Still the best FPS ever

still the best FPS ever

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Too bad everyone acts like arena FPS' are so good but no-one fucking plays them. Fucking posers

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is it still locked behind a paywall because then LOL

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not bad for a 20 year old game

arena fps aren't fun unless you're some fat no life

Theyre pretty fun when everyone is similarish skill level, but the people on quake live are boomers who have a decade of experience over you

Do people still play in Q3 lobbies? I'd give it a whirl if so

>Quake Live
spotted the babby

>ywn play Q3A in 2000-2001 again
fucking kill me

nobody would play QC if QL was free

Not sure but QL is almost identical to Q3

I don't get why people say Arena FPS are so good. Is it because you can just jump in and shoot people? It lacks all the other parts of a nice war FPS.

literally git gud

you can't move as fast as in quake in war fps
movement system is what make these games so satisfying to me

Fuck holding shift to move faster

For me, its QuakeWorld.

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>lg doing 300dps
nice weapon balance you have there

>muh best fps
>90% of kids with sick aim sit in defrag all day
lmao that's the real reason why everyone doesn't play champions, because they know how much time they need to learn the required gamesense to compete on top level. If I knew that I'm losing against 30 year olds even with my god tier aim I'd jerk off to defrag and make le ebin videos on youtube instead too lmao

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Dropped it several times because the lighting gun was retarded, literally a no fun allowed weapon that every tryhard had to use all the time

The damage was already nerfed to 6 for retards like you. Learn to dodge, learn to use rockets, learn to position properly so you're not caught out in the open.

They people pretend that they are so hardcore and better than the others, but in reality quake was basically battle royale of its time.
Counter-strike? Now that is a real complex competitive fps game.

They nerfed lg few years back from 7 damage with 21 ticks to 6 damage with 20 ticks so 144dps -> 120dps.
You can also try to play long game with rails if you suck with lg.

arena shooters are shit actually it's just Quake that is good but Quake 4 was terrible and Quake Champions is even worse so what do you expect?

Any fellow boomers played this in beta, when you needed some serious Java shit to run it in browser?
as a Linuxfag I was quite happy that it was mutli-platform

For 40 year olds yes.

> Learn to dodge
A hitscan weapon with no recoil/cooldown, did you even play the game? offline doesnt count dumbass

> learn to use rockets
Rockets to be effective have to be direct hits, against a weapon that is pushing you back while the enemy moves, fail a single rocket and you are done, did you even play the game?

> learn to position properly so you're not caught out in the open
Oh my, do you even know that quake is kill or die? what are you talking about? You gonna hide around corners? are you for real?

You all can come at me, all the other weapons were fun to play with and against, the lighting gun was no fun.

Only real issue i have with the lg is that it completely negates the machine gun and outclasses it at everything except for ranged, but you're better of getting a rail instead when that matters.

>Oh my, do you even know that quake is kill or die? what are you talking about? You gonna hide around corners? are you for real?

Quality scrub over here
Why should i not run away and regen if i can ? ("you're a fag if you do" won't work here)

Not every map has a rail.

Name a few vanilla maps that don't
Haven't played in a while and the only one i played for a bit was Q3A.

Miss me with that. Unreal, Zandronum, and Half Life OZDM are vastly superior

dm13, house of pain

Oh wow you're just an insufferable duel_32 faggot aren't you? I bet you're british too. Your game is absolutely garbage, anyone mediocre at quake can obliterate your shitty gameplay. Hot damn I've never laughed so hard when I heard you doom babies petition for tourneys in dallas with this shit.

You got a lot of tenants living in your head rent free, buddy

GAAAY !! UT was the shit

Ok faggots is there any way i can host Q3A servers without forwarding my ports? I don't have access to my router and i want to host party van a couple times a week with this game and other old school dead fps games.

So you're just a casual baby then. Why do you even bother writing zandronum in a thread about competitive gameplay if you're a nobody.

you'd think a place like Yea Forums would be a good place to set up and engage in community servers free of those 20+ year veterans but I never see anything like that brought up, for any game that people complain about dying here

Fucking hivemind

>Only real issue i have with the lg is that it completely negates the machine gun and outclasses it at everything
It's meant to. The MG is a stopgap weapon until you get something better. They even nerfed the MG in Quake Live.

