So at the end of the day what was wrong with the reveal of this character's sexual orientation? How would you have done it better?
So at the end of the day what was wrong with the reveal of this character's sexual orientation...
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i wouldnt mind if they make poc, robots, animals or women characters gay but white male leads are going too far.
even hollywood wont cross that line
I hate niggers, faggots, and spics.
what did faggots ever do to you
By not doing it at all.
I would have done it like two years ago
It was a blatant PR stunt to distract from that one pro-girl gamer controversy when it turned out all the "mean ol sexists" saying it was a dude the whole time were 100% right.
76s sexuality was an attempt to memoryhole it
Kind of sad too because gays used to stand up against this shit when faggots like EA tried pulling it back in the early 2010s with ME3
rent free
Imagine a world where a video game character's sexuality doesn't need to be announced, or used as marketing.
>gay americans believe they're still oppressed in society
I wouldn't have waited years after release and made it a fact upfront, don't need to change anything else. I'm disappointed that Overwatch's dev team is too afraid to advance the canon or set up relationships with characters because a bunch of tumblr shippers would throw a hissy fit over it.
be degenerates
Didnt they have to remove voicelines because they wanted to make Genji and Mercy a thing and tumblr went nuclear?
I think it was lines from a Valentines event.
Him having a thing with mercy was a far more interesting prospect
pic related, look at the unabashed lasciviousness and lust displayed by the average homosexual.
>average homosexual
I literally suck cock and can tell you thats complete bullshit.
You can tell he's gay when he Sprints, since he looks like he's doing a fast catwalk.
Know how people like to identify with the character they're playing? The whole reason character diversity is so important these days? Telling a sizable portion of your playerbase that they're playing as a gay man is not going to go over well.
It felt like “Oh btw this character is gay” rather than anything meaningful
They should’ve saved the reveal for an Archive mission involving Soldier and it would’ve been the one that made him realize he can’t have a stable relationship and be an Overwatch operative. That would’ve been better than a simple picture in a book no one read
I never understood this train of though. How juvenile do you have to be to be unable to relate to a character because they dont fit your demographic? Its more about a good backstory than anything else, the point of a well rounded character is that they all have some aspect that makes them relatable. But I guess making something well rounded is too much these days.
then what does the "average homosexual" look and act like.
It was an obvious attempt to get people looking away from all the current complaints that we're popping up in Overwatch. As far as the actual character goes, I don't think anybody cares since this is how gays should be represented if they want respect. Sexuality shouldn't define you unless you're a nigger.
This. I dont mind if Winston or Lucio are gay but Soldier 76 is too much.
looks and acts like a mincing faggot
Alot of them fall into the stereotypes. Theyre incredibly shallow personalitywise, so they make their sexuality their personality because they have nothing else. The Key and Peele sketch with the two homosexuals, despite being maybe a little heavyhanded in its parody, is still a decent portrayal of how the majority of homosexuals conduct themselves.
Also note this "ism is my entire personality" does not strictly apply to gays. People are getting so shallow now theyll find whatever label they can and make that their everything; sexuality, religion, political leaning, etc.
There is literally no need to mention a characters sexual preferences, it adds absolutely fucking nothing to the game
>unironically using poc
>literal parades of hundreds of fags
>its just a flook
>this is how gays should be represented if they want respect
With all due respect, get fucked.
>The only way I will tolerate these other people getting representation is if their character's sexuality is hidden in a footnote in an unrelated promo video
I mean fine, it's overwatch, it's not like these are deep characters with complete arcs, and I agree that a massive rainbow drag queen being representation is just as bad / worse, but stapling a queer asterisk on top of a cookie-cutter normal dude character is just insulting.
I don't live in america where that doesn't happen more than once a year
>canadian blatantly lies to another user
Are these threads just made by one guy who really wants to see people seething about gay people still not being hanged in their local town square?
The fact that it's a big company doing it is what makes it feel so forced. There are ways to go about doing this kind of stuff without making it seem like that. I've roleplayed a gay male Argonian before in Skyrim and there are ways of writing characters to make it so that they aren't defined by something like that. The fact that we barely know anything about Soldier 76 other than being gay due to the overall lack of story and character is what leads it to feel so forced, and like I said, when it's a big company like Blizzard doing it, they're only interested in doing it for brownie points. There is a way to write for gay characters, it just can't be their only defining qualities or traits. But honestly, it's going to be hard either way, because people genuinely are obsessed with hating them and then trying to say that gay characters can be well written while giving no examples and just disliking all of them.
