Will anyone ever have their asshole blown the fuck out this hard ever again in human history?

Will anyone ever have their asshole blown the fuck out this hard ever again in human history?

>Matthewmatosis makes a DS2 critique
>Hbomberguy responds with a video twice as long poorly defending DS2 and making fun of Matt
>Mauler makes a TEN HOUR LONG, eight part rebuttal of Hbomerguy, picking apart every single sentence of his "defence" and exposing him as the pompous, smug, intellectually bankrupt soilet he is

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody older than 14 cares.

I don't have respect for the actions of people who waste their autism powers on pointless internet drivel. Go solve math equations if you have so much free fucking time.

>I'm too ADHD to watch anything longer than 10 minutes
That's all you had to say user

Math equations are as pointless as video games are retard.


3 very autistic people from the jew camp

>I unironically watch Youtubers for any length of time at all
You’re a child. Don’t forget to comment, like, share, subscribe, and donate to my Patreon.

Thanks for the bump.

>Will anyone ever have their asshole blown the fuck out this hard ever again in human history?

Probably some of the trannie kids whose botched surgeries he funded with his charity stream

Pretty sure whoever is the one that dedicated 10 fucking hours to a video about dark souls and god knows how many to actually research, edit and produce the video is the most pathetic human on earth.

I listened to Maulers entire 10 hour response while grinding in MH and it was an enjoyable experience. His autistic picking apart isn't without its own flaws, but they're few and far between, and you'd expect at least one flaw in a 10 hour spergout.

>Still says he likes the guy's videos repeatedly

Pretty cucked if you ask me.

>His autistic picking apart isn't without its own flaws
This is the problem with this shit. All 3 videos are opinion-based jargon.

>makes a 15 hour long critique of TFA
Now this is autism. How can one man be so obsessed with star wars?

this, and I say this as someone spending 4+ hours per day maintaining the WoW wiki

Try actually watching Mauler or Matt, they actually use evidence and facts to back up what they say

there is always projared

Dude, MauLer literally made a video that was infinitely longer than Hbomberguy and Matthew's videos combined....and doubled.

Brevity is the soul of wit, and MauLer is a fucking nitwit.

That weird communist fuck got btfo'd so hard I kinda feel sorry for him.

no clue who any of these people are but after watching a few of these videos and hearing the high-pitched fast-talking nitpicking tone of these dweebs and being able to relate them to real people in my life, i now understand Yea Forums better

I did. They jumped to conclusions about what's good. Matt knows nothing about souls games frankly and makes assertions about what he thinks is good game design.

This is exactly how I consumed the DaS2 review (vidya grinding while listening) and his brand of autism resonates with me. I love me a good sperg out and Mauler delivers on that. I wish he'd go back to vidya stuff, the movie reviews are all well and good but I'd rather him talk about games more often.

>ten fucking hour re: with multiple parts
How much more time did it take for him to edit this? Forget weaponized autism; this is laser-beam autism

it takes 2 seconds to spray a room with shit
it takes all day to clean it up

Mr Bomberguy is a shit nozzle with a broken valve

When is this snake going to get #metoo'd like Jared?


Fuck off with your e-celebs, child. Youtubers are parasites and anyone who likes them are subhuman

Ok tranny

Really amazes me that teenagers can watch internet demagogues for hours.

>wasting TEN HOURS to watch some retard respond to another retard
Get a life lmao

So give us an example of something he said you didn't agree with then.

Dark souls 2 is still miles better than 3.

Oh hey Hbomb, how's it going?

>muh e-celeb epic back and forth rebuttals
You seriously should consider getting a vasectomy.


>some autist spends 10 hours viciously shitting on notoriously smug libtard hbomberguy

Let them fight

Imagine thinking Dark Souls 2 is bad when Sekiro is the worst From Software game ever.

>Really amazes me that soccer moms can watch womens talkshows for 10 hours

Do u do it for free tho? If so ur retarded my dude

first post best fuckin post

Youtube was a mistake.

All Souls games are good, comparing them to each other doesn't make them better or worse.

literally all he had to say was that DS2 is shit and the other guy is balding

mauler is friends with furries

even though i prefer ds2 out of all the souls games hbomberguy is a faggot for many reasons

You, after this thread gets deleted.

Mauler is autistic beyond compare

unironically activated my almonds


it's called editing, retards

Jesus fucking christ when my life it's at its lowest I will always think of this. Thanks OP for reminding me of this.

The universe will end one day.

We'll all die long before that. Whether you play video games your whole life or solve math equations doesn't matter, in the end it all returns to nothing. Do what you feel like, not what others tell you to.

Sekiro is guilty of everything DaS2 was guilty of, you'd be a hypocrite to think otherwise

this is why i love mauler, his videos are stupidly long it helps me stay focused on work

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>being actually more autistic than the paralLEL universes Mario 64 guy, while also being likely a lot less smart
There's a 10/10 joke to be made here.

>When Mauler released part 1 Hbumboy made a tweet about a fucking food metaphor which is now deleted

the problem Mauler is that he's autistic and even if he makes good points, 11 hours of defending a videogame is not a good look and perception is everything

people click on his response and immediately think "wow this is a manchild with no life whatsoever"

only people as autistic as he is understand where he's coming from

>11 hours of defending a videogame is not a good look and perception is everything

You're saying you look down on people for putting effort and time into things and not making easily digested drivel?

>people click on his response and immediately think "wow this is a manchild with no life whatsoever"
Yes, "people". Get the fuck off Yea Forums moron with your normalfag bullshit.

Indeed. If you take more than an hour and half to create a rebuttal video, especially 10, you’re pathetic and petty.
At least you’re providing information and editing articles to the quality they deserve, not wasting god knows how many days of your life making a 10 hour video about “DS1 good DS2 bad”

>you’re pathetic and petty.
No, you're just an ADHD pussy. He picked apart every single sentence, you can't do that in 1 hour.

>most prominent english vidya youtubers are jim sterling and hbomberguy
no wonder they get raped by pakis with "men" lkke that

Autistic armchair game designer youtubers are just the vidya equivalent of those old atheism channels, but even those faggots knew how to be concise

it takes 11 hours to utterly destroy hbomberguy permanently, is time consuming but ia the best way to made him lose all credibility. and the icing of the cake was that he now associates with a group of cuckoos that force hormone pills on children

He's just another rung on the faggot train doing the same thing.

>not wasting god knows how many days of your life
How is it any more of a waste than anything else in life?

He made a video on a topic he cares about, got paid for it and blew out a retards asshole. What have you done in the past year?

Oh so you are part of the long man bad group.




>watching a 10 hour critique of a critique (which is an opinion)
Wew lad

>You're saying you look down on people for putting effort and time into things and not making easily digested drivel?
I don't, but normies do, and normies (and well, some trannies) are the audience of Hbomberguy

When they look at that series of videos instead of feeling like their god has been BTFO, they think "yeah, im not watching this shit"

He should have kept things short and simple

Do you unironically believe this?

in mauler's defense, he took every oart of hbomber's video to talk about it, leaving no chance to call his videos taken out of context, there is no rebuttal, he took all his points and btfo him

Man I miss when reply videos were a thing. I'd spend time in ms paint talking shit to other kids.

They dont care about the game just the views.

Fuck em

Mauler's video is the functional equivalent of that guy who wrote a 108 page response to the Plinkett reviews

Based Mauler

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There's no downtime in Maulers video's you ADHD retard. He makes his points once, then moves on. He's responding to every second of footage hbomberguy uploaded.

If you're too spastic to watch anything longer than 1 hour, then fuck off to the retard day care.

>Brevity is the soul of wit
>I don't understand the difference between cunning and intelligence

what if a math equation manages to figure out how to reverse entrophy or shift us to another dimension etc etc?

mauler is the kind of autistic friend i would hang out with. he's pretty chill most of the time

>He should have kept things short and simple
He didn't make it for hbomberguy's audience, he made it for everyone else to see exactly why he's a twat.

Kys underage OP. Of course the worthless mods will leave this e-celeb thread up

As much of a joke him and his dark souls 2 video may be, I don't exactly consider a fucking 10 hour long response to be praiseworthy. This shit is like one of the main reasons for why joseph's videos are so terrible.

Believe what?

That someone's content isn't worthless just because I can't watch it during a lunch hour? Yes, I do.

