What system are they referring to with the 'latest hits'?
What system are they referring to with the 'latest hits'?
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine being such a bootlicker that you pay literally a single bill that you are not legally obligated to pay.
>But muh union will be weaker without ur donation
I don't give a shit lol, you pay for it. Unions are for fags anyway.
>But all da good things unions gave u
Yeah thanks bro, still don't owe you any money though. Suck my ween.
Calling someone else a bootlicker, when your very statement is the most faggy bootlicking corporate cocksuckin shit ever.
t. Delta
>Waaah waaah you have to pay for muh union or da meany capitalists will have complete control over us!!!
I do what i please, and bending over for a bunch of picketing fags ain't it.
Maybe you get off on sucking union toes boy, but not everyone does.
Why do Americans hate rights?
What's the union?
>no argument so appeal to emotion instead
This is your brain on America.
Imagine being such a bootlicker that you post literally a single reply that you are not legally obligated to post
>40 hour workweeks and weekends are for fags, Im an AMERICAN
suck shotgun homo
Welp, now I'm going to join a union just to spite you
>but all da good things unions gave you
Yeah thanks bro, still don't owe you any money though. Suck my ween.
The american dream meme leads a high incentive to fuck each other over to achieve it.
>video games or worker's rights
I'll pick the video games of course.
Have to get a job first user
I do it voluntarily as i have fun triggering union toelicking reddit numales.
i hope this thread is giving you the attention you so desperately crave
>NOOOOO that multibillion dollar corporation can't afford to have paid sick leave for it's employees, that's communism
Always does baby
Imagine being such a bootlicker that you work literally a single hour beyond what you are contractually obliged to
>but all da good things unions gave you
Yeah thanks bro, still don't owe you any money though. Suck my ween.
>joining a contract
Well which is worse getting paid nothing for crunch time or getting paid for crunch time but having to use it to pay union dues?
>working without a contract
uh excuse me sir, what do you mean you need to get paid? We never signed anything that would oblige us to pay you for your work.
If someone would ever say that to your face then the problem is the width of your wrist bud.
unions are gay *dabs on unionfags*
If you think beating someone up over not getting paid will get you paid, then you're unfortunately wrong.
>sucking corporate toes instead
You're not as much as a thinker as you let on you brain dead drone.
>he thinks i would never not get paid to begin with
Yikers, going to be a cringe from me dawg. Miss me with that hot skittle if you catch my dribble.
>If you don't suck person A's toes then you must suck persons B's toes
>Toe suckers unironicallly believe this
Christ, US airlines will never learn that they are total scum
If you arent planning on retiring with the company, the video game sounds a lot better.
This. Corporate bootlicker wagecucks are the degeneracy weakening West.
Well it was fun faggots, thanks for the (yous) and the deliciously salty replies. I'm going to go fap then take a nap. Enjoy going to work and having half your paycheck get taken by the government you voted for and the union you joined.
If it's a choice between getting fucked by the corporate Jew, or the union Jew, then there isn't really a choice at all.
yeah because being an union bootlicker is better
the unions dont give a shit about you, they just want your money
>own a small business
>CFB guy comes around looking for money and a +1 to their stats
>repeatedly ask what i get out of it and he cannot provide a single answer that benefits me directly
>politely decline and the guy begins to get abrasive like i'm making some huge mistake and the union mafia will get me
>fast forward 9 months
>city has fucked up the road around our block
>a dozen businesses directly affected and at least 3 dozen indirectly due to fucked traffic flow
>tanning studio shuts down
>i shut down
>within 5 months six other businesses close doors and 3 move
>almost all of them with the union
>all the CFB businesses sue the city and the contractors
>long ass bunch of nonsense
>they get nothing but wasted time and money
>union scurries off to continue business as usual
retarded frogposter
>Actual anti-union adverts
Why are American companies such scum?
Jews and WASPs
>monopolize labour because you want more money
>wring publishers dry because even though they make a mountain of cash paying 10,000 people an extra 10,000 annually, plus benefits makes their profit margins razor thin and their investors don't like that
>complain when you're out of a job because games are being made by a small team directors with an army of pajeets that cost 1/10th of you
Enjoy your labour union I guess.
This, the game is rigged. Most people don't have any choice other than to be a lifelong pawn and wageslave, chasing cheap thrill after cheap thrill just to make existence tolerable enough to be able to continue to work.
Sort of a moot point. The first thing unions do is make joining the union mandatory for any new hires. If you get hired, you have to join the union. It's the first thing that gets negotiated. If you're already hired and don't want to join, buh-bye.
>make hundreds more and have far better working conditions
>b-but $58 per month
>multi-billion dollar company naturally is opposed
Anti-Union companies are the fucking worst. Especially Wal-Mart.
Dumb frogposter
There is choice though, it's called use the currently very low barrier to entry for the video game market place to self publish your own games.
It is almost entirely an effort to spite the other side.
Because America has successfully convinced its lower and middle classes to vote exclusively for the rights of the upper classes.
>"join a contract"
This is surely bait, no one except a child would be this stupid.
It's called (you) harvesting
Paying dues is a different story. Supreme court just struck down union dues being mandatory, severely limiting a unions power.
Airlines are really not the best example of this. They're a lot like Hostess. The unions have absolutely crushed them during a period in time when their business was at it's worst.
Those seats that are 21" wide? Unions. No more in flight snacks? Unions. Luggage fees quadrupled? Unions. All of the additional expenses were put in place to counter-act the unions ridiculous demands when they knew damn well the airlines were already choking after 9/11. And that's after pilot salary alone dropped by 3/4s (father in law was actually a pilot for Delta through all of this, retired a few years ago).
Hostess, mentioned earlier - the brainless uneducated fuckwits shoving twinkies in boxes on a conveyor belt made $48,000/year with full benefits. They sat on stools. Did not move. Put shit in boxes. Shit that was literally brought to them by a conveyor belt. $48,000/year. Thousands of these unskilled, useless assholes making more entry level nurses and engineers. And the union striked AGAIN and demanded MORE. Hostess said "Fuck it, we're out" and thousands of people lost their jobs and Hostess closed their doors forever. Because of Unions making retarded demands.
The Hostess you see today is not actually the real Hostess. Their name and recipes were sold off a few years ago.
Yes, you throwing money away surely means I'm the one who's losing.
because most rights will only benefit niggers and obese women. in scandinavian countries, where the average person is white and speaks 2-3 languages, the majority can put in something and get something back fairly. the us has too many niggers and gender degree leeches who want to get carried. just look at student loans, women hold 75% of them and they still make way less on average after graduating
I get that unions want people paying to them, but what's the motivation of steering people away from unions?
what are some games about living in a capitalist dystopia
Unions exist so workers can collectively bargain for better wages and benefits from employers.
The anti-union push comes from corporations and people on their payroll, to weaken workers and thus lower labor costs.
I knew Yea Forums was full of classcucks, but this is ridiculous.
Why is it wrong for game workers to unionise and fight together for their interests when the game industry openly boasts about subjecting them to shitty work conditions?
>Unions exist so workers can collectively bargain for better wages and benefits from employers.
In theory. In practice they tend to just become corrupt self-serving organisations that exist to collect fees but do fuck all.
unions exist so the people running the unions can make bank
As another user mentioned, retarded demands. Unions are a double edged sword. They can force companies ran by souless sociepaths who see people as working assets to actually treat their employees like human beings but they can just as easily bleed a company dry by forcing them to give outrageous benefits to people who really don't deserve it (I.E getting making 48k a year putting cakes in a box).
When unions start doing shit like turning bottom of the barrel wagie jobs into cushie careers for veteran employees they're basically no longer serving the purpose of protecting the employee rather they've become a tool for the employee to rape the employer.
because its gonna be 10% actual developers and 90% pink haired xir social media and community managers.
if there were organizations that actually supported the working class and hard working people, i would be the first to support that. until leftists pretend that white women are the most opressed group and diversity is more important than anything else, they can fuck themselves.
>implying I'm not on the neetbux
keep at it wagies
any union retard
related to your job
>fucking underages
The problem is that you can't separate the legit grievances that need to be addressed from the unnecessary protection of lazy unqualified assholes who shouldn't have their job in the first place.
>$700 a year
what a racket
Here in Burgerland, being exploited is a badge of honor; it's a sign that you're representing that Rugged Individualism that this country is so well-known for!
On one hand I do understand why (at least some) unions exist, and that they do some good shit, but on the other hand, I've heard stories about completely retarded shit happening because of them.
The one that stuck out the most was that my friends company has wanted to fire a dude for almost a few years now because the guy barely does his job and actually knows almost nothing in his own field, but since it's europe, and the guy was apparently the head (or some other "high ranking" position) of some union, lawfully it was such a complete shitshow, that they still haven't been able to properly fire him without getting sued or some shit like that.
Unions are a business. Like any business, they can be corrupt. It's up to the employee to take initiative and realize if the union is actually helping them or using them.
If you want an example of some of their rhetoric, see here: Their favorite tactic is "well, everyone is trying to scam you, including the union, so you can only trust yourself!"
Which is effectively the same as siding with the employer. Individuals in the US don't need a union to survive, but they do need a job. So if the employee lacks any long term thinking, or acts selfishly, the employer actually has all the leverage and the employee loses in the long run.
