She looks basically the same as she did an Advent Children to me, I don't see what the big deal is

she looks basically the same as she did an Advent Children to me, I don't see what the big deal is.

Attached: 1557440147943.jpg (1200x670, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The character Tifa from Final Fantasy VII the video game should promote realistic body types instead of unrealistic ones.

Women shouldn't be ashamed of having bodies like pic related. She's a person too and Tifa will prove that women with realistic bodies like pic are beautiful and don't have to be ashamed of looking like pic!

is this where we complain about man jaws or something, or was that just for the MK11 threads?


There is no big deal, she looks fine

>uses frontal shot of her face
You can see the man-jaw problem a lot better when you use a pic where her face is tilled to the side. They fucked her up pretty badly

Attached: 1557443247033.jpg (1199x554, 61K)



Attached: D370061D-55FA-4578-8E7A-28566AF9A939.jpg (792x550, 109K)

it looks good to me

Yeah I’m not seeing it, perhaps you’re just nostalgic and hate seeing new things?

I meant "the big deal" about how everyone on twitter is acting like she's the most beautiful thing ever

president of sony even called her his waifu ffs

Op do you see how the way you worded your original post makes it seem as though the “big deal” was that people think it looks bad. Regardless of what you say here people are now going to come to this thread to discuss how people think she looks bad

Put down the waifuglasses. Her eyes are way too high and the entire down half or her face looks weirdly pointy and too long

I figured the consensus was that people loved the design

>implying you are ever allowed to criticize the appearance of a female character on twitter
Same people call that downie from REmake II cute

>eyes are are way too high and bottom half of her face is weirdly pointy and long

Attached: F2C0EA62-AFD6-4380-9193-BE589DFFBA96.jpg (540x309, 15K)

there are enough people who complain about the new design choices

You could make a game that literally gives the players blowjobs and people on Yea Forums would still shit on it

I don't see a problem at all. She looks fucking cute, can't wait for SFM in about 20 years.

That's literally the problem, SE wasn't able to mix realistic and anime aesthetics together which they are normally pretty good at the result is tranny Aerith/Jessie and babyface dyke Cloud

This image is super upsetting

her voice is abysmal


>tries to imply you are a incel if you don't find some videogame chick with a fucked up jaw hot

Let's be honest, it doens't matter what she looks like because everyone will forget she even exists once Tifa is shown.


You should.


>president of sony even called her his waifu
This is why studio FOW can get away with it.

>implying this was implied
Yikes reaching quite hard aren’t we
The point of the post is to show the irony, you’d call that girl ugly but truth be told you probably aren’t much more attractive than that Womack image and you’d be lucky to even have 30 minutes in bed with that girl in the picture

Attached: mc.png (658x985, 25K)

She looks much better than she did in Advent Children. Aerith isn't supposed to look asian.

None of them are except Yuffie but SE likes their Asian face

>literally confirming what the post said
what did he mean by this?
>you’d call that girl ugly
>talking like tranny Aeris is real
You shouldn't talk about incels bro

>she looks basically the same as she did an Advent Children
This, why are fags being so retarded.


Fuck you and fuck the game, I just want Cowtits.

You moron look at the comment chain we’re not talking about fuck aerith we’re talking about Before the file was deleted it was a picture of a REAL GIRL with huge tits

This is considered man-jaw now? You fuckers have never seen a woman before or something.

It gets sadder every year. Always an obsession with jaws.

4channel is just a bunch of big babies who want to themselves mentioned in a polygon or huffpo article, thats literally the highlight of their life.

She looks fine to me, m8.

>tranny Aerith/
I think you're a bit obsessed with trannies, user.

These are cow tits you massive fucking faggot.

Attached: 1200px-Cow_udders02.jpg (1200x800, 220K)

Wait are people calling Aeris ugly because they finally got a good look at her in 3D? LOL

So bros, they've been holding Tifa hostage for a long time now. I have a feeling Tifa is getting a huge breast reduction, probably all the way down to B Cup or even A Cup.

what do you guys think?

But what is that relevant to? Just because someone is ugly or uglier than the other person it doesn't make that other person suddenly not ugly.
People love to throw that line around but it's completely irrelevant ad hominem.

