>need a bin file and a cue file to sync up the music
>make sure you have the right bios downloaded, too
>also, to simulate the changing of discs, you'll need to create a .m3u file
>if you want any rumble capacity, you'll have to fiddle around with the controller files
>oh, and there's no GUI, so you'll have to use command prompt
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, why is PSX emulation so autistic? This is 25-year-old technology. How is it so hard to make a simple emulator?
Need a bin file and a cue file to sync up the music
If it's so easy you should be able to do it yourself. Retard.
>free games
Oh fuck you. I've paid for them a hundred times over. I shouldn't have to dust off a 30 year old system and scratched discs to enjoy a classic game.
>command prompt
Are your hands to tiny to type on a keyboard?
PPSSPP is like the best emulator ever created, and it's for a new system.
Download bleem!
>command prompt
why do normies get so intimidated by typing words?
lmao keep seething poorfag
You're getting a bunch of autistic comments but you're 100% right. The state of PSX emulation is utterly embarassing. Every emulator has massive issues and nothing "just works". I'm not denying that it's a hard console to emulate but I wish we at least had someone trying to make an emulator that isn't hacked together garbage and has an actual UI.