The fact of the matter though, is that unions help workers. Unionized workers are paid more than non union workers and receive better benefits, even in equivalent jobs. Yes, waste exists as with any institution, but ultimately people like these are just fighting against their own interests. They've fallen for it hook line and sinker.
fuck unions
I can already see what's going to happen
>prices of games go up 10 folds
>censorship gone up 10 fold as well becaues union threatens to strike if publisher doesn't censor
>Those seats that are 21" wide? Unions. No more in flight snacks? Unions. Luggage fees quadrupled? Unions.
If you're
unions are the reason a company deigned to squeeze every last possible penny out of their venture, you're *sorely* deluded. Smaller seats and no snacks isn't because of unions, it's because airlines are in a uniquely non-competitive position. They can do whatever the fuck they want because what're you gonna do, take the train? Of COURSE they're going to squeeze as many people on the plane as possible, that's just good business.
>Thousands of these unskilled, useless assholes making more entry level nurses and engineers.
Anyone working 40+ hours a week deserves a livable wage. Doesn't matter what you're doing.
The problem isn't that hostess packers make too much, it's clearly that nurses and engineers aren't making enough.
And Hostess didn't go under because of unions. They went under because of bad business practices. The snack confection market has been steadily shrinking since the 90s.
Think of it like this
>3 kids get the exact same bundle of sticks and nuts and twigs
>1 kid builds a small shack and eats the nuts
>another builds a mansion by burying the nuts and growing trees
>another can't build anything and doesn't know how to eat the nuts
>the kid without a house now blames the mansion kid for stealing his sticks, and that HE should get the mansion.
>the two other kids call him an idiot
>later, the homeless kid convinces the middle kid that the mansion was made with stolen sticks
>they rally against him, and say he shouldn't have that many sticks (that he grew) because he used his resources effectively
>This is the first generation of kids to do this. The next kids get the previous kids work and can expand upon.
Who is in the right?
Unions are great if it's workers collectively wanting fair treatment
Unions are cancer when they're massive organizations that extort companies for money, or pay "managers" that don't actually work and skim from union dues
I never understood US-Americans virulent hatred of unions until I took a few minutes to read up on their history and how they work in the US.
Good god, they aren't wrong to hate them.
consume consume consume
consume consume consume
consume consume consume
>hurr durr I work 20 hour days in my wage cage and that's the AMERICAN DREAM
How come every podcast I listen to for the past 2 weeks has been "union this, union that" If they don't like crunch just quit fucking pussies. Don't ruin something good for others.
You don't need unions to protect your rights. If people need you, people'll come looking.
>When unions start doing shit like turning bottom of the barrel wagie jobs into cushie careers for veteran employees they're basically no longer serving the purpose of protecting the employee rather they've become a tool for the employee to rape the employer.
Better than the employer having a monopoly on rape. I'd rather low-skill employees make more than they "deserve" than have them be used and abused by soulless corporate overlords who don't even see them as people.
lmao bootstraps am i right?
This image seems fake, is there an actual source on it?
lmao its just flight attendants trying to unionize. Literally a useless profession. I hope they all get cancer from constantly flying around.
You're over-simplifying it. You'd be correct if, and only if, wealth was evenly distributed to start.
But it's not.
So really, it's more like
>3 kids get bundles of sticks
>The first kid gets one stick that he has to take care of or he's fucked
>The second kid gets a few more sticks. He beats up the first kid for his stick, because he's terrified of having fewer sticks
>The third kid owns the Amazon Rainforest. He gives the second kid a stick every now and again to beat up the first kid.
>Anyone working 40+ hours a week deserves a livable wage. Doesn't matter what you're doing.
how do you define "livable wage"?
Or even better, create a shitty porn fic game on patreon, and earn insane money.
Why would you ever want middlemen or executives to have a better life?
Unions are just a tumor on a corporation. It's another fucking thing you have to put up with just to work some stupid fucking job. Unions protect shitty lazy workers and do nothing for people who are actually trying.
Have this video instead
You literally cannot make this shit up
Why are American workers so ungrateful?
How do you make money as a writefag?
Get a job.
I was more talking about rights. Equal in opportunity but maybe not equal in resources. Sticks and nuts may not have been the right example.
>The snack confection market has been steadily shrinking since the 90s.
yet people are fatter then ever?
$2 have been added to your Amazon account
You're either a CEO or an uncle tom
And I know which is more likely to post on this board
It's more along the lines of
>3 kids get a bunch of nuts from their parents, none of the nuts are the same amount
>1 kid says the other should give them their nuts so he can grow a tree nursery which they will work on, and he will run
>The 2nd kid agrees, and together they start a tree nursery
>The kid who started the nursery builds himself a house, the other kid gets a few sticks, because the first kid decides the division of profit, and he justifies it by saying he worked harder, and anyone could have done the work the other kid did
>The 3rd kid stayed home eating tendies and playing video games
>Everyone hates the 1st kid because he's a cunt who built his house on the work of others in an unfair system where the people write the rules just so happen to be the ones getting ahead
kids get the exact same bundle of sticks and nuts and twigs
Yeah this is the step that never happens IRL
A few people are born with insane riches, die with insane riches, and then write fantasy stories like yours to justify why others shouldn't be able to have the same opportunities.
The irony is that everyone having "the exact same bundle of sticks and nuts and twigs" would be considered evil communism by your standards.
Unions suck
This is really disturbing. What the hell is wrong with these people?
>give us money or else you won't get your breaks!
>give us money or else you won't get the weekends off!
>give us money or else you won't be allowed to go to the bathroom!
>give us money or else you won't be able to schedule time off!
>give us money or else you'll be forced to work 80 hours a week!
>give us money or else none of the things you're entitled to as an employee by law will be given to you!
>Equal in opportunity but maybe not equal in resources.
The problem is, that's a self-contradictory statement.
Means IS opportunity. A kid whose parents donated to a university is ten times as likely to get accepted to a university as one who didn't, and twice as likely to graduate with high marks. That same kid is also gauranteed a job the second he's out, in his parents' company. Or if not, in one of the many positions afforded him by his family's reach and connections.
What did they mean by this?
>Get a job
Don't you have to go sing your morning chant soon wagie?
Congratulations, now there is no incentive to run a business that involves unskilled labor. No wonder they're replacing white people with Mexicans.
You just assume that every corporation, every business makes the same amount of money and that differences in pay are all about how much of a parasitic jew the top of the company must be.You don't even think about shit like "Golly gee we need a lot of unskilled physical labor to complete this take so we must hire an ass load of workers for it" Where is all that money going to come from to give those unskilled worked "decent livable pay"?
Probably some inner city classroom. These companies/products will be more familiar to the kids than a bunch of animals they've never seen.
He was going to join a union not carry on working at Amazon
There are so many spelling mistakes in this, holy shit please tell me it's fake.
The thing is, *any* union is better than no union.
The most incompetent union rep in the world can afford the employee of a given company way more leverage when present at an HR meeting than no union rep.
This is what these game devs should do. Instead of whining about rights full stop quit and tell them to hire someone else.
90% of people who complain about workers rights have it better off then those who actually need it. People in the software dev ( and by extension game dev) industries have a very versatile skillset. They didnt major as a forklift engineer so they can pivot somewhere else.
There is nothing legally stopping that poor kid from getting scholarships. What's the point in getting rich if you can't benefit yourself and your family?
skilless neet.
im an solo indie dev
how does this effect me?
Feel free to list all of those businesses that are both a) hiring a fuck-ton of workers, and b) not making enough money to actually pay the workers they're hiring.
americans are stupid and easily plotted against one another
What the hell is the union?
>work at amazon
>see newer associates get pulled aside by HR for making jokes about starting a union
and this is in canada, in america they probably just fire you on the spot
I'm good at vidya, what skill do you have? Licking your fry cook managers vinegary slimy nutsack?
>There is nothing legally stopping that poor kid from getting scholarships.
There's nothing guaranteeing that kid will get those scholarships either. And he still has to work for them. Meaning the poor kid has to put in twice as much work as the rich kid just to *show up*
the $22 million the ceo "earned" by underpaying the Mexicans in the first place. are you by chance retarded?
Even ignoring literally everything else a Union does, Union workers get paid on average 20% more for the same jobs.
You get back way more than you spend, you dumb faggots.
That's pretty depressing. No wonder why the majority of the people are retarded over there. Reminds me of pic related.
Fuck Unions
t. working 10 hours a week.
This is true, i worked at amazon and so did my dad. Any mention of a union was grounds for dismissal or a stern talking too. I'm not joking, i didn't know it was a thing in other places until now. The black people used to call the warehouse the cotton fields, i fucking loathed that place.
$48,000 is basically the factory wage from the 1950s until now, and it's approximately the line worker pay at every BigCorp I've been at.
I don't know what The Management has been telling you, but I can certainly say that $48,000 is not an engineer's wage. $70,000 for entry level, $100,000 mid-career, and double to triple that in HCOL areas.
Did the union make unsound decisions? Sure. But their wages weren't unreasonable.
Then why aren't you making money off of it? I don't discredit athletes who get paid to perform in sports, nor e-sports "athletes."
The poor kid is most likely a Mexican with a single parent who'll get scholarships by default. The only people getting fucked 90% of the time are middle class white kids
$700 a year is 34 cents an hour if they work 40 hours a week. it's dumb NOT to be in a union.