Good, because none of the characters in AC tried to look asian. If they did, they failed as badly as the original manga-style sketches for the characters in the 1997 game.

Aerithfag false flagging

Her face looks gross. Even her mouth looks like it doesn't really fit in her face. They went full anime face but put in weird elements in for some reason

Attached: 1539522600150.gif (379x387, 83K)

>a REAL GIRL with huge tits
Giv pic. I must see the ultimate tatas.


Attached: 1534675468695.jpg (593x473, 100K)

This discussion still? Really?

Attached: 4BC6E5DA-8E64-46BE-B74C-8EDFDC83F663.png (666x657, 127K)

Furry detected

Have sex.

Keep talking about my wife user and I'm going to place you in the headlock for eternity! Your head will belong to me!

so fucking cute

Attached: 1535520117190.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

Cloud looks unhappy there

Not quite. Im trying to show the person who i quoted that he does not in fact want cow tits.

Well I’d agree with you except the girl in question was not ugly and most would bang her without even think about it

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak p̶e̶r̶f̶o̶r̶m̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ cowtits look like.

Attached: blair-armitage-turnaround.jpg (1920x1108, 292K)

I don't care what you fags say. This weeb is in love.

Attached: Nee, daijoubu.webm (750x420, 1.06M)

Your wife has a manjaw. MANJAW

Her hair would have to be fixed


Seething Tifafag.

Attached: 97F8911A-9D08-4E00-87DB-A03C564E6096.jpg (400x416, 52K)

Tifa is WAAAY skinnier than that especially in Avent Children.

i want to eat her asshole

The /s/oy is too strong in weebs, only nips can save us from this abomination

Attached: 1557493288759.png (768x988, 537K)

>even more manjaws

Attached: 1470033672779.jpg (599x449, 52K)

Have sex

This is literally a simplified anime face. NuAerith is better in every way

you guys are somehow becoming more retarded every day

People think it's the chin and jaw when they don't even realize the part that's unsettling is how long her face is, especially because her ears are positioned in oddly compared to the length of her nose.

You honestly think right looks better?

Landwhale spotted

Attached: triggered.jpg (796x975, 143K)

>the part that's unsettling is how long her face is
Fuck, you're right, its like fucking up sliders in oblivion.

Attached: oblivion.png (636x638, 574K)


Aeris looks more like a man than Cloud does lmao

Hey, are you okay?

Attached: oblivion elf.jpg (720x849, 149K)

>she sells near worthless flowers on the street for 1gil a piece, with only a basket of about, let's say 20 flowers
Assuming she has a buyer every few minutes, maybe she goes through an entire basket an hour. Maybe she has peak hours as well. Let's say she earns 200 gil per day. I mean, this girl isn't very smart if this was her best choice for employment. And I'm not even suggesting she sell her body. I'm sure a pretty girl like her could at least work at a restaurant or something along those lines. I suppose it does speak to her independence and a nascent, entrepreneurial spirit.

Attached: 40847578403_1031093e47_h.jpg (1600x900, 135K)

No but at least the problem gets pointed out,her face/chin is way too long while her nose goes on forever. She looks fucked up

>anyone fucking horse face
I don't think so

>not Tifa
Who cares?

Tifaggot cope.

Attached: 2446A5A2-9420-4A29-A940-2A74417F1B01.jpg (1280x1792, 858K)

Girl here, I like Aeris but this version reminds me mostly of this guy. Could be worse I guess.

Attached: peter-facinelli.jpg (312x240, 12K)

He face looks swollen.


Left looks so much better

>SE gets a lot of backlash because the characters look awful
>they fix their shit
>Tifa gets revealed at the E3
>she won't have the manjaw and uncanny valley problem

Attached: 1435489416767.png (2000x1921, 636K)

>And I'm not even suggesting she sell her body.
But she did.

What’s with the tragic lovers theme running through the franchise? Cloud x Aerith, Noct x Luna, Yuna x Tidus, Squall x Rinoa.

