Sony censoring female HIPS on a videogame box cover

>Sony censoring female HIPS on a videogame box cover

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Sony is shit
What else is new

>it’s another “retarded weeb doesn’t know what ‘censor’ means” episode

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is the game good? what genre is it? the chick looks hot at least

>it's another "it's not censorship until I say so" post

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>make samus /fit/
>give snake skull crushing thighs

>getting outraged over some boxart
In a strange way, I envy the way you people can muster up the mental energy to care about this shit

>main character boringly looks at you

Are they taking pages from uninspired burger covers? To me that's the most offensive thing.

Theres a difference in toning shit down to keep a game a certain rating so kids can play it.
Censoring because its deemed "overly sexual and makes women feel like objects and thats problematic"

So a downgrade then

Dumb shitposter.


>hey don't chat shit about Sony
>they haven't done anything wrong, according to my own definition that doesn't make Sony look like pearl-clutching church goers
When Nintendo of all companies allows for some thigh to be shown on their boxart and Sony doesn't, you know the world's gone mad.

R-right one looks better anyway. Another victory for Sony!

If I can just play devil's advocate, I wonder if this is actually a case of censorship and more a case of the boxes being different dimensions.

Attached: consider komachi.png (1280x720, 261K)

Seeth harder snoyboi

To be fair, left does look so much better on both.
Way better.

Sony censors your waifu so that she's pure and will be just for you and you only.

Thank you sony.

yeah right

Nintendo's censorship is based on not having any games.

Nuke California

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This. They are literally censoring the existence of games lmao

>kids game

Are you one of the “only governments can censor” retardfags?

>caring about the cover of some shitty weeb game

Friendly reminder - not even the japanese care about these games. The big sellers in Japan are western games (like Days Gone) and switch first party titles.

It's honestly surprising these anime games keep getting made considering how little they sell

aren't those 2 different games?

it's not about the game it's about the morality

Cope, go back to whatever shithole you came from. America is a Nintendo country

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This seems to be the case but this board just loves console wars too much so they'll just ignore it.

>it's about the morality
If you truly cared about morals pic related wouldn't have happened you two faced nigger

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Not to mention the PS4 bit at the top pushing the image down, though it does seem like the enlarged the image a slight amount.

>I don't care until it starts affecting my westard brainlet game
I'll laugh at you when they censor games you like. I don't mean any kind of eroticism or normal human body or anything. I mean when they'll start deeming blood "too extreme".

>anime buttt is related to politics

> GoldenEye on every fucking one
Why? Seriously why do you faggot Americans like GoldenEye so much?

For the gaymers!

Because you put up the morality argument when you support shit like fag rights

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>when you support shit like fag rights
that's some next level projection

I dont support it because it's morally wrong, so we should censor fag shit too

stay mad that you lost to the femenists while we gamers just chillin

>sony making games market based on gameplay instead of fanservice
seems incredibly fucking based to me. Fuck off till you can appreciate gameplay and stop flooding the market with trash.


Attached: game_cover_ps4_by_steeven7620_dcnawbm-pre.png (794x1007, 742K)

>me pee pee hard = good
>pee pee pee soft = bad

Hoe can one be more incel?

Better than the trash Europe likes.

that's right bend over, drone

sony hire this man

nothing should be censored


Funny because James Bond is a British franchise

there is no sega logo

I agree, but fucking califaggot libshits dont play fair

shut the fuck up, virgin.

>bend over
I'm not bending over for anyone. I wouldn't buy this trash anyway, because it's gameplay is garbage. Seems like sony agrees. If you want to release garbage you should release it elsewhere.

Yeah, impotence is bad

It's the same cover, only with her legs cut off. How is that "marketing based on gameplay"?

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Have sex incel, and you'll stop caring about pedogames getting censored

>sony making games market based on gameplay
Too bad they forget to put some in their games.

snakes proportions are fucked and it bothers me that you're okay with that

And yet it gets cucked in it's own land by fucking Mass Effect

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>toning down sexualization in E-rated party game intended for children


>toning down sexualization in game intended for more mature audiences

nintedo hire this man

>it's another "console war thread disguised as a one-sided debate on censorship" episode

Name a reason for a female fighter to look like this.

