New Cloud Sucks

Bring back the original skinny, sickly looking design. It conveys classic FF7 Cloud's personality and what he's gone through. The new design isn't 1997 enough. It lacks grit.

I see no pain in the new Cloud's eyes. He's not distant enough; no determination, no trauma. He runs the risk of giving off a bad main-character-anime vibe and the voice acting isn't going to help in that. New Cloud oozes warmth and vitality. This isn't how Cloud was originally. He's so nourished and healthy looking. It doesn't fit the grim setting of Midgar. He's less believable.

The last thing you want to do is turn the original 1997 PlayStation 1 Cloud into some clean, onions drinking twink looking K-Pop artist with well conditioned hair. Cloud needs to fit the dystopian setting; a world of deep conflict and Strife. His appearance must reflect this.

I guess it's going to come down to personal aesthetics or subjective perspective.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>t. have never actually played the original game

It's a lot better, good on them, that's basically the perfect Cloud

Shut up, bitch.

What is going on with his left arm on the 2019 shot?

Yeah the new design is a tad too pretty boy, but the 2015 design got a lot of negative feedback, so it makes sense it was changed unfortunately

>and Strife
i see what you did there

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Left has more of an Advent Children vibe. If you think that the left is better please turn in your Hot Topic membership card because you are too old for it now.

its so funny how Yea Forums hated noctis for looking like a feminine fuckboy but this cloud is being praised. retardation at its finest, fuck this ambiguous lesbian and bring back cloud from the movies, that cloud is 100x better than this faggot

Atrophy from spending a year in a mako chamber

onions drinking*

>If you think that the left is better please turn in your Hot Topic membership card because you are too old for it now.

The funny thing is that Hot Topic is hardly an gothic/emo/scene store now.
Its mostly just pop culture and anime now.

>both pictures are the same model with different lighting

new cloud is advent children cloud

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Why'd he get more chinky?

Screenshot this post. Cloud was changed so his crossdressing scene would sell more copies.
Who am I kidding, everyone already knew that.

I didn't mean anything by it.

Get ready for lockdown.

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>already 4 years gap between trailers

is this another Nomura development hell masterpiece?

except I did

this anime style doesn't work in with photorealism

they should've used toon graphics

I have always hated Advent Children and all the other FF7 spinoff shit like Dirge of Cerberus. Therefore I like the one on the right more

they both look like feminine fuccbois, just the one on the left has cooler looking shadows on his face from the lighting

Kadaj is in FF7R

left looks more like a jpop boyband member.
I mean they both do, but left does more so.

I don't even know who that is

>Its mostly just pop culture and anime now.

It's pretty much alway been that, as far back as I can remember. It's the only reason I ever went into there, to occasionally buy a Mega Man or Dumb and Dumber shirt.

New one looks cuter

What in the fuck is a kadaj?

I don't mind the body change, but I preferred the face and hair on the left. Looked more realistic and anime.

Right just looks too AC. Boring. If you are going to do a realistic remake, make it realistic.

New Cloud looks less like male Lightning and more like himself

new Cloud looks disgusting, i can't stand his Marie Rose face

left looks feminine, but it's nowhere near that bad

Would it even be possible to make Cloud's spiky anime hair look realistic but not completely stupid.

The fuck are you on about? Right looks even more like Advent Childern than left.

Right looks too cartoony and fat. Left seemed more gritty and realistic. Retards complained too much and ruined the artistic integrity, good job.

Every FF design is awful except Black Mage.
t. never played a single one

No thanks, I don't want that gay emo cloud.
Leave that brooding shit to noctis and lightning.

Looks too buff now, isn't he supposed to look like an auschwitz survivor?

Ignorance is bliss, but soon you shall know pain

there's some visually appealing good stuff out there even for those who've never played the games.

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Nomura didn't play FF7

I want to fuck Cloud


I hope you don’t mean that guy

He's supposed o look like a woman.

This. He is supposed to be prettier.

thats why i said that the movie ver of cloud is better both cloud on that picture is from the remake. reading comprehension do you have it user??

Shut up faggot.

You can really see the Nomura with his fucking million belts

FFX/X-2 are prequels to FF7

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>it's another Yea Forums hates on updated designs in remakes with cherrypicked screenshots to back up arguments
We just went through this same shit with RE2

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More classic perhaps?

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Everyone but Claire looked great on re2, same goes for FF7, everyone is looking great so far.

>I've Never Played the Original Games, Only the Spinoffs: The Post

The new version looks fine. They both do.
They both absolutely do not resemble the original in any way though.
Pic related looks better than it did back in the day too, since it's taken from an emulator.

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How would you feel if they change the original crossdressing to cloud just dressing up in lightning's 13-1 clothes and wears a pink wig?

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SE management sure knows how to put him through the wringer and make him work on like 3 projects at a time while stealing half his staff to work on other games.

are they gonna include the scene where cloud is getting cucked?

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Please keep your incel fetishes to yourself

Finally. Thank you.

Cloud's suppose to have mako poisoning early on, he shouldn't be so buff

2019 Cloud looks like a /fit/ girl, which is pretty much perfect.

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I’m in for some hot lesbian action.


>more complex shadows
>better textures
>more atmospheric in general

>Nomura himself has admitted he can't focus on one project at a time and has dev ADHD
>i-it's SE's fault!
Gentlemen, how do we fix delusional Nomurafags?

Lightning is too masculine.

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jesus fucking christ OP, way to out yourself as a side-game playing secondary that hasn't touched FF7.
Cloud looks great

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Will they call Avalanche what they are: Terrorists?
Or will the game never use the word, not even once?

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I’m just glad the game looks good, if Square-Enix can pull this off with the rest, we will have a special gem in video games.

Literally nobody says anything about him looking sickly in the actual game. It'd make sense if he did, but the VII devs never realized it.

>the voice acting in the trailer

Wow, it's like I'm back in the late 90s/ early 00s, where the voice acting budget was about $10. It sounds like fucking shit.

cloud with a dress when

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So many faggots are just ignoring the actual 90s concept art and models of a strong, confident Cloud.

The left looks more sickly, withered and Advent Children-y. It's so obvious that if I wasn't on Yea Forums I'd think this thread was bait. They should make him more buff, even. I want tree trunk arms.

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Yes, if it quickly degraded to a mop of hair after rigorous activity.

Eng dubs are always shit

What the fuck guys... I thought Japan was based..?

>Nomura admits to not liking the old design and changes him to be prettier and younger
>everyone is happy because everyone complained about the old design
>new design is better in every way
>people now like the old design
you people are hopeless

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Figure it out retard

If there were ever a cringey, adolescent memory to keep Cloud up at night, this it it.

Basically. The emo faggot Cloud from Advent Children replaced their memory of how Cloud in-game was a cocky, brash asshole at the start. THEN he sank down into self-loathing as you began to explore how Cloud was a failure and THEN Cloud became a big god damn hero and had sex. Cloud regressed in AC because the writers were shit and he HAD to regress back to being an angsty homo for the sake of MUH SEPHIROTH (AGAIN) movie plotline. Cloud conquered his self-loathing and defeated Sephiroth both within and without.

that's not wrong but it wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't constantly fighting for resources
>FFXIII steals his team from Versus
>FFXIV steals his team from Versus
>FFXV steals his team from 0.2 and KH3
it was only after FFXV released that he no longer had any interruptions. he's admitted this in interviews

his magnum opus yes, he does it on purpose for anyone wondering

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Ignore how SE stopped him from working on VersusXIII by making him fix the clusterfuck that was XIII

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He looks like a kpop guy

New cloud just looks like an even shittier Prompto

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Still dumb.

no, Prompto is an even shitter Prompto. he's Versus 13 design was perfect.

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Like that's probably the most perfect Cloud, non of that Advent Child trash

People forgot that he wasn't some edge-lord faggot Square liked to represent him in all other media (that was trash btw), he was actually a very traditional jrpg protagonist in the end and that was the twist. He hold back his feelings and acted cooler than he was the entire game because he wasn't what he thought he was.
Fucking normie idiots got brain washed by kingdom hearts'n shiit to believe his character to be shadow the hedgehog.

Nah I like that they beefed him up but hate the retarded AC hair

Imagine the shitty framerate you'd get with the left

>the objectively best modern Cloud design is exclusive to a Nintendo party game

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His first moments in midgar are being fucked up and delirious and tifa running into him at the train station and not knowing who he is until she imprints into him that he's cloud.
You retard.

