Octopath Traveler

Is this game any good? It's going to be on steam.

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dunno waiting on the steam release i dont play bing bing wahoo machine

It's mediocre. Bravely was better


Story or gameplay?

Both. The story is disjointed because it's split across 8 mostly unrelated characters, and gameplay-wise there are much fewer job options and combos. At least there's no repetitive time loop bullshit this time

Both and also graphics

No it's bad. And now that it's not exclusive, people are finally going to realize it wasn't that great.

I like the art direction, but most other things fall flat. The best song is the menu's, and the rest of the soundtrack is mediocre. Break is cool, but bosses become a grind since they just have a massive pool of health. Each character has their own story, but they don't interact outside of very limited, random stage-plays. The game goes dark with a spotlight on the two characters talking.
tl;dr It could have been so much more

It's good, just not especially memorable.

It was a disappointment. It's not awful, but ended up being underwhelming and boring as fuck after the initial honeymoon hours had passed.

its a decent JRPG
nothing more or less

Far from perfect but I fucking loved it and put 90 hours in before all was said and done. It's a weird game to recommend but there's a demo at least, play the demo and realize that the game never really deviates or evolves from that formula and if tha'ts fine with you go nuts.

It's on the same tier as I am Setsuna, a game that desperately tries to imitate older games but doesn't understand what made them good, and instead of being a love letter to said games it ends up being simply antiquated and half assed in most respects.
Decent music and more nonlinear progression that the average JRPG, but it's still mediocre and it looks like trash.

>but doesn't understand what made them good
What exactly made them good then? Because this game didn't have any of the anime bullshit and cringe in modern JRPGs.

I liked it. Combat was fun and the music was fantastic. If you're looking for a good story this probably isn't for you though.

Some of the stories were pretty good at least, I loved Tressa and Cyrus was good too, but they're in the minority. Tressa in general is a uniquely charming character for the JRPG genre period, more like a Ghibli protagonist than anything you'd see in a game like this

>What exactly made them good then?
Play them and find out.
>Because this game didn't have any of the anime bullshit and cringe in modern JRPGs.
Shouldn't you be with your underage friends at reddit?

>no argument
Ok zoomer

It’s a great game but the translation is unbearable.

>Be the umpteenth underage mouthbreather
>Expect me to give a damn about your special problems
Calling anyone zoomer won't make you look less of an idiot, granted that you're in good company in this place, there's many other idiots like yourself.

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Yeah, I didn't think the stories were terrible but a lot of people really seem to hate the fact that they're so disconnected. Tressa, Cyrus, and Olberic were my favorites.

There were plenty of threads discussing its flaws at depth. It's good, but it makes a lot of core mistakes and has a weird mix of open endedness and complete linearity and hand holding in the stories that doesn't bode well with how a lot of people play JRPGs (you're supposed to explore, do substories alongside the main thing. The game is definitely not grindy), which can completely fuck up the pacing for many. Dungeons sucks major ass, also. Weak 4/10.

Pacing is kind of bad due to the nature of the "choose where you wanna go" setup as it's just way too easy to become too strong. It would have been significantly better if there were a way to turn off EXP gain and just get money and AP from fights. Synergy between classes isn't as free-form as it needs to be although the ideas are nice, but it's honestly hard to compare to Bravely 2nd. That was a shit story, but fantastic god damn classes oh my god.

This user knows what he's talking about.
It certainly is better than some newer and more popular games (such as Dragon Quest XI), but that's not saying much.

OST is simply fantastic.





Imagine Persona 3 where none of the party members have a main story to connect each other together and give them a reason to hang out. With random encounters.

nothing, nothing made them good.
I guarantee if you force a "jrpg fan" to sit through and play any of the old style jrpg's this game is trying to mimic, they'd get bored and want to quit within a few hours, literally just nostalgia.

t. underage

>Imagine Persona 3
But why? This game has nothing to do with P3 or any SMT for that matter.

Both. The gameplay is only a step up from old school JRPG mechanics, and I mean the bad old school, not the good old school. The story is FALSELY ADVERTISED as if all the characters can come together as a party and have overlapping scenarios, but really every character exists in their own little world and they never speak to each other.