Tifa or Aerith

Tifa or Aerith.
There can be only one.


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There only ever was one all along.

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Aerith is such a basic bitch choice, I bet most japs love her over Tifa

>basic bitch
Is that niggerspeak for “not a slut”?

I dont like fucking corpses, so Tifa.

Yuffie is not relevant.

dumbass, everyone knows that fictional characters that have died exist in superposition where they are neither alive nor dead, as you can just turn back the page

Aerith is literally a prostitute how is she not a slut

a basic bitch is the ultimate slut

If she weren't relevant, nobody would be voting for her in the first place

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Yuffie > Tifa > Aeris(th)

She literally isn’t a prostitute

Please step aside.

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Jessy. She's hot AF, why are faggots only talking about Tifa and Aerith

Aerith is a slut pretending to be a cute girl while Tifa is a cute girl in slutty outfit.

Why do I feel like only Tifafags ever make these threads, since they know she'll have a landslide victory?

I'm pretty sure even Yuffie is more popular than Aerith.

>I'm pretty sure even Yuffie is more popular than Aerith.
I severely doubt that. I've never seen a head-to-head poll between the two though, so it's all gut feeling.

Aerith dies?

Yeah Snape kills her with the infinity stones.