I'm gonna say the S word

I'm gonna say the S word.

Attached: S O U L.gif (500x333, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Diamond and pearl had way more soul


the colors are washed out as fuck in gen 4

Attached: zez.png (768x531, 197K)



Because it's super cold in sinnoh so naturally itll look a little more dull, you degenerate hoenn cocksucker


>lmao its meant to look like shit

that wasn't the case until platinum nigger and even then all that's happened are a few more patches of snow

now that's what I call soul

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The only place Sinnoh has snow in is the far north. Everywhere else is temperate as fuck. It even has a beach. It was so damn shitty that Platinum had to sprinkle random ass patches of snow and it still looked like shit. Dumb fucking zoomer.




I bet you think sinnoh has good music too

better than your brap music hoennigger

is this playable or just fanart? Looks pretty nice desu

shit instrumentation is always preferable to shit melodies

Gen 3 was a massive downgrade in soul after Crystal

Yes. Sinnoh actually has the best music, btw.

Attached: 22d000da7a54bd533067e3494c3a17f6.png (811x1160, 936K)

Looks cool as fuck
Kinda like how we probably envisioned Kanto when we were kids...right, lads?

good thing sinnoh has neither
gen 3 was so bad it killed pokemania and gen 4 had to drag the series out of the mud. there’s a reason why it sold so well and gen 3 didn’t

there are like 10 good tracks in sinnoh max, and half of them are 1/2 time event battles. Sinnoh's soundtrack is largly lacking in good melodies despite having a superior soundchip to its predecessors. Compare it to gen 5 where the music is much better with the same hardware

4 even improved the battle frontier before some Hoennfag comes in with that.

of course it does

>praising gen 5
>in any way
Opinion discarded.

>good thing sinnoh has neither
ok then

pokemania died with gen 2 btw

> there’s a reason why it sold so well and gen 3 didn’t
yeah, the DS sold double the GBA. gen 4 should have sold more given that

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gen 5 has problems, the music is not one of them. way better than the trash from sinnoh

BW is what DP should have been in every aspect. Sound, visuals, performance, DP were ass. Back to static sprites, everything is slow as molasses, it didn't feel like the series had moved onto new hardware save for the slight resolution bump and blocky 3D buildings.

aside from the world/level design I agree, gen 5 was a step up in everyway aside from the shitty region layout

Actually, DP had animated sprites

>Animated sprites
>Dynamic battle camera
>Everything from screen transitions to menu scrolling wasn't slower than continental drift
BW is what DP should have been in the first place.

just P

>gen 3 was so bad it killed pokemania
Pokemania was dead at the end of gen 2, sinnohfetus

Isn’t it the same shit except Plat dumps two facilities for some reason?
Diamond and Pearl have animated sprites

>tfw saw Zezima on a fluke once when I was at Castle Wars
>had a ton of people following him
>tried to follow him
>my dumb ass slow computer lagged and I never saw him again from that day forth
I don't know how he manages to do anything.

Gen 5 had no soul

>surfing in D/P

Attached: bugs.jpg (720x540, 174K)

This is so good, it makes me angry. Thank you user for making me realize what else we don't have in this crummy world.

That's not the real Zezima

>Isn’t it the same shit except Plat dumps two facilities for some reason?
No, not at all. Please don't make statements about things you haven't played.

This. No KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO until post game. I almost cried from the lack of pandering

So... what’s the difference?

Here you go, you have some reading to do.

>let's make you use all of our new gen 5 shitty pokemon first before you can get the good ones! Gen 5 started the decline of pokemon and zoomers cant admit it because it's their "nostalgia pokemon game"

Who are you quoting?

image search yielded nothing, i'm caving. plz tell me what is this?

Tfw a sinnoh remake has the potential to be the best entry yet but they won’t

Attached: 90CA9365-6A1D-4DE8-BA58-765DA1BE3043.gif (400x272, 257K)

shitty mockups

yeah because getting gen 1 pokemon early in gen 6/7 really saved those piles of shit

>no pyramid
>no legendaries in factory
>no pike
trash it

What did he mean by this?

OH NOES, we don't get to see Zubat, Tentacool and Geodude for 20 hours for the fifth time! THE HORROR!

Pyramid was terrible. Pike was okay but not that great and there's nothing wrong with no legendaries in the factory since everyone I know played level 50 to avoid them in Emerald.

it's actually an rpg maker game

Those three pokemon are literally better than every pokemon in the Unova region.

Sad, isnt it?


go to the /rheg/ discord on /vp/ to learn more



I can almost make a full tileset from these

Yeah yeah we know. Floating bolder with arms is the pinnacle of design and ice cream pokemon is terrible but pile of sludge is great

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Hoenn facilities actually change up how you play the game, except for the tower which is just there for normal play. Everything in platinum's frontier just adds something on top of existing battles, except the factory which was from emerald

lol no, everything beyond gen 5 is a shitheap. hoenn remakes came a gen too late, ORAS would probably be the best games had they been made with the mindset GF had in gen 5. Now they want the smartphone audience

Yeah and they were all terrible. That's an exaggeration but Battle Dome was basically just a shittier tower, Arena Pyramid and Palace were god awful with Pyramid and Arena being a slog and Palace being pure frustration. Pike was okay but I wish they took out the random encounter rooms, and of course Factory is always great.

Any games with this visual style that are playable? And not, Game Boy Pokemon games or Zelda games aren't really on this level, this looks like something between Game Boy and Game Boy Advance or SNES.

even if I agree with your shitty opinions, the existence of the pike alone makes hoenn's better since it's actually something aside from factory and tower + add ons


Sucks? Like Gen 3?

>in the thumbnail I saw a slutty girl in the city
>in the full image it is a wholesome image
I am both disappointed and need better glasses.

>Shitty opinions
Anyway that statement is not true because the fun and well thought out add ons>decentish area where you run through a hallway and get hit with status ailments

Sneed's Feed and Breed


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Amusing on two levels.

>where you run through a hallway and get hit with status ailments
as opposed to getting hit with a status after rolling a roulette with no other changes? Face it, sinnoh's frontier is shittier than hoenn's

Yeah it's the same thing except more expediated. I thought that was one of the big complaints with Gen 4 was that it was too slow but once it makes Hoenn look bad it's suddenly too fast? Hmm....

yes the problem here is definitely speed. fucking sinniggers

There is no problem beyond your embarrassing nostalgia

s*x because thats wat pokemon do in their haha

I'm still dying

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What is this?

Fuck you I'm playing MD again

It's been 13 goddamn years

pokeyman mysterious dungeon

Here's your new region of Galar, say something nice about it.

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>tfw you have to take your disabled sibling for a walk

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what the fuck why does Korea get the best shit

Yeah but you have to study even harder than in Japan so it's not worth it.

I like it. A lot of greenery and very minimalistic.


The only good Frontier facilities are Pyramid and Factory.
None of the gen 4 ones are good except for the music

>a lot of greenery
Mostly Out of bound, or as Gamefreak calls them: mystery zones

Pyramid is garbage but it was a good time sink on a long car ride so I can see why people can trick their brains

I don't get what they were thinking with that. Thought there'd be some actual story going on with the climate but nothing.
BW2 did more cold stuff when Kyurem froze Opelucid

The RNG fuckery of the battle arcade is what makes it fun. Also
>likes the Pyramid
>but not Pike
Ultra pleb.

some bullshit with Giratina making the weather colder? I have no idea, I think they just wanted to justify the new outfits because almost nothing else changes

The pyramid was a nice skill check for various aspects of battling (abilities/status/type advantage, etc.). The pike was pure RNG