Best Nintendo Consoles Ever

Do you agree with their #1 Selection Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Nintendo Switch
That's a funny way of spelling gamecube

For me its:

1. Nintendo Switch
2. Nintendo Wii
3. Nintendo 3DS
4. Nintendo Wii U
5. Literally who lmao

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No, the SNES will always be the best console of all time

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But I've yet to read it

Those games suck

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faggot op cant link

Having skimmed the article, their list is:
1. Nintendo Switch
2. Super Nintendo
3. Nintendo GameCube
4. Nintendo 64
5. Nintendo 3DS
6. Wii U
7. Nintendo DS
8. Wii
9. Game Boy Advance
10. Game Boy
11. Nintendo Entertainment System
12. Game Boy Color
13. Virtual Boy

N64 should be lower.

Attached: 1*u7XAtVLbdoqxayThG0bAMQ.png (1246x828, 590K)

Without a doubt.


>4. Nintendo 64
Easily their worst console.

388 total games, poorly-designed hardware that cost them almost all their third-party support and handed the home console market to Sony.

>Wii U over Wii
Yeah, no. The Wii had a massive library and beats out the Wii U just for that reason alone. For every good Wii U game the Wii had several.

>Easily their worst console.
Virtual Boy

T. Seething Sony fan, sorry that nobody cares about the PS1

Not really a console but yeah it was worse
lolno, the N64 was just not a good console


>Not really a console
You pretty much had to put it on a table.

Keep seething, it will always be the most beloved console of all time

That would've happened regardless of the N64's design. Turns out that competing with Nintendo is hard, and third parties would much rather compete with Sony's meager offerings.
Only exception is Square, who were so utterly obsessed with making CGI movies that they bankrupted themselves. They really hated Nintendo for not letting them do that.

N64 might be my favorite Nintendo console, that or the Gamecube. Sorry you didn't have friends.

>the most beloved console of all time
but that's the SNES

Reminder that Nintendo had the opportunity to buy SquareSoft & Rare in 1999 but refused to do so. They would have monopolized the gaming industry like Disney & put the Playstation brand out of business

Not in America it's not

Attached: America's Favorite Games.jpg (2620x1710, 3.41M)

Olympian mental gymnast over here

The 3DS is easily their best console (including DS compatibility) and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong.

>GBA that low

Are they out of their fucking minds? GBA is competitive with SNES.

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the system with the greatest nintendo line up is PC.

What? You got it the other way hahaha If you didnt experience the Ps1 im sorry Man... Really there is so much variety compares to n64 you wouldnt believe

Nah, I had an N64 and liked it fine, but its still Nintendo's worst console.
>388 games

I'd put GC near the top but it also had a fairly small library compared to their other consoles.

>GBA is competitive with SNES
All the ports were fucking garbage. The DS did everything better.


>Giant fucking powergap


>Another giant fucking powergap

Everything else

See , all voted on by 100k American Normalfags. Nobody cared about the PS1 outside of FF7

SNES > DS > GBA > Switch > GameCube > 3DS > N64 > NES > GB >>> Wii >>>>>>> Wii U

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> Snoy fans still assmad that the N64 BTFO'd their shit console despite not even selling well

>Wii U is a Wii + other stuff
>Wii U lower than Wii

Games are largely subjective, but as an actual console I can't really disagree with them
Either 3DSXL or Gamecube comes next for me

>Nes shit tier now and you know it
>gb also shit tier now
>Actually good, Will never be shit
>Wii is almost shit tier
Conclusion shit list except for the snes

>The Wii had a massive library
And the Wii U was backwards compatible. The Wii U had a Virtual Wii inside it for gods sake. Any list that puts Wii over Wii U is retarded

not as much as ur mom lmao

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Not an american btw I didnt play ff7 back then I wasnt into RPGs I prefered Crash bandicoot, gran turismo, Driver etc sorry guys but I played a shit ton of different games that werent on the n64

Do you have some sort of argument you want to make?

As a yuro I apologise for the more mediocre stuff we put in there (fucking Skyrim second, jesus christ), but we're also one of only 2 regions that put Chrono Trigger in there so okay I guess

Every game that exists today is a rehash of something that was on the NES. Every genre was either invented or codified by the NES and no platform before or since even comes close.

SNES is the actually good

DS is better than that. It has a crazy library.

Chrono Trigger didn't release in Europe. List is made by/for faggots.

1. DS
3. Gameboy
4. NES
5. Gameboy Advance
6. Gamecube
7. Switch
8. N64
9. Wii
10. 3DS
11. Gameboy Color
12. Wii U
13. Virtual Boy

Putting the DS over the SNES was a tough decision for me, but the ease of DS piracy put it slightly ahead.

