Is Scorbunny going to get the Primarina treatment?

Is Scorbunny going to get the Primarina treatment?

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god I wish

Why is chicken chan so happy?

That's a pokemon?

So sad

This is a good image.

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>tomboy grows into beauty

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I agree. It's so funny.

it's not a tomboy if it has a dick

They perfectly captured the father's face.

The image on the top right actually makes me sad

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/vp/ can be pretty alright sometimes

probably not because Delphox

anyway Primarina is a really solid design, she's the cutest starter

Did they change Primarina?

>87.5% male

look at her top eyelid
she is not happy

she's retarded, she doesn't know what sadness is

>got a female Fennekin first go
I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts.

That's the face the MC always has. Literally when people die or when legendaries go on a rampage, they still keep that face.

This is a refrence to an actually video isnt it?

Unfortunately, except there was no pokemon and the dad looked just as angry.

You haven't seen it? It's legit cringe. Though, I actually don't get why exactly. I chalk it up to incels or whatever flavor of the month buzzword we're using now.

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get a clue tranny

hey there's a reason you have a containment board.

go away.

>the pain and suffering in his eyes
every time

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Poor Stone Cold doesn't deserve this

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Now I know what it's like to look at a man who'd died on the inside.

imagine wasting 20 years lovingly rising your son just to see him willingly turn himself into a dickless disabled degenerate

This meme doesn't work when the line was always feminine.

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I can't tell if he's angry or sad

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i'd probably shoot him then myself

why does that happen anyway

The meme should have been about the first evolution



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All starters have the same low chance of being female so you can't breed new ones.

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Poor man...

probably so you can't breed them easily, making them "rarer" until you just get a fucking ditto

I don't really get the point, if you had the intent to get a female to breed it you'd just restart your file until you got one, or just play for an hour until you get to the route with dittos on it

vidya for this feel?

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spec ops the line

Fucking why?

>the veins in his hand
>the mother's initial recoiling
this video legitimately gets better each time i see it

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>I was always a girl!
typical tranny bs

He can't even look straight at his son.

why are we still here? just to suffer?

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You can save it my friends, it's all yours

he doesn't have one anymore

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Is there an original video of this with sound?

The mouth smiles, but the eyes frown

Neither can he

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hes in the twilight zone between the two. basically his brains traveling through the warp

i told you fags that traps and trannies are just 2 sides of the same coin

stupid bigot


>even faggy traps dads love them

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>that dreaded pony show
I fucking knew it

Nah man trannies fucking hate traps

i would fuck his trap daughter in the ass, but i feel his pain

anime was a mistake


Someone post the Dr. Phil webm.

Maybe you're just that shit

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They tell it to themselves to feel less gay.

How many fucking times





sure buddy

if you are a guy and want to fuck a trap which is a dude
its gay
you brainlet

i wan't to fuck that t-girl while her father watches

traps have been proven to literally be more hetero than even actual girls

You're only attracted to it because of the dick. You're gay.

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How many fucking times
Being an homo=okay
Being a fag=not okay
The difference is that one of them is an annoying SJW and the other isn’t


the dick is only for flavor, it's not an integral part of the attractivity

But you wouldn't like it without the dick. Therefore you're gay.

>liking this 10/10 is the same as wanting a hairy man

You're pathetic. Im so fucking straight its unreal. Your the faggot.

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>I like my men dressed up as girls
>no bro I'm totally straight haha

no, it only makes something I already like even more arousing

Yeah but you only like it because of the dick. So you're gay.
>Dicks make things more arousing
Thanks for admitting you're gay my man.

>But you wouldn't like it without the dick

You can ignore the dick, retard

>Being an homo=okay
Lolno fag

If the dick arouses you, that means you're gay

>i find men more arousing than women
Bisexual at the very least

it's like the difference between a girl and the same girl in a bunny suit

it's not gay if it looks like a girl

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At that point you should just fap to regular girls and not weird uglier girls.

Homos are fine. But if you like traps, you are a regular faggot.

it's gay if it has a dick

>had/have crossdressing fetish
>online trannies almost talk me into thinking i'm trans
>figured out from other places it was just a fetish and not wroth building my life around
>tfw in the in a neighboring time line I'm that disappointment

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It's only gay if you like the dick. What if you fuck the trap in spite of, not because of it?

but i only like dick when it's attached to a girl

Is this how the old gods rip through the fabric of reality to seep into our dimension?
Trannies really are slaneesh cultists in the end

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would you rather fuck a girl with a dick or a man with a vagina? following your logic the latter would be the non-gay option

Listen up you cunts. Do you find pic related attractive? Yes? Ofcourse you do, because its a fucking girl, ok?

How is it gay, it literally makes no sense to me. Ive only ever had one trap gf but she was so feminine, i miss her.