Except his final design is the versus design just with less gay hair you retard

nomura already replaced the shitty 2008 design with the roen outfit designs on 2011 and kept them still in 2013, then naora made prompto look less gay because he's supposed to look like a young verstael

you're fucking stupid

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i'm not talking about the clothes i'm talking about his actual face. old design he was clearly japanese whereas his new design makes him look more white. Tabata changed a few characters designs because he thought it would help the game appeal to westeners, and if he had the oppurtunity he clearly would've changed all the designs

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I was never into the idea of a remake with with super advanced and detailed graphics to begin with. They would miss the essence of the original no matter what they did (and I don't really trust Square to make a good action-driven combat).

Still, I think the one on the left looks appropriate in some ways. It has at least a somber look to it, like it's supposed to? Whereas the new design straight up looks like a pretty asian girl. This is probably the most androgynous face I've seen from any JRPG ever and that's saying a lot.

In fact, I feel like nu-Cloud reminds of something I fapped to once, like a Hollywood celebrity or maybe even a porn star. And that's the problem. When I look at that face I want to kiss it, and I fucking hate it for that because I'm not into traps. I can't take it serious that this is supposed to be a dark, brooding super soldier with a mental disorder.

There are so many extremely conflicting aspects packed into a single character, that it borders on clownish.

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damn nigga cloud looking ripped for a fuccboi

>Cloud with different shaders and minor tweaks to his outfit
>Smoother, crispier hair
The 2019 design looks way better, faggot. No one cares about your opinions.

Seriously? More like fat looking, where the fuck are his veins?
t. /fit/izen


Can someone explain to me why all FF characters have to look like Japanese porcelain dolls every single time. Why can't we have cartoony looking characters like their OG designs? The only time Cloud looked like Cloud, was in KH Final Mix and the new Smash. Same goes for Tifa and Aerith. They both looked their best in the KH games.

hey Barry

Man the Yakuza Royal Family was kino

Its so weird, especially after Smash got him so fucking right

Its literally the same design, lit and unlit.

So she cucked him with Zack? What a slut.

yeah it's a real shame. in case you're wondering, top and middle right is now the bald guy from the previous post. it's Gladio's father, expect in Nomura's version he actually looked like Gladio

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everyone tells him he's muscular you dumb retard

Do we know if Steve Burton is voicing Cloud? He's done a good job so far.

If he's too skinny people would just complain how could he lift sword that huge.

He just looks like Link wearing overdesigned version of clouds clothes

Holy shit, boomers and contrarians are so delusional.
Yeah so much essence bro. Fuck off. Advent Children really rots your mind.

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Maybe because the rest of the art style looks really gritty? It's hard imagine a cartoony Midgar, for example. I dunno, I just feel like FFVII should've been left alone with its original graphics. There was something that got lost with Advent Children and Crisis Core that will never come back. Maybe it's the fact that low-poly graphics leave more to the imagination, and all you have other than that are 2D portraits of characters.

But then there's this faggot Maybe the 3D mesh is the same, but his whole look is clearly different. Shaders don't exist in a vacuum separate from the overall design.

The updated Cloud looks like a female K-pop singer, and it's especially the area around the eyes that's throwing me off.

Did you just forget that Nomura didn't even know he was going to direct the remake until it was announced?

He looks great

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It feels like people here are ignoring the fact that, unlike the original version, Cloud can have different expressions here. Surprising! I know... WHAT A CONCEPT!

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They fucked up.

hey fgt don't copy my pic

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Fucking kill yourselves already.

'twas a coincidence. 30 secs apart.

Are you retarded?
Early Cloud is a chad because hes fucked up and thinks hes zack and hoppped up on mako.
Mid cloud is the dip and late cloud is the power of friendship.

Right works better in the honey bee Inn.

Just look at his hairstyle and tell me again how this was not a jpop singer originally I dare you motherfucker.

I'll let you off easy this once...

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>different expressions
Which all look too tidy. I don't see a single wrinkle on that model. Although, that probably has to do with Japan's obsession as a whole to make characters appeal to younger audiences. It's like they're scared shitless of old, rough-looking masculine men.

>I don't see a single wrinkle on that model
Hes 21 user

Fuck off, the new is better.

2015 Cloud was literally perfect design and best thing about the trailer. Why'd they have to go mess with it?

>new Cloud sucks

He actually LOOKS like Cloud for a start. Their beta idea was a mess.

>Mfw I was too young to understand this scene and just kept coming in and talking to Tifa to fuck with them

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I feel like most of these dipshits dont realize clouds previous line of work would give him muscle.

>I see no pain in the new Cloud's eyes
Did you even see the eyes in the original Cloud?

>It's like they're scared shitless of old, rough-looking masculine men.
Yeah aside from the fact that a lot of their games have badass older dudes that are rough as fuck for party members

shouldn't cloud have glowy eyes because of the mako saturation? it's brought up several times

Aerithfags calling Tifa a slut for this scean is just as retarded as Tifafags calling Aerith a slut for selling flowers

play the games and find out

This. I prefer that he look like his original self.

who cares he's still a shit garbage character

>Mid cloud is the dip and late cloud is the power of friendship.
More like Late Cloud is a lovable dork who is in the process of finding his cofidence for real for the first time (e.g. how after a little push from his friends he gathers his resolve in the submarine) and peaks in the end of the game where Cloud can finally willpower-reverse the Jenova-cell connection he had with Sephiroth and turns the tables against him by tracking Sephiroth's cowardly hiding self that's blockading Holy and/or the Lifestream.

It's just a FF15 character dyed blonde.

He looks like young Johnny Depp here.

Which is thanks to the power of friendship

>making him fix the clusterfuck that was XIII
Clearly he didn't do a very good job of that.

And thats a good thing

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Context of the scene? Never played 7.

after seeing how BotW crossing scene went down so well they had to make him more twink like so they could top it with theirs

He lived within a testtube for 4-5 years though. But MAKO and JENOVA-cells might have given him a vitality boost without even trying. Mako escpacially, which is basically the most pure form of vitality itself.

>people defending the left design now

compare the trailers, and then kill yourselves. the new design looks fucking miles better than that sickly bullshit

I mean, maybe?

That guy's called Johnny, and he has a crush on Tifa. To quote the wiki: "Because of poor translation in the English version of the game, Johnny's origins appear conflicting. In the English version of the game, he seems to claim to be a childhood friend of Tifa and Cloud's from Nibelheim (even though his family has never heard of the place) and also claims to have been in SOLDIER with Cloud. In actuality Johnny calls Cloud "childhood friend" not because they were childhood friends, but because Cloud was Tifa's childhood friend. Johnny's lines in Costa del Sol, "Hey, is it really you? We were in SOLDIER, and childhood friends before that. You were such a playboy. And a $#&^ murderer!!" should, in fact, translate to "Oh, and you are...? It can't be! You're that ex-SOLDIER, childhood friend, and sexy playboy! A, and... a murderer!"".
He lived in the Slums same as Tifa, they find each other at the other side of the world so they decide to catch up on old times. Leave it to shitty 90s translation and Yea Forums fags to imply cucking at all.

The process yes. But him being able to overpower Sephiroth's will and even use it to spiritually track him down and seperating his spirit from his body without ever having shown the ability to do so previously was awesome and completely on Cloud himself.

You're bait is low Aerithfag.

Cloud looks awful, but Aeris takes the cake. Bitch looks like a tranny

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uh? I'm not implying anything on either side of whatever the hell you're thinking. I simply didn't play 7.

It wasn't Nomura. It was just the vXIII staff that got trimmed to assist. That's why Nomura just churned out DS and mobile games with small staff during that time period along with writing the vXIII script.
They got cucked a second time when 14 bombed and every single team got re-purposed into ARR development. And then midway through that vXIII was changed to XV. Then KH3 got approved, then FFVIIR got approved.
Then Tabata took over FFXV and scrapped the entire script and battle system multiple times, and couldn't finish luminous which resulted in every Square project moving to UE4 which cucked everyone again.

Considering what kadaj and his bros are, it wouldn't be surprising if they do show up at some point as the mumbling weirdos they would be at that point

It's just some Aerithfag who's turbo butthurt.

