Why do nu-hunters even like Tigrex? He's been a total bitch ever since MHFU. The instant they got rid of the tracking ability of his charge he's just a walking weak point whose weapons have terrible affinity.
Why do nu-hunters even like Tigrex? He's been a total bitch ever since MHFU...
MH4U Apex Tigger was pretty tough though. Especially the one with 3 in the arena.
MHW will never be able to recreate the experience of either though
Because faggots felt like total fucking badasses when they GS fullcharge his overly predictable charges
>MH4U Apex Tigger was pretty tough though. Especially the one with 3 in the arena.
Got it on my first try. What a bitch. Molten Tigrex was harder but super unfun to fight.
Tigrex was never hard, the point of Monster Hunter was never the difficulty alone.
He's just fun to fight and looks cool, that's all it takes for a monster to be popular.
I found molten to be the easiest of the bunch personally. But then again I was having too much fun with the OP CB
FU Tigrex is one of the hardest bosses in any 3D action game ever. Keep crying, Worldsperm.
What the fuck are you talking about, i've played every game since FU myself.
I've just explained to OP why Tigrex is popular and how it was little to do with just difficulty, retard.
hwat. Tigrex was the most predictable and easiest to manipulate in FU
You're wrong and probably an idiot to boot.
>FU Tigrex is one of the hardest bosses
Nevermind that it's the most predictable and most cheesable monster in all of MH
Nevermind that fucking great jaggi was a harder fight
Nevermind the fact that every single attack tigrex can be seen coming miles away
Tigrex was literally babby's first monster who's only thing that was even remotely difficult was it doing stupid damage and even then thats because FU gear was retarded when you got to fight it
"ur wrong", what an amazing contribution to the conversation. lmao
Keep telling yourself how hardcore you are for beating FU Tigrex, something literal children can do.
So you agree with me? Unless you're using weapons/gear that you don't have at that point, manipulating him doesn't mean shit because you can't reliably stagger him out of his charge.
Everyone except me is retarded apparently.
I've beaten way worse monsters than that. Keep crying, Worldsperm.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates tigrex
What happened?
user you're not taking an IQ test right now, you don't need to make it so obvious that you're retarded.
Tigrex can be fucking killed during the fucking popo quest because of how fucking telegraphed his shit is
Literally the only thing stopping you from killing it during that quest is if you're fucking bad
Tigrex was never hard
People were just fucking bad and getting hit, seeing how much damage it's slow as fuck attacks deal and thinking it was a challenging fight
Fun to bully
Note we don't hate tigrex, we're just calling you bad for describing tigrex as 'hardest boss'
>run behind him
>charge GS
>hit him on the head as he turns around
wow so hard
>He charges you and wombo combos you
I'll take "never played FU" for 100 zenni
Too bad, he get teased for world, so now they will butcher him even more.
RIP tiggy, I'll miss ya
(Hunted over 500 tigrex in FU+P3rd)
you do realize that if you don't have a top tier GS, he won't get staggered by your charge, which means he will run you over and possibly one shot you (tiggy does stupid high dmg, on par with rajang)
>rolls through bad arm hitboxes while he charges
Heh nothin personnel wyvern
Tigrex is supposed to be more dangerous at mid-range than close range. God help you if you're trying to zone. It's the one monster you can't run from.
I am tired of the "hard" monsters
Talk about artificial difficulty
He was pretty cool back in the day. When FU came around, it was three years after the original MH so it was still pretty new, and Tigrex was just the kind of update that many people got hyped for, and was a terrifying opponent for newcomers.
Today he might seem like nothing special, but he and Narga are still fan favorites due to that.
>the point of Monster Hunter was never the difficulty alone.
Yeah I totally agree. I played every MH game starting with the first, and difficulty stopped being a draw relatively early. MH games were mostly a copy paste job with new monsters and some gimmicks anyway, and your player skill translated from one to the other, so its not like you had to learn the game anew everytime.
Which is why I just cant identify with all the old difficulty vs World difficulty arguments. I mean it might be easier, sure, but I stopped caring about that a long time ago. I'm more interested in all the differences than difficulty at this stage in my MH life.
I hate Tigrex because the entire fight is just chasing him while he runs around like an autist.
Brute Tigrex is metal as fuck though.
