Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

Remember to buy her game so you can fuck her tits
and also the reinstall for another playthrough because you know you want to

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Other urls found in this thread:

smug guy is literally me.


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Yes I can't wait to buy a game with strong women and SJW theme. Thanks OP for reminding me.

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dumb frog poster

I've never played this game and know next to nothing about the series. Sell me on it.

Should I play the first one ?

am i the only person who doesn't like christina hendricks

Toreador, Malkavian, Lasombra

>tfw no pale vampire gf to molest you
why even live brehs

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Waste of blood

vampire deus ex. don't open it

She's fat!

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I'm sure it will be a great game. What could go wrong with those quality lead writers.

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Any gameplay?

No there are many other homosexuals in the world

No one cares about this dumb tranny game

Totally not suspect at all she wrote multiple "articles" for the series as a journalist.
Surley she wasnt receiving money at that time.

Attached: lead senior writer for vtm bloodlines 2 - 2.jpg (3118x1657, 1.28M)

>buying games

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>not liking cow tits makes you gay

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What's the next clan reveal?

Mitsoda is in charge of the Story, so I don't really care about Ellison

Yeah I honestly don't think she's THAT attractive, and I say this as a cowtits lover.

Can't get worse than the base material desu

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That's literally the case yeah

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>Just wanna mommypost
>Faggots shut up thread with retarded politics

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just post mommies then

I hope this faggot game flops hard. You just know all the white men will be pathetic and evil.

This is clearly a parody.Nobody is supposed to take Rudi seriously

No SJWs for me, I've discovered the highs of literature.

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When was the last time a classic series made a comeback?

cow tits are shit taste loved by manchildren with mommy issues, small-to-normal breasts and thick thighs/big ass is high test

If you want to make a VtMB thread on Yea Forums these days, you'll have to do it using a screen from the game and without mentioning the name. Shitposting steadily decrease in that context (Not that Cara Ellison is a good writer)

He has nothing to do with VtMB 2

You keep telling yourself that pedro

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Underworld Ascendant.
Oh wait, no that's not...
Doom 4.
No wait.
Thief 4!
Okay so it doesn't happen, fuck.

really makes you think when shitposters don't recognise anything other than the name and will ignore other threads

I might do just that

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>tfw I can't find my 15 yo VTMB copy.

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Back to your containment site please

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Just torrent the GOG version

men actually fuck women and are attracted by the lower body, literal immature babies focus on the breasts

>posts a shitty generic momcon-pandering character
You prove the point desu

the fuck is this

I hope this sequel flops not because of politics, but because you fags need to just go to /vg/. Every fucking day, a new VtM thread and it's always the same shit.

>Election tourist telling someone to go back to their containment site.

The irony

nice meme

>all these anons complaining about sjw shit in vtmb2
>forgetting how much sjw shit was in the original

As long as vtmb2 is like the first game and lets my character ignore/make fun of/etc the sjw shit like the first game I'll be fine. The game is an RPG, your free to choose ignoring ham fisted political stuff.

>reviews eroge, da capo. One of the best.
Japan bad!
Heterosexuality boring!
Entitlement to see woman naked!
Trivialization of rape and harassment of woman.
They seem prepubescent, shocking!

What a great review.

Attached: lead senior writer for vtm bloodlines 2 - 3.jpg (2267x2112, 1.07M)

A character from V5 edition of the tabletop

she got thiccer

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>As long as vtmb2 is like the first game and lets my character ignore/make fun of/etc the sjw shit like the first game
It won't.

>he doesn't want to suck on some big titties like a baby

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Might as well post this as well.

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her ass still has no shape to it, look at pics of it when she's standing up straight, all the fat went to her tits

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She's reached mommy perfection

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That's pleb shit, here now THIS is literature.

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yes go back to your t_degenerate incel containment subreddit. If you can find it that is.

Reminder that she isn't married and doesn't have kids.

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Men like pretty faces and nipples are almost like sexual organs too, pseud. Nipples get firm and sensitive when they get turned on. You're trying too hard to seem like an adult.

Nah I'm pretty sure you just like little girls. Or are a beta orbiter.

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>in her 40s
>still hasn't married/had kids

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I'm pretty sure you're just manchildren with mommy issues, probably were weaned too early and have been upset about it ever since

god yes

Attached: 8b5.gif (125x125, 16K)

Projecting insecurity so hard

Can we drop the ridiposting at last? Everyone knows it and he won't appear in the game regardless. It has gotten REALLY fucking tiresome seeing this every thread like some new point has been made.

It's literally autism at this point.

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Which is best?
>a hesitant mom you have to seduce in order to push past the incest barrier and her own insecurities about her age and body
>a confident mom that will be pushing you towards a physical relationship who has the porn classic "life spent in gym/yoga" body

She's married tho

Both desu. Both.

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I want to see my mom fuck black men. What's wrong with me bros?

You're a tripfag

Fuck off Gary

What's wrong with you is that you have too much free time to troll in the chans zoomer

Vampires can't have kids silly.


All non Japanese games have heavy politics behind them

Best way it to ignore them and simply discuss. Whenever a new clan is revealed, the threads are a lot more tolerable

Blame moderation.

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What if you were embraced by a Toreador and then the art you become obsessed with is deviantart furry vore?

Then you truly are damned

> Become a vampire
> pay 2000 dollars for a YCH.

>expecting deviantart/rule 34 content to explode during VTMB 2's reveal and after
>still relatively nothing
Same thing as Warhammer Fantasy for example.

We had a gajillion number of quality content for a shitty OC like Bowsette everywhere, yet no one cares about the gaming series and characters that matter.

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Imagine being so obsessive that you go around screenshotting shit you don't like and making a folder specifically for it so you can spam the contents every time a specific thread pops up.

I'd say try again on the weekend but the reddit kids will probably be here then too. Yea Forums is a lost cause and you'd be better off on /vg/.

desu at least her hypothetical kids won't get an Oedipus complex

You fags always bring this up.

Is it a porn game?
Is there sex or something?

Its paraded around like its some action porn game.

that fuck in the piano knows exactly what I'm thinking


>that fuck in the piano
Nosferatu infiltration confirmed

>expecting deviantart/rule 34 content to explode
VTM isn't sexually appealing. Same thing with WH.
To be hot you need some cuteness and appeal, VTM and WH are purely dirt and sleaze, like a porn movie that only trailer trash can watch.

