
Are there any discord servers where people are actually playing games and also aren't 12?

I've joined like 20-30 servers and most were just garbage

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unless you start one with your own friends, you're shit out of luck
nearly every single discord server is fucking garbage
use TS or mumble or something if you want actual people with functioning brains


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yeah, i was in a discord from a streamer for vermintide 2. it was pretty good because the focus was on doing runs on the highest difficulty or modded difficulties.

Where do I find these groups tho, also why won't they use discord if the are smurt

I'm in a pretty good one but you can't join.

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Yes, but we don't allow random people from Yea Forums. Too many autists and dick heads.

>Being a filthy cub-lover.
You disgust me. And yes, while I know cubshit is now banned that allthefoxes retard is still employed by Discord.

moonmoon's sub discord is what you describe
lonely upper 20 year olds

Who cares. There are nasty people all over the internet.

>Join game
>"anyone have mic"

>using discord

Kill your self.

are you aware that this is 4channel?

cmon senpai dont tease me like this, how many people approach you asking if they can join your channel in good faith

i've only ever found good discord server with plenty of mature ( 20+ years old) people.allright i've found a good bunch of bad ones, but i could tell them apart from the start.

here are some rules of thumb to tell the garbage ones:

>discord server of a reddit that portray itself as the main/official of a game
>official discord server of any game that you could ever even remotely describe as "somewhat popular"
>it's the only/by far the biggest discord server of a game and welcomes all people. possible exceptions are very small games
>e-celeb discord server. possible exception are small based e-celebs with mature audience
>any non-porn/dating discord server that puts a strong emphasis on LGBT bullshit. all discord servers have anti-sexism rules, i am talking exclusively about the ones that put a strong emphasis on that
>"unfocused" gaming discord rather than aimed at a specific genre/franchise

that's it. the real pattern is that you gotta search for the 2nd-3rd biggest of each type.Sometimes it does not show up on google.It's a gentlemen's club behind the corner, may or may not require invite, but rarely advertise tiself with a big billboard like fucking mcdonald.

>Where do I find these groups tho
You don't find these groups, you make them with your real life friends, not online friends. You then refrain from inviting anyone you don't personally know.

thats what i mean, where in the hell am i supposed to find them, those people dont mingle with these shitty servers you mentioned and dont advertise or something so how and where am i supposed to stumble upon them

let me repeat

even if they are not the first result on google sometimes people do talk about them when discussing the best places for a certain game.
you can get invited by befriending/networking people that play a certain game or even just asking in the main chat of a game " what are some chill discord servers for this game aside for the official one?"
i mainly got invited by people i played with.

jump off a roof

did i miss the memo? whats wrong with discord nowadays?

Some dude supposedly got into some sort of tranny cult one time on discord and now everyone relates Discord to trannies, Kinda stupid cause I'm pretty sure it was some /R9K/ member who was into traps making shit up.

A lot of then meet through games, add eachother on pisscord then stop playing the game forever and just circlejerk together.

It's full with trannies, drama and ERP

huh, Yea Forums is full of those things too,
wtf i hate Yea Forums now??

The platform itself is fine, just as with any public platform/forum on the internet it will be as said. Avoid public or easy to get into servers and your should generally be fine.


guys, i dont have any friends, and i play shit like dota 2 and starcraft 2 but i cant even find people that speak english let alone get invited to their discord servers.

what do people play these days?

You don't. They come to you. How else do you think they keep the trash out?

>The platform itself is fine
literal botnet

>Yea Forums of all places complains about tranny drama

welp, im doomed i guess. my personality isnt the most agreeable or likable

>Join discord for private server to get updates
>Full of regulars jerking each other off
>Join discord for official game to see what people are saying about it
>Also full of regulars jerking each other off
>Join discord for my /d/ tier fetish
>Also full of regulars jerking each other off
I feel so out of place everywhere I go.

I remember joining a guild discord for black desert years ago. After a week i got to know most members. One day i log into discord and hear this 34 year old guys mother going full chimp on him. He clearly lived with his mom. They screamed at each other for a good ten mi utes about him being acused of eating her ice cream, sat there in shock. I just logged out and never went back.

