Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Are you telling me first one didn't flop? Who the hell plays these things?

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>Are you telling me first one didn't flop? Who the hell plays these things?
unfortunately, no, it was hugely successful

>everyone, let me tell you about how mad i get about a game i don't like

>Are you telling me first one didn't flop?

Wildlands sold over 15 million copies

the first ghost recon and first 2 expansions were kino this shit looks like trash when did they make it third person

*walks towards you*

>Are you telling me first one didn't flop?
Why on earth would it have flopped? It was the seventh best selling game of the year and had great legs thanks to its post-release support.
>Who the hell plays these things?
People who enjoy the spiritual successors of games like Conflict: Desert Storm. The new GR seems to be more focused on survival and stealth than Wildlands, which had a very arcade edge. They've ditched the AI companions, for example.

>it's just Wildlands 2
I skipped Wildlands because it was shit and because it was co-op focused
I just want to have third-person shooty fun by myself since my friends only play indie or nintendo things

Wow the gameplay looks clunky as fuck.

I'm mad it's not Splinter Cell. Yes.

Wildlands was fun as fuck. This looks boring.

Bro-dudes and fags who are into military/gun porn. Just watch some of the people on YT making Wildlands vids.

Ubisoft is a trash company that makes the most soulless, generic games imaginable.

>They've ditched the AI companions, for example.
they did? trailer seems to show they didn't, I'd be more interested if they removed that micro management of the team

Reveal trailer looked like garbage. Gunplay and the animations looked like total shit and the people even playing the demo were straight up retarded.

the go play splinter cell retard

>The first one
You're far too young to be here if you think wildlands is the first ghost recon game.

this, /k/ vidya is a strong niche and has been for a long time.

ah yes the good old tactical cape

when you play solo you don't have AI companions because your squad dies in the beginning of the game

It was the first one that didn’t suck

>trailer seems to show they didn't
That was co-op footage. GR: Breakpoint has no human AI companions, with sync shots being carried out by your drone. Apparently they wanted to emphasize isolation and survival when playing solo.

I played wildlands with my brothers. Fun as hell in coop maytee. Good times, just dont buy any of the trash dlc

he obviously meant in Wildlands fashion, try to read between the lines, jesus.

My concern is that without AI teammates you lose the fun banter. Also, I'm wary about how well tuned the singleplayer experience will be. It'd be annoying if you end up with The Division-style missions where they're frustrating and grindy because they want you to tackle them with three other people. Still, hoping for the best.

hm, a little more interested in a more serious far cry kind of game
wildlands pushed me away by AI squad thing.

in GRW everyone died in 1 hit during stealth, and 3 during open combat.

why the fuck is this shit third person perspective cover shooter
isn't this just division?

knowing ubisoft thats not actual gameplay

i wonder if the dsr 50 will be busted in this like it is in wildlands

>why the fuck is this shit third person perspective cover shooter
You do realise that Ghost Recon games have dabbled in third person shooting since 2004's Ghost Recon console games, right? In fact, Ghost Recon did the whole over the shoulder TPS thing years before RE4 "invented" it. So did Splinter Cell.

Splinter Cell and Rayman are dead. Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon, and Rainbow Six are the future.

"early alpha" but let's face it they're not going to do any kind of radical shift to fix the animations or the gunplay or the game itself. It is 100% representative of final gameplay

we don't talk about consoles here, we're talking about proper ghost recon

>Splinter Cell and Rayman are dead.
A new Splinter Cell is in development. Has been for a while. But it likely won't appear until next E3.

Probably /k/

I'm a non-believer until I see it.

Wildlands was one of the best selling games of the year, it was on the UK/EU top 10 list for a long fucking time. It's just one of those games Yea Forums never talks about because it's fucking shit, like the yearly Madden/FIFA/COD.

Literally in Ghost Recon 2, the console exclusive, they thought the peasants couldn't handle first person or squad commands so it became a 3rd person cover shooter.

Just ignore the fact that Ghost Recon and all expansions were sold on GCN, PS2 and Xbox. TPS are the FUTURE.

Yea Forums never talked about it because it wasn't an outrage-centric title that YouTubers flocked to.

As if the kids care about a middle of the road co-op game. It's not like people are raving about Conflict Desert Storm or Army of Two nostalgia.

those who played those two games rave about them
atleast i've seen it here probably those same people buy and play these newer GR
good old coop fun

See, I wanna be excited, as I can play it in a pseudo Splinter Cell fashion, seeing as they're refusing to release a new one, but being Ubi, it'll look nothing like that pre-baked trailer they put out.

if anything wildlands looked good enough

proper ghost recon is in third person, so get dabbed on faggot

They've confirmed this one is more solo based. Got rid of the shitty AI teammates too, replaced the only good thing they did (synchronised kills) with drones that do it with you instead.

>It's not like people are raving about Conflict Desert Storm or Army of Two nostalgia.
yes, i agree that this board is mostly underaged and generally trash

In fairness the AI used to revive me when I took a bike off a hill more than 15mph

I'll play it. No shitting fucking markers is already a huge improvement.
But the gameplay still look shallow, with toy weapon sounds. And this trailer look suspicious at some points

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you could simply turn off markers in WL, or, you know, play a hard difficulty

the girls are cuter than the first one so it's okay

It looked good, there just wasn't much to do.

That and the sync shot was all they were good for. And even then, they'd sometimes get too caught up in wiping out every narco within a 50 mile radius and forget to revive you.

The guns sound like airsoft, it's super annoying. Same problem in Wildlands, even heavier stuff sounded like shit.

Advanced Warfighter which is a true Ghost Recon sequel made specifically for PC was first person
so kill yourself retard

The villain looks cooler than the MC, fuck this i want to play as Jon Bernthal

no it isn't you casual nigger

I just want something more like the old Delta Force games instead of this muhreen garbage.

Thought they had better taste than this. It's all casual shit that your average normalfag gamer would play instead, thinking they are spec ops.

> Who the hell plays these things?
I am.

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I actually played ghost recon first on ps2. it was really good for what it was