I always wondered why you didn't just start out with a gauntlet. Seems like it would be a lot more fun.

Connect your lan directly to your pc and disale firewall lol


Why did QC have to be such an abomination bros?

quake champions is such a shitty game it's not even funny, i have never played a game that fails so badly at being a sequel for a game that it fails to capture any aspect of the original

the biggest problem is bunnyhopping just doesn't work. the floor collision is a fucking joke.

getting caught on a 3 inch ledges? did these dipshit professional devs not put collision brushes to cover their detail brushes? oh, wait, the game doesn't even use brushes. its not even a quake derived engine. raelly makes u think

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Made by some shit nobody studio on an awful engine.

I've played like a thousad hours of Quake 3 and only with bots never online

model based world geometry is bad because the collisions are almost always not the same as the geometry you're looking at, whereas brushes have to be.

in a game like overwatch where all of the world geometry is imported models, the devs seem to have to do a lot of work to get the collisions working properly, and even then it doesn't seem to align properly or work as well as the original intention of the feature

brushes don't have this problem. quake 1, half life, and half life 2 didn't have this problem. the specialists is like 20 years old and has animations that work properly in the world. i still firmly stand by the idea that the quake engine is good and modern game dev standards are for retards


Stay fuming, quakuck, while CHADronum dabs on you

This but unironically. And only q3dm6


q1dm4 and q1dm6 master race here

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Played this game for the first time awhile ago, really fucking fun but I have a full time job now so I can't play as much as I'd like..

go back to abusing bfg hitscan and ssg spawns like the braindead doom baby you are

Born and raised on ztn.

>Theyre pretty fun when everyone is similarish skill level
Good luck actually convincing anyone of this. I've tried to set up some casual games for arena shooters and getting people to show up required me to drag them kicking and screaming. It doesn't matter if it was Quake, UT, or even Half-Life 1 and 2. There's just some weird stigma against deathmatch now.

Arena shooters got memed into being something that's only fun if you can hit every airshot and memorized all the item spawn times and mastered movement exploits to fly around the map at 300mph.

You don't "memorize item spawn times" just count once for each item, the rest of your posts in general jesus christ how can you be so fucking casual?
Do you play arena shooters once a year with your braindead buddies or something? It's not a difficult game to learn.

Can you actually read my post? I'm not saying that's what arena shooters are actually like I'm saying that's what people believe that they're like and are scared to try them now.

Because today the so called "gamers", or faggots as I like to call them, are afraid of even deathmatch
Why do you think hero shooters and battle royale is so popular
They give shit players chance to win by burning cooldowns and lucking out on the RNG of BR

what is ztn

I guess I'm just out of touch but you'd think the upside of this BR fad would be modern gamers realizing that 1: not everything has to be team based and 2: it's not the end of the world if you didn't get first place.

Why is getting 19th place in a BR acceptable but finishing 3rd or 4th in a deathmatch game not?

It's the rite of passage of every slav quake player.
In your tongue you know it as Blood Run.

>nerfed railgun
dude no

its easier to aim in QL than Q3 so it effectively isn't nerfed

>its easier to aim in QL
how so?

nah its fucking shit. Im tired of tryhard Yea Forums pretending arena shooters were ever good. They were always fucking shit, theyre from my era and its all we had. Now theres much better alternatives

better netcode, more generous hitboxes

>Now theres much better alternatives
nope, you just prefer those games since they don't punish you as much for having no skill

I only play QL LAN with my brother because none of my friends like the game because they find it too hard, I would play quake champions but I have a potato computer so I can't run it, I did find champions fun but I hate that there is no lan option and that you need to use matchmaking. I still don't understand why they decided to out source the games development to Saber, if they got a proper team from id the game wouldn't have had such a rocky launch.

It's because when you die in BR you immediately get put into a new game, and you can lame out wins against better players by camping or getting lucky items drops. You're going to inconsistent as fuck, but you can get wins within a week of playing.
Compare it to DM where you're never going to win against a good player unless you get the most insane quad runs of your life and their congenital heart defect flares up. Also they have 10yrs of experience on you.

you have to work the whole match in deathmatch
in BR you have to luck out
this is what shit players say

Should I play QC before buying QL?