Children like OP belong over on Gamefaqs

Just an FYI: mauler made a condensed 1 hour video talking about DS2 as well. It contains the same points but doesn't directly respond to every point hbomber makes.

Why do extreme leftists look so...weird Yea Forums? Like they actually scare me in an uncanny valley sort of way

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All YouTube "essayists" are hyper critical retards that are employed by kikes. Every last one of them is a filthy beggar drumming up drama and """critique""" to stimulate the foolish for money.
These people should be rounded up and gassed.

>but he's responding to every single second!
And why is that necessary and why does that matter? All he needs to do is address his main points, not every single sentence. Imagine if I took your post and responded to each individual word or letter, instead of just the post. It'd be fucking retarded. And the worst part is there are retards on this site that unironically do that

>what if a math equation manages to figure out how to reverse entrophy or shift us to another dimension
It hasn't happened yet, it shows no signs of happening soon, so why would I give a fuck?

I'm concerned with the present, right now. I don't live my life 5 years ahead of time, because I might be dead tomorrow.

in order to eternally btfo hbomberguy as the idiot that he is, he took a small sacrifice that lead to no followup, no way to counter and exposed hbomb for what he is. is either that or non stop short vids coming bacl and forth

They have strayed further and further away from God, both physically and spiritually.

what about the future of humanity and your future descendants?

>TEN HOUR LONG, eight part rebuttal
There's a point where it just becomes too autistically pedantic to bother with. If you want to do as detailed a rebuttal as that it would be 100 hours long, and then 1000, etc.

It's just a video game m8

Out of all the gaming essay channels to crop up, Matt is still the best one. Videos are long enough to talk about the subject thoroughly and still short enough to watch in a sitting. Also he doesn't bother making response videos which in of itself is autistic to do.

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>>Matthewmatosis makes a DS2 critique
More like a whining video, this irish potato farmer hates everything not made by Kamiya or Miyazaki.
If he had the balls to do another video on dlc/sotfs, I would accept his opinion and critique.
But he just made it for the clicks and attention.
Then after BB and DaS3 he made the Lost Arts video where he whined how Souls games lost their soul or some shit.

Though Hbomb makes some completely retarded points in it, I agree with the general idea that DS2 gets shit on way too much. Matt equally makes some good points too, but his criticisms are often not based solely on the game but in comparison to DS1, and I think you should critique it in isolation of other games in the series. Haven't watched Mauler because I'm not going to waste 10 hours of my life when I could probably just do a NG+ in that time and find the problems myself.

>And why is that necessary and why does that matter?
Because Hbomberguy's defence cherry picks parts of Matt's video to suit his agenda. Mauler doesn't want to be accuses of this and wants to once and for all thoroughly BTFO hbomberguy.

>itt seething trannies
>i dont have time to watch videos, i have insecure guys to brainwash and blackmail for trap pics

>Haven't watched Mauler because I'm not going to waste 10 hours of my life
Then watch the hour and a half version he made for people like you

>what about the future of humanity and your future descendants?

I care about me and so should any sensible person. The fuck do I care about a guy who'll exist in 500 years? And descendants? FUCK THAT SHIT. I am not wasting my life to make myself suffer more for literally no reason. Your shitty ass lineage doesn't matter and if it was wiped from existence nobody and nothing would notice.

If you honestly plan on having kids and care about fucking descendants and legacies and lineages then I feel fucking sorry for you.

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just watch Part 1 of Maulers vid, it's funny and informative so you get the jist of it, no need to watch the entire 10hour beatdown

considering how scummy hbomber is, mauler took no risks by leaving a point unexplored for hbomber to use it and hold on to it as a way to find a flaw on mauler's response

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Stay scared classcuck. The leftist counter culture is rising.

>but his criticisms are often not based solely on the game but in comparison to DS1, and I think you should critique it in isolation of other games in the series
So I shouldn't judge my shitty new car in comparison to my old better car?


why do these type of youtubers have such dedicated fans? i understand people defending the game but who cares about some guy talking about a game? form your own opinions. it's so bizarre how there's a cult of personality for specifically DS2 essayists

if everyone was as retarded as you, we would still be in caves

Oh cool! I love response videos. Lots of smug jokes and spicy hot takes and humorous exaggeration with an over the top delivery to make it palatable despite its inherently meaningless subject matter.

>Monotone delivery
>Pedantic nitpick over the use of the word "fun" as objective

Fuck. Never mind.

yeah watching tens of hours of meaningless argument between two unemployed deadbeats who arent experts in any field is very high iq way to spend your free time.

oh no, a group of coddled, lazy slacktivist are gonna get us


Taking your time to carefully analyze, breakdown and respond to a myriad of shitty personal viewpoints from another Video essayist, is not "easy" work. Not everyone can make such an articulate and informed response to most or many arguments. Mauler can be a bit long-winded, but it has a lot to do with how descriptive his arguments are for certain subjects, topics, etc.. He's built that way and I can honestly say I very much enjoy the care and intelligence he puts into his content. Plus his channel has blown up since the Star Wars Last Jedi fiasco, and people are starting to see that he clearly knows what he's talking about for the most part.

tl;dr Hbomberguy just isn't as smart as he thinks he is and deserves to be torn down a peg.

>if everyone was as retarded as you, we would still be in caves
So what?

It all returns to nothing in the end, you can't miss what you never had.

yes spending 14 hours+ watching 3 autists argue their opinions about video games is clearly a productive use of your time

Have sex, you wouldn’t even care about this shit if you did

Not him.
I sincerely hope you're just shitposting, otherwise you are genuinely one of the most pathetic people I have ever heard of.
Don't bother replying, you're not worth a second (You).

I, too, went through a nihilistic phase in my teens; much like the universe, it will come to pass with age, user

This , they are all one gang,might as well be politicians,same left right game for money and power

>Stick your penis into a smelly, wet, warm, dirty hole that leaks blood every month and is regularly encrusted with dried piss and genital discharge because women are nasty bitches
No thank you

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yes and yes

Fair enough, guess we just have very different world views.

Imagine spending 10 hours giving a subjective opinion about a SINGLE VIDEO GAME

Imagine WATCHING 10 hours of someone talking about a SINGLE VIDEO GAME

>implying i can watch a 10 minute video in the first place


Imagine spending 10 hours wasting your time on Yea Forums.

Shut up you are just being a poseur at this point, its ok to hate on sekiro but at least give a proper reason. DS2 sucked so much dick because the combat sucked, it was 60% reused assets, and a shit ton of obvious signs that just the b team made it. Sekiro is none of these, poseur.

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>otherwise you are genuinely one of the most pathetic people I have ever heard of.

Because I don't follow your retard plan for life? "Dude like have kids and further your lineage, do it for people long dead or yet to be born!". Fuck off retard, the only rational way to act in this life is self interest. Anything else just leads to pointless suffering. Enjoy working 40+ hours a week for the next 50+ years so you can raise and throw out into the world some little shit who offers nothing in return but "He's cute!" or "He'll continue my completely worthless lineage nobody but me gives a flying fuck about".

And for Dark Souls 2 of all things. At least do it on something interesting.

Imagine playing a single video game for 10 hours.

Have sex

You're not mature and I'm not nihilistic.

I'm 26, and I do what I want for me, not anyone else. Doing shit for other people is a spook.

>game is so poorly made that it spawns HOURS of complains
>Yea Forums still defends it
Makes ya think, don't it?

What a sad and bitter outlook.

Lmao if projared had made the video this thread would be dead already

If that case, why critique the games at all? In terms of quality, they're all dogshit compared to Bloodborne.

Imagine spending 10 hours working a job for enough money to eat at a restaurant for 1 hour.

Dark Souls 2 is a good game

>autist/psychopath lacks empathy and human connection.
No surprises.

>Implying most people don't to listen to it as background noise like they do podcasts

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>Mods and jannies banning ProJared eceleb shit immediately
>Keeping this eceleb shit up for over an hour
Do your fucking jobs


He is weird, but I get the impression he keeps to himself. More likely to get blown up by his past being brought up, or he upsets the wrong twitter mob.

My by is on Jim Sterling being found out next

It's just not a good Dark Souls game.

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I don't understand why Mauler has a hate boner for it.


Well this atleast generates some discussion about Vidya. I don't think anything related to Projares's domestic life is Vidya related

>In terms of quality, they're all dogshit compared to Bloodborne.
Your opinion is bad and you should keep it to yourself.

