>mfw Royal actually gets a Switch port anyway and the whole thing has been a marketing ploy to drum up hype for the Switch port
Mfw Royal actually gets a Switch port anyway and the whole thing has been a marketing ploy to drum up hype for the...
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Probably a likely scenario
If they did port it, they would likely port the base version much like Catherine on Steam, and the port itself is unlikely. All because of Atlus's intense autism.
Someone post the copypasta
Possible, but probably an exclusivity deal instead.
Even though we all know that's what's going to happen, don't say it. You're just giving sony shitposters more excuse to call Switch owners desperate.
It's not in Atlus' hands. It's in Sega's.
Sony shitposters don't have a leg to stand on. Glass houses and all that. They know that if they dare open their mouths they'll get a dick jammed right in there.
Sonyboys are about to
good thing you don't work at marketing
Wow, the one time a Yea Forums poster insists that someone is NOT a shill? I'm shocked.
No, it’s definitely still in Atlus’ hands
That's wrong though, probably.
I honestly can't tell who is a falseflagger and who isn't anymore.
That said, I still don't get why everyone is so obsessed with P5.
Switch has too many great games. I don't need this one. You can take it back. You need all the games you can get.
>That said, I still don't get why everyone is so obsessed with P5.
You don't put a character in Smash and then not have his game on your system.
Look, who actually genuinely cares? Would P5 on Switch be cool? Yeah sure, especially since Joker got some exposure from Smash. But there is no reason to put the game on such a high pedestal that you have to constantly beg for it. Does anyone really want to play this game that badly?
Yes, because it's in Smash. It's the only game in Smash that is not on a Nintendo system.
Yeah, I remember when MGS4 came to Wii
Joker is in Persona Q2 on 3DS, and that Persona musou game is coming to Switch too.
Chie is a fucking slut. Just imagine the amount of sausage she had between those lips. She was probably the town bike before you came around and she was instantly lusting after your salami next.
Her phonenumber is probably all over public toilets with the annotation that she's willing to do anything for a beefbowl.
And remember those 3 guys from her S rank? As soon as you enter the train to go back home those guys probably rape her and NTR the shit out of her, turning her into a sexslave so they don't have to pay for the meat to take turns on her
The Snake from MGS4 isn't the one in Smash. It's Snake from MGS3 which was on the 3DS.
Those are spinoff games. Everyone in Smash has their MAIN game on a Nintendo system.
Cringe P4fag
>It's Snake from MGS3
That's Big Boss/Naked Snake
The one in Smash is Solid Snake
Wrong, you'll notice he has a beard which Solid Snake does not have. He's also not called Solid Snake in Smash. He is just called Snake.
>muh made-up imaginary rules
>posts no face
It's the MGS2 suit.
Regardless, P5 needs to come to Switch. Nobody cares about spinoffs.
Snake was in Brawl before MGS3 was on 3DS. The Snake in Smash is based on the one from Twin Snakes on Gamecube.
Cloud was in Smash before his main game came to a Nintendo system. He had previously only showed up in Theatrhythm and... Chain of Memories on GBA?
And Cloud was in Smash before FF7 was on Switch. That's a moo point.
He was also in Final Fantasy Explorers and probably some Itadaki Street game. Also, he was in Ehrgeiz, but that's not a Nintendo game. I just like reminding people that Ehrgeiz exists.
The way I see it, P5S doesn't seem to be the end-all of Persona of Switch. Nintendo came with a list of characters Sakurai could use, and him being a huge Persona 5 fan meant he chose Joker. That's fine, but then why would Nintendo advertise a franchise that's not on their console? You could excuse Snake and Cloud because Kojima asked Sakurai personally for Snake's inclusion and Cloud represents FF as a whole, but the only Persona games on Nintendo are Q1/2 and I seriously doubt they're trying to advertise those games with Smash or that they would settle for some musou spinoff.
Imagine calling other people brand loyalists for not buying a switch for bayo 2 and then making this thread.
>The Snake in Smash is based on the one from Twin Snakes on Gamecube.
What are you even on about. Brawl's Snake had 3's Bibo face and Solid's MGS2's outfit.
What if they do a standalone Switch-exclusive RPG sequel to P5 in the vein of The Answer, though obviously longer than that? Atlus seems to want to keep Persona 5 alive forever, I think it's the first Persona game we're going to see a legit sequel to.
