Why is everyone OK with the continued casualization and degration of fighting games?

Why is everyone OK with the continued casualization and degration of fighting games?

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I'm not.

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Bitch you don't even play fighting games to the extent that it'd actually affect you, and care more about using shitty bait to a granblue thread off the ground than putting effort into genuine discussion. Fighting game devs continue to talk about dumbing shit down, and despite recent flaws in games like SFV or Rev2, neither of them are significantly more simple.

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not OP but what are you even talking about

Implying even in the "casualized and degraded" form they aren't too much for you to handle and you are playing them in the first place.

you ready for the next GG to be even more casual than Rev 2?

I dont mind really, ac+r is for turbovirgin animelord purists and I wouldnt dare look them in eye on any given day, let alone play their game

Casualized fighting games are boring because it is just a waterdoowned beat'em-up bounded to be played only in one limited area where you can't scroll to next area
Not casualized fighting games are also boring because it is just a meaninglessly complicated beat'em-up bounded to be played in one limited area where you can't scroll to next area

Conclusion: both are fundamentally wrong, but to casualize it is clearly not a solution about the genre forever being a niche either.

Always funny to see some low level players crying over casualization in fighting games when they are absolutely not at the top of the food chain. Like all those retards talking shit about DBFz even if they will never hit Go1 a single time in a proper match.

so we're not allowed to complain about poor design choices unless we're the best of the best and playing at a professional level?
You're a fucking idiot

Easy to learn, difficult to master is the epitome of good game design, even in fighting games, you elitist casual scrub. Suck my dick bitchboi.

yep, this is why ARMS is one of the best fighters to come out in years.

Not him, but if it's a game vs another human player, probably yes, you don't really know how to play the game properly.

>You are not allowed to talk shit about something if you are not the absolute best at it

I'm not okay with the casualization of anything. The casualization of video games is why the industry is currently engulfed in a sea of f2p p2w garbage.

the people okay with casualization largely never cared about fighting games in the first place

as long as it gives them something to enjoy, "totally become pro" in a month's time and then drop forever, they don't care

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It is very easy to learn how to do quarter circles

you'd be surprised. There are people here who can't even do a DP
besides, there more to fighting game inputs than quarter circles


>franchise that is a mobile game
>game aimed at the fans of said mobile games

CyberAgent is literally attempting to take over the entire FGC and become bigger than Street Fighter. What happens in Versus directly effects every fighting game in the next ten years

You know what, now I hope that DOES happen, just to spite you.

>Implying it won't
KMR already owns Daigo, notorious sellout. He has been caught fraternizing with Justin Wong. EVO is owned by McRib, one of the most evil menon the planet

Fighting games are finished.

Probably because it's been a gradual decline continuing since the late 90's. Each individual instance stops hurting when you've come to terms the genre dying years ago.

You can talk about mechanics, balance and everything, but saying that it's a casualized garbage when you are not even a great player (so someone who actually fight against real players at the game), then yeah, your opinion is shit.
Games like DBFz have a scene and it's never a random guy who wins which is a proof that fighting games are always deep enough to be played by strong players.

Basically, you are a casual like 99% of Yea Forums fighting game players, so talk about the roster and fap to the girls then fuck off until a new game is announced like you always do.

I'm ok with more sexy and mature women in fighting games

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I'm not okay with the degrADation of the English language.

They’re not finished, but your doomsaying makes me hard.


So far every popular game is filled with casuals, they are what brings in the money, So they dumb down the genre to the point that nobody cares enough about it and it dies.

Prove anything about what I said wrong.

>just because you are not the best at something means you can not point out it was made easier

Big words for a game that you haven't played yet

Because core fighting game audience is just a small circlejerk of autists, fighting games have never sold very well. Smash Ultimate is most successful fighting game of all time with just ~13 million sold copies.

Why are you asking this question on Yea Forums of all places?
99,99% of posters are too casual to get into fighting games, they are gonna appreciate the simplified controls MOBA abilities.

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>Smash Ultimate is most successful fighting game of all time with just ~13 million sold copies.
*most successful party game

I don't know about Rev2 but SFV's dumbed down aspects really made the game more unga and much less interesting to both play and watch.

>game explicitly stated to be "for people who play mobile games"
>WTF why this game have mobile-tier cooldowns
gee user i dunno

CyberAgent is just building on its 5 year brand to have it multimedia like their competitor’s Fate Stay Night

It might flop but as long as it’s there it’s still advertisement. And again they have tons of cash from their mobile games

>where was that stated?

They want to invest into the FGC because the amount of press DBFZ got interested them so they want to beat it

Expect mobile game rewards given out during the EVO stream and for it to break records

They almost always gave rewards, and those sold well. Their anime were seasonal bestsellers simply because of the codes, except Zombieland Saga which became popular on its own merit

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>mobile-tier cooldowns
Granblue has turn-based battles and, as such, turn-based cooldowns.
What are you talking about?

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Literally kys if you can't beat casuals.

I don't get pic. Did they screw over US players?

Which is my point. DBFZ's records for views will be destroyed and KMR will get insane press.

Holy shit, this is some incredible projection.

Because performing stick motions is not meaningful skill.

>Did they screw over US players?
becuse the game doesn't have an official us release most promotions with businesses and free shit isn't available to us.

There was a McDonald's promo campaign and since the game is technically Japan only muricans were mad that only Japan could eat at McDonald's and get in-game bonuses.

If you're shit and it was harder you'd be even worse. Something being made easier to do is not necessarily bad design, and in fact making some things more consistent is usually the right idea.

