I love cute lesbians in video games.
I love cute lesbians in video games
I want cute homos in video games
What's that, teenage boys dont want to see homos? But I thought you were supposed to be progressive, bigots
I don't think you understand what cute means. She's ugly
I bet you jerk off to anime
I actually jerk off to furries but I fail to see your point
yuri is only okay if its anime
Damn she hit the wall at like 16
Me too which is why I don’t like TLOU2 and prefer 1
*Blocks your path*
She’s wh*te.
>implying you can love
>implying they are cute
>implying it's a video game
Did they scissor yet?
She looks bad. Real women look better in real life.
come here user
Dyke shit is awful even when it's anime girls. These are ugly, so it's ascended to next level garbage.
I hope both of them die in the end
God I wish that were me
Problem is these two are ugly roasties.
based and redpilled
Seriously, whats with that gigantically comedic nose?
Are they doing this shit on purpose now?
scissoring is dirty
looks like Cole fucking Phelps
gay people are just like zionists
You have to admit, it's pretty funny how you can inflict all sorts of horrible violence upon other character, but someone mentions having a sex scene in a game and everyone loses their minds
He could beat it to dead dogs and it would still be better taste than that trash
Who are these strange men, OP?
Same, but I like my lesbians alive even more, I hate lesbian tragedy. So I guess they will not be a selling point for me with TLoU2.
I hope To All Mankind is good, I need more yuri games that are not VNs.
Those two words don't go together. Like bleach and ammonia or toothpaste and orange juice.
dykes aren't cute
I'm happy they added the DLC girl to the main artwork, it was sad for the MC not to have her own girl to be paired with.
It's a cute womanlet as well, love the height gap. I hope it releases in the west and with the DLC expansion already included.
Ellie herself is cute. She just needs better taste in women.
We all do, fucking dick is raging thinking about those two sluts sucking on each others tongues.
Fan service ftw
>I need more yuri games that are not VNs.
I feel yuri doesn't really lend itself to any other type of game, has there ever been a good yuri game that isn't a VN or an RPG quest game that is practically a VN? Like the game you posted looks like it has absolute trash gameplay that is going to be nothing but a detractor.
Me to I'm playing AC: Odyssey now and I made my Kassandra a lesbian just yesterday I slept with 2 girls.
I want Ellie to force me to smell and lick her feet.
What is the point of emulating 3DPD in a video game? Why not just get a girlfriend if you want something so close to real life?
Me slipping roofies in their juice boxes.
There are some yuri RPGs as well, still untranslated, unfortunately, Saint Bomber games are cool. Yuri can work with gameplay just like any sort of romance can, love and adventure can complement each other really well, it just depends a lot on the writer. I'm already satisfied with something as simple as games like Harvest Moon and CRPGs having female romance options.
About To All Mankind, I can only hope the gameplay is good, because the graphics do look really weak.
This artist is too precious.
Yuri is incredibly dependent on good writing/story, I feel like any resource devoted to anything other than those and art is a waste of resources tbqh. I can't really be satisfied with romance in stuff like a CRPG because it's usually incredibly shallow compared to something that focuses almost entirely on the back and forth between two characters.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy the DLC.
>Saint Bomber
Also when I mentioned RPG quest games that are practically VNs I mean't Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle in particular, it's about as much of a game as a VN in my opinion though. I'd much rather a game have no gameplay and a great story vs. bad/boring/annoying gameplay.
>Why not just get a girlfriend
Interracial lesbian a best
Pandering to queer inclusion initiatives is only profitable if it's post-apocalyptic lesbians, fag. No trannies or boy love allowed! Or at least not until it starts testing positively with focus groups.
That ain't Marshfield
Well it's just that I'm really thirsty for yuri all the time, but I agree. Particularly when most yuri titles are niche and indie, focus improves quality.
But I hope one day games can reach balance between romance and gameplay.
Please refrain, homosexuality is a sin.
If god din't want Marshfield to be a thing he wouldn't have made it the OTP, checkmate atheists.
Chloe doesn't deserve Max
>late teens, early twenties
nice logical fallacy kiddo
Lesbian sex in a post apocalyptic setting would be fucking disgusting
Imagine the smell...
I can imagine it
DESCRIBE it to me
I need, no NEED to know what they would smell like all rubbed up against each other after days, maybe weeks of not washing themselves
Women are so fucking disgusting
Wew this is the power of SNOY ...
Excuse me we respect women here on Yea Forums
Oh shit, im sorry
Only 2D women
Why are gays so goddam annoying anyway?
Like seriously can you just not be annoying twats for even a little while?
It's not the fact I'll never be looked at like this that makes me sad, strangely. It's the fact I'd never, ever be able to look at someone else like that even if I wasn't a hideous loner. I'm so fucking dead inside.
Rabi-Ribi is a metroidvania with yuri being an important part of the plot.