Does anybody cares about that? If its shit its shit, SNES is actually enjoyable for example even if it didnt invent anythings, the games actually got good by then

>Can't use GC controllers for Wii/VC games on Wii U despite the adapter existing
>Wii U gamepad acts as a sensor bar, but only AFTER you've booted into Wii mode, which requires you plug in the actual sensor bar before it lets you do so
These alone make the Wii better. The Wii also had GC games. Wii+GC > Wii+Wii U.

I’ve owned a nes, snes and a 64.

I’ve never had a mobile game system.

Until I bought a switch.


2. NES

3. N64

4. Switch

5. Switch un-docked.

top 5 worst nintendo

not much to say right???

if you like mario odysseus, then it's the system for you.

virtual boy
how could we forget this nostalgia trip

all those million ds revisions
just buy new one right?

nintendo playing cards
now you're playing with power!

>These alone make the Wii better
lol no

>Gameboy above NES

Pokefags, everyone

> What is Emulation
> Implying everyone doesn't own a Computer

>phone posters
Jesus christ

Are you all retarded?
How can be Wii U worse than Wii and 3DS worse than DS when they share libraries?

Also why do you guys love DS so much?
I owned PSP in those days and DS games seemed like a 90 % shovelware.

you're the one posting from phone m8

I owned both, usually ds games were way more simple but more fun

Essentially its a classic anti-Nintendo tactic
>The [Current Console] is NOWHERE near as good as the last one

If the spacing of the text triggers you, you have autismo.

Yeah, they do. Not being able to use GC controllers in Wii mode on the Wii U was butt-fuckingly retarded and almost defeats the purpose of even having it.

I have a Wii U, it was okay, but the Wii was better. Its own library was much. much better than the Wii U's and again it also had GC games. Wii+GC > Wii+Wii U.

The thing about the 64 is it had their hardest hitters of all time with Mario and Zelda.

>Yeah, they do

Wii had Gamecube backwards compatibility and DS had GBA?

Turok... golden eye...

You mean the list is by people who actually go out of their way to find and play games

I care. Many genres reached their peak on the NES and have never been surpassed. The only reason I prefer the SNES is that while the NES had 1 of everything, the SNES has 5 of everything.

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>How can be Wii U worse than Wii
Wii had GC games, couldn't use GC controllers on the Wii U while you could use them on the Wii for GC, VC and any Wii games that supported them. They both can play the Wii's library, but the GC's library was better than the Wii U's library. Wii > Wii U.

>hes forgetting that the Wii is a wii+ gamecube stuff

I didn't forget

More like bandwagoning zoomers that don't know shit. I don't see Terranigma on there, despite being released in Europe.

You sure love 2d dont you?

Chrono Trigger was released in Europe on the DS, which itself happened a long time ago now.

I also see Skyrim second, GTA V and no Goldeneye, but I'm not disagreeing with them about CT
CT is better than Terranigma

No, I prefer 3D.

And a long time after people should've stopped givign a shit about 2D JRPGs. It was on the PSX earlier but that port was fucking terrible.

Here is the true list.
2. DS
3. GBA
4. NES
5. Wii
6. GameCube
7. N64
8. 3DS
9. Game Boy/Color
10. Wii U
11. Virtual Boy
TBD: Switch

GC >Wii U

So Wii+GC > Wii U+Wii

Also, for like the fourth time, you couldn't use anything but Wii remotes and whatever plugged into them on the Wii U's Wii mode, whereas the Wii itself supported those and GC controllers for GC, VC and Wii games.

It is, but Terranigma is more poignant. It's like comparing Pokémon Diamond to Pokémon Explorers of Darkness.

>And a long time after people should've stopped givign a shit about 2D JRPGs
Who's the zoomer now? Geez.

snes is the best

but considering how bad every console afterwards was compared to the competition, switch might be second

>Many geners reached their peak
Look I tried Nes is honestly bad Nowadays not Atari tier but EVERYTHING is very archaic unlike snes

>GC >Wii U

Must you turn this thread into a thread of lies? Tropical Freeze alone takes a giant gorilla shit over the entire GC library. Yes, even TTYD. So sorry.

>GC >Wii U

I wouldn't say number one but It's definitely top 3 tier.

are they counting handhelds? If they are then DS is the best and followed by snes.

GB, GBC, GBA, 3DS would probably be competing for top 5 as well.

Nintendo handheld consoles have been so much better than nintendo home consoles.

> Consoles with the most 96's or higher
> 1. Gamecube (4)
> 2. N64 (4)
> 3. Switch (4)
> 4. SNES (4)
> 5. PS1 (4)
> 6. PS2 (4)

Yes, this is correct

Why is Yea Forums suddenly pretending to love the fucking Wii U

>How can be Wii U worse than Wii
Wii U had less VC than the Wii and couldn't play GameCube games.

Saying games are better now makes me a zoomer?

Games can't be judged retroactively because then SMB is an archaic piece of shit that didn't do anything special.

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>are they counting handhelds
Its retarded

Best Nintendo console is PC
You can emulate everything and even make it better.

