user-kun, you can keep only 3 games that brings you joy.
User-kun, you can keep only 3 games that brings you joy
No game brings me joy anymore.
literally none of them bring me joy though
i just play them to waste time until something kills me
I tell ya what. Just for you, Marie, I will prune my backlog right now.
Guilty Gear
Enter the Gungeon
Jackie Chan
Just shoot me then.
Age of Empires II
Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior
Just trying out games I haven't experienced before brings me joy
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Breath of the Wild
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Only one thing will bring me joy, and I fear I may have fucked up my chances at ever getting it. My games only provide a temporary respite from the howling of the void in my soul.
Yakuza 5
Stardew Valley
Does SFM count as a game? It's just software, right?
What's that?
I thought you weren't memeing and were saying Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster on the PS1 was one of your 3 games. It's great.
For the record, she never said anything like that about books. She said that she herself only kept so many and they were the ones she liked the most. Roasties on twitter got bent out of shape about it.
KYS, my nigger.
But all of my games are digital now. The whole point of konmari is to reduce the amount of physical stuff in your home, isn't it?
What's the deal with this lady, and why does she want me to get rid of my games?
Based Nintendo poster
i guess
Japanese lady that is an expert at organizing and reducing clutter. Internet dipshits hate her because they think she hates books, and she chooses, of her own free will, to act traditionally female.
Love Live SIF
Fallout NV
Jordan Peterson for hipsters
AKA "clean your living space and stop jerking off all day"
Yu-Gi-Oh Link Evolution
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Left 4 Dead 2 and the boys I play with Marie-sama
your friends aren't games baka desu senpai
Then why do they always play themselves
Came here to post this.
Source on people getting triggered by her remarks about books?
Dragon's Dogma
Final Fantasy VII
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Post Marie's pantyhose
Dwarf Fortress
I don't really play anything else anyways so I'm okay with it
three copies of roller coaster tycoon please
I’d give up all games if I could creampie Konmari-chan everyday
Dark Arisen
Kingdom Come
Last of Us
Days Gone
B-but you bring me joy, Marie-san...
Kingdom Come
Animal Crossing
Super Mario Maker
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Diablo 2, I have a grindfest/timesuck
Minecraft, I have a sandbox
Starcraft 1, I have a competitive game
Dark souls 3
Castlevania Sotn
YS ark of Naphistim