>retarded hitboxes = difficult game
What's your favorite monster then boomie
Oh I forgot to add after
>so its not like you had to learn the game anew everytime.
Which made only the last 10-15% of the newer games the "difficult" bit, but the rest of the game was still great nonetheless.
>Which is why I just cant identify with all the old difficulty vs World difficulty arguments
But something isn't fun if it doesn't put up a fight. Hyperbole, but it's like fighting shit in a musou. Do you really want to fight something that's not only easy, but just doesn't out up a fight at all? Either doesn't attack, or attacks, but doesn't even come close to you? That's what World is like to people. Difficulty still always matters
The ramping difficulty is what defines MH. Blangonga/Barroth might seem impossible at first but they're nothing compared to the next tier of monsters like Tigrex/Lagiacrus. And those are nothing compared to Teostra/Diablos.
So you're forced to keep gitting gud or you just can't play MH. Remove the difficulty and you can breeze through the entire game an unchanged man.
I'd rather fight all those monsters than a Blangonga tbqh. Fuck that snow nigger.
I just hate monsters like Black Diablos which have zero nuance to them, just fuck huge hitboxes with fuck huge damage and obnoxious attack patterns
You know, Sekiro is a really good game...
The one in Dos would summon minions every time he raged, and if you've ever played Dos you know that minions will seriously kill your ass. Grinding that snow hammer was so goddamn tedious.
Sekiro is just simon says. MH has way more depth to it, like positioning, as well as attacks that require huge investment and leave you open. I sure hope you mean 3U's black diablos because the rest are no issue.
>prefaces comment with "I played every game in series, therefore...."
What depth? Is it depth that if I pick the "wrong" weapon the fight is a chore and super simple and dull if I pick the "right" one?
Yeah, Sekiro only has one weapon and is mostly about parrying, but atleast it is honest.
>So you're forced to keep gitting gud
My point was that once you truly git gud it translates across games. So only the endportion keeps challenging you to some degree, and even then its mostly about seeing what the new enemies have to offer and adjusting yourself a bit, but it never was a game changer.
I just meant to say that this didn't turn the rest of the games to shit(at least for me it didn't.) I always enjoyed my time with MH games, even thought I breezed through most of them. So difficulty became a thing I just didnt care about that much anymore.
Its the reason why I stopped playing Souls games. I played DeS and DS1 religiously but dropped 2 a couple of hours in and never touched any other game, because I "know" these games now and besides the difficulty I just wasn't interested in them. I'm still interested in MH beyond the difficulty though and must've put over 3k hours into them collectively.
This is why world is interesting and fun to me based on the differences alone. I'm not saying your difficulty points are moot,they certainly aren't, I'm just saying that I in particular don't care that much for it anymore and therefore can't identify with the argument. I've gotten my fill of difficulty out of MH, and it just stopped being a draw for me.
Every weapon can kill every monster. The differences are minimal.
But it's fun to see how much you've improved in new games, seeing how quickly you can kill monsters with the skills that carry over. And if you had kept playing DaS2 or any other MH you'd find that the end/postgame content is harder than anything found in previous installments. Even World has Behemoth which, while a terrible, terrible fucking waste of programming, is quite difficult.
I wanna see someone do it with every weapon, with like arena builds
I have. If you can kill Rajang with a Lance and Gunlance then you can do anything.
I'll just say I believe it for now
Let me just say too many people brag how easy some monsters are when their proof ends up saying "with my highly optimised build that stuns monster with one hit, things are easy!"
I'm not saying you're wrong, just that personally I kinda stopped feeling for that.
Everything surrounding that is more interesting to me at this point
Options are:
>you never played any MH game
>you tried one and got extremely butthurt and now hate it for no reason
Either way you're a mouthbreathing faggot with single digit IQ
Haha yeah, it's super-fucking annoying. People grab the kelbi bow and go on 4 man hunts, ruin the game for themselves, get walled by the endgame because they never got any better and then boast about how easy it was.
Like what? The graphics?
HR 74 at MHW
Para Lance/Gunblade is easiest way to kill Blos
Hello, genwunner. Kys pls.
>Like what? The graphics?
That, new areas, new monster designs, new mechanics, etc. the list goes on.
