose in your porn
Oy vey

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lmao nice reddit mode idiot

All of the low-skill diversity hires in silicon valley whining about their discontent to their journalist friends has hit a critical mass. Since these people have no idea what any sort of conflict looks like, this corporate abuse against people earning 80K minimum might as well be the culling of millions.

Doesn't that image directly disprove what you're trying to say?

That most of the world views burgerland in a more negative light than Russia or China? No, not really. It does the opposite.

>Sweden thinks the US is the biggest threat to world peace
>not Russia

You wish it was fake, mutt.


This is too much bullshit for me to handle. No one in the EU thinks the US is a threat to anyone, they can barely handle themselves for fucks sake.
It's russia and always will be russia, one day those motherfuckers will snap completely and pull off something super stupid and the US is the only country that can stop them.

>ukraine not deepthroating american cock
Of course it's fake.



you can't handle anything because you're a dumb fag

Doubt America can stop us. Or anyone. It's full of weak fags and trannies, they can't do shit.

the US couldn't even stop rice farmers, good joke

My job involves seeing rekt videos on a daily basis

Can confirm the employees are a bunch of baby soft snowflake faggots. Boohoo you had to sit at a desk and watch a bunch of pixels. Fucking faggot pussyboy generation.

>link says USA is a republic

>A. The United States is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy.

Nobody was arguing that it wasn't a republic, the point was to show that it is in fact a democracy as well; a democratic republic. The "we're a republic, not a democracy!" talking point it pure nonsense that could only be cooked up in the brain of some halfwit mutt.

The US would get stomped into irrelevance and everyone would finally breathe a collective sigh of relief. Then maybe the vidya industry could finally turn around and start being good again without the amerimutts ruining everything.

>The US would get stomped into irrelevance
and slavs would take their place. US is the lesser of the two evils

I'm Russian and I don't agree.

Not really. Rather have a bunch of squatting slavs than violently disagreeable burgers taking their bullshit all around the world and influencing culture and media any day of the week.

All the ruskies coming out of their commie blocs trying to prove you wrong.

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I'm Russian and you should shut your fucking mouth, liberashka.

>you must hire women!
>but you won't like these kinds of games
>you must hire women!
>hire women
>women devs sue you for ptsd
>pikachu face

>yo we banned women showing off skin
>now we finna ban violence in video games

Do you seriously think the fucking russians wouldn't do the same shit? For fucks sake they are doing it right now, their shit just barely affects the world as they aren't a superpower anymore and no one cares about their whining, thankfully.

This, I'm no fan of the US but they're pretty much the only thing keeping the peace around and commies/slavs at bay.

It doesn't matter anyway. Russian, American, Slav. We're all going to get fucked by the chinks one day.

>Do you seriously think the fucking russians wouldn't do the same shit?
Yes, I do. They aren't filled with degeneracy and SJW bullshit like burgerland. Things would be much better.

Why are shitposters like OP so fucked in the head?
They're literally giving their community crunch time and PTSD...

and their quality of life is way lower
deal with it fag, land of the free & capitalism have brought you unquantifiable comfort and happiness
>boo boo I have to share this country with thin skinned babies
heh yeah me too, I’m talking to one right now

>and their quality of life is way lower
Who gives a shit? I don't live there, I just don't want burgerland around ruining vidya and stuff I enjoy with all their SEX BAD VIOLENCE GOOD bullshit

things go beyond their prime all the time, young zoomer
just find new things to love instead of clinging to the past

The only fatality that was really fucked up was D'Vorahs one where she spits a bunch of babies into your body and a giant spider grows up of your corpse.

they are just pussies, if they won't work the hours I'll gladly take their job and work the "crunch". Fucking cucks.

Geras' one where he rips the front half of your body was also fucked

>isn't a way for them to talk to the management to ask for a break from the gore stuff
Go up to HR or your manager like an adult and say
>hey I don't like working on all this gore stuff, is it okay if I work on something else for a bit? I feel like it's affecting my mental state a bit
There's a reason why HR is there user.

>You can call them pussies all you like, but if you were spending eight hours a day studying gore, not just looking at videos but poring over them in order to get the details right, with no way to ask your boss for a break or anything, you'd get fucked in the head too. It's not just the violence, it's the constant and unrelenting exposure to violence coupled with a stressful work environment.

Bullshit, try working in a slaughterhouse you spoiled fucking man child.
All gore in those game is made by maybe 10 out of a staff of 200, with one or two guys doing the actual models for it rest being animators and coders.
Its another case of "anonymous" source.

I work on a hunting game, and i make most of the gore stuff and i can honestly say 90% of the people in my studio didnt see a single thing i made outside what made it in yet and we are at lest 50% into the game being done. Maybe its different in a smaller studio where everybody is next to each other, but we are split among multiple floors in multiple offices in 2 buildings, if someone walks past my desk once in a while i usually have a black and white view from zbrush or a wireframe from maya that wouldnt look like nothing to them open.

Netherlanders is a fucking big fucking 200+ people studio, most art department would be making characters 24/7 blend shapes and the cinematic, the gore elements would make less than 1% of all assets, and believe me once you turn off shadows modern shaders and fake sss blood looks like a dark red bloob and everything rest loses any semblance of reality.
When you see a wireframe like on right, and what it looks in final build is on the left, its hard to get ptsd and see it as anything other than what it is, a bunch of colored squares in a shape of a person. The illusion breaks once you see behind the curtain.

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