Why have gamers become so against seeing even somewhat capable of protecting herself female in a video game?
What caused to rise an entire generation of beta incels and how do we fix it?
Why have gamers become so against seeing even somewhat capable of protecting herself female in a video game?
Forced politics. Even the sight of a female triggers people now unless she has big tits or is 2d
because 50% of the people in this board are retarded /pol/tard incels who think that any videogame with a woman as a playable character is SJW propaganda
People politicizing games and the american left vs right culture wars making everyone sort themselves into two sides where you either hate women and love the nazis or you're a tumblr feminist landwhale who thinks literally everything on the planet is problematic except sucking the gross dicks of disabled trans black people
It's not only this board or a website though.
except that it literally is
Most dont care, the people here are a minority
staying out of politics my question is why complain about character customisation
Americans should be isolated completely from the rest of the world, let them kill each other and stop spreading their cancerous hegemony.
Because people take games too seriously. The only people that get mad are either extreme right/leftist people or stupid incels.
Based brave heart image
This, fuck off ubishits
Life must be simple in your black and white mind
/pol/ fags are raging.
Tom Clancy games always had a female soldier since the first game
Honestly these people use guns. Bullets kill everyone mostly equally whether male or female, and if a woman is able to use and fight with her gun better than the enemy then she can win, it's not like she has to compete in arm wrestling or fight with swords.
It's an advertisement for player character customization.
Diablo 2 had three bad ass female characters.
But when you start adding things like because x was one of the few x’s to shove it to the other males because they dominated y then it become a little boring tiresome and hamfisted attempt to write why that character is how they are.
Except, it is... although indirectly.
There are many ways to do propaganda, but the most powerfull ones are those that do not stem from the lobby groups pushing political messages around(just see PETA with their pokemon game) since you know perfectly well that those messsages are dishonest and try to push a certain agenda, but at least they are upfront about their objectives.
No, one of the worst types of propaganda is the one that stems from the "converts" the people that adhere to certain ideologies but do not belong to the political group nor admit they are part of it, because those poeple will become part of the mainstream and you might not even notice their messages, a paranoid stance, but a valid one taking into account how it works.
Those people don't have leaders, nor instructions nor clear methods, just the conviction that they have to change your worldview to theirs and some will be more subtle than others, to the point where, over time, their message reach unconscious colaborators that helps distribute the gist of their ideology without even realizing it
We have to be wary with culture wars, they are constant, slow, subtle... and the idea that women are physically equal to men, although it collides with reality, with enough pressure will end up being accepted with real world consequences, like the idea that "in today's world physical prowress is not really that much needed thanks to technology" yet this is false for carrying a 70kg person + 30kg equipment for 25 meters in sprints is a challenge that only understand muscle and not gender, and a challenge that can suddenly happen with lives at stake, and so on.
Videogame/movie combat has nothing to do with the real thing, and thank god that today we only see low intensity conflicts, in conventional warfare your support can be suddenly cut off and you are on your own for days to end, no healthbars, no stamina meter, not even deus ex machina, only you and the people around you.
Because the average woman is 15x weaker than the average man thus they don't belong in the police or military that's why female cops are 4x more likely to use lethal force.
As it pertains to videogames I do not care unless she's a Mary sue or they're unrealistically portraying a woman or a minority in games that claim historical realism
american cops just shoot everyone anyway
That's true the shorter the cop the shorter time you have before they choose to shoot you
It was a non-issue until a SJW cunt jumped on the idea to make some money.
So now we've got boring female characters shoehorned into games so everyone can prove how woke they are.
It's just all so tiresome. 7 years of this bullshit now.
Because in most games they are treated as special snowflakes who are even tougher as the guys. It don't help games are focusing to compete them male dominated settings. You will question it even if you don't want to.
I can easily believe sorceresses are badass in the Witcher 3 while can't help but raise my eyebrow when a twig pulls the same weight as a dude several times her size in your average shooter.
The only agenda that the female fighters in GR are driving is profit. There genuinely are retarded players who can't bring themselves into playing a character who doesn't reflect their physical selves, and there are also players who want to play a different gender anyway even if it's just to look at asses in tacticool gear. The female ghost in the GR:B trailer is just a demonstration of the customization just like EADICE's misguided efforts in creating the Battlefield 5 trailer and filling it with absurd characters. Sure, that trailer was obvious tokenism but this one is just capitalism.