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you must play some really bad games
90% of discords i was ever in are chill and fun with minimal retards
alternatively im a retard and dont know it

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just go to vg or reddit and play with people?

I honestly don't know how Yea Forums ends up joining so many terrible servers. I've joined and left a few dozens over the years and I don't think I've ever been in a single truly awful one.

>I feel so out of place everywhere I go.
isnt this just life

stop teasing me like this
obviously ive been joining advertised servers and most of them are indeed trash. i dont think ive ever received an invite from someone and ive been removed from plenty for innocuous things

Fair point.

I joined one that was comfy as hell but then I found out one of the guys had a crush on me and sent me his ass pics. Shame. Why do fags ruin everything?

Should have fucked him.

>ive been removed from plenty for innocuous things
post some examples. you're probably the reason bad discords exist

i made a joke about blacked.com and they banned me for advertising porn i guess.

some people just removed me because they didnt like me or whatever, some servers disbanded after drama.
most dont even bother playing the game they advertise and most gamer discords i find i cant even find anyone to play a 10 min free game on it anyway

i just dont get it, am i this retarded or special that theres nobody of my ilk

are you the guy who manage to get in fights with the moderation team every day and goes around with a pepe avatar spouting MAGA every second post?

if yes, then of course you are gonna run into problems.

Join the discords SPECIFIC to the games you play, not retarded public random "chill" servers

i have one to join, but if you have an anime picture you're automatically banned forever, anime is usually the root of all this degeneracy.

Anime pictures are fine, unless they change it to a different one every week. That's the ultimate sign of an unstable person.

>anime pictures are fine
in any case, they are not fine. there is no justification.

none of those


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What's this?

my nigga

Actually no. Just join IRC, like sane people with an high IQ.

So instead of participating and slowly being accepted as one of those "regulars" you bitch and give up after a week?

REMINDER that Cloudshit like Discord are surveillance honeypots.

Nope they're all shit my friend forced me to join his favourite Yea Forums discord and it's exactly what you'd expect from anything Yea Forums related outside of Yea Forums plus they're all underage and spics

oh no theyre going to surveil shitty rp and discord trannies


No rules,if you want to play a game just ask in chat people usually bite. Just don't be a retard or memelord and expect not to get shit on.

>don't be a retard of memelord
>called A E S T H E T I C
you can't be this unaware can you?

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discord is nothing but mentally ill trannies

cant we just make a server and ban all trannies thots and orbiters

who would be on the server if you ban them all idiot

Not without getting your server banned, it's considered "discrimination" by the furries that run the damned service.

lol, what haha
if its my server i can remove anyone i want for any reason what the shit.

lol, what haha
if it's my website and you're only borrowing a server why can't i force my rules


usually about 20-30 regulars, few random orbiters enough to get shit like this done. guys channel is mostly stuff cut from sessions we play.

Start one yourself and only allow who you want

what is post ironicism for 200

ironic humor is what killed Yea Forums pal

fighting game discords of obscure games specially with caster netplay programs. and or direct ip share netplay system. but usually almost all fighting games which aren't street fighter or tekken you have to join discord. you can just ignore all other channels and keep your eye on netplay channel and you are probably good.

kill self

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if the discord has any porn channels at all you should leave

I use it with the same rules I use steam. I don't add or join shit with people unless I know them in real life.

What if it's almost exclusively furry porn?

all those replies
i can only assume they were all agreeing with him and not being little faggots

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what is the discord is question is supposed to be all about being funny but you accidentally insult the admins "friend" (admin is totally straight btw) and the admin insta kicks you because "friend" said they're mentally ill and they hate my guts
asking for a friend


What kind of degenerate would join a furry porn server besides me?

>participating and slowly being accepted as one of those "regulars"
I imagine a lot of people are on Yea Forums because they dislike the non-anonymous nature of such an environment. I threw up a little in my mouth as I read your post - imagine ingratiating yourself with Internet strangers just so you can join their circlejerk.

