>Deep Silver announces Saints Row news soon
>only to be overshadowed by Final Fantasy VII remake
god I don't care for this faggot fantasy shit, I want to be in the row defending my hood
Deep Silver announces Saints Row news soon
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they ruined this series so fucking hard, there's no fans left to care about it at this point
Unless it's a remaster of 2 that actually works on PC I don't really care
>it’ll be over the top, wacky, goofy, crazy, random shit again
I just want a grounded saints row man
>agents of mayhem
remember that shit lol
saints row devs hate their fans
they don't have it in them to make another good saints row game
What if I like both series?
It's the same fucking picture and logo they've used since 2011
The first one was the only good one, but it was arguably better than the GTA games at the time.
>Saints Row after 2
Unless they literally pretend 4 didn't happen and restart from 3 I don't care. actually make it 2, I liked Gat.
1 and 2 are golden, then it starts going downhill.
Can't wait for more MUH MEDIOCRE GTA RIP-OFF crying.
Still, I hope it's not as fucking ridiculous as SR4.
At the current pace, SR5 theme would be intergalactic war.
saints row 3 remastered
Let's entertain the idea they learned from the shitshow that was Agents of Mayhem and that its not a remaster of 2 kill yourself if you want that
What do you want to see out of that hypothetical game.
>Saints Row movie being directed by the guy who did both Straight Outta Compton and Fate of the Furious
Holy shit this actually could be anywhere on the Saints Row spectrum
>yfw SR1 and 2 combined into one remastered combo game
>What do you want to see out of that hypothetical game.
Them retconning 3 and 4 out of existence. Explain them away as in-universe videogames or something.
Also they rehired ChipCheezum recently.
Bet it'll be Epic exclusive kek
>Straight Outta Compton
isn't that a remake of CB4 ?
The Third Remastered ported to modern consoles
Who gives a fuck, series hasn't been worth a shit since 2.
>implying saints row and final fantasy have even remotely the same audience
they don't have the source codes for either of them which is why SR1 is still stuck on 360 and SR2 had the shit PC port.
>Who gives a fuck, series hasn't been worth a shit since 2.
Saints Row 3 was the first actually good Saints Row game. SR2 fans are like Far Cry 2 fans.
I wouldn't mind them retconning just 4.
3 was over the top, but it still introduced some interesting characters that immediately died the next entry.
it was the last good one too
shut the fuck up, contrarian
>defending the hood
You mean fighting nazi gang leader underwater upside down on the moon.
SR2 was the first good one, tho.
The irony.
hurray, another fucking remake. what news
>Idolninja the insider is excited for this news
I just want my Row back
Agents of Mayhem 2
I hope there's a fucking reboot. I want to be a wigger again, buying Freckle Bitches and blunts, and not a celebrity with super powers.
>saints row
>interesting characters
SR3 was terrible all around, all the characters became 1 dimensional, all the villains were non-threatening as a saturday morning cartoon villain , then they had the gall to make mini-games into story missions.
I don't know how people can dickride that shit show.
Imagine the brownest 7th generation game you can. Now make it murkier and browner. That's Saints Row 2.
The only good character from 3 was Oleg.
It's probably just more shit about the SR3 port for Switch
Except SR2 was good. FC2 was sluggish shit that people only like cuz muh e-celeb.
not him, fuck kate and mercer, but I like oleg
>muh e-celeb.
More interesting than SR4's.
You're probably right, it's been like half a decade since I last played it. Oleg was great, though.
Saints Row 2 was ugly but it wasn't for a lack of color. It was far from brown & bloom. What are you on about?
How many times has Saints Row jumped the shark?
God I hope it's Saints Row 1 & 2 remastered
Hopefully they'll make saints row 3. It's a shame they didn't make any games after saints row 2.
real damn shame, I had this dream once where they made this one where the whole game takes place in a simulation run by aliens and every member of the cast but a select few fucking die, isn't that hilarious?
no lol
Having played Saints Row 2 again recently, I hope they remake it instead of remastering, but only as long as all the content is still there, I just want characters to not look like shit and for the mechanics to be modernized.
SR2 is definitely one of my favorite games but having to fix all its bullshit after getting a new PC doesn't seem worth it for how it feels sometimes.
this, fuck SR2 babies if i'd want to play gta i'd play gta not shitty clone, at least SR3 tried something different
Just set that shit to run at 30 fps and enjoy. It's really stable at 30 because this game is a shitty console port badly optimized to run at 60.
Got all of it for 20 dollarydoos. It ran like shit and was insufferable. I failed to refund it in time unfortunately.
How did that game not bankrupt them.
Just a reminder theres a Saints Row movie in production
Spoiler alert: it will be shit as usual
take me back
>Deep Shekel
It's Switch ports of Saints Row 4 and Gat out of Hell.
we count 100s om the table 20s on the floor
fresh outta work and on the way with some more
SR 3 and IV have the best, most realistic, breast jiggle physics of every vidya. Prove me wrong.
No, it just had a next-gen version of GTA gameplay at the time. The world design was cheap and undetailed and felt like they just randomly placed buildings and so on with almost no unique locations in the game.
Pretty much what said, a reset and a true sequel to saints row 2, leaving off at what the Saints Row 2 DLC was hinting at. I feel like the best way for the saints to have a real challenge if the next batch of rival gangs joined forces, prioritizing the saints before claiming turf and you gotta take them all out 1 by 1 while also settling the score with Dex who could also be helping the gangs with intel on you and where to hit
What kind of fucking moron would get excited for a new Saints Row?
post evidence and I'll judge
>Deep Silver
I'm on a Deep Silver boycott since they used their Epic partnership to prevent Metro from being sold for $60 where I live, they jacked the price up to $110, even on PSN.
Different timelines
Prequel to IV named II and III about the campaign trail to presidency, sequels to 2 named 3 and 4 about being a small, grounded gang, and The Second and The Fourth for The Third
Saints Row remake please
How long are retards like you going to keep posting this until you stop being in denial? They've already said they lost the source code and we all know volition is a shitty, lazy company
Lonely Virgil needs to be a sidequest giver
I want 3's missions but with 2's not-so-zanyness.
Saints Row 2 has Saints Row's 3 missions. They're called activities
I meant the main missions. SR3 had a lot of dumb filler otherwise, but the main missions were solid as fuck. Never touched 4/GooH, heard they went extra dumb.
Better not be Saints Row The Third Remastered. I already have the switch version on pre-order.
If it is, it better not be Epic exclusive.
i loved making a big tiddy slut and running around either naked or in underwear just so i could see her bobs from the back
>the shitshow that was Agents of Mayhem
what shit show?
no one bought that shit
>I meant the main missions.
>but with 2's not-so-zanyness.
are you retarded or what? If you took away the zaniness from SR3's """""main""""" missions all you have are missions that amount to
>walk into this building and shoot the bad guys
which happened to be what a majority of SR2's missions were anyway.
>no one bought that shit
how does it make it a shitshow then as opposed to just being a failure of a game
After the abortion that was Agents of Gayhem, we can only hope that they'll return to something more substantial.