Mako showers were already used to heighten physical attributes.
Cloud was just a slow taker to it

The tube probably kept all his muscles in top shape

Square literally told him after the announce trailer (original one) that he was directing FF7r

His actual face is literally the nomura design, naora only trinmed his hair to make it less gay, prompto didnt even fucking look like your pic in the actual versus gameplay footage either

Tabata didnt change any designs, the designers changed the designs just like nomura changed the designs because he's a designer, none of the designs were changed to appeal to westerners you retard, regis already looked white and he only changed to john campling face scan because NOZUE the person in charge of the games cg since versus liked his design better

they were never yakuza and regis still has that same slicked hairstyle and suit in the final game during the flashback and noct also gets that same suit as an outfit

clarus was only changed in the movie because everyone was in that because they used a western mocap studio, hes not even in the game and character's besides regis that appear in the game have their game faces by a designer

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Ntryfags trying to push their fetish like always

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I knew it obviously wasn't going to be cucking and just Yea Forums fags forcing memes, but I was still curious what the context of the scene was. It made me even more curious with retards like sperging about it. Honestly, I thought it was something more interesting by how they were reacting.

She lives in the filthy Midgar slums. Having her shown affected by that makes sense. Meanwhile Cloud got some weird DNA-altering shit done to him. This Mako/Jenova-Cell combo treatment might actually make people look "pretty" or something for all we know.

he's better than cloud

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>Cloud was turned into a dyke
>Aeris into a tranny

>they were never yakuza
Ah here we go again, hi Barry. Been a few months since the two of us last had this same argument, huh?

there was no versus script in 2010, Luminous became a finished engine in 2016 before the game released, all combat noct does in 2011 and 2013 is in final XV

eat a dick faggot.

Aerithfags have been posting shit like that for years trying to imply that Tifa is a slut while Aerith is some pure maiden.

His face looks too pudgy, like you see on a toddler and not by a young man. Also his mouth is small as fuck which helps to make him look even more like a oversize baby. All in all the characters look just awful

Aerisfags trying to deflect from the fact that Aeris sells her body to old man

There's something really weird about her entire jaw/chin area.

> the conjecture

They were never yakuza and the very article you posted was literally proof that they aren't

also versus never had a script written in 2010 either that was proven fake bullshit

No. Everyone should be fit.

>living in the slums makes you grow a man jaw and chin
That she gets fucked up teeth might make sense, but why would I want shit like that in my FF game?

I'm really worried for Tifa, pls Nomura don't fuck her up

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I had this exact same argumetn with you multiple times, fuck you if you think I'm gonna go look for all the info and pictures YET AGAIN for you to simply keep spouting your bullshit. Last (You) you get from me.

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Is that that fat german autist

I'm sure he doesn't want to, but who knows what they might try and make him do.

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Nomura had since 2005 to come up with at least a scenario but he couldn't do anything more with just a skeleton crew. It's pretty obvious he had at least a story by 2010, they'd even designed Ardyn at that point. But that all went up the wall when Square decided to make Versus a mainline game AND on next-gen.

Suddenly everything was changing and Noctis and Stella were suddenly childhood friends, Ravus got a new outfit and blonde hair. XV is what fucked Versus up, Nomura had a plan and then he had to change the plan. Blame Square's president, not the directors. Although Tabata is far less competent than Nomura, recent dev interview even admitted the guy was highly efficient, then you look at what Tabata did and well...wasn't too good, but it's not his fault he isn't as good as Nomura, he was put in a shitty position, so was Nomura.

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It's Ross taken over by his fungus overlords

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no it's mold.

It's not just that, it's that his whole skin is immaculate, and has no real prominent features. Leon is also quite young but he clearly looks masculine, unlike nu-Cloud where you could put his head on a female body and still fit perfectly.

There's no sense in denying this sort of anime art style can a male character look extremely feminine when they're transposed to a hyper-realistic 3D environment. It especially looks jarring when you can even see their skin pores and sweat drops (see the last shot in the trailer for a massive close-up on Cloud's face).
At that point it goes beyond just male characters just looking feminine, it almost touches on uncanny and gives this almost android look to their facial structure.

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Tired of people delusionally trying to blame Versus failure on Nomura because they can't face the reality that it's more complicated than that, really childlike mindset there.

And people trying to fool themselves into believing that Versus never existed as more than a concept to cope with the fact the story will likely never see the light of day. It was a reality, it was a story Nomura wanted to tell and he was cucked out of it by Square's higher ups mandating he remove all the death/reaper shit and cut it down to one game. Why do you think he fell into a deep depression after being taken off the project, the guy clearly had a story he wanted to tell but he was met with obstacles at every turn.

Fuck Square Enix and fuck Wada.

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>not purple
Come on, you had one job

Do you remember CGI Cloud? Crisis Core Cloud? Advent Children Cloud? Noctis?

Dont be stupid.
Hyper-realistic touches on stylized characters has been a thing since pre-rendered art first existed.
Now we can finally have all that with the bells and whistles in game and you act like your the end all of what a ps1 jrpg character should or shouldnt look like especially compared to a character from fucking resident evil, which also had pretty boy wesker you dip.

You have shit taste and shouldn't be in charge of anything because you cant even tell why leon actually looks great in the remake.

It's Patrice Désilets and Assassin's Creed all over again

he bought?

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The salt this brings Aerithfags is real

Just say it's a manjaw like all the other limp dicked weebs with shit taste

You fucks complained about how he looked so they changed it.
Devs should never listen to you fucks cuz every time they change it, "WTF it was literally perfect the way it was before!"
You guys make me sick.
Fuck you.

You were btfo then and you're btfo now
fuck off you versusfag retard

no you stupid cunt it's not a manjaw it just looks deformed

Her mouth also doesnt fit the jaw at all.
Looks edited almost, or copy pasted from a smaller lower face

cloud is hot im sorry

Reminder , aka Barry, is currently evading a ban


I mean, a Nomura version of XV would've probably been better but what we saw at E3 2010 was the last of Nomura's actual vision.The 2006 trailer was like a rough concept, not everything was fleshed out but it looked cool and got everyone hyped, similar to the secret movie in KH1 with Roxas.

The 2010 trailer was when things began to take shape and is the closest Versus XIII got to being an actual game.

E3 2013 was when it was just a dead husk, Nomura had already left, the stuff they'd cobbled together for the trailer was just old Versus cutscenes mixed with that leviathan sequence that looked fake as fuck. So much false advertising in that trailer I swear. They just needed something to show.

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She's also a half-Cetra.

They didn't have a story in 2010, Ferrari even said when he designed gentiana she had no story yet, she only had one by may 2013

ardyn was designed in dec 2010 then finalized design in january 2011

noct and stella being childhood friends was a change that happened by 2013 XV, they were just stated to have met for the first time in versus, Versus was never a real fucking game it was just a bunch of loose concepts that were never coming toghther, the only reason any of that still exists is because it was rebooted as XV and finished as XV, Nomura is the most incompetent director ever while Tabata saved and restructured the entire team so they could actually make a game out of a bunch of random unconnected loose concepts. Hazmer never said Nomura was efficient he literally said nomura just plans shit in his head and has an idea of how to do things, not that he always actually did, and he further praised Tabata for his entire dev mentality while he only said nomura is a "visionry" just to be humble because he didnt want to throw nomura under the bus.

Versus didnt exist as anything more than a concept of random artwork and tech demos. Fuck off nomura cocksucking fuck

There is definitely something wrong with that entire part of her face

says the ban evader

He gas a weird babyface

>He runs the risk of giving off a bad main-character-anime vibe and the voice acting isn't going to help in that
But that's how he was, since he thinks he's Zach, who is an anime main character.

Neck yourself.

No there isn't, you been looking at Korean idols for too long.

Nomura wanted to turn XV into a musical, nothing nomura has done would be good

versus wasnt at e3 2010 you lying idiot
it was at tgs only showing noct running in leide desert and to a gas station that nomura said was going to change design

>Basically. The emo faggot Cloud from Advent Children replaced their memory of how Cloud in-game was a cocky, brash asshole at the start. THEN he sank down into self-loathing as you began to explore how Cloud was a failure and THEN Cloud became a big god damn hero and had sex. Cloud regressed in AC because the writers were shit and he HAD to regress back to being an angsty homo for the sake of MUH SEPHIROTH (AGAIN) movie plotline. Cloud conquered his self-loathing and defeated Sephiroth both within and without.
Holy shit yes. Seeing them un-Emo cloud in the new trailer is one of the few heartening things I've seen out of Squeenix in a long time. I didn't even hate AC, but even there though they had him regress from the point was STILL that Cloud got stronger and found the inner strength to defeat and move beyond the ghosts of the past. Even AC for all its massive flaws didn't end a grimderp one bit. FF7 itself wasn't some edgefest either. for fucks sake

Attached: Victory Fanfare.gif (200x150, 2.13M)

>bring back cloud from the movies
AC Cloud looks way more like a fag than this new design. At least this one has muscles.

