Where were you?

Where were you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Having ligma


It's been two years already?

Attached: 1536136178396.jpg (350x350, 26K)

Playing vidya

Taking the longest shit of my life as I read through the whole thing

sat at home

i refuse to believe that was in 2017. it was in 2018...

The worst part is faggots still think it's coming out, even after this. Just stop, it's embarrassing now.

Anyone with half a brain lost faith in Valve making single player games anymore long before this. That being said, Marc's draft was fucking shit.


Here, actually, at least for part of it. I wasn't really a Half Life fan until about 2013, so it didn't hit me super hard,
Nice to finally get closure, really. Woulda been fun to play.

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Somebody please post it here

why is time going so fast?

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Can I get a rundown?

Do you think that all this epic shilling is by half life fans mad at valve?

Who the fuck cares besides valve fanboys

this lol
only losers care about video games amirite redditbros XDDD

It wasn't that long ago.

Here, being grateful for the whole shitthing finally being over.

If you ever cared about this peak reddit game in the first place you should stop posting immediately.

>about to go to sleep on time for once
>see the post
>stay up another 2 hours

Attached: l.png (719x459, 474K)

That's a massive leap in logic. Doesn't make sense either, the HL fanbase is dwindling.

totally right XD!


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Half Life writer confirming the project is beyond dead
He posted the story that would be 3
It ends with Gordan giving up after discovering a Combine Dyson sphere

I'm talking about this shitty game not all games.
Mods are valve drones and stickied a thread so it could get a ton of yous and replies.

N-no, this was last summer, right?


Thread theme

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I know user, I know.

Whoops. It looks like you were born too late.

HL author provides the basic story of what HL3 would've been
basically confirming what we already knew i.e. there were no solid plans to produce anything beyond HL2ep2

>episodes weren't that good and it had been over 10 years since episode 2.

It's not like I had any hope left, I'm not stupid.

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I remember listening to this in original thread... god fucking dammit...

>I'm not stupid
Yeah you are.

Closure was nice. At least I won't lose any sleep over the fact that modern day Valve will never make a good game ever again, much less tarnishing the perfection that was Half-Life.

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I had already lost hope in Valve but bought a HL3 I wanna believe poster for Nostalgia's sake, it got here that day and I stayed up re-reading it over and over

No fucking way, that's not true, that's impossible...

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Calm down. Episode 1 is pretty meh. Decay was a good idea but ass. OpFor and Blue Shift were okay.

Main games and Ep 2 are pretty great though.

nice edit OP now post the real one

>why is time going so fast?
You aren't experiencing anything new.
Duplicate memories get more easily overwritten, causing you to forget what happened and that makes time seem to go faster.

>HL3 confirmed fucking dead
>Portal 3 never ever
>L4D is getting a soulless spiritual successor

Attached: 1530268913354.png (740x900, 923K)

>dad is a big fan of half-life
>was vacationing in another country when Laidlaw posted Epistle 3
>talking to him a few months later, get on the subject of Valve making artifact and he mentions half-life
>tell him about the blog post/the circumstances surrounding it and watch his smile drop from his face as he realizes it's never happening

Attached: k-off.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Because there's nothing in your life left to remember.

half life writer posts the ending of half life in a pastebin

They were important and pivotal, not perfect. Gmod 9? That was perfect.


no fucking way fuck you don't do this to me

what happened to Valve

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It was bound to happen, user. Sooner or later.

Not giving a shit about Valve.

Just more to remember user. When you were a year old, a year was 100% of your life. Two years 50%, and so on. Each year is less important even if more things of interest occur. It's how getting older works. I hate it.

You are like a babby. The time from when PS2 released to now is greater than the time between the NES launch and the PS2 launch.


They finally realized making money was a lot easier than it used to be and they took the bait hook line and sinker. Also hammer editor is fucking awful and I don't blame them for not wanting to go back to it.


He's running over cia niggers in heaven now ;_;

>>Portal 3
Why? Portal 2 was a very resolute ending with loose ends tied up in the co op.

>too much time little to do
>Too much to do too little time

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Telling retards on Yea Forums devs are not their friends, Valve never actually worked on it, and saying good riddance to any fucktard who still begs for a glorified tech demo.

I'm glad I got to spoil the final Half-Life game for Yea Forums tbqh

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Casuals happened.

In that thread.