The only truly amazing Souls game is Dark Souls and that's only good until you hit Anor Londo.

Stop, I can only get so hard.

Dark Souls 1 isn't even a good souls game.


Only zoomers watch these eceleb losers. I bet OP sent one his nudes.

and it's also janky as fuck

Maybe if 2 was the first game and the other two didn't exist.

First post always the best post
Your kind never belonged on here, you want to talk about Youtubers you fuck off to Youtube, simple as that.

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Demon's Souls is the only good Souls game

And yet I go through life visibly less stressed, worn out or mentally fucked than most people I interact with who fall for the high flying career/ family meme.

And with this you did it to OP.
You better put me on the cap.

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Meh, length isn't the issue in Joseph Anderson's videos, it's taking so long to say very little that is the problem, his "insights" are weaker than what people use in shitposts around here.

>trannies lose debate
>their only response is "have sex"

man imagine if Hilldawg pulled out this zinger in the debates? Drumpf would have been totally finished

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HB whole career is built on weasel words, which considering how he looks is not surprising. Everything he says has a layer of plausible deniability, mostly coming from oh I was being ironically angry or wow I can't believe you would care about that part. Mauler goes the opposite way 100% true and honest autism where he makes himself very clear

Only lonely NEETs like yourself would be insecure enough to defend 10 hour-long tantrums, dude.
>u-uh, what have YOU done in your life?
Try to debate without the fallacies.
It’s a waste of time because no one will care to watch a 10 hour argument video series. People are willing to binge shows, lets plays, anything entertaining, but not a gamer literally picking every sentence in another gamer’s long-ass video.
Besides, I think you’re just doing this out of spite for Hbomberguy due to his charity stream. That’s childish.
That’s not a defense at all. Debates should be concise and to the point, addressing key points and any minor points related to a specific key point, not EVERY sentence in the argument. You’re just doing it out of obsessive hate at that point, and the other side won’t address it because you bloated your video so heavily with redundancy that it’s not worth addressing.

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fucking thread
as mod states we dont give a fuck about
e-celeb disputes take it to

Empathy is another spook.

There are no more communites, no more families, no more tribes. The world is too big, too connected. If we were living in the time where groups of 50 people fought for survival I'd be more inclined to care about my fellow man. But when there's 7 billion of us, I'm looking out for number 1, me.

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>that article
Leftism is truly a mental illness


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Autism speaks, tldlisten

>all these seething trannies replying to themselves
link the discord

Mauler's video is stupidly long, the difference is that it's sufferable compared to hBomber's vid.

>combines 12 hours of opinions on a videogame
Fucking why would I waste my time doing that? I don't even watch review videos. Why would I watch a bunch of autists "critique" each others opinion?

Have sex.

Came to say this. The utter state of this board.

How so?

>I didn't have a nice family growing up
>Therefore families don't exist anymore
>And that allows me to justify my sociopathy, a legitimate mental defect akin to Homosexuality and Schizophrenia
Get help

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Why waste money on a vasectomy when you can just tell a woman you watched a 10 hour long rebuttal of a video game opinion and just not have the chance of knocking her up?

>It’s a waste of time because no one will care to watch a 10 hour argument video series
Except I did, so you're wrong, and you can fuck off now retard.

You're retarded.
BB is the only one with a fully orchestrated OST, and thus the the only one worth a fuck.
It has the best atmosphere in the series.
The story is complete, without a bunch of shitty loose ends. It's also delightfully weird in its themes about parenthood and the fact that it defies expectations.
It has by far the best enemy design, full of creepy creatures and weirdness.
The bosses (while not the best) are mostly pretty good. They destroy the first three games for certain unless you're a retard like Matt that values dumb shit like gimmicks over an actual boss fight.
The combat in the series is second only to Sekiro.
The level design is best-in-series.

Dark Souls 1 is broken dogshit with bad gameplay, bosses, levels, etc. It is the most normie vanilla Souls choice, and people give it a pass despite the game being mostly dogshit. The only thing it does better then the other games is world design complimented by the ability to upgrade and level at bonfires, and this quality is flushed once you get the Lordvessel. It is easily the most overrated in the series despite being consistently behind BB.

Yes, most regular people.do base their opinion on some, even if it is a small amount of objective fact to back it up. It doesn't make this autistic e celeb drama worth watching.

Fuck off.


>mental defect

>making a more than 20 minute discussion on one topic
>not including a single other opinion or voice in the entire video

Why the fuck is this anti-intellectual shitshow occuring so much today on youtube?
Anyone can make a logically cohesive argument about anything but it means jackshit if you refuse to let anyone be on the soapbox with you to actually argue the bullshit you're spouting.

That’s just because you’re an autist with nothing better to do in his life.
Seek help, virgin.

My parents were great and I liked my siblings, I did well in school and was reasonably liked, I had good prospects after finishing school and landed a decent job where I make enough money to live comfortably but still have free time.

But despite all that, I believe what I told you. Family as a concept is a myth now. What happened to you and your siblings (if you have any)? They all move out and set up shop somewhere else, sure you all try to meet up as often as you can but ultimately you're all living completely seperate lives and fates entirely divorced from one another.

To me families are multiple generations residing in one place together, for their whole lives, through thick and thin they go through everything together. EVERYTHING. You can't get that unless you go back thousands of years or join a jungle tribe. So to me, family doesn't exist in the modern world.

>not posting his best video


I remember bothering to actually watch all 10 hours in the background one weekend.
Alot of the points were solid, just because hbomber was a fucking idiot and nothing he said was really valid. But 90% of the video was just
He could have trimmed it down to an hour, addressed all the main issues and retarded things the guy said and have been done with it. The 10 hours was just autism for autism sake. And you can really tell in his other videos too just how big of a retard he is.

An unironic based post

I think Mauler goes on too many tangents, but I usually fundamentally agree with what he's saying, even if it's pure autism.
Hbomberguy will often say something I disagree with in the first 5 minutes. It's hard to watch such a long video when you fundamentally disagree with the premises.

>refuse to let anyone be on the soapbox with you
YouTube is the soapbox retard, post a video response.

So you consider someone insufferable just for having a different opinion from you on videogame tastes?

Mauer's videos are great but this was cringey. This needed to be five minutes at the absolute most.

The length of the videos is irrelevant. It's just a funny aspect that can be humorous but the content in them is all on point and very straightforward. All points have been addressed and deconstructed with critical assessment. Just think for one second how difficult it is to keep emotional attachment out of a video for 10+ hours. Anyone replying to Mauler would take 100 hours just because don't know how to form an argument, using emotion like "I feel like" or using some anecdotal allegory like "When I was was younger". All in all he did a very thorough, intelligent and mostly professional reply, regardless if it took 10+ hours. Maybe try to do something similar yourself before shitting on someone.

"So I said, 'This is what I have been wanting from SSG since day one'." "Yeah, I'm totally wrong. Anyway, I have one of those days where everything I do seems useless because I'm too busy trying to convince you all to actually buy this stupid game." "No, the game is fucking awesome." "Why? Because everyone else who plays this game has been so impressed with it." "No, this game is awesome. It's so fucking awesome. If you've ever experienced a game you hated in the past, then you will love this game. You'll never want to play the same game again. Seriously." "I was going to say this, but that's not how the SJWs have been talking about anything recently. The SJWs are like 'Oh, there's this stupid anime that you must have seen' or 'There's this stupid game you must have seen.' They're like SJWs aren't real." "I don't like anime, but I like games. I like video games because they're entertaining." "The game is great, the anime is dumb, and the game is awesome."

Here is how retarded you all sound, according to AI.

If you skim the thread youll see these autists are DEEPLY invested in their favorite e-celeb BTFO of another e-celeb. Since they're invested and already wasted their own time they want everyone else to stop and care as much as they do about... 3 dudes having different opinions on videogames.

Its WWE for faggots.

Not either one of the other anons, however observe how there's no response to this, now that gets the noggin jogging, I think you might be onto something and they can't accept it.

people who upload videos of themselves arguing over video games are automatically soi

Post more takedowns like this. I love stuff like this where someone rants unscripted and gets overly autistic about stuff like related youtube.com/watch?v=nh4xE2DGa2g

They're doing it to laugh at the retards defending Hbomber

>wasting ten hours of your life on DaS2
I know, where do you think we are and all that, but I'd probably rather stare at my wall for ten hours than watch this

>10 hour video
>for a video game

So is this 10 hour thing his magnum opus? Like sure it's long as fuck but if I watch that there's not much need to watch his other videos?

