this is totally me, haha
This is totally me, haha
This is the most harmless thing ive ever seen, how on gods green earth are you offended enough to make a thread about it
I have no idea how you've come to the conclusion that I'm offended, but whatevs
stan yo
>western ”””””comics”””””
>complete the first half of nier, do all the side-quests and everything
>stop playing cause I get busy
>it's been multiple years since I played the game so I want to completely replay it instead of starting out half way but I have no desire to do all the side-quests again
>saying haha unironically on Yea Forums
You're either a shoobie, or trolling.
Start a new game rush main story tell your about where you were then load the other file
Best advice.
haha has always been a facetious response
why didn't I think of this what the fuck
>nintendo switch
This is the exact opposite of harmless in the eyes of Yea Forumscels.
Happened to me with Xenoblade X, I had played 50 hours and was halfway through before I had to drop it for a while and once I got back to it I just started over. At least this time I 100%'d it, though it took an additional 180 hours.
based advice in shit thread
Also me
I'll never beat Breathe of the Wild or other uninteresting games like it. In the week or two it'd take to beat it, something much more interesting and short lived would have came out, and I'll always be drawn away and shirk the return for a replay only to be drawn away again by something infinitely more interesting.
I've still never gotten too far into Dragon's Dogma because of this. It's a problem I have with most city builders too, I can never commit to a city and I just end up with 20 files with 3 hours of playtime on each one.
whats her name Yea Forums? for me its Xenoblade 2 and X.
You should be able to relearn any control scheme within a few minutes playing
Dragons dogma, but that’s cause it keeps coming out on new platforms
It’s not just about re-learning the control scheme idiot
what other excuses are there then
This is my Mount&Blade Warband experience in a nutsack
It is also how my friends play Civilization games with me, they insist we start a new game every time something goes less than optimal for them, and they they say they are bored of repeatedly playing the early game and never experiencing the late game.
You gotta relearn the feel of the game, just because you reacquaint yourself with the controls doesn’t mean you’re gonna be at the same skill level as when you last played
>fucked my hat in time save and lost all my hats and pins
>need to start it all over to play any of the dlc
>can't be arsed to actually do it
>needing to be offended to do anything
Sorry, but some people actually want to share joy in their lives. Maybe you should head back to Tumblr
fair enough. sometimes i can't relate to casuals
It's true.
>get reacquainted with the story
>won't lose track of sidequests
>find new things you might have missed the first time
Kind of a faggy reason, but I find it hard to get as emotionally invested if I don't follow a game as it happens. Not finishing it and picking it up at a much later date makes the experience feel really hollow if I don't start over.
I haven't finished a game in decades
I’m sure you’re so good at video games user
Switch is the most popular console among woman. So what is the most popular game on the Switch women play?
what is wrong with you negro
Funnily enough, its taken from the front page of reddit.
Amazing how this place used to shit on reddit for stealing content, now Yea Forums just reposts whatever they find there. Its pathetic as fuck
Nice blog faggot
>4. Do NOT act like a basic Reddit bitch.
>tfw even Reddit is less Reddit than Yea Forums nowadays
Who do you think brings this garbage here?
notice that there's at least 11 Yea Forums-related reddit boards linked in that image, and far more unrelated """""greentext only'""" boards of faggots showing off their epic greentext threads with frog meemees.
Just finished Lost Odyssey after years of slow progress.
I'm glad I did it but it really wasn't worth it.
And be aware that each of these Yea Forums-related boards have over 500k people subscribed to them like the fucking social media-consuming faggots they are.
Also this.
Wow, a literal redditor complaining about Reddit. Poetry.
final fantasy xii. way too much to relearn between the story, license boards, gambits, etc.
stardew valley
Be ironic all you want. People who hate women aren't going anywhere and aren't gonna give a shit.
shit I'm doing this for far cry 5. Ty based user
ive done this for every GTA game. i need to stop.
all of Yea Forums is redditors
where have you been?
I created a Reddit account in 2016 to post something on the History board, I got mad with the replies I got to my 10-12 comments over 3 months, and I deleted it.
Never used Reddit other than that historical and historical photos board. Never fell for their conformist culture and watered down versions of chan memes. Don't call me a Redditor, it hurts more than you know, and this coming from a guy with an open enough mind to try.