>soldier being gay
you guys had one fucking job, everyone fucking shipped them immediately and they didn't say shit about it
You want interesting, I'll show you interesting.
>For a man your age, you're looking pretty good Jack!WELL, ALL THAT STUFF THEY PUMPED IN TO ME HAD TO BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING ... hehe, pumped.
finally someone realises the "y'all" menace. what is it about millenials and "y'all" that draws them to use it in every single sentence?
God I wish that were me.
enjoy you AIDS
How'bout you fuck off you fucking cunt. Some people literally say it because of dialects.
>Literally a couple of lines referencing his boyfriend in an Ana centric story
>Social Media and Yea Forums blew it up to hell and back
There was literally nothing wrong with his reveal, it's you retards that made that shit the center of attention.
thanks for the laugh, lizard. also pic related sums it up well
It never was announced or used as marketing, though. Blame that on the "journalists" who wrote articles about it.
This is kinda why its a bad thing, fans had no problem shipping 76 with men or women before, but that he is canon gay now its not possible
It took two years
ah yes, new yorkers, californians, and big city millenials were known for southern country dialects complete with "y'alls" and "yee haws"
Why do people respond negatively to gay characters, though? They probably wouldn't respond so negatively if they realize that their favorite characters can be gay and not have it detract from the character. It seems like the problem your image presents is not only self-solving, but would be beneficial in the long run. More companies should pull stunts like this.
Grew up in Florida born and raised and my family consists of southerners. Nice try faggot.
If you want to go full conspiracy theory, IIRC the english language is somewhat anomalous in that it doesn't have a word for "you(plural)," whereas a lot of foreign ones do. Y'all basically fills that role, so you could something something globalist mumble kike overlords something about that.
No, keep reaper pure!
Because of the gay boogeyman that /pol/ wants you to fear. Only incels on Yea Forums react so hard to this kind of shit.
Or some extremely dumb third world shitters
It was a set up because he's going to be in a romantic situation with his best friend. Either it's going to be that they wanted to fuck but couldn't because of their responsibilities or it was one sided. Either way, S76 was made gay to compensate for the fact that Reyes is even gayer.
I wouldn't have done it at all. I say this as a faggot. It's retarded.
Overwatch is rated T. T rating means ages 13 and up. Take a 13 year old to the side and tell him his favorite character is a homosexual. You've now done nothing but make him uncomfortable, because, despite what politically charged developers would like you to believe, homosexuality isn't normal. It's something like 4% of the total population. It's inherently strange and unnatural. A character having a wife or a girlfriend is fine because it's fucking common. You see that shit everywhere. Maybe you see some homosexuals too but it's never as frequent as heterosexual couples.
Just leave it out. People want to identify with the character they can choose one of the other traits that defines them.
>Self-hating gay
/pol/ still hates you. The left also hates you. No one likes you, just kill yourself.
>Why do people respond negatively to gay characters, though?
because most straight people are put off by gay people even if they wont admit it
> More companies should pull stunts like this.
all that would do is alienate the majority of gamers who are already sick of being preached to by corporations and create more fag hatred in the community
Add “duder” and it’s the giant bomb message board
Well the only way to fix that is by normalizing it. Hence why the problem is self-solving.
>Be a gay dude
>Only recently came out
>Routinely disgusted by the degeneracy of faggots like these.
At least I still kinda like boobs
everything about this post is pathetic.
>If you're not a flaming degenerate who bases their entire existence around cock you're pathetic
>tracer gets a comic dedicated to showing her sexuality.
>soldier gets a one-off line.
>soldier wears socks with sandals when you know a gay man would never be caught wearing that.
>soldier was the “homegrown all American hero” and “everyone’s dad” character.
And it’s all because they needed that virtue signal crowd to play more, but little do they know that even they left long ago due to balance issues, and slow patches. It was just a shitty excuse to pander to an audience that hardly plays the game.