>drop MH4U after reaching the part in the story with wystone and frenzy monsters
>start MHFU since it wouldn't make sense to jump to MHXX since it's made for vets
>use longsword and eager cleaver my way through village quests
>tigrex rankup quest pushes my shit in like no tomorrow
FUCK that big ass hitbox on tigrex's homing charge and tail spin
i can't believe people killed this monster so easily back then
The LS is infamously terrible against MHFU's tigrex. But you should be able to roll under his arm until the big ones start appearing in G-rank.
>b... but I'm rank74!
Of all arguments you had to choose exactly the one that proves you're the worst MH player who ever walked the earth
>Hmm let's make a monster using Barroth's ekeleton that fights in the ice area by using its head as a snow shovel
>What do you man we already did that
>MHXX since it's made for vets
dude there's literally no reason not to jump right back in
>tigrex rankup quest pushes my shit in like no tomorrow
but the part about XX still stands.
i don't know if it's because i came from MH4U but it feels really inconsistent to roll through monster attacks in FU and end up losing 30%-60% of my HP so i end up rolling away from them instead
XX is bad 2bh.
Graphics don't scale well to the switch and the 30fps lock is unpleasant
Yeah however you calculated that
Witty retort
>Rolling away from them instead
>3 shitty looking new mons
>(almost) pallette-swap kitty
Where the heck is mah boi?
The hitboxes are bigger than other games but usually have an opening. Like if you stand in the part where Plessy's tail and neck meet you can stand right under him and avoid the hipcheck. Tigrex's left arm is a huge opening at the start of a charge.
Dat content though. And getting back the classic moveset for weapons like the hammer is really fun.
>oh shit oh shit OH SHIT A FI-
My balls are so blue.
Same. I guess its a case of
>please look forward to Monster Hunter World 2 in 2025
I though we were getting him at first, then it turned out to be blue balled lavasioth
What are people's impressions on the Iceborne trailer? Haven't played World yet but it's pretty fucking dumb that you can use items while unsheathed with a GS and also that revive holy fuck
I like Banbaro's gimmick of picking up environmental objects as it charges as you. I wish it were a Fanged Beast instead of another Brute Wyvern, though, I thought it was using the Gammoth skeleton for a few seconds when I first saw it.
>Jade Barroth except not
>Ice Lavasioth
>Kushala Gayera 2
>I thought it was using the Gammoth skeleton for a few seconds when I first saw it
Took me a while longer, saw the trailer when I wasn't all that awake yet and it didn't click right away.
We've been smelling the rot, but this trailer confirmed the death of MH. I've been a fanatical fanboy for far too long. It's time to bring the hunt to an end.
I'm not mad nor am I disappointed. We had a great run.
I only like Tigrex because I'm a dirty CB user
I don't speak ching or chong
>Banbaro vs Beotodus turf war animation is ripped wholesale from Barroth vs Jyuratodus
Why would they proudly display this in a promotional video?
I would argue they won't do this because Barroth uses its teeth to bite shit, Banbaro probably doesn't. That being said I do expect a pretty similar turfwar between them
I wish SA was good
Reminder that the only reason anyone in the west thinks Monster Hunter is about difficulty is because most HR games never made it over, and G rank was always designed for multiplayer but the west had no good method of doing multiplayer until 4th Gen.
Generally good, but its focusing mostly on giving us some cheap looks as filler for actual content reveals so its 50/50 on nice/disappointed.
Narga and Tigrex are goat though so that was at least nice.
>it's pretty fucking dumb that you can use items while unsheathed with a GS
World's item usage is actually pretty great and intuitive but the slinger is a meme I agree.
The revive doesnt really bother me because the game already has some meme items for casuals that you can just ignore. This is just another crutch. There are more valuable skills to use for players who aren't shit or part of the "muh accessibility" crowd
>reusing things
welcome to the franchise boy
>let psn+ expire because fuck snoy and its censorship
>new event quest tomorrow
>and all this in september
god fucking damnit all this because muh boi tiggy is back
Even then, the later ATs were starting to get into weird broken and disjointed hitboxes. Crutch or not it's still going to be good to have every now and then if anything starts getting weird like AT Kushala tornado being larger than the actual tornado, or Luna's wonky hit registration.
