Paypal refunds and steam refunds

PayPal has stopped refunding transaction fees. This might be a problem for Steam, and they might move to a different payment processor.

How works:
>you buy something for $100 from valve
>valve pays 2.9% of that to paypal for processing
>valve additionally pays a flat 30 cents to paypal
>valve gets $96.80 to pay tax on and share with developer

Used to be when you refund, PayPal refunds the 2.9% fee as well, and Valve only pays the $0.30 flat fee on every refund.
But since this week, PayPal won't refund the 2.9%. So now basically Valve loses $3 for every $100 refunded on their store. Which isn't trivial. This shit adds up.
Do you think they'll act and change their payment processor to something more else (and more inconvenient for most people)? Do you think they'll add cryptocurrency?
Or maybe they'll just make the customer lose that 2.9% every time they refund? Don't think that would work with EU laws.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can't you just pay with your credit card?

>need to have credit card, not every country has that culture going
>need to have your card type/bank recognized by Steam, not all are

Ah a 3rd worlder. My bad.

They'll probably announce that refunds won't be full, or won't work at all with paypal payment.

I use pre-paid cards. How does this affect me?

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Chances are they just remove paypal until they find a new processor. This is the same shit that saw all kroger stores across the states stop accepting visa, isn't it? Paypal's doing nothing but fucking themselves out of all the legitimate transactions. It's not like steam doesn't have a bunch of legitimate processors for various regions. Paypal was just another global one.

lol is Paypal retarded?

>This is the same shit that saw all kroger stores across the states stop accepting visa, isn't it?
When did this happen? Been going to Kroger for like 10 years and never had a problem using a Visa card.

Louis Rossmann did a video on this. The end result is that the business will have to eat the fee whenever somebody refunds, or the platform will ditch Paypal entirely. Forcing the fee on the customer is only asking for a bunch of hate coming your way, but I guess if most users don't choose Paypal to start with then it won't be a huge issue either way.
Paypal really likes to throw its weight around when they feel that they can leech even more. Sadly, this policy change doesn't hurt large businesses as much as it does smaller ones.

Everyone should move to a different payment processor but Steam will likely just tank it and people will keep saying they don't do anything for/with their 20-30% revenue share.

>Paypal really likes to throw its weight around
What weight? They aren't a monopolist. Only monopolists are allowed to do this.

>Or maybe they'll just make the customer lose that 2.9% every time they refund? Don't think that would work with EU laws.
I think that's a pretty decent alternative desu

well pirate then? retard.

Throughout the last year or so. They've been adding more and more of their chains to this ban. I think there's a few areas where they still accept them at select c hains but most of middle america has phased out visas at kroger stores, and smiths food&drug, fry's, a ton of them. It was a pretty big deal when the latest wave hit in april.

>Forcing the fee on the customer is only asking for a bunch of hate coming your way
that's fine I'll just leave them no choice

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No, goyim, you will pay additional 2.9% to cover the possible refund fee

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>what weight
Based retard. I honestly hope people abandon this shitty service altogether.

Fucking kikes

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Paypal has big ties with credit and banking
Buying a Yea Forums pass using a card is a coin flip because paypal and stripe have all the say in whether a site can use them. Same with making a patreon competitor. If they don't like you, it's going to be a hell of a ride finding anybody who will process your money even if your service is flawless.

those places typically have prepaid steam cards now, you'd need to have a credit card for paypal too don't you?

Just pay with your credit card lmao

You underestimate how lazy people are.
PayPal is made for consumer who want to buy shit with 2 clicks and not enter all their CC info every time they buy from a new place.

you can give paypal your bank account

my bank given me shitty Maestro CC which is not accepted at a lot of places like Steam and Amazon, because they dont accept them for some retarded reason. So i have to use paypal on steam and i cant use amazon at all, since they dont accept paypal.

Pretty sure you can tell Steam to save your infos but I can see why you wouldn't want to do that.

That's definitely illegal in Europe, where you're entitled to a full refund within two weeks of purchase

You never want to link to your bank account. Any dispute they will fuck you over and hold your money as ransom till it is resolved

The premise for Paypal from a bussiness perspective is that you have a middle man who can handle refunds and payment security
When the liabilies of the refund policy outweigh the benefit, there will be people who stop using it.

>you'd need to have a credit card for paypal too don't you
You can go to your bank, open a new... how you even say that in english, like a separate digital vault thats isolated from the rest of your account, put money there and link that to PayPal.
No card, but still limits how much money PayPal has access to, since you need to move money to it.