"I've been hit, Sally my legs fucked. Need a carry" Well that's to fucking bad that the scrawny ass dyke didn't have to pass a real PT test
>more fake outrage advertising
Resident Evil
Dino Crisis
Parasite Eve
and many more existed before but never it caused so much drama and rage like it does today
>baseless statement presented as fact
>broad generalization
Video games don't have to be realistic.
Okay, but you know real life isnt as simple as Press F to revive either
It's pretty common even outside of Yea Forums, are you new to gaming?
Where are all the SJWs complaining about the fact that the female character featured in the gameplay reveal was stereotypically relegated to being the heal slut?
I'm having a hard time believing that there are people that go "Gee. I sure hated those tacticool shooter, but now that there are vaginas there I will play them".
Sounds like there are just deluded people on all levels of company.
Reread his post.
It was all okay until they had to make it an issue.
Sure, but I was replying to some tard saying "guns make men and women equal on the battlefield" which is dumb
Army medic here
Bullets definitely kill females much faster than males. This mostly comes down to their drastically lower blood volume - 2 pints of blood means a lot more to a 130lb stronk womyn than your average 190lb infantry meathead.
Also, women just generally have less protection of vital organs and weaker bones than do men. Plus, unless they are in TOP physical shape they can't compete with even average infantry units as far as stamina, speed, and strength are concerned - things that are becoming MORE important with more technology, not less. And then special forces units that are MEN in top shape? Women literally, biologically, cannot compete. You will never ever see a female member of Delta Force, which is what the guys in Ghost Recon WL basically are (they're honestly not a terrible representation of what some Delta guys do desu). I mean shit, the first female Ranger JUST graduated, and Rangers aren't even special forces (but still elite soldiers).
Just because people try and put you in camps does not mean you have to light your fire there, you can enter their camp and set your fire everywhere
um she was actually using the stealth class dumdum
It's pretty much as easy, use your hands to administer adrenaline or morphine shots, I'm sure being a field medic is 85% what you did in the Bully Dissection Classes
I actually like playing games with female protagonists, Samus was one of my favorite characters when I was growing up because she was a very powerful and skilled character. I think it's just SJWs putting them into one of two categories, either she's a woman who's a "damsel in distress," or she's "a woman pretending to be a man."
I just wanna play video games as a pretty girl who can kill stuff, is that so much to fucking ask
but videogames taught me women are always top tier in speed and stamina
>being in the army
Lmao fucking loser
Well, I cant refute this, but its just a video game. I wanna roleplay as a cute girl operator and I like staring at her ass in the game while playing.
>smaller IRL hit box should've made them better!
Nomad was looking fucking JACKED in the trailer
Also, some stuff I forgot about that females I've personally encountered in the Army are generally worse at, in no particular order
>Unit cohesion
>Basic marksmanship
>Advanced marksmanship (weapon systems, CQB, etc)
>Thrown ordnances (grenades)
>Operating under pressure
>Physical fitness (even to lower female standards)
>Leadership initiative
Obviously exceptions exist to each of these, and some rare exceptions probably do all of them well. But the overall failure of women in the Army to do these things has made me happy that the new PT test is specifically designed to remove all but the most physically fit of them.
Between filthy 3D waifufags and SJW lunatics you can't win.
Give up.
yeah I was glad when I saw how Nomad looked jacked considering how twiggy their arms were in Wildlands
Selfless female soldiers are a myth. One dirty rice dyke tried to get me to take her fire guard shift cause she was "sick" Guess who stumbles back drunk during my actual guard shift
Here's your ghost squad bro
Most real SF guys are anywhere between "lean and mean" and "lanklet and also manlet" as far as body shape tho
hadn't been true in mmos for decades
me on the right
really? I figured all of them would be super muscular
You will get bullied by cat girls if you play as a male in Final Fantasy 14
Because they can live on minimal sugar and protein diet for extended periods of time.
Muscular warriors are a myth.