>main game on ps4, sequel on switch
I can see it happening because it's fucking Atlus
I highly doubt that, considering they are aware most of their fans are on PS4 and they would want an epilogue.
I honestly think Joker is there to advertise SMT V. And it makes sense, because it would sell way more if it got Persona fans on board.
Joker is there to advertise Switch to Persona fans you retard.
Than why didn't they do frost?
>P5P is exclusive to Switch
>P5R is exclusive to Sony
>Each game has different "enhancements"
It would be the worst timeline, but I could see Atlus doing that, they've already somewhat done it before.
>most of their fans are on PS4
I honestly don't know why anyone who owns a PS4 wouldn't own a switch too, or vice versa.
Desu I see most of the switch begging as being because a 100 hour rpg is much more stomachable on a portable.
They need a Switch to buy SMT V.
For the larger newer fanbase, he's just another Persona. Joker is the icon of the series. With this, they can advertise SMT V as a "new game by the studio that made Persona 5", and people will buy it.
>It'll Wii U
>It'll be 3DS
>It'll be a Switch port
>We'll get R anyways
It just keeps going.
6 years later, tendies still begging. Tou wouldn't need to if you bought a real platform, by this time next year you would be playing royal garunteed.
Well, if it's Sega's call then they'll probably force Atlus to start porting their games everywhere because of how successful Yakuza has become on PC.
Yes you need a Switch to play as Joker in Smash. That's the advertisement. In return, Nintendo paid royalty fees to Sega and also charges money for Joker to get a return on investment.
I think it's unlikely. Since they couldn't wait for Catherine Full Body to release on PC, my best guess is that Atlus can't be arsed to port the Persona engine to other things.
>I think it's the first Persona game we're going to see a legit sequel to.
user, you already proved your own dumbass statement incorrect by talking about the Answer. The Answer was a sequel in Japan. Everyone else got it bundled together in FES.
Not only that but Eternal Punishment was a sequel to Innocent Sin.
P4U is also a sequel to P4.
I dont understand how not confirming something is supposed to drum up hype
Ive given up hope for switch port and ive already ordered a ps3 version
im not gonna get a ps4 for 1 game, I didn't buy a switch for 1 game
>buying the incomplete version when Royal is coming out later
Why not just play it on PC for free then if you're okay with the lesser version?
How is a 100 hour rpg more palatable on a portable that you're generally playing less than a home platform?
By that logic SMTV should be on PS4
It's already on a portable tho?
>a portable that you're generally playing less than a home platform?
I'm quite drunk, mind elaborating on this argument?
Why would I play a switch less simply because it's a switch?
Your argument is that Switch fans are PS4 fans too.
They are trying to reverse the argument of "every JRPG is quite a bit better on a portable device" lately.
He says as he port begs for Persona 5 again.
Fuck this shit
I'd like to see swtch port
>Your argument is that Switch fans are PS4 fans too.
No, my argument is that there's no real reason to not have both.
Console war faggots are either shitposters, poor NEETs, or teenagers.
GR is owned by Sony though.
Just pirate P5 on the PS3 or emulate it then watch the new cutscenes on youtube. It's confirmed to be Golden 2.0 already so what's the fucking point
Therefore, SMTV should be on PS4.
this is getting sad
you mean like FF7 on N64
I'm saying that the portability aspect being a "bonus" is retarded unless you're a kid with a flexible schedule that forces you to go outside or a frequent traveler that's on long train rides of flights and never home for long periods of time.
If you're just playing it in docked mode does it being portable even matter? Or are you really busting it out every single time you have a break at work just to get five to ten minutes in here and there?
Like, I will admit that there is basically no reason for atlus to not port it.
But it'd still be better portable.
why would mariofag even need Persona game? You have you Zelda, you have your Mario, you dont need anything else.
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
this is getting funny ...
Bruh. I used to have a job that required more than an hour and half spent on the train each day.
There are dudes who have kids and a wife that hog the TV, thats a common thing apparently.
Just cus you don't have those things, don't mean mean that others don't.
Agreed, they're so in denial.
Persona 6 will be switch U exclusive launch title
I'm passing on Royal because P5 is still too fresh in my mind. I don't want to play a 100+ hour game again so soon. If it comes out on Switch eventually maybe I'll be ready by then.
>mfw coping
He's been in smash for years though.
>I think it's the first Persona game we're going to see a legit sequel to.