The worst part is that once you realize all the shit that happens after Gordon is rescued by the Vortigaunts is not part of the actual original Episode 3 plan, and is actually inserted by Laidlaw as a metaphor for why he left Valve, that it becomes obvious this was going to set up one last game. Likely Gordon would be reunited with the resistance after the Vortigaunts rescued him to set up the plot of the next game. But nope, all of that is gone because Valve would rather make some card game abomination based on lore that nobody gives a shit about.

What an absolute unit.

>nearly 2 years ago already
>valve still hasn't made any new games

Attached: image.jpg (1024x732, 82K)

>Billy sticky was last year, not last March

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Whats updog?

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Too many faggots fell for the "Gaben can do no wrong" meme and fed into his ego by stimulating Valve's digital items economy (myself unfortunately included).
I regret buying shit in TF2 so much.

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Saw this post within 5 minutes of it's creation. Good thing I never cared about Half Life

Posting here

The entire 2010's feel like they've gone by at turbo speed for me. It's probably because I've been spending too much time on Yea Forums since the early 2010's.

You can't just go casually posting images from The Thing. Amazing thriller but I hope I'm not the only one who thinks it's also full of plot holes

>tfw Valve could instantly kill the Epic Store and regain all their lost good will if they finally came out with HL3
>tfw this will never happen

>It's been two years
>I'm still a NEET

Sitting in my car for a few minutes before attending a college class.
I drove home as soon as I read the news.

He didn't really give up, he assumes there's still a good of rebellion. He just got poofed to a time where barely anyone remembers him or gives a fuck so he's hoping who he was writing to will continue his legacy.

apology for poor english

i was sat at home figting hedcrab zumbo when pjotr ring

‘john freeman is kill’


>tfw the Dyson Sphere reveal would still be talked about to this day

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artifact :^)

It is, though? We're talking about it right now.

In hindsight this probably would have come out better if I rendered this in SFM


I still remember that post.

Here, like I will be till the day I die.

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Gotcha! Hahahaha

Half life is gay

Its the story of ep3 great read as i remember. Gordon goes to borealis does his shit that makes combine fuck off and turns out Gordon was the right man at the wrong place so gman appears just like in hl1 and "offer" to continue doing gmans work for him or face the unbeatable force so there it end half life 2 universe. God know what they would did do for half life 3 story.

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There's no way that was in 2017.

I'm still mainly pissed off by the introduction of F2P.
I paid for the experience of playing a game with others that paid the monetary requisite not a bait and switch for Early Access. Fuck you for arbitrarily commodifying my purchase into some stupid ass hat and badge. GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING 20 DOLLARS VALVE

Wait what. I could have sworn it was fucking 2018

No son should ever have to tell his dad there's nothing to look forward to. My condolences.

Your life is fading fast.

Remember to preserve what we have here. What we have left.

Fuck off temporal nigger

You Half-Life have it easy.
HL2ep3 will eventually be released.
aSoIaF is ruined forever.

>2 years already

Attached: 1552633185048.jpg (839x610, 110K)

Martin absolutely will release his books. HL3 will never be released.

>tfw I remember making a "IT'S ALREADY BEEN A YEAR SINCE EPISTLE 3" post last year
>Feels like only a short while ago

Came back to bite you, huh?

Be less fucking new. Or just go back.

It just feels weird how fast time is going now. We're already halfway through the last year of the 2010s.

Valve doesn't owe you people jack shit

>Promise a game
>do not release game

>two years go by
>it gets better but also much worse
What a hell of a time

in class thinking about what I was gonna do on my birthday.
turned our to be a real shitty birthday when this went down

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That doesn't make any sense.
The thing is, when you are young, you are experiencing new things constantly, things worth remembering.
When you are older, you experience new stuff less and less, you fall into a routine, and duplicate memories are easily overwritten.

Your perception of time would drastically slow down if you, say, were travelling around the world all the time.

>so many people just filling user in
>2 hour old post
and for some reason. you chose to be a fag. go to bed user.

bofa deez nuts

How much of the current landscape is Valve's fault, really?

went on my phone after banging my high school gf and had a sinking feeling in my chest as I read about it on her bed

probably fapping to pics from my ex

>there are people itt who don't believe HL3 will come out along with the newest Valve VR headset or some shit
>inb4 "b-b-b-b--but muh unofficial conclusion from the writer himself...."
Implying that will stop anything. He no longer works at Valve. Anything he says is not official.

It's been 15 years.

Valve's work structure is that employees work at whatever they choose.

Nobody's doing HL3.

ruins the mood don't it?