Ha ha you big dumb dumb, you gave him the second (you), shameful!

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I'd say the main difference is outside of what personality you can stand. Hbomber starts with a premise then only looks to prove it with even the weakest of evidence, either ignoring or overtly hand waving problems with that idea often as a joke. Mauler examines it all, he will usually have a point he wants to prove but he will give other perspectives a chance and explain why he disagrees. While both are very sure they are right, Mauler would at least hear someone out and try to understand their view. Hbomber would joke about a spelling mistake, make a food analogy and then make a snarky tweet that the gamers are at it again

But what if what you want to do is doing shit for other people?

Yes and I laughed at Chelsea fans until Chelsea won through penalties yesterday, user.

>everythings subjective haha
wow might as well not say or do anything amirite? based nihilist

This. He hated Last Jedi so much he did the same with that. What kind of loser hates TLJ?

You realize it was him trying to look slightly less pathetic, right?

I don't watch Bongball

Yes, but let's not forget the TRUE idiots, the people who watch them.

Why does everyone care about how long the videos are??

I spent like a thousand hours combined on all dark souls
Ten hours is nothing.

>Missing the point this hard
The issue is the soapbox you moron. Letting one person on a soapbox spout their drivel for hours with no alternative opinion during the lecture is anti-intellectual trash boardering on propoganda. Even the most hardcore politized college lecturer will allow for Q&As at the end of each seminar.

I'm not suprised that H "Donated to a charity that supports trans 8 year olds and has sex with their patients" bomber is a dumbfuck on video games

Now he's working on a 15 hour series on The Force Awakens.

I consider a multiple hour debate video insufferable if I don't agree with the premise. Conclusions based on points I don't accept have no intellectual pay off.

>Enjoy working 40+ hours a week for the next 50+ years
Not him but I'll probably be doing that even though I won't have any kids

>Even the most hardcore politized college lecturer will allow for Q&As at the end of each seminar.
What the fuck do you think the comment section is.
Oh you're fucking with me.

No one cares about your e-celeb bf OP
take it to or where celeb threads belong

I'm not surprised, was probably too busy watching 8 hrs of Benny the critical centrists neo libertarian gamer that slayer DESTROY a tumblrite.

The fanboying over e-celebs always mirrors the same attitude.

This, imagine giving a shit about two nerds bickering over fucking "video game analysis". Thank god Matt isn't a little ass ravaged keyboard warrior like you people and the two other virgins

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Yes, Hillary Clinton. Not really her faulty but the media.

HBomberguy is the kind of guy I imagine the hardcore DS2 loving contrarians on Yea Forums to be. Nothing wrong with just liking DS2 but there's a big group of fanboys who fanatically try to argue in it's favor and a lot of time they come off as lmost equally smug to hbomb. I should give Mauler's videos a go one of these days.

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Your family isn't just the people you're born with, it's the people you build a life with. A wife, your children; one day they'll take priority over your brothers and sisters and parents and grandparents. That's just nature. It's unfortunate that not all families can be so close, but it happens. You can't just discard the idea "families" in the modern world because it's different now than it was in olden times

Mauler is just as bad as hbomber guy. The difference is he'll provide strawmen and easy rebuttals to dumb things "the other side would say" to pretend his point is more valid.
At the end of the day in every one if his videos he already made his decision far in advance.

It's the same shit you see from any run of the mill generic internet intellectual. You're not smart for pretending to bring in high school debate onto a medium nobody gives a shit about. Because everyone who actually knows what they're talking about looks at what you're saying and just rolls their eyes.
I will debate topics I care about online, but fuck off the moment you start crying about ad hominems and how it completely invalidates my argument because I called you a dumb faggot at the end of my post. You dont win real arguments by scoring debate points, people just dont bother dealing with you.

How the fuck does someone from the comment section actively ask a question while the person is making a video you fucking mongoloid holy shit.
If this was a livestream where people could actively ask things whilst streaming I could understand where you're coming from but if you think youtube comments are equivalent to debating someone on a point as soon as it is brought up I question if you've ever been in a classroom your entire life.

I don't think this is really a leftist thing, it's applicable to just about anyone who uses youtube as a platform to bitch and moan

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And what's more pathetic than refusing to debate but still trying to get the last word in like a petty 10 year old?

stop doing weed

ecelebs are not video games


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Fuck off bombercuck

>But what if what you want to do is doing shit for other people?
Then think about why you're doing it.

It makes you feel good or it makes you look good to others or it creates opportunities for you. These all go back to doing things for you in the end. No one does something for someone else if it doesn't benefit them in some way, even a small way like making you feel good inside.

Think of all the useful or interesting things you could do in 10 hours.

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I don't get who are these videos for? Do you really need a 10 hour long essay to form your opinion on a video game?

better go on an online forum with post counts and flairs and titles and borders and shit. You are pathetic, stop taking drugs and being so delusional.

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And at least you'll enjoy the money you make and the time you have instead of throwing it all away to raise some little faggot


So you think you’re an intellectual for listening to points you like and avoid points you dislike?
About videogames?

Do you not understand the difference between debate and essay formats?
I mean if you are fucking with, good job, you got me to respond, I'm genuinely curious now.

Reminder that Hbomb absolutely btfo'd Paul Joseph Watson

You're not just staring at a screen watching Youtube, you're doing something else while the video plays, right user?

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>And what's more pathetic

I thought ecelebs were not allowed on this board according to the sticky. Guess not.

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>working 40+ hours a week for the next 50+ years
I'm doing more hours than that and it's about to get even worse, don't see much money to speak of either. Fuck having kids, my country and my family have done nothing but fuck me over, the best thing I'll ever do for my kids is never having to make them go through this bullshit. More power to you user, fuck the boomers who need to pop out some kids in order to feel like they achieved something in life

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not that user. it wasn't a debate format but comment sections still don't work.
His video was a bunch of nitpicking of sentences, many of which were opinions one way or another. So there was room for debate. But in a comment he's only going to bother responding to the ones he cares about, so if he does say something stupid you can't stop him there and call him out on it. You have to comment, and let your comment go ignored because he has no reason to respond to it.

Fuck off, patreon shill.

>anti-inceł btfo’s an inceł

zoom zoom

>Your family isn't just the people you're born with, it's the people you build a life with
Yes, and in this era that is literally impossible. It never, ever happens. It's incapable of happening because people no longer depend on each other for survival.

The worst thing that can happen to you in a 1st world western nation is you end up homeless. You'll have an endless supply of food from bins and charity, you can sleep in doorways or hostels and during the day you can wander around the city. There is no true suffering left for the human race, and without true suffering there can be no cooperating for survival.

When there's no need to stick together to not die, people will drift apart.

ecelebs that cheat on their wives is haram. But hbombersoy will never have a wife so it's halal.

Don't you get it? They get to pick and choose who to back and who to censor. Its that simple.
This board needs to be bombed and reassembled from the ground up.

I've never taken drugs in my life

>The difference is he'll provide strawmen and easy rebuttals to dumb things "the other side would say"
Hey now, no need to be that mean to hbomber. His DS2 script wasn't THAT bad

But its literally the same people that support mauler that support spamming shit about whatever that faggots name is.

You're still trying to get the last word like a petty child. Go ahead, have it.

I don't do drugs, I only drink occasionally. But nice counterargument:


absolutely fucking based

Ecelebs are not videogames.

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>being so assblasted that you make a 10 hour rebuttal video.

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>His video was a bunch of nitpicking of sentences, many of which were opinions one way or another.
It was nitpicking, but they were not "opinions one way or the other".

>m-mauler is better than that!
he just targets low hanging fruit, anytime anyone brings in "the other side" its bullshit and they're full of shit and just trying to look like they're being open minded. You're never going to encapsulate the other side's full point and you're just glazing the top and take points you actually have a counter point for without actually accepting their counter-counter point.

reminder that matty doesn't even acknowledge it exists meanwhile hbomberguy admitted to watching at least some of maulers video and the only retort he could give is long man bad

No, the amount of butthurt it takes to upload 10 hours of shit is fucking ridiculous.

