Ray Traced Doom

Ray Traced Doom

Attached: DOOMx64 2019-05-10 01-40-26.png (1920x1080, 3.41M)

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Attached: DOOMx64 2019-05-10 01-40-29.png (1920x1080, 3.24M)

>-70 FPS for worse visuals

barely can tell the difference and it costs 70 fps fuck that

nice noise

It doesn't work with Vulkan?

Doom has OpenGL support.

Reshade doesn't work with Vulkan yet, only Dx8-12 and OpenGL

Source and mods used?

No thanks.

Reshade, using Pascal's RT shader and FXAA to get rid of some of the noise.
Can only get it by donating to his patreon lol

Cool technology and nice shadows but it doesn't really look better. Not sure if it's the ray tracing effect or just your reshade settings that are causing a ton of oversaturation in the 2nd pic.

>tfw minecraft is the best looking ray traced lighting game at the moment

I liked RT Quake 2 better.

The diminishing returns are here

The biggest thing thing to argue about in graphics now and most people will need the differences pointed out to them with comparison pics

Could you please upload the shader? Cbf donating to some fag when I'm poor asf yet own a 2080ti and wunna try this out
Looks and runs surprisingly well for a injected shader Tbqh I saw the df video
How'd you get it working user

post your discord

consoles are never getting 60fps, are they?

You can't modify the environment in quake.

>let me just oversaturate that motherfucker
>trading 70 fps for almost no benefit

Attached: 1351126640427.png (200x200, 32K)

Can I actually download this and play it? I would unironically spend hours in this, it looks beautiful

At least put it on max settings. What the fuck is that dithering and aliasing OP

Yep this so much I literally can't see the difference but the big push for rt is to make games more dynamic again visually instead of pushing old fake methods and baked precomp crap.
It will make games easier to make from a dev standpoint and has limitless potential for improved visual fidelity and accuracy
The reason it looks so meh now is that vidya devs have no idea how to use it and on the hardware side we are several years-decades from seeing completely raytraced games
It looks decent for a mod
I'd rather not just upload it here based user

You can if you have beefy enough GPU. It's just a mod.

I would rather see a Comparison in Motion

Attached: 1554210338290.png (371x353, 148K)

Consider the time and effort spent baking in the lighting that ray tracing would have saved the dev team. Not that the result is better than the original.

Kek, it literally looks worse

have to use FXAA and disable in game AO in order to have the shader get the best results.
out of respect, i don't want to release it to the public because i honestly think it's a really cool shader and that pascal deserves the money cause this is some hard shit to do.
gotcha boss, uploading a vid rn.

I have an RTX 2080 but I've never used Minecraft mods before. Ill have to ask my friend that's really into Minecraft modding. This actually looks really well done

RT is a fucking meme to sell graphic cards to retards, just like SLI or 4k gaming.

prepare for a lot of ghosting. This reshade screen space GI shit is pointless.

it's easily metro exodus if you count that.

Attached: ahhh no.png (338x484, 111K)

>RTX 2080
>just 51fps on a game released 3 years ago
y i k e s

Its for patreons only btw

Again faggots made it patreon exclusive
I thought people like op who enable these e begging devs would have leaked it ages ago
God I miss the shareware days now we have patreon cancer literal mods
2080ti struggles in rt it barely breaks 60fps 1440p
>have to use FXAA and disable in game AO in order to have the shader get the best results.
Nope fuck that Tbqh dooms txaa is the best in the industry
>out of respect, i don't want to release it to the public because i honestly think it's a really cool shader and that pascal deserves the money cause this is some hard shit to do.
I'm sorry but I'm not donating to every modder especially if the solution is this jank.
Hopefully nvidia picks his work up and integrates it like they did with previous injection based shaders ao and aa etc
>respecting modders shameless enough to demand money and not putting their work up publicly
Fuck you pascal
>gotcha boss, uploading a vid rn.
Based but you really should stop being fag and upload the shader
Lots of anons want to try it
I wonder if it would be faster in vulkan rt? Would be able to use in game aa as well
Yes we know pascal

The reason why it's behind a paywall is because it's an alpha and he wants the public release to be as best as it can be. It's not like Sonic Ether where he won't release it for free, it's just those who can be patient can get it for free.
I'm impatient, I'm a sucker for ray tracing. That's why I have the 2080.

Attached: YakuzaKiwami2 2019-05-09 11-27-12-min.png (2560x1440, 1.76M)

Personally I am happy as long as I have 40 fps but holy shit that's a huge drop, if you weren't running such a high end machine it would be fucking unplayable.

While the 2nd looks better the starker contrast in shadows makes me prefer the original just for gameplay.