They could have picked anyone else like phara, mercy (to piss off genji shippers, though I know they won’t because of that chink “writing” the “lore”), or lucio. Etc.
But they choose the father figure/captain america to be gay. Hell, if they really wanted to be inclusive, they should have made him bisexual considering the socks with sandals.
>How would you have done it better?
Explicit 20 minute gay sex animation.
The pathetic part is that you think you're any better than them.
It was trying too hard to get the gay audience
I'm not the same person you first replied to
the harder you push to normalize it the harder the pushback is. have you considered that gamers would be much more open to fags if they stopped invading their hobby to turn it into normalization propaganda
>"Oh Magic Conch Shell, what should we do to get gamers to accept homosexuals?"
I don't think anybody is trying to argue that the Soldier 76 thing isn't political. The question is, how does it go against your politics? Gay people exist. You can't stop them from existing. Shouldn't there be as many conservative, non-degenerate role models for them as possible to curb their deviant tendencies? If you don't want shit like this then you should be all for it.
Literally no adjusted person in the real world has any problem with gays. You are the minority.
What does that have to do with the faggots who say it on twitter retard?
fags and trannies should be locked up and so should fags like OP
>Group in an entire group of people that say y'all and try and say that they're all just shitty city kids that grew up in areas that don't have people that talk that way
>and so should fags like OP
I actually don't mind fags
trannies, however, I can't fucking stand them
this pretty much. i dont mind lucio, genji, hanzo, pharah, symettra being gay but people like 76, reinhardt and mccree being gay is way out of line.
blizz need to get their shit together on who and what is allowed to be gay and what isnt
Honestly, I wouldn't have done it. Hell, I wouldn't have done Tracer, either. I would even go as far to say that I wouldn't have even revealed that Genji and Mercy have a thing together. I feel like in a game like this, relationship stuff should stay as fan speculation and headcanons, it has little to no substantive effect on the story (as little as there is) and only serves to frustrate one group of fans or another. I honestly don't even care that Soldier and Tracer are gay, but just the fact that they had to go and make it a new defining facet of their character instead of leaving it ambiguous and up to fan interpretation just takes any sort of speculation away from the fan community. I don't even like fanfiction, but it must suck to lose even just a bit of possible storytelling potential since now you have to stick to the rule of "this character loves this person, and this person alone, any attempt to deviate from this will have internet freaks screaming at you"
masc gays exist.
You're acting like people won't continue to ship characters even when they have canon love interests.
spam thread, do not answer.
Because that's what fucking gays that aren't mentally insane should be. Cookie cutter normal. What you do in the fucking bedroom should stay there, I don't give a shit. Yes, I don't want Soldier to be a fag, but I'm not bothered by it because it affects none of his in-game interactions or characterization.
No one is talking about people from the south. If a southern person said ya'll all the time there wouldn't be a problem obviously. The basedak picture and the other is referring to the onions males and females who use it all the time in a cringy way.
Africa, the middle east, and China would like a word with you
>Yes, I don't want Soldier to be a fag
you have mental issues. why do you care.
yes nothing. stop making it a fucking topic of discussion everywhere. stop talking about how fucking oppressed they are. stop pushing for it to be plastered all over entertainment because normal fucking people wouldnt need any of that. every time you mention it and push for normalization, you are pointing out the glaring differences and reminding everyone that they arent normal. treat them like actual normal people and stop giving them so damn much attention and people would eventually just stop giving so much of a shit, but you have to remind everyone at every turn. you need parades, fucking rainbow monuments and every other vidya character to be gay or you throw a fit. but whatever, you'll just call me an incel and wonder why nothing ever changes because youre literally incapable of self reflection
People in Africa think that witchcraft is real and people in the Middle East worship a pedophile rapist. Neither of them are "well-adjusted."
I rarely see Soldier 76 paired with women anymore, and when he is, its criticized.
Read the entire post you fucking faggot.
Nobody made a big deal out of it except for you, faggot. Blizzard quietly added a little bit of backstory and everyone flipped their shit.
Apex did it right. They just said a character was gay. In fact, they didn’t even say it. It was just a passing mention in THE CHARACTERS BIO.