Her face is a combination of Korean idols and trannies tho Just weirdly put together

Listen Barry, stop making excuses to cope with the fact that Versus XIII was more than a concept. It may not have been a game but there was a vision, you're just lying to yourself if you thought there wasn't one. We all know you were a massive Versus fan and it hit you hard when it was cancelled, but stop being so damn delusional and accept the reality.

These characters obviously did have a story, but we know when Ferrari was designing Gentiana everything was undergoing major rewrites and not everything had been fully fleshed out.

Nomura didn't have a game, but he did have a SCENARIO, all stories need one. Fuck Square for making him change his vision to suit their censorship rules.

Attached: DrhOdBtXgAYDKjg.jpg (639x667, 51K)

sorry m8 but mouth region and jaw lines arent so wildly different on actual people

>Pic related looks better than it did back in the day too, since it's taken from an emulator.
Yeah, the new one doesn't capture the essence as well as that one did. Face is too babyfat round mostly.

The 2019 is still a big improvement over the 2015 though.

Attached: FF7 - Cloud Then vs Cloud Now.png (1010x707, 589K)

The original game has snowboarding, chocobo racing, cross dressing and an amusement park.
Could you honestly see the original redesign doing ANY of that?
And for that matter, I think you overestimate the "grit" of the original game. By a lot.

his face is too fat, which gives him a massive head while his body looks small and faggy

>Face is too babyfat round mostly
Thats exactly how you image looks though for cloud then

>Caring about a remake
>Caring about anything shat out by squeenix in this day and age
Why do you set yourself up for disappointment like this? Deep down you know it's going to be a shitty cinematic "press X to win" ARPG. Maybe if FFXV had tanked they would've changed course but apparently it was pretty successful so it's over, that's how FF games are going to be from now on.
Final Fantasy is dead. Move on.

The original trailer captured him a lot better. His face wasn't so chubby either. Meth Cloud over Dyke Cloud any day everyday

Nothing Nomura has directed made me doubt him so I don't know why you think it would've been complete shit. He's not incompetent. Also yes it was TGS 2011, my mistake but that was the last time Versus was a thing. After that things began to change for next-gen consoles, and Tabata came onboard in 2012 to assist.

post this if he says it was just a concept

Attached: b-but Versus 13 was just a concept he said many years later to cover his own ass.png (909x632, 99K)

I love her.

Attached: 1557450111832.png (1920x1080, 1.05M)

>And for that matter, I think you overestimate the "grit" of the original game. By a lot.
This. FF7 was actually pretty bright and cheerful overall given what was at stake, and in direct contrast to FF6 where things really did end up very grim even after winning. Yeah there is some bad shit going down, and Midgar is a sort of corporate dystopia, but even there an important thing is that there is still beauty to be found, and still humans struggling to hard to build lives and get along. And even there it isn't totally destroyed. Beyond that lots of fun places and people following their dreams. The world is in fact saved, most people live. It's a hard battle and a lot of tough history, but overall it's unapologetically an optimistic game.

crisis core aerith is cuter. remake looks like 3rd world tranny.

His face is round in the art back then retard.

Attached: round.jpg (85x93, 6K)

Attached: 1178150097.png (1280x938, 981K)

When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

> he doesn’t like thai ladyboys

>left: The facade of the "confident Ex-SOLDIER 1st Class mercenary" that turned out to be fake (early parts of the game)
>right: The real self that is still trying to gain real confidence for the first time after admitting his own weakness (post-lifestream but pre-submarine)
Both are Cloud, just different moments in the story of him.

People forget about how the game had microcosms of so many different regions of the world.

Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.

Just mod it in when it comes to PC

There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh

Aeris bends over into the camera and lets you look right down her shirt, not to mention she's already showing a fair amount of cleavage. I think Tifa will be just fine.

Do you honest to God think anyone in this thread or hell, this entire board believes anything you say?

That's because she represents the empowered, alpha female, taking control of her male pet with her unrestrained sexuality and intelligence.

Attached: 40847578403_1031093e47_h.jpg (1600x900, 135K)

My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return

You're the only one coping with the fact that versus was a literal unfinished concept that never came together and was cancelled in 2012 because versus shit wasnt working, it only got turned into an actual real game when tabata was assigned to reboot it as XV

Nomura wanted to turn it into a fucking musical, there was no story in 2010, gentiana had no story yet when Ferrari designed her, there was only pieve meal concepts of versus and nothing more, you are literally in denial about this fact. There was no Versus scenario in 2010, again that was proven fake

That literally proves it was just a concept

>People forget about how the game had microcosms of so many different regions of the world.
Given what we see of vidya completion rates these days, it makes me wonder if a lot of people who comment literally only played in Midgar at all. It was the starting point of the game and took a while before you got out, but expanding out into the world and then eventually being able to travel all over the world at will was core to the game. I always used to assume that of course everyone finished games or at least got a long ways, but now in the age of Steam and console achievements it's amazing to see how many people who get a game put in like a few hours then quit forever.

I just don't get how people could focus so much on Midgar otherwise, it was a significant location sure but most of the game was beyond that. Lots of cool villages and small cities and such.

I always felt like FF7 was the perfect representation of how you have to stay optimistic even if you walking into hell.
Barrets monologue about the shiny golden wire of hope didnt help.

Imagine being this silly

My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely

I generally don't like this art style, so I'm not sure what your point is.

>Dont be stupid
Why? Because I have a different opinion that makes you butthurt? Don't be a bitch.

>Hyper-realistic touches on stylized characters has been a thing since pre-rendered art first existed
Irrelevant. That doesn't mean it's good, or the particular way that FFVIIR does it is good.

>Now we can finally have all that with the bells and whistles in game and you act like your the end all of what a ps1 jrpg character should or shouldnt look like
Yes, I have an opinion. Sue me, cunt.

>especially compared to a character from fucking resident evil, which also had pretty boy wesker
There's a difference between a "pretty boy" and an androgynous doll. Besides, I was specifically comparing it to the specific art style in RE2, not some other RE game. How convenient of you to try to shift into an unrelated example in an attempt to muddle the argument.

>You have shit taste and shouldn't be in charge of anything
How adorable.

>because you cant even tell why leon actually looks great in the remake
But I did? Leon has prominent features unlike Cloud, and he isn't immaculate. That's what I said.
He has defined eyebrows, cheekbones, nose, chin and bags under his eyes. His entire bone structure looks like that of a male's, even if he's still attractive. The problem with Cloud is that he looks artificial in comparison, even more so because everything else around him looks realistic.

But what's that got to do with anything in the first place? My argument wasn't even about how Leon "looks great". I said Cloud looked feminine and almost uncanny, and used Leon from RE2R as a *comparison*. Try to keep up.

Attached: 34636646.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

>dat chin
this makes me laugh

Attached: 1557443446826.jpg (1885x1080, 384K)

KH3 is the utmost dogshit ever created so you clearly have nomuras asshole strapped directly to your mouth, even nomura said that he considers himself bad at managing others which is why he has co-directors to do the heavy lifting for him

It wasn't tgs 2011 it was tgs 2010

Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

It looks fine to me maybe a bit gay with that soiboy face but other than that is good enough

He's blatantly lying to himself and others when he says that Versus XIII was nothing more than a concept. But that's his coping mechanism, he can't let himself believe that Versus XIII was a reality and it could've happened, so he vilifies Nomura and tries construct a narrative to the contrary.

I'm not some blind fanboy who thinks it was 100% realized or anything but to say it was just a vague concept after at least 5 years of planning is just pure idiocy, and very disingenuous. The game was a quarter complete on the PS3, and at the very least the scenario was finished, voice actors even said they had scripts so that existed in some form too. That's the truth of it. Barry's "facts" won't change that.

This what you tell yourself Barry, because it must really hurt knowing deep down it was more than an unfinished concept, so you lie to others to make yourself feel better.

But you know a lot of people have gotten smart to your bs so I wouldn't bother. Go cry in a corner about your dead game and accept that.