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Did I step into a portal to 2016?

that's one ugly woman lol

Trannies are the fucking worst because they push the "Oh your a girl cuz you like cute boys in dresses uwu x3." It's actually dangerous how quickly transgenders tell others that they too are trans.

can't we all just stand united against the tranny menace? 40% of them may already be down but they're not any less dangerous....

If I'm being honest it took another tranny to talk me out of it

>I've been dead for 35 years.

good job, user

did he tell you how fucking bad cutting your dick off fell?

A man with a vagina is also gay
You’re supposed to be fucking women with vaginas to be called straight, I don’t know what’s so hard about this

what made you figure out it doesn't go beyond being a fetish?

Thanos had a hard life.

every time

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m8 if the person you fuck was born with a penos and not a vagoo
no matter how pretty or ugly they are
its gay
im sorry you are too thick to understand

his mile looks very genuine after he high fives with his wife. another example of Yea Forums being autistic and not capable of reading emotions.

two things opposite of each other can't both be entirely gay

no, we don't, you fucking retard.

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Ewwww a jew.


So if this cutie asked to be your girlfriend, and you say yes, that makes you gay?

Do you even know what gay means?

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traps are honorary women

i dun get it

Looks like a malnourished gypsy with 4mm thick layer of makeup on her face

>so if cutie (man)
yes, it's gay no matter how girl-like they look

Look at that masculine jaw structure and cheek bones

she is not happy because she is not with her beloved husband, me

Yes, if knew she had a dick
I’m not attracted to him because he has a penis. I want to put my penis into a vagina, being that close to a dick that isnt mine during sexy times would turn me off

Differentfag here.
I like traps but that guy looks ugly.

I found the ultimate trap. No way you can call me gay for liking pic related. Imagine fucking her uhhhhhhhh

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I’d say my girlfriend having a penis is a dealbreaker, yes
Not disgusted or anything, but maybe I wanna have a baby in the future

I have a question for you
Is it gay to fuck a man?


you wish tranny, that's a girl

You just ignore the dick bro, its easy to do

It was super simple, I stopped looking at the porn and taking part in the behavior as often and the thoughts started going away. Sex drive can override logic pretty easily.

>but maybe I wanna have a baby in the future
then you better make sure to have any potential gf go through a medical checkup and yourself too of course.

>Is it gay to fuck a man?
Yes ofcourse. Whats your point

Being transgender is nothing more than a link taken to the extreme. And with every kink it's always poorly done/not even close to reality.
If any person who wants to be a girl and hasn't done hormones yet, I bet of you please, get help or wait. Going through this barbaric self-mutilation will only leave you feeling suicidal because you WILL look like a freak. I'd fucking kill to be a cute girl but I recognize that it's not realistic.

Maybe one day we will get full Android bodies to jump our brains to. And maybe then I can actually support you. Until then, you guys look like fucking monsters.

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...not really. I’ll have to be putting it in his but because she doesn’t have a puss, and if I fuck him good enough, he’ll cum on me or himself. That’s gay, user. Contrary to what some will tell you, a hole is not simply a hole. If it was, what’s stopping you from blindfolding yourself and fucking a willing gay man in the ass? After all, you could just pretend it’s a woman.

Well traps moisterise, they shave, they are soft and when you fuck them they moan just like a girl.

A bloke is a bloke, its a turn off, im not into men

it's kind of sickening that cutting your dick in half and turning it inside out then calling it a vagina is becoming "normal"
how did this happen

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Primarina doesnt even deserve the hate it gets.
Like majority of waifumons have 85% male chance and nobody gives a shit about them.
Hell Primarina isnt even in the top 50 of pixiv r18 pokemon art based on percentage if it has more SFW or NSFW
One drawfag autist makes lots of rotom wash porn consisting 80% of total rotom wash art in pixiv

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There are actually two distinct groups of trannies.
There's the ones who will tell someone who's just fetishizing that they're just fetishizing because they absolutely hate all the trend-chasing fetish-trannies that have basically taken over the demographic and are making them look even worse and even more degenerate.

Then there are those aforementioned fetish-trannies that are part of the trend, they become trans due to convincing themselves that their fetish for traps/dressing cute meant they were trans because they wanted to belong to this hip new trend where they get to be a brave victim fighting against oppression and discrimination. THESE assholes are the trannies that try to actively make other people think they are trans and even go so far as to try to do the same thing to children (in fact, these are the fucking disgusting freaks who will tell you that the younger you start transitioning the better so we have to start talking to kinds about being trans as young as possible when they're 5-10 years old and vulnerable to doing basically anything an adult tells them to do).

The fakes/trend chasers are the majority of the demographic now and make these big pushes to convince others to become trans so they'll have more people and feel less abnormal/fucked up. There's a LOT of hate for them from the first group that weren't following a trend.

We're discussing traps, not pokemon, faggot

I think so many people are in denial about trapis being gay, is because they think it is wrong to like it and so rationalize it to being straight.
You can love all the traps you want, it's just gay and that's okay