Huh? You wanna turn user? ... Okay, just don't get too scared...

Huh? You wanna turn user? ... Okay, just don't get too scared. Don' wanna wake the neighbors up and ruin our first sleepover

Attached: 1557231194430.png (1214x1224, 2.22M)

Thanks, nigger.

What wrong with his chest area?

Looks like he works on his knees a lot. Poor guy probably spends most hours working or in school, figuring out how to play on the subway is his only reprieve

my man's got hisself some titties, bruh

>playing 360 on a moving train
this dude truly stopped giving a fuck about anything

Being fat = producing more estrogen = tits

Anyone able to tell what game he's playing?

Anyone over 250 should be put down

Attached: Screenshot_20190421-212630_YouTube.jpg (897x988, 336K)

its a girl with a sweater, mini skirt, and knee-high boots.

Silent Hill 3

How does he power it? Generator in the bag?

Attached: 1520902272402.jpg (882x731, 124K)

That body shape is downright unnatural. He must have something stuffed underneath his shirt.

Attached: 1557369037681.webm (720x1280, 2.52M)

Phantom thieves stole his heart so it's collapsing

Whew 220 here. Safe.

Anyone under 250 should be put up

Attached: 1557473519299s~2.jpg (42x64, 3K)

Is he homeless or something?


Anyone else feel really depressed and hope he loses weight and has a happy life?

Subway Chad

Why is this so depressing?

Attached: hahwah.png (146x156, 41K)

He stole shit look at how the shirt is

I think this is overblown.

He's probably just a university student that has to spend hours a day going to and from school. He has to spend a long time on the train, so he's devised an ingenious system to get his vidya time in.

I salute him.

Nigga playin Silent Hill 3, good taste


America is a sad place.

It's impressive how fat this nigga is.

Poor bastard looks like he's already dead.

Do we know who this guy is already?

Was gonna laugh at the guy but then I saw SH3. He's alright in my books

It's the 360 version

>paying money for the hd collection

Sleepovers are
I can't believe it took me until I was 25 to realize sleeping in the same bed as another guy was gay


now hol' up my dude

you dont have to sleep in the same bed, user...