That's why I said they are worse at being selfless
Most infantry guys and male medics I would trust to risk everything to pop smoke and try to pull my wounded body into cover, even under fire. It happens so much that part of training nowadays is to NOT do that unless it's reasonably safe. But females don't really do that. They usually won't risk their neck to drag you back in.
What's the major PT changes
>Why have gamers become so against seeing even somewhat capable of protecting herself female in a video game?
Because, by following their own logic, ( i.e. realistic = average when it comes to how attractive women have to look in video games by their own standards) realistically women aren't capable of any of those feats of strength, speed, endurance, etc. which are necessary to be that soldier/knight/warrior/etc. Very, very, very few come - close - to those standards, but we don't count those in this argument because we're using sjw words and definitions here remember? Realistic = average and not "real".
They want to eat their cake and have it too because they're triggered by female characters that aren't specifically designed to comfort their sexual insecurities. They want culture to bend to their will instead of it being a result of different people creating what they like for whoever wants to enjoy it. So you get results like women being equal in every respect to men in video games(which cannot happen in reality), but they're ugly or unappealing or frumpy looking so that when they pass by the video game store on their way to the clothing/footwear/jewelry store they're not made uncomfortable by the sight of a virtual woman that looks better than them.
So they like "realism" only when it comes to how the women look but they suddenly don't like it when it comes to how a real woman would perform in reality.
>What caused to rise an entire generation of beta incels
Single mothers.
>and how do we fix it?
You do away with no fault divorce.
Entirely new PT test. Real killers for females include hand-release pushups, a deadlift, a hanging leg tuck, and as always the 2 mile run. Except now there are no gender or age specific standards - everyone has to meet a standard designed for 20 year old males.
Why even western armies so obsessed with female infantry?
If you want vaginas in your forces so badly, why not make them drivers and pilots?
So did anyone else find it laughable that they talked about changes they made and the changes were about as meaningful as telling people about boots? Fuck me. I sure hope that half the guns aren't totally useless like in Wildlands. I also hope the map isn't as devoid of life as Wildlands, too. The class additions are also worrying, leading me to believe that inevitably there will be a correct choice through microtransactions. At least it'll have PvP at launch, right?
>female drivers
are you insane
There are actually a lot of female drivers nowadays
There are not a ton of female pilots because they lack spacial awareness skills that are life or death in a cockpit. Of course, like I said, individuals can be exceptions to a pattern
But right now the Army is trying to get rid of as many women in its ranks as possible, as it seems. The new PT test is, imo, designed for that purpose. I think the marines are doing something similar.
We must be going to war soon if they are eliminating women because the top brass has to see the flaws even if the activists would say otherwise
They haven't. It's just Yea Forums.
To be fair, you always need more bodies. I don't take issue with the idea that your military should be comprised of those most suited for the task, however. I honestly find it somewhat commendable that quite a few smaller countries have mandatory service for a year or so, in which you may or may not be deployed.
because it started to be motivated by cynical political activism and it started meaning the destruction of female sexuality in western gaming
Bodies are great, useless female infantry make me wish I fought in nam and could drag their ass
No one gives a fuck. It's you yelling that you're special that pisses people off. You're no better than anyone else, stfu.
Only in games that are going for historical accuracy. Nobody complains about them in Wolfenstein or fighting games. When they have super ability make them attractive as well, like the men. Nobody wants to play as an ugly hero with ugly companions especially kids.
What? I love female protagonists and their games. Bayonetta, Nier:Automata, Gravity Rush and Tomb Raider are games I really enjoy along with their main characters!
I'm better than everyone under 6'3"
>the Mario bros
>Bruce Lee's Ghost
>a series of 5 foot tall mirrors
>all the monkeys (not humans, racist) in Africa
All would beat my ass
It's given me a lot of hope in the Army. Brass does not give a FUCK about sjw shit that impacts our fighting force. Taking on more female soldiers was an experiment, because if it worked out, it would make recruiting a lot easier and open up the talent pool. The multi-ethnic army, after all, functions just as well as an all-White one. But we know now that women do not do well in combat so they're quietly being removed. The lowest tier of physical requirements are a lot easier for women to pass - which would only qualify them as desk workers and drivers. Which is fine.