Knowing how much their quality has degraded over the years it will probably end up being an APB ripoff full of MTX bloat garbage.
>I want 3's missions
3's missions were nothing but an extended tutorial for the side activities. Fuck SR3.
>I already have the switch version on pre-order.
you dont belong here
Because noone wanted to play it and those who did hated it.
The last Saints Row came out ages ago, and everyone hated it.
>tfw SR2 is one of my all time favourite games
>tfw I thought SR4 actually got close to recapturing the mix of zany and serious that 2 nailed
am I alone in this here? I actually felt like they TRIED with the emotional scenes in 4, even as you're a literal superhero blowing up aliens with a dubstep gun.
What do the Saints row? Where are they rowing to?
nah, you see, the saints are HAVING a row, with the city.
But then shouldn't it be Saints' Row?
well, you see, they just shortened it from "The™ Saints™ Row™ With™ The™ City™ Of™ Stilwater™".
Saying it was a shitshow would imply there was some big controversy though, no?
Lmao, fuck off. Saints Row has more bad games than good ones. Actually, it just has 1 good game (SR2) and one that was okay for its time (SR1).
Maybe if you are literally only ever playing Saints row games... otherwise it was fucking terrible. And the fact that they reused the shitty city from SR3 was a disgrace
That would work as an explanation if the "row" in Saints Row was pronounced "row" instead of "row."
every saints row after 2 was fucking terrible
Beartato, please.
This so fucking much
Saints Row 1 is so fucking terrible to play.
>shitty controls
>sickeningly bad fps drops
>insane difficulty spikes coupled with little to no ways of regenerating HP or ammo
>shit combat
>awful vehicle handling and damage
>bland, empty city
>boring, tedious and unfun FORCED activities
the list goes on and on. Saints Row 2 fixed absolutely all of these minus the gunplay which was forgivable due to balanced weapons and homies.
Don't even get me started on 3 or 4. Just a terrible series all around.
The only reason Saints Row took off is because it was the first GTA-style open world game on the 360.
SR1 multiplat remaster
Based and redpilled
I actually like all the Saints Row equally and am glad that they made them that way.
remake saints row 2 but actually make it fun
4 was fun but vehicles were worthless in a game thats supposed to be about stealing cars and killing people. Superpowers made everything you play saints row for pointless. Yeah lets trick out this car we will never drive because running is faster.
the superpowers made the game fun as fuck, though
True but it wasnt saints row anymore
always felt like more of a spinoff of SR3 to me, probably shouldn't have been called SR4, but they needed the extra marketing boost
Well it was originally that "Enter the Dominatrix" DLC for 3 wasn't it?
Yeah, they even showed the original concept of Enter the Dominatrix in Saints Row 4 as DLC.
makes snes to me
I care
what the fuck is agents of mayhem supposed to be?
unless I can still make fat fuckin tiddies, except this time with actual nudity, I don't give a fuck. This series has been in the shitter for a long time, nothing they could possibly show could bring me around
How come nobody has really ripped off the "hommies" mechanic?
I loved picking up crazy different characters with widely different backgrounds and do missions together.
GTA tried but all the hommies sucked, they need to be really out there to really work.
Class-based hero shooter but in a single-player format.
ai companions exist in other games. Do you live under a rock?
why didn't they make the game co-op at least? seems like it would have been perfect for that
Saints Row 2 still has one of the most "soul" cities in open world games. It's got heaps of variety, some really nice districts and even a massive underground area.
Who cares? Series peaked at 2.
yeah saints row invented companions
jesus christ you're fucking retarded
Terrible fucking series should stay dead
noooooooo why you gotta make me feel like that
I still thought SR4 was fun and had plenty of soul, lots of hype moments like breaking Matthew out of spacejail. Yea Forums is only hating on it to be contrarian.
forgotten. let's just pretend it was never released and move on.
90lbs white guy spotted
i feel like saints row fans live in some sort of a bubble, where the only games available to play are saints row games. Because no fucking way anyone would think this series is worth playing unless you have some faggot friend to play in coop with and mess around.
no joke, I used to know a black dude (from "Da Dirty Souf" as he always liked to say) who'd type it that way every time. I'm pretty sure the guy was legit retarded though.
Yeah, it tried being a worse game than SR2.
SR post 2 is garbage.
Reminder that the devs are ashamed of their first two games.
3 was dogshit
Aren’t they owned by Square or something? I was kinda taken aback when I saw Agents of Mayhem of all things during their E3 conference way back when
3 and 4 followed this formula
>two hours of entirely scripted content and setpieces
>rest of the game are tutorials for the activities that you will be repeating at nauseam
absolute garbage, and there's zoomers saying only 4 was bad
Wasn't Metro the last project supervised by Deep silver? now it's all THQ Nordic
Fucking this
saints row was super fun playing co-op even fucking sr3. Their decision to not do co-op for this game is fucking baffling.
Yep. SR2 had the same activities (and maybe even more) but they weren't replacements for story quests
SR2 had stronghold missions as well, which I loved
Saints row 3-4 had more soul than most shit getting pumped out now.
weak bait
it's like they fired everyone after 2 because 3 and 4 were made by people who didn't know what made 2 good, also they never played it and just read somewhere that it was wacky
No, SR4 is literally the definition of soulless
>dlc turned full $60 game
>literally reused the city and all assets
>anthony fucking burch dlc
They announced a movie
SR2 is actually fun unlike fc2
Didn't they give up the Saints? Even still despite being into 3 and 4 I don't really care for the series.
>all these people hating wacky Saints row
go play GTA or some or one of them many other wannabe gangster sims out there if you want to pretend to be black so bad.
Idolninja works at Volition and has for at least four years now, dude.
>Caring about SR after 2
>Caring about anything Deep Silver does that isn't Atlus related.
just go play prototype
Who the fuck cares? Last good Saints game was 2 and they seem to make it a priority to make any new Saints Row game as unlike 2 as possible to the point they made fun of the goddamn dangling plot thread just to rub it in people's faces that they're over doing anything like 2.
hope they reset to saints row 3 levels of fun. 4 was severely unfunny and boring to play, sadly.
2 had the optimal amount of wackiness and black comedy.
>hope they reset to saints row 3 levels of fun.
What, thorough mediocrity? No thanks.
what? sr 3 was really fucking nice. Unless you played through it with anything other than MALE ENGLISH VO with superfat body, pimp clothing, blockhead and hitler moustache.
>sr 3 was really fucking nice.
fuckin' lmao
not to mention the stupid god powers turned the travelling part of the game unfun and made all the vehicles pretty much obsolete.
How to tell somebody is trying too hard.
Your mom's trying to hard, tell her to suck less agressively next time.
>god powers turned the travelling part of the game unfun
Disagree heavily. It did make most vehicles unecessary, though.
sr3 is way better than "lol lame gta clone"
Uh, that was me, dude.
Sr3 probably isn't even better than 1.
>360 kiddies that think SR2 legit holds up
You have to be 18 to post here.