In one of the interviews, i think it was for a japanese magazine, a Cygames rep said "...we want both people who play fighting games and people who play mobile games to be able to play and enjoy [GBFV]", or something to a similar extent.
>What are you talking about?
Skullgirls mobile has cooldowns on the special moves, and its the only mobile fighting game i know. I probably could've used a different thing to show outrage at, like one-button specials or something

DBFZ isn't boring because of simplified inputs, it's boring because it lacks character variety and the combos/blockstrings are way too long.


define great player. I guarantee I could kick your ass in Tekken 7
I am not casual and I easily have close to 1000 hours across all fighting games I've played
When I complain about casualiztion I talk from experience and just using my fucking eyes

>muh Tekken 7
1v1 me in KoF 2002, MvC2, or Accent Core +, then we’ll talk you faggot wannabe.

>autistic anime shit
I thought so

Fuck off retard.

>no argument
Thought so. Now you can stop making these threads you nobody. You ARE the casual, user.

>complains about GBF being casualized
>acts elitist about anime games
Why do you even care if you don’t play anime fighters? NEWS FLASH RETARD: GBFVs is an anime fighter!

I didn't make the thread, nigger
I feel I am within my right to complain about casualization because of my experience in a wide variety of fighting games
who the fuck mentioned GBFV, you idiot
I've played a lot of fighting games and I only came off as elitist because those game he listed are ones that barely anyone plays anymore
They're good games but are irrelevant to the discussion

You were in the LAST thread bitching about GBF, don’t you have something better to do than bitch about a game you won’t play, in a genre of games you don’t play? Why the fuck do you care so much? Maybe if you had friends you wouldn’t waste so much time complaining about something you shouldn’t care about.

Tekken will always be around you elitist bitch, now fuck off.

better casual than having to do stupid button combinations with the 2 controllers at the same time to do a simple combo

>You were in the LAST thread bitching about GBF
No, I wasn't you fucking schizo
I hadn't even heard about GBFV until this fucking thread

>even more casual than Rev2

That's not difficult considering the game is still tough as hell.
It's funny how most of the time I've played people from the "Xrd is for casuals I only play XX" crowd in AC or #R they were free as fuck while I already know the people that can beat me from Xrd's competition. Internet FG talk is fucking full of fake "OGs" that masturbate over the difficulty in old games when they're not even decent in the supposedly "casualised af" latest iterations. Special kind of cope to avoid competition and keep playing dead games with other people that suck.
Also funny to mention that the stance of a vast majority of the FGC towards GBV is excitement. Simple doesn't mean bad, one of the best current FGs (Koihime) proves this.

>playing and caring about a genre dominated by a gay nigger furry
yikes, how embarrassing

Yes you fucking were you spastic, you can’t hide it. You’re the same faggot who went on and on about “muh casualization” and the bragged about having 1000 hours in Tekken 7, when people called him out on being a scrub. You have the exact same argument patterns, don’t even try to hide it, we all know it’s you. And now you’ve outed yourself as an elitist who shits on anime fighters, so I repeat, why the fuck do you care what GBF does if you don’t even play anime fighters? Why are you even in this thread at all to begin with? None if this affects you at all in any way, so fuck off.

Maybe in America. I live in Japan, and no one even knows he exists. America’s FGC is a fucking joke.

Dude how are you THIS fucking deluded. If you had even read my post you'd know I don't shit on anime fighters. I actually like playing Guilty Gear and Skullgirls
I know it may come as a surprise but people tend to have similar opinions to each other
what's even MORE crazy is that not everyone browses Yea Forums at all hours of the day. I was not aware of a previous thread
Again, GBFV is of no concern to me and looking at the reply chain you'd notice that you were the only person to bring it up
I DO play anime fighters, just not as much as more traditional ones but I have nothing personally against them.
I'm in this thread to talk about casualization and defending my right to have a fucking opinion about it
Fuck you, you schizophrenic retard

Your post itt LITERALLY said
>autistic anime shit
>thought so
Fuck off moron.

Yes, and my post after LITERALLY said
>I only came off as elitist because those game he listed are ones that barely anyone plays anymore
>They're good games but are irrelevant to the discussion
You are a retard and I genuinely wish I knew of a way to say this with the same level of aggression as I mean

Fighting and racing games have always been core casual.

>genre dominated by a gay nigger furry
What games user, Tekken 7? SFV? UNIST? KOF? DBFZ?
The degenerate furry trash isn't dominating anything.

They're still the deepest genre and super fun so whatever. 1 frame links weren't what made them good.

why is having moves with cooldown casualisation? it forces you to manage your resources even more

Except Versus being a fanserice game for the phone players is something that came straight out of Cygames executive director. Dont get me wrong, ill be annoyed if a long running fighting series suddenly jumped into a similar playstyle but this game from its inception has been baby mode casual aimed at people who dont play fighting games.

Because your genre is dying with no new people getting interested in tryhard games

>Yea Forumstard
>pretending to play fighting games
thats rich
>thinks he knows anything about fighting games

The casualisation is
>only having 4 specials and 1 super move
>no z motions, no quartercircles, no halfcircle+tilt, no nothing, all one-button specials.

Boo-hoo, cry me a fucking river faggot.

>only having 4 specials and 1 super move
>no z motions, no quartercircles, no halfcircle+tilt, no nothing, all one-button specials.
lol no, we still go those

He's only good initially, but is very quickly overtaken when people start getting good at the game. "Dominated" is a very intellectually dishonest term.

Factually incorrect statement on several levels.