On the other hand, some other leftist things have changed the Army but arguably in good ways. Open acceptance of gays confirmed what everyone already knew - a lot of the military are fags but nobody actually gives a shit since appearance standards stop them from looking the part. The new push against sexual harassment has been good too - hazing is virtually unheard of and I even used the program once to get a gay guy to fuck off without ruining his career.
Also trannies are never ever going to be in this Army. Fucking never going to happen. Ever.
Personnally it's because of how badly they're written in most cases. Most of the time they feel forced or politicized like female thor and often time their only identity or trait is that they're the "best a wo-man can be" or that the whole system is against them because wamyn but they still rise to the top. It's just shit writing.
Female protagonists are fine. Female protagonists whose only character trait is being female, however, are not.
I have a few webm of female operators.
The real question is why would a woman want to sign up for military
Thank God you're not supposed to let mentality I'll people use guns
female should not be doing the same job the man does.
weak men ain't allowed into infantry either, it's a way to protect them.
i think women are totally good at working in CIA, FBI as spy and can handle a gun when been called up to.
but to have them to ruck 80lb of gears crossing 10miles of back country and do the high speed shit, then walk all the way back. prob too hard for women.
btw, anyone got video of Jessica Lynch's nude? she was a QT, 17 years ago
Her gender studies degree
Ghosts are tier 1 operators remember
But why am i even bringing this up when all default ghosts are males and the female in breakpoint is just a different player
Wow it's almost like you need a proof that females are not as good as you at something so you can feel a little better about yourself.
There are no female or male protagonists in these games. There are characters who have all the attributes except what color or gender they are.
female in special forces make no sense.
>female POW
>some advice on women in combat from a female veteran
Yeah, you're right it's forced politics, forced politics from these seething incels making everything about their imaginary culture war.
>Because, by following their own logic, ( i.e. realistic = average when it comes to how attractive women have to look in video games by their own standards)
Ever think maybe the message is instead that women don't have to be conventionally beautiful in order to have worth as a person? Shame you didn't realise that before writing that wall of text based on a flawed understanding of the argument.
There's a reason why Samus Aran and Lara Croft are considered to be the best female characters in games. All that really matters is their competence and the fact that they're female doesn't really matter. Non-characters with the singular attribute of gender never make it to the top of any list. Even Doomguy has more characterization than that.
And yeah, the ghost characters that you can freely customize in these games all have their own backstories and personalities. Whichever race or gender any of them are is irrelevant, which means that they're literally the opposite of identity political tokenism. But let's just all pile up on Ubisoft for advertising that aspect of player freedom by making up conspiracy theories instead.
that smell
>Why have gamers become so against seeing even somewhat capable of protecting herself female in a video game?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
i heard they raped her and put the tape on AJ
on what?
Al Jazeera I'd assume
Enough discord tranny
>There's a reason why Samus Aran and Lara Croft are considered to be the best female characters in games.
Because for a long time they were pretty much the only ones and also they were pretty and didn't actually have much characterisation beyond that at all?
Holy shit this thread got filled up with /pol/tards fast
It seems people are more angry in news articles then anywhere else.
wow it's almost as if you repeatedly have to fall back on passive aggressive adhominem to avoid confronting biological and psychological differences between men and women
Sure. Exactly the same as with male game characters. When characters started getting more backstories and character development there was no excuse to leave characters underdeveloped or without significant traits. That is until some morons started demanding on having characters just for the sake of them being female. Fortunately that hasn't caught on and any game that has attempted it has been bland and forgettable. Afterall if all you can think of for your protagonist is that she's female, your game design and story must be equally unimaginative.
Right now I can't really think of any successful games with female characters who were obviously shoehorned in with no thought behind their design.
>biological and psychological differences between men and women
discord discarded
go dilate
now you're being too obvious
I know it's a bait but pic related.
It doesn't make me feel immersed in the world when it's supposed to be realistic but then you have this girl operator. It feels like a ridiculous anime fantasy.