>I imagine a lot of people are on Yea Forums because they dislike the non-anonymous nature of such an environment.
it's really weird that Yea Forums has slowly become the exact opposite

I didn't join a furry porn server, it just happened to have a channel dedicated to furry porn.

>longstanding IRC community bridges their channel to a discord chat
>people slowly leave for discord
>removes bridge
>changes channel topic to say nobody uses IRC anymore and to use discord
>after some time an op then locks the channel and kicks everyone from it

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average pedocord user

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>make a non-english anime server
>+1500 users
>no trannies
>no politics
>most active talkers are experts in both anime and vidya

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You say that, but we're still all "Anonymous" and tripfags are few on this board compared to years past.

Yea Forums itself is the same yeah but i feel like more and more people want to create groups be it /vg/ or there own little discord server to circle jerk over being from Yea Forums

he seems annoying dumping stuff he beats off to, but if you're just offended that he likes it you're a normalfag and can leave

any discord that gets to big turns into a cesspool of garbage .a good way to prevent it is indeed making it non english .

NeoRussia is one of the only decent people in the festering temple that was the pure line of Yea Forums tf2 servers. I miss those halcyon days..
that image was no doubt made by one of the disgusting current generation of the weeabootique.

Fortress of faptitude forever.

this. western pigshit english = trash

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t. neorussia cocksucker

He was never liked and even harbleu is a more decent person than him. I don't know about who made the image, however the current generation of the teek is definitely filled with trash.

Idort's Revenge forever.

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I liked everyone though. You too.
Except Ret.
Do you remember the spy duels?
How many times did you and I facestab each other?

Sorry I didn't mean to kill you.

I remember it all user, I wish I could turn back time. Bames Jond will always be my idol. God bless you.

Hell no. I don't think anyone liked NeoRussia at all. He had the worst opinions and I thought he was pretending to be a retarded troll, but then I realized he was serious because he picked a fight with everyone who tried to help him.

now that you mention it, neorussia does remind me of a conspiracy poster from /pol/ who thinks earth is flat

Idorts=FoF>>>>>Spengeboobs>>> Teek>>>Headset>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aids Pool

Fucking Bames and his surgical precision revolver.

>full of 18-year old Asian cosplayers
So what's the issue, according to normalfags?

>Join one of the so called “Yea Forums discords” that get posted in these threads
>Most of them have around 200+ members
>Most of them is full of circlejerkers orbiting the few girls in the server or staying within a clique


>Add a few random anons on discord with the prospect of having someone to play games or talk with
>Always have a decent conversation the first time we talk
>Few days later, try to talk again. Always giving one word answers and generally giving off negative vibes
>If I don’t make conversation first, then we’ll never talk again
>This happens for large number of anons I added from these types of threads
>Some try to ERP
>One guy wanted me to visit him and fuck but he was ugly as sin

Discord was a mistake

>try to find 18+ only server that isn't thirsty people
>no success
>try to find vidya servers
>they're all normies


well you're not supposed to make friends on discord but yeah public servers are fucked up.

>join the VC
>hear european people

No thanks. I don't want to play with poor people. Got any others?

Was in this place called The Other Side, started out alright but then the admin sold out and started allowing dumb teens into the place.

Have you tried using actual arguments for once in your life, pedo?

>making shit up
yeah that guy who blasted his head off with a shotgun was just doing it as a joke lol haha

if you like something that might disrupt me taking the moral ground then you're wrong no matter what.

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>using spyware
you deserve everything bad that happens to you

nice strawman argument for the sake of defending an autistic pedo

feel free to use actual arguments instead of using strawman arguments and replying to your own posts in a pathetic attempt to justify your loophole around pedophilia.

>public servers

can a nigga get a link to the anti banjo discord

What are you using that isn't some type of -ware?

>you're a normalfag if you're not a pedo

I'm starting to believe that there are no non-shit servers

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>nice strawman argument for the sake of defending an autistic pedo
18 yo porn is pedo material?

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a library computer


>being this autistic
cope, pedo

Just ignore the fact he's obsessed with lolis and have actual cp. Just ignore the fact he regularly uploads pictures of underage cosplay girls in public chatrooms. Just ignore the fact he's obsessed with Asian "women" who look like little children when they are of legal age.