Switch is atrocious though. It fails as both a home console and a portable console, terrible build quality, terrible screen, awful controller(s), terrible power that actively hurts game development, terrible online, 32gb memory, no ethernet and so on.

Even if some of the games are neat and söys like Pitchfork love that "I can play it on the goooo~" the console itself is an overpriced nightmare.

Top-3 counting handhelds it's objectively.
2. NES
3. DS
After that it gets a bit trickier.

I still have my Wii U hooked up. It's great. Gimmicky, but great.

TTYD is overrated.

The GC had actual third-party support, the Wii U was fine but it was pretty much only supported by Nintendo. I have one, I played it a lot, but it wasn't better than the GC.

Chrono Trigger isn't archaic and is still easy to pick up and play, just like SMB3 compared to SMB.

The Steam version has negative reviews because it was a dogshit port with terrible art taken from the mobile version.

>Wii U had less VC than the Wii
>Wii U has a Virtual Wii inside
>you can access ALL the VC from the WIi
Factually wrong, stop spreading lies

you do know the reason the steam version has a mixed reception is because it was the shitty mobile port right
they had to patch sprites, audio, fix the UI, and fix the framerate

The Gameboy is objectively the best, because it survived for over 10 years absolutely destroying all competition and getting 10/10 masterpieces from beginning to end.

Attached: gameboy.jpg (500x487, 21K)

I'd have my Wii U hooked up if Hulu still worked on it. Every other console sucks up so much more bandwidth using it, its retarded.

>Metroid Prime 1&2
>Wind Waker
>Pokemon Colosseum
>Animal Crossing

That's an old screenshot my dude

>Can't use GC controllers, can only use Wiimotes
What's the fucking point

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In my opinion #1 is a CFW 3DS.

The sheer ammount of games you can have on a CFW 3DS, a 64gb SD card and R4 with an 8gb microSD card on a New3DS is inmense.

You can easily entretain someone for 5 years of nonstop games with that.

Steam versions are horrifically terrible mobile ports most of the time, I really don't understand how they keep doing it

The Game Boy was just coasting by during the early 90s, it's Pokémon in '96 that made it blow up.

Classic Controller.
Don't you get tired of pretending you don't know what was wrong with the steam port?

This is still the king, debate me

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You type like a faggot. I hope it was on purpose.

Bad opinion

>Metroid Prime 1&2

Worse than Super Metroid.

>Wind Waker

Inferior to Ocarina.

>Pokemon Colosseum

Pretty fucking terrible compared to both Stadiums and the handheld games.

>Animal Crossing

Not a game. The only gameplay in it is playing NES games.

The 3DS can play GBA/DS/and its own games, not to mention all three can be installed on the system or SD cards, meaning no cartridges have to be swapped out.

based list but i'd swap Wii and Gamecube

If SNES is #1 then CFW 3DS with SNES library is even better

CFW 3DS is:

It's objectively the best handheld

I have to disagree user. Tropical Freeze is only that good if you're deep into platformers. The GC has an inmense ammount of quality exclusives, even if many nowadays have been ported elsewhere.

Problem with the Wii U is that even if you only take into consideration the quality exclusives it has an extreme shortage of games compared to the GC.

I miss playing mario kart ds so fucking much. I need to find my old copy and play it again

>Pokemon Colosseum
Really? So many other games on the GameCube and you pick that one?

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>judging the quality of a console on it's ability to play games from other consoles

Question does Wario ware twisted work on the 3ds?

Guess what also supported those, in addition to GC controllers?

The fucking Wii.

Wii > Wii U, no matter how many times you try to say otherwise.

They both have the Wii's library, but the Wii itself has the GC's library and better controller support, so its better. The end.

If you remove GBA compatibility, the DS is worse off than its predecessor and successor.

>if others do it with Wii and DS, it's okay
>videogame console quality is not about the games!

It is. But it still has the best PMD and RH.

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>o-only my favorite can do it

You can play on Wii U with GC controllers, what the fuck are you talking about, retards?

Here's the thing: take out the emulation and you still have the 3DS itself which itself has tons of quality titles.

And even then, if we're judging consoles as a whole, by all means backwards compatibility should be considered. Nothing rules it out.

Just buy an adapter like a good goyim!

>Nintendo "shovelware" DS and Nintendo "casuals first console" Wii talking about quality
Holy shit

That's stupid.
You're stupid.
That's like saying your favorite song is a 60 hour compliation remix someone did of 800 different songs.
It's stupid.