>Paypal now disabled in Europe

not unless you are a seller

EVGA had a 15% restocking fee, and people from the EU sued them and they stopped it.

If you only use paypal to buy shit online, you're fine

That's not legal in europistan

Its already in effect for a few days. Its not something they are about to do, they already did it. Right now the seller is losing money. So its up to the seller to move cost the customer and get court-raped by the EU.

They were already taking 30 cents flat rate.

Paypal is one of if not the BIGGEST reason why many websites won't touch adult content. Paypal has a strict policy against their services being used to purchase porn. They're the reason Patreon cut down harshly on what sort of adult content is allowed. Paypal will also ban any artists who get paid via commissions if they discover porn is involved.

> credit card
> culture
What the hell lol

>steam abandoning paypal
I hope this fucking happens. They're a scum company. I will happily jump ship to the next big thing.

It doesn't, you will get the money transferred to your Ateam wallet if you decide to refund a game you bought with pre-paid cards.

And also corporate image politics
They won't associate with any startup or freelance worker who seems even a bit questionable. You have to get on your knees and stay in line if you want the privilege of getting your hard earned money

In some countries people just don't get credit cards. Not every place has the country of people getting credit cards. Not all shops have the tech to use them either.
Like how in Japan there is a culture of vending machines and carrying around a bag of coins, but many other countries don't do that. It is cultural.

Valve has said that over 90% of payments in Asia are done by prepaid cards
although I'm not sure how much of that is affected by policies such as it being more difficult to get a Visa or Mastercard in mainland China IIRC

is there even a country on the face of the earth where there is no VISA or mastercard credit/debit cards?
i think you've never seen a credit card.

If steam drops paypal guess it'll be time to use virtual debit cards instead

i have mastercard debit card. i have never seen or heard anyone having a credit card. t. northern yurop

Epic. Thanks user

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are you a nigga from Africa?

Surely most countries have at least debit card thing going on.

they'll probably have the costumer pay the transaction fees, like in 3rd party stores.

imagine using paypal

you can literally go to a gas station and buy a prepaid Visa gift card

Cultures where most of the people rely on credit cards for their purchases instead of other alternatives like cash and pre-paid codes. Many of them will refuse buying from a place that doesn't allow payment with credit cards.

Nobody here (Eastern Europe) has a credit card,but all big city people have debit cards.
However rural people don't have any plastic money, they just carry cash. Small town shops don't even have the tech to do business with a card, since nobody carries one. And these people are on Steam. Yeah, they mostly have free games, they mostly don't buy microtransactions and cosmetics, but when they see Counter Strike for $3 or something, they will pick it up. Or spend on fucking World of Tanks.

you can, I can't, although here everyone does have a credit card and the only debit card I know of avoids calling it a debit card and uses the bank's own dumb name so I don't think most of the populace knows the difference
and he's saying that credit cards are so common he doesn't consider it to be a culture

Just delegate the paypal fee to gamers

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Supermarkets in Bulgaria literally sell a cardboard that has a Steam key on it, and you input it to add Steam money to your account. Its 1:1 too, so Steam must be subsidizing this. They are trying to get around PayPal and reach countries where people don't have credit cards.

Northern yurop too, never heard of anyone have a credit card either, people usually have charge cards like Visa, Diners, Amex, which is similar to credit card, but paying the card provider is different.

>credit cards are so common
In European capitals and the USA. Not in most of the planet. I don't even think that in the EU people get credit cards, we have debit cards instead.
Debt culture is strictly USA. And yes, its culture.

bad goyim

Debt-based currency was popularized by the USA, but the whole world uses it. Credit is just one way to go about it.

i have a Visa card and idk if its a credit card or not...

it works online and in retail, and when i buy something expensive i can call my bank and say "i want to break down my 1000€ purchase into 5 payment of 200€"

also USA fats have some "credit card score" and some other shit so i think credit cards in USA are not the same as in EU

Read the thread, retard

>I just refunded mordhau to get it cheaper at g2a
>used paypal

oh shit. I'm sure they'll just not accept paypal anymore then.

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what's the problem just charge the customer

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But in the USA with mass credit cards, people take debt on their debt. Most of the world doesn't do that. We linearly trade debt, without taking level 2 debt.