Yuri only works when it's incidental to the main plot. Make it the central focus, and it winds up dragging the whole work down.
Clem is just the right type of black too, where the skin is just a little brown, and the features are much more european than african.
Don't buy the DLC lol. If you're playing fem Kass it forces you into a relationship with a dude and even makes you have a kid. And when you complete it you get an achievement called 'Growing Up'.
>not Victoria/Max
Sorry friend, lesbian bullying a girl she thinks is cute but doesn't know how to process it is always the best choice.
Just partially.
Op is a waifucunt that should be killed in a lone wolf attack.
Rabi-Ribi is great, I hope we get news about the sequel eventually.
Give my lesbian daughters her own game, they will literally save vidya.
AJ pls
Yep, the love bunny is coming. The dev periodically gives updates on his twitter about it. It may still take a while, but it's shaping up to be another great bunnyvania.
She looks top cute as well, I hope she gets a girlfriend just as cute.
Hang it up on your wall m8
I'm sure the LOVE BUNNY will live up to her name and claim many cute girlfriends for herself.
Thanks friend but I'm well past gone at this point. You can only shatter glass once.
And what happens if you play Alexios?
Never change Yea Forums.
You also get a family, even if you played him as a fag. Can't even use the 'well obviously they had kids because muh ancestors' shit either because I'm pretty sure they retconned that a few games ago.
I only do when it's Japan doing it.
this ugly lesbos make me puke
>Yea Forums is not one person
holy shit what the fuck
Yea Forums is just one of the many personas of the mysterious hacker known as fourchan
I love when getting woke means going broke
Games with yuri and age_difference tags?
Unfortunately this piece of trash will actually sell because it has insane marketing budget and you can sell even a fucking polished turd with this.
>I make games
>Lighting artist
Gets me every time.
This. All the gay options in games are either:
>Stereotypical unicorn rainbow gays
>Sexual deviants
Just write a normal character and make them gay. It’s not fucking difficult. Why can’t the left do anything correctly?
>plane flies by in the background each frame
I really like TLOU but I have no interest in the sequel.
I love the old stories about Jews and Ovens.
>normal character
Doesn't happen
Some will fall for that alright but a lot of people now have adopted a wait and see attitude and will be judging it on word of mouth which will result is short term success but overall poor long term sales
phoneposting scum
This, this propaganda "game" will sell well initially but get nowhere near the success as the first one and will be forgotten about quickly
Western dykes are fucking gross.
Eastern dykes are a pandering garbage for the worst type of neckbeards.
None of the games with dykes in them are good.
There's no way to make them interesting unless their story is a horrible fucking tragedy in which case it becomes fun.
>Eastern dykes are a pandering garbage for the worst type of neckbeards.
Most yuri is aimed at women.
It weren't this way for, what, like ten years now.
This, bought the first one twice on PS3/4, not going near this crap
Sure but yuribait which makes up most of what constitutes yuri nowadays, is for men to masturbate to.
Sounds to me you just hate lesbians, "the only good dyke is a dead dyke".
>sexy lesbian fiction is something a straight guy can enjoy so it's problematic by default
Every lesbian I know fucking hates this logic. Things are getting better, but yuri still being a niche, it barely sells most of the time, so it doesn't even work as proper "pandering" it's just authors doing what they love, it's a product of passion. Funny to think that even the more sucessful yuri has female authors just doing what they love, like with YagaKimi.
You're talking about a manga category filled with female authors and fans, so you're just wrong. In the latest 10 years we only saw a growth of yuri works with more mature and realistic themes, particularly when it comes to sexuality and less "it's just a phase" bullshit that only appeals to otaku. But I don't get it, if that was true and yuri was male-only entertainment, you would have nothing to complain about either way, unless you agree with the opinion that everything a straight guy can enjoy is evil and needs to censored.
From what I see, the worst cases of what you call "yuribait" also has a lot of female fans and artists, like with Idol stuff, are you forgetting how much women love shipping characters and will do it at first chance they get? Even so many yaoi authors do yuri and vice-versa.
In Japan they create whole multimedia IPs around this, like with Idols or similar stuff, shitpteasing hard but it never actually going anywhere, this way people can ship and otaku can have their waifus in this eternal status quo.
Me too.
i bet you jerk it to miley fucking cyrus
>Sounds to me you just hate lesbians
I don't particularly hate lesbians though it doesn't help that they are usually the worst written and borderline annoying characters like Angelica from Kiseki, but i do find anything related to them grossly uninteresting and existing only for the sake of pandering in one way or the other. There's nothing a lesbian love story can give that a simple vanilla doesn't do better thanks to mixing the male and female dynamic, unless it's an allure of "forbidden love" that is long gone thanks to western SJW media, or, again, a tragedy of some sort which can being at least some unique colours to the story.