Corporations always try to expand their audience. Yes the core audience for GR is men but it's logical for Ubisoft to want to target women as well, solely for the increased profit. That's why all of these companies are pushing the SJW shit in the first place, it's for their own corporate interests. Sometimes when they go too hard on the SJW politics it does backfire and that's why you'll see something like this instead. It's a lot more neutral.
Because their "women" look and act like a hyperagressive overcompensating middle aged man.
Basically this.
Such overreaction is to be expected given today's retarded political trends
I don't know what you're on about, I play as a little girl whenever I can.
>Videogame/movie combat has nothing to do with the real thing
There you go
You're right but you're also wrong. They're not pushing an SJW agenda to widen their audience. They're including the ability to play as a woman in order to cash in on that demographic of players who want to play as a woman. They did the same with that one Asscreed game that wasn't Odyssey (because Kassandra is an actual character, not just a token woman). It's not some nefarious agenda to undermine societal perceptions of biological realities. They're including the ability for all players to play as anyone they want. To sell a game to an audience that cares about that sort of thing and wouldn't buy if that wasn't possible.
>today's political trends
>literally the exact same shit as always but now it's just in your face constantly because of social media and how easy spreading information has become.
Christ. Are you one of those retards who wishes comic books were less political "like the good old days" too?
>When characters started getting more backstories and character development there was no excuse to leave characters underdeveloped or without significant traits. That is until some morons started demanding on having characters just for the sake of them being female.
Nah, bollocks. Lara Craft and Samus Aran, those are just female for the sake of it. But if they have any sort of actual personality beyond that is when Yea Forums gets mad - and ironically the complaint is that they have "no personality beyond being a woman" when really the complaint is that they have any personality at all whilst being women.
Because whatever happens to WOMEN in this society MEN will be called to fix it.
>Man slapped his Woman because she was being indecent/generally a complete retard
>Call other MEN to drag Man to jail for his crimes
Women dont carry out punishments ever by themselves and are always carried around by other Men like babies
>They're not pushing an SJW agenda to widen their audience. They're including the ability to play as a woman in order to cash in on that demographic of players who want to play as a woman.
That's literally all the SJW agenda is though
Amerimutts have engineered politics to be nothing more than football teams you boil down to colour and their figurehead, female representation in video games and other irrelevant things like that are valued by one side so the other does their best to chimp out at the mere mention of it because they think that they have to do so in order to support their team.
Not to say games can't be heavy handed in how they tackle implementing contemporary politics into their games, but ultimately it's a completely pointless thing when not in retarded cases like the entirety of Battlefield V's launch campaign.
Have sex.
Women should absolutely be performing the same roles as men.
The United States sponsors womens and mixed unit militias all over the world, it's critical to the success of your foreign policy to identify every biological, psychological, cultural and organisational shortfall involving female soldiers possible to ensure that you can train your state sponsored terrorists to be the best they can possibly be.
It's equally critical to identify every exploitable weakness they have so these groups can be comprehensively crushed when they inevitably become your enemies in the next 10-20 years.
Your own military is the perfect apparatus to gather this data because it's so massive that it can just absorb all the fuckups and keep on chugging like nothing happened.
No it isn't. SJW are equality of outcome. Communist. The opposite of capitalist. Widening your audience by including advanced customization of player characters is everything SJW's hate. It's doing something better and profiting from it. Meritocracy. SJWs don't believe in any individual having something more than any other even if they deserve it. Profit isn't equality.
Spend a little less time on Yea Forums
I have a slight suspicion that even Battlefield V's launch campaign had a bit of sincere marketing behind it. Think about it... Tokenistic contrived representation is not the only reason to put ridiculously historically inaccurate shit in a game trailer. Maybe they were attempting to showcase the wide range of character customization that the game's multiplayer has but idiotically shoving that demonstration into a cinematic trailer instead of a multiplayer trailer? It made the game look like it has a retarded single player campaign full of incredibly stupid character designs when that's actually the multiplayer when players go overboard with their character customization. The singleplayer campaign is nothing like that. The campaign is about stealing the bravery of men and giving it to women, and African soldiers whining about having to dig stuff instead of being sent off to be murdered like what those oppressive whites get to do.