I'm from germany and I've worked in retail for years. When somebody pays via credit card, in 90% of all cases it's a tourist.
>inb4 somebody tries to correct me while confusing credit cards with standard bank cards

>he doesn't play competitive credit card league

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>i have a Visa card and idk if its a credit card or not...

When you use your card, does it transfer money from your bank account to the seller? If so, its a debit card.
Alternatively, if it creates debt between the bank and you, that you later pay to the bank, its a credit card.

Meaning with a credit card you can spend money before you have it, while with a debit card you need to have the money before spending it.

Virtual debit card??

Any banking model will be inherently equivalent
Credit can mean less debt or more debt, depending on how it's negotiated.

>inb4 somebody tries to correct me while confusing credit cards with standard bank cards
please explain, I don't think if I know the difference
and what are you even selling? I wouldn't pay with a card if I want one physical game, but I'd pay with one if it's a console

Do you need to pay each month to your card provider what you spent? Cause then it's a charge card.
Credit card is when you can choose how much of your debt on the card will you pay off, with interest building up on what's left.
Debit card is when it's directly taken off your bank account.


I doubt they'll change anything. Maybe they'll try to incentive other payments. I guess it also depends on how many refunds on average they tend to get. Which also makes me wonder.

Why is Paypal such a worthless fucking service? Everything you want to do on it is so convoluted you'd rather just buy a prepaid card instead. Its all the pains in the ass of having a bank account without any of the benefits.

idk man, i just use the fucking card and at the end of month it just sums everything up and takes it away from my bank account

I used to work at a toy-store. The other guy already explained the difference between debit card (often called EC in germany) and credit card.

Its a credit card. Debit cards are instant transfer. Like if you had the money in your pocket. Your card creates a loan, that you later pay (with interest if you delay).

Paypal continues to be total dog shit.

It's even worse if you work as a digital artist and have to deal with refunds.

Steam doesn't give you refunds under EU law. You tick this box every time you buy a game on Steam and Origin, uPlay, Epic, etc. give you similar notices. Do you never read anything when you spend money?

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ah, that'd explain it if you call it something different, funnily enough I posted

use skrill nigga

May have other names in other countries. I can just use my bank's phone app to make a "fake" card that doesn't exist physically, you're given its number and security code from the back, can put money in it or link it to your account, and use it to buy online. Can flick it on and off from the same app or delete it permanently at any time and without any waits

Checking a box on Steam doesn't invalidate EU law. Terms of agreement NEVER invalidate law. Ever. This doesn't work. Its just to disincentive lawsuits, it can't prevent them.

This. CCs are mainly a hamburger thing. Of course you can get one in almost any country. But really almost no one uses them there.

Nobody would buy your shit if you forced them to use a payment method that doesn't protect the buyer by giving refunds

This ultimately respects your right to a FULL refund within 14 days, simply adds conditions to it. Doesn't mean they can charge you anything in terms of fees that don't even affect you as a customer

And institute a limited amount of refunds per month for a customer. Also institute a penalty for using up that limit per month, ie deduct 1 from the limit for the next month each time they use up the limits for one month.

Reduces the abuse of refunds and forces people to read reviews before committing on a purchase.

Remove paypal from EU. Heck, just remove everything from EU. That place sucks. You can't pretend that place deserves anything good, when they're banning memes.

Will look into it
Paypal always sides with buyer whos often a scammer cause of digital art and them not wanting to care about it (and they still get the fee despite a refund transaction).

nigga you can't make up shit to override the law
you don't waive your rights

It's a charge card if the amount is taken off each month in full, although people usually don't have it set automatically, but rather pay it themselves like other bills.

>The buyer is the scammer
Sure thing schlomo. The buyer is always the enemy. Nice having kids like you around here.

Interesting thanks for explaining.

Isn't this actually good????

This will force many to ditch paypal.
Which then will make people use other payment services.
Which then will lead to more competition.

And then after everybody moved to another service, I will just post here: "served them right!"

We here on Yea Forums could actually make it happen.

By creating mass refunds on Steam and other services. It would force them to ditch paypal completely and move to another payment service. This would crush paypal.

-T.Retard who has never sold digital art/commissions and dealt with said community.

Isn't a charge card just a credit card between you and the bank, and a debit card between the bank and the seller?
The bank pays the seller instantly in full with the money it always has (debit card), and the card holder owes a debt to the bank, including potentially more than the money he has (credit card).

Doesn't mean that the consumer on a grand scale is a scammer. It's literally scum you attract with your degenerate shit.

