World of Warcraft vs Guild Wars 1/2 vs Ultima Online

>World of Warcraft vs Guild Wars 1/2 vs Ultima Online
>WoW: Grind, grind and kill/find 50x wolf penises, "normal" skill system, raid are all about not standing in shit, with classic and end of expansion zones (see nazajatar) being the worst offenders.
>GW: Mission/Good story, card game (gw1) and weapon (gw2) based skillsystem, bosses are pretty easy
>UO: Make your own story, skillsystem based on use, bosses are okay

What system do you prefer?

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Why do zoomers like fat chicks so much?

I wish there was a wow tier themepark mmo with runescape tier never ending skill grinds.

WoW had better PvE, GW had better PvP.

UO > GW > WoW anyday

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf.

I started playing eve online in 2016. This was the first mmo I've ever really played. I kinda liked it and thought this meant I kinda liked mmo's, but every time I try playing a different, they're all trash. Is this genre really as bad as I thought it was?

They’re high test.

What on earth are these two ladies doing? I don't know this exercise.

Love this pic.

Finally! Official spec tier list is out.

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The friction creates heat, burning fat.

other way around
zoomers like sticks more

>flat tummies
>normal arms
fuck off faggot

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I wanna fuck that elf and raise a family with that wizard, if you know what i mean

this picture's missing DK, Monk, and Demon Hunter

guild wars 1, always

Good choice. That elf is unstable. as all elves are

And don't wanna have a half breed elf son and produce a supreme gentleman

GW1's system is probably my favourite.
>Players have a set max level, no gear treadmill and all end-game content could be balanced around this level cap
>It also let them revamp low level missions and areas to be challenging at max level
>Skill system was super flexible, thousands of different builds across its lifetime
>Enemies used the same skills you did outside of a few unique ones
>Multiclassing enabled even greater possibilities for builds
>You could make PvP characters and jump right into arenas without needing to grind for gear or skills

My only complaint was that Eye of the North introduced PvE skills which were significantly better than class skills and then balanced most hard mode content under the presumption that all players would have these skills.

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imagine your head between that haha

Eotn is universally disliked

The game was perfect up until that shit came out

no u retail

Anything to replace the gaping hole UO left behind years ago? It still hurts.

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