I've never owned nor played on a 360
babbies that think 1,2 or even 4 was any good
4 is nothing but American Nationalist propaganda and I fucking loved it.
All better than 3, that's for sure
something about SR3 made the game feel like it was a cartoon moreso than SR2
if I want to get bored I'll just play gta 4/3. SR 3 was actually fun to play, only GTA clone I ever finished.
fuck 4/5. sun's shining here and didn't see top of my screen that well.
GTA 3 and SA are the best, obv.
>I want to be in the row defending my hood
the go for it like a good nigger
GTA SA and SR2 are the best Sandbox games.
You cannot change my mind.
They have the source code for every Saints Row game on every platform, the only exception is Saints Row 2's PC port because that was outsourced.
I think 3 sucks but I do agree that people overrate the fuck out of 2. I'd say they're more like Just Cause 2 fans rather than Far Cry 2 fans though.
female russian VA is the best one, fight me
saints row is gay
make another red faction like the first one
t. cod-kiddy who buys a sequel that hardly changes anything but the name.
finally, someone with taste
this please
It's the definition of SOUL (SR2) vs SOULLESS (SR3), it's also completely true.
SR3 somehow managed to feel like a Saints Row clone
cmon shadowrun saints row
If the PC port wasn't so ass I'd be playing it all the time.
works on my machine
Serves them right. Fuck Deep Silver.
Might be for the movie
it's gonna be an ebin exclusive anyways so they have an extra year
Pretty sure health always regens in every game so i dunno what you mean
and the only difficult mission i remember was shooting the plane with dex
I miss him
I wish his website wasn't fucked
Someone post the egyptian goddess.
They better not fuck up, GTA needs competition
4 was a great Crackdown game but a terrible Saint's Row game.
you're delusional if you think saints row will ever be competition for GTA.
GTA 5 cost like $265 million. Voiliton's last release was a huge flop and they're owned by a mid tier publisher as is. There is no fucking way they'll compete with GTA ever.
That's actually probably the main reason why SR has become so wacky over the years, because they wanted to find their own "style" instead of just being known as the budget version of GTA.
A modern re-release of 2 is the only acceptable news since they'll fuck up any new game they do
I liked 4 for the send-up of Mass Effect and the romance system
Steelport is one of the most boring maps I’ve ever played in a open world game
Saints Row 4 is just a budget version of crackdown. Don't pretend like they're trying to give SR its own identity
Saints row 2 says other wise, That was better than IV at the time, More people preferred it
Yeah, it's amazing how you can go from something pretty good with Stilwater to something purely trash like Steelport
did the new hires even play the previous game?
Saints row reboot where you play as cops
Steelport shits on *stillwater
Or should I say chadport shits on shitwater lol
Wow so based
t. didn’t play 2
A big budget doesn't mean a better game, SR appeals to the older GTA fans who don't really give a shit about what modern day GTA is. SR is the only game to come close to being a GTA competitor, So i will bet on the underdog until The Benz makes his appearance
Kinda like the FUZZ activity on sr2?
They confirmed that's what this schlock was supposed to be. Takes place after the timeline reboot in gat out of hell and everything
Deep silver never fails to disappoint me on every possible level
I did. Stillwater is literally a still, lifeless and shitty city with the same fucking district everywhere.
Steelport is literally a living breathing masterpiece. I actually think you should replay it, no two buildings are alike.
>Saints Row news overshadowed by Final Fantasy
Why the fuck would a jrpg overshadow a western open world game you fucktard
You have heard of shit like Urban Chaos, True Crime, Sleeping Dogs, Crackdown, etc., etc., right? It's not like the concept has never ever been done before.
Obviously. But none of them have that saints row flair
>no two buildings are alike
I like you, friend. I'd suck you if I could.
>city district
>college district
>industrial district
>hood district
>industrial district
>industrial district
>industrial district
>Obviously. But none of them have that saints row flair
Saints Row doesn't ever have its own take on anything and is literally a b-tier version of whatever Volition decide to copy be it GTA, crackdown etc. In saying that all the games the guy you were responding to listed aren't exactly unique either but it's not like Saints Row was any better. The only reason people liked it was because it was literally the only thing to play on the Xbox at the time that was somewhat comparable to GTA.
>City park
>derelict hood
>derelict hood
>derelict hood
>derelict hood thats burning after that one shitty mission
Based OP. I hope they announce a Saints Row V, they are some of the best games to fuck around in when you're high
>exciting things for the saints!
Hopefully less Gat wank
Its stillwater but okay
Stillwater literally has all of these without being shitty steelport.
Saints Row 5 should be a complete reboot. That goes back to it's roots of the first two games.
Not an argument. Stay assblasted Stillwater is just a shitty clone of Liberty City from GTA 3
actually it's stilllwafer
Thats just their polite way of saying fuck off. IdolNinja is a sellout. GOTR 2.0 never ever.
Malls, airports, casinos, underground caverns, elaborate pads, beaches, mountains.
Are you baiting at this point? Stillwater has way more than shitport
A GTA clone that jumped the shark? I’ll pass.
seeeven your shitty Still-shills are calling it by its proper name
Steelport literally has all of those you fucking nitwit. have you actually played the games that its in?
>have you actually played the games that its in?
Yes have you?
only real shitters still enjoy saints faggot row
thank me later
Yep I have.
There is one at the north part of the downtown section
50% of the island on the far-right is literally a fucking airport you dope
Far-left corner of the map. There is a casino. And its customizable.
>Underground Caverns
Try actually fucking looking, steelport has those too.
>Elaborate pads
There are about 6 off the top of my head. And they're customizable.
Literally look around the coasts of the islands
Near the nuke plant
I like the goofy shit better, if you want "grounded" play GTA5
Are you confusing steelport with Stillwater? There is no mall in saints row 3
no you can keep GTA5 you zoomer faggot you wanted wacky shit you can have your wacky shit
Again, look around the fucking map. did you just go into SR3 and 4 wanting to hate it? Because clearly you're just leaving shit out to make your shit argument look better lol.
Real fans know that Agents of Diversity was not a Saint's Row game. It was only riding the coat-tails of the franchise for free publicity.
Saints Row 4 was awesome if you understood what it was - a superhero spin-off. It was not meant to be a gangster game. It also sold more than any other SR game. And it was fucking awesome as a superhero game.
Saints Row 3 was like Final Fantasy IX. It had
little flair, but it had few flaws. It was a very average game, which is really about the best you can say about a game these days.
Gat out of Hell suffered enormously due to publisher and studio shifts mid-production (incidentally, SR4 suffered the same). There are several live twitch streams where they showed footage of concept versions of the game before they could decide if it was going to be a full game, DLC, or a stand-alone DLC. It was originally intended to be a full game and they had assets and story boards already made for it. Then stuff happened that had nothing to do with the developers, so the project was forced to adapt.
Saints Row 1 was generic and was made before the game "found its niche". It more strongly resembles GTA than any other game.