Define "actually pay" their workers. It seems that you're implying every business can maintain a healthy, competitive status and compensate even their lowest skilled worker with all the extravagant benefits a union can muster.
Are you implying it's possible, that simply having a job means you're entitled to above the poverty line?
You're under the impression that management would want to give you those things guaranteed and not immediately take them away so you can churn out more profit for them at the expense of your health and livelihood.
How quickly we forget the lessons of the Gilded Age.
Instead of giving even more of your paycheck to some people who say they care about you, why not just not work at the place if it's so bad you have to hope paying other employees at the place you work for will make your employment more tolerable? The only place I ever worked at that had a union told me I needed to pay union dues out of every paycheck to get things I already get. It made no sense to me and they kept hounding me every other week over it. Somehow me giving the union money allowed me to keep getting paid breaks and an hour lunch and paid sick leave, even though those weren't privileges only given to members of the union, and when I asked why I needed to do it if I still got all the things they were offering they never really gave me an answer besides guilt tripping me.
Yes, every single full time worker is entitled to live above the poverty line, you dumb fucking faggot.
>Hur de der every move a business makes is to line the pockets of the CEO. Everybody could be rich if it wasn't for that nigger CEO!
t. CEO
If people started quitting en masse instead of putting up with their benefits being taken away, maybe unions wouldn't be necessary.
Reminder objectivism is the most redpilled ideology
you get those benefits because the union exists, even if you're not a part of it. it's just courtesy to participate if you're benefiting from their negotiation. it sounds to me like you're a young kid who doesn't actually know what a union is or how it works lol
How can you complain about union dues when you can get them back on your tax returns?
>Yes, every single full time worker is entitled to live above the poverty line, you dumb fucking faggot.
>we deserve 15 dollars an hour
>can’t write a one page essay
Ok you’ve convinced me
>Poverty is artificial and caused by corporate greed.
It's best for the country.
>all these people crying about working 8 hour shifts and unions
>I work 12 hour shifts 3-4 days in a row with then 3-10 days off (usually a week) and my union cant even protect me if fuck up as the CNO has more power then them
Guess the job
I love my job, regardless
Not all those things are required by law, abd many employers flout laws anyway, taking advantage of employees who are either unaware of the laws or know they'll be fired/have their hours cut for "completely unrelated reasons" if they make an issue of it.
The red text except unironically. Fuck unions.
>Why should someone spending most of their life in servitude be compensated with a decent living wage?
Don't you have some corporate dick to be lodging down your windpipes?
Who in this thread is crying about working 8 hour shifts?
Leech contributing to the downfall of western society
>now I'm going to join a union just to spite you
And you don't think that wasn't his original plan?
Get fucking outplayed, shitter.
Can you answer my question with a legitimate reason beyond getting angry and pissy?
What are unions even supposed to do?
>be wagecuck who works in retail
>have to pay union dues
>even though I am constantly overworked, belittled by colleagues for not doing a "good enough job", and not properly taught how to do certain things
I mean aren't they supposed to prevent those sorts of things?
Fire fighter
Unions are a shitty band aid, but it's about all you're going to get. The working class will never ever grow a spine.
Whenever unions come up on here it is SO easy to tell which people have never worked a real job in their life.
I would have killed myself
I guess all the people crying about the 40 hour work week or how we should thank "the unions" for having not more.
Unions served their purpose after the industrial revolution and secured all the important worker's rights that are now written into federal and state law. So why the fuck do we need them any more? I've never worked a union job, but I've worked with union workers from other companies and they're all lazy pieces of shit that pass the buck and do anything they can to get out of doing the work they're paid for.
If the job is so shit then quit and work somewhere else. If their skills are so valuable then finding a new job should be easy and be compensated greatly for it.
because they pay taxes on their wages like everyone else? what kind of third world nation do you live in where citizens that contribute to the economy and society in general are expected to participate for no benefit? you have no idea how this works lol the economy works both ways, not just for employers. you're literally brainwashed
What incentive do workers have to work if they are below the poverty line? You're just asking for unrest.
>The poor kid is most likely a Mexican with a single parent who'll get scholarships by default.
Okay, well, it's clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Nobody gets scholarships
>by default.
But, for the sake of argument, let's say that some poor kid raised by a single mother *did* get lucky and somehow won a full-ride scholarship to the school of his choice. He's STILL not guaranteed employment after he graduates, and the work he will get will make orders of magnitude less than the rich kid. The rich kid's family has means and places and connections and influence to set their kid up for success that the poor kid will never ever have, even under the best possible circumstances.
Then there's no reason for me to pay them. People like you will do it. And if I stop getting those things the union assures me I have purely because of them then I can just go find some other job. Not every hourly position is working for Amazon where they fire you for leaving to use the bathroom or whatever.
I did answer it you you faggot, now go back to surviving on your corporate cummies until you finally realize no one gives a shit about your wage slave ass no matter how much ass kissing you do, and you kill yourself.
>I mean aren't they supposed to prevent those sorts of things?
lol no. Unions are just there to make money off workers and prevent shitty workers from being fired.
>Those seats that are 21" wide?
>No more in flight snacks?
>Luggage fees quadrupled?
Incorrect, those are due to steadily increasing fuel costs.
it would be more worrying if the airlines didn't have to pay concession to their employees, since 9/11 showed how dangerous the work actually is.
In the aviation industry the only thing you really need care about paying for is fuel and planes.
Rhose are the things that cost big boy money. Everything else around that is peanuts. Which is precisely why the ad is so absurd.
You literally have a better schedule than 8-5 cucks though.
So just because they're written into law they're gonna be there forever? That's hopelessly naive of you. Corporate lobbyism is a thing you know and they get lesgislation changed on their whim all the time.
Not every job even has a union. Collective bargaining is commie bullshit for unskilled idiots anyway.
Lately there are stories of employess suddenly stop showing up and just cut communication with their employers.
now that's what I call capitalist nightmares!
firstly some of those are required by law because of unions and secondly not all of those are required by law
maybe try having a job and leaving your mom's house before trying to discuss things you have no idea about
>because they pay taxes on their wages like everyone else?
Why does that make them entitled to not be below poverty? If you're below the poverty line you aren't paying taxes besides sales tax, anyway.
>for no benefit?
Welfare is your benefit.
>uncle tom
Democrat detected, go back to your muslim ass-licking club
>have no useful skills
>do jobs that literally anyone who's not mentally/physically handicapped could do
>refuse to actually try and get useful skills
>complain that you're not getting payed enough
I'm not even against raising minimum wage, depending on what it is, but I genuinely wonder what you consider "a decent living wage", because if you're getting payed enough to have a roof over your head (however shitty it is) and to have food on your table (however basic it is) then I think that's a livable wage.
Yes, it fucking sucks to live like that, but you're free to spend time to better yourself and actually get a better job.
The problem is, that puts 100% of the burden on the workers, not the business owners. If workers quit every time they were slighted, they'd have no money, and business owners would be incentivized to seek workers with lower and lower standards of working and living.
Unions provide a third axis that puts the pressure on the business owners where it belongs.
>collective bargaining is bad
>multiple people collectivly organizing capital into a company good
>Why should someone spending most of their life in servitude be compensated with a decent living wage?
That's the decision they made when they decided to spend their entire life sweeping streets. You get paid for what you can do, and what you do is not equal. Not all businesses make the same amount of money, not all actions have the same value.
Why does the engineer make more? Because there are so few engineers, because their industries are highly profitable. The street sweeper does not have that value, going to a union to twist some arms to increase his pay is not adding value, he's just become the street sweeping thief.
If you want to pillage the wealthy to improve your life style, more power to you, that is of course a reoccurring thing in human history. Just don't pretend that you're not pillaging.
what does that have to do with my post? his job had a union and he chose not to join it. didn't say he should, just telling him why they were "guilting" him into participating. faggot solesucker don't reply to my posts if you don't have anything to contribute
Because it's morally right that someone who works full time should be able make enough to live a decent life. Why not instead ask why business owners are entitled to run a business if they can't afford to pay their employees a decent wage and provide decent working conditions?
>3 kids get the exact same bundle of sticks and nuts and twigs
Nigger how do you manage to fuck up your post on the second line?
>start new job
>decide it sucks after only a week or two
>never bother showing up or answering when work calls
This isn't a new phenomenon, literally everyone who doesn't give a shit about putting a job on their resume - which is everyone who's worked at a place for less than a year - does this.
Not so much when the corporations have all the power to negotiate how much people get paid. Which is why you get a union, to get power to the workers beyond "how much will it cost us to hire and train some other dumb schmuck we've convinced deserves to live like a slave?"
I know
You're really out of touch with society you boomer. And again, what's the point of being rich if you can't spend it on a better life for your kids?
The brainlet user thinks this is someone telling someone else they will never have the opportunity to retire
The user with average and above iq realizes this is an ad targeted at people who don't want to retire, and probably work a farm.
yeah fuck having any rights, I would suck a dick for my boss, if you like safety or rights you are a sissy
>verification cans will become a reality in your lifetime
>they decided to spend their entire life sweeping street
lmao is this what american middle class actually believes, yes everyone "decides" to not have education and do a shitty job for a living
>not being unionchad
Lmaoing at you
>western society is worth saving at this point
There is literally nothing you could do to reverse the damage at this point
If half your employee base quit within a month of each other that would put a tremendous burden on a business owner, what the fuck are you talking about?
if I'm not being payed a livable wage why the fuck would I work for you? why would anyone do those jobs? you're literally retarded, huh?
in real life if you don't incentivize people to do things, they don't get done. unskilled labor isn't livable to americans which is why it's outsourced to Mexicans and chinks who can survive on pennies. good job dipshit your line of "thought" is responsible for the decline of american industry and why everything's outsourced to india china and mexico now.