I knew I fucked that sentence up, you know exactly what I meant nigger

I just couldn't resist

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

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Yes, yes

>Making screencap collages of shit he doesn't like and posting it on Yea Forums instead of playing video games.

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs during the first three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace before worsening. Autism is associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risk factors during pregnancy include certain infections, such as rubella, toxins including valproic acid, alcohol, cocaine, pesticides and air pollution, fetal growth restriction, and autoimmune diseases.

>put retarded politics in a game
>surprised people are discussing it

>VTM isn't sexually appealing
>Bram Stoker-like vampires aren't inherently sexual
>Warhammer Fantasy isn't sexually appealing
>a universe with 10/10 qt elves, openly slutty dark elves, A LITERAL FUCKING GOD OF SEX, etc, isn't inherently sexual
And notice how I said "Fantasy". Because Warhammer 40K has much more content than Fantasy, despite coming after.
Thereby your argument is moot.

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WHAT POLITICS? Tell me what politics you have gleaned from this game that we barely know anything about. No characters have been revealed. No storylines have been revealed. Where exactly are these politics expressed by them game?

Keyword that you used is slutty.
It is not appealing to artist types who seek more, only to brainless knuckledraggers.

They are already sexualized so there is no reason to lewd them.

it gets worse

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Are you aware of what Rule 34 is? Are you aware of what it has done and still does? Characters have been lewded for much, much less. Lizards and ponies are getting lewded for Caine's sake. Ugly monsters with multiple hands are getting lewded. Are you new to all this?
And if that's the case, why does WH40K has so much content? In its overall state, it's basically Fantasy in space.

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This book is the only redeeming thing leafs have done.


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VTM and WH:F are the equivalent of the girl trying too hard and as a result only the >90 iq pussyhound douchebros find her hot, and that crowd doesn't produce much art.

she wants the D

more like the Blood

Attached: Ventrue.webm (1920x1080, 2.34M)

she's a Toreador fó ›¡aó ›¡m, I'll give her both

>trying too hard
Explain Overwatch's porn. Explain Dead or Alive porn. Explain Nier Automata porn.
Why does something being sexy by default has to be given less attention? It doesn't make sense.

And I never said these settings were only sex. You are implying that because you don't know shit it seems. But both universes have also that aspect as well, and it's ok because they are intended for more mature audiences. And if characters have been lewded for infinitely less, I don't see why can't these universes' characters also.

>tfw all this shilling and Vampira Hendricks be some short-ass side quest giver to collect five blood bags

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Both Lilian and Vampira Hendricks appeared in the trailer, with Lilian being shown in the end and implying to be the narrator and a big deal to the story. I would be surprised if Mommy Toreador pulled a Jeanette and had a little role and appearence in the story.

the way he gets off the ground means he was using the bat flying power. mfw the faggot dev cut out the flying demo so we have to wait until e3 to see it

chances are they don't show us shit at E3 and have to wait until October for Paradox' own PDX-con

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Attached: gameplay3.webm (674x382, 345K)

The way the clan releases line up so that they're finished by the time e3 comes around tells me otherwise. If they were to make us wait untill october, they'd reveal the clans by the month, not by the week

They are naturals. They're just hot and appealing, they don't need try and overcompensate.
They aren't like the sub-normies that compensate small penises with biggest hummers. (VTM & WH)

Mommy milkies in the VTMB2 trailer is a noticeable exception tho, she is a natural. Absolutely a breedable sensibly dressing mother material for making strong and healthy children with.

She's probably the Toreador Primogen if she's in the trailer

I guess you could describe Strauss and Gary Golden that way

How very unfortunate.

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They are naturals. They're just hot and appealing, they don't need try and overcompensate.
>They aren't like the sub-normies that compensate small penises with biggest hummers.

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I do hope so, would be nice to actually struggle to not to fall for great manipulative toreador milkers.

literally what are you talking about bro

Who do you think should be her voice actor? Mary Elizabeth McGlynn has silky mommy voice, but she already voiced Pisha.

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What VTM and WH do is the female equivalent of that.

Who do you think is coming back from vtmb1?
I got my bets on Pisha. Very memorable, but uninvolved in story and travelling magic trinket role makes her ideal for another feature

I don't think so, her voice actress already voices our mommy.

dont think that matters. The guy who voiced Betram Tung voices the Tremere guy in the new trailer.

Pisha's whole deal is hunting artifacts. I don't think Seattle has a major museum or enough of a pull to get stuff like the Giovanni mansion with artifacts. I think Ash might show up since he fucked off out of LA

Beckett, likely. He's a favorite already and since shit's retconned he's still around anyway.

A snarky scholar Gangrel to tease future DLC would be perfect for Paradox.

He's in Canada

Why would any of the characters from 1 suddenly appear in Seattle? Shit would be dumb as fuck.

>Toreador Primogen
>accepting to be hired for her faction
>taking a personal interest in you, aside from she advancing her agenda
>essentially doing favors for thicc mommy and becoming her protege
>mai dick

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Vancouver is like, 10 minutes away. Seattle is really close to British Columbia.

Beckett does make the most sense. Bloodlines had a lot of important Gangrel now that I think about it, Becket, The Sherrif, the serial killer

15 years isn't sudden. It's not like they even aged. Beckett at least isn't even from LA, he just wanders to find hidden information and call people fags for believing in religious dogma.

for a game developer perspective which is the hardest to make between malkavian or nosferatu?

And then you end up being teased without end but never getting any, because that is how faggot Toreadors roll.

I'd hang myself

Nosferatu, seeing their face is a masquerade violation so you need to program paths away from the beaten path where they can stay out of view

Jesus Christ..

Malkavian, due to the dialogue rewrite. But even so, it's not actually that hard to shoehorn in some schizo moments. You have to remember it was "hard" then because they had no time left since Activision shit on them. Playing Malkavian or Nosferatu doesn't significantly change the game, despite what others say

That's not to say this time around it won't, which is why we might only see 1 or only DLC features of Malk and Nos

Not all Malks are that crazy or even that level of crazy. You also don't have a voiced playable character I think. The voices in your head are the only hard part about it, since the madness isn't always fish malk madness

Malkavian, for sure, with the dialogue changes - and if you want to go full haul, you change visuals and sounds at random to nail the "not quite there" aesthetic.

The Sheriff does not have an official clan - he's assumed to be Nagloper.

this game will probably have nudity now that I think about it. I hope we get to see her milkers in game

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I haven't done one. Am I missing out bad? Because it's Troika, this seems like another flawed gem that has issues, but hugely makes up for it other areas. That about right?