>Worse than Super Metroid.
Why the fuck do people insist on comparing 3D follow-ups to 2D precursors? They have completely different gameplay styles
Just because you don't like the 3D versions doesn't mean they're 'worse'

>Inferior to Ocarina.
Debatable. The movement/combat was very similar. I would agree that the sea was tedious once you're used to it but I personally prefer it to the gigantic empty field because it has things to do in it
Also Master Quest was on GC so that point is kind of moot

>Pretty fucking terrible compared to both Stadiums and the handheld games.
I guess. Didn't play it as much so you're probably right

>Not a game. The only gameplay in it is playing NES games.
Now you're just being a bitch

I was just picking Nintendo titles off the top of my head really
I was picking 3rd party I would probably keep picking cross-platforms like Timesplitters 2&3

No, my favorite one was the gamecube. I had a SNES and N64 but I always had a limited amount of games for my systems until I got a gamecube and worked part time.

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>Don't be afraid to challenge the player
Literally had some of the easiest entries in existing Nintendo series
>but Dong Returns and that one level in Galaxy 2
Do you not realize those were the minority

No, you cant.

The adapter works with Smash 4 and only Smash 4.

It's like saying boombox with CD player, casette player, SD and USB reader is better than a discman
And it is better

No, it's like saying an MP3 player is better than a walkman. Which it is.

Site/journ Ranking threads are right up there with e-celeb shit

Best home console for fanboys is the N64. It had everything you could have possibly wanted.
Best mobile console is the DS.

They weren't. Monster Hunter comes to mind. Can you think of even 2 mildly difficult games on the gamecube? I sure can't.

>It had everything you could have possibly wanted
It practically had zero RPGs, something the SNES and GameCube had plenty of. Even the DS put it to shame.

>Nintendo Switch is their best console
When it doesn't have
>Virtual Console
>Free online
>Entertainment apps
>A browser
>The ability to change background
>Consistent battery life
>The games it promised since launch
>Backwards compatibility so you don't have to buy the games you already have again
>Proper third party support that develops new games instead of fucking ports of Steam games that were released five years ago
Fuck you, I should have bought a 3DS instead

>Monster Hunter comes to mind
Tri was one of the easiest before 3U came out.
>Can you think of even 2 mildly difficult games on the gamecube?
I never even brought up the GameCube.

Say what you will about shovelware, comes with the territory of being easy go develop and being popular, it felt like the last time Nintendo actually attempted to deliver quality on its first party products.

Smash Bros Brawl, even if broken mechanically, was packed to the brim with single player content. Metroid Prime went out with a very rich game, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 were fucking amazing, Skyward Sword for as gimmicky as it was it had the least loitering in towns of any Zelda.

On the DS side we had the best Pokemon games released, culimating with Black/White 2 which still haven't been toped, Mario and Luigi 3, Elite Beat Agents, Rhythm Heaven and enough many 3rd party titles to blow your brains out.

Nintendo really peakes in the Wii/DS era, to the point where Ninty went in denial for the Wii U, believing they still had the same audience.

No, what I am saying is more like saying your Smart Phone is better than your iPod Classic because both can play the same music, except on the smart phone you can shitpost on Yea Forums while you're at it.

Go buy a 3DS and mod it.
It's 10/10 handheld

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These did not produce exclusive content.

>It had everything you could have possibly wanted
>very few good 2D platformers (Mischief Makers and that one Goemon)
>very few fighting games
>no good WRPGs
>no good JRPGs

Attached: tenor.gif (498x380, 2.04M)

what exactly makes the switch a good console?
as a pc player, it doesn't seem to do anything particularly impressive from a hardware and/or gimmick perspective. also, the only impressive games it has are odyssey and botw, right?

what's there to love?

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>The PC is the best nintendo console since it can play almost every game from all nintendo consoles

It had Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Zelda, Diddy Kong Racing, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Extreme G, Wave Race, Pokémon Stadium, Golden Eye, Turok, Forsaken, Banjo Kazooie, Blast Corps, Star Fox, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Donkey Kong 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day and several Star Wars games.

The N64 was the console to have at the time.

Wow looking forward for Nintendo PC

The best controller of all time, portability, free local co-op and hacking potential. Personally I hate it because of the lack of worthwhile exclusives.

I'm a normalfag with a job who can't drive for medical reasons, so I LARP as one of those people from the Switch commercials and play Smash on the bus

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>WII U over anything else


>tfw made my own 3DS themes, down to the color, music and background images
Das it mane

All the more reason for the argument to hold up. A console's ability to bypass exclusivity of the predecessor and retain it's own is remarkable. It greatly increases the value of your purchase.

Attached: 3DS.jpg (913x1000, 135K)

Just for sheer historical significance, the NES deserves to be at least top 5.

>DS this low

The ability to pick up the console and play in your bed the same game you cna play on the big screen is levels of comfy that shouldn't be possible.

very nice

Can you give me your top 10 games to play?

you judge consoles on games made for that console morons, you can't just say the ps2 is better than the ps1 because it plays ps1 games

Gamecube had like 5 noteworthy exclusives.

No. You moron.
If the walkman had not been invented we'd still have Blind Guardian.
If the NES had not been invented we'd never have SMB.
I literally cannot make this any clearer.

>free local co-op
that's a silly typo. that is a typo, right?