There is "clearly" no correlation at all here.

What's it like having discord friends?

it's funny how these yellow fever faggots always look like crazy weirdos

read a twitch chat for a few minutes and then imagine you're friends with those "people"

>Few days later, try to talk again. Always giving one word answers and generally giving off negative vibes
>If I don’t make conversation first, then we’ll never talk again
I'd be exactly like that if I used it.
>Most of the time I dislike human interaction and find it a real chore avoiding it whenever I can.
>Every now and then I feel lonely and realise I don't really have any firends.
>set steam profile back to online and try to converse with people maybe even add a few new friends.
>Next day feel like shit, can't face human interaction.
>Launch steam, realise I'm still set to online people try to talk to me.
>Give short answer, let the conversation die.
>Back to offline mode by the end of the day.
>Next month repeat the same thing all over again.
Is it autism?

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This. Discord """""friends""""" will fuck you over or turn on you in an instant if it benefits them. Mostly because they spend all their time on computers and think that anything on the internet even remotely matters when concerning video games/online communities.
Using Discord with IRL friends is kino though

Pretty good when they aren't fags
>can openly talk about fetishes in relevant channels, nobody cares
>actual discussion with stuff we like
>no political bullshit
>no shitposting
It's, dare I say, comfy

Yeah I'm in one, not inviting any of you fags though

That doesn't make them less awful
a trans discord got a bunch of kids to self harm / take nudes / take estrogen
either same folks or another discord shared / made animal harm videos, so bad, that a country made new animal abuse laws because of it. Iirc with the latter case one of the decent level mods of discord was in that server.

Why not?

> a trans discord got a bunch of kids to self harm / take nudes / take estrogen
They also raid boards on Yea Forums and spam tranny threads. There's one at almost bump limit on Yea Forums and another on Yea Forums right now. They do it EVERY DAY. There are rumors of some of them being jannies and mods too.

do you want to share something, bud?

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hand your password over to the feds, pedo

password to what?

to your encryped cp stash

don't play dumb, pedo

Yes. My server where I play games with my friends.

Mine is great. But no randos allowed (that's why it's great btw).

Because it's a good server, specifically because none of you fags are in it

Any good smash discords?

I just join server for the gay porn. Also to play video games with some friends. it can be really comfy sometimes

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it's always the defensive people who have something to hide. keep screaming and maybe people will believe you.

He used to be part of a /vg/ guild in Blade & Soul, and he got banned for being an insufferable sperg after two days. I remember he used to post underage girls which was creepy as fuck too.

can you fuckboys stop roleplaying
some community baka

So get some you retard

But I'm not a bad person.

this is incredibly insulting to any woman who looks young and has small boobs.

>it's always the defensive people who have something to hide. keep screaming and maybe people will believe you.
Great argument, pedo. The garbage you just spewed applies to you more than anything else.

Yes you are

sure i'll just get into my friend suit and then step into my friend cannon to launch myself into friends-ville where friends grow on trees

get the fuck out tranny


We play vidya together, announce free games and shit and that's 90% of the reason of the place.
We ban trannies and furfags.

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It's not roleplay, I have sex user, you said it yourself

How would you know that?

>any woman who looks young and has small boobs
You should go to your local police department and tell them that you believe 8 year old girls are "young women with small boobs".

You retarded pedophile lmao

stop bitching on a faggot forum and do it already!

lol okay

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Sounds like a Discord I would join

this doesn't even make any sense. ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>this doesn't even make any sense
thats because you're a retarded pedophile because you believe 8 year old girls are "young women with small boobs"

>we've been posing frogs and wojacks non stop for "original content" for over 3 years
When will the madness end?

I'm playing with the same guys I played with on teamspeak, vent, mumble, skype etc. And we never let randos in and that's why it's still good.

Zero awareness - the post

Damn dirty pedos

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>Pedo jannie has arrived
color me surprised

Actually you're in it.

Have you considered making friends, then making a discord for your friend group?
Also remember the power of sage

What does that have to do with those underage girls, pedo?