Arcanum is my all time favourite game so I feel like this is in the same wheelhouse

Still, it would be neat to see how they apply the epic reddit madness this time around. Maybe change the way some buildings and areas look or something. Like everything twists around you as if it was the cabinet of dr cagliari

I LITERALLY already prepurchased the bloodmoon edition bros. I couldnt help myself

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I hope we get to fuck her milkers in game

He uses Gangrel abilities. A horde of locust, summon wolf, giant bat form

I believe it user. I know the times that we live in don't normally allow it, but I believe it dammit!

We will have flirt option with her, that much is certain. Especially if paradox has gotten any clue with how much impact she'll have lewd-wise. But what I fear is that the higher role she'll play in the story, the lesser chance we'll have to make a relationship of sorts with her. Because then it will get too complicated for the writers to do it properly.

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They said they don't want to go all fish malk this time and to approach mental illness with some subtly. So it won't be "OH dAugTHER of Mirroz"

Beckett makes as much sense being in Seattle as he did being in LA. He's traveled the world and has his own private jet, and if Lillian is Lilith there's probably some ancient machinations or artifacts in play that might be of interest of his.

Most major characters from VTMB however are canonically fighting a Cam vs Anarach turf war right now in the modern day, so if you're expecting Nines, Therese/Jeanette, Strauss, etc, you're going to probably be disappointed.

It was only $21 for Blood Moon, I pulled the plug immediately.

Attached: vtmb2.png (997x102, 37K)

Autism is a funny Internet word I use to pwn nerds

She will be more condescending motherly VV, mark my words.

>She will bloodbond you by cradling you in her arms and letting you suckle the vitae from her fertilelest of bosoms

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what's Strauss up to these days?

Naglopers have the Animalism, Auspex and Vicissitude Disciplines - the latter of which may explains his giant bat form and visage when not being a giant bat.

Not that different from Gangrel overall, but has African roots (I'm fairly certain Jack mentions that Lacroix may have gotten him from there).

Based Beckett. Not only has a private jet, but a private pilot as well - iirc it's his only Ghoul and it's only out of sheer necessity.

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my throbbing dick


Attached: Envy.webm (664x480, 1.27M)

Animalism is not a Gangrel exclusive discipline

damn, did he die? how?

Is that Sienna Miller? She's just a different kind of delicious.

once she hits 50 she'll be envious of the c and b cuppers.

>I know the times that we live in don't normally allow it
What are you on about, Susan did the same shit.

I think so too. But I hope that we end up receiving more from her than just some emails.

Damn. Damn...

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reminder that Lasombra are in

I don't get it.
Chestlets BTFO What's this for? Why's Aaron Paul there?

Most likely.

Propably from an overdose of blessed phosphorus bullets.

reminder that you are wrong.

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prove me wrong niggers

We already know he isn't in the game, He's in Copenhagen for christ sake.

I'll make a risitas video for all Lasombra-keks

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you first.

Tzimisce are in.
Prove me wrong. You can't.

So just more mean Venture? Wow, what a waste.

>last picture is an asylum
>just like the one where Malkavians and Toreadors from Seattle keep Sabbat infiltrators imprisoned

I meant the game allowing us to form some kind of relationship with her. Susan was a one-time-only thing and then disappeared storywise. And it became too much obvious that she was using you in the end. What I would want from Lou is to have some genuine "ara-ara" feelings thrown into her inevitable manipulation towards you as well.

Keeper of Elysium for Vannevar Thomas, former prince of San Francisco, who's trying to take over LA for the Camarilla

its literally the seattle underground, though.

Will antediluvians eat thinbloods too?
Is being thinblooded lowkey redpilled? you're basically as strong as most fictional vampires but you don't have to deal with the politics of clannies

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>last picture is an asylum
It's a huge assumption to make just by looking at door control mechanism, it can be an abandoned warehouse just the same.

It's the idea of him that is what hurts VTM you fool. The fact like something like that could be written in the first place is what brings a bad omen. His geographic location is irrelevant.

>tfw all the names and lore in this thread
I played the first game and I dont remember any of this

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Well technically since the Tremere are in...
...You know what I mean?

>implying antedilluvians even exist

Attached: Beckett_moonstone.jpg (185x161, 6K)

>but you don't have to deal with the politics of clannies
Yes because most kill you at the first sight

>aaron stealing that look on those huge milkers at 0:05

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what a waste of genes, meanwhile some fat ugly central american midget border jumping has like 10 kids


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That's the real twist. Blood still gives you powers but Caine's hatred is diluted enough for you to not be chained by it.

>can never integrate into human or vamp society or get a position of power because capes will notice and kick your ass out
>hunted by real vamps for fun
>outcast clans like nossie and gangrel at least have good powers and their bros to fall back on, you have nothing
>blood is so shit tier you probably can't make more vamps or even ghouls

I literally cannot wait for this game to flop. The anguish will be the sweetest incel tears yet.


Attached: vtmb.png (1400x1771, 2.86M)

Sjw shit.

>imagine having so much hate inside you that you want games that you don't care about, but others expect for a long time, to fail

I'm gonna play VTMB soon
what am I in for?

Attached: 15218931057440.png (700x700, 591K)


amazing atmosphere and music

i'll buy it if it has skyrim levels of moddability

Get Unofficial Patch, install it's basic version.
Make sure not to open it
You're in for a ride.

What clan are they?

Attached: angel spike.jpg (620x420, 110K)

Here's hoping we just get double embraced into a clan so we don't have to commit diablerie and can actually be properly intitiated into the clan by a sire.

Attached: 1551041459465.jpg (800x662, 85K)

>double embraced
is that even a thing

use the unofficial patch
ignore people who say not to play x clan do whatever
don't blow your load on social skills early because you will need combat skills later on

I can't wait to have something like this but with vamp mommy once the game is released and we get to know her better.


>tfw when you're thin-blooded but not so thin blooded that the double embrace works and you just end up diablerized


Nope. But they are retconning some mechanics already, like the thinblood powers. It's not entirely unlikely.

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Delete this right now, neon8.

Not playing the 2 combat optimized clans because the male options are a nigger or a rastafari and getting bodied by a hentai monster late game because your character is only good at sneaking, opening locks and speaking

>TFW Gangrels BTFO forever

Attached: TrueBrujahDabbingOn'emFurgrels.jpg (700x1109, 190K)

What happens if you diablerize someone with inferior blood?

>only $21 for blood moon
Fucking how and when it’s 100 cad rn
Just move to a shithole, though I strongly advise against it.

