Nintendo is the best game company ever

Are they right?

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I mean, probably?
Doesn't change the fact that their products are mostly for children yet their biggest audience is males in their 20s.

Yes, nobody even comes close. Their only flaw is how they are obsessed with cucking their fanbase in regards to upcoming first party games


Products are mostly for children?
I’m fairly sure most of Nintendo’s products aren’t FPSs

t. seething nintentoddler

> Article is literally about Nintendo being called the GOAT
> Implying anyone except Sony fans are seething

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Nintendo has had too many dark ages in my opinion. Top 5 is

1. Capcom
2. Squaresoft
3. Nintendo
4. Konami
5. Rareware

Note that only 2 of these remain. So can they really be called great? They made the best games, yet failed at surviving.

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If this were made today it would look a lot different. Blizzard would certainly be up there, and LoL would have likely beaten Sonic.

Nintendo's only dark age was the Wii, and even then the DS made up for it. They have a larger lineup of quality games then Capcom, Square & Konami combined

>Image includes a game developed by Monolith Soft

Nintendo owns them you fucking retard

Sonic propably wouldn't even have beaten Dark Souls and Witcher would be on the list, as well as Smash.

Factually yes in every regard Nintendo is #1, but all time rankings should look like this
> 1. Nintendo
> 2. Capcom
> 3. Square
> 4. Konami
> 5. Sega

Paying another company to make something doesn't mean your own company made it. It'd be one thing if Monolith was just a name for one of Nintendo's internal teams, but it isn't, they're their own company.

> Monosoft was originally owned by Namco (later Bandai Namco) until being bought out by Nintendo in 2007.
They literally own Monolith

The Gamecube as the worst dark age. Mario and Zelda were worse than on the 64, Metroid turned into a fucking first person shooter, Donkey Kong died and Rareware fucked off.

The Wii had 2 fantastic Marios, 2 great Zelda and tons of 3rd party masterpiece like monster hunter tri and rhythm heaven megamix.

Refer back to my previous post, because you just said the same thing I already responded to.

> Zelda OOT (99)
> Zelda MM (95)
> Zelda WW (96)
> Zelda TP (96)
> Super Metroid (97)
> Metroid Prime (97)
> Super Mario 64 (97)
> Super Mario Sunshine (93)
Mario is the only franchise that got worse, the others remained great

nice reading comprehension

Zeldas scores are such a fucking joke, Wind Waker and Skyward Sword for example are nowhere near the incredibly inflated scores they have, Mario however mostly deserves what it has.

I'm all for rewriting history but the wind waker disney graphics to this day caused the single biggest outcry from fans and single-handedly ruined Nintendo's chances at ever being taken seriously again. Why do you think people still call them babbies? It's all because of wind waker.


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Well, yes obviously.

If they stopped rehashing mario and releasing new things instead of cheap gimmicks they would be a great company

at least mario maker 2 is looking great so far

The most prevalent audience for nearly any video game is boys aged 13-20, Nintendo is no exception.

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You can't really be trying to say that this subset of data is representative of the industry as a whole. Especially one as far removed as the wii u eshop where kids will lie about their age anyway.

I'm happy any time Xenoblade 2 is mentioned among the Switch's greatest titles. And the greatest titties.

>Nintendo has had too many dark ages
>Chooses Capcom, SE, Konami, Rare.

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Nintendo and Capcom are the only 2 companies on that list not in a dark age, and Capcom's not dark age is still shit.

You realize the parents are the ones it’s the credit card right?

I want to say something but 2 of my all time favorite franchises are from Nintendo, including my one favorite game.

It's either them or Capcom.
Ask me 10 years ago and I'd say Valve.

You're arguing pointless semantics here, Monolith are a Nintendo subsidiary, and the only difference really is a name, entire development teams have their own philosophies and cultures even internal ones part of EPD, so that can't be a valuable separator, and there are still Nintendo internal development studios that aren't even inside of Nintendo's main office, so that can't be a valuable separator either. as far as Nintendo goes Retro, ND Cube, 1-Up, and Monolith Soft are NIntendo.

No other developer has a legacy as historically relevant, or enduring as Nintendo's ,they may technically be the greatest of all time but they continue to have many major failures, even today the Switch is going through a major software drought, Nintendo still believe that third parties see them as a partner worth supporting, even though their support says otherwise, and Nintendo are incapable of understanding the importance of a diverse library, and cultivating an audience.

The eshop is substituting major third parties with indie releases
Maybe not the best way to sell hardware, but the library is nothing if not diverse

That's a poor substitute
Nintendo need to put in more effort to diversify the lineups themselves, indies rarely do a good enough job. Still confused why Nintendo isn't trying to get the better indie teams into deals that most of them would jump at in an instant. there's a severe lack of FPS, WRPG, RTS, etc. on Nintendo platforms.

All the genres you mentioned suck on console.


What indie FPS is worth Nintendo trying to acquire?

They suck, period.

>even today the Switch is going through a major software drought,
Fuck off with this tired meme

There's 1200+ games for the thing and its barely over two years old.

I don't really understand their model. I think they are going off into the deep end without a solid plan here. The eshop wasn't designed well for such an influx of software, but it's just going to keep flowing, apparently. It's nor easy to organize indie dev teams, really you don't see many companies doing that sort of thing.

I have never played a Nintendo game so I don't know.

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Consistently high quality and actually makes games. Surprising how many companies don't meet the only two standards.

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>It has TOO many games that's a problem!

>Shows Pyra
>Monolith Software

Video Game Journalism 100

I didn't say that.

Have you not seen a Switch, it can be used with a pointer, gyro elevates FPS on consoles.

Dementium The Ward and Moon were alright, but I'm not really talking about acquiring an indie IP, just working with promising indie devs, Team Cherry seem to like Nintendo, and Golf Story was pretty good.

Of that 1200 what games are worth even owning?

At least it will be fun to watch sales for games on the E-shop collapse and read about indie devs crying that their no effort game sold so poorly that they lost everything.

This is bait, right? Or are the nostalgia goggles really on that tight?

>Of that 1200 what games are worth even owning?
>T-t-they DON'T COUNT
Hundreds upon hundreds, I'd wager.

Uh, Team Cherry is bringing their next game to Switch, and the Golf Story devs are slow as fuck but their last game was Switch exclusive, and before that it was even a Wii U title, you know, before that system immediately died.

So why not foster that sort of talent? help them make more ambitious games, or other promising devs for that matter, Nintendo have holes in their lineup, and it's mostly an issue with them being almost entirely Japanese, so why not extend into other countries, Rare were a huge boon for Nintendo.

Fits snuggly.

>So why not foster that sort of talent?
You mean by including indies like Shovel Knight in Smash for visibility? Or letting the Necrodancer devs use the Zelda IP? Or cooperating with Microsoft to bring over indie games like Cuphead? Gee user that's a good idea I hope they give it a try.