>Aerithfags are already seething and out for blood
The next couple of months will be fun

Attached: 1449972496460.jpg (300x269, 75K)

tifa is a whore

Tifafags have been unbearable since the new trailer.

Attached: 097.jpg (695x499, 50K)

The new aeris model looks... nice

Attached: IMG_20190510_092328.jpg (818x553, 114K)

>no aerith gf

Attached: 1534270743536.jpg (970x545, 64K)

looks at least proportional

Attached: WEEBS.jpg (1869x1226, 356K)

What was tragic about Squall x Rinoa?

I haven't seen the pic itself, it was deleted by the time I reached the thread. My issue was purely with that attack, as if it proves anything.

>Tifafags goshing/worrying about how big her tits will get in the remake
>This is unbearable!!

Attached: 1527892621568.jpg (306x273, 29K)

Tell me, user. What is a normal female jaw? Because that looks perfectly fine to me.

>Cloud x Aerith
uh bro...

Attached: He walked her gently home.png (423x333, 165K)

2B is ugly as shit, m8. She looks like a cheap plastic doll.
There's a reason people only talk about her butt.


If right were the model everyone would be complaining she has a small head. The tism will cannot be satisfied

I like both

Most roasties, especially wh*te, fucking wish they looked like cheap plastic dolls.

That Squall didn't go for Quistis instead.
That's the real crime.

>Waiting for this garbage instead of playing the superior version of FF7

Attached: ff7_3.png (1412x1064, 2.16M)

Reminder that there is no romance between Aeris and Cloud at any point and she's just acting the way she does towards him because she reminds him of Zack.

Aerith is fat! Fat!!

She needs to cleave asunder space and time as she nods her head

Attached: ff7_2.png (1440x1044, 1.87M)

I don't doubt that, there's plenty of ugly people in the world.

>that ugly as fuck UI

SE didn't go for normal female, they went for a hyper realistic anime look. But they fucked up the proportions, all the characters look strange. There is no way they won't get overhauled till e3. This is probably why the trailer got released before e3, they use the feedback to tune thinks up

what is this?

That interface is ugly as sin. Delete.

the proportions are fine you incels


Oh, absolutely. You can see that specially with Aerith herself, but given the constant claims of manjaw I wonder what the womanjaw is.

You have to keep in mind that this is some nigga doing some mspaint editing, but he does points out that there is something wrong with her face

Stop posting these pictures.

Attached: 1547739677865.jpg (1897x765, 246K)

Nope. The face is actually too long, look at the nose.

The UI can be customized, that's just the default one

Does anyone have images of how Tifa looks in AC? cuz im sure thats what we are gonna get.

>faces can't be longer
fuck off

No there isn’t, I rather not have every character have same face.

You can't really use real peoples faces as a standard for these characters since they are stylized, so the slightest change in the face looks weird.

Who the fuck says that? What a fucking slut.

Tifa is a whore!

>give me tranny jaw or give me death

Wait, people are actually bitching about this? This is the one thing that everyone should universally agree they got right.

Attached: Perfection.png (1365x724, 1.2M)

>jaw too wide
>chin too pointy
>nose too long
>ears too round
>eyes too green
2/10, would not bang

literally perfect

a slut with a heart of gold

Attached: 1526162893236.png (376x341, 92K)

With a game as big as FFVII, the shitposting will be heavy whenever there is an update. This is just the current bait people are using. Actual people are very pleased with the trailer

And humans can be out of proportion, you know?

the fact that you are posting a image of her in frontal view where her fucked up jaw and chin isn't so prominent shows me that you well know what's the problem is wit tranny Aeris!

the fuck is your problem?

Sauce me up, senpai.

>unbearable drama and dilated assholes
Looks like it's 1997 all over again

Attached: flanders_stare.png (410x410, 193K)

That's fine. I'd bang her all year long.

2b is mediocre at best. Not ugly, but not *that* cute either. In this pic, aeris is the winner.