Attached: FF26.jpg (1024x768, 196K)

>cloud actually looks like cloud for once
>boomers sperging because he doesn't look like pic related
God, I fucking hate boomers

Attached: F7D6A6EC-60E0-4B3D-8C11-BFB96FA00BF5.jpg (256x146, 25K)

Does this look like what you described at all, OP? Atleast play the original game, retard.

Attached: 1557456554096.png (1271x805, 1.18M)

>another 10 years of Barry's autism simply because Nomura is involved in FF7R
fucking lol

cool story bro how does it feesls ?

Attached: 1435333836159533.gif (652x562, 285K)

Unf that Tifa

Attached: big yam.jpg (2250x3000, 474K)

>i dont like anime designs
Then why are you playing squeenix games again?

And its not the defining features that make leon look great retard, he could look like absolute shit even with everything you said. Its the material based rendering and things like subsurface scattering that give his skin actual texture.
That combined with superb (although funny at times between rooms) lighting is why leon looks good

Aren't you technically talking about a dead game as well?

Are the nips, right? Does she have a manjaw?

Attached: WHITO PIGGU GO HOME.png (768x988, 537K)

>complain about trannies
>dev listen
>now men are the trannies
Monkey paw at work

I'm excited about seeing best cloud!

Attached: 1252923825397.jpg (400x600, 20K)

I'm looking forward to Don Corneo's mansion.

imagining the mods

Where does he hide the sword when hes in a dress?

she always had one

She have stronger jaw then cloud so kinda yes BUT it doesn't look bad at least for me

he looks better now and looks like he could actually wield his sword and not look like a holocaust oven dodger.

I kinda agree with you, the first time I saw screenshot of Squall in 98 like pic related I though it was a tomboy girl, I'm not against anime character design but as a kid it was difficult to understand at the beginning.

Attached: Character-Select-Squall-Leonhart.png (660x330, 213K)

>I generally don't like this art style
Exactly. The problem resides on you, not the game.

Attached: 1555234155598.jpg (420x560, 30K)

Looking forward to modding in an even better Cloud design OP deal with it.

Attached: CLOUD.jpg (927x1200, 228K)

Not necessarily, but the rest of the features are mis-matched enough to make that the biggest visible issue at a glance even though her mouth size and nose placements are just as bad.

Well it's obviously a dead game, Versus XIII=/=XV, a lot was changed and it really only resembles the original product in appearance and vague story beats.

What's funny is the recent non-canon novel draws heavily from Versus XIII which pretty much confirms an ending to the story was written, so that blows Barry's "just a vague concept" argument out of the water.

Most writers come up with a beginning, middle and end to their story before beginning development. So y'know, kind of obvious.

Attached: da88b6f3c699d42e04535ee3338eb60b.jpg (474x245, 18K)

>Zoomer can't play a game unless flashy graphics are everywhere
>Needs constant instant gratification
Zoomer cuck.

Onions drinking basedboy.

>based nips saying it how it really is
She looks fucking awful, thank god somebody mention this. If people don't speak up we get manjaw Aerith in the finished game

>female cloud

And you people are still surprised by androgynous pretty boys?

What practical purpose does having giant bolts on a single pauldron serve for a SOLDIER?

both those pictures look identical. holy shit are you people projecting hard

>not isometric rpg

Attached: e30dfac651b0ba7d5041bffd9e2fa8364096f857_0.png (530x331, 157K)

Even though I insulted the shit out of this design just a few minutes ago, I just watched the trailer and I have to admit it looks a lot better in motion. All these stills make it look terrible, but it's not really how it looks once everything gets going. That's not even to say I'm defending it, but I'm just making an observation.

What the recent novel about, exactly? Is it what became of the cancelled Episode Noctis?

Why are you responding to yourself again KH sperg?
The fact that versus was barely even 20% by 2012 is because it was just a bunch of unfinished fucking concepts that never came toghther which is why it was cancelled and rebooted as XV so it could give it a clear direction that isnt a fucking musical.

You're literally coping because you're attached to the literal fucking concepts, all that shit from 2006-2008 was also just CGI concepts by visual works, not actual parts of the game, and none of that cg would have been unsuable in 2011 versus regardless. You're so fucking far in denial about the fact that Versus was a bunch of concepts, when if it really wasnt then Versus XIII would have actually released, but it didn't because it was all just unfinished piece meal concepts that never came toghther and was constantly in flux.

You know CG concepts exist? You know tech demo concepts exists? You you that doesnt mean versus was ever a full game when he have literal confirmation that it was barely 20% by 2012 which was 6 fucking years after announcement, it had no finished scenario in 2010 as that was proven fake with no legitimate source, it had a bunch of designs made but no story for them. Whatever script they had was in late 2011 which became irrelevant by 2012 and 2013 as nomura kept changing shit.

You versus fucks are the most retarded cunts in existence, holy fuck.

Materia removal.
Like a bottle opener but on your shoulder for your sword

It's a stupid request to change it, but those two pictures don't look even remotely the same, you might have some kind of face-blindness thing going on.

Okay except Nigga.
My nigga.
Did you actually play the game and go through Wall Market?

Cloud is supposed to be able to pass perfectly as a woman to the point that he beats Miss Innocence-Appeal and IRON-TITS-MCFISTS in a beauty contest.


>so many people actually complaining about Aerith chin

Seriously? She looked fine nothing about her design stuck out to me as odd looking. You faggots dont know what an actual disgusting looking manchin looks like

Attached: Zarya_03.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 98K)

Are you retarded? Versus had no finished script in 2010, it only got a draft of one by 2011 which changed in 2012 and 2013 constantly

Christ I wish I had supermans jawline

>Left is CGI/fake gameplay trailer
>Right is what's to be expected/real in game character

>why all FF characters have to look like Japanese porcelain dolls
because it´s hot


Weeb face with ultra realistic graphics is a mistake : either you go full Weeb art either you don't.
Re2 did a perfect job with translating weeb characters into a realistic word.

At least Zarya's jaw tapers correctly towards her chin and looks consistent from other angles unlike Aerith

What happened honestly?
Every girl in FF looked quite beautiful to atleast decent and now this.
What the fuck bros?

Only an autist will give a shit, if the girl look pretty than all is great, there is no need to moan over irrelevant crap

Attached: in-the-grass-about-1864-5-arthur-hughes-ls.jpg (1536x864, 56K)

Dude, I said it hours ago. The problem is not Aerith, the problem is her compared to who literally looks like a woman, not even a mtf but a full blown dyke.
Imagine Cloud without the spiky hair, just a short blonde cut, you'd never guess that's a man.
CGI Claire from 98 RE2 shits all over the new mexican Claire.

>and looks consistent from other angles unlike Aerith
A single picture is not consistency.

>why all FF characters have to look like Japanese porcelain dolls every single time
But they don't

The only advantage of weeb face is that :
Weeb face has no race. So asian and whites can still relate.

Yeah? Wait until they cast some quadroon to play Jill in RE3make.

just stop barry, the delusions, the falseflagging, it's really old.

Attached: QaZdMCpd_400x400 (2).jpg (208x171, 8K)

>you'd never guess that's a man.
You mean like how exactly that happens in game?


Thou must be retarded.

Attached: chibi_3d_Cloud_strife_by_Vloz.jpg (900x449, 44K)

Nigga I've played enough overshit to know what zarya looks like

This, it just comes off as offensive looking and an insult to the original.

Attached: alita.jpg (1453x807, 151K)

>but those two pictures don't look even remotely the same
Yeah they very mildly squashed her face on the right, but in actual motion rather then a still that's the sort of thing that is completely unnoticeable. This is like animeshitposters obsessing over individual freeze interframes in an action sequence. Original aeris does not in any way look "tranny" and the "new" version wouldn't make any difference in the game anyway.

No doubt there will be mods to these things since mere face model proportion changing is one of the more trivial things to do, but this particular example is fucking stupid.

If she looks like the character and is hot, I wouldn't really give a shit

>is seen as more attractive than aerith and tifa by a multitude of guys in game
>but muh low poly

>CGI Claire from 98 RE2 shits all over the new mexican Claire.
You realize one of the strong point of Re2 is Claire and how she looks like right?

There is no way, in absolute shape or form, that this looks like a tranny to you.

Get out and stay off 4chin for a while.

Meant for


>You realize one of the strong point of Re2 is Claire and how she looks like right?