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I agree with you, however i prefer the crazy modes of UT2k4.

This argument isn't really valid because those are obscure games made by small teams with very little advertising. I fucking love Xonotic but what am I supposed to do when no one else plays it? It's been a really long time since someone made a decent AFPS and actually fucking marketed it heavily.

QL was free longer than QC has existed.

LG has limited range btw. You also can use proper positions to your advantage. Choose your Lg vs Lg fights based on knowledge about stackdifference between your opponent and yourself. Easy

>Quake Live
>still the best FPS ever

You fucking virtue signaling retard. You and the rest of the fags don't even play Quake Live. It's fucking dead.

Fuck right off. You have a game like Quake Live the actual QUAKE game and no one is playing it. Fuck off with your piss poor excuse. Everyone just says, "I love arena shooters!" to make them look like hardcore gamers. And all those games had enough exposure.

you know posting a screencap of someone who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about makes you look even more retarded right?

>why is nobody playing this game from 1999????
kys retard


How is Totalbiscuit wrong? So, plenty of arena shooters have been released and no one is playing them?? Posers.

>Over 200+ players playing

That's a lot? Lol.

those are shit indie games nobody has heard of, if QC wasn't shit it would have players

for an arena shooter? yes
for a game released in the 90's? yes

Too bad Quake is shit and outdated by design.


I miss it, Yea Forumsros, I miss the better days music is fucking pumpin too

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your mom is shit and outdated

I fucking hate this map

Halo is good. Quake is ok.

>played this for 40 hours
>that slow realization that I'm not good enough for the 100 people that still play it, and will never be good enough
CA rocketjumping is super fun though

This is why you just need to play duels with friends.

based and nostalgiapilled

>mfw you will never have full 10 man lobbies with your friends freaking out over getting to the armor and quad damage
>mfw you will never cuss them out over taking the shotty under bridge after you spawn in ever again
>mfw you will never hear your mom tell you dinner is ready while you try and bhop across to the armor

I was never even that good but could still hold my own for 3rd place in FFAs

take me back

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it has better gunplay, better movement and better maps than every FPS you like

stay seething

Duke Nukem 3D? Yeah, sure.

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Based. Q3/Live is boring as fuck in comparison. I should start dueling again.

I live for the big 10 man clan arena fights.
>no self damage on RJing
>everyone is constantly bouncing around the map
>everyone has a full arsenal so the fights are crazy and mostly LG for the first 30 seconds


Much better.

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>really really like Quake Champions despite its many flaws
>The player base is so small the matchmaking simply can't make matches fair and 80+% of games you'll be matched with elite god like veterans when you aren't supposed to be

Such a shame

Really wish the multiplayer for old games wasn't so hard and shit to get working these days.

I've never played Duke or Blood multiplayer

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I've only ever played duke multi on the n64 in splitscreen, it was awesome

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Fucking dinosaur cunt and his FUCKING acid goo. Fucking kills you 30 seconds later the fucking piece of shut


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also high armor and speed

Anyone play qc:de?
Is it good.

>sorlag will never swallow you whole
Why even fucking live

It's fantastic once you get it running on good maps.

Regular maps, not so much, you have to have set placements or else you're gonna have a bad time.

Eh, still one of the easiest to kill thanks to the large hitbox and the speed only happening when you cpma frequently.

Loved to do a Yea Forums and /vg/ tourney for gaymen keys. Gonna practice streaming the game to see how well the stream will be.
I'll look into gathering some maps for the pool though. Stay tuned Yea Forumsirgins

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What's the point in buying it when I can just pirate Q3A?

Because nobody plays QL and even less Q3.

Im still impressed that they managed to port the entirety of id tech 3 into as a html5 game and have literally quake being playable by launching your browser, i fucking wish they would make ID tech 7 or the future engines open sourced and available to the community to fuck around with, but i guess we're in the modern zoomer time...

time to kick ass and chew bubble gum

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why is she so pale?