I'm not the one implying that trying to make money is an SJW plot
capable of protecting herself =/= fireman carrying a 200lb man with a 20lb weapon, 30lb flak jacket, and who knows what other shit that dude had on his person.
There's no such thing as an "SJW plot". Everything that Yea Forums has labelled an "SJW plot" by these "communists" with their weird Saturday morning cartoon villain politics has been an attempt to make money. So yes, you are implying exactly that, by lending credence to this weird conspiracy theory at all. Christ on a stick, I thought you people just honestly opposed putting women in video games, but the reality is even more fucking delusional and stupid.
if you so don't like it here it's time for you to go back to whatever shithole you came from
honestly i call bullshit whenever i see a man do this.
I'm a Marine and we do a CFT every year where you run, lift ammo cans a ton of times, and do a movement under fire with crawling and dragging a buddy and fireman carrying him.
A woman will never partner with a man unless that man is the double rats guy who is 5 foot 2 and weighs 90lbs.
As a 21 year old man, I have to do 110 ammo can lifts to achieve 100 points for that event, a woman only has to do 75. We introduce equal opportunity to women in special forces, and at the same time don't enforce equal physical standards between the sexes. If you're a woman, you experience the military on EZ mode.
>But right now the Army is trying to get rid of as many women in its ranks as possible, as it seems. The new PT test is, imo, designed for that purpose. I think the marines are doing something similar.
war soon?
its how its handled.
It's a zoomer thing. Back in my day we had badass heroes like Samus or Ripley and now we can't have that anymore
>you are implying exactly that, by lending credence to this weird conspiracy theory at all.
The freaks i'm talking about literally are all the worst things I just mentioned, but those people are not successful. In other words, those people do not make the calls in these giant entertainment corporations. There is no SJW plot to skew humanity's perception of genders by replacing vidya men with women with identical physical characteristics. They want to sell games to people who want to play as women, and character abilities need to be the same across the board for balance purposes. Nobody wants to keep switching between male and female every time they want a combat- or stealth optimized build. It's hard enough to program inversed kinematics that allow upper torso animations in cutscenes to properly align with scene objects regardless of shoulder broadness determined by the gender of the character model (Which GRW has by the way. Yeah, Ubisoft does in fact acknowledge biological differences between men and women)
>There is no SJW plot to skew humanity's perception of genders by replacing vidya men with women with identical physical characteristics.
That's all anyone ever fucking means when they're talking about "SJWs" though. Actual fucking communists don't care about this shit and like you said they're not even in a position to effect anything even if they did. So what the fuck does "SJW" even mean any more?
That said the idea that character customisation is "everything communists hate" is also patently ridiculous lol
is Yea Forums communists then
Nobody likes to be told that they're the problem. Video games used to such a lax medium where anything goes. When people started coming out and saying "games are sexist gamers are sexist" when that was honestly the last thing on anyone's mind, that's when people actually became the things they were told they were. When your entire side of an argument is just yelling at people and saying that they're monsters, they're going to become those monsters you claim they are while trying to defend themselves. This goes in all directions. From something as minor as video games to something as big as actual politics. When everyone is just trying to demonize those they disagree with, eventually we're all demons.
>that's when people actually became the things they were told they were. When your entire side of an argument is just yelling at people and saying that they're monsters, they're going to become those monsters you claim they are while trying to defend themselves.
That's fucking retarded.
What actually happened is that people pointed out that games were pretty sexist and then gamers, by and large, proved themselves to be sexist too by jumping to the defence of sexism.
stupid little faggot. women trying to look intimidating are so fucking cringe. just like you.
Exactly. Which is not the case with Ghost Recon because the game is literally four animation skeletons to which the player can assign any avatar they want. It's not an agenda against identity, it's an agenda to increase market share by pandering to people who can't separate their own identity from that which they're playing as, and to people who want to look at something else's ass for a change. For some potential customers that might be enough to get them invested and that's the extent of the plot.
Then you misunderstood. I didn't say character customization is the bane of equality of outcome advocates. The idea of attempting to improve a product to make more profit with it is. They don't believe in profit. That's what SJWs are. Not people who want to increase their revenue by appealing to wider audiences with game features meant to appeal to specific new demographics
yeah, only japs can do female characters right