This. Monster Hunter is only hard if you play solo, which is definitely not what the developers intended.
just play it solo dude
just buy a PC dude
but I want the event shit and those AT monsters are a bitch, I mean sure I can solo AT val fartstacks now but that took a very long ass time
>forced to use laptop due to room space issues and budget
>room is also a dust magnet and not healthy for a pc
The ps4 is second hand and replacing those is cheaper than a top tier pc, so far no replacements but the ps4 is screaming bloody murder from the clog
world scales so it makes the monsters easier, only 2 event only monsters defy this scaling leaving only die hard pro players able to handle them
You first show lack of any kind of knowledge about the game, then proceed to try and show how good of a player you are by bragging about finishing the R50 tutorial.
And I have no argument?
>witty retort
Yup, because you are a complete waste of grey matter. You didn't even give an actual answer to my previous reply, just "m-muh rank".
In short: you are stupid, you deserve to be treated as such
I'm well aware of their history with the practice, I'm just surprised they're doing it so blatantly here, and on a feature that pretty much exists solely to show off unique interactions between monsters.
All content is solo-able
Only gathering hall quests are done multiplayer
Read the facts and weep, shitter
>Why do nu-hunters even like Tigrex? He's been a total bitch ever since MHFU.
Tigrex has been a total bitch since his introduction. He's GS bait even for one new to the weapon. Nevermind sniping charges, you can just attack him normally without worry. Newer Tigrexes are not as ferocious but they make that up with attacks that cover its weaknesses.
>shitty new monsters
>nostalgia monsters added to retain old players
>MORE cinematic story
>weapon design still shit
>Narga's theme got neutered
what a shitshow
There's a cheat for 3ds XX that removes the 30 fps lock that got released last month, you need a "new" 3ds with CFW running though.
>shitty [opinion]
>nostalgia is mandatory
>story is optional
>weapon design is [opinion]
>theme got [opinion]
Many will share your views so you aren't alone, just saying there are far worse shit shows with legitimate issues rather than preferences
>they haven't improved on the weapon designs
>we'll probably only get one locale that continuously expands
>new monsters are boring (Banbaros should've been a fanged beast on all fours)
>Narga has been completely neutered, both it's theme and mouvement
>Tigrex will likely suffer the same faith
>HA tier gimmicks that make an already casual game even worse
What a let down. I hope they're working on those Portable titles to tone down on this shit.
Bullshit. Never heard of such a thing. Link?
all gen 2 monsters suck dick. fixing their hitboxes only highlighted that they were flawed by design.
I'm glad they stopped pandering to freedombabs for years now, worked out well for them and all it costed was a bunch of perpetually assblasted boomers.
it's under "MHXX Codes" section, got added on May 3rd, 2019
picture for the lazy
It doesn't work on a 3DSXL, does it? My SD card literally fell apart a few months ago so it's hard to test. I'll try it on the Citra right now.
Switchfags seething how good iceborne will be
>more gimmick shit
>healing while sprinting still in
>cat revives you increasing possible carts from 3 to 6 at minimum
>more tools to mount, one of the worst additions in the franchise, with implication that you can force Monsters to move wherever you want
>probably get a second invincibility mantle and a third mantle slot now
>weapons still look like shit
>cinematic garbage for mouthbreathing worldsperm
Yeah... no thanks... I'll stick to the next Switch games for a real Monster Hunter experience...
I'm so happy I stayed with my PS4 save. What the hell are they thinking delaying PC
Stop being a lonely fag lmao
if it's the old variant then unlocking shouldn't really do much for you since you need the upgraded processor from the "new" 3ds line.
no idea for citra, haven't used it.
It's a mystery.
Use a lance/gunlance. Congratulations every Diablos is a joke now.
Yoooo it totally works on Citra! Thanks dude, you're the best.
I've been struggling between playing MHXX on the Citra or MHGU on the Switch but I guess this settles it. Literally no reason to play 4U anymore, unless you have a hardon for gog and tidal najarala.
>paying for playing online
imagine being this cucked
Not him, but one of the things I like about GS is that you can block. Also, having the Kirin GS made him a joke. You can even use hammer/LGB/Longsword if you want to make it easier.
have fun user
How is he fun ? He's just charging everywhere like a Diablos. That's the worst type of monster there is in Monhun.
He's fun because in FU he only charges when you're far away, basically forcing you to stay next to him and get dirty.