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name a reason they should look like this

Attached: (700x1157, 49K)

>sony worry not for i will defend you to my dying breath.

they are deadass more restricting than the kiddie console right now and you're okay with it lmao

She's hot and it's always a bonus in vidya.

you've never done a pullup in your life

Eye candy that kicks some serious ass

Attached: i heard you like fighting games.jpg (2000x1820, 590K)

>full mobility of arms and legs
And I don’t even know what this game is

Why is nobody talking about how ugly and boring that cover is? Why would anyone buy something that only has a cute girl in it doing nothing? No pose, not hot stuff, nothing tells me what's in this game.

> no Mai

omgz lolz. underaged. faggot. trying to be cool.

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You know that Sony is far from immune to shovelware. Sure there is plenty in other platforms too, eshop and steam especially, but Sony literally promoted this game in their own Playstation-account.

People like that, so it will make the game sell.
"How dare those patriarch cooperations to cater to their fucking customers, they need to cater to US, their mothers!"

Hello american

Hell they even give you the FULL PRINT of the girl with her thighs on the back.
Leave it weebtards to not know how to do shit

Because they only care about pushing their narrative “SNOY BAD NINTENDO GOOD”

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>pointing facts is pushing a narrative

Can hide guns and knives all over her body.

Name a reason for a female fighter to look like this.

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Why would they censor the box if the game ain't censored?
This board gets more retarded by the dat

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no one wants to see a barely covered man

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3D women should be modest and pure

no reason needed. now give me a reason for why you can't do a pull up?

I should care because?

and ps4 version?

because muh dick now fuck off
women don't even belong on the battle field

kill yourself tranny

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if normal people acted like this he wouldn't have done this to himself poor fag

because it's cute

Chinese attire = pure sex.

Kids are way more likely to see a couple of bare tits in front of them, retard.

come on now

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and they don't have to be from nintendo. are you seriously being pro selling porn to kids rn?

>that shoulder

nope, not on ps4, never

it's not censorship you fucktard, it's actually a more zoomed in picture of the character, you omega-autist.

Have sex

I love Anime and Anime games but most are mediocre

Name one good video game with beautiful anime women in it that actually is good gameplay wise.

Suuuuure, keep telling yourself that, the zoom was certainly purely coincidental

nice dodge

Sengoku Rance

snoy antics aside this is a pretty lazy box art

now i wonder why they zoomed in?

What fucking dodge? I've played Anime video games since the gameboy/genesis and most suck or are mediocre at best.

>Tony Taka
Instant redflag.
Why does the japs keep hiring this talentless hack.
His art feels soulless as fuck.

For the boobs of cause!

you change the topic from "game is censored" to "game sucks" in an attempt to dismiss the fact that game is censored. maybe you actually thought you were making a point, in that case you're retarded

A game being uncensored won't make it better. Senran Kagura games are shit but are not censored.


i am certain that the boobs is not what this character was designed to emphasize, but nice try, almost got me

Skyrim with the anime mod. It's a free mod you get for buying the game so buy it.

you really think you have a point, do you? the point is it's censored and that's some pussy shit and that the kiddie console has more balls. stop being a fucking moron and learn to read.

America can't keep getting away with this.

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Have sex

It wasn't, but the way they censoring, makes you think

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your turn

I already did. Now it's your turn

fuck, okay hold on a bit

Makes the opponent’s pp hard so their blood drains from the brain, lowering their combat ability

what is it with americans and not getting what censorship is

The Saturn release was before the foundation of CERO which forbade showing nipples in console games. This is a ratings issue, not Nintendo's own intervention.

Holy fuck. Sony seriously needs to get a real good grounding again.
Hope they fuck up hard over the next months to blow them some sanity in their heads again.

>Senran Kagura games are shit but are not censored.
The newest one was censored heavily on consoles with the removal of the entire dressing room, but not on PC. Shinovi Versus and Bon Appetit were censored in Europe by removing the dressing room subtitles because Marvelous erroneously thought the presence of subtitles would affect the rating despite the audio still being there. And all of the games are censored in the west by removing the characters' ages from their profiles.

Especially funny when you consider that it's a JP exclusive game.

Just what the fuck.

Yea you are right. California is indeed another dimension.

Is that a fighting game?

The cleavage is not censored there, is it? Maybe it wasn't what you think.

kiss yourself

Your brain has no soul

Censorship is altering or removing media in order to push an agenda or to hold some set of standards.

only in your wildest fever dreams, user

komachi is the best

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who fucking cares?
get sun, loser.

the trannies should not see the female hips or they will kill themselves

sony is protecting their users


This is why I put away the idea of buying a PS5.