They supposedly taste good.

Don't open it

You'll have a really nice meal for a night

based will sasso

The only reason I haven't preordered the game is because of the SJW infested writing staff and some of the statements they made in the past.

I just hope that they have a small part to play with maybe some topical characters and doesn't take a lot of space
>SJW bloodline of the Brujah clan fighting the white Ventrue supremacists

I would be very pissed if they made the majority of the writing SJWish.

The writing should be similar, or better, to VTMB 1. You can have dark themes running through the game (remember the sexually exploited bar owner that you can help/turn in to the russian mobsters? Or what happened to Imalia? Good stuff there)

I hope they make it truly a game for mature audiences with mature tones and complex stories.

Attached: bloodlines_venus.jpg (361x500, 18K)

Nothing. If it's a thinblood it's basically killing a human, if it's a vampire, it's basically just a high.

That’s not Venus though.

>The writing should be similar, or better, to VTMB 1.
You cant have it without troika games.

Potentially all the downsides, potentially no upsides. Your humanity decreases. Your mind and soul may gain some touches of theirs. Your generation does not improve. Your aura is marked for years as a diablerist. You may, if lucky, and you took down someone with lots of disciplines gain one or two dots of disciplines.

>they are already sexualized so there is no reason to lewd them
This might be the dumbest post I've seen all day, and that's accounting for half the shit in this thread

Fuck off shill.
>Pre-alpha on release with missing content and Day 1 DLC
>No screenshots or gameplay footage
>Literal who developer

Attached: 1483188623083.jpg (1200x900, 184K)

>gangrels are furry
>tzimisce are tranny
>brujah are gay black muslims

Fuck all these pussies who say don't open it. Do it, you won't regret it

>fagging out this hard
Take a break

>SJW infested writing staff
Eh, who else but Cara Ellison is an SJW?
You certainly can in the main story, considering that Mitsoda is writing it

>No screenshots or gameplay footage
Huh? What are you talking about. We've already seen gameplay. Are you living under a rock?

You can just model swap them for another clan's

I wish I had $100 deposited into my bank account every time you fags bitched about SJWs instead of talking about the game. I wouldn't need a job.

sucks to be you, poorfag

I sure hope you are ready for some hot platonic poem exchange relationship with a smoking hot vampire stripper chick

>he uses SJW unironically

Attached: smuganimegirl.webm (956x734, 1.77M)

I never played the game modded maybe I should, I'm guessing there is a mod for that

I prefer to criticize the root of the issue and not the middleman, but I don't think SJW is that bad. Far better than tranny and incel. At the very least it's pretty well defined.

Nah, not a lot of mods, but you can edit an ini file. I played a Tremere with the Ventrue character model, for example

>SJW well defined
>SJW is anything I don't like

>Come to your senses
>Bank account empty
>Your harddrive is full...

>be me
>be retard

Had a lapsus and I just took the image from the net.

What's the point of discussing something with somebody if you're just going to type pointless slop like that.

lmao stop pretending you're smart nigger

Leaked image of the PS4 build just came out

Attached: 028D8F01-0127-479E-A665-A04EA71C0EFB.png (1280x720, 1.95M)

Lasombra are the second DLC clan after Gangrel

Attached: mommy.jpg (921x1148, 119K)

That's a rather strange answer to common sense

karma karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

We have literally seen three sneak peak videos of the game. Go watch the clan trailers

t. retard

[20:00 onward]
It doesn't seem to inspire a lot of confidence in how she talks and what she says. She is taking jabs and is basically trying to flaunt her discontent.

Also, why would they include Thinblood in into the game other than putting in some political shit? The point is, the game doesn't inspire confidence in it being true to the world of darkness.

Needless to say, I'll be eager to see what they come out with.

where my tremere bros @

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Angel: Toreador
Spike: Brujah

Hello? Nossie? Can you hear me Nossie? HELLLLOOOOO NOSSSIEEEEE???????

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>Also, why would they include Thinblood in into the game other than putting in some political shit?
But isn't that the decision of Mitsoda? He is after all the one to write the plot. I also find it a VERY big stretch to say that the thinblood inclusion is implemented for political reasons. That doesn't really have a leg to stand on

>SJWs root of the problem
>not the rejection of Christianity/religion in general in the west

>Remember to buy her game so you can fuck her tits
>implying anyone has sex in this universe
One thing I hated about the original, blood is supposedly so satisfying to a vampire that they have no desire to have sex, at all. Anyone who does is literally insane like Jeanette. But then the game turns around has tons of 10/10 girls and even acts like you're SUPPOSED to be attracted to some of them, like VV. Make up your fucking mind.

epic for the win!

Right here. First VTMB playthrough was as a Tremere, think I'll do the same for 2.

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>why would they include Thinblood in into the game other than putting in some political shit?
So that you don't accidentally pick Nosf or Malk at the start and drop the game because you didn't realize what you were getting into. That and starting from notihing is a good way to do a story.

stop crying over jew nose ellison, she's just there to do that big side-quest about the other thinbloods that are made during the mass embrace. who cares about some irrelevant faggots

tfw cant decide if i will play a male or female vamp

ignore all the VtMB tourist that are in this thread, open it user!

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Not so much the religion, but the axioms and traditions that became a byproduct of it

Toreadors like sex tho

I was referring to SJWs as the middleman and something like the death of religion as a root of the problem.


Reminder that the first game was also an SJW game.

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which stem from the religion itself and are anchored by it

>chestlets cope

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You know the fact that you antagonize the larpers is equally annoying. Just ignore them like the rest.

Game is very inconsistent about this probably because americans are proto incels

>go back to [subreddit]!
You aren't on reddit right now, sweety.

I'd prefer to live in a world where women can drive, so yea the religion matters.

The idea of it, the humanity of it and the debravity, but they can't feel a thing.

fuck off snowflake

It was political, but it never pushed an agenda. Hopefully, the sequel doesn't as well

I guess we'll live and see.

They can, with enough humanity and blood invested. It just suck when compared to succing.

mentioning politics was never the problem. the concern is that if in VTMB you could read "fat fuck" or "insane motherfucker" you probably wont in the sequel because "representation"

>what is Blush of Life

I hate the retard /pol/ brigade usually but they're right. This game is very likely to be a shit show due to the writer

Vampire contains degeneracy though. You gotta embrace your inner goth degenerate/surface level che guevara t-shirt wearing rebel it's part of the charm.

Where women can drive?