>No Don Corneo trying to rape a fifteen year-old Asian girl
>No Tifa calling Barret a retard
>No casino owner wearing only a speedo
>No gay sex sauna
>No unbuttoned Yuffie short shorts
>No Bugenhagen being a weird old man whose bottom half is a hovering beachball
>No blood trails all over Shinra HQ
>No weird camera angles at specific times
>No squats minigame
>No Vincent turning into Frankenstein's Monster
>No "Let's mosey."
>No Cid verbally abusing Shera
>No CPR on the little girl
>No Red XIII dressed as a soldier
>No Barret dressed in a sailor outfit
>No Hojo trying to mate Red XIII with Aeris
>Increased focus on the Turks and Rufus
>Addition of Crisis Core people like Angeal and Genesis
>Aeris having her KH "pure and innocent" personality
>Wacky enemies reduced in frequency
>Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge added as temporary party members

Attached: 1459829083521.png (1253x1770, 1.47M)

>Here this is for you
Wanna bet this is just bait and she's gonna say "costs only one gil" afterwards?

>In the Year of Our Lord MMIV+XV

Attached: Aerith.png (467x700, 660K)

>Aeris having her KH "pure and innocent" personality
At least she won't be an annoying ass that keeps forcing herself on Cloud whenever he talks to Tifa.

I couldn't ask for a better waifu

>Cloud x Aerith
Clound ends up with Tifa.

Soothsayer! He-hey everyone! We got a SOOTHSAYER HERE!!!!!

Yeth I don't underthtand why people are complaining tho much.

She looks like Claire.

Jap devs get cucked often by their girlfriends.

Is this playable?

>people have different tastes


It is, and with Hi-Res backgrounds and field models too.

Attached: 2.png (1006x654, 961K)

The big deal is WHERE'S YUFFIE?!

For reference this is how it looks in the original version.

Attached: 1.png (1538x898, 2.36M)

it's Yea Forums(el) of course people are complaining

What the name of this mod?

where do I pirate it

>Every shitpost is saying Aeris instead of Aerith

>tfw no real life tifa gf

Attached: 7115690689_f73a990f6f_b.jpg (533x800, 150K)

Too lazy to post specific instructions user, but the tutorials are here

Attached: ff7sywv3009.jpg (1442x997, 457K)

"Aeris" shitposters have been shitposters for 2 decades now, why are you so surprised?

... hold the fuck up. People have a problem with Aerith in the trailer?!

Fucking hell, turbo/v/irgins...

Attached: wtf_screaming.png (693x1081, 64K)

Can someone please photoshop to fix her manjaw and mannose?

Women are supposed to have soft rounded non pronounced chins and less elongated, cute noses.
The bridge of her noses is too long and flat, and her jaw is too defined.

>Those calf muscles

Attached: skelebone.gif (320x240, 628K)

Ugly. I don't like that nose.


Well I’d agree with you except the girl in question was not ugly and most would bang her without even think about it

What a cute prostitute!

Literally made for breeding.

Attached: 1522634917725.jpg (680x671, 78K)

I think she looks pretty fine, the cheeky personality of Aeris in the original game wouldn't fit the more idealized version of Advent Children either how imo. I'm not digging the look of the remake however.

Imagine thinking this looks like a tranny

Right didnt change the jaw at all it did is make the face more round by shortening the length of the nose, and only a retard will complain over such small thing

Reminder Aerith presents herself as a tough slum girl but lives in the nicest place in the slums. She probably already has 100,000s of gil before you even meet her.

Attached: aeris_pad.png (740x516, 168K)

He rather travels the world on his bike thas stay home with Shitfa. Barret should be end game for her, he is everything she wanted Cloud to be.

>100,000s of gil
Did she earn them by selling her "flowers"?

She looks like what an Asian person thinks a white person looks like.

Her mother in the game adopted her so it's inherited wealth. Aeris has gone full scale industrial production on flowers though as the garden shows. Bitch must be selling thousands of flowers.

>Aeris is actually a hooker

The thing is how the fuck did the mother ever get to have a turf as nice as this? Across the street another person is living in a fucking tube, and I don't think property laws are very strict on Midgar slums.

Delet this.

Attached: Aerith.Gainsborough.full.341269.jpg (600x737, 202K)

CecilxRosaCHADs would disagree.