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>matt - DS2 is bad because you can't swing the weapon how I like! (despite this never being a problem for literally anyone else)
>HB - naw its not that bad, in fact its a GOOD thing you're swinging is limited because I'm a retard
>Mauler - well Matt is 100% right because he did testing and there's a video and he's a fan. and HB is fucking stupid and doens't like the game, that means because blah blah blah matt is right and HB is WRONG
Like fuck if I even remember what the issue was, some stupid thing about not being able to stab a spear between your feet or something? I literally never once had an issue with the weapon mechanics in DS2

>a video monologue that inherently spouts bullshit for hours on end because the overwhelming majority of the topic is nothing but opinions
Nigger this might pass in 3rd grade but the people pretending this is intellectually stimulating are embarassing.
If you disagree I'm sure you can timestamp basic shit like a bibliography, listing of statistics / data / tables uses or a reference list, things that any essay produced by anyone over 12 would have.

I don't care what some bowtie-wearing dweeb thinks, Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls game.

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He was too busy getting thanked by studios for telling them their games are crap.

I really didn't need to see Jared's mutilated mushroom dick in my lifetime.

He's so proud of it and his skelly body too, like he honestly thinks he's sexy as fuck. It's inspiring, if a deformed freak like him can get consistently fucked then anyone can.

I'm saying that anyone who sits down and records himself ranting for 10 hours about a mediocre but likeable game really needs to examine his life choices.

>have sex

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>a million dick picks
>but no holly nudes
life is suffering

I still don't get the point of these threads, like a games youtube channel recommendation thread? sure why not some reviews unironically make you think and that's the whole point of a review of something you already consumed, streamer rec thread? sure why not some of them are a fun way to waste 30 mins but this self-referential shit? I'm at a loss, cool he got BTFO but anyone that hasn't followed the user for many videos isn't going to have any kind of emotional response to this. It's pretty much a circlejerk, like a shitty general, might as well have everyone ITT start using tripcodes and call each others bros.

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OP blown out in less than two minutes, jesus christ

>bibliography, listing of statistics / data / tables uses or a reference list
most highschool freshman shit I've read all week kek

Mods he’s shilling his YouTube again

FPBP. Soulsfags are just peak autism. They rival the Sonicfags and the Meleefags in this regard.

Heh, I'm literally watching this series for the 4th time as I saw this thread.

I wonder what will be the next jap game to have a fanbase this autistic

>DS2 is bad because you can't swing the weapon how I like
No.His point was this:

>You can't hit shit in Dark Souls without lock on because the hitboxes are autistically precise sometimes and incredibly wide at others. So just to be safe it's better to lock on so 100% of your hits are guaranteed to hit.
>To hit the enemies on the floor is even HARDER than usual, so lock on is all but essential to actually fucking hit them. But when you lock on it angle the camera at the floor and blocks your view.

He has two options: Don't use lock on a miss 50%+ of all attacks through no fault of his own, or use lock on and hit 100% of his attacks but have his view blocked. Also DS2 has trash collision detection on top of all that so even with lock on you'll still miss attacks.

>wet, warm, dirty hole that leaks blood every month and is regularly encrusted with dried piss
user, are you not familiar with female anatomy?

>Anyone replying to Mauler would take 100 hours just because don't know how to form an argument, using emotion like "I feel like" or using some anecdotal allegory like "When I was was younger".
Are you just making up hypothetical inevitable bad reasons why an eventual response would be ten times longer, whilst also praising this dude for doing a "thorough, intelligent response" that was also ten times longer than the original?

10 hour long eight page rebuttal

the only loser is the guy who actually fucking made that

So the essays you consume don't actually use any facts or sources?
Are you legitimately five years old?

isnt hhbomberguy the one that had a full blown meltdown and called all of his fans alt-right nazis and then deleted those videos

yeah, thats hhbomberguy. next he's gonna make a video about how you should become trans because masculinity is toxic. he makes videos about dark souls he's clearly not intelligent or important

Did you have to ask?

I'm not going to do your job for you, get a literal example or just don't bother, stop replying.

>>a video monologue that inherently spouts bullshit for hours on end
Post some examples of the bullshit said.

>because the overwhelming majority of the topic is nothing but opinions
Post examples like the other user tried to.

>Nigger this might pass in 3rd grade but the people pretending this is intellectually stimulating are embarassing.
Ok, ur a faget.
See, I can throw shit around as well.

> timestamp basic shit like a bibliography, listing of statistics / data / tables uses or a reference list
What the fuck are you talking about.
They're presented with a source attached to them in the video.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a bibliography in the desc, but whatever.

>encrusted with dried piss
What kind of sandy ass vaginas have you been watching in your porn, user? I've never heard of any woman getting dry enough down there to dry the piss.

Pretty sure listening to 10 hours of Hbomerguy is considered cruel and unusual punishment

Zelda and Mario have the two biggest speedrunning/challengerunning communities ever. It's no coincidence that they also have the most autistic fans.

>2 options
or use a weapon that's good at hitting shit on the ground or without locking on by experimenting a little bit.

>use a giant aoe double bladed bullshit weapon
oh jeeze, its extremely easy to hit multiple mobs simultaneously without locking on!
>use a spear
oh wow its hard to hit things with without locking on, what a surprise.
>use a giant fucking axe
and it hits things on the floor! because it swings at the fucking floor!

More like matt was just a dumbass and complained because it didn't work the way he wanted.

>user, are you not familiar with female anatomy?
Women's urethra is located above the vagina, but still really fucking close to it. They don't clean themselves properly and that leads to encrusted piss and fish smell.

>his videos are long therefore he's in the wrong
Cool. I guess people that write 100-page essays on short classic poetry are losers too, according to the oh-so time managing anons on Yea Forums.

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>or use a weapon that's good at hitting shit on the ground or without locking on by experimenting a little bit

His gaming vids are nothing special.
His political vids are just "heh, gotcha racist!" arguments, that the very neo liberal capitalist system promotes. Put him to debate a nazbol, and he'll fall apart.

Go away hbombersoi

>What kind of loser hates TLJ?
Pretty much anyone with taste.

Don't compare DS2 to poetry please

I remember seeing his Sherlock video is recommended once and thinking it was okay. Then I learned about his Metokur past and troll remorse present, and oh boy.

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>autistic nerds that spend every spare second they have on Yea Forums and vidya complain that a 10 hour video is too long for them
>a video series that is easily digestible just by listening so you can still play vidya or do something else while enjoying it

Lmao ds2fags really gotta work overtime to defend their shit heap huh

Yeah but they are older than Dark Souls, I mean what will be the next new series that if you criticize it will get "hardcore" nerds very angry around the world.

Its literally just action game 101, different weapons work differently you dumb faggot.

Why should the game work how Matt wants it to work? I never had a problem with the weapons, any of the swinging weapons typically hit the things it swung at. it its a horizontal or poking weapon, why would you use it to hit floor enemies? that's just fuckin dumb. lock on is the crutch you can use to make it work, but wow, you can't do a 180 swing with a speak to stab the thing behind you in the face.

Holy shit, best First Post in Yea Forums history.

so you never youtubed a DIY tutorial on anything? or a cooking recipe video? or a news video? stupid

I just posted a comment of under 300 words, completely annihilating hbomberman and getting 500+ likes. I'm not entirely sure why I would want to spend 10 hours watcxhing another NEET be useless, as I've already wastd 2 watching this retard.

The shorter an argument, the less succeptable it is to attack.

"DaS2 is the hardest souls games, which makes it the best."

Go ahead. Try rebutting this without coming off as a buttblasted casual.

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>Why should the game work how Matt wants it to work?
Because then it wouldn't be a broken piece of shit

>n-no you have to waste 10 hours of your life on a video 4 years old in order to debate me!
and this is why nobody gives a shit about mauler's video either.
I watched it over a year ago, thought it was fuckin dumb, and moved on with my life. I'm not gonna bother actually pulling the quotes because I'm not autistic.

>Women's urethra is located above the vagina, but still really fucking close to it
Ok, that was the main thing I was checking to see if you knew about. If it stinks down there it probably isn't related to any minor amount of urine that splash on there, but probably some other hygienic reason.

Why doesn’t the right have anyone like this. The left have lots of former right leaning YouTubers with a very unique style. (Bomber, Shaun, that tranny contrapoints) that are obviously not funded by rich groups while all of our former left you tubers are obviously funded by billionaires.