You had options with different regions but not anymore. Sony wants a “global standard” that everyone must adhere to.

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Because it makes my dick hard you fucking moron.



I agree with this poster.
Censorship is too light, I prefer the term "butchery".

why trannies are the new target demographic for games

do they buy games?

It has nothing to do with the actual market, it's diversity hires in the company doing their best to ruin everything.

when will you stop purchasing sony shit

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>eyecandy pleasure for both male and females (and faggots)
>eyecandy pleasure only for females (and faggots)

I’m not sure how Xbox is going to handle this.

I might just cave and get a switch. I swore to myself I’d never buy one but things have gotten so bad..

Made even worse by the fact that whatever's covering her leg is probably the most notable thing about the original artwork and you can't even see it on the other one

came here to post this. you stupid entitled no trials in life fucks. censorship doesn't mean they cover up some lady parts or change a few words. god DAMN I hate you.


>males are allowed to be nude
>females get censored
can someone explain this logic to me ?

>censorship doesn't mean they cover up some lady parts or change a few words
Yes it does?
>you stupid entitled no trials in life fucks.
>god DAMN I hate you.
abloo abloo you're probably the same guy who says "y u mad lol" when people protest, yet here you are sperging out about this shit for no reason

keep bending over for sony

Its just better framing desu, left has too much negative space.

According to the Encyclopedia of Islam and Muslim World, modesty in the Quran concerns both men's and women's "gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia."[10] The Qur'an instructs Muslim women to dress modestly.[11] Some Islamic legal systems define this type of modest clothing as covering everything except the face, hands up to wrists, and feet.[5][12] These guidelines are found in texts of hadith and fiqh developed after the revelation of the Qur'an but, according to some, are derived from the verses (ayahs) referencing hijab in the Qur'an.[10] Some believe that the Qur'an itself does not mandate that women wear hijab.[13][14]

The four major Sunni schools of thought (Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali) hold by consensus that it is obligatory for the entire body of the woman (see awrah), except her hands and face (and feet according to Hanafis) to be covered during prayer and in the presence of people of the opposite sex other than close family members (whom one is forbidden to marry—see mahram).[26][27][28] According to Hanafis and other scholars, these requirements extend to being around non-Muslim women as well, for fear that they may describe her physical features to unrelated men.[29]

It is recommended that women wear clothing that is not form fitting to the body, such as modest forms of western clothing (long shirts and skirts), or the more traditional jilbāb, a high-necked, loose robe that covers the arms and legs. A khimār or shaylah, a scarf or cowl that covers all but the face, is also worn in many different styles.

But it also covers up one of the only mildly interesting parts of her design (her tribal tattoo legs/thigh-highs) so its still shit from that standpoint

>Hate Censorship
>Also hate kusoge
well shiet

B-but how?? Shouldn't the dimensions of the box itself make this cover impossible??
What am I even looking at? This shouldn't be able to exist!

oh i thought that was just stockings.

I mean its interesting, but from a composition standpoint it doesn't add much to the cover of the box. The right just frames her better, and her the flow of the image leads into her face. The left one has too much going on and there isn't a smooth direction leading you anywhere, the hair finishes the curve leading back into her thighs and her face loses prominence because of it.

The left just isn't nearly as flowing as the one on the right.

I don't know if its a tattoo or stockings styled after a tribal tattoo, I think its the latter
I mean both covers are dogshit but the Sony "re-design" manages to make it even more generic. It looks like they took something you'd find on the frontpage of pixiv and pasted it as a placeholder cover

And I'm saying its "important" because its the only detail about her design that isn't completely generic and might imply something about the game's style

Its generic, but its still better. Call things generic all you want, but there's a reason people do it. Being unique for the sake of uniqueness doesn't make something more appealing from a technical standpoint.

If they wanted to they could have her full body in the image and make it look nice, but the switch cover doesn't do that. Its just poorly framed and looks like they cropped her from whatever character sheet was provided to them.
Its not that unique, every anime character has cool footware.

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>Its just poorly framed and looks like they cropped her from whatever character sheet was provided to them.
As opposed to being cropped from whatever character sheet was provided to them, but pasted a bit better while leaving out an important part of her character design?
Of all the things wrong with this franchise the aesthetic isn't, what about it is generic? Or did you post her for her "cool footwear"? They're just pretty boots

>sony niggers thought botw would fail
>They are still in denial of this and make several passive aggressive botw thread a day, trying to take any moment from the game to make it look bad, failing every time
>They joke about nintendo being so*y
>Too delusional to realize it's in the name of sony
>Wojak memes are all they had to offer
>Yellow wojak is actually just a wannabe Wario

Some people on nu Yea Forums fell for the sony meme, and I laugh every time I think about it

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>as opposed to
being intelligently cropped out so that the composition of the cover art is still appealing.