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>switch over SNES
>NES That Low
>Wii U that high
>N64 That high
braindead list

Why are you faggots so obsessed with GoldenEye?

2) DS
3) GBA
4) Gamecube
5) Switch

On the 3DS? As in my top 10 3DS exclusives or just 10 games that I go back to often?

Understand that you also came with that standard on your own, it's not even the actual argument, and you're the only one sticking to your own rules.

>>Entertainment apps
>>A browser
Why would you want to browse the internet on a switch? Just get a phone or a computer to do that for you

The Switch's primary gimmick is convenience. For the average person who just plays games without focusing too much on graphical fidelity, it provides the typical Nintendo fare in addition to a hefty amount of ports from multiple gens that you can pick up and play anywhere. Not only that, but it's one of the few platforms that hasn't ditched local multiplayer/couch co-op.

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>He owned a PSP
I'm sorry user...

For features, games or overall?

I'll be glad if you can do both, I'm looking for games to play

I'm a Slav and no one here had a DS so there's nothing to be sorry about.

The NES and all exclusives for the NES are tied to the NES and cannot be attributed to any other console.

Your move, stupid.

GB/C to low otherwise good list.

>The NES and all exclusives for the NES are tied to the NES
uh oh

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It was and probably always will be the SNES. Nintendo will likely never experience domination like that again.

>shitting on the PSP
I don't get this. The PSP and DS were great handhelds. The Vita was a great handheld too, but Sony ignored the poor fucker.

>Nintendo will likely never experience domination like that again
Right because the Wii and Switch don't count if you say so

How the fuck is N64 higher than any DS console, I really want to know their retarded reasoning but I bet it will not make any sense even if I read the article.

PSP is fine, shit can emulate PS1 games and it has a shitloads of quality exclusives if you're a weeb. Vita is the console on "Yikes" levels.

>what are re-relases
>what are re-makes
Even in your argument of exclusivity, shit falls appart when you consider Nintendo actually sold Mario All Stars (without World) at full $40-50 pricetag on the Wii as a disc at one point.

>nobody cared about PS1
So blatant historical revisionism is what counts as trolling these days?

>I really want to know their retarded reasoning
It had 5-6 multiplayer games
Nevermind that every other console dwarfed its library IT HAD THAT ONE GAME I GREW UP WITH BECAUSE I WAS BORN IN THE LATE 90s

I had a DS at the time, but also got a PSP a few years later.
Both were decent consoles, and had a decent number of games.

The Vita was orders of magnitude worse than the 3DS, though.

Switch doesn't even have half the market, SNES dominated and had most of the good third person.

None of these things exist without the NES. Thus they are the NES.

>born in the late 80s

N64 gets a free pass every time thanks to 90s kids. Yeah, it has some good games but there are better Nintendo consoles.

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And they're all 100/10.

He’s right, Americans don’t give a fuck about any Playstation console. PS2 only sold so well because of the blue ray player

It was their first console FPS

They didn't play Perfect Dark which was objectively better.


It's a hybrid
>but it's weaker than X
Like every Nintendo console


inb4 "but you can play it on a TV"

nigga, you could play Gameboy on TV, too, does that make Gameboy a console? LOL!

Alright 10 games you should play
>Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon with the Supernova/Penumbra mod (makes the game from a 6/10 to a 10/10).
>Shin Megami Tensei IV (and the sequel Apocalyspe)
>Threatrhythm: Final Fantasy Curtian Call
>Etrian Odyssey IV or V (not direct sequels, either is fine)
>Fire Emblem Awakening or Fates (conquest if you go fates)
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Metroid: Return of Samus
>Devil Survivor Overclocked and Record Breaker
Stick to those for now. The following are best enjoyed after playing the previous games on the DS
>999 -> Virtues Last Reward -> Zero Escape
>Phoenix Wright Trilogy -> Apollo Justice -> 3DS Phoenix Wright games

That should cover plenty of genres

The Virtual Boy is considered a console.

To me many of its titles are just discount versions of arcade games from the era, some really good actual arcade ports came out of that like Gradius or Contra but the ones that shine are the games that are made as console ones, many of the late 80s-early 90s (all japanese of course) like Mario 3 and the Kirby game would hold up as flagship SNES titles if they had better graphics.


1. NES
3. N64
4. Wii
5. Gamecube
6. Wii U

Switch is not a console, it's a portable. And only 3 and 4 on that list are debatable. The rest of the order is objective fact.

>Why would I want more features or even the same features I had before, LESS FEATURES IS BETTER! FUCK ME!

By no one.

So? I don't understand your logic, how does that take away from the ability to play them. You should judge the consoles for what they ARE, not for what they represent on an emotional standard.

Just face it: newer consoles are better machines and more powerful at running the games that came before it.

NES, SNES, 64, and GameCube did fine without those. What mattered were the games, not shit from your phone.

gc is portable

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I've played Ultra Sun, but I'll check that mod. Also I actually bought cart for DS games just for the 999.