>I watched it over a year ago, thought it was fuckin dumb, and moved on with my life. I'm not gonna bother actually pulling the quotes because I'm not autistic.
Wow user it's so cool how you don't care and are above it all. Nice discussion you had there.

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Fpbp, e-celeb threads are not and will never be video game related. Take this cult of personality shit back to the YouTube comment section children.

Maybe he should make the game then, but weapon swings were the dumbest complaint possible and it really didn't bother 99% of players.

I went a dex, magic, and str build for 3 different runs and never even had that issue.

The only thing I REALLY hated in terms of broken ass mechanics in DS2 were the grabs and the stupid fuckin mimics that would grab you if you were behind them.

Ah yes the classic "dude trust me" argument

But there is nothing stopping you from pointing a poking weapon towards the ground. Its not like your body refuses to bend when you carry a spear around.

>Dude also has about 5 hours long video about Star wars the last jedi

The movie stank but who the fuck really cares about star wars movies at this level

Zelda 2 is the hardest Zelda game and it's not the most fun or compelling to complete.

>i cbf
Then stop replying retard.

>Post examples like the other user tried to.
This entire shitshow is about whether DS2 is a good game or not, i.e. an opinion.

>What the fuck are you talking about.
I'm asking for a timestamp on where he shows his list of sources for the various tables, facts taken from other sources, outside literature relating to the videos, and other external documentation etc. I mean he does have these things and it isn't literally just a ten hour video refuting some other hour long video without actually providing any external data that shows why it's incorrect surely?

Artificial difficulty.


More than a million people do, according to his viewcount. Why not put your spergery online if people are watching it.

I already know why DaS2 is bad, I don't need to listen to a literally who schooling me for 10 fucking hours about it.
Seriously a 10 hours video about how you don't like a game?


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Don't know who these guys are, but I am fairly certain they should both kill themselves.

>presents sources in video to backup claims
>”hah gotcha racists”

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>"DaS2 is the hardest souls games, which makes it the best."
It's not hard in a way that's fair or consistent to the player. Throwing 10 enemies at a player in a game built around single enemy encounters isn't hard, it's poor design.

Yes it is.

lol. You're just a buttblasted casual.

>a million views = a million people = a million people watched the whole five hours

It does though, especially one handed, its much more of an awkward movement. And you can stab at the floor with a spear in the game, it just requires you to actually target the thing you're hitting as opposed to just swinging it behind you while your running the other direction.
>b-but why doesn't this game's weapons work exactly how it would in real life where I can control its every movement
because its not a VR game and they have to work with limited movements. I also can't throw an axe across the room, it doesn't mean that the game has shit mechanics because I can't do that.

Not if its about fucking E-Celeb drama. I have a job, I have better things to do with my time.

>a game built around single enemy encounters

Literally no soulsborne is.

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Like you ever checked any of his sources.

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People watch videos like that hoping they will find comedy gold, maybe something to quote or talk about with their friends while drunk. Too bad millenials can't be funny.

>I have a job, I have better things to do with my time.
Like posting in an e-celeb thread on Yea Forums about how much you don't care?

I watched the Garfield video

>built around single enemy encounters
multi enemy encounters were a thing ever since demon souls, these faggots need to fuck off.
>b-but no I mean the mechanics are...
not really. its just easier to fight 1v1, because you fuckin suck

Yes, they always work unlike almost everytime a righty links in a video where it leads to his own site or a dead link.


Who has time for watching all that, it's not some high art anyway, it's a silly space movie about laser battles.

No it's not, random encounters in Zelda are a fucking mistake.

All souls have a shiton of enemies

The only correct answer to this nothing of a story.

>This entire shitshow is about whether DS2 is a good game or not, i.e. an opinion.
It's about the statements made by Hbomber and an analysis of why they're inaccurate or not in relation to the game, i.e not an opinion.

>I'm asking for a timestamp on where he shows his list of sources for the various tables, facts taken from other sources, outside literature relating to the videos, and other external documentation etc.
Sure, give me a while and I'll skim through and try to find where exactly he uses them.

I only remember that the hbomberdude got so assblasted after Mauler released the first couple of videos he started started making snide subtweets and snipes in Maulers general direction on twitter like some passive agressive preschooler.
That was fun watching.

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>I have a job
lol what a loser

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>X an analysis/critique/retrospective
>X is bad and here's why
>Why X was a disaster
God I fucking hate youtube so much. Thank fuck for people like Mandalore who just want to do vidya content without sounding like pseudo intellectuals "influenced" by Matt but that can't grasp that Matt doesn't waste a full hour defining "fun"

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Yea Forums once again proves it can only talk about things before they get too well-known. With Mauler still getting bigger, the autists are noticing him and shitting all over the board whenever he gets mentioned. I suppose Hbomb could also have some fans here, but that's unlikely.


who gives a fuck about some literally who eceleb?
fuck off zoomer shit

And then he deleted them all because they were so embarassingly pathetic and petty

Link one of them.

It didn't take me 10+ fucking hours to do it either. I don't need to spend all that time to listen to someone I don't know explain why they don't like a game. Its pointless. What, am I going to change their mind? And if I do, who cares. They don't affect me. This whole site is pointless.

Still the best. I don't see Wind Breaker getting it's own comic and cartoon series.

Zoomers need people to tell them how to feel about things. It's a drawback to the nostalgia us boomers have so proudly put on display.

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I tried to like him, just because this video was funny, but after watching literally anything else he just comes off as your typical Yea Forums tier pseudo-intellectual shitposter crying about the jews.

>Do what you feel like, not what others tell you to.
i'm not getting sent to jail unless i'm guaranteed solitary, so, no.


>comparing a childrens toy to poetry

No, but I can't waste my time watching some losers discuss a shitty ass game for 60 times longer than 10 minutes

That was pretty fun, his only argument was "video too long lol", like all the retards in this thread. I guess you can't really defend yourself when literally every word you said in a specific video was picked apart.

fbpb, fuck off my board kiddos, nobody cares about youtube / twitch homos

Just grabbed one of his videos (the basedboy one) and all the sources linked to the study named so I fail to get what you are implying.


Yeah sure let me just really quick dig through his history because some random faggot couldn't be arsed to do it himself, hold on.

Every Zelda released before Twilight Princess has a comic, Nintendo pulled the plug on TV shows since the mid 90s in everything except Kirby, I guess Kirby is the better franchise now.

>i'm not getting sent to jail unless i'm guaranteed solitary, so, no.
The law is only enforceable if there's evidence or witnesses (plural). If you go to a park at night and punch a woman in the face, they'll never find you.

>an analysis of why they're inaccurate or not in relation to the game
i.e. literally an opinion.

ah I see Yea Forums is still angry over hbomber being sucessfull and actually helping the plenet while they sit there in there basements and seethe

>nobody cares, who gives a shit you zoomers
>they say, when the thread is about to hit bumplimit

FPBP. Fuck zoomer e-celeb culture.

these kinds of people are taken as authority members when it comes to politics.


just proof that Yea Forums is but a shell of it's former self, where underage faggots get to post whatever they want and mods encourage it.
bring back public execution bans.

Jew jokes are E;R's thing, not Mauler's. Or Hbomberguy's, if that's who you meant. He's a lefty, very lefty, so yeah.

t. never played Binky's fact or opinion

I am sorry but who the fuck managed to gather tons of money for trans kids you utter faggot

Yeah, but he's recommended E;R.
Which means he hates Jews, just like Pewdiepie.

Yea Forums was always crawling with under8, where have you been in the last decade?

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Some libcuck after blue checks on twitter directed their NPC fans to him?
And are you talking about that stream where he raised money for a charity that encourages kids to go on hormone therapy without parental consent?

Can't argue with that logic.

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Ah, of course, the WSJ maneuver. Very nice.

>I believe this is accurate in relation to the game
an opinion
>I believe this isn't accurate in relation to the game
an opinion.

Calling it an analysis doesn't magically mean it isn't ultimately the person's opinion, just that it's a more agreeable opinion because it's backed up by evidence.

>The [insert liberal buzzword] in [insert 90s TV show]
>Why I won't be doing X anymore
>What is killing X?
I though youtube wasn't held back by TV corporate shit of everyone having to do the same content to make it appeal more.

>trans kids
How does such a thing even exist holy shit

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Amazing this thread gets over 370 replies and doesn't get deleted.