Meanwhile soldier was designed to be a captain America rip off, and that was that.
And? You're on Yea Forums, pussy.
>So at the end of the day what was wrong with the reveal of this character's sexual orientation?
It was balant and pathetic damage control after the shitshow that was Blizzcon, killing HOTS, and their faggot CEO making millions while firing hundreds of people(some were probably deserved though). 2018 Blizzard was a really stupid company.
>what do gays have to do to stop being seen as a joke to the rest of the world?
gays will always be seen as a joke to the world, for the same reason that women are seen as a joke to the world. Their roles are inherently humiliating.
It's worse with gays though, because women are at least supposed to be submissive sluts. Gay men don't even have the inherent worth of being female, but are even more sexual the the sluttiest nymphomaniac woman on earth.
bigotry will never die with you oblivious retards leading the fight
>What you do in the fucking bedroom should stay there, I don't give a shit
You know, I kind of used to be of this mindset too.
Untill I realized this is literally "it's only fine when straights do it." Nobody comments on Moxxi being a slut in Borderland for example, or various other womanizing/slutty straight videogame characters.
Yeah, true. I guess I'm just frustrated with it because they've had a story that's gone nowhere since the game started, and they haven't done a single thing with it since the last comic besides pulling past events out of their ass for the "Archives" events and retconning character details here and there that have been there since launch, and yet they want to try and set these characters' sexualities in stone as if it even matters. Anyone who might have been interested in who these characters are has long since given up on learning anything important about them because we know any detail can change at the whim of Michael Chu, and also since ActiBlizz seems more intent on pumping money out of people through OWL than bothering to actually progress the story in a timely manner.
whitoid fag kys
You're right user, if not for their breeding and maintenance roles, females would be a completely worthless drain on society. Here's a thought: we should just exterminate them all and replace them with artificial wombs and robot slaves. We already have the technology to do it, it's just a matter of scalability. If we put in a concentrated effort, we could achieve total conversion within a few generations. Make it happen.
this but unironically
nigger lol
Point out where I said being gay is inherently wrong.
And no, strange isn't wrong. Bowie hated gays and he dressed like a fucking queer.
I don't approve of that either but you know damn well that the popular opinion of faggots is to spam their sexuality in your face. I don't walk around screaming out my sexual fetishes so they shouldn't either.
you don't huh
> beautiful
Last I checked, those ads weren't kosher anymore.
>but you know damn well that the popular opinion of faggots is to spam their sexuality in your face
I mean, it's very common for marginalized groups to sort of base their identity around what their being scrutinized for. Until you start treating them like human beings it's going to get worse for you before it get's better.
Oh I wasn't being ironic, user. You don't seem to realize my proposal would be the fastest route to a Spartan gay utopia.
marriage and procreation with a woman was mandatory in sparta
I would have had him bend tracer over and nut down her leg.
kys faggot
not canon :^)
only because they didn't have the technology we do
so as a fag i've always been curious, when a straight sees a guy's cock and cum and shit in porn are you just projecting into the guy or are you turned off by him?
We need more of this again.
Us actual men have lost too much because we willingly gave an inch.
it also came out right after that scandal with the guy pretending to be a female gamer on some contenders bracket or whatever that the team and possibly blizz were shown to have knowledge of, that pissed a lot of people off but it was swiftly forgotten as soon as it was revealed that "soldier had a boyfriend lol"
It’s kind of like heterosexuality keeps the world moving by procreation huh?
>I don't want Soldier to be a fag
>not fags
Its like, seeing the cock is ok, but seeing the dudes face makes it gay af. I guess its a bit of projecting.
Lesbian porn is hot, but it gets boring cos nothing generally happens.
If Blizzard wanted him to be gay, he should've been called Seaman: 76, not Soldier: 76.
Is a little research too much to fucking ask for?
>Nobody made a big deal out of it except for you
and me
and the playerbase of Overwatch
and all the game journos
And the rest of the internet
it also stopped the momentum of the Diablo immortal backlash because people turned around and praised blizzard for it
I imagine watching straight porn to get off to the guy but the presence of the woman removes half of the appeal already and is extremely distracting.
it's mostly projecting onto the guy, but I mostly prefer POV stuff where you only see a dick and some leg. Porn dudes are just a bunch of ugly fucks with horse dicks so I can't stand most mainstream porn that puts the camera straight up their ass, taint, and ball region just to get a shot of him fuckin' some pussy, and seeing a guy's "cumming face" puts me off of it completely.