No, it's not a "hybrid". IT HAS A FUCKING SCREEN RIGHT ON IT! IT'S NOT DIFFERENT THAN A PSP OR A VITA! The fact that you can plug it into a television doesn't change jack fucking shit, because you could do that with a Gameboy or Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advance. Playing portables on a television used to be the NORM. The Switch just brought that back.

Yes, but since the DS that changed you boomer, all those consoles came before

That's... literally a TV screen. You literally just disproved your own point. How is it possible to be that retarded.

>people arguing about the meaning of 'console'
In my language, it's used both for home consoles and handhelds. In fact, the full term for the latter is 'handheld console'.

>I want an objectively worse method of browsing the internet and a camera worse than a flip phone
Just say you want Netflix

Drop 64 down to the bottom, it's their worst console. Also bump SNES ahead of NES.

>>but it's weaker than X
>Like every Nintendo console

SNES, N64, and Gamecube had the highest graphical capabilities of their generations.

Switch is BY FAR the most powerful portable ever made and it's not even CLOSE.

Nintendo DOES NOT make consoles anymore. The only "underpowered" Nintendo consoles are Wii and Wii U, and THAT'S IT.

Look buddy, people are going to reply with Nostalgia, but from an objective Standpoint, the Switch has the most value, and is the technological peak for Nintendos consoles, which isnt saying much, but it is. Its also Nintendos most straightforward innovation, being a console handheld hybrid and *nothing else*

>Like every Nintendo console
Pretty sure the only console behind the rest were the Wii and Wii U. The PS2 was the weakest of 6th gen.

>ds at 7
That should be like top 3

If you want to start out the mods you will nees to start fresh. The mod doesn't fuck around, but it does let you catch every single non-legendary pokemon before the E4.

On the DS don't miss out:
>Kirby Superstar Ultra FUCK I forgot about Planet Robobot
>Elite Beat Agents
>Dragon Quest remakes for IV-VI
>Castlevania Order of Eclesia or Portrait of Ruin
>Megaman Zero Collection

Those features do not sell hardware. Look what happened to PSP and Vita.

You don't need a fucking camera on your switch to play video games. An internet browser on the DS was probably cool back when your mommy didn't want you looking up porn on the family computer. But now everyone has a smart phone which is way more convenient for using the internet.

1. GC
3. N64
4. GBA
5. 3DS
6. NES (with Nostalgia Points(tm))
8. Switch
9. Wii
10. Wii U/DS/VBOY


>on. 1 switch
fucking wot, it's not even top 5
ds or 3ds is number one depending on how you score backwards compatibility
wonder how much nintendo contributes to the website


In the day and age of smart phones those aren't "features", they're ADDED COST. Literally NO ONE wants them and they actually drive DOWN sales.

>GC 1st, N64 in 3rd
Nice try.

The DS and GBA deserve to be higher. Can't say much about the Switch

Attached: 1546741332604.jpg (848x719, 317K)

Well, that will keep me busy for a while.
Have you ever played any of the level 5 games?

Camera allows for QR code reading, kind of a necessity in some games for online sharing on small niche games.
Browser gave us the early days of hax on both the 3DS and Wii U. besides I recall my early days of faps were browsing porn on the Wii browser. Good times. This takes nothing away and if your console can run games it can run a measly browser.
So you don't even want an app to see and edit the screenshots you've taken?

Yeah that guy was pretty bad, consoles should be independent of each other in terms of what they brought to the company that produced them because if we go by that logic game&watch is the best thing Nintendo ever did, this is why I dislike N64 apologists sure you had a few games that helped change everything they did but at what cost? It's not like the quality was too consistent either with kusoge like Quest 64 being hyped just because Nintendo wanted to play with the new guy Sony.

all that shit was sort of cool features 15 years ago, but not needed nowadays on video game machine. the times have changed.

>Layton games
Very good, but entirely reliant on you not looking up the answers online. Several answers can be very cheeky
>Dragon Quest IX
Would be fucking amazing if the campaing wasn't so short. It was reliant on post game online, which never kicked off in the west and now is dead.
>Liberation Maiden
Very ok, kinda repetitive but a good timesink. Short as fuck. Bought it to support my man, ma nigga, Suda51

I have no experience with Yokai Watch.

Convenience of the concept aside, I'm really enjoying the Switch for having by far the highest third-party support (mostly Japanese, but also western, plus obviously indies) since the SNES. I had become so used to my Nintendo libraries being composed mostly of first-party games plus some Capcom, Square Enix and Atlus stuff on handhelds that having Bethesda games on the Switch felt almost alienating at first.

I give you the camera, but seriously, the only reason I can see a console not having a browser app available for download is for hax protection. And everyone watches Netflix on anything, switch included. Netflix on a portable screen is very cool.

This it has the cool gimmick + actual good games from everyone is like what Wii era should have been.