>Cloud is supposed to be able to pass perfectly as a woman to the point that he beats Miss Innocence-Appeal and IRON-TITS-MCFISTS in a beauty contest.

Nobody remembers this

That's a very specific complaint. If she were 1/8th of black descent, would that be better?

It's about Episode Aranea, Episode Luna and Episode Noctis. It's an alternate ending where Bahamut resurrects Luna to become his own "Goddess of Darkness" (they can't say death) who looks suspiciously like Etro. They basically change Bahamut's role to Bhunivelze, Noctis and Ardyn team up to defeat him and stop him from wiping out humanity.

It feels very derivative of Fabula Nova Crystallis basically.

Attached: 34383246575.jpg (3564x1176, 705K)

Its already confirmed retard

I want to strip both of them naked and fuck them in the mating press position while deeply kissing them and holding their hands before spilling all of my semen inside of their cute little butts.

that's because you're a faggot

final Prompto at least looks like a man, barely

Jesus user half of the Re2 threads are about claire and her mods.
You will never see the equivalent of this for a weeb character.

Resident Evil was never weeb in character designs.
And the only people who care about the Alita movie are Yea Forums fags, so fuck off back to your general.

>whaaa why don't you like my tranny???
stop sucking dicks

>There is no way, in absolute shape or form, that this looks like a tranny to you.
Thank you user, I thought I was going crazy trying to see what the actual flying fuck all the faggots in this thread are talking about with "Aeris looks like a man" or "cloud literally looks like a girl" no they don't at fucking all what the fuck. /pol/ apparently causes permanent brain damage.

lol incel

Jill is supposed to be a gorgeous mixed race japanese-european specimen, no african or aztec fucking blood.
Left Prompto looks like a woman with a man's hairstyle, right prompto looks 100% like a male fuccboi. Bigger nose, stern eyes, squared chin, they realized the mistake of their ways.

FF is a weed series so we will get the same here dont worry about it user-kun

Attached: 7345221111677.png (1000x1000, 177K)

My cute Aranea truly is the best.

People are just applying the advent children Cloud criticisms to game Remake Cloud when it doesn’t even apply anymore. They actually did right by making him accurate to the games, but you guys are too retarded so you keep repeating the same argument.

Also Aerith looks beautiful, if you ever played a Final Fantasy game before, their characters tend to look like this. Extremely clean skin and sharp jawlines. You guys are so retarded and desperate to nitpick

Nah, Yea Forums just screams about any character design that isn't explicitly 2d-animu-weebshit looking like "trannies" and "homosexuals."

Insecurities are fucking rampant.

Do you rememba?
They went even deeper, now Cloud looks more like a woman than Lightning ever did.

Attached: nl3iue.gif (314x278, 1.09M)

based novel writers dabbing on XV


Attached: 1557454987694.png (1920x1080, 829K)

>Jill is supposed to be a gorgeous mixed race japanese-european specimen
I think they key word is SUPPOSED when in fact they just got a basic white bitch for her first realistic face. This is the most weeb delusion, that somehow some mixed race bullshit makes it all reasonable when in reality it's nothing like that.


There is nothing wrong with him, idiot.


Attached: A76A2A66-F8BF-4FA2-BB98-544D9EA6284A.gif (571x522, 167K)

No but I feel funny when I look at Cloud
he too pretty

>Tabata is no longer directing
>Versus references out the ass

Attached: ffxv post-tabata.png (1350x592, 1.31M)

>gonna have to play the entire game with characters referring to Aeris as Aerith

Attached: 1535729224999.jpg (386x386, 172K)

Can we acknowledge that the remake has objectively proven FFVII was never a good game in the first place?
Look at truly great games like OOT and see how picky people get over any change in gameplay and graphics over the original, trying to preserve as much of the original as possible.

But for FFVII, just change the entire gameplay 100 percent.
If people want the game to be changed on a fundamental level like this, the original was never good in the first place.

>Aranea's DLC had a boss fight with the sapphire weapon and she became a playable party member alongside Luna and Ardyn in Episode Noctis.

It hurts bros...

Attached: tumblr_pqi2bhsgvu1uyo0rg_540.jpg (540x720, 57K)

The characters look fucking awful. They will be redesigned for E3. Screencap this shit

Get fucked head canon fag. Your mistranslation is corrected and you can’t do a thing about

>Cries, mope, and tantrums about sucking dicks
user, if you ever had sex with more than 1 woman, and stopped masturbating to 2D lolis for more than 7 seconds at a time, you would look through your mother's basement window and see that, in the magical streets of real-life, there are a lot of women that look perfectly fine and that "trannies", as you put it, are non-existent. Now, stop projecting your insecurities on everyone, and open your window. You obviously didn't do it for quite a while.

>This is the most weeb delusion

That's what is canon by Capcom. Japanese can't be weebs. Fans are just citing what is canon.

Japs always want everything to look like babies.


If Aeris didn't die nobody would give two shits and a holler about FFVII. When you ask most people what they remember the most it's always Muh Aerith ;_; and le emo faggot with le long sword and never the fact the protagonist is a literal steroided autist larping as a super soldier which is factually the best plot twist of all time when it comes to jrpg
But hey, I told you nothing.

>i dont like anime designs
Not exactly. I do think most anime tends to be incredibly generic. Other times it can look great. Kozue from Baki looks like a plain girl next door, but still looks more attractive than a thousand noseless, bug-eyed moeblobs in frilly dresses. It can also look creative and original. In this FF7R's case, it manages to look both realistic and fake, and the male protagonist doesn't even look male in some shots.

And it's true, FF7 always had an anime art style. The difference at the time is that games didn't rely on close-ups of a character's hyper detailed faces to convey emotion as much as they do now, and the graphics were rudimentary (either extremely low-poly or low-res) that it left more up to the imagination.

>Its the material based rendering and things like subsurface scattering that give his skin actual texture
>That combined with superb (although funny at times between rooms) lighting is why leon looks good
What the fuck are you on about? That doesn't say anything about the artistic merit/quality of the character designs. You're just pointing to technological and graphical features. You can disable subsurface scattering in RE2 and the art style would still be intact for the most part. A game can look like shit even with all those bells and whistles, and can look great without them.

Imagine a graphics whore telling other people they have shit taste. eyylmoa

Feel free to make an actual point.

Attached: 875785.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

Shut up! Leave me alone! Aeris sound better!

Attached: 1535237862684.gif (540x303, 1.71M)


A canon that capcom shat all over by not getting an actual mixed race actor for Jill's face.

left was so much better, fuck tabata

>They leave an option in the game to select "Aeris" over "Aerith"
>It doesn't change anything about the prononciation of the name in cutscenes, since they're both the same

Attached: 1536293773172.png (640x480, 422K)

If ur gay maybe lol

This nigger never played the original. He's being a poser and wants the emo nucloud from AC which is all he knows about FF7.

You get your wish anyway, you idiot. They retconned everything from A[x] in the ""remake"" and made it super gay just for all you vapid zoomer idiots.

They pretty much have the same face at this point

Attached: final-fantasy-lightning.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

LMAO they deflated his Pecks.

>We are living in a 6th mass extinction event and everything is going to shit
>but wahhhh aerith’s mass is slightly too long for my head canon

Nomura has abandoned another game yet again, so I have no hope for this heap of trash. I defended him on Versus XIII, but now he can just go fuck himself.

Attached: dejavu.jpg (904x951, 152K)

His first design was better because it reflected the delinquent personality he originally had, and him eventually turning on Noctis for his father Verstael. XV just waters him down and cuts out his backstory for DLC.

Attached: tumblr_opvjvcZiUd1vrhk2qo6_250.png (250x324, 65K)

It's the eyes, they fucked up his eyes. It's 100% a woman's.
Aerith is Griffith Part 2. Gurifisu. Aerisu. Grifis, Aeris. It's like they think americans are mongoloid that need the full spelling or they can't pronounce shit.

He was always buff. He got injected with Jenova Cells for half a decade.

2015 was looking way too grimdark

The one on the right is like OoT chad Adult Link
The one on the left is like BOTW fuckboi Link

Even in that crappy screenshot I can clearly see the character on the top has a bigger nose and different shape, stronger eyebrows and larger chin. If you think the angle makes people confuse two opposite genders then you're brainlet.

Nah, his lack of long eyelashes and nonexistent lips are the only features that make him look slightly more masculine than Lightning.

I think people saying Aerith looks like a man is my break point of realizing Yea Forums is truly way too far gone at this point.