Uuh yeai. What if you don't stagger him ? Or if he's the MH4 Tigrex that will fuck you over by a turn over ?
You mean avoiding a bite and a ridiculous looking circular move ? No, that's still shit.
How do I apply this shit to citra?
Is Tigrex another Deviljho, fan favorite monster that has bad gameplay design?
Does 4U run well on Citra? My 3ds is busted, I have milked World dry and fuck my ass if I am going back to XX for another minute.
No? Fighting Tigrex is a hunter's rite of passage that tests all your abilities, especially the mission in FU where you have to fight two of them for an HR urgent quest.
With a lance, Deviljho is really fun, it's like the monster was only designed for this weapon.
Cheat menu. Some bulds don't have it.
I have a special build with a turbo button so I can speed up the game to run at 250% speed and blaze through the dull parts. Downside is lag when monsters roar and Astalos forcing me to lower native res from x10 to x2.
deviljho is fun
savage jho though, fuck that
>half of weapons cant reach other than chicken legs
>enrages every minute
>that fucking ko animation
>constant screenwide hipchecks
>Ice Jyuratodus instead of Zamtrios
>He's just fun to fight and looks cool, that's all it takes for a monster to be popular.
this user gets it
Yes, but you need to find "filx build" tho.
Because it's a new monster
Piscine wyverns belong in the trash
>booted up World for the first time in months because Iceborne news
>tfw had a comfy hunt against a tempered Legiana
I, for one, really appreciate the focus on atmosphere in World.
Haven't test with monster roar yet, but the fix build runs 60fps pretty well. The text are pretty blurry though.
He's like a less interesting Diablos now.
Damnit why is he not in for fucks sake is getting beaten up by a super saiyan in 4k too much to ask for?
Is GE3 any good (for reference I played like an hour or so of the first game)? I've run out of hunting to do.
What counts as good monster design
You mean visually or gameplay wise?
Uniqueness and familiarity with animals that already exist.
bulldrome and king shakalaka
>What counts as good monster design
Pic related. Literally perfection.
I like it. The combat's a lot better than the first two. It's not a stellar game or anything, but if you can stomach the anime then it should scratch the itch just fine.
The ability to fist hunter fucking shits into a new dimension.
Clearly telegraphed attacks
>Aggressive behavior
Varied moveset, bonus meme if the monster has varied stages/phases then previous attacks get enhanced not only with speed and damage but with shit like fainting the second hit of a 3 hit chain with a delay to throw you off your rhythm
>An interesting and theme that is unique to that monster, bonus meme is that there is a trade off for that uniqueness like Duramboros is huge and has huge attacks that do a lot of damage but he is slow as shit with big weakspots (that are hard to reach)
Personality (which shows both while fighting it and while observing it)
>Good hitboxes
Not necessarily having to do with the fight but having great gear/weapons gives an incentive for the player to get good and learn the fight which makes people appreciate the design more.
>A good fucking theme
I like monsters you can easily get into a flow with when fighting. Zinogre, Nergigante, Bazel, and Anjanath are a few examples off the top of my head. Challenging enough to get you to pay attention, but not to the point where fighting them is stressful.
-Varied moveset, bonus meme if the monster has varied stages/phases then previous attacks get enhanced not only with speed and damage but with shit like fainting the second hit of a 3 hit chain with a delay to throw you off your rhythm
Honestly this is my #1.
A good, varied up moveset for any monster can take anything from frustrating to fun in a heartbeat.
Anjanath is annoying if the spams that fucking chicken kickboxing move that makes him slide across the map
Please give more arena quests for iceborne, I've already S ranked all of them with each weapon.
Solo only arena quests would be nice too.
>fainting the second hit of a 3 hit chain with a delay to throw you off your rhythm
Honestly I hate this shit. It's like punishing you for knowing a monster's rhythm and moveset. Not to mention it feels unnatural as fuck. DS3 had a ton of this shit and it nearly ruined the game for me.
>Countering Jho’s giant enraged slam and knocking his fat ass on the floor.
Always feels good.
Honestly I like it for those two reasons.
Since it just builds on a whole little net of moves and responses instead of a simple "See specific tell -> Act in this way". So with one tell you get to be prepped for 2 possible things, or perhaps you have to get ready since the monster can follow up the current move quickly with a couple others.