Saints Row 2 was when they decided who they wanted to be and fucking nailed it. That was the one that boosted them to gold standard and then they lost the source code like a bunch of faggots so we never got a good port or remake.
Don't get me started on Agents of Mayhem. Jesus christ.
How are SR fans still here that don't know the source code to Saints Row 2 was lost? That means no port. And remakes are always, always worse than the originals by a magnitude (enjoy your FFVII, btw)
>then they lost the source code like a bunch of faggots so we never got a good port or remake
That's utter crap. CDPR was given the source code of the game when they did the PC port. They just did a really, really shit job of it.
They're quite obviously lying.
>Don't get me started on Agents of Mayhem.
What's so wrong about it?
>How did that game not bankrupt them.
I think you underestimate how well Saints Row is still selling. They're still making money off that. Or, rather, their publisher is. Which encourages the publisher to fund them for future projects. It's kind of like how the PS4 still selling so well doesn't make sense because everyone should already have one at this point. Same thing.
SR1 had the best hip hop and SR2 had the best rock. Prove me wrong by posting dope tracks.
Learn what a developer studio is, what a publisher is, and how they two interact. Agents of Diversity was ordered by Deep Silver and produced to Deep Silver's specifications by Volition. That was not Volition's baby. Their developers had little say-so. Deep Silver wanted an SJW Overwatch clone, and told Volition to go make one.
Yikes, that horrible taste.
SR3 was the only bad game in the series actually.
Not counting the hell one cuz that was just stupid.
Considering how cheap these fucks are with their assets and such I would be shocked to find out that we are really getting a completely new game.
How is either of those statements proof that the source code isn't lost? No one ever said who lost it, or when it was lost. CDPR could have lost it (which is really the most likely scenario, but still Volition's fault for not making a fucking copy. Blame piracy for that corporate policy. Piracy was a big problem back then)
They had nothing to do with this port, it was made by some other CDP division
Saints Row shitposters and contrarians are so easy to point out, because they all the same thing in common in that they're underage and have never played SR2 as a result
>Not counting the hell one cuz that was just stupid.
Sorry, Kinzie has a playable main character made that one instantly awesome. And the flight controls were fucking amazing. This is one thing GTA has failed to get right in 2 decades that Saint's Row always does perfectly - flight controls. It's fluid, intuitive, and fun as hell.
Ever fucking time there's a shit port you people just immediately leap to THEY LOST THE SOURCE CODE! and everyone straight away treats this like it's a fact. It's a baseless statement and it's a bullshit one too. The lost the PC code in the bankruptcy years after the port. That's it.
The port was done by CDPR Black, an CDPR owned and operated development studio. CDPR has since shut down that studio. Probably because they fucking sucked.
Well I'll be fucked, straight for the horses mouth. IdolNinja flat-out lies in the Discord
Just make a new saints game with realism between 2 and 3.
Funny, wacky at times but grounded in a realistic city and with some realistic weapons.
4 was fun in short bursts because of the powers, but aliens were boring as fuck to fight.
... the post literally says they lost the PC source code. Do you not understand that it takes between 4 to 8 months to port a game from console to PC? It's not like they can just run it through a machine that magically changes the programming language and engine architecture. Dumb mother fuckers that can't even read Ren'Py shouldn't be commenting on this stuff.
How about you take your garbage opinions with you back to reddlt
>the saints row discord
You mean the one where they all circlejerk about SR2 all day and hate anything that is even remotely different?
Oh and FYI user, idolninja is a fucking retard who thinks that using assets to recreate SR1 in SR2 or use music from the other games in mods is warez
Nigga the map in that game is ugly as fuck.
Every pedestrian is like a zombie or something.
Why they thought that game was a good idea. Its at best a shitty SR4 DLC.
You don't know jack fucking shit about game development so I'd advice you shut the fuck up. I'm not even part of this argument, but you're still stupid as fuck
>porting a console game to PC
Boy are you really that daft? That's not how anything works
No one fucking lied. It would take months of man-hours to re-port the game just to re-port it a 2nd time. For all logical intents and purposes, PC source code that'd be used for a port (mind you, modern consoles use PC architecture now) is gone.
You can't even go indoors besides the cribs and stores in sr3...
he is right
4 was pretty meh
back to fagdit with you
misquoted, point still stands
People are claiming they lost ALL the source code. They claim it's the reason the PC port was so bad. They lost only the PC port code, and by lost that just means lost ownership, and the PC port code was bad anyway because the studio doing the port sucked due to their incompetence, not due to Volition failing to provide source code because they lost it as retards keep claiming.
Wew you sound pissed, calm down Idol. You have a bunch of loyal idiots to felatiate you.
>CDPR Black
CDP and CDPR are two different things. One is a publisher and one is a game developer
Nah I mean the one where they're flat out crazy and try to shove LGBT into anything Saints Row. Also blind AoM fanboys run the place and ban anyone who calls it the trash that it is. I already knew Idol was a sellout, but fuck he's the one who started this "lost the source code lmao" garbage.
But, it is. Those assets are all protected by law. Doesn't matter what you build with the Legos, they still have the Lego name stamped on them. It will be made of Legos. Only Legos don't have Copyright issues. Game assets do. Get over it.
>be me
>like both saints row 2 and 3
get owned dumb dumbs
SR4 literally ripped off prototype in terms of superhero mechanics
Fun facts: Saints Row 3 and 4 (and GooH if you mod it) not only have physics rigged for each individual breast, but also take into account the bra your character is wearing, even if it's not visible during gameplay. Wearing a string bikini or going commando will be visibly bouncier than with a fuller bra or sports bra.
Legally? Sure. But do you really think volition or its parent companies are going to DMCA the fuckin Saints Row mods website because they were using assets from one of their games in another?
The reason I'm miffed about this is that it makes supstantial SR1 mods or porting animations from 1 to 2 impossible since the big players are keeping the tools to themselves.
Have you ever seen a developer workstation from before the PS3 era? Seen the equipment on the desk? The software used? The emulators and Virtual Machines? How it's coded and bug tested on the PC platform in a sandbox? No. I can tell you haven't because of the shit spewing out of your mouth. Only recently have games been made with PC compatibility in mind. For most of your life, they were designed from the ground-up for console architecture then "ported" to other platforms - which means rewriting fucking everything under the hood. The only thing that doesn't get re-made is static assets.
Why does AoM have fanboys? That game is just as bland as can be, I honestly had more fun with something like Crackdown 3 than that trash.
Alright, fine. The port was done by CDPB, a development studio owned by CD Projekt, same as CDPR is a development studio owned by CD Projekt. They did a really, really terrible job of the port despite being provided all the assets they could ever want to do the port by Volition including the source code. In fact, they did such a terrible job of it Volition decided to handle PC ports inhouse from then on. CD Projekt went on to close CDPB.
Too bad the Saints Row community is full of egotistic fart-smellers that gatekeep newcomers. It could have really been a cult gen but Volition and the community surrounding them are holding it back.
Of course they would. How many mods have you seen using official assets? For any game? Yet alone full remakes of games using official assets. There's a reason this never happens, and Nintendo has shows has recently (a few times) that shit doesn't fly no matter how old the game is.