Blood rush

>tiny 1 second clip of enemies' stagger animation
>G A M E P L A Y
Fuck off shill.

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You sound pretty obsessed yourself, lad.

Such are the axioms and traditions of muslim theocracy

>to the writer
So you don't even know what you're talking about? First off, there are more than one writer. Second off, the writer you're thinking of isn't the lead

Source? I can't find anything that says Toreadors actively take part. If they do then why couldn't I fuck VV's tits?

Attached: here's your senior writer bro.jpg (2170x3002, 889K)

>n-n-no u

Take your hurt feelings and go.

That's on the devs. Blame the disease, not the symptom.

Making a dead sausage stand up.
Doesn't return the feeling.

Taking jabs at Bush (who was the president at the time) does not make it SJWish. This is about a culture war, not a political war.

What makes it SJWish is putting the white people as the evil ones, all the time. It's about making minorities holier than thou, it's about pushing a "tolerance" agenda for every "diverse" group of people, punishing wrongthink and etc.

Toreador reveal is next


You memearrowing fuck. You said that there was no gameplay. Well, there is, it's just very short and isolated

>i-it's not my fault i can no longer talk about anything else!

That was my first post in the thread. Dry your tears and calm down.

Seeing people rationalize sexism like this makes my chest hurt

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>punishing wrongthink
interesting. And yet you're treating SJWisms as wrongthink

You're not any better, you faggots. Go on, explain to me why games would be better if they carried reactionary agendas as opposed to SJW agendas.

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better that than globohomo and sex/porn addiction rotting everyone

submit to Rome tho

>he believes this

The point is games would be better if they pushed no agenda, you absolute clod.

Not being political huh? Thinbloods could be seen as an analogy. They're kind of like the kids of illegal immigrants in the vampire world. They're the offspring of someone doing wrong, and they get punished for it (it's not a deep analogy).

Of course that possible interpretation is one thing. If they really harp on about it being equivalent and how disliking thinbloods is the same thing and it's sooo evil to have both, then yeah that's shitty writing force feeding hack politics.

>Taking jabs at Bush (who was the president at the time) does not make it SJWish
and yet when you laugh at trump (who is president now), it does
weird how that works

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i'm excited for this game, anons

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literally impossible for an RPG to do, unless it's generic fantasy good vs evil

go play pac-man, if you want an agenda-less game

I can't parse your schizoid logic.
If sjws inject themselves into the project, of course people will discuss it.

>one karma too many

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>Thinbloods could be seen as an analogy. They're kind of like the kids of illegal immigrants in the vampire world. They're the offspring of someone doing wrong, and they get punished for it (it's not a deep analogy).
My point is that you're assuming a whole slew of context just from the fact that you start as a thinblood

I mean, it's been done hundreds if not thousands of times. Not sure why it's suddenly an impossibility.

>pushing no agenda
>art being being so hollow that they don't represent anything of substance or value
>art being created without the influence of politics

Based and Redpilled

Summer tourists are really in full force today, might I suggest Gacha threads instead ? might be right up your alley!

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I'd prefer no agenda you fucking cretin. The best works of fiction are always rooted in themselves. When the purpose of an art becomes more about identifying itself within it's society and less about illustrating the world it's trying to depict you should know shit is fucked. Rudi is an excellent example of this. If you can't understand that art can be something other than a shallow projection of our real world angsts you're pitifully lost.

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Dispute it then, coward

So this is what every Bloodlines thread is gonna turn into huh

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>BACK IN MY DAY (which wasn't my day because I was either 1yrs old or not born) VIDEO GAMES HAD NO POLITICAL MESSAGES OR AGENDA IN THEM!

I want the election gamergate immigrants to leave. They don't play video games or even bother to watch longplays of them.

>humanity gained


>it's all them! they did it! i have no control over my actions!
sometimes i wonder what it's like to be an outrage addict
it cant be nice

Do you really think idpol agitprop is a necessary element of art? No one can be this retarded.

No u

Gamergate is when all the SJWs flooded in as backlash, encouraged by the freshly minted sjw mods.
You may be projecting.

What a thinly veiled way of admitting you want a reactionary agenda in your video games. Look, faggot, it's not happening, stop crying. Especially not happening in a Paradox-published game

A new world of waifufaggotry, Yea Forums literally only likes this game because of the blonde vampire with the pigtails

Yes. Welcome to modern day videogame discourse. I hope you had your fill of comfy VtMB threads before 2 was announced

The porn addiction mostly infects heavy internet users. It's not even close to everyone. If you're going to criticize something affecting virtually everyone, criticize materialism. The sex and porn addiction could probably be traced to that as well. Commodifying virtuall all aspects of daily life and the culture of "want" is universal and also counter to judeo-christian teachings.

it's what happens when you put the title in the op
shitposters don't recognise any other references, so just use that

Again with the schizo rambling. Are you trying to construct a strawman? By that logic, you unable to control your impulses when you respond to me.
What are you on about? I honestly can't tell.

There aren't going to be any new clans besides thinbloods. They said they take special care with malks and it's pretty obvious we'll have dlc classes. Nos and Malk are in, mos main, malk dlc. You have to be an idiot to think otherwise. All this lasombra or whatever talks, are stupid, stupid. Never gonna happen. Yeah, I like raping people with shadow tendrils too. I also want Tsimisce. It ain't happening though.

Is that supposed to be a negative?

If you can only argue by wailing on a strawman, you really aren't able to defend your position.

No ass with big tits will fill your hands, but no tits with big ass will fill your heart

So time to go full autism here.
What clan(s) would vampires from some other famous settings be and how their powers would translate in VTM aspects according to feats?