>buy art
>get art
>artist gets fucked
>artist can't sue you, because they don't want to go to court over an MS Paint file of a horse fucking Lara Croft

t. guy that has "The costumer is always right" as his mantra
People like you should just drop dead

>EU people get credit cards, we have debit cards instead.
>not building up credit by purchasing everything on a credit card and paying it off in the same month

good post

Both credit and charge card allow you to spend more than you have on the account, the difference is that with credit card you can choose how much you pay each month and the remaining debt carries over, making you pay interest on it as well.
Charge card on the other hand requires you to gather up enough money to the set date each month, you can pay less, but it carries penalties. Charge cards also don't come with a spending limit like credit cards do.

Expect this law specifically says a seller of digital content can give you this notice and thus make you waive your right to a refund.
Same goes for other services like lawyers or builders. They won't lift a finger within 14 days unless your waive your right to a refund before they start working.

If Steam gave you refunds under EU law it would be unconditional. Steam refunds are not unconditional. They are completely unrelated to EU law.

A huge business like steam shouldn't even be bothered by something like this. A 3% loss in an uncommon, niche situation for the sake of customer satisfaction is virtually nothing.

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Not at all, but the customer isn't always a stealing neither.

You can still tell them that you don't accept paypal and need to get it directly to your bank account. Don't see the problem with BIC and IBAN.

>Both credit and charge card allow you to spend more than you have on the account
Not how my card works. When I was like $2 short, I had to go to my online account, transfer more money to the card, and wait 5 minutes for the transaction to go through.

So wait ayo hol'up. If I buy something in Europe using Paypal, and I ask for a refund, the company I bought something from LOSES money?

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>waive off EU law
Thats not how it works. You can't declare "you can murder me now" and waive off your right to live, and the same works for the much less dramatic EU refund law. All such agreements are under the law.

they lose money either way. They have to pay to ship it back, inspect its condition and restock it.

Can you fucking read?
The EU directive that gives you 14day refunds specifically says you can waive your right under some conditions. This is one of these cases.

did you think refunds didn't cost anyone anything?

Literally nothing will happen. Steam started doing refunds because not doing so was illegal in the civilised world.
PayPal or not, refunds will stay.

>The EU directive that gives you 14day refunds specifically says you can waive your right under some conditions.
In that case it can work, I haven't read it and I'll have to trust you on that since I am too lazy to check.
I am just saying that terms of agreement and other corporate contracts are always under the law, regardless of what they say. It is impossible for a corporation to overwrite law, even if you sign a contract.

Question is if paypal will stay, of course refunds will

My parents have charge cards, and they function literally how I described.
I don't know which type you have, if you transfer money to the card it sounds like a prepaid one.

They are only required to provide refunds if the game doesn't run. Their current policy goes beyond their legal obligations.

Is there a situation in which a person who would be a Steam customer with PayPal, decides to not be a Steam customer without PayPal?
I don't think so, thus Valve can easily remove PayPal. They just have to start accepting more debit cards from third world banks.

You pretty much summed up the thread, good job. May want to actually read it next time

In the land of the free maybe. Elsewhere customers can return stuff for any reason so long as its within an arbitrary time frame.

Read the thread. Steam refunds aren't in accordance with any law.

Steam added refunds because they were selling so much shovelware that customers were getting dissatisfied and because Origin had added 7 day refunds first and was using this for good publicity.

I'm surprised there isn't a simple money wiring service around. Just something that allows you to have all you CCs and DCs on a single account and all you have to do is either give the account details, or treat it like bitpay where you wire that money to an address via the account.
Paypal always seemed scammy to me, and I disliked using it because you needed to provide indentification to change your name and stuff.

Why would I give my credit card info to Steam? It's bound to get leaked someday

Every bank can do this, if you have the very long number of the seller. Just direct wire them money. Its inconvenient.


and that can't happen with paypal?

Start refunding to your steam wallet. Any PC gamer is going to end up spending that money.
Also, stop using paypal.

Nice argument

Giving your info only to paypal is a lot safer than giving it to dozens of different online stores

False. See Sure, steam offered a broader refunded policy than what was required by law. They still have to have the option for refunds.


>your CC number and safety code get leaked
>your email address you use for paypal gets leaked
Oh no. What are they going to do? Send you five dollars?