Heres a good rule of thumb
The more anime profile pictures, the worse the server

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This, minus the video games part.

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hugboxes, user.



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>Asian "women" who look like little children when they are of legal age.
the fuck is wrong with you?

i just want bros to play splat and splat2 with

seething yellow fever incel

clearly you are an incel if you think that you can just deny women their womanhood just because they don't fit your ideal of big tits.

no friends irl?

>you're a normalfag if you're not a pedo
>you're an incel if you don't like bug women
cope harder, incel

t. incelerino

what an awful thread

they just don't like splatoon and my one friend who kinda likes it only plays splatfests

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i'm getting sick of this board, it's full of ironic and unironic fuckwits who deliberately want to shit it up while thinking they are smart and funny. this thread turned to shit so fast for no reason and you're probably even proud of it.

play splatoon solo and find people on splatoon to play with not a bunch of unfunny memefaggots off Yea Forums my friend

he'll just say incel again

This. Also keep in mind that Discord is run by furries, so that should be enough of a reason not to use it.

the funniest part about those users is they'd be better fitted for somethingawful,reddit or 9gag but they for some reason still flock to Yea Forums they're the kinda fags who will ironically act retarded for hours on end but cringe at shit like youtube.com/watch?v=SIQV67oM2CE even though it's the exact same shit

Here join this shithole and nuke it.

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Agreed, just call them pedo, and they'll come out of the woodwork to defend their pedo tendencies.

I just miss when internet communities weren't all on 5 fucking websites. I know forums still exist, but every place has a discord or some other cancer by extension.

t. Jared

Couldn't agree more
i really miss forums as a whole i used to be big into the old dmc forum and now it's just fucking gone same for flashes it's now a dead genre newgrounds gets traffic but no one cares about dagobah anymore

>public discords
there's your problem.


so Yea Forums?

here's how i did it
>join a /vg/-Yea Forums guild in an mmo
>get invited to discord
>turns out the the people who play the mmo are only a small part of the community
>work my way into the main community
>3 years later
>people still hit each other up to play videogames
>we have dedicated game night on friday and saturday where we all get together and play some trash games and party games
very comfy

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there are things that should be legal and things that shouldn't
Someone that is 18 years old doing sexual cosplays of young characters should definitely be legal.
There are things that should be socially acceptable and socially not acceptable.
Someone collecting 1TB of cosplay pictures specifically because they look like small girls shouldn't be socially acceptable.
Problem is people who want everything they see as wrong to be illegal instead of having people just rely on their own fucking judgement

You just know the jannie who deleted the anti-pedo posts is the same jannie letting tranny, pedo and yellow fever threads stay up

The only Discord servers you should join are:
- Small game/streamer communities (

>Someone collecting 1TB of cosplay pictures specifically because they look like small girls
>look like small girls
They are underage girls you fucking cretin. They're literally 8 to 14 years old.

I mean I play but from what I've seen from players on here, you are better off sticking with randos. I mean I know I'm bad but damn

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>Join /vg/ related discord
>It's fairly big
>Full of gay communists who only discuss politics
>No one actually discusses video game stuff
>Leave the next day
My in-game clan's discord is the same bullshit
>Join their discord because mandatory bullshit
>No one is discussing the game
>Everyone is a gay weeaboo communist
>Previous in-game clan's discord was just normies posting their food
Discord never fails to concentrate the worst faggots in any group into a smaller gayer loli furfaggot communist group. Never seen so many communist weeaboos in-game as in my own clan, fuck discord

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I have BR server where people actually play Fighting games.

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>using discord
Into the trash

Yikes, I joined and they all talk like toddlers.

Here's how to calculate how shit your experience on a discord server will be, the higher the shittier :
>It's an english server
>there's too many channels
>It's not related to video games
>There's a lewd section
>People are talking about politics
>The server has "no purpose lol"
>someone posted an invite on Yea Forums
>emotes aren't cringe or there's no emotes
>You know people on the server/they are you irl friends
>if it's a public server, the rules and faq part is clear and makes sense
>the server is about a niche game or a niche type of games