Didn't this use to be free?



yea Bethesda or Zenimax tried to push the people into Quake Champions so no more

I find it the only multiplayer game worth investing myself into, it's great that there is still a group of regulars that play it everyday but would be better if more people gave it a chance. The game has really anything an arena shooter needs, even custom maps and community servers, QL did a good job remaining the most active arena shooter before QC was released and i still think it will outlive that one and any other arena shooters.

QL went buy to play years before QC was even announced.

No modern shooter has the weapon variety, speed, movement mechanics and map complexity a game like QL can offer. Fuck off with your shitty social borefests and braindead dudebro sims.

Shut up fucktard. The best arena shooters that could we ever ask for are there all sitting with no players with tons of custom content and being perfectly playable on modern systems while old shit like CS 1.6 and source have no problem getting over 2k players everyday. TB knows exactly what is fucking up with arena shooters while posers will remain in denial.

>large hitbox
*mashes A and D*
nothing personnel kiddo

>nobody would play QC if QL was free

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You mean OSP, dumb zoomer.

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>>its easier to aim in QL
>how so?
There was no RAW input in Q3.
Mouses back then when people played Q2/Q3 were pretty crappy as well compared with the modern ones.

>137 a few minutes ago
>432 24hr peak
Honestly more than I expected.

If you wanna laugh just pull the numbers for reflex arena or toxikk.

>All these try hard retards bringing dead ass 20 players shit that never had a chance.
Question is, do people who brings those even play them or just trying to look hardcore because they ignored the only remaining true arena shooter out there?

Hope you realize that it's 80% bots.

All they need to do to save arena shooters is make a game that's just UT2K4 Invasion rpg, but better looking for younger demographic

Considering you only need 1 (one) other person for duel, even reflex isnt dead.

Or CPMA and Q3A as well. QL is the only one around somehow active unless you count QC.

Bitch, I never even played QL and completely skipped Quake until the QC.

I started with Q2 multiplayer and then switched to Q3 after the release.
Bare bones Q3 sucked as hard as QC after the release and was saved by the community and mods such as OSP.

Actually xonotic is vastly superior in all aspects.
However I still play quake 3 more because I don't wanna learn so many guns.

How come Xonotic doesn't have a million players at any given moment? Such an amazing game, with a killer OST as well.

I mean I don't even play shooters and I know Quake live exists

Does it have a single fucking chance?

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>Quake live
That's Q3, retard. Quake live player counts can't be faked.

>donkey kong lookin' good .jpg
Much better than actual qc but you might as well just play doom.
Yeah it got todd Howard'd... Now buy my game...
I see QL is the only game you've ever played. Warsow, Xonotic, even Reflex, have quake beaten in every area there.

>Quake live player counts can't be faked.

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This but unironically. God I miss invasion rpg.

Its Quake Live with a shitty dash what do you think?

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Diabotical might... Might save AFPS... If it came out 2 years ago...It's too hard for quaker

Why exactly haven't I ever heard of this game?

And? No one plays OSP today. It's irrelevant. The only actual alternative the genre has had for nearly a decade now is QL.


It looks bland as fuck with a shitty dodge you can't even use while moving. Lost all interest in it and would rather play Warsow or Xonotic.

No marketing
Lots of people play cpma though.
And even q4 with 1.82 promode

I never thought they were very interesting. I much preferred the older military shooters or even tribes over Quake 3 and the rest.

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well
You need more like 100 hours before you even grasp movement

No chance at all unless it's F2P. Even most of the people who plays live today didn't pay for it.

I just wanted to shit on bethesda

No one cares about your 20 playercount shit

>And? No one plays OSP today. It's irrelevant.
Fake news and there are communities who never liked QL and played OSP instead.
And there are still people who play Q2 or QW.

>Clown Arena niggers shitting up FPS gene pool
I bet 400 of the 430 """""people""""" on QL are only playing CA or Freezetag. Why aren't these casual modes in cuck chumpions?

>Not even knowing how steam charts works
Stay delusional, retard.

>excusing yourself from playing a better game with less players when the entire genre already has no players
Why not just play overwatch then dude? Or CS? If player count matters so much to you

>30 players last i checked
>Lots of people
What world do retards like this come from?

