What are your thoughts on Rolled Out?

What are your thoughts on Rolled Out?
Are you looking forward to it?

Attached: rolled-out.original.jpg (627x359, 82K)

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I'll buy it once it comes out, loved monkey ball as a teen.

>supporting trannie games

Depends on how long it takes for the thread to 404

I don't know what the fuck that is. Looks like chinese mobile knock off of super monkey ball, but now i feel like playing super monkey ball. which one should i play?

>super souless monkey ball: crowdfund tranny edition

Piracy exists

>shitty indie clone of an already existing game

You should play the ROM hacks the dev of this game made:

Hire an artist because holy fucking shit man come on.

Sega trademarked a new Monkey Ball game a few days ago. I will wait for that instead of playing this game.

> tranny game
> involves hacked balls
but seriously looks super neat

Why would anyone play this tranny dog shit when you can just play Monkeyball?

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There's making a "love letter" to a game and then there's just blatantly ripping it off.
I mean for fucks sake even the goal is identical. It is EXACTLY the same.

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That's still supporting the game.

If it's good and worth a buy, it's still made by a tranny. I'm not buying a game made by a tranny.

Level editor

They fired the artist because they misgendered the rat.

How the fuck is pirating a game supporting it

Oh boy I can't wait to play some mentally ill faggot's impossible course.

Because if it's good people will buy it

because the only good monkey ball games are the first two and theyre old as sin

You play the game, you talk about the game.
Maybe you like it enough to recommend it to a friend, or online.
It's been proven that piracy does not equate to a lost sale, in fact it has the opposite effect and can actually generate sales if the product is good.

You'll notice that some of the most vehemently anti-piracy companies also produce some of the shittiest products.

They have a slightly different goal design in some other screenshots. I presume the unchanged goal ribbon is also temporary.

>it's just Monkey Ball but with rats
>the only reason people are talking about it is because the dev is supposedly weird about keeping the characters all non-binary
>would have never heard about this game if it weren't for Yea Forums being autistic
I feel like this has happened before

I saw some youtuber shill it, and Im interested for the sheer autistic effort into replicating monkey ball.

That youtube fucker never mentioned the non binary shit.
Thats hilarious.

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I think the tranny stuff hadn't come up at that time yet

it's a fucking rat it's either male of female these people are legit fucked in the head

It takes two weeks for an archived thread to 404.

Why would a thread about videogames get 404'd, this is the videogames board right?

>you talk about the game.
Not him but piracy doesn't necessarily mean you'll talk about it even if it's good, like I get your point here as there's a big chance of you doing said thing but if your goal is to really not support it then just don't acknowledge it after pirating/playing it.

>working on monkey ball clone
>saw rolled out and wasn't impressed
>now this happens
I'm fine with this

I was gonna complain that this looks like a tech demo but that was what monkey ball always was so I guess I can't complain

Thanks anons, dropped.

>Souless super monkey ball

The game could be made by isis for all I fucking care, so long as it's good. Begone casual scum

>Dropping a game with good gameplay because a discord tranny nade it
New low for Yea Forums. What if your favorite game dev transitioned, what then huh? How does it effect the game at all?

Just pirate it if you don't wanna support the trannies

>not supporting a promising project because of the sjw/tranny boogeyman

the real reason nobody should back this is because the lead dev has proven to be nothing but unprofessional and unstable so far. immediately firing their 3d artist over misgendering a rat? seriously?

>immediately firing their 3d artist over misgendering a rat? seriously?
This part I didn't know. Fuck that guy then.

where's the proof? also shut the fuck up terfs

based. im going to buy two copies now.
trans people are cool and its great to be an ally

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Reminder an artist was dropped from the project for “misgendering” the main chraacter who the devs kept insisting was non-binary and not a he, and ultimately fired him for suggesting to change the character design to look less masculine if that was the case.

Thanks user, almost committed wrongthink.

Just remember to get the pronouns of the hamsters right.