Why? What is a decent life? What is a decent wage and what are decent working conditions? Be specific, right now all you're doing is emotionally arguing for more without actually being concrete about anything.
Then you are obvious not valuable in the workplace and shouldn't be compensated for it. If what you're saying was the case then everyone would be paid minimum wage.
Fight for more. Profits go up but our wages don't.
redpill me
user, that's basically what a union does. It makes this scenario you presented into a tangible threat and uses it to leverage better working conditions for the employees. This means the employee does not have to suffer the negative consequences of quitting his job, but he can enjoy the benefits of threatening to leave along with everyone else.
the only reason why they have all the power is because the person applying has no useful skills, and his job can be done by anyone who's been trained for a few days.
If you have any sort of useful skill that's not something that literally everyone else can do, then you have bargaining power because the employer actually wants you.
People are already working those jobs.
Yes, yes they do. School, as shitty as it is, is free, even mandatory. And even then, a young inquisitive mind with the rationale to realize that public school is not enough has access to more information and education. The government social programs, as shitty as they are, are still a resource that can be used.
Of course, maybe you speak of genetic factors that make people incapable of being nothing more than street sweepers? Well I'm sorry, but you don't get a free pass for having shit genes.
Can you imagine the catastrophies if a union were to protect shitty, horrible workers at an airline like it does for other jobs? Why do people bootlick for union CEOs that make billions doing nothing?
I don't think anyone would be so fucked that they would put up with verification cans anytime in the future. Unless those videogames are better than life VR.
>15 dollars
They were going to cut their wages to $4/hr but keep sucking sonic cock. At this point you should just cut off your dick and change your name to Christian Chandler.
>he's not a slumlord
Hah, trying organizing against me bitch, what you going to do without a home? You will pay what i ask.
You don't need to pay a union to do that, you need people to stop being ass kissers.
Unions are good for freezing a business' line of production or service, which directly impacts the flow of revenue seen up above. This is never the first step, but it's good to know that your co-workers will be with you in solidarity when everyone stops working for the sake of holding any kind of leverage over management.
>don't do job
>can't survive
>do job
>still can't survive
so why would i do the job at all? for my employer's benefit? cuz he asked nicely? if everyone thought like you society would collapse moron
do you really think you can get a decent job with highschool only, what world do you live in? let me guess, the world where daddy pays it all
And this is how idpol and affirmative action destroys prole unity. Divide and conquer. It becomes a story of poor Mexican workers robbing white workers instead of the workers standing together.
Short term, sure.
Long term, it just means seeking workers who are willing to put up with more bullshit.
If 50% of my hired workforce left due to shitty working conditions, my workforce is still growing steadily. If I hire 100 workers every month, and 50% of my workforce leaves due to shitty working conditions, (which is a much, MUCH greater figure than reality), then after the first month, I have 50 workers. After the second month, I have 75 workers. After the third, I have 88 workers, and so on. And I know those workers will stick with me no matter what.
no, but pretty much everyone can actually educate themselves, especially these days, because pretty much anything you want to learn can be learned on the internet.
holy shit, all the union shills ITT
You're so brainwashed. I honestly pity americans.
Go on welfare or work two jobs. Or, better yet, find a better job. Why do you deserve your ambiguous living wage, decent wage, decent lifestyle, if all you do is poorly make sandwiches and mop the floors at a fast food joint?
fuck off porky
>You don't need to pay a union to do that, you need people to stop being ass kissers.
user, if you organize to gain leverage for better pay and benefits you are unionizing. It is the same thing on a smaller scale.
Bootlicking is bootlicking regardless of whose boot you lick. It's ironic that they lick the boots of the people taking their money not giving it.
>What is turnover rate
Lots of professions (that require post-secondary education) have 50% turn over rate on a 6 month period.
people in other countries, yeah, where the companies have outsourced their labor to. and what happens when labor is outsourced? that money leaves our country and our economy, therefore benefiting only that company and the foreigners, not the USA and its own workers.
and who do you think are the people unionizing and demanding higher wages?
You're not the brightest crayon, my guy
damage control
You do need a union for that retard
what benefits are there from joining a union, other than having to pay them annually to be able to work in that field?
>work to try to make a living
>but the work you do literally cannot let you afford to live in any given area you work, even if you work full-time
>this is completely fair
How is it possible to be this retarded?
Oh sure.
The problem is the piece of paper proving you learned what you say you've learned costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
"can't survive"
Some money is better than no money.
That's the fault of the US government trying to prop up useless retards with student loans which has inflated the cost to get an education. That doesn't mean it's impossible for poor people to get a college education.
Someone did the math on this earlier.
The money you save on buying the game console would equate to something like 32 cent raise.
You could strike/collectively bargain for a bigger raise by paying your $700 a year union fees and make up the difference. Most Americans can't do basic math though so ads like this probably work on them.
I'm a massive masochist and I can't follow your logic "hey wouldnt you lick the boots of people who can make you live under poverty line if they wish so instead of people working to protect your rights" are you high or something? bosses literally don't give a fuck about the workers, the bigger the company, the worse it gets
Trying to extort money out of people to do what you should already be doing is scum behavior.
Nigger you need to find work that pays the bills. Burger flipping is not sustainable. Only retards think every job is meant to pay for rolexes, weed, and their houses.
Why do unions need that much money? It should just be a non-profit organization of workers and pro-bono lawyers. Not a full time business.
The whole point of a union in theory is to give the workers more leverage. If they're sinking almost $1000 of their paycheck into basically nothing, they're going to be more dependent on their wagecuckery.
most businesses don't give a fuck about diplomas as long as you actually know your shit.
Can't get into collage/university? Open up google -> type in the thing you want to learn -> start learning
after a while you'll have enough knowledge to actually do something more than just swiping streets.
Hell, people love to see that you're actually spending your free time to better yourself and try and learn something useful, employers usually eat that shit up.
some money is the same as no money if I can't afford groceries and rent. what do you think livable wages means? are you literally 13?
People in this country are working jobs that people like you are crying about not giving a proper wage or working conditions.
It's the employers fault for placing trust in the institutions when good prospects may be out there. It's sheer laziness or something in defense of the education racket.
>wow, my dollar raise is only a 70 cent raise
>School, as shitty as it is, is free
>that's the fault of the US government trying to prop up useless retards with student loans which has inflated the cost to get an education
So is it free or not
>If they so wish
employers extort money from their employees too, what's your point?
Fair doesn't exist.
If I work under a union, i can't sue the union though. That's very unAmerican imo
Not to mention no game console costs seven hundred fucking dollars, even if you buy a couple games with it.
34 cents an hour is not a lot of money
if 700$ a year is a lot of money to you, you need to discuss your parent's bills with them because they're not teaching you the value of money. your parents probably spend $700 every two weeks
Did you get the orders of those mixed up? Because what union workers get is more money. That's what a Union does, you get paid more and get more benefits. Working as a scab at a workplace with union representation gets you the same benefits I suppose, but that's a totally different discussion from there being no Union at all.
Collective bargaining, in the event that the company at large tries to cut your wages or benefits or otherwise fuck with your life
If everyone's getting fucked over, and actions at your level are what's generating revenue for the company, you and your union own control over the means of production and can hold that over anyone who tries to screw you over
it's literally not a choice getting university level education in USA, thanks for proving my point and rendering yours useless, if you can't afford basic needs how the fuck you will afford education
oh so communism with extra steps
Behold, the single digit IQ of a perfectly average frogposter.
>if you can't afford basic needs how the fuck you will afford education
Be black. Be a woman. Be mexican. Be a jew.
>Why do you deserve your ambiguous living wage
It's actually not ambiguous. Taking into account the average cost of single-occupant housing, food, clothing and necessary utilities like water, electricity and communications, the average living wage in the US would be roughly 42,000 a year, or about $18 an hour.
$18 is, incidentally, what the minimum wage would be today if it kept up with inflation, as originally intended.
>Nigger thinks 700 dollars isn't a lot of money
This is why people like Bill Gates are rich and you're giving away money to work kek.
>wasting time and money on unions when an endless flow of immigrants are flooding your country and willing to work for pennies
Delusional boomerism
I was answering the guy asking what the purpose is. The purpose is more money.
that's mostly a USA problem, but it's still not really that much of a problem in a lot of cases.
Sure, certain fields will require you to have an actual degree, but basically this Also, there's always the option to skip collage/university to get an actual trade like becoming a plumber or an electrician or whatever. Don't need a few hundred thousand to learn that, and the pay is usually pretty fucking good.
Basically, if you're not retarded, and you're not lazy, getting out of minimum wage jobs isn't that complicated.
>Literally nothing
Even at the federal Minimum wage you'll make $1160 a month on a 40 hour week job.
If you can't find a roommate for $800 something has gone horribly wrong.