What's the playercount of OSP and whatever other shit you parrot TODAY?

>nerfed rail gun
>nerfed rocket launcher


are tournie fags the saddest babies in the world or what

Not even the best from its series

Well reasonably, it's probably cause he's a bitch, since those 20 players stomp newbs so hard that they just quit because using their free-time to be a mook from John Wick isn't very fun.

Not him but warsow is forbidden knowledge, never play it. Once you experience that game's movement and smooth flow at 144hz or 240hz, you'll never be able to tolerate a slow easy game like QL ever again. It is so good it will ruin other AFPS for you. Save yourself and stay away. It genuinely makes base q3 feel like turok. I still use warsow to warm up for quake tournaments, that's how much faster it is, and weapon switch is instant, and hit boxes are smaller. Hitting 30% rail in WSW is like 55% in QL.

>MULTIPLE 4v4 games, 2v2 matches, and 1v1s
Not dead then is it? This isn't planetside. You don't need 300 people for one match.

I'm not sure where the Smith came from. I find the quick community in a FPS chameleon with General especially on those warrant is actually very welcoming to new players and we'll try to help them get up to speed as soon as possible

Because there is a bare minimum playercount a game needs to be enjoyable, once you have problems finding active servers for the main gamemodes like in most of your shitty 20 player memes you can say a game is dead.

Even TF2 players can learn to quickly click on shit eventually. Your genre is dead because it won't evolve.

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Quake 3 Arena... now that was a game *sip*.
I even played through the whole "single player back then" on nightmare

my go-to fps games are TF2 and 24/7 Deathmatch servers in CS:Source.

TF2 goes without saying, the sheer variety keeps it fresh and to this day I always feel like I'm improving. 24/7 Deathmatch servers rule because you can just pop in and just start shooting people, it's always going so you can play for 5 minutes or 5 hours uninterrupted and I can load up and connect to my favorite servers in under a minute. You can't get into any multiplayer action any faster than that and there is no obligation for you to stay.

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Try Quake Champions its much better.

Only losers stayed at cpma, xonotic or w/e while all the competitive playerbase moved to live. All just so they can pretend to be good while they know they are nothing but mediocre players hidden in their irrelevant quake 3 variations.

The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

Not performance or customization wise.

>posting on Yea Forums while being 30+ years old

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I'm 40 and have upgraded to Yea Forums

You realise that all those Call of Duty and CS kiddies from back then are 30+ also now.
They were always plebs to the quake and ut players.

>Still a nostalgia manbaby surrounded by other nostalgia babies.
Don't make me laugh.

Yea Forums is the worst board on Yea Forums, collectively it is the least knowledgeable about its board topic. I think it's pretty neat how on just about every board there are "experts" lurking. You can bring up a discussion about an obscure anime or manga on Yea Forums that you're certain not knows or cares about and there will be guys who knows all about it, this is the case with Yea Forums as well with any game that you can imagine, but time and time again I've tested Yea Forums and have determined if you aren't talking about popular music or popular cult-classics then you get crickets.

>lets make it 10$ even though it was free for years XDDD

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Yeah, i was joking. Im having a blast with QC, but damn the engine and the service is a fucking mess. Shame.

>implying having no-self damage rocket jumping doesn't make CA the most tactical mode as everyone has free movement across the map making it so fights can transform in an instant

>Let's charge for a game that has everything an actual arena shooter would require instead of having some shitty premium model with the rest of the playerbase having limited features and content.
Yeah, paying for games right? Who does that? Imagine being this retarded and still expect actual devs to work on making arena shooters. No wonder why the genre is dead.

It's so hard to get into it as a new player. The game is really cool, but it's fucking dead. The only active servers are filled with circlejerking hardcore fans who will kick you if you play badly. Shame

I recently had a fairly successful thread about COH so die.

Don't mind CA bashers, most likely it's people who abandoned arena shooters completely years ago and they talk all high and mighty while playing overwatch or apex.

Play FFA, we welcome anyone and if you show some spirit some of the vets may want to share some tips and advise.