This RTS thread will make it to page 10

This RTS thread will make it to page 10.

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Favorite TA mods?

Oh, cool



Just finished playing through C&C Generals and Zero Hour. Still my favorite.

>This RTS thread will make it to page 10.
Not if I can help it.

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My first RTS was Age of Empires, when I was 6. I would generate a random map and then surround the enemies with walls so I could just take it easy and mess around at my own pace.

Those were the days.

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>real time

They're action games with convoluted controls.

Get off my damn lawn

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With your shitty choice for a game to put in the OP it might as well.

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Action game = control one dude
RTS = control an army and its supply chain
Action games are closer to MOBAs but even then shit like Meepo exists in MOBA but can not exist in any other kind of action game.

the Starwars Total Conversion.
hands down the best Starwars RTS, only just beating out the Starwars mod for Homeworld

Who the hell doesnt use the catalog

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>TA shit


I don't like the catalog for regular thread browsing because it doesn't let me see latest replies, which indicate how the thread has been going. Even a thread with a shit OP can be great and a thread with a great OP can be shit, you need that extra information

>it's not strategy because I can't idle and beat people that actually do things

Thats alotta knights