I don't think it should be the normal type of move, but stuff like Zin delaying the last paw slam he can do is a good way to shake up and keep people nimble.
>love doing arena
>there is very little arena
>didn't even bother putting almost any of the challenges on PC
DS3 fucked it because it was inconsistent, every stage of every attack from every phase of some of the bosses could do this shit which is no way what I am talking about
If i had to do World examples, Odogaron and Nergigante.
>Why do nu-hunters even like Tigrex?
Complete newfag to the series, MonHun Stories made him seem cool
hey wanna hear a funny mh stories joke?
update 1.2 and 1.3
cease and desist
the definition of good monster design is a monster that spends the majority of the time chasing you and not the other way around
There's many monsters that fill this But this one is my favourite
Because he, like Diablos, is devoid of gimmicks and is just a huge, fast, and angry asshole.
Fuck off user. You aren't special, you aren't more wise or experienced or superior. Thee days the true sign of a retard around here is shit like trying to add on "neo" or "nu" to stuff to try and sound like a big boy. This is especially retarded given the context. Tigrex isn't even a recent enough to qualify for the unconditional or undeserved love of new MH fans.
ur shit
Fair point. I just hate delayed attacks in general because of the reasons I outlined here. I love getting into the flow.
>Clearly telegraphed attacks
Why would you want that? That just makes any fight stupidly easy.
Do you consider the gen2 teo and garuga instant mini charges to make the fights better?
>weapon design is [ opinion ]
"No" .nobody in their own sanity would preffer the dumb bone ore weapons with monster parts poorly slapped into them, thats objetive shit.
However the trailer didnt show the new weapons so they have a chance to do them right
Yes, they were clear enough to tell when they could possibly come which was a good lesson to not stand directly in front of a Monster in a neutral stance.
However I felt the damage they did was too high. A simple quick bop for maybe 10 points at most would have been enough to teach the same lesson without making the lesson a pain.
While we’re here does anyone got the pdf to any of the MH concept art books?
Not him but there's clear differences between Gammoth's moveset, Nargacuga's tail attacks, Zinogre slam, Garuga charge and 3U Brachy glitched slam combo.
>tfw MHW on Switch never ever
This one seems oddly cool. I mean, every moves they showed was new and unique to the monster. Nothing like Jyura/Lava
how the fuck do people not have a competent PC in the year of our lord 2014+5.
Getting a console before getting a good PC first is like taking the icing without the cake.
I have a competent PC, though it can only barely run world and tends to freeze up a lot due to the strain on my CPU.
I'd just like to be able to play MHW on the go.
Put him in
Coping mechanism, MHW is shit, we have to grasp at straws.
Pic very related
Orange = important
>he doesnt has slime resistance
Damn, I didn't know they made diablos' horns a weakpoint. No wonder people are saying tigrex is nothing new.
Holy shit this is spot on
Post your copy with a timestamp
>someone sat down and took the time to nitpick the most brainless shit
Sometimes I forget how autistic Yea Forums can be. Thanks for the reminder.
Agreed, Tigrex has always been a mildly annoying pain in the ass at the absolute worst. It's a casual filter.
see: MHXX
It’s just the bing bing brigade as usual
Beat this game before you were born.
They arent only when they are broken Diablos head is actually weak.
Yep, pretty much. The new locale looks very nice though.
doesn't count
>absolute atrocious shit roster
>areas that literally don't even allow you to walk without making you slide like a retard that doesn't allow you to dodge or attack properly
>piss easy
>hard quests are just AoE spam
>hyped expansion so far only has clones and shit tier monsters
>trash online mode that's dead on all platforms due to how SoS and lobbies work
etc. etc. etc.
You are mentally retarded and should genuinely consider suicide if you believe everything in this pic is nitpicking.
Literally 90% of it is significant.
Fucking white nigger
If the endgame is about RNG drop, at least change decos to weapons and armor like in 4U.
Anything that makes you seethe until you want to sub-5 the fucker out of sheer spite.
>downloading the game onto a mobile phone emulator and pretending to have actually played it
They're on sad panda and have torrent downloads.
It doesn't matter what you say user, MHW has been the most successful Monster Hunter to date.
In the same way that malaria is the most successful population controller.