I have no idea but the fact that the SR community is so infested with Tumblrtards, who are quite big influences at that, that it made people like Flippy say fuck it and leave is pretty maddening.
Every PS2 GTA has had one of the other games ported into them. And considering SR1 and SR2 are a decade old and nobody's buying them anymore I don't see why big mods would be a big deal.
No thanks, S.
I've always wondered why we never saw Vault Suits in Skyrim even though it would take less than 3 minutes to port them in CBBE Bodyslide. Makes sense now.
>How many mods have you seen using official assets? For any game?
Literally any bethesda game.
Any game where they update the textures
Any game where they extend the map by using buildings from the base game
Nobody is saying people were going to make a full fucking SR1 remaster but at the very least remake the city.
Also why would you use nintendon't as an example? They're literally nazis when it comes to any of their licenses.
>abloo bloo faggot fantasy abloo bloo gimme dah gta
>Only recently have games been made with PC compatibility in mind. For most of your life, they were designed from the ground-up for console architecture then "ported" to other platforms - which means rewriting fucking everything under the hood.
That depends entirely on the game. Games were made with PC in mind for as long as PC has been a thing.
Try thinking like a business. If you let 1 thing go, then you have to start considering where to draw a line. Then fans are like "But, you let that thing go, why not this one?" then you just look like even more of the bad guy when you had the right to just stop it all before it even started. If you don't stop it, pretty soon someone has remade your entire fucking game which could potentially hurt legacy sales (Yes, Saints Row 1 and 2 are still for sale, have a look).
I don't understand how those types got attracted to this series in the first place. Both SR1 and SR2 laughed in the faces of those sorts of people.
I never kept up with SR's community but hearing tumblr people enjoy it makes less sense to me. The first game and even the second game arguably had the humor you can expect from the 2000s, especially with a place called Freckle Bitches and some of the intros to sidequests. With how PC and sterile most of the world is you'd think they'd lose their minds upon hearing that, even with SR3.
Actually user, would you believe that these people being a large portion of buyers is why Freckle Bitches has been phased out? Fairly certain there was a news article about it too.
>Only recently have games been made with PC compatibility in mind. For most of your life, they were designed from the ground-up for console architecture then "ported" to other platforms
That's not really true. Depends on how the developer operates. Rockstar, for example, develops for PC and then ports to consoles. All early MT Framework games were developed for PC and then ported to consoles because MT Framework was basically built to be a PC engine. Sony told Capcom that the PS3 was going to be a "supercharged PC" and they took it literally. Probably most other Jap devs develop exclusively for console though. Anything on third party engines, e.g. idTech, UE, etc., is generally developed for PC and then ported to console.
The Saints Row games were all fucking garbage except the first one which was a decent GTA clone before GTA4 came out.
*facepalm* That's for the same game. It's not being ported to a different game, which was the point. We're talking about using Skyrim assets in Fallout 4. Not Fallout 4 textures in Fallout 4, which is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged.
>I want to be in the row defending my hood
That's not been SR since 2, fuck's sake the last few games never even took place in Stilwater.
Most, and I mean like 95 fucking percent of "legacy sales" are people sharing pre-owned copies. I can't imagine the manufacturing line for fresh copies of SR1 and 2 on the Xbox 360 are too hot right now.
I also think you are retarded for thinking anyone is going to remake a complete game just cause of nostalgia. Just have a look at the GTA community. Like the other user said they redo the maps and shit in the other games but they aren't fuckin remaking the missions and shit.
No, they were made with PC in mind in the late 90s because that was the majority-platform. Then switched focus to consoles in the PS1 era because consoles became dominant. Now PC is back on top with 56% of the home-game sales so they're going back to PC. Pic related.
I get where you're coming from but what I don't understand is why porting/back porting between SR3 and SR4 is fine, but 2 and especially 1 are seen as a sort of golden goose, never to be touched.
>waahhhhh i dont get to fuck around in stilwater for yet another game
What the fuck do you want them to do? The saints already conquered Stilwater and made bank off of it. What would a new gang trying to push in even be able to do?
>Depends on how the developer operates.
It only depends on the time frame. Rockstar only recently shifted to PC. All of GTA 3's games (Numbered, SA, VC) were made for PS originally.
>saints row 3 was fun
I just want proper Saints Row 1&2 remake
Funny you should mention that, LCS has two speperate porting projects going that are making steady progress and the VCS porting project has been revived recently. I think it would be super cool to see something like these for SR1 but I guess it ain't meant to be. I'd even take just the SR1 Stilwater, since I prefer it in some ways to 2's.
Okay. Let's go another route. Saints Row 2's publisher was THQ. Saint's Row 3 was Deep Silver. While logically you can say "But, that's fine, because Deep Silver bought THQ", business isn't that simple. Those assets are under different ownership and protected by different contracts.
Basically, 1 person owns SR3 and another person owns SR2. Even between games made by the same teams and same companies, the contracts for assets are different and still managed as 2 different entities. They can't be interchanged.
I loved 1s aesthetics
Unless they're going back to the atmosphere of SR2 I don't care.
SR3 and 4 were entertaining for what they were, but I really don't need more of that.
They were made in RenderWare though, which is touted as very easy to port to and from with.
>I also think you are retarded for thinking anyone is going to remake a complete game just cause of nostalgia
Nigga, have you been watching the Fallout: New Vegas scene mod scene? Or the Skyrim one? They've made worlds bigger than the original ones.
And is that a remake of an older game?
Based. The world and lighting are still some of the best looking in an open world today, for me personally. SR2 looks like someone spilt a bucket of oil over SR1 and butchered the lighting for the sake of higher poly count.
Does anyone what happened to Flippy? He hasn’t uploaded for almost a year now.
i probably dont have the one you're looking for but i do have this
Walking through Saint's Row at night with a pimpcane was kino
>All of GTA 3's games (Numbered, SA, VC) were made for PS originally.
They were all running on RenderWare, a cross platform engine that actually started on PC. Ports like the rest. Rockstar's preference for consoles is not a mystery, they don't like the PC platform because of the rampant piracy.
This whole scene was golden, God I loved the SR1 cast. 1Gat, Troy and Dex > 2Gat, Shaundi and Pierce.
I've been trying to piece it together and I'm not 100% but I believe he was trying to push for people to view his videos via his website for muh revenue but it just wasn't clicking. WatchMojo stole one of his videos and it was probably a breaking point and from then on he seemed to just lose interest. Hell not even his website is up anymore. He's just active on the Saints Row discord as far as I'm aware. A shame too, he made really good content.
Literally, yes. There is a Fallout 4 Mod that is making New Vegas inside Fallout 4. They are using original assets, though. Not FNV assets. Which brings us back to the original point.
Those pink sunsets as you're driving towards the Row listening to Kronic 92.2, SR2 can't compete on little things like that as much as it is a better game overall.
you literally can't comprehend how fucking stupid the thing you typed was and is
M8 we already know it's gonna be more le wacky space/hell shit, they'll properly go to fucking heaven this time. I want to go back but I don't see it happening.
