When was the exact moment in time that you realized zoomers were a mistake?

When was the exact moment in time that you realized zoomers were a mistake?

Attached: zoomers.png (910x1119, 793K)

i wish i was a mistake

Those e-celebs in the pictures are millennials

When that brace faced patreon thot became popular

Why Alpharad is so fucking awful?
10 minutes of shitfuck talking.
This is the type of smashfag that should go away.

is the second thumbnail guy ok ? his mouth is too big

>implying this is in any way worse than MINECRAFT LETSPLAY EPISODE 300

>almost all of them conveniently over ten minutes
man ecleb vermin do this and then they wonder why people use addblockers.

>muh old good new bad
ff7 is a fucking garbage game

Fair point, 2012 was a really mixed year in terms of quality

Will never understand this Fortnite shit, of course I'm someone who's never enjoyed competitive multiplayer outside of the old GoldenEye, Halo split screen days.

You are

>competitive multiplayer

Attached: 1556371384119.png (542x512, 52K)

Is it okay for a 28 years old to play Fortnite?

Who cares what people think. Just play your games and move on.

good to see this guy still alive

whats vaulted means

soiface didn't emerge on Yea Forums without a reason

>Vault (or vaulted) is the term used to refer weapons/items that were released and was later made unavailable to adjust the game's balance, being a limited-time item, weapon rotations, out of the meta or not being used by the players as much. ... Vaulted weapons and items can return in an update or in future LTMs
Straight from the wiki.

there's absolutely nothing competitive about fortnite or any battle royale in that regard

>100s of people start running around the huge map
>you randomly stumble upon unaware player and you kill him - or you get caught off guard and die
>this goes on until playable area gets confined to small area with couple of players left fighting to death

which begs a question - why not just start off with the few players on small area to begin with


and stop doing the charade of survival game where victory is 75% luck. the game is not made to be competitive, it's made so you can lose and then immediately go to next game to waste more time in hope you will somehow survive to the final stage of game and maybe win

wtf why not just balance the damn wepon

Does she have uncensored nudes btw? Still have to see a picture of her cooch.

Why the fuck do they always make that stupid face? Is this the soiboi equivalent of duckface?

fucking this, he's such an unbearable faggot. the weird let's player tone of his voice makes it seem like he really hates doing what he's doing

Dude cause it's like Kirby's Air Ride City Trial as a shooter. The map scooching in is to end the game for the five people left who actually care.

Because it's very dynamic.

Most people on social media are miserable so they have to fake and exaggerate all of their actions to hide the fact that they're emotionally dead inside.

Friendly reminder that he openly shilled for fucking Icons of all things. Dude’s a massive cunt AND a dishonest sellout.
>no trust me guys, I swear it’s great and not a souless lootbox ripoff.

I understand fortnite. It's pretty much the perfect game for children. First of all its free and on everything so they can play with any friend. Second, it's a game you can play with a large group of friends and children are the only people with large groups of friends. Third, it's a time killer since there's so much setup time before anything happens where you're just sitting their talking with your friends and kids have way too much time so they need timekillers.

I'm not gonna criticize kids for playing a game made for them. No adult shoiuld be playing it though.

FF7 was a good game for its time. It doesn't hold up very well in my opinion though, and certainly not enough for a remaster. Still, it'll apparently print them cash, so I guess we're more wrong.

Ehh, I played it for the first time last year and thought it was fantastic. It ties with 6 for best in the franchise imo.