FU tigrex was still actually pretty okay. I remember watching a guide to land turning golfswings on his forehead on minegarde and then writing my own on how to land turning triple charges.
Land of Tremors was a really engaging mission back when everybody was young and sucked at videogames. That sense of accomplishment I got when I actually beat that for the first time ever ever is something I won't ever forget.
But as for after? You are right that he hasn't been the same as he was in MHFU. Which might be a combination of players getting better, him being weaker, and they not really updating his moveset. So fatigue fucked him up pretty badly and he gets tired too easily. He's way too easy to trip. The ability we have to stay on his zones and avoid big damage is pretty not cool.
I still kind of hope for his inclusion but with how this series keeps changing, I don't think it's possible to make a Tigrex that's that threatening without also completely updating it's moveset to deal with the increasing mobility of hunters.
I too enjoy Miley Cyrus, my brother.
>that's dead on all platforms
I actually have problems with sliding but I do agree with this but it's not dead on ps4 and hasn't been on launch. So I'm assuming you play on PC or X1 as I don't have those versions.
>hard quests are just AoE spam
What like AT luna and AT Xeno? The latter was kind of a fun fight.
>only shit tier monsters
I don't know they just seem to be the early game jobbers. I'm not sure about another ice ED but given that it's not an Alatreon I guess I can live.
I like Tigrex since it's debut, is just a very cool monster even if I don't really like it's theme or armor nor weapons.
All they need to do is give him back his tracking charge. Bloodbath proves how effective that shit can be.
>Nevermind that it's the most predictable and most cheesable monster in all of MH
Here is where the autism is. Right here. Devastating.
>World gets announced
>Tigrex is announved for World
It's unironically true, but nu-shits have no idea what the word "positioning" means. If you're standing to the right of FU lavasioth's head instead of to the left, and you don't have either evade up or a guarding weapon, you're going to eat a hipcheck that takes off 60% of your HP. stand in the right palce and it'll go right past you and give you headshot opportunities.
>and they not really updating his moveset
But they did? Nugrex doesn't give a shit about people going behind it, for starters.
Nobody ever said Tigrex is shit, you shitosting retard
>Difficulty fetishism
>Dark Souls-esque elitism cock waggling "You thought X was hard!? You suck. The only real hard fight was Y!"
I really lucked out that I haven't played with anyone but friends online since MHF2. You faggots are insufferable.
>For World player strawman
You're mixing your memes up, tourist.
>things that never happened.txt
Pure schizophrenia, as usual.
Even this thread is all different opinions on him, same as it was when Narga got teased
No he got it right. World players are the ones saying bing wahoo
They say it as a strawman of Nintendo players who wanted World on Switch and shitposted World for not looking like real MH. If you're going to associate it with World players, you have to corrupt it in some way.
All of this, except for clearly telegraphed attacks. Monsters should always have a "jab" attack that comes out almost impossibly quick but does little damage in order to keep players on their toes, otherwise anyonea nd their cat can just dark souls roll through everything for free wins.
Take daymo or shogun from mhfu for example; standing in front of the buisness ends of BIG MEATY/CHOPPY CLAWS is a bad idea, and attacking the legs can make them trip, so you are incentivized to go for the legs before moving to the claws for partbreaks while the crab is down. To counter leg-trip camping, both of the crabs can do their sideswipe check almost without windup, it does little damage and can be rolled with skilless i-frames, but it can trip and interrupt armourless weapons. That's good non-telegraphed attack design. Bad telegraphless design is old rath immediately charging out of an annimation and catching you with the hitbox while you're clearly like 5+ feet away from him and halving your HP in the process.
So, what do you think they'll do about Iceborne players having Hunter abilities that non-Iceborne players don't? Do you think they'll still be able to party together or do you think the playerbase may end up segmented? Maybe things like the new moves will apply even if you haven't bought the expansion?
>Molten Tigrex was harder but super unfun to fight.
>not using it to learn how to CB
GPing those roars felt like I was parrying several nuclear explosions in a row to let off one of my own. That shit was satisfying.
>He's been a total bitch ever since MHFU.
He was a bitch in FU too.
>Bing wahoo is a 4chins meme for Mario and Nintendo as a whole
>Using it for World players, when World is not on a Nintendo console
Bing wahoo isn't a babby or zoomer thing, it's a Nintendo thing. Stop being dumb.