Meanwhile another certain eceleb thread gets deleted on site.

Mods go fuck yourself and your biass. Delete them all for stop being hypocritical faggots.

So this is why so many milk toast guys make right leaning YouTube videos. You can make a claim not support it and the fan bases just takes it as truth.

Its not specifically hating jews, its that type attitude.
>here's why star wars is bad
>hold on a second while i ignore the movie and talk about how bad the LEFT is
>omg they're ruining my favorite movies its so horrible
>fuck the left amirite guys
like fuck off, the left shit barely had any impact on star wars, star wars was shit because it had a horrible director and the filming was absolute garbage. feminism didn't create the random casino plot line or butcher the scene consistency. and it had nothing to do with snookie dying like a bitch.

We could have a perfectly fine Smash thread instead of this. A tragedy.

>This is accurate in relation to the game, here's the proof
A statement of fact.
>This isn't accurate in relation to the game, here's the proof
A statement of fact.

>everything is an opinion
That's just, like, your opinion, man. Checkmate.

It would be fine if it was the same length but as I've said it's extremely difficult to detach emotion from argument.
It's not a hypothetical scenario, it's the reason why there was no reponse to him.



So far it's just dressing up boys more flamboyant than a drag queen I think, I might be wrong though.

I know what i saw. I don't owe you anything calm your ass lmao

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>tfw I listened to it all
at a certain point I entered a trance and only broke out of it 3 hours later

Holy fuck. This whole YT/Streamer generation should seriously get wiped out.

>It's not a hypothetical scenario, it's the reason why there was no reponse to him.
Yeah, or because it's fucking ten hours long and even making a response that's half as long would be too fucking autistic for any ordinary man.

>We could have a perfectly fine Smash thread instead of this.
Yes..a tragedy...totally

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>make a statment
>”calm your ass down”


mauler is based af

Pretty much, Yea Forums is too far gone and unironically wants mods from ResetEra.

>leftie reeing when their propaganda piece is verifiably shit
>durr it's not bad cus of politics, it wasn't even present (tho it's kewl yas slay kween)

Can I report this for not video games?

lmao no. Whether the proof is even valid or not is an opinion, we aren't talking mathematical proofs here.

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>milk toast

>this dumb retard said something about a VIDEO GAME, lets talk shit about it
>this dumb retard divorced his wife, lets talk shit about it
Spot the difference, if your big brain can notice it.

Oh, so you just haven't watched his stuff at all. Mauler has never gone on a rant about evil leftists, you are lying.

Go watch his unbridled rage on TLJ, its nowhere near as long as his actual longboi video on it, or hell, just the first ten minutes. I don't think he brings up politics even once. It obviously isn't as well thought out as his long video, but you appear to be a retard, so I don't think you'd be able to manage that one.

what kind of giga virgin would watch a 10h long video of some VF talking about games?


>b-but that one character
like fuck off, it wasn't even that big of an issue. with all the problems in the movie, people actually point to pink hair bitch as if THAT was the problem with the movie.
Star wars always had retarded characters, it was dumb, but passable.

What wasn't passable to me was having an angry teenage boy become the main villain and killing off the actual intelligent sith lord. And the constantly shitty scene work.
Like when fin and asian chick were captured, and suddenly something explodes and they're suddenly unbound and on the other side of the docking bay despite having a blade at their head and everyone standing around them.
That entire scene pissed me off far more than anything the purple bitch did.
>he never does

I listened to his video whilst replaying Dark Souls 2 funnily enough. There's something endearing about the structure of the video, he literally responds to the video pretty much line by line, stopping off to show his points through gameplay which clearly took hundreds of hours. It's pure autism but it's a surprisingly entertaining novelty.

Mods go fuck yourselves. Allow us to shit talk projared while this thread is about to be maxed out. Hold the rules and stop being biased corrupted assholes.

The mods here really are resetera tranny faggots.


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Okay, opinion safely discarded.



How is projared's divorce related to video games?

No, go to bed


Where the fuck are the mods? This eceleb shill thread should've been taken down by now.

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K you're a troll, have a good one, retard.

Are you fucking stupid?

Actually it was DS1 and DS3 good, DS2 bad.

imagine letting the soiboy shitposting get to you so you edit a 30 minute diatribe about the health impact of soibeans.

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what is wrong with mods?

>brevity is the soul of wit
>half a millennia later and brainlets STILL don’t get that the quote is ironic

All eceleb threads are against the rules Moron. The mods are biased. They literally patrol Yea Forums deleting every projared thread within minutes while this is about to be at post limit.


>oh shit people disagreed with my last videos
>better make a patronizing video explaining the definition of 'subjective'
What was he thinking???

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You totally convinced me and changed my mind. You can't even deny I'm right, you're just mad you're wrong.

>he didn't respond how I wanted to my blantant bullshit so i won the argument
hi mauler.

>All eceleb threads are against the rules

It's more like "your argument is invalid cause it offends Tyrone"


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we need an eceleb board

Mauler was 100% correct, but at the same time I dislike his videos because he did basically the same thing shit posters on Yea Forums do when they argue. Post wordswordswordswords that don't really say a whole lot, and if someone doesn't take 10 hours out of their day to refute line by line then they win.

Hbaldingguy might be a total faggot but this is correct.

It's ironic because it's said by someone who is anything but brief. It doesn't undermine the unironic sense at all; in fact, it underlines it.

Don't shit up the thread further

*coughs loudly*
*yawns and stretches*
*sticks my ass in your face*

Ahhh, thank God I got that out before we hit the bump limit
Oops, teehee

You said he rants about leftists. An obvious lie, that was my response, you have provided zero quotes suggesting otherwise. He has a lot of words you can quote, so please try again.

He's describing pretty much what Calhoun and NIMH observed decades ago during their experiments, which alarmed the goverment back then enough to start looking for the same markers in human society.

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>b-but you're not making a 10 hour video analyzing every video he's ever made so you're a troll!
or you could just watch the videos and if you honestly don't see any of the generic /pol/ tier rants, then all i can say is

>Yea Forums doesn't understand mauler but Yea Forums does

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Too bad it's actively encouraged now.

he's the biggest nitpicker on the planet

>It's another critique in the form of pausing the video every fifth syllable to nitpick instead of actually addressing any points
This is Sargon tier. Video essays are dead

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Maybe we'll get a second chance and burgers wont fuck it up this time.

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>Makes 10 hours of videos, a whole year worth of content responding to some nobody over a videogame barely anyone even likes or cares about.
Yes, whomever he made that video about sure got blown the fuck out.

Dark Souls 2 is the best souls game though.


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Unlikely, but one can still hope, I suppose.

>Could read a book, or watch a handful of the greatest films ever made
>Watch 10 hours of somebody confirming something you already know

If he didn't give at least 3 bits of supporting evidence for every statement and rebuttal, he'd be getting "you just cherry picked the bad arguments and left the good ones", so now all they can say is "long man bad". Autism, yes, but idk, it seems to be working out for him.

No, I asked for a quote. You don't need to put that much effort in. Ranting about leftists usually stands out, if he had done it, I'm sure one of your twitter friends would have pointed it out, so come on, should be ez.

You forgot the most important part, MauLer enjoyed Dark Souls 2. Using him to shit on 2 is not helping your case.

Does the right have anyone equivalent?


Not like Yea Forums is any stranger to putting autistic amounts of effort into shitting on someone's opinions.

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Absolute mad lad.

>resorting to ad hominems
looks like I win this argument. you see, you can tell when someone is getting desperate and deflecting when they start asking for quotes on things you can easily experience yourself. By resorting to name calling you just prove that you have nothing to back your claims and instead resort to attacking the individual directly in order to make yourself appear to be of higher caliber.

Savage and honest.

Hahaha oh wow

K, you pushed it too far, its no longer fun.


Shitting on FFfags should be mandatory, user did the right thing


My post was literally just a condensed version of every mauler video.
Now you see why nobody gives a shit.

Take a shower

>Brevity is the soul of wit
Pretty sure Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play. That line is obviously ironic. Hundreds of years later niggas still taking it seriously.

Holy fucking based.

is that the same person?

Matts dick riding of the zelda franchise has made me question his "critiques". He's such a fan boy of them it's hard to take anything else he says seriously anymore.