Reminder that SR3 didn’t have a fucking day and night cycle
He's not in the Discord anymore. Think he flat out cut his ties with those bozos or just took a break.
It was written stupid because the question was stupid so it was being explained with stupidity in mind. If you're going to try and claim that Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 both share the same legal paperwork then you're an absolute dumbfuck and should excuse yourself from the conversation.
That's because you're a nigger.
Really? That's one of the least harmful gags compared to some of the raunchy cutscenes like this. youtube.com
I dont even know how Volition even can make that fanbase happy without wanting to end it all, it's just so incredibly boring and bland.
Not him, but they could probably just avoid Stillwater and Steelport and flat out create a new gang that calls themselves the Saints completely unrelated but inspired by the Third Street Saints. I have no idea if gangs are still common place in America like back then, but there has to be plenty of things that Volition can still rip on right now for new gang members. I would be shocked personally if for a reboot Volition avoided low hanging fruit like a Tekashi69 parody that tries to rat you out eventually.
And saints row 4 didn't have days and nights at all. Just one stagnant skybox that was blue or red depending on who controlled the hood. Its sickening how lazy Volition are.
>the question was stupid
Thanks dickhead.
The store music in Saints Row IV was so comfy.
Did the new engine break the way day-night cycles were held, were the 360/PS3 completely incapable of handling them with the upgrade?
Not sure why but I found the gateway and image as desinged music creepy.
how am I supposed to know I didn't design the game
>all the marketing for SRIV revolves around you being the POTUS
>it’s all ditched a couple of missions in for Sci-Fi bullshit
What was the fucking point?
>Gateway 2
Good shit. Also youtu.be
I liked some of the not so comfy tracks too.
Well, it did't have a *dynamic* day/night cycle. It only changed after loading screens.
I liked the music SR3 used in missions, especially the last one
This just screams
>I didn't play the game.
You realise 90% of the self-referential humor revolves around you being the president right? And a lot of the clothes and weapons are based around exaggerated stereotypes?
>tfw driving around all of SR1 Stilwater trying to find the Hitman targets
Damn, that was such an infuriating activity.
Not an unpopular opinion. SR3 had a pretty based music selection. SRIV was also like this. To be quite honest Saints Row has always been pretty spot on with its music, be it OST or the in-game radio tracks. Someone really needs to rip those songs that quietly play when you're on foot in SRIV and don't have the radio on.
What’s the best Saints Row radio station and why is it SR1 K12?
Based and WestsideRollerzpilled
>10 years on and people are still finding out new stuff about Saints Row 2
this, after space shit thet's the only way to jump the shark even more while being interesting
>Discount flippy
no thanks
will it have big titty sliders tho?
Is the gat in hell game worth playing or am I not missing out on anything?
Please be EGS exclusive
If you finally want to get revenge on Dex, you should play it I’m kidding, that moment was completely anticlimactic
I mean if you liked SRIV its pretty much more of that minus the scripted story missions, customization and radio. Just get it on sale though. It takes about 6 hours to 100% (no bullshit). It pretty much just expands on the good activities from IV with Johnny Gat or Kenzie as the protag.
It's short and not really all that bad, I'd say it's worth it for the flying alone. To play. Can't say how much it's worth paying for.
I didn't even had idea that game had been released already
Fuck revenge I want him back in the crew, that plot point was half assed from the start.
>saints row the third 4k edition
I'd be happy with anything saints row as long as it was somewhere in the 1-3 category, people can bitch about 3 all they like but it had some good moments and hadn't quite gone off the deep end yet, just bring gat back for real no bullshit.
Have it be an empire building game again, I really wouldn't mind if it was a soft reboot where the main guy lost all his shit again and has to rebuild from scratch, just flesh it out for modern audiences, the property buying and passive income was cool, keep the customisation, actually make sure you keep cars relevant again no movement powers that render them useless.
Have rival gangs with their own plot progressions as you take them down.
Really they would make a lot of people happy if they just stuck to what they knew, fleshed it out a bit and yeah I guess grounding it is a good idea since it was those wacky powers and shit that kinda broke the balance of the game in the first place.
Don't just pad out your game with half the missions just being introductions to side activities, that sucked.
When I played it I shit my pants in pure rage - this shit isn't Saints Row, and tried to be Saints Row 4 without any of the charm.
I'd rather masturbate to Scooby Doo than play that shit again.
No thank you.
I thought Agents of Mayhem was okay
getting money was so easy in that game
>it tried to be saints row
Except it didn't. In fact if I recall correctly all developer interviews and marketing tried to reinforce this WASN'T a Saints Row game and simply had fun little callbacks like the Fleur de lis or being drenched in purple.
Why do so many people constantly ask for remakes? Why remake things that are already good? I want something new.
It wasn't, but I think people were fairly disappointed since it was still a forgettable title in its own right bar some good ideas like multiple difficulty settings. Plus I'm still waiting on a current gen SR game that isnt a port.
>but also take into account the bra your character is wearing, even if it's not visible during gameplay
now this is TECHNOLOGY
This honestly. I get a little pissed off when I see some retard go
>p-please give us a SR1/2 remake
If I wanna play the game I'll go play the original fuckin game its not that difficult. I think it's hilarious however Volition shit on these fags by remaking SR3 for the switch instead.
>SR after 3&4
No thanks
No. You WILL buy it, YOU FUCKIN' GOT IT?!
Stupid dickhead faggot.
Damn bro you're so funny calling him a stupid dickhead faggot. Did a big smile spread across your face as you typed that? Did you chuckle a little bit? I bet you did because thats the usual fuckin behavior from posters as retarded as you.
They took Saints Row 4, dissected it and inflated the superhero shit.
It was pretty much a more focused Saints Row 4.
A pile SO BIG I can smell to this day...
I recently played SR3 because SR2 on PC is atrocious.
For one, it's really smooth and the main missions are really fun.
Outside of the main missions its kind of boring.
SR2 had that protect a celebrity shit, or whoring yourself bit, or even fight club. Why did SR3 lack so much shit?
I had to turn off my VPN while I was jerking off just to reply to this autistic load of drivel but can you stop posting? The mannerisms in your posts aren't funny and you're a fucking idiot if you think it's genuinely entertaining to yourself or others.
>Damn bro you're so funny calling him a stupid dickhead faggot
Thank you.
>usual fuckin behavior from posters as retarded as you
I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not retarded.
this tbqh
Get rekt, libtard
Easy der boys, I think we can all agree that we’d like a Saints Row game that strikes a good balance between urban grit, and comic book absurdity. No need for squabbling, we’re all Saints here.
>I want to be in the row defending my hood
So play the only good Saints Row game, 2.
The rest are retarded shit by either being a bad wannabe GTA or a bad wannabe Crackdown.
Thanks for proving my point. I'd like to take this time to remind you that you need to be 18 to post here.