Even if it's the same VA, she sounds lightyears better than she did in AC and CC. I think they paid that bitch in Xanax and doped her up before she came in to record. Just awful.

>The thing is how the fuck did the mother ever get to have a turf as nice as this?
Her husband was in the war and must have been pretty high up. The slums themselves were also probably less shitty back then when Aerith was first adopted. She's living in a timewarp where everything was less polluted and the poor still had moral decency. The only other nice building in the slums is the church interestingly.

Attached: FFVII-00108-Sector-5-Slums-Church-Roof.png (740x516, 151K)

They have fucking a waterfall

>Advent Children
Maybe that's the issue for some

I hate women and I'm getting yearnings to fuck this aeriths tits not even a day in

The walls here are white, the walls here are even prettier. The church's exterior is all wood, and that is a good thing. The interior and interior walls are all stone and she's using magic to make them look just as magical as the outside. What else do you do? There's no such thing as magic here so Aerith's making it look like magic. She's also making her house look magic too. It's hard to tell if she's just making the wall to look like magic or if she's just making it look like a human being. She'll probably tell herself the latter and the latter.

2B's eyes look creepy

They are coming.

Attached: 1539285963957.jpg (667x682, 79K)

The in-game explanation is something to do with mako energy as the church and Aeris' house are the only places where anything grows anymore.

I don't see the problem as well.

Attached: not_a_man.png (482x318, 287K)

We will 100% get this one.

Attached: 1557147668692.gif (500x281, 1.64M)

Exactly, how do they not know Flower Girl is euphemism for whore?

AC Tifa is her worst incarnation.

Attached: Untitled.png (1443x935, 414K)

>never should of come here

tifa will be flat as fuck

Attached: boobs.webm (470x408, 526K)

New Tifa design leaked

Attached: D5-Hr_KUcAEmBQy.jpg (1507x2047, 200K)

Stop seething. This is what peak cetra female performance looks like. It's a different superior race, you can't evaluate it based on normalfag standards.

Attached: stfu.png (371x329, 223K)

No ass and the calves are too big


>Aerith got promoted from gay ass healer to paladin
Good shit.

>even a skyrim reference is too old for this zoomer

maybe this is more to your liking

Attached: 1554860446135.webm (540x930, 1.05M)

thought so...

i get Sony is getting to Draconian-levels of censorship, but this is FINAL FANTASY VII, the game that made Playstation a household name.

they know they would be getting in really deep shit if they make Tifa flat, she is gonna be busty, just in a proportioned logical way.

im sure people will be able to fap to R!Tifa just fine.

(((Disney))) tm

She actually looks great, I don't get what the few of you are complaining about.

Sony don't care, they have already killed several franchises that made them household names already.

she looks like that gay vampire from that gay vampire movie

you are just gay, that's ok in 2019

Attached: gay vampire.jpg (1103x571, 90K)

yes and no.

i dunno which franchises are you talking about, but im sure those are just 'franchises that made the PS worth nothing'

FFVII is not a franchise, but a game, THE game, THE one who made PS a household name, when someone talks PS, they will ALWAYS talk about FFVII, even those who dont like it.

FFVII has more impact in the PS history than any other game on the system, the closest runner would be MGS, and even then, one wouldnt mention it as much.

The more I stare at them the more they look weird.

*noticing, not 'nothing'

sorry about the typo.

If Sony cared about profits they would have never started censoring games to begin with. Raising up FF7 as a sacred cow just makes it more attractive to those censors who want to change vidya.

Attached: 1557455207456.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: 1557454987694.png (1920x1080, 829K)

It blows my mind sometimes.

Attached: 1557457695903.png (1916x2564, 1.03M)


Attached: b4b.jpg (1244x700, 82K)

good point, and yeah, hiding tifa in the game footage makes it feel a bit suspicious, however, i am ready to give them the benefit of a doubt and believe that she AT LEAST will have her boobs, or properly proportionated big boobs.

however, if they DO give her a breast reduction, then you can kiss the entirety of this project FUCKING GOODBYE!

Made for insemination

Why is her mouth full of yogurt? Is she hungry?


