Dark Souls has good gamepla-

Dark Souls has good gamepla-

Attached: Dark Souls.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Why did he turn around

He didn't, he teleported 180 degrees

>being bad=bad gameplay

His character literally teleported backwards. He wasn't even playing poorly in this clip.

>17 damage
was his spear broke or something?

he turned around

He turned around just as the enemy attacked, causing a backstab on him. You never turn your back to an enemy in dark souls. He didn't even have his shield up.


The same thing happened to me, but it was because instead of locking-on and walking backwards. Did i turn around 180 degrees and got back stabbed

Oh so the hitbox just instantly turns 180 degrees rather than scaling with the actual character position/animation. Gotcha.

no he didnt, this is one legit moment when DSP was right about the game throwing shit at him.


hes buffering a movement during his attacks, no way he teleported

i also get back stabbed when i turn my back to the enemy. WHEN WILL FROM SOFTWARE FIX IT, AND THE DRAGON TAIL IN THE PAINTED! WORLD DO THEY EVEN CARE?!!!>!{}{}!

so when he went to move backwards his character turned around instead of backing up. the timing of the enemies attack matched perfectly with this and caused a backstab animation

That still doesn't answer the question of why the hitbox doesn't match up with the character's actual position

But his character was still facing him when the backstab started

Backstabs is one of the many reasons why DS1 is the worst game in the series

it would have synced together but the attack animation happened before the turn animation could fluently appear
its to keep the gameplay from feeling like a fucking slog
no one wants to play bubsy 3d turn controls retard

If you pay attention and look closely you'll notice that dsp rotates a full 180 degrees before the attack. It looks jank only because the disparity between the attack and dsp's rotation was extremely slim

wrong. screencap it

he literally wasnt retard

you can see him turning to the right after the second stab, hes holding his analog stick down, he did a 180
also backstabs have bigger hitbox that they should have

Look closely dipshit

the rotation animation and the enemy backstabbing animation start at the same time, the game positioned him for the backstab, he didnt turn around.

your eyes must not be able to see the fps

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>turns around while the enemy is right next to him
>acts surprised when the enemy stabs him in the back
he could've locked on and stepped back, rolled, put his shield up, literally done anything else and that would've been avoided

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DSP always wins baby

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So you're saying the character turns around instantaneously?

>anons argue and break down a fucking dsp clip

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Ah so you havent played the game.

*teleports your behind*
heh... nothin personnel... dsp

You can always count on Souls Babby's to get their panties in a twist the moment someone calls out their precious game's shit design

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Fucking based
Jon and DSP won. I think JonTron carries a curse and anyone that slights him is doomed. Only a matter of time before Arin goes full tranny and Destiny is arrested for child porn.

I've played them all

They don't though, there's a slight head start on dsp's rotation.

They rotate fairly quickly but that's beside the point because dsp has a noticeable headstart before the backstab animation

Dark Souls was and will never be loved for its deep and difficult combat. Dark Souls is loved for its outstanding level design, atmosphere, and lore presentation. The combat is shallow and serviceable for the type of game.

>defending DSP
also it's "babbies" you low-IQ ESL

Stop bumping this shit thread
Yes the animation for turning around is too short and unrealistic
Who gives a shit

>has a noticeable headstart before the backstab animation
The average person wouldn't be able to tell he actually turned around unless you slowed or paused the video.

Soulsfags are like cult members. From can tell them that shit tastes like freshly baked cinnamon buns and they would agree after eating it. It's sad that they can't even trust their eyesight because some company told them they're seeing something different.


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Lurk moar
You don't even know what bumping means you little shit

Phil outlives another hater

>They rotate fairly quickly but that's beside the point
Souls-fags on damage control duty

>tfw this entire thread is making you think you're blind

How can one man be so based?

>preferring that your character doesn't rotate immediately when you press down.
As opposed to what? Witcher 3? Red Dead Redemption 2?

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said no one ever

Imagine defending DSP because he lets you have something to shitpost about

You can see him turn around for a brief moment before he gets stabbed. It looks kinda bsy because the enemy got him almost immediately after he turned his back, but he did turn his back



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I'd prefer the character to start moving in the direction I press instantly, but not instantaneous animation that looks like dog shit

This. It's at 0.08 seconds.

That is the running animation which only plays when the player is in control of the movement. Even if it's for a fraction of a second, that was the window to get attacked. Also, those Balder Knights are fucking ON IT when it comes to backstabs and ripostes, more than anything else in the game actually.

Go look at turn-around animations in literally any third person game besides Souls post 2007, the character actually takes steps to turn around rather than a teleporting animation that only changes direction

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>Yea Forums is so contrarian they like DSP now

I feel like this board is 90% raeddit migrants and the only reason most people come here is because they have an opinion that disagrees with raeddit. Whenever their opinion actually agrees with the popular one they just go back to raeddit, making this board awful in the process.

Are there any actual users left?

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>ever using a shield
>not iframing everything
What a shitter.

Bruh, how the fuck are you people saying you can see him turn around. The magnetic bullshit started exactly after his attack animation ended.

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Fuck off faggitron, Yea Forums has always liked DSP

>started lets plays with him and got mad that he was so retarded
>go back to watch how he can fail simple gameplay mechanics over and over
>literally told 5 minutes earlier
>'bugged' jumping mechanics

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Stay seething

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no i mean, i don't hate him, he works as an entertainer, doesn't he?
literally just memeing because it's fucking hilarious

One of the many reasons that he is /ourguy/

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my respect for Phil just grow to higher level

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>WOOOOW, I was pressing buttons and still died!
everytime i quote it i smile to myself, if that isn't autism idk what is

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He forgot to lock on after the backstab thus the whiffing and accidentally turned around instead of stepping backwards. He would have gotten shrekt either way because he didn't have his shield up nor did he try to roll.

Go back to necking yourself notaproanymore jared

Pick one.



jared cheated on his wife with a gremlin

a goblin* cheated on an orc* with a gremlin*

Soulsfags ITT desperately defending this bugged piece of shit game lmao