>7. Nintendo DS
dumb zoomers

Attached: bingtendo.png (724x1714, 560K)

Todd would put Skyrim on a fucking EKG monitor if he finds a way to do it, though

It's interesting that only Europeans picked Red Dead Redemption, considering it's entirely about the USA and Mexico.

Alright, Im gonna go from Worst to Best from an objective standpoint from the ones I had.

-Original Game Boy, completely outclassed several times over by better versions. Had an awful game library, no backlight, took batteries, and was overall shit.

- Nintendo 64. Clunky, had a lot of addons, graphics capacity was shit even during its time, few notable games, lots of stinkers.

-NES. It sustained the propogation of Consoles, which can be good or bad depending on the amount of hair on your neck. Had a lot of good games, it was optimized highly well late into its life, and lasted over 15 years, nothing to sneeze at one bit. Still suffered from the 80's symptoms of shit game overflow.

- Wii U. Had some good games, had a shitty name, no Third Party support whatsoever.

-DSi. It had a slightly better UI, an awful camera and a trashy online store, but it lost backwards compatibility with the Holy Grail of Handhelds, the GBA.

-DS. Great Game Library, great battery life, backwards compatibility with Gods Dick. Also had a neat feature where only one cartridge was needed for multiplayer

-GBA (SP). Gods dick. Best handheld library, battery life longer than several DS's combined, foldable design for easy packing, it had everything.

-Switch. I mean its hard to compete with an indie machine you can take on the go, which is its strongest + by far, despite the awful battery life.

-3DS. Perfection with a blemish. The 3D was forgettable. The shitty stick was not, but it had a great library.

Also on a side note, all of the handhelds aside from the switch can be emulated or hacked so they offered a whole shit ton of customization and value.

i can't think of any use for browser. get a new tv, it has browser you want it or not. harder to find one without some shitty "smart" shit. and most people have phone with browser. why add extra step. nigga gonna whipout you switch from your backpocket to google some nigga shit?
ps. netflix is for gays and niggers. just pirate your shit like normal people. fucking 10 year olds paying for shit with their mothers money. this is just hilarious.

>Netflix on a portable screen is very cool.
That's existed for a while, user.

Attached: buy a phone already.jpg (1080x1571, 378K)

>kind of a necessity in some games for online sharing on small niche games
So...not at all a necessity.

For what a console is, the Switch is the only one that offers anything valuable amongst the other desktop consoles and it is stronger than any of their handhelds. So yeah.

>twilight princess
>Mario sunshine
>smash melee
>pikmin 1 and 2
>double dash
>pokemon coloseum/XD (inb4 ">XD")
>Luigis mansion
>paper Mario ttyd
>star fox adventures/assault
>F-Zero GX
>Animal crossing
>all those Mario sports games
>multiple Mario party games
Not to mention all the AAA third party games since the gamecube was actually competitive with other current gen consoles at the time.

Nu-Netflix is specially pathetic, it was harder to pirate before HD era because quality was really inconsistent but not anymore and Netflix keeps pushing their self produced trash instead of adding TV stuff that may be bad too but it's more entertaining 98% of the time.


>Skies of Arcadia Legends

Because at this point a browser is such a simple and basic online function that you actively have to do an effort not to have one.

You need to pay for things if you want to support. Once 5 dollars a month is negligible and you actually want to support the online streaming industry it becomes sensible. Besides see here there is clearly demand for it.

>Netflix keeps pushing their self produced trash instead of adding TV stuff
While also removing shit for no reason
>Let's have like 6 Disney movies
>Let's remove the first 2 seasons of this show
>Let's not have the third and fourth seasons of this cartoon because

>Found a GB Pocket somewhere recently
>Already had a GBC Tetris cart
>Just switch it on a and play sometimes while listening to things on PC
Convenience is nice which is why I agree with the Switch being so high

Nobody even REMEMBERS the Dreamcast, user.

>Wii U THAT high
>Wii U above Game Boy Advance
What an abortion of a list

Attached: 1457926957647.jpg (587x545, 70K)

New 2DSXL is something to behold, drops the pointless 3D and is just as good in the other departments

PS1 Classic flopped because it had a shitty library of games above all, not to mention the crappy UI, limited options for resultion and sound, and being overpriced.

The PS1 classic is missing all the PS1 classics.

But SOA was objectively better on the GC

The problem with Netflix is that the people they used to be partnered with are realizing they don't need Netflix anymore. People like Disney are pulling out and starting their own paid streaming services so Netflix is desperately trying to make up for that by making their own content to make up for the losses
Doesn't matter to me tho cause I just pirate shows and movies anyways lmao

WiiU can play GBA games

I heard the build quality dropped massively though

Disney stuff is going because they have their own service

>gamepad has to be in the same room or everything goes to shit
wii u ain't portable

This whole situation is just creating the internet equivalent of having to pay for each individual channel except probably more inconvenient, miss me with that shit t.b.h

It just feels fragile and it gets scratched pretty easily. But it closes fully and it's light. Looks really nice.

