Mystik Knight is pretty fun so far, but the pawns in this game terrible AI. I had to switch from Sorc just to be able to not be ran over while trying to cast spells because nothing wanted to tank for me. Interested in trying some other vocations too though. Which vocations do the big dick dps?
Dragon's Dogma
Pawn AI is highly controllable. The problem is, pawns learn behavior from your behavior, thus you can’t create a Tank pawn without acting like a tank. I know, it’s stupid. But you should be able to find pawns in the rift that are configured to play rushdown so you have more time to cast.
Even on offline mode?
As in you can find pawns that will tank?
What matters with a pawn is the inclination - don't get pawns with Guardian inclination
In fact up until BBI a fighter pawn with NO skills and good inclinations is one of the best pawns, and around BBI add the Dragon's Maw ability and it's top tier.
More skills on a pawn means the pawn will try to do more varied things, when really what you want is the pawn to do maybe one or two things.
>complains about pawns
>plays offline
There are still some shitty online pawns, but user, get it together.
dont pick pawns with Guardian treit on them. they do fuck all. pick vocations that boosts your STR or MAG. fighter and warrior get the STR ones and mages/scoss gets the MAG one.
assasins boosts your STR in night time or when you play solo.
What trait is ideal?
I could shit out alphabet soup and it would be less ESL than your post.
>with NO skills
I play as a sorcerer so I gave my pawn shield drum and it seems to work well so far.
How is sorc working out for you? What level are you and what pawns are you using?
I'm level 20, went to Gran Soren then had a little bit of fun around the Bandit's den, it's been good so far, fighting against groups of enemies with AoE spells is fun and I managed to beat the embushing bandits pretty quickly, also beat a cyclop and a chimera without any troubles. My own pawn is a fighter and I recruited another fighter to keep the rabble busy and a mage for healing and elemental enchanting so I can focus on offensive spells.
>it's a pawn stands in a completely avoidable puddle of poison and eats all of the mithridate you gave them in 5 seconds episode
Seems good. I made my pawn a sorcerer as well so we can chain spells, but having a fighter might be the better idea.
Hire my pawn! They are very cute! Also, recommend me your pawns so I can hire them please.
We can't hire her if you don't give us her info.
Right, sorry. 08DD-0D82-B315
>but the pawns in this game terrible AI.
The game lets you control how you make your pawns. This means you can make them fantastic or you can make them retarded. People like to stick guardian on their pawns, but it tends to make them suck. Avoid pawns with guardian like the plague and if your pawn has guardian go fix him.
Scather is a good primary for one of the pawns. It has them go after big stuff. Great for Strider or Ranger. Scather/Pioneer or Pioneer/Scather makes them aggressive as fuck. Scather/Utilitarian makes them go for weak spots like a beast.
Challenger - Cleans up ranged mobs and casters. Good on Ranger, Sorcerer, or an offensive Mage.
Mitigator - Trash clean up, works on everything. Mitigator/Scather or Mitigator/Challenger is a good way to configure the pawn. Tell them what to go for after cleaning up the trash.
Mendicant - This is what you want on your buffing/healing mage. Pairs well with utilitarian so he'll put up buffs upon seeing the monsters, but before the fight starts.
Guardian - It means stand next to the player and jerk off until the player gets hit. You never want this.
Time to feed the Brine.
Any of you playing dagger assassin? How are you liking it? What are its strengths?
i was tricked into buying this
caster vocations are unplayable because of what you mentioned and the fact that they're boring because you just sit there pressing the same button over and over with nothing engaging to do whatsoever. you have to play melee to make the game fun. then you spend 90% of the game walking back and forth from quest markers. i spent more time walking from quest markers than actually doing the quests once i got there. this is a terrible unfinished turd. more like dragon's dogshit
What do you mean "Didn't tank for you"? The pawns are never going to leap in front of you to take a hit or something. Just give them scather so theu run headfirst into battle, amd cast your spells while the enemies are focused on your pawns.
Also, don't be reliant on the spells with longer cast time. Use the Miasma spell when you don't have openings.
>great for ranger
I disagree. Scather tends to make them go very close to their enemy, in which case the ranger AI stops using the bow and focus on dagger skills instead. Ranger does better with mitigator and challenger.
Weird, I can't look for pawns by ID, what's her name/vocation/level?
I'm thinking about buying this game and doing my first playthrough as an assassin. I usually play them in all the other rpgs I play. Do they really feel like an assassin in this game, like can you kill shit fast but are also super squishy?
>tfw still no full set of bimmyblack armor even though you've killed the demons like a hundred times
Damn Bolide is a fine spell, I rekt the ogre in the everfall.
Yes, but make sure to play some of the other classes as well. You will gain all of your skills relatively quickly, and other classes have passive skills that you equip as assassin too.
sorc is the highest damage vocation in the game but the end game boss tanks all the big nukes
so youre forced to enchant your staff with holy and spam focused bolt at him because hes completely immune to anything else
ranger comes second but not because of high damage
its because it RELIABLE damage, no other vocation can steadily deal damage non stop to their target from almost any distance or elevation
it doesnt matter to rangers, they just activate turret mode and sleep
Holy focused bolt is the strongest thing sorcerer has either way
yes, forced
he takes next to no damage from all the nukes sorcerers have
i just switch to ranger at that point
why even play sorc if you are not using all the cool spells
When you play mystik knight is all you smash the cannon?
That was always the most boring way to play him. I'd rather enchant my hammer and shield and go into melee.
nah man, perfect block riposts are where its at also sigils and stone forest
Have any of you played magic archer? My friend told me they were really fun, but OP. I just bought the game on switch and haven't decided what to play yet, I just got to level 9. Don't really want to play anything that breaks the game, but the concept sounds fun
My most recent play through was mystic archer and it was a blast. Maybe not for everyone but i had fun with it
>The problem is, pawns learn behavior from your behavior
you better fucking mean inclinations and monster knowledge and not that pawn training bullshit
I just accepted a quest to escort Mercedes to the Shadow Fort, in my mind I was thinking of Winbluff Tower when I took the quest. The quarry isn't cleared to offer me a shortcut, whish me luck.
You have been called out on your shit several times. They learn from your behavior, they mimic it and they adopt your habits, beyond monster knowledge. Don't know what kind of agenda you have, but it's wrong.
>out for years on pc
>memory scanned
>no flags for pawn behavior learning
>but it totally exists guys
bring back concrete proof
How do I get my pawn to attack more reliably? I'm playing as a Mystic Knight and my pawn is a Sorcerer. I usually either go straight and attack physically whenever I see something or cast Ruinous Sigil and then Great Cannon and attack that way. He casts spells or does weak attacks with his weapon 70% of the time. The rest of the time he just stands by me when I cast Ruinous Sigil (which should be the best time for him to cast spells) or runs around to avoid enemies. His main inclination is Challenger. I know they learn from the player so what can I do to make him attack more?