Is this really going to be on the PS4? PS5 is soon, and they want to do this as an episode type of thing, so PS4 will get them one by one then PS5 gets the whole collection? I guess it depends how easy it'll be to transfer over assets, it'll sell the PS5 for sure though if it's an early launch game.

Get therapy

>3 games for $80 each on PS4
>rerelease at 4k 60fps on PS5 for another $80

Attached: squareenix.jpg (1200x675, 119K)

Yes I too want no jaw, recessive chin mouth breathing goblinas

This. FF7 characters are all whites or blacks. Except Yuffie.

What's the point of faggot mods deleting the picture when everyone can just search it in the archive?
Is there a script to get pics from the archive when a faggot mod deletes them?

Right looks like Emilia Clarke.

So the problem is her face is not anime enough? Fuck off, plebs.

You must understand that most anons have very weak jaws and thus don't want to feel threatened by a woman. This is why every female has a manjaw to them.

Thats not even Skyrim, that's Oblivion tier.


Attached: fuckos.png (498x410, 311K)

jawlets and chinlets will never learn

Attached: 1557462698046.jpg (515x423, 61K)

They are going to give her short black shorts instead of a ridiculously short skirt in the remake, aren't they.

a typical man jaw is very wide and agressive. her jaw is cute
defined jaw does not equal man jaw. the best looking women on earth have defined features. its the lips, nose, eyes, eyebrows, its the overall picture that makes someone look feminine or masculine. if you think that girl looks masculine you have been brainwashed by trannies

Attached: brad-pitt-1.jpg (1993x2457, 499K)

I like women with long faces, nips have this cookie cutter qt face that's literally the same girl over and over.

It's another episode of \v\ hasn't gone outside in so long that they think every girl that isn't 2B looks like a tranny

Attached: 1557440526015.png (2325x984, 1.86M)

>nips have this cookie cutter qt face that's literally the same girl over and over.
They have iterated on waifus so many times they are approaching perfection. Why change it?

Attached: Mai-Kawakami-Musaigen-no-Phantom-World-capture-20160711211730-500x500.jpg (500x500, 43K)

Attached: 1529078166142.gif (479x353, 619K)

>if you think that girl looks masculine you have been brainwashed by trannies
This is one of the consequences of mainstreaming trannies. Now every girl with a slightly square jaw is suspect.

You bought her flowers, right Yea Forums?

Attached: flower-gurl.png (153x189, 78K)

>This whole thread

Attached: 8111ccc26b975acf503d372fc07da1fea9eaa394fb8707b9b708cfcb996ae9ac.jpg (407x405, 38K)

I love girls with sharp jaw-lines and they don't remind me of men at all.
If you forgot memes, in reality, trannies really just look like a guy in a wig. You can look like 100% male with a weak jawline and look feminine with a sharp jawline. it is way more complicated than that

Attached: 47583464_338766796849483_4588716794191765904_n.jpg (1080x1347, 103K)

Attached: 1549621565553.png (1920x800, 751K)

my dick

mods are faggots, what's new?

>If you forgot memes, in reality, trannies really just look like a guy in a wig. You can look like 100% male with a weak jawline and look feminine with a sharp jawline. it is way more complicated than that
You say this now but the same thing happened to men when gays were mainstreamed. Anyone that doesn't look or act a certain way is gay. Now the same thing is happening to girls. If you aren't 100% clearly a girl people will assume you're a tranny, and as kids are taking hormones from 12 now it's only going to continue in the future.


Because us whites are not an insectoid race devoid of personal taste and individuality.

Attached: picard-facepalm.jpg (895x503, 33K)

That's a vertically short jaw. Doesn't look masculine at all.

She lacks that ever so slight Maisie Williams-esque (for lack of a better reference) cuteness that was in the original

FF7R looks BETTER than Advent Children because it has color. AC was gray as fuck.

If the kid started female hormones before male puberty, the face would probably be indistinguishable from a female's

And yet she also comes across as too young. There was this slightly maternal aspect to her original facial features too

Attached: 37379393_339147853292367_6136931808358432768_n.jpg (1080x808, 159K)

>women are supposed to have x y and z

Please go outside for once, user

The most beautiful face is the most average face. Women in each race all converge on an average which is the most beautiful. muh individualism is just a myth.