I returned back home and decided to check Yea Forums as usual. I was greeted with the sticky and I didn't know what to feel at first. I decided to cancel my plans for the night and stay for the rest of the day on Yea Forums to lament the death of the franchise that introduced me to PC gaming.

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user please don't make this any harder for yourself

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i was shitposting as usual and saw that thread
even though i had already accepted HL3 was never happening it was still a bit sad by it

>Got the Orange Box for my 17th birthday
>I'm going to be 27 next month

Feels weird that I'm already "old" now

>Valve's work structure is that employees work at whatever they choose.
Why did anyone think this format would work

>feel okayish no HL3
>also sad at the same time
maybe im actually still stuck ? not moving on ?

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>tfw I still break down in tears every time I play it
>Alyx's voice actress crying
>Eli's voice actor is dead as well

My soul...

>tfw even if Episode 3 did come out it'd most likely be like nuStar Wars at this point

Attached: 1557383305276.png (428x456, 240K)

You're going to be as old as Gordon.

>got the Orange Box for my 15th birthday
>built my PC a year later
>All those girls on 2fort servers I mocked to oblivion
>all those nerds I pissed off
>that one dude I could have cucked out of his egirl
and I'll get to live with those memories until the day I die.

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You are all retarded. We know that Steam is working on a VR console with 3 in-house games. NO WAY one of them it's not Half-Life 3.

Did you post that in the original thread two years ago? I fucking remember it. What is wrong with me that I remember singular fucking posts from this shithole years later.

I dunno, probably here

Playing vidya or having sex

>people on Yea Forums still have hope that hl3 will come out
please move on you faggots

Attached: uh bye.webm (720x299, 1.23M)

>What is wrong with me that I remember singular fucking posts from this shithole years later.
Memory is always based on what you care about most.

>Remember playing on a Warpath server a lot years ago
>Remember getting behind the enemy team as spy and capping the last point right after the rest of my team capped the second to last pioint

Why do you even want a sequel after HL2 and the 2 episodes? HL2 story was mediocre at best and the episodes were extremely forgettable. Really doesn't beg for a sequel.

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I'm completely ok with turning this into a thread of greentexts reminiscing about things

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on the 9th hour of a 12 hour train ride thirty-something hours without sleep
I though this was a dream for a moment

Laughing my ass of that fucking HL was shown to be a fucking storyshit game all along and we could reduce an entire game to a bunch of fucking storytext and no one would even miss it.

HL is overrated storygame garbage and you all know it. Nothing of value was lost.

>tfw I remember a few posts I made back in 2012


>t. gone home dev

>furry has garbage opinion

more news at 6

this wasn't played all over Yea Forums when the news happened, right?

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and get my life back on track away from toxic mindset people like you? thank God this will be my last post.
Gatekeeping whorebitch fag cunt

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I member' when an user posted his video that had like 30 views.
Good times. Most fun there was on 4chinz after the 2016 elections.

ehh, i've not given the plot a serious analysis but I always thought it was less holes and more extreme ambiguity. like who was infected at what times isn't actually possible to be pieced together because your given so little information. that being said it's probably my favorite monster movie of all time, and one of my favorite horror films, so I'm biased.

crying in my room reading epistle 3

HL3 2020, mark my words.

And very little money to do it with. This ride is shit bros I want off.

india superpoewer

Because the collective rate of consciousness experiencing time is constantly increasing. Your relative experience of time now is much quicker then when you were a child

Thank god for that.

Valve didn't respond to the Epistle 3 leak right? Or am I remembering it wrong

I was thinking the other day about the pannenkoek a press memes and how that was such a funny thing last year. I checked the video and it released in January 2016. Is this what my sense of time is going to be like for the rest of my life?

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Gordon sees the true might of the Combine Empire in a sort of capital that takes the form of a dyson sphere. In a scene that probably would have been reminiscent of HL1's ending, G-Man takes Alyx as his new "associate". Gordon is teleported back to Earth but farther into the future. The resistance is still fighting same as always, it has been so long that the time of civilized Earth and his adventures with the resistance are long forgotten (this part could also be interpreted as the writer saying that Valve is no longer his family/home). These two factors inspire a sense of utter hopelessness - humanity has been fighting a minute fraction of a fraction of the Combine the entire time, they never stood a chance from the moment they opened Pandora's box (the Resonance Cascade).