So what you're saying is... being against publicly funded college education is anti-white?
it's not illegal you dumbass, you can just get fired for no reason and not get a job
>they give you nothing in return
they give ME nothing in return because I live in a country which we have actual worker rights so we don't need to negotiate pennies and pay someone to do it for us. keep going though, amazon workers are doing amazing with their cheap prices and labour
>women, nigs, and latinos still make less in a union
Ok, I'm convinced
>mexican immigrants
>working in the airline industry
yea no
Well yeah, duh, of course it is
this is a video game board and video games are for kids
why would anyone on this board know anything about being an adult? i bet 97% of the people in this thread have never paid a bill before and the ones that have are laughing at the unaware kids who are going to have to pay bills some day and realize how fucked up everything really is
If unions existed for more lower level jobs more american-born Americans would work them and there wouldn't be a need for immigrants in the first place. The reason people aren't rushing to fill "immigrant-tier" jobs is because the pay is shit and the conditions are subhuman..
I know the vast majority of you are just kids or mentally handicapped but try this:
Sit down and think for a second and try to come up for a way to keep employers from exploiting, underpaying and generally doing whatever they want to their employees. See if you can come up with anything that isn't unions.
yes good goy one more union and all of america will starve
Unions and regulations hurt small business.
700 a year per member is a lot of money. What are they using it for?
That's in the post though, student loans
Yes, it is. Maybe people shouldn't have supported the government throwing money at niggers to get through college and caused colleges to inflate their cost. College used to be affordable prior to that.
I'm 30.
Yeah nah this is awful advice.
Here's how it will actually go: You do all that, then try to find a company to work at. Then you find you have to answer an online form so you can be entered into a database of prospective hires. They then filter you out automatically because you have no college education. You decide to work at the local grocery store or something in the meantime while you figure things out, then you stay there for the next 40 years and retire without any money, collect social security if it's still around, and die without enough to pay for a funeral.
Hahahahahaha, oh my god burgers you can't be serious
>700 dollars per year is a lot of money even if I get 2000 extra because of said thing that costs 700
do the math fatty
To give jobs to people who fight to get you more money, you dumb jew.
>Unions and regulations hurt small business.
Wow all the deregulation sure has done a lot for the common man over the last few years and totally not a means of funneling more and more money to rich elites right my fellow anons?
i think you've just never had a job before and don't pay bills so you don't realize $700/year isn't that much money
You dumb nigger workers rights are law in the United States. No wonder you pay a company to work you fucking dropout cunt. Unions in the past got rights for workers. Now they just steal your money while promising you higher wages every year.
>Anyone deserves $50k no matter what their job is.
>Let's just print more money!
>That way nobody will be poor!
This isn't even vidya
>wahh niggers
basic bootlicker argument, enjoy starving once your parents die
You literally get higher wages.
I'm sorry to hear that?
get rid of the employee/employer relationship altogether
user, it costs the employer more effort (= money) to have you prove that you know what you know to them, than to demand certification.
Let's say you make double minimum wage, $20 bucks an hour.
That's 35 hours worth of pay. Enjoy working AN ENTIRE 7-HOUR WORK WEEK, FOR FREE so you can make some symbolic (((contribution))) to a union that will never directly help you.
Leftistism is a mental illness. You people need help.
you'd have to get rid of the employer for that. I'm fine with communism if you are
>You dumb nigger workers rights are law in the United States.
Have you ever read your worker rights poster that your employer is required to have posted in a visible location by law? There's really not a lot on there to protect you except if you get physically injured.
>jew invents communism
>being against this makes one a good goy
are you just pretending to be retarded?
>never directly help you
People pay more into disaster and car insurance than they do into unions and probably use them just as frequently or less.
Sure as fuck isn't the Xbone.
>not being your own boss
Quoting from your source
>The comparison of earnings in this release are on a broad level and do not control for many factors that can be important in explaining earnings differences
>retard brackets
>anime picture
>shadowboxing "leftism"
And for just a nickel a day I can feed starving kids in Africa.
It also costs them more money when their paper holder is a blatant retard because their university was garbage.
Why? Life's great. I'm in the best shape of my life, I like my job, I'm aging well.
over here we pride ourselves in how well we prepare our children to be good little consumers
God I love how Americans are killing themselves so that proper people can live however they want in Europe.
That's two months of my sports car insurance Jamal.
>Trying to appeal to the common man to join a union then scoff when he says 700 a year is a lot of money
Just another comfy union boss lie trying to manipulate you into giving him money
you get benefits and more pay on average for joining a union. you're not very smart. that's like saying spending $7 to get $20 is stupid because $7 is a lot of money.
being you isn't a mental illness but if it were between being born with an extra chromosome or being you i wouldn't have a choice
That shit runs dry when your mommy and daddy either wake up or die.
Welfare or social security ain’t enough for you to sit on your ass unless you’re comfortable living in a shit-stained basement eating spam every day.
Your bubble will pop eventually NEET, and when it does no self righteous attitude will save you
>Never going to be able
>Galaxy brain user still read that as a choice
Please see
jews control the capital
>Proper people
You mean muslims and africans?
If you're making $20/hr, your annual salary is at least $40,000 before taxes. $700 isn't even 2% of your annual income.
Let me know when you get mad about your insurance premiums, or what your employer pays for those premiums instead of your wages.
It's hard for me to comment about this shit, since I'm not american. and I can only really comment about my own field, but even here where higher education is free, people in the IT/programming field don't really give a fuck about your education.
Yes, having a degree definitely helps getting an entry level job, but if you don't actually have a degree, you can easily learn all that shit on the internet, create something on your own to show that you know what you're doing, and after searching for a while, you'll get your entry level job.
Yes, a lot of companies might not consider you if you don't have a degree, but that's nowhere near all of them, and if you don't give up after not getting a job in a few months, you'll end up getting out of that shit.
My taxes go to shit like health care and education because they're willing to put all theirs into military. I need them to stick around.
This. It's some public school where 90% of any class is people the same color as poop.
It's not true deregulation. Appealing net neutrality was supposed to free up everything in regards to opening an ISP but instead nothing changed and the same giants rule everything
The fact that there's so much red tape in regards to construction and other business only hurt the small guys who already can't pay licensing garbage let alone union demands.
>workers rights are law in the United States
Damn, you're right. I guess this means we don't need unions anymore. Pack em all up boys, it's over! Surely we can just disband everything and move on, now that the battle has already been won long ago.
Federal minimum wage less than $15,000 a year before taxes btw. Assuming you have a job that doesn't fuck you over by docking your pay and expecting donations from other workers (tips) to make up the difference. And assuming you're not some temp that gets fired on a whim with no recourse because you're not a worker you're a "contractor". Yeah workers are basically living like kings out here.
I mean, just look at this thread! No one is pushing back against workers' rights at all! Companies pretty much agree with unions at this point so there's no need for them. I agree user I really love keeping more of my money even if I'm getting paid less of it. I also enjoy spending thousands a year on health insurance so i can save a couple hundred in union dues.
Land of the fr-
Oh, I guess burgers aren't free to wear Pepsi shirts if their school is being advertised by Coke.
Most of the EU NEETlets I know are being forced into work already (most recent was a hartz IV recepient). It was never a system meant to last forever. Welfare in america is a joke so good luck if you're living on that.
The mind of a NEETfag, everyone
>Recent data from the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) show that,
on average, union workers receive
larger wage increases than those of nonunion workers and generally earn higher
wages and have greater access to most of
the common employer-sponsored benefits
as well.1
>These trends appear to persist despite declining union membership
Do you at least like the taste of Mr. Goldstein's jizz as you guzzle it down?
That’s fucking disgusting
Being World Police is suffering
You don't.
>This earnings difference reflects a variety of influences, including variations in the distribution of union members and nonunion employees by occupation, industry, age, firm size, or geographic region (See tables 2 and 4)
I'm literally the virgin wageslave.
>At a non union job
>Don't be a faceless body for a mega corporation
>Actually have value
>negotiate my own wages
>make more than double the median union pay for men
Hurr how i get moar monies? Ah needs a livable wage so's ah can gets da newest iPhone!
Woah....in 1998....this is the power...of twenty years ago....amazing....
>mommy and daddy spend $700 on things so why shouldn't I light $700 on fire?
First of all. Boomers are loaded and primarily the reason why our economy is irrevocably fucked. Second of all, they're not tossing $700 into the wind they're probably buying useful and semi useful things with it.
Giving $700 to strangers on the off-chance they might help you is INSANITY.
yes, but having the piece of paper proves that you are not a complete waste of time.
>Unions have no benefits
>yes they do
>Yeah but sometimes they vary so this means they don't!
yeah I'm done here you're trolling or retarded
Please see
Enjoy Union Goldstein's cum crusted boots as he gets a free yacht from you ;);););)
Yeah that's exactly what I mean.
You're right. Fair doesn't exist. We should kill executives and CEOs and their trust fund babies like you, and take their shit. Or better yet, just vote for a candidate who will do it with the power of the State. :)
When you under-fund public schools to the point where they have to suck corporate dick just to be able to afford to pay expenses this is what you get. Conservatives will say there is nothing wrong with "coke day" at school and that the kid who wore a pepsi shirt should be in soda jail.
>I guess this means we don't need unions anymore
unironically this
what are you going to do when you all want a bigger share of their shit? kill each other?
you are retarded, and i must insist you kill yourself.
>Compare a union office worker in his 40s to a non union burger flipper in his teens
>See guys the union helps!