>Underworld vamps:
Clan: Ventrue and Toreador
Powers: Potence, Celerity, Auspex, low level Fortitude, Blood Heal and some Blood Sorcery ability which allows you to have access to another one's memories through their blood

>Blade vamps:
Clan: Brujah and Ventrue
Powers: Low levels of Celerity, Potence, Fortitude and Auspex, very high levels of Blood Heal and can even regrow limps

>The Lost Boys
Clan: Brujah
Powers: Potence, Celerity, low level Fortitude, Chiropteran (Glide), Auspex and Dominate

Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce, Ventrue, Toreador
Powers: Potence, Celerity, Fortitude, Blood Heal, Auspex, Animalism, Dominate, Mentalism, Thaumaturgy/Koldunic Sorcery, Obtenebration (Shadowstep), Vicissitude (Chiropteran Marauder, Zulo/demonic form)

>Warhammer Fantasy
Clan: Ventrue/Old Clan Tzimisce (Von Carstein), old Carthage Brujah (Blood Dragon), Toreador (Lahmian), Tremere, Cappadocian (Necrarch), Gangrel (Strigoi)
Powers: Potence, Celerity, Fortitude, Blood Heal, Auspex, Animalism, Necromancy, Nebulation, Dominate, Presence, Thaumaturgy/Koldunic Sorcery, Vicissitude (Chiropteran Marauder)

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>no self control, outrage addiction, AND retarded
you really drew the short straw in life huh

Yeah for sure. I attached sex addiction in there because that one's essentially true. Everything is so oversexualized these dyas it's nauseating

Im not american and I cannot stand being bombarded with DRUMPF BAD I cannot imagine what americans feel then, comparing that to Bush jabs is such dishonesty

That's some hefty projection, mate. I'm genuinely puzzled by your anger and non sequiturs.

At least stay informed if you're gonna dispute shit. Nossies aren't in. The image depicted here is an asylum. Also, thinblood aren't a clan. Don't call them that. They stated this explicitly on stream. That's just how they're categorizing it for the reveal. It's not only pretty obvious that there will be dlc clans, it's confirmed. All dlc clans will be free. Gangrel are likely to be first because the first main expansion is called season of the wolf.

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What mods besides unofficial patch are good for the original? Is antitribu and final nights any good?

It doesn't matter what agendas you're trying to push, the problem is that when your writing revolves solely around trying to push something, that means you'll just end up making propaganda and it's going to be shit. It's always a clear sign of lacking talent when you're taking message over substance. A good writer knows how to be subtle and clever whenever exploring or introducing certain ideas, something that these hacks clearly lack.

are you autistic? not like meme autism but actual genuine autism

>that means you'll just end up making propaganda and it's going to be shit.
So, the Metal Gear games are shit?

who cares what americans feel lmao

Not that I'm aware of. Again, what are you on about? You're just blindly lashing out without making any sense.

They've already publicly made a statement about the playable character's embrace and how the kindred of Seattle don't like thinbloods.

I'm just coming up with a hypothetical angle here. Apologies if I came off as certain.

You're a fucking retard.

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you might want to find out, either that or you're so new to 4channel that you're unfamiliar with greentext
or you might just have single digit iq i guess. but it's one of those three things

You're ok with propaganda in vidya, as long as Kojima does it then?

The very notion that an artists can reject once politics or the environment that they are surrounded by,when creating a piece of art is straight up fantasy. Or maybe you believe in some kind of God and have this strange notion of free will that artists have.

Can we please actually get a game example with heavy writing that doesn't do this? Because you retards aren't saying anything of substance...

inb4 VtMB 1 is brought up

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>Vampires crash and burn under their own politics
The irony
Could you imagine what kind of special hell it would be if they revealed a garou game instead? We'd be getting flooded by furries that could drown out everyone

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Interview with a Vampire: Louis and Lestat are pretty much by the book Ventrue, with the theatre Vamps being Toreadors.

we already have that

So when someone paints a landscape, what politics are they espousing? What about when they paint a portrait? If we're considering vidya art, what are the politics in Mario 64?
Your argument is faulty to it's fundamental core.

Why post an example of a game that doesn't sacrifice substance for a message? Nobody is saying games can't depict politics or have morals and messages you fucking dumb triplenigger cocksucker. It's the idea that fiction should be taken simply as a method of value projection that's the issue.

Well, MGS games have really different writing standards, but I don't think I'd consider them to be a propaganda pieces. If anything, they are trying to teach the player of being more aware of such things, so not sure what you're talking here about.

Seriously, you're ranting like a schizophrenic. You may want to seek the help of a medical professional. Not even joking.

>played VtmB for the first time one year ago
>only one year of occasional comfy vtmb threads before this

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All 3 Bioshocks

>They've already publicly made a statement about the playable character's embrace and how the kindred of Seattle don't like thinbloods.
But that's not something they made up. That's established lore.
>I'm just coming up with a hypothetical angle here. Apologies if I came off as certain.
Oh, it's alright. You're not actually being unreasonable in the way that you're discussing it

>Game is set in America and written by Americans
But you don't care wha

>Nukes are bad!
>Killing the enemy is bad!
>Genes aren't important!
>We need to unite the world as one!

nice try retard
keep blaming other people for your inability to talk about the game

America is too big on the world stage for others to be apathetic about its feelings. America is a hot mess right now

Do people like you exist just to piss me off?

Don't bother debating politics as a term with people like this. They're brainwashed by universities into accepting every piece of work has "politics" simply because it was made by a human with biases and free will. To them, politics is a blanket term without any specifity. Use a different term to define whatever you're discussing.

What happened to that, anyway?

You've been trying to talk about the game by calling me autistic and lacking self control whilst foaming at the mouth?
You might want to have a talk with the man in the mirror.

If you can't see the difference between Rudi and MGS you should dig yourself a hole and go die in it.

Does anyone know what kind of engine is being used? Is it proprietary or licensed?

What do you think Werewolf DLC be like, if you do not mind me asking?

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let me make it simpler for you since you dont seem to be able to follow context
i dont care when americans get booty blasted by people saying "drumpf bad". i dont care when americans get booty blasted about people saying "drumpf good"
it doesnt affect me, mesides being a kinda funny circus to watch. why should it affect you when you said you're not american?

>boohoohoo no one talk about vtmb and vampires anymore
Yeah well they do, if you look clesely. It doesn't help that you don't contribute and don't give a fuck to the posts that actually matter and talk about the game but you either sit back or contribute to the whole drama.

You have it coming for these shitty threads that we have.

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Rudi thankfully doesn't have anything to do with VtMB2

why are you so mad?

>isn't married

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>tfw you will never be the pet human of a sexy vampiress
>She'll never trot you around on a leash like a good puppy
>She'll never call you her "little snack that she's saving for a special occasion"

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I'm not mad at all. Why, are you?


also whoever makes the next thread, don't have the game's name in the op

B-but I got told to lurk moar once

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you're very obviously seething

>comparing that to Bush jabs is such dishonesty
Also, there is nothing wrong with making fun about honorary goy

And don't link back to this one, christ

>tfw you'll never be a werewolf with a pet sexy vampiress
>you'll never trot her around in a leash like a good puppy
>you'll never call her "little snack I'm saving for a special occasion"
why live

I feel like this game will only serve to make me want to play the original Bloodlines honestly. Fallout 4 did that with New Vegas.