Why do they choose the darkest god damn area to do this? Do it in a better lit area.

Jesus christ, you guys really don't know about this? yiff.party/patreon/7408304

Soulless automated raytracing will never look as good as carefully handcrafted baked lighting and that's a fact, jack.

Michael angelo, is a party dude!

Imagine actually believing this.

almost done folks. honestly looks better in motion than it does in screenshots.
jesus christ there's a website for stealing patreon posts? what the fuck?

Attached: ss+(2019-05-10+at+02.56.10).png (646x37, 3K)

>The reason why it's behind a paywall is because it's an alpha and he wants the public release to be as best as it can be. It's not like Sonic Ether where he won't release it for free, it's just those who can be patient can get it for free.
>I'm impatient, I'm a sucker for ray tracing. That's why I have the 2080.
I got a 2080ti because amd can't into 4k worth a shit
Rt was neat to dick around with but it's clearly not ready when it's so jank that modded games look better than official rtx
Also it struggles at 1440p on a 1000usd gpu
Because rt gi adds basically nothing it Onky really works well in dark areas because that's where raster is the most inaccurate giving 3d vidya it's washed out video gaming look.
It's what they've tried to solve with inaccurace ambient occlusion for over a decade now and it just looks like shit so alot of games went back to baking it (pre computing what's dark/occluded from ambient light) but the downside to this is that it doesn't apply to dynamic objects such as movable objects player camera lights etc
Gamers nexus did a good video on it.
It basically makes developing games much easier and leads to more naturally dynamic environments that's why gen 8 was such a side grade from 7 because everyone tried to push (realistic) static environments to save cpu/gpu for better graphics in other areas

Imagine what soulful raytracing would look like? Besides rt is old had there's many different models now path tracing bounce tracing etc
The problem is devs don't know how to use it and the performance cost will always be massive.
I don't see it progressing from 30-60fps to double that for a long time until 7nm and true next gen gpus from amd Intel and nvidia.
Rtx was just a push for developers but support and hype completely fell flat leaving Intel and amd to pick up the slack

>expect some furfag shit
>its patreon posts for free
What in the living fuck. Thanks user

I do now Fuck patreon babies
Is the mine craft rt one there?
Lol pascal btfo


Attached: ss+(2019-05-10+at+03.00.40).png (339x133, 5K)

No u
>using gook moots dogshit native extention miner ridden trash

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10-18-02-36-40.png (1920x1080, 160K)

i'm using 4chanx

Op where's the video and what settings you use?
I gave up desktop posting
Got sick of how long it took to reset ip
It's basically all I use my phone for

I use a mix of high and ultra settings, mainly because I have a 144hz monitor and I want the highest framerate I can get without sacrificing visual fidelity.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-10+at+03.06.46).png (633x40, 4K)

Here's the video, enjoy. Let it process a bit first so that the upload can be 1080p cause it looks bad at lower resolutions lmao.

>metro exodus
Post vids.


>Done in DX11 without hardware acceleration of RTX

Dead on Arrival when Minecraft fucking tanks with Ray Tracing and my gtx 1080 can barely hold 50-60 fps

Based off the DF video, reshade isn't really "fully" ray traced, it's more akin to link related developer.unigine.com/en/devlog/20170531-unigine-2.5

Wow this is cool. Ray-tracing looks really good on low-poly shit it seems (Quake, Minecraft, GTA:SA). It doesn't seem like its beneficial on modern games


>Ray-tracing looks really good on low-poly shit it seems
I think low poly shit is the only thing that can run a proper GI path-tracing with >30fps. That's why it looks so good. Things like metro and nu-doom can't do a proper lighting ray tracing and just use some hacks.

A lot of modern artists already consider the effect of light bounces so it's baked into the premade light design of many modern games. You'd see a much more pronounced effect if a game had a fully destructible environment (for example)

>It doesn't seem like its beneficial on modern games

Because what you are seeing you ding-dong-diddly potato isnt full ray tracing

full ray tracing in a game looking like assasins creed Origin would burn a fucking Nasa Computer with 5 SLI RTX 2080s

This is how full Ray Tracing would look in modern games


Basically photorealism level

Fully rt games can run on a 2080ti but struggle to get 30fps 1080p which is unacceptable
Because it's the only games that are light enough for the gpu to handle
Cool thx
Oh good I have a 100hz ultrawide 1440p so I'll hit this easy
Gonna go load it up

>Fully rt games can run on a 2080ti but struggle to get 30fps 1080p which is unacceptable

No they cant lmao show me a modern AAA or atleast AA game using full ray-tracing, this shit wont be possible for the next, probably, 5 years minimum

2080ti doesn't do any magic for ray tracing. It just has a bit more power and a tiny little bit of hardware acceleration for it. If they made a gpu 100% optimized for ray tracing, that would be a game changer. Still not enough for playable and good looking games though.