Keep licking Goldstein's boot, he loves the free money from you.
It's pretty different here, at least if you want to work for a large corporation. They all either have an HR department, or work with a hiring agency, that sorts applicants automatically. Your resume is only actually read once the pool of applicants is whittled down to a select few and you actually made it there. You have to fill out a bunch of forms that feed their computers the information your resume contains, and then some. They compare that info to their criteria and automatically eliminate underqualified applicants.
I agree that learning on your own is pretty much just as good as having a degree. And most of the useful knowledge you actually obtain to do your job will not come from some college class. But that has nothing to do with actually getting hired. Getting hired requires being considered, and you're not going to be considered if you don't have a degree. Everyone in the US needs a degree, that's just how it is. Student loans are an expectation and they can't be discharged with bankruptcy here so they literally own you for life if you can't pay. But it's just the expectation, and there's no real safety net as an alternative to going into debt for the sake of an entry level job, so that's how it is here.
you see you think im going to get my comeuppance eventually, but the reality is I'm on neetbux right now because I can be, and I'm the beneficiary of 3 different people in my wealthy family and I'll be inheriting a paid off house. My sister would have complicated things had she not married a high powered insurance agent, but that complication is gone.
What you are witnessing is the power of america, I am the rich people you want to be, but you have to be born into it you stupid fuck.
>oh but if you work 24 hours a day that's only 1% of your income but bup bup
Wow, anyone with insurance on any of their belongings must be INSANE!
have you ever heard of contracts?
The way it's worded is definitely marketed towards telling people they'll work for life, despite not wanting to
>You're never going to be able to retire
If it was aimed at people who don't want to retire it could easily be reworded to reflect that
>You're never going to want to retire, why settle for boots that will?
It's insane that most people are saying this but they're actually serious ITT.
Americans are legit brainwashed about shit like this.
Let me explain why it doesn't make sense, in a way you can understand it.
>Gun rights is already law in the United States. Just look at the Second Amendment, and Heller. Paying your NRA dues is a waste of money, they should just be disbanded!
It was a different time.
The companies are scum, but so are the unions. You can't win.
You statistically don't, you dumb faggot, and while I'm sure you're about to lay down some internet tough guy cred about the million dollar salary and free hookers you get, you don't negotiate half as well as just having a union rep.
Boy user, you sure do fucking fail at reading, don't you? The conclusion is that Union jobs pay much higher. What you quoted has them saying that some of the gap is caused by other factors. If you had two brain cells to rub together after all that brain damage from oxygen deprivation that all the corporate deepthroating caused, you would be able to put those pieces of info together in a coherent way and realize the report still finds, with zero ambiguity, that Union jobs pay much better.
>fight for more
>your job is now outsouced to India and now you are out of a job and make nothing.
good job.
hope you get actually murdered and stop being a deadweight
Worked for the french revolution desu. Better than some rich asshole having it all.
jokes on you!
Companies can't NOT work with unions!
oh wait...
So don't allow the company to sell in america. Crack down on the cunts.
>gamer unions
As much of a scam as gamer chairs, drinks or routers
>The companies are scum, but so are the unions. You can't win.
>mass import mexicans
>spend half our tax dollars on giving welfare and free everything to brown people
>wonder why we can't have nice things
Yes goyim, you are worthless, enjoy your slave wage and be happy you get.
Since most Unions are Political Actors disguised as Workers' Advocates. I'm fine with this.
Have you actually done work under a Union? They either are non helpful and just take your money, like Safeway, or ruin the company and make working hard a negative trait, like UPS. Don't try to tell me either of these are good, because I've experienced both. Unions are just as cancerous as the employer.
how are the french doing these days?
Maybe we'll kill each other, maybe not. It won't matter to you though since you'll be dead and strung up from a lamp post or something.
Imagine wanting corporations to fuck you over. Gotta love capitalism
The entire point of unions is to prevent shit like that you magnificent retard.
This is why those people get replaced by robots and the jobs moved over seas. It's not economically feasible
I hate unions. All of the "no hablo ingles" warehouse workers at my job unionized and now they get paid $17/hr and do reasonable work instead of all the crazy shit the plant vp used to make them do. It's completely devalued my sense of status. What's the point of going to college to work in a shitty office and listening to a bunch of overweight boomers complain about everything when I could drive a cool forklift and get paid above minimum wage for it?
Unions used to be worth something but now they're ran like mini mafias for lazy faggots. Everyone who screams about "muh rights" while sucking Union cock is so obviously someone who believes that having any work ethic at all is literal slavery.
Better than before the revolution honestly. And america wouldn't exist without it.
They don't prevent that at all.
>Your don't negotiate half as well as a union rep
>Union rep who forces promotions and raises based on seniority, not merit
>Union rep who forbids me from flipping a light switch unless it's in my job description
>Union rep who makes sure that the retard who can't tie his shoes without a YouTube tutorial gets paid the exact same amount as me
>Somehow will make me more money
16 year oldMcDonalds worker confirmed. I'm sorry that they don't pay you enough to afford Bella's nudes.
>inb4 a bunch of internet tough for talk about how you are a multimillionaire all because of your union rep
I already predict that retirement age will be around 100 when my time comes.
I love how Asians, Africans, and Latinos aren't men or women.
Good thing they have to work with unions!
If Mr Goldstein gets me a raise that allows me to live without fear of becoming homeless and guarantees healthcare benefits that prevent me from falling into permanent debt due to illness then he can have 50 fucking yachts.
>you'll be dead, but not me!
>i'll be a card carrying member of the party
pic related, embodied in a post
>80,000+ employees
>Seven Hundred (700) dollar annual fees
In what fucking world does a union need $58M to operate?
women assumes white women, porky
Not very smart, are you?
>"user it happened in 1998!"
>gives no proof of measures made to prevent it from happening again
so that they can go into the CEOs office and laugh with each other about how they're both fucking you
>And Hostess didn't go under because of unions. They went under because of bad business practices. The snack confection market has been steadily shrinking since the 90s.
And was it not the union's responsibility to watch for these things and protect the workers? And not demand 15% raises across the board when it was clear that thousands of people losing their jobs was a very, very real possibility - Hostess even gave them fair warning that if they did not ease up, they would all be shitcanned. That's on the union for not taking a fucking a hint.
I'll be willing to fund public schools when I know the money is going to white kids instead of mexicans and blacks to better equip them with replacing and killing us.
Yes I have
And you say that, yet they literally, factually, are positive for workers and help them get paid more and receive better benefits. It's a fact. Your opinion does not matter here.
Union workers earn more than nonunion equivalents.
Union workers receive more benefits.
The value of benefits is rising faster than wages, further widening the gap between workers with unions and workers that have none.
Yes, the union can be a pain in the ass, and yes, there are certainly too many pencil pushers in most large unions. But they are still positive for workers overall. You think that bulldozing them would save you the dues and you'd keep the benefits, but you wouldn't. Or if you did, the next person to work after you wouldn't get them.
The NRA does not care about the individual it cares about the gun manufacturers. They should be disbanded.
You could take my shit after killing me and my family and then 10 years from now no one would want to use my shit, because you're lazy and retarded and don't know how to maintain it, or don't care enough to.
Why do Americans love sucking corporate cock so god damn much? It's like fighting for workers rights is communism
>being in a union
No thanks. I can talk for myself and save my money. Union fags are retarded.
>hur dur lets go on strike anx walk around with signs all day with no pay because the union sayz so
Nah. Get fucked
Nothing, because every time my union goes ballistic demanding mandatory raises across the board, they just so happen to bump union dues up by the same amount the raise was for.
When you have to suck it yourself just to survive, it's easy for your corporate cockdaddy to convince you those who won't get on their knees are just entitled.
They objectively make more cash
imagine being this delusional
>Also Americans: I let corporations become so big and so powerful that they are basically big government
>i can talk for myself
Yeah, like you have any power in the work place. It's so cute that you think you are so tough
>implying Unions weren't made for the ultimate good goy's to pay their jewish masters.
I'm saying that it was under a democratic president, congress and senate., most likely beginning under them.
Going "hurr FUCK conservatives" for that is retarded.
>people unironically arguing that they give into a racketeering scheme
>mfw I work for the union at a large international tech firm
Pls don't join a union
it will make my work deflecting shit jobs they want our employees to do much easier
Sorry for understanding history tiny teenager.
>Well I see here that you wrote "to" instead of the grammatically correct "too". This tells me you deserve slave wages.
Imagine when this kid grows up and actually gets a job
His dream:
>Okay user, you'll be starting at minimum wage
>actually I want to make more
>Hmm, you drive a hard bargain, user! Alright, we'll settle on slightly above.
>No, that won't cut it, 20 bucks an hour or I walk!
>Ohh, alright user, alright, you win! Now let's shake on it!
>Okay user, you'll be starting at minimum wage
>actually I want to make more
>yeaah well maybe that can happen in the future
>Maybe some day, just sign here
>That's not clear enough, I refuse to sign, I'm walking out!
>okay bye, please send in the next applicant
>i love giving money to union leaders and organized crime!
Unlike your average good goyim murikkkan, I am an American who not only hates large government, but also mega corporations ran by jews.