I've never needed paypal in my life.
Just CC details that work on every single storefront I've encountered
Whats the primary utility of it?

and people ask me why i dont trust or use paypal

>Elsewhere customers can return stuff for any reason so long as its within an arbitrary time frame.

That's only partially true. Very few places have that as a legal obligation and every one of them has the condition that the product is returned in the same state it was sold, i.e. the product can not have been used, the package cannot be opened, etc., etc. In the case of digital media this generally translates to you can never have downloaded the product.

Those G2A keys for Mordhau were stolen and the devs said they are going to disable them all. So now you get hit with the refund fee from Steam, and the refund fee from G2A that's coming, and having to rebuy it again on Steam.

I didn't know you can transfer money via email...

Paypal has your details, works as a middle man. Better than letting everyone you deal with have your details

to not leave your card info on ever store website

the point was that everyone even paypal can leak your info

Do they keep them?
Usually its some secure service provider and the site itself doesn't have to deal with leaked cc detail costs ever.

some do, some don't.

1 entity leaking your info vs several dozen doing so. I think it's pretty clear

to be honest if everyone switches away from paypal i dont see this lasting long

The 1 entity that has had several data breaches, sued multiple times by their customers and uses prison labor? Odd place to put your faith.

I don't think the majority of people on steam use paypal, certainly a big part nonetheless.

I will just keep using my credit and debit cards like I have been.
My bank is able to ask for refunds and protects me in a similar way that supposedly paypal does (I wouldn't know as I have only sent money to someone once)

Steam store is one of the few launchers and sites that is completely safe and that I trust and use all the time to buy and pay stuff online for so I have no problem using my credit card.

>i trust steam
~user 2019

And people wonder why Epic Games Store is rising up. The world is going to strangle Steam to death. They are being put on their knees. This is just the beginning.

cool story bro

what a retarded comment
you should feel bad


thats a cool story bro

Epic Games doesn't allow purchases through PayPal wallet either.

Nah I don't need to feel bad, I have no money invested in the Steam store. I know you're going to feel bad when your Steam license keys become useless in 5 years. There's nothing you can do about it faggot.

By PayPal I mean "literally any other method except CC". Ignore my post.

you are a complete retard and you SHOULD feel bad

>culture going
Are you legitimately retarded? How are you building good credit then.
Come back when you're an adult.

>And people wonder why Epic Games Store is rising up.
Tencent is just pouring money at a loss to get exclusives on their store.
Useless, they won't get a dime from me.

Anno 1800 isn't exclusive, and thats the biggest game they have. I got it from Uplay instead. Because fuck Uplay, but FUCK Tencent even more.

If everyone on Yea Forums and that other website don't buy from the EGS it would make up less than 0.001% of their sales. Your voices don't matter and it never will.

Legitimate question, How do you get a mortgage for a house in Germany.
Because in most developed nations you use good credit to show the bank they can provide you with a mortgage to own a house.
Are you just expected to pay for the whole thing out of pocket?

>Your voices don't matter and it never will
That's fine chang shill, at least I won't be contributing to the chinese government.

From what I've herd people in USA get some minor benefits on credit cards like 3% return on X an Y? No such thing where I live, I just use debit.

>Or maybe they'll just make the customer lose that 2.9% every time they refund? Don't think that would work with EU laws.

Fuck the EU, front load the 2.9% on EU sales prices then, problem solved.

even though credit cards are not popular, credit is still a thing
if you're late on mandatory payments which you all have to pay out of pocket your credit will tank just like it would if you're late on credit card payments
but most people are good boys and always pay their shit on time so they never know credit is a thing and can get mortgages and loans without any issues

I'm legit glad that this will hurt steam. Fuck steam, and fuck all you pcbro cocksuckers.

>being so retarded you wont use a service unless it has scumbag DNA like paypal

Clean off your Cheeto fingers you seething autist lmao

who actually even uses Steam nowadays? what kind of a massive faggot do you have to be to need some sort of validation in the form of a literal Facebook profile and your videogame hours being counted? I thought Steam was just bronies and anime autists at this point.
Seriously, you have GOG,, pirating... there's so many better alternatives.

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>credit is still a thing
Ok, So credit cards are still a thing. Because CC is still the easiest way to get good credit. How else are you gettin credit, it's still the same function.

Watch valve's 2019 GDC. They said 90% of payemnts are done through cash (steam cards,store credit and paysafe cards). Rest is paypal, credit cards, etc.