>like a Saints Row game that strikes a good balance between urban grit, and comic book absurdity
So SR2
>Buy the game on the PC
>Get the game on Steam so that you have it for the PC
Seriously though, what did he mean by this?
This. Give me Saints Row 2 again. Or at the very least Saints Row 3.
inb4 another shitty spin off
lol you caught me. I was trying to be civil and shit, but yeah SR2. It’s the perfect SR game. It’s like if GTA:SA and Kill Bill were mixed together. It has that urban, gangbanging vibe, with a hint of craziness. The Ronin carried swords in broad daylight like it was normal. I loved that shit.
I really disliked saints row 3. I appreciated the bump in graphics but other than that everything else felt like a downgrade from the customization down to the map
Saints row 2 was awesome man. I had more fun with it than gtaiv around that time. I was so disappointed with 3 that I didn’t bother with 4.
It WAS a straight downgrade in almost every feature. But SR4 and Gat out of Hell for me were much worse.
I disliked when Saints Row 3 dumbed down the unarmed fighting mechanics.
They went with "flair" over any sort of challenge.
With the press of a button you'll just win after a scripted, lock-on animation played.
It’s been awhile so i can’t remember but did sr3 have online modes like gangsta brawl and protect the pimp?
Hopefully it’s a saints row reboot that brings back the tone of 1/2 and also includes them remastering saints row 1 since that’s been stuck on the 360 since release
So if a hypothetical new SR were to be in development, what do you think it would be: total reboot, or soft reboot sequel? I also saw someone mention a SR game but as cops, how would that work?
A cop game with you patrolling the row as a beat cop all the way up to detective would be neat. Maybe have the option to be a dirty cop shaking down the saints or being a straight arrow
A HD remake for SR1 would be nice. Updated physics engine etc, but keep the more grounded characters etc.
>Saints Row 5
>it starts at the end of 4
>camera zooms out to reveal player character and the other saints in a movie theatre
>Gat says "What a piece of shit"
>your gang members start burning down the theatre as you and your crew leave
>Title rolls
People say that but the customisation options for Saints Row 2 probably aren't as good as you remember. You could layer your clothing and recolour it, but the actual selection you had was piss poor
>they killed off Oleg because they were too lazy to port the brute AI into 4
Still mad
Sounds like Sleeping Dogs, only hopefully without a sequel hook.
poor dude, first game on the big industry is such massive flop dude got fired and then rehired again.
3&4 are unironically fun open world games. Kills GTA in every department where they used to be fun, just dicking around doing fun stuff.
It'll probably give you like 20% off the game on Steam or something like that, maybe a bunch of costumes in Saints Row whatever comes next
>the actual selection you had was piss poor
I wouldn't say it was "piss poor," but could've, obviously, had more options.
There are plenty of options.
>Saints Row mixed with Sleeping Dogs
I kind of want to see that.
Can I make a Russian waifu in SR4? I accidentally picked the russian voice for my mommy in SR3 and it was one of my most memorable vidya experiences in a shit game.
The first one sucks dick, dude
Not him, but I assume he's talking about Crowbcat. FC2 hate wasn't as strong until dude released a vid comparing it to FC5, shitting on the latter.
Seriously though, they either have to retcon 4 out of existence (The Boss steps out of a simulator Kenzi cooked up at the start, poking fun that most of it was a sim) or come up with an entirely new concept, because there was nowhere to go even by the middle point of 3. They are more celebrity supervillains than gansters. Then they destroy the fucking planet in 4.
Dex's storyline was wasted. It was all supposed to be resolved in a mobile game or something, right?
>Saints Row movie by the director of the last Fast and Furious
I am positive.
A saints movie is coming out?
Weirdly enough, this game pushed me to buy Illmatic. Fucking hell, developers knew how to curate some dope music
Yes, my ass
I did. £4 for the day one edition, using credit from Amazon. So I technically got it for free.
Honestly, still feel kinda gipped. Fun for about an afternoon or so, very repetitive after that.
I heard of that when 50 cent was attached to it originally ages ago. Same with the Deus Ex movie from the writer of those Sinister movies and Dr Strange.
It's gonna be time travel
my guess is a future game will have data carryover or an upgrade path for owners of the game on PC, but not for the console version because of separation between console generations. or perhaps it will get delisted from steam in favor of epic goy store.
Volition could have kicked Crackdown 3 sorry ass, make Saints Row with cops, dust off the GeoEngine and make the city actually destructible.
SR2's soundtrack is like a time capsule to my teenage years. Gen X had all the emo hits for the time.
That just means your tastes are 50% shit.
Saitns Row has never ever been good.
They will never tone down the crazy and get back to the perfect level 2 had. Its so sad to play 3 and 4 and go back to 2 and see just how everything is better, you can even feel some sort of cinematic expertise on all the cutscenes. Jesus Christ why is 2 so fucking good and fun
Fuck, I'd forgotten about that shit. Even worse when you'd find them, then realise you didn't have the correct weapon.
You couldn't really do that for most gta games either.
yeah directed by F. Gary Gary, Fate of the Furious, MIB International, FRIDAY!, SET IT OFF!!!, The Italian Job
literally the perfect guy for the job
This. Literally who gives a fuck
It's only too bad they ruined everything through going all in with the wacky crap.
I honestly don't see how they're gonna progress the story beyond gat out of hell unless they do a full reboot.
>all these steamfaggots ITT complaining because they hate Deep Silver just because they decided to give Epic timed PC exclusivity for a few months
Use that damn GeoMod engine you fucks, it worked on a console with 240 Gigaflops, the current ones have over 1,3 Teraflops (not counting the upcoming ones).
>few months
>12 months is a few
I liked SR 3 and 4 but fuck you SR 2 was great
This lol only the second game was mediocre and thats only because it was a complete San Andreas clone, the rest were absolute dogshit
Bouncing off this I'm just gonna spout of some autistic ideas for a Saints game with cops
>The game is called Saints Rows: The Fuzz (or something along that line)
>Game takes place in a revamped Stillwater, more specifically the Stillwater Police Department
>You play as the customizable protag given the title “Rookie” much like how you were called “Playa” or “Boss” in previous games. Your character is known to be a bit of rebel and disregard protocol.
>Rookie has a bit of a hate boner for gangs, especially the Saints for dragging the city down, and treating the city as their playground. Wants nothing more than to crush all gangs by any means necessary, leading to wanton destruction, disregard for public safety, and misuse of septic trucks.
>You can recruit cops like they were gang members, the higher the rank, and the more cops you can recruit (up to 4).
>You obtain weapons from shops and the evidence room in the police station, the more you progress in the game, and the more weapons are unlocked.
>Missions and activities center you fucking up gang activities; shooting up strip clubs, parties, drug deals etc. Strongholds would be police raids on gang hideouts an such.
which game has the best gameplay?
>second game was mediocre and thats only because it was a complete San Andreas clone
This is either: lazy bait or you're retarded.
That's a highly subjective question. However, I think you'll find that most people here will say Saints Row 2.
I've only played SR4 and it had some of the best character customization I've ever seen. It was pretty dull otherwise.