So when will they reveal that hammond and winston are gay interspecies lovers, to promote acceptance.
>Big throbbing cock okay!
>A face. Gay AF.
Females don't have any worth.
how about gays?
Same kind of retard that thinks futa and traps are not gay.
Gays provide natural cock and prostate massage techniques without charging.
I used to ship him with D.Va. Now it's like, what's the point?
>All straights are a little gay
This bothers me so much, no dude I'm not gay, we are not all actually bi, I dont like dudes, how is this shit accepted, can I go to a lesbian and tell her "heh I bet you secretly like dicks ;) "?
It's less annoying to hear than "Tits are so great even gays like them!"
I don't like anything attached to a woman, thanks.
Do you cry when you see your own penis? Every guy has a penis, it's unavoidable in porn unless you just watch softcore or lesbian shit. But if I can avoid having to watch a dude grunting and heaving while he makes a goofy sex face, I absolutely will. Especially if the porno decides it really needs a back shot of the girl getting fucked, and the only way to achieve that is to get the guy's asshole in full view for whatever reason.
>what was wrong with the reveal of this character's sexual orientation?
Dropped out of nowhere like we're supposed to care.
>How would you have done it better?
Intro his loverboy as a playable hero, voiced by David Hayter.
Having to choose between fapping to porn where you're only attracted to half the people in it, or porn where you're attracted to all the people in it but there's no dicks so it's boring, sounds rough.
Dude you don't identify or project to anyone on pron, you see *fucking* and that turns you on, do you guys also think you are the L piece when playing tetris and a honda civic when playing Forza?
>grabbing his chest when he's not asking for it
Why are men like this?
Identifying or projecting is more fun.
Do you like girl asses user?
If you are a brainlet playing a brown haired skinnyfat guy in RPGs, I guess.
Lol, what's stopping you now? Somehow a self-inserting talentless chink's opinion is worth more than yours? Take-back what's yours.
Y'all need to calm down now
>Do you like girl asses user?
Did you not read what I said? It was 2 sentences.
So it’s more like you enjoy seeing the woman getting fucked even if you’re not directly attracted to or even repulsed by what’s doing it to her.
y'all right
yeah, it sucks. You can tell the girls are having way less fun with a fake dick compared to the real thing, makes it not as fun to watch.
Fucking bitchy queen.
Lol I'm stupid, Im posting in 4 threads and preparing a presentation, my bad.
>californians, and big city millenials
The entire west coast isn't California. Do you know how many people listen to country western music out here?
Is he even that gay? He grew up in our generation so he probably just fapped to traps.
Have you never walked by a pride parade before?
thought it was just a bliz shill trying to drum up any type of awareness for the games since its dieing, antagonistic marketing and whatnot. they catered so hard for the "woke" crowd they forgot to make a good game, so they keep spamming out shit like this every damn day here so some random dangerhair remember to log on to play for a match till the remember it isnt cookie clicker.
His new lore is that he had a boyfriend that died at some point before the last "short story". They even made him into a spray.
Thats because I have a dick so I don't care about just seeing a dick as long as there is a hot chick being dicked and I don't see any other part of the dude.
I tell you what I fucking loved OW. Never had much time to play but still got to over level700.
Soon as they decided to make s76 a faggot, it was uninstalled and I just haven't missed it since.
Went back to TF2 and play paladins which has got some nice titties in it
>I tell you what I fucking loved OW. Never had much time to play but still got to over level700.
you spent all these hours in a contentless shit game that most people already dropped two years ago?
This. In a game where the only way characters interact with each other is by shooting each other, their sexual orientation or disabilities add nothing of value.
are these responses sincere?
what's wrong with white men being gay, at least from the perspective of somebody who's ok with characters who aren't white men being gay
i swear most of the gay dudes i see are white even
>oh sweet summer child
>wow... just wow
>this! so much this!
Shit like this was normal here not too long ago, you know.