Could have fooled me. I guess I was too busy enjoying my morning coffee to notice.

RPGs have to by definition be literally redit guys
In suikoden II luca blight represents the capitalist patriarchy and the city states the proto socialist native american poc
In neverwinter nights the old one lizard people are basically just wipipo
I could go on, fucking newfags from /pol/ baka

If you don't know, in the first game there was a werewolf encounter where you basically just run around a building trying to avoid his attacks because werewolves are OP as fuck. I personally hope we'll get something a little more tactful, like maybe the Camarilla organizes a werewolf hunt or something. Actually talking to a werewolf would be cool but VTM has traditionally made this near impossible. We don't know any details about how it will fit in the campaign, when it's expected, or the planned size. All we know is it's an expansion, so whatever size it ends up being is what we can expect as the biggest content updates they will do, so if it's REALLY big we might be able to enjoy this game for a good while longer.

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>muh joos

No, but the work behind him does.

How do you think Bloodlines 2 will handle the Ventrue clan curse this time around? I hope it will be more creative than not letting you feed on bums and prostitutes.

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What does lurking have to do with actually caring about and giving value to the posts talking about the game and vampires? The whole thread for a lot of time revolves around ANYTHING else other than vampires and VTMB but instead we have good posts getting overflowed by a couple of autists talking about American politics.

Again, it's on you being inactive.

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Use vtmb though

all the shills here .


Is Rudi's creator on the team for VtM:B 2? If not, then why the fuck does it matter. An IP can have hundreds of different writers involved, just because 1 writer creates something of a certain quality doesn't mean they all do.

What about Legacy of Kain?

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>looking forward to a game is banned on Yea Forums
your gay


>vampires thinking they're hot shit
Oh you're gonna burn, all right.

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Day 1 pirate. I have several physical copies of Bloodlines and Redemption and would buy Bloodlines 2 but fuck DLC and even if it were to get a "physical" release, it is Paradox so it won't be an actual physical copy, just a Steam code in a box.

Possibly only people with intense auras, sense every clan gets aura sensing now.

Discord trannies - I mean school shooters - do it for free.

Van Helsing has joined the game

Because the media crusade is not comparable, hell if you were not american all you probably saw was a simpsons parody at most, having more of the same message flooded into every media in an escapist game is distracting at best.
I want to play as cool vampires I dont care about drumpf being evil because of how he handles the children of central american borderjumpers or other retarded social drama


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The threads were fine yesterday. Today's just

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So when did any of the writers for Bloodlines say this, or is this a scenario created in your head?

Not being able to feed on rats was a bitch in the hollywood sewer quest.

Please respond sweeties

This guy looks like young Putin

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that section was added to the book, quite ironically, after v5 was accused of having fascist undertones

A unique immersive sim, western RPG experience that has yet to be successfully replicated.

Damn, it's almost like V:tM is a tabletop RPG dating back to the 80s

You are cancer, all of you. You're killing everything good. I am leaning much more to the right as to the left, but you end up being the same as them.

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What are you talking about? Rudi and the writing in V5 has absolutely nothing to do with VtMB 2. You would fucking know that if you gave a shit about the IP

don't feed the shitposters, retard

Van Helsing has joined the game

> vampire


I certainly agree with the idea that VTM is only ever as good as it's storyteller, but to suggest that Rudi is basically fanfic levels of irrelevant is disingenuous. He was in a published lore book for the edition bloodlines 2 is based on. His existence is a net negative, regardless of the degree to which you think it matters. I have faith in Mitsoda, and that takes way more preference than whatever dogshit Rudi might indirectly signify. Also, the "Malk" asylum is actually Rudi's haven and the 5th clan is Rudi


There's gonna be a single lore/character reference to Rudi, or you'll get an email from him if you side from the Anarchs saying "Keep fighting the good fight" and shitposters are gonna lose their damn mind

Why newfags shouldn't be allowed to make threads

Can someone explain - who is Rudi?

I mean, just one irrelevant ref to make shitposters seethe would be great

I know I will

Perhaps they aren't demanding what you wrongfully assume. I think they want a game that has more thought, more meaning, and more depth. Ideas that fit the game and are properly and fairly explored, not some poorly veiled attempt to constantly sell us an agenda. They don't want constant moral screeds and regurgitated, hackneyed politics they see every day.

But of course it's only bad when people dislike SJWs or leftwing ideas. It's totally fine to put down, disregard, and try to soft boycott any other political ideas in media, right?

What's cringe is you, and miserable fucks like you, killing another VTMB thread. It's clear that you don't care about the franchise if you're so eager to point fingers so early.

>V5 has absolutely nothing to do with VtMB 2

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>after v5 was accused of having fascist undertones
really? what exactly happened?


Not than user,but.
Propaganda isn't inherently bad, it's used in school when we as a society deems math to be something important or when we are learning kids that murder is bad. it's also used by private companies when they are advertising to consumers. If it's bad or good is a whole new topic that I don't think you are capable of discussing.

I mean, the game has a princess. So the writers behind it were probably influenced by western monarchy for design and it's playing on the age old "Damsel in Distress" trope.
None of these are inherently bad mind you, but they are very much influenced by the real world and the politics surrounding these themes. You might think i'm reaching but I suspect you are already pretty rooted in your own ideology by the way you are writing in this thread.

oh cmon user, I'm not sure if this is bait?
One game heavily beats the player with "slavery is bad" bat, before they decide to go full fucking time travel.
And another Bioshock game has a society build on the foundation of an ideology that is Libertarianism. With little sisters being used as both child labor and as a "resource" for rich people that could afford ADAM. It's pretty hamfisted by the writers but maybe you missed those parts of the game?
I don't believe in free will, so I don't get where you are going with this.

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I'm literally going to be literally clapping right then

One of the V5 writer's pet characters who is supposedly based on one of his friends.

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>a literally who from Denmark
Shan't be happening.

Lefties are so far gone they can't tell the difference between themselves and actual biggotry

I want it at this point out of sheer spite

SJWs have friendly fire perma toggled on.

chechnya shit mainly, but also some other guff
and hillariously, an example series of rolls that went like 1-4-8-8

Thank you.

I appreciate your thoughts. I think it would be funny to pull Underworld on this with Vampires fighting against Werefolves in some sort of blood feud. What you think?