>digital tranny lover is projecting

The right picture didn't even change the jawline, it rearranged the facial features in a manner akin to Down Syndrome.

He's right. If you think Aeris looks like a man you're mentally ill

All it did was shorten the face to make her look like a child lmfao

Aerith looks just like pic related

Attached: CA8BDB71-ABD9-43CD-B31C-3D794B45CEB2.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)

What is it with japan and their fucking femme boys?

For real

Not really, and it looks like that faggot got botox, lip injections, jaw shaving, and photoshopped his eyes to look bigger.

All that plus five pounds of make up

Their boys are cute.
Complete opposite of american mutts who look like 30 by the time they are 15.

You all got it wrong. She looks like a anime character with a massive jaw, chin and cheekbones while her nose is almost non present but also really long. She looks like this gentleman

Attached: remake aeris.png (1000x581, 559K)

Nomura isn't even working on this game anymore

Must be why no one is attracted to them, even asian women

Aerith looks like a very fine woman, compared to Cloud looks like a man. The problem is Cloud, not Aerith. Insult people claiming Cloud looks just like the original because they are fucking blind and retarded. Look at the fucking schnoz he's sporting compared to Aeris, how stern and masculine his eyes are compared to the rounder feminine eyes of Aerith.
No, Cloud totally looked like a tranny because le Corneo cosplay maymay.

Attached: giphy.gif (405x270, 1.76M)

Shouldn't he be working on this game exclusively now?

You can go play god of war if that’s the only type of character you want to play as. Heard the new game on PS4, run along now before GameStop closes

Keep seething, 56%-er.

Dude they both just look like women

He looked perfect in CC

Attached: crisis-core71[1].jpg (480x272, 27K)

>4 years later and still nothing but footage from the first 3% of the game

Attached: zu2hvdg6.jpg (301x301, 16K)

>a tranny
Jesus fuck this is why you should get out,you havent actually seen a tranny much less a woman in your life so dont talk about matters you know nothing about,Aerith's design migth not be perfect but the retards that spout that looking like a tranny have never met one of the abominations in person,you dont know shit

Are disgusting white faggots the only demographic attracted to ladyboy asians?

Looks like a tranny

The rise of girls (male) in gaming culture and Yea Forums inexperience with women make claims like that hard to tell from mediocre shitposting.

Attached: 1543680458900.gif (250x250, 32K)

Not in my gif, they don't. In the remake they certainly do, but he looks more of a woman than her. They fucked up.

Blacks have the highest rate of homosexuality and all of the diseases that come with it.
Try harder, half-breed.

In the gif you posted Cloud literally looks like a woman

but not a uncanny one like in the remake

Denial is a bitch. He looks like a man. Here he looks like a woman.
Carry on with your denial but stop shitposting the board because it's your fault people think Aerith is a tranny.

That's all most people remember, and many VII fags bothered to play, so they could look cool too.
I feel bad about calling him emo for so long now that I finally played through it.
I can see why my friend was so exasperated with me whenever the game came up.

Do you apply this to just females too lmao? Do you think Lightning looks more like a woman than Fang, for example? To me, they just look like two different women with two different looks.

For lesbians, yes. But they have the lowest rate of male homosexuality.

she has a long midface, which gives her a slightly masculine vibe. not ugly, but not ideal either.

That's a good Tifa.

If you perceive OP’s picture as a woman that just means you are gay user. Heterosexuals are able to tell the difference. You are attracted to both men and women so they just all look the same to you

You can't. It's never his fault.

Attached: 1549713976990.jpg (1236x1174, 824K)

That's clearly him, yeah. Sounds like Sephiroth's AC VA too.

FF Versus seemed pretty interesting, at least from the concept art.

Much better than 13.

That's just Square Enix being Square Enix. Red XIII and Cait Sith wouldn't be in the game if they could help it.


The fact that they're clearly nervous about showing her says a lot. You even see her in the party in this new trailer, at least her name, but they still kept her out of frame. Those titties are getting digitally shrunken with every second that passes. Our only hope is that Yuffie survives unscathed.

At least Jessie looks good.

Is it realistically even possible for an adult male to have a jaw as small as Cloud's?

Attached: cloudfang.png (550x252, 251K)

he looks like a russian cosplay girl

>FF is a weed series
based. i smoked a blunt when i was running through the temple of the ancients one time and got lost

it SUPER obvious you never really played the original FFVII with that hilariously bad take, OP

I'm just mostly pissed Cloud and Seth aren't voiced by the guys that voiced them in Advent Children.
George Newburn was a perfect Seph, new Seph doesn't sound as deep-voiced or sinister enough.
Steve Burton was also a brilliant Cloud.
Hopefully Steven Blum returns to voice Vincent, that fucker voices in everything.

there is nothing wrong. His arms are swaying because he's WALKING, user.


>e-ear screeching japshit is good
Weebnigs are beyond dumb

Attached: 1539638527064.gif (150x150, 1.07M)

>Hopefully Steven Blum returns to voice Vincent

Blum sounded like a middle aged man voicing a forever 27 year old. I'm probably in the minority that didn't like him for the english dub.

Best Aerith!

Attached: ULUS10336_00064.jpg (1440x816, 114K)

>New Cloud Sucks
oh here we go again
>muh nostalgiaaaa

But Steve Burton voiced Cloud in the 2015 trailer didn't he? You sure he's gone?

I thought so too, but listen to Cloud in the new teaser, it's not him.

Different user but the point is you're complaining about CoD being in first person you retard, FF has always had pretty boys. Cloud actually NEEDS to look like a girl for Don Coreno's mansion to make sense

He looks more feminine because he's going to dress in drag.

Attached: Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 2.16.16 PM.png (374x441, 161K)

They should make Aeris look like Melania Trump

Attached: w2000.jpg (2000x2000, 333K)

ok i believe u

why are you people so obsessed with trannies? everything is a fucking tranny to you

>you're complaining about CoD being in first person

>FF has always had pretty boys
I don't think this art style meshes well with extremely detailed modern graphics, and swings too far in one direction where characters even start to look fake in a lifelike world. I've been making this point over and over.

>Cloud actually NEEDS to look like a girl for Don Coreno's mansion to make sense
After a makeover. As it stands, his normal face is almost indistinguishable from other female faces (in bone structure, eye size and skin texture) that show up in the trailer. Besides, making him more feminine because of a short humorous scene is stretching it. That would've been completely unnecessary and it only undermines his character in every other context.

This picture makes me wonder if they still have to pay Gackt royalties.


eco terrorists; the good kind.

Most likely they will be the Sephiroth clones

you sound so fucking weird

when can cloud fuck me

>doesnt want a soi cloud
>wants him to be sickly skinny like a soiboy
make up your mind fella

Dissidia NT has the best cloud model

Attached: 275feae3e8df6a96782415a629f06725.jpg (1180x1300, 97K)

Anime characters look terrible when put into a pseudo-realistic artstyle. Make these emo trannies STYLIZED, not overly textured. It clashes with its own aesthetic. A spiky haired anorexic fag with a big sword might be cool in cartoons but not in real life.

Attached: zZz.png (500x333, 158K)

I'm trying to figure out if it's the lighting or if it's everything else.
The 2019 hair looks closer to the OG Cloud, 2015 had too much.
But the 2015 eyes and eyebrows were undeniably MUCH more masculine. He looks entirely too "pretty" in 2019 with the positive eye slant. And it seems like they actually gave him red fucking blush marks on his cheeks.
I think his nose is ever so slightly more narrow as well, it definitely seems that way. 2015 Clouds eyes were ironically lighter however, closer to the "mako" color.

Fucking Nintendo made a better Cloud than them, and they have nothing to do with him.

Attached: i1548906552968734.png (800x600, 754K)

This but unironically.
Why does this always happen with Nintendo and 3rd party characters? Just look at Simon


Attached: claude.png (416x283, 270K)

No. The only reason people think that he's supposed to be is because of a tumblr post gushing about how cool it is that he looks sickly and weak in the first trailer. In the actual game he never looked sickly or weak, his battle model was pretty close to the right. People saying mako poisoning makes you skinny are just writing fanfic.

now he looks like a poorly disguised Todd Howard

I love seeing nu-millenials call Cloud nU-cloud

>I guess it's going to come down to personal aesthetics or subjective perspective.

i GuEeS aN oPiNiOn ReAlLy iS sUbJeCtIvE, hUh?