>canonically Gordon had its ribs crushed by that advisor and died with Eli in that hangar
>as good as Epistle 3 sounds, at the end of the day it's still fan fiction since Mark no longer works at Valve
>the upcoming game is a prequel

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let the water hold me down

>Remember that Besiege game being a big thing on Yea Forums
>That was 4 years ago


Oh god what

Why do they need writers anyway if they put out shit like this?

>remember being here during the xbox one launch
>6 years ago

Attached: 1546267470349.jpg (1059x349, 241K)

Don't remember, didn't care, half life always sucked.

CSGO infinite money supply

>Remember being on Yea Forums when /vg/ was made
>7 years ago

>Remember being on Yea Forums when Megaman Legends 3 was cancelled
>8 years ago

>he hasnt been trapped here for a decade
You are like little babby
i do miss those old CYOA threads when they first kicked off, i still feel like the one ending where we died and turned into a sword shouldnt of been considered a win though

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meh. a prequel is fine. not that i have vr though. a prequel just means that they dont want to risk touching hl3. they know they couldnt meet expectations, and obviously not with a VR test project.

Avoiding Yea Forums like a plague

This truly is hell.
Friendly reminder that nothing good has happened on earth since 2007

>Started going on Yea Forums around the early 2010's
>Even newfag cancer like me has been here for almost a decade now

It's just weird how Valve just let their popular franchise die like that. I know they make far more money with Steam and all their vydia developers already left, but still.

The one thing in particular i miss from old Yea Forums was the constant free FOTM games that would explode every now and again
Shit like that just doesnt happen anymore

I feel the same way. I remember spending a lot of time on Synchtube and Ace of Spades back when they were big things on Yea Forums. I also remember that Monster Girl Quest thing that got big on Yea Forums, though I only played a little bit of that.

>8.8 was 13 years ago

Attached: pain.jpg (750x864, 178K)

Even with the sticky, it's embarrassing to think so many people on here thought that much of HL3/Ep3. Half Life was good and all, but the constant preaching on the internet as a whole that it was going to be the Second Coming or some shit got really old really fast. Kind of upset it isn't happening now because at least modern-Yea Forums would shit all over it just to prove not everyone is going to suck Valve's dick over a single IP.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but i think it does. Lobotomy corporation seems like a fotm game being discussed right now. Same thing with many other indie games, they get constant threads for a while and then die out with exception of some sporadic threads. Stuff like Kenshi, Starsector and Underrail.

you are now remebering transformice

Attached: realism.png (933x1396, 556K)

Actually nevermind, I'm dumb and didn't realize it was about free games.

I don't think I played Transformice, to be honest.

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Oh no

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just let it go and move on with your lives

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>Still wanting Half Life 3

if we cant even have small joys like a fucking video game, what hope do we have for other kinds of happiness in this misery of existence?

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Greetings time-traveler.

>2012 was 16 years ago

Attached: 1557482047767.png (158x221, 49K)

wtf, i swear this was only last year.

i was there.
>its dead jim.

drinking brain fluid when fred ring

>the big bang was 13.5 billion years ago

Attached: 1547233139565.jpg (1024x713, 59K)

>yahweh created everything 4,000 years ago
>satan planted fake dino bones 3,500 years ago
where does all the time go

Right here, reading it all, then discussing Dyson spheres, Breen grub and the combine with the lads here

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Mann VS Machine was released 7 years ago and I feel like my brain turns inside out when I think about it.

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I still can't believe expiration date came out back in 2015, it's all going so fucking fast


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play another videogame

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Yea Forums users contemplating the surfeit of existential bathos

for conversation, of course

I bet to this day people still aren't aware though and are still spouting hl3 memes

>big auto stealing 5 came out 6 years ago

>hurr durr muh secret tree house club
Not everyone lives on this goat herding forum, and even if they did, no one goes to all boards and know their history, happenings and inside jokes. No reason to be a cunt.

I'm stealing that Niko reaction, user.


>GTA IV is 11 years old

It still feels like it's 2018..

it's been almost half a year user

>tfw still no gf.

Attached: 1554505276389-tv.webm (1280x720, 916K)

Time fucking flies.

So, how YOU have been doing in the last 2 to 3 years, Yea Forums?

What games have you played during that time?

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To ignore the sadboi nonsense, what hopes do you have for HL:VR?
Other than for it to actually release.

Right there

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I-I don’t like this thread anymore...

this is an interesting concept

thread theme

I was here. I'm still not over it.

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I sit down and think 20 minutes have past but its been an hour and a half

I wouldn't mind it getting canned if the last game didn't hint so heavily towards a sequel, I wouldn't put HL2 in the same category as Too Human and Advent Rising but I guess it is.