Attached: vampire-vs-werewolf-underworld.jpg (825x464, 38K)

>There aren't going to be any new clans besides thinbloods
But V5 changes things up to such an extent that the role of certain clans has changed. It's also be a great way to make it different from the original game


And not a single one of them sacrifices the immersion of their word with "we live in a society" tier rhetoric. I agree with everything you stated about Bioshock and maintain my position. Hopefully this illuminates what I'm talking about.

>Half the thread is revolved around SJW accusations, American politics, some spammable "Rudy" character DESPITE having so little info about the actual game
>VTMB thread

How did we come to this?

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>gay muslim anarchist vampire
You know, it could have actually worked if he was a Malkavian.

>an example series of rolls that went like 1-4-8-8
Hahaha what the fuck

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politicsfags get bored after a while

2016 election brought in a bunch of /pol/edditors who don't play vidya.

>How did we come to this?
Gamergate and the 2016 election brought in a flood of retards and they never left.

>Because the media crusade is not comparable
Yeah because none never made a single joke about Bosh being dumb as wood
>I want to play as cool vampires
Than stop whinning about jokes?

Vampire puts in a queer radical muslim character, who in real life is based off some geek who can't even say they're queer to their family. With all of White Wolf's care, intelligence, and wisdom they make the queer radical muslim into the very heroic model of an antifa member. They make their queer muslim hero into a parasitic loony wannabe terrorist loser.

Is Rudi the greatest vampire character or what?

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Wait a minute, what the fuck does Chechnya have to do with vampires?

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what pisses me off is that they didn't even bother to make him a Brujah

Learn to read american negro

the geniuses at white wolf, before paradox stepped in for good, decided it would be a good metaplot to have the gay concentration camps in chechnya be a pysop by ventrue vampires or something

>queer radical muslim
Stopped reading right there. Kill yourself you dumb fuck. At the very least don't type if you're going to type pointless gibberish

Still waiting for the reveal that Rudi doesn't give a single shit about anything and just plays that persona to get an easy herd.

He's irrelevant in Seattle, worry more about what Mitsoda can do in the modern era.

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I guess they set something in chechnya as a political commentary about killing gays or something

obviously Kadyrov, local MMA enthusiast has pull with the Russian government

>american negro
I am a snow negro, but your crying about jokes is pathetic

>wanting DLC
DLC shouldn't exist

Almost bombed Paradox.

Unironically too high IQ

Okay, this is epic

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day 1 pirate

You know what would be better than VTMB?
More VTMB by Troika.

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I'm not crying about jokes I'm saying I don't want my throat to be stuffed with DRUMF BAD 24/7 and I'm old enough to call you on your bullshit that this is remotely comparable to Bush

Do we know if Mitsoda will also act as a voice actor in the sequel?

makes sense, vampires are almost all total degenerates by nature so really all of rudi's major characteristics are synonyms

What clan is he?

Attached: khabib'.jpg (1200x800, 59K)

>m not crying about jokes
Yeah I can see across all your posts.
>I'm saying I don't want my throat to be stuffed with DRUMF BAD 24/7
And where exactly devs they will fill game with Trump jokes?
>and I'm old enough to call you on your bullshit that this is remotely comparable to Bush
Oh, whatever...


i agree with you that kind of retard shud be put out back and shot

Damn how many of these games were pure commie bait?

The Russian government must have spent a lot of money making these games.

I hope so. He's not half bad as a VA and he's got a pretty alright voice. I remember when I replayed VtM:B back in like 2011 I thought for a while Adam Toufexis was Romero, threw me for a loop when it was just Mitsoda

Romero is coming back bros.


but what clan is Tony?
Malk, right?

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Free DLC should

Probably not

THis here is a prime example of pseudo intellectualism. if you need to make it so hard to understand something so simple its probably because youve found a way it makes sense in your head. versus making sense in reality

>youve found a way it makes sense in your head. versus making sense in reality
You don't sound particularly well off either, user.

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I read a little bit about those Muslim vampires in V5
Like, what's the point? I though traditional judeochristian theology was like... the true religion? With Caine and all that shit?
Why insert other religions?

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Now that would actually be interesting writing

Muslims believe in Jesus and Abraham

Why don't we create a general from now in /vg/? I think it would drive away most of the buzz from the shitposting 2016 casuals and allow us to talk about the actual game for a change.
What's happening now can't continue happening until October though. It will kill every joy that fans have about the game and offers nothing without actual game information.

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>I though
You thought wrong.

Probably for the same reason not every christian interpets the bibble in the same way.

Why does no one remember him for the news anchor and radio advertiser?

inshallah brother

Some vampires retain their faith into their undead life. Rarely does it actually stay for long. Being damned tends to do that to you.

>bro what is an abrahamic religion, I have never heard of it bro

Isn't the game still rather early in development? What's with this early DLC planning? I know it's free and all but it still seems weird, wouldn't they try and get as much as possible into the main game and then release what's left over?

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islam is a branch off of christianity

Wait til this user finds out Muslims believe in the same God as Jews and Christians

Wait til he finds out they even like Jesus, unlike judaism

>Isn't the game still rather early in development?
From what I've gathered, it's actually been in development for a while

I would say you're wrong since Islam treats Christ as just a prophet figure as opposed to God's Son, but then again Unitarianism exists so...

the rejection of Christ as Messiah is a big deal however

One year out is not early development. They're in the beta stage technically.

Probably a Paradox mandate. The game is also a year from release

I remember him as such along with a few cops and thugs, Romero is just what came to my head first.

right, but it came out of Christianity

You can get away with releasing unfinished games today and then you get praised when you finish it with "free DLC" Shows what a sad state video games are in when finishing a game after release is considered a good thing but it is when you look at the alternatives of finishing it after release with paid DLC

oh no you didn't you fucking faggot

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No she's, she's a a hunchbacked transvestite.

>western game
>fat tranny

And this shit right here proves it. Western games are trash

I mean, you're totally right. Totally different people as well. Even people with strong koolaid-drinking beliefs may be able to separate them from their work and art enough to produce something more than just a boring screed. Maybe.

People were bringing Rudi up and I just wanted to express my everlasting love the character. They were being so woke that they flipped into far rightwing fantasy land and their heroic leftwing muslim hero was a looney wannabe terrorist. Pottery.

>I though traditional judeochristian theology was like... the true religion?
Bruh,,, look at this dooode

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Yeah, it is - I'm not the one talking about """"judeo-christian values,"""""" though, as If there's some unique tie between Judaism and Christianity that excludes Islam.

Who dat

It's been in dev since 2014 apparently

do you understand what a plan is?

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