>get a raise thanks to the union that covers more than 700 bucks a year
>corporation jews still try to weasel their way out of it by using propaganda to brainwash the mass
>suddenly Yea Forums loves corporations
I knew consolewarfags and brand loyalists were pretty active here but holy shit
4 USD is as absurd as 15. They’re well within their rights to walk out, you yourself would only work for proper compensation, them leaving is literally what -any- self respecting human will do.
Uneducated or not, they have big enough balls to walk away.
It's part of our cultural identity. The bootlickers don't envision themselves licking boots their whole lives; it's just a temporary setback on the road to becoming a millionaire, you'll see! Admitting that unions or better working conditions are necessary is a sign of weakness!
Laws enforced under the term of an active president are typically established by previous leadership unless you think congress is some sort of hyper efficient law passing machine where bills don't take months and years just to get passed.
Because Americans are fed the lie that they are all failed millionaires and that if you aren't "rich" you've somehow failed in life
That's not to say you should only aspire to baseline work if you have the potential for more but imo if you take care of your business, pay your bills, work 40 hours a week and are an upstanding member of society there's no reason you shouldn't be able to live in some kind of basic form of comfort but nah capitalism.
Problem too is that, everyone wants to say "eat the rich" but then when they get rich themselves...crickets
How long until job Automation fucks up unions for good?
I can't wait for the shitstorm that will happen.
unionizing won’t increase the price of games
He doesn't have a point and he doesn't know why unions exist. They were formed to prevent corporations from literally working their employees to death in a dystopian lottery world where you're either unemployed or overworked.
It's real trendy to bash unions but without them, corporations would never have any incentive to treat us as anything but cattle. Protip: The concept of a minimum wage only means "the lowest they can legally pay you." They'd pay you less if they could. Hell, they'd pay you nothing if they could, and say they were paying you in experience.
Basically what my boss is trying to do to me, but on a larger scale. He's trying to give me his jobs and responsibilities (accounting, money ordering, ordering merchandise, money organizing) even though I'm entry level and make 1/4 the money he does not even counting his 15 hours average overtime, and I told him I'm not going to do managerial work without managerial pay, and he was telling me it would be good experience.
I wouldnt hire them period if they write this badly.
They make more money, I want more money. End of story.
That was at the end of Clinton's 2 terms.
I literally can't remember the last time I took a job issued break.
cite your sources
I work a non Union labor job now and get 30 an hour with healthcare and a 401k, bite me. Not going back to UPS for much benefits.
There is only one way forward
Most people in trades write that badly in my experience, but they get the job done and that's what matters. I say that as an English teacher.
>I have zero marketable skills
>So I work a job that a literal trained monkey can do
>Therefore everybody does the same
>mfw when in their union
>normal low level employees fall for this
>handwriting the note when you know that you have bad handwriting
That and I'm pretty sure it's illegal to cut fast food workers to below minimum wage since they're not expected to get tips. Even in restaurants legally the employer has to pay them up to minimum wage if they don't get any tips
Imagine arguing that you should be forced to work harder for less pay. Just imagine. Imagine calling people who demand better wages and healthcare a "mafia". Imagine being one of the people who benefits from that, and actively shitting on it, for free, for zero compensation.
Imagine shilling against your own interests, for free. Imagine being this mentally cuckolded. Can you all even imagine being this user?
what do you do for a living, user?
>If you don’t like unions, it must mean you hate rights
Fuck off with your loaded questions faggot.
ok good for you. If you're even telling the truth you're not the norm. Statistics don't lie. If your point is really "fuck you I got mine!" you might as well be a retarded boomer
This has to be bait. Calling people a bootlicker when sucking off a fortune 100 international corporation
they didnt increase from an inflated marketing budget
and? it was state level legislature in a red state (Georgia)
see for yourself
It's shills. They occasionally take a break from shitposting on Yea Forums
It's tangentially related to vidya as a bunch of code monkeys are mad that they work more than 40 hours a week in a oversaturated market but can't afford a bmw
cite your sources
Grossly, disproportionately, benefits nigs and spics over whites, and that's before I even start talking about the inflation it will cause, or the magical meme of levying giant taxes on mega corps that will just raise their prices because there's barely any competition, or smaller corps that will simply go over seas.
That abortion law in georgia seems retarded. I thought states can't fuck with each other.
>and? it was state level legislature in a red state
Ah, okay.
Except that’s exactly what happens you fucking retard.
Why do you think so many immigrants are hired under the table and so many jobs are outsourced?
But i already make over 20 bucks an hour, have a new home, 2 cars and never owned a credit card with only a highschool diploma. Have sex.
Assistant manager at a highway gas station. To say that every day has a "steady stream" of people is putting it lightly. Over a 9 hour shift I process about 1060 people on average in the store, and half the time I'm alone and can't tend to both the store and the register at the same time. The only time I can even sort of relax is if my shift partner shows up later in the day and even then, I still can't take a break, it just means I can do the other work that's been piling up over the solid hours of human foot traffic. I don't have a very high opinion of my job.
Get laid
learn to code
how much debt are you in?
bootlickers btfo
Protip: Ever caring about corporations or the government over personal benefit is the literal definition of bootlicking.
they still cost $60
Lazy dishonest faggot spotted. Modern unions don't do anything but take a cut from everyone who joins them and then sit around bitching about how they don't have it good enough no matter how cushy the job actually is. Not to mention how unions can attempt to bar non-union members from positions in certain industries and how they'll go after non-union members who actually do work since it makes them look bad.
>Tell objective truth about unions that doesn’t even defend the system
>Lefty/pol/tard immediately claims you suck jewish cock
LMAO at your life poorfag. I make over 40 bucks an hour, just bought my second home, have 4 cars and have never even had a bank account before. I just learned to read earlier today.
>never owned a credit card
I bet you think that's smart.
If you're going to make up a bunch of nonsense at least try to make it sound not retarded.
cite your sources
Onviously that Nintendo gamestation all the kids are talking about
This is such a shitty ad since statistically you get more money being a part of a union than not, dues and all.
I'm not the norm, but after experiencing how shitty a Union based seniority job is where other Union members give you massive shit if you work well I decided to find better opportunities that are actually mericratic. I'm a fucking liberal but I'm never working in a Union based job or supporting unions again.
Unions in the private sector are already pretty much fucked. They've steadily dropped like 60%+ over the past 30 years. Unions only really do well when they can sew up an entire industry and prevent anyone else from ever entering that industry, or in public sectors backed by the government where there's no repercussions for being a useless leech in the system since the public can't afford for whatever the leech is draining to die.
How is $4 an acceptable wage? Fuck corporations
>It's another user who gets all his political talking points from his white racist fox-news watching baby boomer dad episode.
this is boring, come up with some new material user
Imagine being such a bootlicker that you defend corporations on a Vietnamese competitive cup-stacking forum
Because businesses literally never stop trying to fuck over their employees. Never.
>benefits nigs and spics over whites
nice identity politics
>they still cost $60
>Games have always cost $60
underage b&
Desu climate change will have destroyed society by then.
This sucks, user. Hope you find something better.
thank you
>Daddy Delta’s cum tastes so much better and he keeps me in my place where I belong
not always, but it was quite a while ago that they a different price
You're part of the problem. Being more productive than union regs allow us discriminatory to other members. Please cease all efforts to improve yourself immediately. You'll get ahead when we tell you to
Actually it’s not
Being concerned with what the 2 biggest forces in our society turns out to be a normal thing, and you’re just an idiot who is self centered.
Don’t go crying when a Pajeet replaces you or the government arrests you for being a “potential terrorist”
Jesus Christ.
My nation went from being 95% white to 56% white in 60 years. The absolute overwhelming majority of non whites vote one way in this country: for more free shit first, and fuck whitey second. Tell me why the fuck I should do anything that helps browns more than it helps whites.
Not him but unions either prevent non Union workers from working or do things like not allowing Union workers to work with non Union workers. They also do things like prevent rewards based on work. Like if you do a sick job and your boss wants to reward you with a better schedule or dinner. Both big nopes. Yay unions.
N-nice goyim!
m8 at 4 bucks an hour you might as well not even show up. That will buy you what, one day of meals per day of work? Even if you work 40 hours a week, every week of your life, in an entire year you'd make 8300 dollars a year. Even if you're a fucking kid depending on your parents for everything, that's almost nothing. At the very least you should just walk down the street to the McDonalds or a local pizza joint or a grocery store and work for an actual normal wage there.
Overworking knowledge workers isn't efficient, money is wasted on advertisement and CEOs and not wages of programmers, designers, artists.
Permacrunch is fucking retarded, as is anyone who supports this kind of development.
>not always, but it was quite a while ago that they a different price
>PC games were $60 5 years ago
shouldn't you be in school?
for treating them like shit, its what you deserve. Karma is a bitch after all. Also stop with the identity politics
And they objectively result in higher pay so who cares?
The funny thing, it is. Bootlicker meaning toady? Get real, it simply means someone who sucks up to authority to get ahead, putting up with their decisions (as if they needed your support in the first place) and is pretty synonymous with shill.
There is nothing less appealing to me in a person that values corporate interests over employee interests. The corporation will NEVER thank you for it, and will dick you as hard as they legally can at any given time to turn a profit, and the employees: are you.
>Durr supporting employees makes you a bootlicker
The absolute retardation of this thread I swear to fucking god.
