Final Fantasy 7 Remake reconfirmed as an episodic release

>Final Fantasy 7 Remake reconfirmed as an episodic release


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Huh? There's nothing wrong with episodic games

use the catalog next time newfag

> Episodic doesn't mean that it will be released in regularly-spaced chunks like a Telltale Game or Life is Strange, however - it means FF7's story will be split across multiple full-price games that'll have the size and scope of full-blown RPG releases like the FF13 Trilogy. Exactly how many parts it'll be split into or where in FF7 the split will occur remains unclear, though three parts seems a safe bet, and many fans speculate the first part will solely cosist of a heavily expanded version of Midgar

You fucking idiot

Ah yes all those episodic games that weren't huge blunders like...

Episodic probably means
>no major change in the main scenario
>possibly ''expanded'' stories on certain NPC characters (aka members of AVALANCHE)
>countless fetch quests just to make game ''longer''

Hitman, The Walking Dead, Life is Strange, Kentucky Route Zero, etc

Slowpoke.exe has stopped working

All shit, FF7 is the most iconic RPG of all time & the face of a 30 Billion dollar IP. This flopping will completely sink Square Enix unless Nintendo buys them

FF7 is a MASSIVE game and to remake it as they are takes cash money and TIME. Would you rather have them rush the full game and fuck it up like FF15 or concentrate on segments and fully flesh it out? Fucking retards

People like you probably loved FF XV

They will fuck it up regardless, Square has made nothing but flops since the PS2 Era started

>Nier Automata is announced in 2015.
>''this probject is still early in development, but we want to use this opportunity to announce it''
>game comes out in 2017,, not even full 2 years after it was announced

>FFVII Remake is announced in 2015.
>still no release date, game will come out in episodes
>''it's a BIG game''

The only retard here is you, user.

In the middle of developing their game they curbed the company they were working with because they produced sub-par results. That's the reason Squeenix insourced the development.

>here's nothing wrong with episodic games
How's Episode 3?

If you think nier automata is as big as even the original FF7 then you’re completely brain dead

>Walking Dead
Which is why Telltale is still around right?
Worked so well they made the second game epi-oh wait
>Kentucky Route Zero
STILL waiting on that final episode

What if I'd rather they didn't remake it? What if square enix disbanded now that it's obvious they've bled out on all there talent, called it a good run while it lasted, and released all there IP copyrights?

publishers have been attempting episodic releases for like 2 decades and it has literally never been a successful development strategy.

The only one who did it properly.
>Walking Dead
The company literally fucking died before they put out all the episodes.
Horribly rushed ending, episodes 4 and 5 were clearly worse than the first ones.
The game launched 6 years ago and the final act still isn't out.

Episodic is a terrible model and retards still believe in it.

It’s a better game in every regard, FF7 was completely outclassed by Xenogears one year later

Do explain how big FF VII is. If you think about creating all those locations, then yes, it probably takes them longer since Automata is mostly wasteland. But you know Square, they said ''making towns in HD is hard''. I woudn't be surprised if they cut certain locations entirely, or you will just fly through them. (Slums)

> outclassed by an incomplete game

Should've been an episodic release. Maybe the second disc wouldn't have been so fucking awful

Would this fix the gaming industry?
> Nintendo buys Tecmo, Square, Platinum & Sega
> Sony buys Electronic Arts


Nomura fags btfo

how is this even going to work? when I first played FF7 I wanted to go through the story so much that I would play for like 9 hours in a row. I really wanted to see what happens next. Now what? You reach the end of midgar and they just tell you "thanks for praying geimu western piggu, buy next fainaru fantasy 7 EPISODE in 5 years"? How do you even keep caring for the story if there's such a long wait between each part? I honestly don't understand.

Everyone does

>I like paying a shit ton of money for a single player game
>I like waiting a fuck ton of time to finish a single game
how much is gonna be 180€ maybe ? this is wahy lootboxes are a thing stupid zoomers

>Maybe the second disc wouldn't have been so fucking awful
Yeah, the second disk would've had been non-existent instead