Um uh um, I-I-I'm... I'm 30 seconds into explaining what I don't like about it, an an ahanuhhh... okay, les' luug les' luug ahdadah James f-fir fir a s-solid example. There was for a long time there, James... was not sure if Mary was acshully dead when he's the one that killed her.

The reason why I don't like it that no one acts like a person is that because they don't act like people there thih-nothing makes sense n' there can be no stakes and there can be no chain of events that acshully matters outside of, "Oh, that's cool." Hhhh... Because the way that they talk to each other an' the way that James goes thrur it, it seems like it's building to some surdof myst'ry and there's some sword of, "Okay, well, what's going on here?" Y'know, whatdehyih... and it's just like, "Oh, well, he just forgot about something." Orrr, "He doesn't really, he, he deh-he's not remembering well because the town is making him stupid."

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>dum dumbs couldnt even get into uni and is jellymad

Yes, Mauler frequently says people said something they didn't then dodges actually providing any evidence of such. Sounds exactly like him, certainly not the complete opposite of the truth or anything. You should break down every word of this sentence and over-analyze it if parody is what you're going for. Pretty weak.

Fucking based user blowing normalfags the fuck out with science

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I don't understand why people get so fucking offended if other people shit on their favorite games. Having an argument over it is one thing, but getting so buttblasted that you don't even want to engage with your friend anymore is a whole different thing.
Besides I can acknowledge flaws for miles in my favorite games, nothing is perfect, and just because there are flaws in your favorite games doesn't meant you somehow can't have fun with them, as if that invalidated the fun you had with it. People take themselves and the media they consume so seriously, geez

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It is almost like there is a difference in a play and a critique.

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Hbomberguy is a pathetic leftist dicksucker from the islamic state of england. He thinks anita is the best and runs charity streams for child abuse.

I dont know why anyone gives a shit about this frail little fuck boi.

so basically they both deserve each other as the unfuckable losers they are

Yes. One is one thing and one is a different thing. Correct. Excellent contribution.

I would highly suggest getting checked for a mental disorder if you can't understand why someone would want to stop being friends with someone who holds so much contempt for their opinions that they would dedicate a significant amount of their time to trying to prove why having those opinions is wrong


1-1.5 hours is the perfect length for an in-depth video analysis.

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What can I say, it's fucking funny and I would laugh at it. Don't take shit too fucking seriously.

I stopped taking that retard seriously after his retarded contentions on the souls series and being a Kamiya dicksucker

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Yall are fucking retarded

Hi mad.

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I wouldn't take it seriously, but now I know that he takes it too seriously, and that kills any fun I'd have with it.

I can banter with friends about things like their shitty taste because they like star wars, but that's because none of use give that much of a shit. If one of them made a 10 hour long youtube video about why everything I said is wrong, I'd realize they're actually autistic and want nothing to do with them because they're overanalyzing fun banter.

If you want to refute every single point, yes it is. For entertainment value, of course you have to be more invested in the subject to enjoy the video. But no one is forcing you to watch it, and just because it's long it's not a refutation to the points being presented, which is the shield these fags usually rely on because they're grasping at straws.

it's just the one guy and his cheating/cp drama. it was flooding the board.

so I guess the mods really don't care about e-celeb threads.
just defending projared's honor.

Woo, I’ve never see such a “pay attention to me /pol/ I’m based and redpilled” post

I don't even know who OP is talking about.

FUnny thing is he can't even rebutt him by saying "lol why are you so obsessed with me" when he's literally just doing what he did to someone else but better

the issue is mauler spends most of the video rambling. i remember i was actually going to listen to all the parts, but he spent so much time talking about nonsense that i didn't even bother finishing part 1.
it's okay to have a long form video if it's needed, but mauler really doesn't need it. what he needs is to be more concise.

>no one can actually refute mauler except LONG MAN BAD

the state of Yea Forums

>one thread about two autists arguing over Dark Souls 2
>50 threads about a man cheating on his wife, dick pics included in every thread on a blue board

This, this threads been up for 3 hours and hit bump limit but apparently its just about "ecelebs not being videogames" except when they are

I understand that refuting the whole ten hours is obviously too big an ask, but I never see anyone refuting any particular point, either. It is interesting.

Not an argument nog

What's the problem with either?

That's not as much factual as just your own personal philosophy

There's plenty of refutes in his comments section, i remember going autistic during the video and commenting on every single one of the points he made that were blatantly stupid.

I forget what they all were but they're on there somewhere.
Its not worth the rewatch, it was mildly entertaining at the time, but I have better things to do. Even a 30 minute skim isn't worth it to win a Yea Forums argument.

If someone wants to list a bunch of his points I'll gladly do it though.

>rebutting 10 hours of undiluted autism
nice one mauler

>8 hour long omega ruby/alpha sapphire review
>actually listened to the whole thing
i need help

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Being homeless isn't a cheeky ride faggo, don't really need one for basic retardation.

I learned Python from YouTube and practice in about 20 hours for my job. I can't believe people wasted half of that time listening to internet drama

The biggest reason MauLer's videos are so unnecessary long is he feels the need to recap almost every single second in agonizing detail, as if the person watching the review hasn't already seen the movie/played the game he's talking about. He also likes to nitpick tiny details that really don't matter when it comes to the actual bigger picture of the work as a whole (ie the part that's actually important). He also claims that he never repeats himself with no redundancies, and that the length is completely necessary, but that's just not he case. Like in his video about Black Panther he wont shut up about how Wakanda is supposedly a highly advanced society, and yet they still use spears and have thatched huts and things like that, as if he doesn't realise that details like that simply serve to make the world building unique and interesting (the theme of the movie is literally "what if Africa was advanced" so obviously they're going to mix things from actual Africa (spears and thatch huts) with advanced technology (lasers and shit). More importantly, he doesn't seem to realise that details like that ultimately don't matter whatsoever when it comes to the actual theme of the movie, and paying attention to them in your critical review is just a waste of time. I'm trying to watch your video to see whether or not the thing your talking about is good or bad, not whether or not it's possible for an advanced society to live secretly throughout history. Ultimately, MauLer just needs to learn to get to the fucking point.

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>i refuted him i swear
>go look in the youtube comments section
>n-not going to post them here of course

You are gonna look back in a few years at that time you watched and think about how it was all better back then anyway.

>Being homeless isn't a cheeky ride faggo
It is compared to a slow death of starvation, dehydration or hypothermia that would've awaited you thousands of years ago.

Homelessness in a 1st world country in 2019 is a walk in the park.

No, it's a fact retard.

Name me one person who helps others and recieves nothing in return.

>I forget what they all were but they're on there somewhere.
YouTube saves comments, copy and paste them here.






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Na. it has my real name associated with them because it was when I was trying to be a streamer faggot too. and fuck if i'm putting my name on Yea Forums

But as I said, if you wanna post a few of his points here, I'll refute them if I can.

Why would altruism give people a good feeling if they were not genuinely altruistic?

See you in 3 days, sport

I don't generally disagree with what you're saying as in I don't want every single commenter and criticism to be mauler tier autistic, but there are certain subjects I care about in which I enjoy the level of detail he goes into, so I appreciate delving into them to this level of depth.
I think that's a sort of non-criticism, I understand if you don't enjoy the level of autistic pedantic detail he goes into, but you don't need to watch it. I don't give a flying fuck about star wars so I don't watch his videos about it, which is also a shame since he made it a sort of focus in his podcast.
It's a very niche interest for a very niche audience, I understand and I think he doesn't understands as well it's not for mass appeal, but not every single critic needs to be concise, these are videos for subjects that you're really into. Saying it's long and autistic and with pedantic levels of detail it's only a valid critic insofar as saying the videos aren't entertaining and most people obviously wouldn't care to watch it, but you don't have to, not all criticisms need to be compact and easily digestible.

Refute maulers stance on the gang rape and ambushes being shit game design because harder = more fun durr


Do you fucking idiots actually watch this shit for 10 hours?

Fuck mods let me talk about projared instead of this autistic shit. Fucking faggot mods even ban Chris chan threads now. Fuck them.

>not even a new ip in the thread
>thread in page 10
Who are you trying to fool

>Why would altruism give people a good feeling if they were not genuinely altruistic?
Because no one is altruistic. They just think they are.

If someone gives a homeless man $20, he's doing it to make himself look good in front of strangers, make himself feel good about what a swell guy he is or both.