I don't care what that asshole says ever since he created hype for SR4 saying they fixed everything that was wrong with SR3 regarding the city and civilians being lifeless. They didn't change a damn thing about them between 3 and 4.
After how shit the SR3 port was, who gives a fuck
I'm also hoping for something like SR2, even if it's just a remake.
An open-world gangster game would actually be pretty novel at this point.
>Saints Row has always been pretty spot on with its music
Agreed. From the radio, to the stores, to the ambient stuff.
>They reset the universe at the end of Gat out of Hell
>Rather than letting them do it properly for Saints Row: Five-O, cry about it and demand retcons like faggots
Mildly hype for this, I really liked SR3 and I guess 4 was meh. Agents of Mayhem was waaaay too repetitive but had some hints of interesting ideas. I haven't given up on this franchise.
>Autistic ideas
user, this is what Agents of Mayhem was going to be/potentially Saints Row 5 will still be
Yes. The original SR4 was possibly going to be about about fighting off gangs themed after some of history's most infamous leaders (Stalin, Genghis Kahn, Cleopatra, etc.) in a new city or a modernized Silwater but TH*Q needed a sequel out faster so they forced them to turn SR3's next planned DLC into a full game. Still sounds like a dumb plot but no superpowers were planned at the time at least.
Maybe they just don't want Kinzie back.
What made it suck was how most of them fucking lied about the targets' locations.
People were hoping for the reset to go back to being slightly more serious. What they got was Agents of Mayhem.
AoM managed to have a city even worse than Steelport and made it even more lifeless.
There's nothing wrong with Kinzie if she's in a small enough dose. Her being techno-jesus in SR4 was dumb and only worthwhile for bringing in Miller later to take her down a peg, but still. I think if they made her less hackerman tier, she'd be fine.
>it's on steelport again
So what you're saying is that there's a chance?
Yeah, the set-up the retcon gives them is fantastic for a Saints Row 5 similar in tone to 2. Why they tied AoM in to not be a sequel but sort of be a sequel and insist it isn't a sequel was the most absurd decision they could have made. Hopefully they're aware of this and just ignore it.
>No other trailer has screamed "This is out last chance please buy our game" or made me insufferably mad.
4 by far
Couldn't they make new source code?
a 1 and 2 remaster would be nice, never got to play the first one even if it looks really generic
Modern Volition doesn't have the passion or drive (or budget most likely) that the company had back in the mid 2000s. A remade SR1/2 will be just as bad as SR3, or worse, AoM. Less activities, less life in the world, full of over the top humor instead of balancing the serious and the absurd that the original SR2 had.
Those asking for a remake are asking for a disaster.
I think I remember the guy who wrote SR1 and SR3 saying that despite getting writing credit on the project, SR2 was essentially made by a completely different team and didn't resemble what the SR1 devs had in mind at all.
So I guess SR2 being great was a complete accident.
I remember one of their higher-ups saying around the time of SR4's release that they didn't want to go back to the way things were in SR2 as it was 'too dark'. Going completely the other way around was just ridiculous though. At least SR4 tried to have some serious parts but with the overarching "aliens in a VR simulation" plotline it just made things even more ridiculous.
The head writer considered the carlos scene the low point of the series. He's an idiot.
>SR2 fans are like FC2 fans
user SR2 fans don't praise the game for being an empty tech demo with nothing to show for but MUH TECHNOLOGY.
You're better off comparing them to San Andreas boomers.
Haha what a fucking retard.
He considers that scene the low point?
>The head writer considered the carlos scene the low point of the series.
I'd hate to see what he considers the high point of the series.
I keep hearing that scene being some kinda significant sad scene.
I was indifferent. I was surprised that people found it to be sad.
Saints Row 2 is the worst in the series simply because of the jetski to the junk mission. Fuck that mission.
I don't get the hate for SR3. Literally most fluid and comfortable gameplay, controls and fun. Tried playing and finished 2 but liked it much less. Maybe its because Im not from US and gang culture is something completely alien for me.
>that scene
It's child's play compared to any protection mission with you in a helicopter.
You could just have shit taste.
I'd argue my tastes are better than yours, because you're a faggot.
Saturday morning cartoon aesthetic and tone, wacky world instead of wacky player antics in believable world, many missions are literally minigame tutorials, weird plot beats that made no sense until you found out later they cut all the darker parts out of the story.
Saints Row games are akin to first 5 Scary Movies. First is the most grounded one and pretty dark. Second is the best in the series with a healthy amount of black comedy and more self awareness. Third is a divergence from the form and is much more zany however still tolerable overall with some okay parts. Four goes full fucking retard and nothing is taken seriously anymore. Everything after that is just raping the corpse.
>Tony Hawks pro hater 3 was announced two years ago, meant to come out this year
>Keeps unlisting his vids such as Pro Hater HD and the only way to find them is through his tumblr whose last post was 3 years ago about how he nearly died
>saints row 2 hd remaster with working coop and properly optimized for pc
its all i want
>Saints Row
>raunchy comedy/ action-sandbox game
>In this political climate
>In this micro-transactions everything, 'games as service', and loot boxes
Arrg mateys
good thread bois
still more fun than boring ass grand theft asshole. seriously, gta players should be gassed
I would play SR2 right now if the PC version wasn't so fucking garbage.
I've been replaying it on the Xbone recently. Other than some graphical glitches every now and then it plays better than it did on the 360.
Shocker! SR3 on Switch is shit
framerate goes to complete shit during cutscenes and setpieces, but is relatively ok for the open world
missing animations like lip sync
very noticeable low quality sound and FMVs
extra but minor loadtimes
comparatively game runs similar docked and undocked
man volition's streams were wholesome until they got shut down
Does it change anything? Restore "cut content"? Add "improvements"? Or is it just a bugfix to get things running smoothly?
I'm traumatized by skyrim's unofficial patch and vampire's plus patch adding in super shitty fan content like it was meant to be there.
It added more, much need, brick textures.
In the vanilla game there was only 4 textures of bricks.
Now, with this patch installed, there are 7.
Figured it would be a quick shoddy port. Switch could handle PS3/Xbox360 era games so this is on them.
it fixes the game and adds a lot of stuff but it's all optional youtube.com
Don't want to change hopes, but reminder that Volition changed the direction of the series over lazy animators
I'd be alright with a SR3 remaster if they re-design the city to be more like Sr2's, in that you could look around and tell what area you were in, in SR3 (and 4 since it's basically the same map) all the buildings looked so samey and bland
You can customize it to be just the essentials, bug fixes, or choose which additional customization options you want, like extra stores, extra weapons, extra color options at the customization screens, etc.
No, SR4 was a mediocre Superhero game with a wrapper of the old gangster game.
3 was a retarded gangster game that took the mix too far comedy.
2 was a solid balance of serious and comedy.
I tried gotr, it didn't fix the constant crashes or speedup
Some of the goddamn music in the series is literally stock music
Took me by surprise when I heard various SR3 incidental and theme music used in commercials. Turns out they didn't make a lot of it in the first place.