You walk into a bank, talk to a financier specialist, negotiate terms, and sign a contract.
Loans aren't given to any bum who wants to spend outside his means. You have to prove income, demonstrate collateral, etc.

>everyone uses steam for profiles and hours played
This is retarded.
Good if I want to play 90s point and clicks. Come back when it has actual games
Fan games, indie shit. Woah.
Cool. Does what GoG does but for actual games
>so many better alternatives
Yet two of your 3 suck dick.

paying everything with your debit works just as well for building credit maybe not in burgerland?
besides no ones knows that credit exists, except for maybe the 5% of people in europe that actually use credit cards

i cant my ISP is a bunch of spooks

Again, that's fine and all. But why wouldn't you just get a credit card, because it's more accessible and convenient, and it's the same function at the end of the day.

Paypal needs competition so bad, it's effectively a monopoly.

when was the last time you checked GOG?

>it's the same function at the end of the day.
so why bother going through the extra steps when you can just use your debit card that you automatically get when you open a bank account?

didn't expect much more than 14 year old kpop fan from twitter lingo out of a Steambrony, honestly.
pay the $10-20 bucks a month for a VPN or learn how to pirate safely on private trackers. better than paying some fucking kike for videogame licenses.

>with your debit works just as well for building credit
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, because you're not building credit at all like that. The function of credit is to pay money loaned to you, paying with debit is just paying out of pocket.

I'm canadian, that's not how it works here either.
I have family is france, germany, and spain. All of them have credit cards. I think the odds are that there's more than 5% of Europeans that use credit cards.

A monopoly on something completely optional though. You could just issue payments directly from your bank. Though I do admit that on-the-fly currency exchange is insanely convenient.

they have competition and now with this new policy its going to eat them alive

i would like my games today not a week from now
oh also
>paying to pirate
>private trackers
>implying i want to seed

So you are just using a credit card. Because you're still paying a loan for using their funds.

With a credit card you can spend your money before getting said money. Europeans just don't spend money they don't have.

You gonna rec me some good games then?

>no argument

i tried the whole pay everything with a credit card and then pay it off with my paycheck it was shit and took the company a fucking week to process the payment so i couldnt buy food for any of that time

Debit card draws from your own savings, silly. Not "their" funds.

Its not a loan, you need to have the money in your account before spending it.
When I pay with my card for a purchase, money I do own are transferred by my bank to the seller. No debt is created. Debit cards are just digital wallets.

>not every country has that culture going

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go look at the page FFS it takes literally a second

my VPN reaches 100mbps and maxes out my line, i'm not sure what you are talking about. private trackers are also free, you just need to not be a fucking moron. seeding is easily cheated and it's retardedly easy to maintain ratio even without it. I think you're just looking for excuses to remain a stupid paypiggie.

>Battlefront 2004
>a remaster
>mutant year zero
>literally two point and clicks
You could have lied and saved yourself some embarrassment

lmao why are all of these steamdrones literal clones of eachother? they all type exactly the same way and say the exact same cringy shit.

>pays some Russian idiot running a VPN off his PC who will happy squeal on him if offered the right amount
>calls me a paypiggie
not seeding not cheating seeding you can get fucked if it requires more effort than click and download im not interested

>runs out of shilling points
>hurrr drones
So are there any good games on gog or is this you concdeding?

enjoy being a scared little bitch that is afraid of his ISP then, I guess. i've been pirating for the past 20 years with zero issues. make sure you buy enough game loicenses so GabeN can make more VR goggles or whatever the shit they're up to.

i'm not even the person you think you're replying to, retard. im just pointing out that you steamdrones are all the exact same dicksucking monkeys that would happily let that fat jew fuck assram you for the rest of your life because MUH FACEBOOK 4 GAMERS. now stop talking to me, i cant stand talking to bronies.

rather make gaben rich than russian shitlords

Virtual credit card?

as i said, enjoy being scared of using an internet connection you pay for. which is especially fucking retarded since you can just pirate anything you want off of MEGA nowadays and be completely anonymous (inb4 some retarded conspiracy).

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>people use paypal and "paysafecard" cause they cant help but buy into stupids phhishing scams than yell at you cause you are not that stupid

how the fuck could paysafecard be a "phhishing" scam? how can it possibly be any more safe and anonymous? jesus christ, you're a fucking retard.