At home it was posted right before I went to work just sat there for a few moments really accepting that it was never ever.

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This guy is a douche but the sister should have told her fiancé

I was there

Today, I will remind them of what came out over 10 years ago (or will by this time next month) to show time is a cruel bitch to our memories.

>Saints Row 2
>Mirror's Edge
>Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
>F.E.A.R. 2
>Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
>Street Fighter IV
>Star Ocean: The Last Hope
>Tom Clancy's Endwar
>50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
>Halo Wars
>Killzone 2
>Sonic and the Black Knight
>Resident Evil 5
>Henry Hatsworth
>Pokemon Platinum (in Murrica Land)
>The Last Remnant
>Klonoa for the Wii
>Plants vs. Zombies
>Killing Floor
>Punch-out! for the Wii

>Prototype is also dead because of how fucking shit 2 was
It's not fair.

I played a shit ton of games to completion
but in retrospect, i could have cut a few shoddier ones to make room for something actually productive to do
like study more or hit the weights more
ah fuck, i hate reminiscing

Kind of a dick move but the sister is even worse not just for hiding it, but completely lying about it. That's not okay.

seems a little bit like it's written by a dude seeking to troll people

>a year when you're 5 is 1/5 of your whole life
>a year when you're 25 is 1/25

don't like it tim

>start playing tf2 in high school
>subsequently get into left 4 dead, portal and half life
>think valve can do no wrong, would kiss the ground beneath gaben's feet given the opportunity
>ran tf2 into the ground and their single player ips are dead, only way they'd make another was if they could include a cosmetic cash shop or e-sports garbage
At least Artifact was a disaster. There's a little bit of justice sometimes

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Made in Heaven

>all those carefree days spent playing outside until night with the neighborhood kids
I want off this ride

In that very thread, drinking heavily.

Basically just the major releases plus some old ones I'd always put off. I got semi-decent at a fighting game in the past two years and then dropped it due to my inability to put much time into it recently and falling behind everyone else I knew. It's kind of funny just how full of shitty you realize those threads pitching about fighting vidya are when you actually sit down and learn one for a while.

trying to get my career going
played a lot of hitman, furi, shadow tactics and DMC5.
how are you doing, bud?

what the fuck

Admit it, no company could pull off the sequel. Even Valve in its prime realized this shit.

Whats with everyone on here wanting another half life game?

I played the original and it was boring af to the point that i didnt even bother finishing it, the time and effort wasnt worth it

It wasnt as good as halo 1 because it has action, vehicles like the ghost and scorpion not to mention actual character development

Gordumb peeman doesnt even talk

Halo has 5+ games and HL only has 2 so of course there wont be a third, its garbage


Dealing with health issues.
Played through Shadow of War, Dark Souls III and Wolfenstein: The New Order.

One of my favorite scenes from Starship Troopers.

did anyone read the whole thing? How does half life end?

>e3 seems like it was a couple months ago
>It was 11 months ago

He did the right thing 100%. No hymen no diamond

sawcon deez nuts lmao

>how are you doing, bud?

Im doing so so.
Got a new good paying job but everything else is kinda falling apart, dad is not well and i cant find a place to move out.

also waiting for CTR release.


Attached: TAD.png (450x399, 223K)

The worst part is it just sounds like part of what Beta was going to be.

answer my question friends

it ends in a sour note. all gordon's effort were for nothing and he played right into Gmans plan.

I was there
I was there the day the strength of men fell

Here, like I always have been

who is the g man? is that explained?


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>Remember the potato arg for Portal 2
>8 years ago.

>remember Moot leaving
>4 years ago


Valve JUST Network

Hot take: there won't be a half-life 3 because half-life 2 already did everything that is possible in the pure FPS genre without turning it into an action RPG or MMO.

Half-life 2 had every type of FPS gameplay in it already, classic shooting, driving, squad battles, "tower defense", etc.

The genre has reached its conclusion, there is no more half-life to make.

Attached: 158.png (447x378, 11K)

That ending was more Laidlaw’s own bitterness at his failure to make Episode Three than actual plans


stop mourning this faggot

This was all just a post modernist art piece by Valve, Half Life 3 does exist but as a meme rather than a game and that was exactly what they wanted.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

They could have if they just released Episode Three in 2009 or 2010.