Name a harder monster in his star ranking so I can laugh at you.
>FU Tigrex is one of the hardest bosses in any 3D action game ever
How bad are you?
I played evade Lance back in those days and Tigrex never gave me any trouble.
Just saying, you could've just use your example Shogun as a bad telegraphless design since its forward charge has no startup and does immense damage.
The same as players that don't have DLC gestures and whatnot i guess. Like many other games that have DLC you will have to download it too, buying it gives you access to it.
I'm not sure about that. I've read, watch, wrote, and recorded guides on how to turn tigrex into a goon by doing nothing more basic but dodging through his arm.
Like it'd raise the amounts of hits he lands on players unaware sure but do you really think that's the one stop complete "fix" that Tigrex needs in order to be made relevant. In this situation he'd still get too tired too quickly, his rage would work against him, and anybody with a guard would still probably not have problems with him.
I think it'd be better if they just lifted his fatigue threshold and doubled it, gave him his same charge but shortened the intervals between them and speed up both that and the back turn combination, give him more combinations after the single charge, more variants of his charge that covers the previous weakness (something like Luna/Teo's 2nd gen curving charge)
I haven't actually played F2 in quite some time. So maybe this might just be nostalgia from when I and everybody I knew was still bad at videogames.
>for starters.
His behind charge is too slow. As is his 360 if we're going to be honest. I mean, be honest with me, but how often have you ever been hit by either of those past 2nd gen?
>since its forward charge has no startup and does immense damage
Ahh, the old combine harvester. I've been playing FU again, holy shit G rank is a slog.
I don't think they'll fragment the playerbase. For good or ill Capcom seems to be moving away from that universally
Uh bro... no one played FU......... if you didn't start with 4U like everyone else you're just a fucking hipster contrarian faggot.........
Reminder SnS fags should just switch to CHAD BLADE since their weapon's gimmick is completely worthless now.
>evade Lance
Not him but evade Lance is like the safest fucking fighting style there is.
>His behind charge is too slow.
Just that it exists it means that you can't play against him like you can in 2nd gen.
>I mean, be honest with me, but how often have you ever been hit by either of those past 2nd gen?
Behind charge and spin aren't much of a threat if you aren't using super slow weapons yeah. But i've been hit quite a few times by the spin from Molten since it's super big. And the charge gets relatively fast on Apex and Grimclaw. Grimclaw is certainly the hardest Tigrex imho, Molten has 1 move that hits you in comparison.
Bruh I'm playing MHGU and doing chained KO's. CHAINED.
Oh boy i can't wait for more multiplayer event quests with the monster having more hp than lao shan lung and insta kill moves.
I main both
>''''''lose''''' slinger shots as everybody gets them now
>still can use items while sword is drawn
>"Heh... sns is ruined"
I swear the things I read on this website.
Molten was awful. Just bigger slower Tigrex with bigger hitbox and blastblight that you'll ignore because you itemized against it. Oh and featuring brute tigrexs beat drops.
>you can't play against him like you can
I think I would agree with that if when they included it it wasn't already easy to avoid. The tell is too large basically. He stops, looks behind his shoulder, than rushes at you. But his angle of approach and the lack of the ability to curve means that it doesn't hamper your tail cutting ventures.
That said
Never fought it. I wasn't too on about X so I never really bought or gave XX a fair chance. So I'll take your word for it and mark it as a fun experience I've potentially missed. I mean I have a switch, I should probably download GU one day.
I admit, this was me.
But in freedom unite
I want to say that brute tigrex is easy but he's the monster that made me break off my 3dsxl pad after 800 hours of gameplay.
Fucking Rajang was more difficult than this chump, though I do love to see him back.
Oh man that hurt me in some strange way. Cursed image user. A moment of silence for the fallen.
Please, his only dangerous move is the homing charge while raged and that is entirely mitigated by supermanning through it.
>muh switch
FUCK OFFFFFFFFF cant people talk about video games without some faggot crying about the switch? Please live stream your suicide so I can touch myself to it. Just like the /R9K kid did.
You fool. If he turns while on top of you, you're dead.
>He's been a total bitch ever since MHFU
How would you know, Worldabortion?