I hate you. All of you. You're all nothing but maladjusted, sadistic, pathetic human beings. None of you can have a meaningful dialog with each other for one second without giving in to your primal instinct to fling shit, chimp out, and be the center of attention for, perhaps, the first and only time in your uneventful lives. Why are you here? What do you gain from clinging to the rotting cadaver of this board? Board culture doesn't even fucking exist anymore. Every board is just Yea Forums-lite, and Yea Forums is just /pol/-lite. I've been watching this site, and this board in particular, steadily go down the shitter little by little every day, and I'm so tired. I don't have the energy to be angry anymore. There's no saving you. Why am I even posting this? Maybe I'm trying to get you to realize that this site just isn't worth visiting anymore. Maybe I'm just retarded. Oh well.
I hate you. All of you. You're all nothing but maladjusted, sadistic, pathetic human beings...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah Demon's Souls is a pretty fun game
What’s your favorite vidya bro?
Wish I could actually play it. My PS3 is locked away in storage.
Metroid Prime 2. Perfect game, in my opinion. You?
Everything is going to shit, everything is shit. Nothing matters, so everything matters.
Stop projecting
>Everything is going to shit, everything is shit.
this i agree with
>Every board is just Yea Forums-lite, and Yea Forums is just /pol/-lite.
Your appointment to janny should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the moderator.
I take it, he was agreeable?
Can we seriously get a /nihilism/ 4chins board? Would do a lot to filter this crap out of Yea Forums. /pol/ is over saturated.
Sure, I'm on it.
video games are bad
I want to fuck Jr
me too honestly
Right now?
Big monsters hunter fag GU style
The people are just so nice to eachother
I swear animal crossing and Monster hunter need a full fledged crossover game
But user. I try. :(
There's already /r9k/ and that one general on /trash/
why is he giving kamek those strong fuck-me eyes
try harder
holy BASED
very based thread.
What would a nihilism board consist of, exactly?
God, I wish that was me.
who's the artist?
>this thread
it is indeed a very based thread
>this thread
Not op but i'm really enjoying Dragons Dogma at the moment. Just made it to the post game Everfall.
if you aren't joking then i like your stuff it's very cute
do you post it anywhere on social media
bowser jr is cute
>do you post it anywhere on social media
i post on twitter but i havent posted that in specific since i'm paranoid about controversy (and i havent uploaded NSFW shota content there before as far as i can remember)
Very cute
Pretty fr*cking based ngl (not gonna lie)
i'm a big fan of "that" content
i wanna follow you, what's your @
its keno9988
i dont like to shill too often but i also like sharing my stuff so that just comes with the territory
that's pretty kino
i followed you, hope you don't think i'm a huge fag
AAAAAA i dont wanna get another 2 week ban im sorry!!
you should be fine
if anything i'll end up looking like a huge fag lmao
Fine, I'll accept it like a real man. Stage builder is pretty dead now anyway.
who ever said that was a bad thing
you should dm me i'd love to see more of your art
i mean MAYBE, but we'd have to get to know each other first, user-kun..............
sounds fun, let's do that then
just dont expect it to be a persistent thing
fair enough
Literally me except my mouth would be resting on Jr's crotch
Source? Can't find it on sadpanda nor 4ch archives as the filename implies.
Purchase your copy today
It’s to vent OP we’re all fags here
Why do keep on putting missing words fuck my brain
> I hate you.
I hate you too! We have so much in common, lets be friends!
>alicebooks STILL doesnt accept paypal anymore
what the FUCK happened
Is bowser junior a shota?
he's a shortstack
of course, why wouldnt he be
Maybe you think faster than you type or something.
Paypal doesn't like it when their service gets used for nsfw stuff. Hope you got a credit card.
I will admit, you're right about there not being any meaningful discussion nowadays. I partly blame it on new kids coming here, probably and unironically real zoomers that discovered Yea Forums maybe one or two years ago and are now regular users, still adjusting to how things are and should be.
The other half I blame on how shitty internet 'humor" has become. If you take a close look, OP, what everyone does is try to one up each other in a silent contest to see who an be the snarkiest, most ironic shitposter while flinging ironic memes and meme words/phrases. That's how it really goes.
>Nigger bargle
How did he get away with this
shota is top tier
>hope you got a credit card.
unfortunately i don't and i probably never will. i'm bad with money stuff so i prefer just having a regular bank account. thanks for saucing me up either way fampai
>buying shotacon doujin physical
but user... i dont live alone and my family's nosy
looks good at least
That sucks. Maybe someone will leak it someday.
I know my friends and I got our own copies, but I'm not sure any of us are going to leak it publicly.
bumping to keep based thread alive
Why is he so cute, bros?
im asking the same question, user
i couldnt tell you
small soft and vulnerable but bratty and cocky
ah, yeah, thats probably it
makes you wanna show him his place
This was a nice thread.
Thanks for making my morning Junior aficionados.
no problem dude
Calm down Jr it's not that serious.
Is that a bit of dick I see there down below?
Post full
Here's your (You), OP
Are you the same artist who drew this?
how do you draw his head/mouth shape so well
Well, thanks for drawing him!
Your art's nice.
Then leave?
I hate you. All of you. You're all nothing but maladjusted, sadistic, pathetic human beings. None of you can have a meaningful dialog with each other for one second without giving in to your primal instinct to fling shit, chimp out, and be the center of attention for, perhaps, the first and only time in your uneventful lives. Why are you here? What do you gain from clinging to the rotting cadaver of this board? Board culture doesn't even fucking exist anymore. Every board is just Yea Forums-lite, and Yea Forums is just /pol/-lite. I've been watching this site, and this board in particular, steadily go down the shitter little by little every day, and I'm so tired. I don't have the energy to be angry anymore. There's no saving you. Why am I even posting this? Maybe I'm trying to get you to realize that this site just isn't worth visiting anymore. Maybe I'm just retarded. Oh well.
shut up fag this is a bowser jr thread
post bowser jr or get the fuck out
It's not easy. I usually look at his 3d models for reference and often forget that the top part of the head isn't as wide as the lower mouth part.
thanks bro
ah, i see
ive noticed the head shape is kind of like an egg if you view it from the top
Fpbp with a side of Spbp
That's why I only come here to shitpost.
Yeah, koopa heads are weird. this is the simplest way to break it down though.
Do you have a place where you upload your Koopaling and Jr art?
I'm not the same guy who you were talking to if that matters.
I only have a twitter and inkbunny that occasionally has cute koopalings and cub boys. the rest is thicc/fat.
>the rest is thicc/fat.
not him but I NEED A LINK PLEASE
Sounds perfect. Link your Inkbunny or Twitter.
Whichever you prefer.