No one was expecting a revolutionary Half-Life 3 back then, people just wanted a competently made expansion to finish off the Half-Life 2 Episodes Trilogy. It was only when Half-Life 2 Episode Three never came out that the community exploded with theories of Valve building some super perfect Half-Life 3.

I've been dealing with my brother turning into a huge asshole and almost tearing our family apart.
I built myself a nice PC but most games I play on it are 4X games and other games that aren't very resource intensive.

when you get older time feels faster. when you were 5 you were experiencing one fifth of your life. when you are 30 you experience 1 thirtieth of your life. this just makes everything feel faster

>Valve: We make Games, we just don’t finish them
Reminder that the super-hyped F-stop mechanic that Gabe made shutting down the whole company for a few months for experimentation worth it has been scrapped and will never actually be in a real game. (Bonus points because shutting down for a few months plus all the time and effort going into developing it probably pulled stuff away from finishing Episode Three)
Reminder that an entire playable build of Left 4 Dead 3 was made and then scrapped because they couldn’t decide between bothering to finish Source 2 or porting to Unreal.
Reminder that the TF2 comics will never finish.

So half life vr is going to happen and it will be set before half life 2.

>anvil god
Good memories

Half-life is overrated.

In that thread, listening to this on repeat.

I was about to move away from home for College, the first time I'd had my own place. This came out the day before I left and it really felt like a chapter of my life was coming to an end.

I won't ever forget. Valve are scum.

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You grabbed a henweigh yet?

>as the writer saying that Valve is no longer his family/home
That's how I've always interpreted it. Laidlaw basically used Epistle 3 as a way to say that he no longer sees his worth there, hoping that spirit of rebellion is still there among the younger devs.

This this this this

Travel, take a class, go to an event you know nothing about, start a new hobby change jobs keep shifting it’s the only way to hang on to the precious time you have left

I don't know who project management is such a dirty word for Valve. It's the only way anything gets done in ANY corporation on the planet in any field

Those are those t-shirts with buttons, right?

what the fuck is ligma


This makes sense. I was unemployed once for 3 months spending every day watching movies / playing video games. I have like 2 or 3 memories from the entire three months. This wasn't only last year. It's fucking scary.

In that thread.


Remember how buggy MVM was at first? I remember that just trying to get into a game was a massive pain in the ass.


Were any other Portal fags just glad to know what was on that ship?

Isn't F-stop what's going to end up in the VR game? Basically something to do with using perspective to solve puzzles. Grab an item from far away, bring it closer, and now the model is a bigger size. I'm pretty sure I saw that mechanic in some flash game from 2003 but whatever.

All women do that about their sexual past. It's very frustrating even if you don't give a shit. It took two years for my fiance to admit that with her last two boyfriends she's never actually been fully penetrated because she has an exceptionally small vagina. My life would be a lot easier if I knew that from the start.

I just want a setpiece Rollercoaster game that jumps between half-life combat and portal for the level design navigation puzzles.

I think saying that Gordon's efforts were in vain was still part of the story, in the sense that Valve never intended for Half Life to have a definitive end. Seeing the Dyson sphere would've been such a kick in the balls, to see all that effort didn't make the smallest dent in a civilization that's light years ahead of us. It's would've been amazing.
The part that felt very much like Laidlaw venting his own feelings was Gordon accepting that Alyx would take charge instead of him. People no longer knowing who Freeman was, that the rebellion is still alive but he no longer recognizes their faces.
I like to imagine Laidlaw just sitting at his desk writing this after having had a conversation with some new hires and they ask "And who are you?"

If they do manage to salvage F-stop and actually release a game based around it, good for them, but I doubt it will be something so great that it makes never getting Episode Three “worth it.”

The sellout

>fucks everyone
>im shy ill fuck you once a month
>slurping cock all her life
good man. she can fuck off.

Out of curiosity, does anyone else remember that "These things, they take time" video from around 2012? I think I remember that video getting my hopes up back then.

Simple, it's because omae wa mou shindeiru

And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you

Because nothing feels new. Familiarity speeds up your perception of time. If you did new things and went to new places time will feel a lot more slower.

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It takes your your mind again

Morally grey area
“Josh” deserves to know but I don’t think it’s the brother’s place to say

Transformmice wasn’t peak Yea Forums but it was close

What probably happened was that some Half-Life project was actually gaining momentum around that time, only for it to peter out and die around 2013.

Since Gabe doesn’t take a direct role in development, probably even he got his hopes up at the time.