3d mark rt benchmark
I cbf running it myself as its $$
Nah I think rt only gpus are the only way to go.
Raster are good for compute and not much else when it comes to rt
Maybe each gpu will have a separate rt core linked In mcm I know amd and nvidia are working on it

Is the 1080 version supposed to be available yet?
I can only see the 360p quality option.
I have zero idea about how long it takes for YT to encode and upload videos (or whatever it does).
Got an ETA on a version where I can read the text on screen?

It's still processing, youtube is being awfully slow about it today sadly. Give it another 30 mins.

Still waiting for Nvidia to release to new version

It JUST turned into 1080p, go ahead and watch my dude.

>3d mark rt benchmark
m8 thats now how it works, Benchmarks arent nearly as complex as full blown games

Only watched a couple minutes, but I can see already that developers are going to have to be very conscious about light placement etc going forward (moreso than already). A lot of the scenes are very dark where they would otherwise be able to convey information without the shadows caused by the new tech.
Also, will be interesting to see what happens to light source limits going forward too.

Lmao this is so bad the ghosting is insane
3dmark is infamous for being heavier than actual games tho

Attached: DOOMx64_2019-05-10_18-46-11.jpg (3440x1440, 1.07M)

Did you adjust the settings like I did in the video? You need to reverse the depth buffer.

NuDoom was a mistake

Attached: Doom screenshot 2.jpg (400x300, 25K)

This is not actual path tracing

Not yet but it runs great on my 2080ti oc to 2ghz

Attached: DOOMx64_2019-05-10_18-50-58.jpg (3440x2880, 1.79M)

Yeah you're getting the indirect lighting but not the AO. I'd recommend reversing the depth buffer and adjusting the AO to your liking.


Blood, the best FPS ever made, just got a remaster. Why aren't you playing that instead of shitposting about doom?

Not that guy but I hate ambient occlusion.
It's always so shit and actually manages to break immersion sometimes.
Borderlands was especially bad for it.

This doesn't look right

Attached: Atelier_Lydie_and_Suelle 2019-05-10 08-57-54.jpg (2560x1440, 1013K)

cause i've been fucking with ray tracing all day.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-10+at+03.59.46).jpg (398x181, 30K)

Holy shit thanks for telling me this.

Based va panel I can see fineeeee

Attached: DOOMx64_2019-05-10_19-02-13.jpg (3440x1440, 626K)

Blood is fucking fantastic, but it's not even the best Build engine game.

Attached: 1550735069497.gif (472x358, 2.36M)

tell me senpai, what's the best way of playing Blood?

>it's the best Build engine game.

I haven't played the remaster, but NBlood is the best "source" port so far.

the new remaster isn't a source port and has full 3D aiming without world warping, also supports 21:9, 4K whatever resolution you want natively. and it requires no tinkering to get it working properly.. so probably that.

Or just use BloodGDX

>looks worse
>-70 fps
truly the Holy Grail of rendering

That's a hardware limitation and it's a screen space effect done in post processing, not really hardware ray tracing. Not really worth it at this point, but that's where games are headed.

It's also extremely visually noisey

There's also the thing where this game wasn't textured or modelled with ray's tracing in mind. I guess we'll see what DOOD eternal looks like with RTX, if they even implement it.

>-70 fps for a shittier look

Turned it off having more fun with the other shaders
Yeah I don't like it either
Yeah I mucked around with it it's just not implemented right.
Once some madman makes a more direct implementation in vulkan rt for reshade it will be alot better

Attached: DOOMx64_2019-05-10_19-28-16.jpg (3440x1440, 1.02M)

>playing blood for the first time
>getting my ass kicked constantly

am I suppsoed to just be peeking corners and trying to land shots?

rtx is a meme isnt it?i shoulda just picked up a 1080ti

I like how DOOM had better reflections on the weapons without any ray tracing while Battlefield's ray traced gun reflections look awful, but it's also the only way to have reflections on them.

>am I suppsoed to just be peeking corners and trying to land shots?
Nah, just crouch most of the time.

I picked lightly boiled thinking the middle difficulty would be a good place to start but I'm still getting shredded lmao.

The middle difficulty in Blood is like hard in other games.

Any respectful modder would not ask for money about shit he did to another game which he himself did not make

Wow, absolutely fucking nothing changed.

KIll yourself.

>119 to 51 fps for a murkier picture

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