>It's been over 20 years
>But it's finally here
>Finally, you get to play the remake of Final Fantasy 7 in all its new glory
>You're so excited, your trembling hand places the disc into the tray
>The game loads up and you hear that telling music that invokes feeling and nostalgia
>You think you might cry from joy
>It loads up and you see Cloud, he looks a little off but you think nothing of it
>You're much too happy right now
>Nothing can ruin this moment
>The cutscene unfolds and you know it's going to be great
>Cloud jumps off the train after the station guards are taken out
>But then...
>Something strange happens
>Cloud... trips up
>And then he falls down into the track beaneath the train
>The screen fades to black as you hear Cloud tumble
>Eventually, the screen begins to transition back in
>You're confused but curious
>Then terror strikes as the words form on screen
>You fall to your knees in despair as it plays out
>The last thing you see if Todd Howard smiling back at you through the screen, wearing a wig in Cloud's hairstyle
>"Who's laughing now, user?"

>less gay hair
his final haircut is literally the "can i speak to the manager" haircut you see on middle-aged women.

Claudia would be more appropriate.

a musical would have legitimately been better than the final product just by virtue of being made by based nomura instead of tabata. and i hate musicals.

2015 fits the environment and situation better. 2019 is just pretty boy and just looks better overall.

If Square still had any talent and put actual love into the game, they would stick with the 2015 look for the first half of the game and make the change the 2019's midway through as time passes.

>more muscle-y AND more cute
he's perfect actually

Attached: blush.jpg (299x250, 17K)

just wait until the remake comes out and it's better, more successful and more critically acclaimed than xv.

It's getting hot here, Cloud... Why... why don't you forget about those girls and come go on a walk with me...

Attached: Sephiroth-image-sephiroth-36319832-500-276.png (500x276, 213K)

literally perfection

cloud in smash looks no different than any other nu-square final fantasy character.

Right has Advent Children hair.

It's automatically going to be more successful. It's fucking FF7

yes, but we're talking about xv-kun's delusions here, not facts.

Attached: courtney-thorne-smith_175221.jpg (744x455, 50K)

Face blindness is a sign of autism

yeah, it's pretty obvious the face was shortened

They went overboard with their fix. Right looks derpy. Split the diff and it'd be ideal probably

Her chin and ear look a bit weird. Honestly, I think Nomura either stick with anime or went full realistic with the game.

Not exactly but her jaw certainly look weird.

You guys seem a little obsessed with trannys

Can't wait for inevitable sfm porn

Attached: D6Ns97VUYAE1Mv-.jpg (768x1024, 151K)

shut the fuck up bro lol

If you're so retarded you can't get analogies, I'm sos sorry for you.
>I don't think this art style meshes well with extremely detailed modern graphics.
Again, emphasis on "I don't think". The problem lies with you, not the game. It's your personal, subjective opinion.
>After a makeover.
The makeover serves for him to be chosen. Without it both the guards and the Don still think he's a girl, he simply isn't chosen and goes over to the rape room.



Left is Lightning (tranny).
Right is regular pretty boy.

why are you posting the overworld model you disingenuous fuck

That's stupid and you're stupid for thinking of something so stupid, stupid.

right looks more like Lightning than anything

Attached: 89765321.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

It's dark industrial core

>If you're so retarded you can't get analogies, I'm sos sorry for you.
Learn to articulate yourself better then, because that statement is incoherent. Also, a false equivalence.

>Again, emphasis on "I don't think".
Well, what the fuck do you think I should say, you dumbass? I hate this angle of "it's just like your opinion b-bro!" to try to rationalize and overcome the fact that opinions of others leave you upset. You're not really saying anything. It's just a convenient way of deflecting any sort of criticism. "That's just you!" Yeah, that totally doesn't reek of bullshit.

If opinions don't count for you, then there isn't any point in you replying to me in the first place. So why are you still here? Unless of course, you think YOU are the one who truly holds an objective standard and want to educate me. If that's true, then you've made a poor case for it so far. I don't see anything objective about your opinions either. Funny how that works.

>The makeover serves for him to be chosen. Without it both the guards and the Don still think he's a girl, he simply isn't chosen and goes over to the rape room.
Again read
>making him more feminine because of a short humorous scene is stretching it. That would've been completely unnecessary and it only undermines his character in every other context.

Shut up

Fairly sure everyone else in the thread got it else they'd complain just you are doing, you inbred. And yeah, I do think that I hold the objective truth when I tell you complaining about Cloud being affeminate when that's what Square has been doing for the last 20 years is being a literal retard. The only one who thinks that it "undermines his character in every other context" is you, and the likes that genuinely believe Aerith looks like a tranny. But seeing how you've accepted it's your opinion, and your opinion is both wrong and worth for shit, you can now go kys. I'm done with you.

Attached: the-young-jennifer-aniston-yeah-she-squats-16822121.png (500x745, 205K)



that doesn't mean you magically lose msucle mass

>I see no pain in the new Cloud's eyes. He's not distant enough; no determination, no trauma.
Why would any of this be there? It's not until the events of FF7 that Cloud experiences any of the trauma or revelations that put that pain in his eyes in the first place. He is a completely different character during the bulk of FF7 than the Advent Children version you're describing.

why does Yea Forums whine endlessly about every design ever. Have you ever made a game?

There wasn't nearly as many complains over Clouds look/ the general look of the characters at the last trailer. It's not about Cloud looking like a fuck boy it's about the weird mix between pudgy anime face and hyper realistic human faces

He looks like male Lightning.

you're right ,he looked best in Ehrgeiz :)

Attached: Ehrgeiz-600x336.png (600x336, 95K)

It's literally to stir shit and bait replies, and it's working because people love her

I know, that’s what pisses me off.

I tried

Attached: I tried.jpg (1199x554, 205K)

>It's your personal, subjective opinion.
So is saying the artstyle is fine, what is your point?

>Fairly sure everyone else in the thread got it else they'd complain just you are doing
What point are you even trying to make here? And how does that refute anything I said?

>Cloud being affeminate when that's what Square has been doing for the last 20 years
Cloud from 20 years ago isn't comparable to this one, and I've explained why multiple times.
There's also various degrees and shades of looking feminine/masculine. nuCloud looks like a male Lighting. And no, you don't hold any "objective truth". You think that both iterations of Cloud are on exact equal footing because that's what you want to see.

>The only one who thinks that it "undermines his character in every other context" is you
My god, aren't you a disingenuous little fuckwit. I'm directly responding to the point you raised, and yes, it does undermine his character if the sole purpose of why Square made nuCloud to be so effeminate-looking was SPECIFICALLY for this one short moment in the story that is played out for laughs. If his whole facial design revolves around that particular scene, then it's shit, because it doesn't add any depth to his character. I don't know what else to tell you.

>and the likes that genuinely believe Aerith looks like a tranny.
Nope. Fuck off with your strawman.

>But seeing how you've accepted it's your opinion, and your opinion is both wrong and worth for shit, you can now go kys. I'm done with you
Spoken like a sore loser who threw the chessboard to the floor in a fit of rage.

Attached: gj4367878.jpg (959x713, 82K)

Nothing wrong, she looks like young Jennifer Aninston.

what a dumb picture

a guy that swings around a sword like that can't have skinny arms like left, the changes were needed


This. Was saying for years after that reveal that they needed to feed him some fucking burgers or something cause it was looking completely uncharacteristic imo

Left looks more like Cloud's in-game portrait.

Attached: 19343.jpg (338x485, 31K)

Why does this happen so much? Some user ask retard shit when it is always just movement/angle/lighting

Sounds retarded.

Aerith's concept is so feminine and beautiful, not like that generic anime dollface.

Attached: ff7-aerith2.jpg (350x460, 38K)

Was Cloud's true canon love Aeris or Tifa?

Attached: 1420953462928.png (719x1111, 998K)

old thing good
new thing bad

Thanks for posting this. I should've looked it up already to remind myself of what Cloud should truly look like, especially after seeing this many people think the remake does it justice even remotely.
The older iteration of the remake looked a bit closer to that, I agree. However, they simply couldn't replicate that scowl and dead eyes in any 3D rendition that I've seen. Instead, Cloud now looks like a Japanese idol at best, and a doll at worst. There's nothing in the original image that evokes those feelings in the slightest. Instead, there's a sense of depth to his sadness/trauma, even if the art style looks a bit too derivative from other anime at that time.