>when the mod played Triage at Dawn when the confirmation from ex-writer came

Struck me hard

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It's an interesting situation for Valve. They need something to justify many years of silence, something that lives up to a god tier lineup of games. Pretty much all their games ended up setting a revolution in the industry in one way or another. How the fuck do you beat that?
Although I think Artifact was a necessary scapegoat. We have to remember that Valve are just a company like any other, just with a weirder structure. The old school devs have spread to other companies, games take a lot longer to finish, the F2P market is a big dent for single player experiences. It's all so tiresome.

Assuming Valve demanded a series end with episode 3, what would make a better ending?

>Bootstrap device on the borealis sends the ship all the way back in time to when the Combine were a primitive species and destroy them then but Gordan dies in the crash.


>G-man is revealed to be working for an equally big threat as the Combine that are in a state of constant war and everything was just a scheme to make the Combine send their forces to Earth the long way for the Bootstrap device only for his employers to attack the combine while Earth is getting fucked, Earth gets destroyed but so do the Combine.

Or are both fanfiction tier?

>two years
that's nothing.
now these are "time is going too fast"-worthy. still a shame that HL3 will never be.

I was here, on Yea Forums.
Where were YOU?

Pretty much. Maybe they were even mid-way through development until Dota 2 took their entire focus and HL3 was once again left in the dust.

>remember when Yea Forums was constantly getting removed and added
>circa 2004
I wanna die, but I can't

I was actually here for that which is surprising since I barely come around here anymore

Even if they announce HL3 with all the same devs and writers, it ain't gonna live up to the 12 years of absence

It's more of a symbol at this point

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I will still be mad on my deathbed.

I will never stop fucking hating Valve for this.

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Zoomers don't even know Gabe or his games

If there needs to be a definite end then the first. Leaving the Earth alive at least gives the option of a future, maybe with Alyx restoring the planet. Plus there's the whole Xen thing that can be explored again.
But I do like the idea that G-man's plans are twenty steps ahead. Gordon in the ball at the start of a Rube Goldberg.

Steam. After Orange Box brought in hundreds of thousands, it really took off. Suddenly they could make much more money by just selling other people's games than by making any themselves. And then they found out they could just make pixels and sell those as well. Last Valve game that was made in-house was Portal 2. Icefrog is third party, same as Portal 1 and Left 4 Dead's teams. Even CS:GO was fucking outsourced. Let that sink in. Even this fucking prequel is likely to just be a tech demo for VR.


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Half life is overrated. Suck my dick, homos.

Loved the cool fanart we got from it. Fuck valve forever though

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>same as Portal 1
What? The students from Narbacular Drop were hired by Valve in that famous story where 15 minutes in Gaben interrupts them and says "I don't know who you are but if you can do this in Source, you're hired"

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This. Even Artifact was basically third party. It probably would not have even happened otherwise.

While I've played a few games, I'm still in the bad habit of spending too much time on Yea Forums. I honestly feel like I'm getting too old for this board, yet I keep coming back out of habit.

Fuck off, faggot. nobody wants you here regardless of how long you've spent wasting everyone's time.

>Caring about MvM being 7 years and not TF2 being 12 years

half life sucks anyway

>2019 is 1/3 over
>the month of may is 1/3 over

pretty much every product they came out with for the past half-decade has been a flop, that's what happened.

2 was superior in almost every way, nigger

That's what I mean. They weren't a team nor an idea born from within Valve. That's what I meant by "third party", but I'm realizing now that what I actually meant was second party and even that is probably not the exact term.

You know what, I don't blame the guy. He has the impossible task of trying to both understand and communicate what this company does. For all we know everything he's said has been right, but Valve being Valve, they'd kill finished projects because who the fuck knows. Or they take on projects and get bored halfway through, like the partnership with Adult Swim that pretty much went nowhere.

Even playing random shit like that one Moba cartoon network made based off of Adventure time with Yea Forums

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Valve pretty much functions as an umbrella corporation that buys and hires small teams/companies.
Counter-strike, Team Fortress, Day of Defeat, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Dota, and Artifact were all initially being built by outside developers who were then hired/bought out/contracted by Valve.

I think that's a needless separation, desu. I'm sure most franchises were already somewhat formed ideas well before the dev in question is hired and makes it into a game. The Portal one is a bit more obvious just because of that story but a company is just a name for a group of people under one banner. Maybe Laidlaw already had some story ideas for Half Life before Valve was ever even considered by Gaben when he was still at Microsoft.