Yeah you're right bro. Unions, in theory, don't let my employer potentially give me a special gift of a gift card with store credit, therefore they should just be abolished. It's an employer's place to decide which workers get paid what after all, the workers shouldn't have any say. unions are cancer
>greedy union gangsters
>corrupt megacorporations
Just what i owe left on the house
Why? Ive literally never owned a credit card. Ive never needed one. I know i should to build credit ( i have none, not good or bad, fuckin none.) but i really dont care much i guess.
That’s right Goyim. Only help the white people! Fuck those brown people, especially the Palistines!
It's not about their skills being valuable, it's about their lives being valuable in themselves and not only as far as the profit they can provide for someone else.
>but I disagree!
Most people don't. Enjoy your taxes.
>Do not unionize!, that’d be wasting money!
>Instead buy a console and da latest hitz!, because what’s money for if not to consume to the exclusion of everything else.
Responding to my identity politics with your own identity politics just proves my point. I'd ask my question again but I know you'll just say the same shit. There's no real reason why any white person should ever make a decision that benefits browns over whites. Especially when "what we deserve" is some kind of penance in the form of complete subjugation and removal.
I don't work in a Union job and my starting pay is garunteed higher than everybody in this thread. Also if you don't see the problem with not caring about getting pay based on merit or rewards based on merit than you are in an industry that will fail soon. UPS will never beat Amazon because it's shitty Union practices.
I can’t even imagine how brainwashed you’d have to be to actively advocate against your own interests in the favor of some corporation because your political team is the one they bought
Did you miss the “to seek the favor or goodwill of in a servile, degraded way” part user?
>>greedy union gangsters
yeah, those damned gangsters robbing those poor defeneless corporations blind, forcing them to surrender wages and benefits, while sucking us dry with massive dues that leave us with but pennies each paycheck
We workers just can't win! What ever will we do against these all powerful unions the supreme court just said we can take benefits from without paying? Someone needs to think of the shareholders
Jews aren't white.
>And they objectively result in higher pay so who cares?
They result in higher median pay. Which is good for retards that need a job safety orientation to know not to stick their dick in a light socket. It's actually bad for the workers that are worth a a shit, that suddenly have to wait their turn for a promotion, that get a raise when Goldstein says everybody gets one, that gets punished for being more productive than Special Dave
Yes. That is, to a high degree, true. A employer should be able to pay good workers more than bad ones, and fire bad ones. How are you even trying to argue against this?
Congratulations, you've finally figured out how capitalism works.
it's not all that common for adults to be less than stellar at spelling or speaking beyond a 9th grade level of literacy
At least here in America, i hope people in other nations have a level of literacy that goes beyond middle school
>3rd world shitholes, with their tree-trunk disease hands and 3 foot long guinea worms
>still reproducing, surviving
>1st world alleged "advanced" societies
>reproduction far below replacement, children killing themselves at 6 years old, if they don't they cut their dicks off at 16, WHO soon recommends screening for depression pre-middle school
Okay user riddle me who I'm bootlicking to by telling you that corporations don't give a fuck about your interests. Who is getting their boot licked by me telling you to stop sucking up to authority?
American Unions are stupid as fuck
God bless England
You do know that everyone gets a slice of UBI, right? It sounds like you just want whites to get UBI and not minorities
Nice smug, but this just leads to jobs moving overseas, so enjoy your poor meth addicted cities.
Because that's not how it works in practice, retard. In practice they just pay everyone less to save on costs and you can't do anything about it. How much of a brainwashed puppy do you have to be to seek "rewards" from your employer, do you really think they're like your parents or something, that you need to seek their approval for good behavior? Christ almighty
Then how come we haven't just invaded the East Bank and annexed it into the US?
I was talking more about console, so I might be wrong about PC, but its not like you guys don’t pirate all your games anyway
How did such obvious bait get so many replies?
How's that GED paperwork coming along, 17 year old?
Businesses care about money more than merit and would drop you like a sack of bricks or shit in your cereal at the soonest opportunity if they could make money off it.
Amazon only does well because they cut corners on things like paying their fucking employees a livable wage and maintaining healthy working conditions.
You get that sort of mentality when you're totally incapable of standing up for yourself. Being anti union is an admission that you're doomed to be exploited by everyone
But I'm a shitty worker who can't even afford a brand new iPhone! How will I ever get paid like my mom says I deserve to be?
>inb4 work hard and apply yourself
Fuck that, I want it for nothing because I deserve it
Wages tend to go up in my industry just based on time invested and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Nah, it's easy to say that, but anything that fucks over management and benefits the average schleb is usually a good thing.
Of course management is going to reward themselves every time.
Because the US is a vassal state to Israel.
>A employer should be able to pay good workers more than bad ones, and fire bad ones. How are you even trying to argue against this?
because that isn't what happens. They just pay everyone as little as they can because that makes the most financial sense. The only things preventing them from doing so are unions, and the law (which exists because unions fought for it)
>Low-pay Slavery-like jobs are still around
>Most goverments care more for their corporate overlords than their tax-payer labor force
>Countries are giving up their citizens asses for pennies just to get more trade
It doesnt get better right?
For most of the 2000s, a AAA PC game was generally $10 less than its console equivalent. Only in the last few years have prices give up.
Console games could have gone up $70, I don't really know as I have owned a console since the Dreamcast
Jewish people make up a large part of the upper echelons of American society, and they support Israel's existence.
Should haven just taken the out that you were trolling. When your mind matures you'll grow out of this phase
The majority of Americans just complacently accept it, or even shill for it against their own interest like in this thread.
Just trust corporations, you tankies, they would do nothing to hurt you. So what if they send your job over seas just for cheaper labor? You should be grateful for the job you have
They're shilling against unions, protectionism might be a different question, though I doubt it.
My coworker seemed rewards by being a good employee and they gave him a full time job with even better benefits and now he has stock options. I don't see how you are against meritocracies but where I work now an example of something that happened is one of our bosses asked for our wages to be increased by the CEO and it happened. Again, fuck unions and Union jobs, I'm not doing that garbage anymore, working half assedly for 10 years to drive a truck inefficiently for more money. I'm sorry you can't comprehend I'm morally opposed to being a garbage human being on purpose to stick it to my employer, and would rather work somewhere I want to work and work hard and get rewarded for it. Come to me with a Union that tries to promote and protect that and I'm in.
Tits or GTFO
I don't get it, if unionists think their employer is ripping them off and making massive profits why don't they just buy stock in the company?
I'm not against meritocracies, your meritocracy is just a fantasy. Unionized workers get paid more. no one cares about your made up anecdotes dude. Union workers get paid more and receive better benefits. That's just a fact.
They don't send your job overseas, they fire you and replace you with immigrants who don't know any better and thus can't bargain.
Amazon wear houses where I live start pay at 17 dollars an hour and you get full time. UPS is a Union and you start atinnimum wage, which us 11 dollars an hour and you only get 20 hours a week, and you have to work over 5 years to get bumped to 20.
>user works for a nice company that isn't managed or owned by jews
>everything is good and fine
I'm 26 and one step away from a managerial position. Everything I'm saying is genuine. Unions aren't perfect but there's nothing wrong with them, and the only reason they exist is because corporations will never self regulate to the standard of acceptable conditions. If they could, unions wouldn't exist. Unions were first made officially (on a large scale) to stop factory jobs in the 40s from literally working their people to death while making them borderline chant the good name of the company for giving them a job in the first place.
You know all those bleeding heart 80s dystopian movies that have this big overarching corporation as the bad guy? That's because, unchecked, they are. Corporations, without a doubt, will always seek to ring you dry of everything you have, and would literally never stop unless forced to. Not saying everyone's union experiences are the same, but IN GENERAL, unions shift pressure from the employees to the employers, which is a much healthier situation.
Very few if any jobs are meritocracies. Productivity has spiked and wages have not. Wonder why that is, shouldn't the hard workers get more money?
>/pol/ thread makes it to bump limit and becomes a general
Absolute state of Yea Forums mods
They're not just shilling against unions. Have you been reading the thread? They're shilling against the concept of workers rights.
Note these stats don't compare the same sort of jobs with union and non-union conditions, but rather union and non-union jobs overall. That means that you're comparing minimum wage slave jobs to high-paid work that is almost guaranteed to be union (but would still be higher paid even if the union didn't exist).
Where's the best place a retard like me can read about economic trends over the last 30-40 years
My parents could C-Bomb highschool and still get a nice New York middle class salary, while I feel like I'd be kicked to the lower class if I did anything less than my health masters program which still isn't extravagant. Anything below highly skilled engineering, medical, finanical feels doomed
Then why do I get paid so much?
It sounds like an argument between a worker self-agency, and a faceless wagecuck who would never merit a raise on his own.
I have a guess as to which one would benefit from union support
That's right, glad to see you cope.
Go back to your wage cage, Bezos shill
Well, I threw away money to get the PSVR, so same thing, right?
>muh /pol/ bogayman
I work at one.
I now work at one of the biggest fortune 500 companies and by your definition you would say it's them, or whatever.
It's because of the availability of labor, and these Union practices won't save anybody, it just speeds up a rush towards automation.
No, there's mostly shitposting, the only serious ones are about the completely useless unions that currently exist as an example for why forming a union is a terrible idea.
I also forgot to add quotes around the "shilling" in the first post, my mistake.
If businesses truly value hard workers and will pay them good money, why is it that productivity continues to rise but wages have stagnated?