Attached: fcffe2fa8953e8c747af21cfd1b44585.jpg (1166x1600, 212K)

>mfw never played a Final Fantasy game

what do I do?

Attached: mike_rlm.jpg (644x604, 29K)

That's not a manjaw at all.
Pic related is an actual manjaw.
Fucking incels.

Attached: zusi0p.jpg (426x318, 18K)

>no CPR on the little girl
Well that's gonna be a given considering the medical practice of CPR has changed, assuming you're talking about mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

>nerfed tits
>made to look like a chink despite FFVII having an in-game "asian" town and people, that tifa is not a part of
>eyes aren't red
>dolphin ponytail is gone, replaced with generic rinoa hair
>trademark outfit replaced with generic black leather (not specific to tifa, they fucked up everybody on this one, like the original x-men movie)
>"dilly dally shilly shally"
don't start with me, i own advent children on DVD and have seen it upwards of twenty times. i've also spent hours defending it on Yea Forums. tifa's redesign is dogshit and that is an objective fact

Objectively wrong. Average is average. Top models aren't average at all.

Bogdanov Aeirs is disgusting

I don't find any of these attractive

>Top models aren't average at all.
They are though, they have symmetrical and balanced features.

Is this coming for PC? That's all I need to know

No, you are

Attached: reeee.png (472x363, 314K)

no. things like high cheekbones for example are rare and you cant get that by just mashing a lot of people together

no one here actually thinks the new aeris looks ugly, they're just desperately trying to find something to troll with because:

>they hate sony, and/or
>they dont like it when other people get nice things, and/or
>they hate squeenix, and/or
>they hate final fantasy, and/or
>theyre just bored

new aeris makes my pp diamonds, and thats all that matters

All the models look of, stupid waifufag

>that dip down to get a look at clouds face
>cute voice
>purest cinnamon roll smile
>runs in front of him
>that cute nod/hop when cloud says flower

God, they nailed it. I'm in love Yea Forumsros

Attached: FnXs4NP.jpg (1087x727, 49K)

She's very pretty, but there's something unsettling about the way she looks. Very uncanny valley-y

The redpill is their cheekbones aren't high, their cheeks are just where they should be. Most people today don't have full cranial development because of their soft diets.

Actually no. In advent children she had a very small forehead.

They fixed it.

look of what? learn to type, you child

have sex

Attached: 1557452417448.webm (310x270, 228K)


so she's wearing a pink bra?

Attached: donladboner.jpg (800x450, 61K)


Hungaria, Ukranian, Dutch and Czech are the best.

Anything African is ugly as fuck.

>girl who talks to the planet
>wearing a bra

fuck off retard all the models look perfect
the real issue here is why did they replace all of the voice actors???

Is this even real:

She's beautiful

>fuck off retard all the models look perfect
Cloud has a rounder face than the girls

jokes on you, she always had a manjaw, they were just being faithful to the original

Attached: finalfantasy7-01.jpg (630x430, 32K)

you faggots are just trying to find any stupid thing to complain about now

Attached: indubitably.jpg (410x410, 107K)

>She's beautiful
She always was user

Attached: Aerith.Gainsborough.full.884759.jpg (1024x689, 179K)

Why do you guys get so defensive that not everyone loves her design. We dont' have to suck SEs cock at every turn. Relax and get over it, people have different opinions. Usually everyone is fine with a female character getting both positive and negative feedback on here, but with Aeris you people are sperging out like she's real and you're fucking married to her.

I don't get it. They didn't fuck with Cloud's outfit. Why hers?

no barrett is getting it right. Jessie is getting it right. This is fucking up.

someone need to eat a cheeseburger

trannys are gay bro

>but with Aeris you people are sperging out like she's real and you're fucking married to her.
I'm married to my wife and nothing you say will ever change that.

Attached: upset.gif (463x318, 931K)

Then why the man jaw now?

Dutch, German, and Greek are the hottest

Soros ordered Disney to pressure SquareEnix into it.