Doesn't feel that bad, seems fine
Then again I don't play MonHun or anything that demanding (I do own 3 Ultimate(?) though, should probably go through some of it at least)

The problem with your argument is that Netflix - or any other streaming service - would only be cool to have on the Switch. But the Switch just doesn't NEED it. Tons of people have smart phones and smart TVs so having Netflix on the switch just isn't necessary. I've had a smart phone and a 3ds for years and I've seldom used the web browser function. Back then, it was a neat feature. But now that it's more prevalent, it's become superfluous.

it's not even better than the 64

If we're talking strictly about games, then SNES would easily be number one. But, if I'm talking about consoles I owned and the fun I had, I would say:

1. GameCube
2. Switch
3. DS
4. 3DS

Nah, my parents never supported my hobby, and every consoles I ''had'' as a kid was borrowed from my friends. The very first console I bought with my money was PS1... in 1999.

64 is in the right spot. I can name at least 10 great 64 games. can't do the same for the switch. it has more great exclusive games games than the gamecube too.

You retards are giving their shit list traffic, which is just what they wanted

Yeah pirating is going to make a HUGE comeback now that all these companies are trying to start their own streaming services and game launchers. You know how Gabe Newell said that piracy was a service problem? People will gladly pay for something but not if it's fractured behind multiple paywalls. It's pretty embarrassing t󠛡b󠛡h s󠛡m󠛡h f󠛡a󠛡m

and the article is from last year

So? It's not like it costed extra to dowonload the app in the Wii U and, like I said, there is demand for it. Why would you divide the entretainment functions across different devices? Not everyone has a tablet with a largeass screen and smartphones have small screens, unfit for high quality streaming.

Lacking features takes away from the console. For as superfluous as it seems, the biggest reason anons rate the 3DS as #1 is because of the ammount of features you can get with Custom Firmware.

You know, I thought you were stupid for wanting to Netflix to stay on Nintendo consoles, but I kind of understand where you're coming from. I think I mentioned that there's really no reason to have it on there, but there's also no reason to not have it on there either. I personally don't know why it's not on there yet. Maybe it has something to do with confusing legal documents or something I dunno.

That's what archives are for
It's also why I added links to Kotaku and I think Gamefaqs to my thread filters ages ago

I swear to god one of the biggest QoL functions the Wii U has that every home console should, for as extremely superfluous as it is, is the ability to turn on both the TV and the Console with the controller.


Not even mad. People may shit on the N64 for its tiny library, but also meant that little to no shovelware trash was on that console. Fucking console had:

Goemon's Great Adventure
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party 1-3
Perfect Dark
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64 2
WCW/NWO World Tour
WCW/NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
WWF No Mercy
Paper Mario
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Diddy Kong Racing
Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2
Pokemon Puzzle League
Pokemon Snap
Donkey Kong 64
StarFox 64
Zelda: OoT
Zelda: Fedora's Mask
Super Smash Bros.
Kirby 64
Wave Race 64
Yoshi's Story

All exclusives, and some still exclusive to this day.

All shit

Attached: (You) Paper Mario.png (100x100, 4K)

what a garbage list
Gamecube should be below Wii and Wii U, N64 is good but not 4th good

t. salty sonyfag/segautist

Dude have you ever played any other american third party game? They are all terrible with very few exceptions, and when your console doesn't has much japanese alternatives for more casual games it is a problem in a console with not too many games, not saying the library it's bad or anything but the whole quality over quantity thing is not a very good argument because it had a lot of stuff that wasn't any better than licensed PS1 shovelware too.

>NES at 11
>3DS over DS
>Switch at 1
>Gamecube over 64

1. NES
3. 64
4. DS
5. GameBoy

>battle network 4
>both version
user, no matter what anybody else may say, you have absolute shit taste.

64 is the worst nintendo console though. Or maybe wii.

I consider them the same thing really

>shitch that high
>NES that low

Gameboy Advance
Wii U

Any other consoles you think of don't matter. This is terms of the console themselves and what games they are capable of running, and has NOTHING to do with specific games or libraries.

The Nintendo wii is and will always be Nintendo's worst console

Only zoomers disagree

>N64 had lots of addons and shit graphics even for it's time
N64 had a whole 1 addon that came out only in japan and had extremely good graphics for it's time

DS and GBA should be WAY higher, wtf

64 is in the running desu. I started with NES.

3DS can run DS and GBA titles natively, giving it the edge over those two

It should be third place then

>worst console

Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
Perfect Dark
Yoshis Story
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Star Fox
Mario Kart 64
Shadows of the Empire
Paper Mario
Pokemon Stadium
Mario Party

And? I could name more and better from anything but maybe wii.

What is the line limit for posts here? I've typed up an analysis of this post, and I've never encountered the "Too many lines" limit before.

but the dock increases clock speed