

Shame. It's dead before it even had a chance

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>Multiplayer centric game

people enjoyed Friday the 13th
what is wrong with this

Because they killed F13 prematurely and blamed "muh lawsuit" even though the people behind the lawsuit said it wont effect the game. Also, they progressively made F13 worse with every patch

>MP only streamer/zoomer containment shit
>console shit

Guess I'll just replay the two AvP again.

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Friday the 13th was a crowdfunded game, any issues with it's development post launch were clearly funding related
this Predator game is being funded and published by Sony, it does have a chance to be much better than F13

>it does have a chance to be much better than F13
It's gonna be a shooter, so I doubt it.

could be fun if done right.

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It WAS a crowdfunded game at first. Then they got picked up by gun media. So they also got funded by publishers. So basically, not only did they take the crowdfunding money, they also had a major company backing them, in which case they should have refunded the crowdfunding money. The whole situation was scummy.

of course it's a shooter, have you ever seen the Predator movies? what were you wanting?

Nope. Illfonic can suck my shriveled white dick after that dumpster fire that was friday the 13th.

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I didn't say an asymmetrical multiplayer game based on Predator could have been anything but a shooter.

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>being funded and published by Sony
Hype Status: FUCKING DEAD.

>Wish for a Predator game without being a Alien Vs Predator
>Get a game from the creators of Friday the Flop 13 (copies sold)
>Multiplayer only

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Actually it didn't flop and it sold a shit load of copies. It was just a really shitty game

A do over of concrete jungle without the janky movement and modern technologies would have been enough.

>hunting grounds
honestly couldnt come up with a more generic subtitle than that.

Bruh... They made a game called Ghetto Golf, there's literally 0% chance for this game to flop

I'm just trying to imagine the shitty controls of F13 as a shooter. This game is gonna be a raging dumpster fire.

The only way WB could've made this work is just use the same team that did the Multiplayer Predator missions in Arkham Origins. That as a fully fleshed Predator game with different factions, maps, and multiple Predators would've been fucking amazing

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>Predator (1987)
>Predator 2 (1990)
>Predators (2010)
>The Predator (2018)
>Predator The Game (2020)


20th fox, shit sorry

>The Predator (2018)
Fucking yikes I forgot this existed.
>The Predator considers a kid with autism as a reflect on advancement in human evolution and is therefore worthwhile in the Predator hybridization

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>mfw they also developed sonic boom rise of lyric

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>multiplayer exclusive right when PS4 dies
Really smart

Ps4 has 2 more years left, then overlap time which will last probably 3 or 4 years

>Ps4 has 2 more years left
PS5 is coming out next year, so yeah, no.

Nah. Its not

Didn't that one Ghost Recon game inexplicably have a Predator DLC?

Xbox is coming out next year, Sony isn't going to let Microsoft have a one year lead

>mfw no Jason X

>mfw no Grendel Map

>mfw no Paranoia mode

>mfw they left with my $30

At least Dead by Daylight is still fun, and has Based Ash.

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Here are Illfonic's previous fps games
>Nexuiz;mediocre quake clone
>Dead Alliance;broken zombie shooter
>Star Marine;was so bad the publisher had to scrap it

I just don't acknowledge any Predator movie after the first

2 was good tho

I second this, Concrete Jungle was the shit.

Not many enough people. These numbers are from today.

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Just play Crysis. With the cloaking stuff on you don't even see that it's not a predator that you play.