Both are shit, but the right is still slightly better shit.
>leaving out important part
you don't know that, and its probably just cool stockings which I could swear I've seen before desu.

Cramming more things into an image doesn't make it more appealing. Composition layout is more important, and seeing that she has cool stockings isn't going to change your mind about the game or provide you any useful information.
>pretty boots
cute as fuck boots mind you, i'll fucking murder you.
Either way, all this chick has is your generic thigh high footware, but with FLAMES on them, not really that unique, or unique enough that it would make a difference.

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Where did it all go so wrong bros?

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>>They are still in denial of this and make several passive aggressive botw thread a day, trying to take any moment from the game to make it look bad, failing every time

I'm from old Yea Forums (circa 2005) and I only visit like once every few months nowadays. I've still seen dozens of those botw threads, how can they be *this* salty?

Yeah its shit but its a deliberate detail, my point is its the one thing that stands out and its completely cut out for slightly better image composition, IF thats even the case, knowing sony

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And with "global standard" they actually really mean "US/Californian standard".


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I'll take the composition choice desu, the cover art is supposed to draw you in, and that is reliant on the composition. For people already familiar with the game the cover art doesn't really matter.
But someone browsing online or at gamestop, they see the right and their eyes are drawn in toward her face (which is also at the center of the box) where they have a clear and clean visual of the girl.
If you came across the left, your eyes aren't drawn anywhere, you have to actively want to look at the box for whatever reason. The stockings don't grab your attention because they're black and at the bottom of the box, so most people won't even notice them until further inspection. And if they did, its driving their eyes toward the bottom of the box, which isn't where you want their attention.

Its extremely basic design principles. The stockings suit the character, but not the cover art, and its not really up for debate. The right is objectively better from a composition stand point which is what cover art should be.

Indeed even most Japanese are buying one just for their few typical Japanese games which are slowly moving away from PS anyway.
FF, MH are there mostly the only most important ones.

>FF, MH are there mostly the only most important ones.

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And they also mean that western games don't actually have to adhere to it because it's specifically only targeting anime games.

Reminds me of when Switch was the soi console.
Oh, how the tables have turned.

she's a bad design. but you have no right to fuck with it you communist NIGGER

I'd definitely gravitate towards that switch cover purely because of the hips because the Sony cover really hammers home how bland and flat it is otherwise.

I'm usually against censorship but I hate what Tony Taka has done to this series so I'll let snoy slide just this once.

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Fuck snoy.

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But boxes just have different aspect ratio with areas restricted to platform logo. It would not be possible to fit that picture whole without having excessive blank space.

Imagine being so obsessed that the cropping on video game box art triggers your schizophrenia, and having to live with that brain - knowing that the day you can't take it any more and you hang yourself is inevitably coming.

they keep getting made because the people who make games want to make them

I know the only thing you might be capable of taking from this opinion is that I'm a leftist cuck, but the whitespace on the left looks bad.

Box on the left is uncensored, box on the right is. I think you may be the retarded one here, user...

Yeah so what? do I look like a cover designer to you? I was just proving that you can fit the whole picture on the cover

she's cute, it's the game any good?

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Well, no, it's not CERO that prevents showing nipples in console games. But CERO will rate any game with nipples with a Z rating which console manufacturers don't allow on their systems. It's just like how in the USA, no AO rated games are allowed on consoles. But in the USA, nipples weren't an automatic death sentence into AO territory, they could just land you an M rating.

What's more hilarious is the Switch version is rated PEGI 12 and the PS4 version is rated PEGI 16


>But CERO will rate any game with nipples with a Z rating which console manufacturers don't allow on their systems.
Resident Evil 7 had both D and Z rated versions of it released in Japan with differing levels of violence, both of which were toned down compared to the western release. Why make shit up?

Huh, I stand corrected. So CERO will refuse to rate a game that has nipples (or penis/vagina) and since all the console makers require a rating, no such games can be sold on consoles. Okay then.

Because it's probably relatively comfortable, while still being attractive enough to help her catch the attention of good mates.
Then she just fights anyway.

How did you do that?