Amazing. All these contrarians that hate steam for the most arbitrary reasons. I'm yet to see anybody on Yea Forums praise steam for the profiles. I imagine most here prefer gog but it's one issue is its lack of a library.
>don't talk to me
Literal zoomer tier child talk. I expect another (You) as I'm sure you will want the last word.

i didnt say that was a phishing scam i said people who get "hacked" are just idiots who fall for phishing scams "paysafecard" is just a retarded concept

They allow.

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paysafecard is literally the same as a Steam card though.. do you even know what it is? you literally pay cash at a store for a code that you input into Steam to get wallet funds. what could possibly be wrong with that, you absolute autist?

I'm a 3rd worlder and I pay all my games with credit card, dunno what shithole OP lives.

Just make your own PayPal in incels

its for idiots who are afraid of getting "hacked" read phished because they are too stupid to check a fucking URL

Or for people who simply want to make an anonymous payment? You better believe I'm not attaching my name to a daki purchase.

ONLY IDIOTS WANT TO MAKE ANONYMOUS PAYMENTS IF THEY WANT ME OT USE IT NAME IS SOMETHING LESS WIMPY SOUNDING THEN "PAYSAFECARD" ID RATHER DIE THAN USE SOMETHING LIKEW THAT ITS LIKE PEOPLE WHO BUY "STRIDE RIGHT" SHOES AND CALL PHONES AND TABLETS "DEVICES" THEY ARE REDNECK PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT AND ALL NEED TO FUCKING DIE fuck rednecks fuck people who use generic names and fuck people who use any product with the word "safe" in its name only idiots accept the illusion of safety therr is NEVER safety not even in bed you retarded fucking monkey

or for people that don't want to pay membership for a fucking kike credit card or use e-banking? although i'll admit the 10% fee they take is a bit high.

>duuurr i dont want tro do e banking cause im an insecure retard
thats you thats what you sound like ebanking is the future

ah fuck, i'm replying to literal autists again.

You have actual autism. Go back to your Skyrim thread to complain about the word 'immersive', or fuck off somewhere to argue what is and isn't a roguelike.

not my fault you both think safety is a thing that exists and you can "paysafe"

There are so many payment processing services out there this is a non issue. Paypal has been losing business for a while anyway. Not surprising they’re stopping refunds.

nope, not that at all. I just can't be bothered setting it up and paying my bank the fees they make you pay for using their shitty e-banking. All I use my bank for is to get my paycheck wired there and to collect it from an ATM. I'd prefer getting my wages in cash, but the law says I need to have it deposited to a bank account first.

hmmm i wonder if a bunch of chinese accounts are gonna start suddenly buying and refunding games en masse

>not recognising that one thing is safer than the other
Honestly just leave.

>he uses cash
>actual honest to god cash
>in 2019
are you fucking 60? im 32 and all my money is digital

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>implying autismo redditors wouldn't be doing that to Epic already if it was possible

good point user i guess that makes it okay

>Expect this law specifically says a seller of digital content can give you this notice and thus make you waive your right to a refund.
Which still doesn't make it legal in most countries, brainlet.

how is giving even more money than you already have to give to jews something to be proud about? oh right, this is Yea Forums. the place where morons argue about which DRM platform they prefer.

use a real e-banking service like chime not your shit terrestrial bank stuck in the 90s im even able to send my stone age landlord rent checks from my phone never having to touch or deal with cash

I do, dumb 3DPD poster.

Then EGS has the same problem except they are already making people pay for payment processes.
Enjoy paying 6% extra on every game bought with PayPal so Tim Sweeney can cover his ass from being double charged in case you want refund.

>a literal anime retard, which I said are the only people stupid enough to use Steam in 2019
your point?

>rising up
>has to keep buying games and sabotage freeware projects to stay in the headlines
>rising up

>things are marginally more convenient for me get on my level

Most of the time I'm happy to accept Steambucks instead of a refund.

>i have to use cash
>i cant buy shit from amazon
>i cant buy shit from newegg
>i cant use doordash
>i cant even order pizza
why do you do this to yourself?

>unironically bragging about how you guys spend your money
both of you are pathetic. No one cares.

i don't use any of those services and every pizza place i can think off takes cash upon delivery. also, you know you can use paypal with just your bank account - right? you don't need ebanking or a credit card. the only e-shop I use is ebay and it works with just my PayPal connected to my bank account just fine.

>he has to trust paypal

I wouldn't mind if Steam added trustworthy alternatives. Though if Paypal keeps getting worse, I might just get off my ass and register my virtual debit card with Steam.