Not to mention the obvious fact that Narbacular Drop and Portal are miles in difference. One is a more medieval fantasy type thing with one cool mechanic, the other is full on sci-fi, with GLaDos serving as a good motivator to keep going with actual interesting puzzles.

>She slept with 100 dudes
If I’m not raising their kids I can be okay with this. Might have some trust issues.

>Lied about it
lmao bye bitch

You think that's bad? we're already 6 months away from 1990 being 30 years ago

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>Was born in 1992
>Remember being on Yea Forums back when I was only 19 myself
>Now I'm probably older than most other Yea Forums users

daily reminder that we'll all be here forever

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The other user’s point is pointing out that Valve functions more by eating up existing talent than building stuff internally. Yes, you could make the argument that even Half-Life was just Newell and Harrington using their Microsoft bucks to buy a pre-existing team, but that just means that Valve has always functioned by buying out pre-existing teams.

Basically the only games that started completely in-house were Half-Life 2, its episodes, and Portal 2. All other games were started/made by outside teams who were bought out and stayed as a distinct internal team to finish the release.

I'm 19 now. Funny.

Reminder that the comics was basically Valve salvaging the planned plot for the Adult Swim animated series they couldn’t finish, but that Valve couldn’t even finish the comics.

Fucking hell, time really goes by fast

I get that, I guess I just don't like the negative implication that these devs are hired for one idea and once they're inside of Valve, they don't do anything else. But that's hard to say considering their weird structure. For all we know they've made a hundred games/prototypes over the years but the senior staff doesn't endorse them in some way so the projects die. Maybe too many people are working on too many separate projects. Maybe the games, no matter how fun they are, don't seem like what you'd expect from Valve so the project is killed.

w-we just entered may

Laidlaw, one of Half-Life's OG creators, an OG Valve employee, and the last of the old guard besides Faten himself, quit Valve and posted what appeared to be the script to HL2e3 on his blog with names swapped to obvious alternatives.

The veracity of it being the 'actual' script is kinda doubtful due to the way Valve's writing process usually goes, and also because some elements of the script seem to be direct criticisms of Valve's changing culture and how Laidlaw felt alienated and alone at a company he helped build.

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Fuck you Gabe.

And you'll be here when the current batch of children are old enough to come here.

Steam started making Valve a huge amount of money, and demanding more time from Valve's flat corporate structure. This persisted with starts and stops on new games until actual writers and game devs started quitting the company in frustration, which was by that time pivoting to exploring the hardware market.

The Valve you knew - except Gabe himself - is mostly long gone at this point. Valve does not make games any more, and could not even if they wanted to now.

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>Born in 92
>Here since 06
>Actually lurked for 2 years before posting
>Oh god what have I done with my life

Once they’re inside Valve, a lot of them just end up leaving because Valve’s structure is more condusive to buying out new stuff than making new stuff internally. Minh Le left because his Counter-Strike 2 project couldn’t get off the ground, only for Counter-Strike Global Offensive to be contracted out to a third party. Kim Swift left after her ideas were pushed out of Portal 2 in favor of new ideas including the gels brought in by a new hire team. The Turtle Rock guys split off after L4D and reformed themselves out of frustration of working with the rest of Valve (the real reason L4D2 was rushed out in less than a year was to solidify Valve’s ownership of the IP).

I was in the hospital, waiting for my dad to come through.
He made it.

I hope I won't be as bitter as some of you boomers desu.

Has Swift done anything lately? Quantum Conudrum was crap.

it will be 2 years since neogaf got fucked.
it was a good day on Yea Forums

I should add something, though: Valve does not talk about Half-Life. Not retrospectively, not predictively, not at all. An interesting documentary came out recently about the game and what it meant for the industry, and Valve didn't even reply vis a vis participation (Pitchford's passive-aggressive insults went unanswered).

It seems likely that Valve's upper management wants to avoid the situation that Duke Nukem went through, where a single title hangs like an albatross over the franchise waiting to kill it permanently, and so they refuse to talk about it again until they're actually seriously considering making it - which they may never do.

What people forget about Half-Life is that these games weren't just games, they shifted how developers and players understood their genres in powerful - sometimes fundamental - ways that have since become so normalized that people forget what made the Half-Life games so powerful in their day. I expect that IF Valve ever revisits Gordon again, it will be as before, to use him and the Half-Life name as an engine to push a new technology or new concept in how a genre should present itself.

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Based. If "Josh" had found out after the marriage then he might have had to dish out shit for counseling or divorce. Dodged a bullet with that whore.

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What if it's all a big ruse to kill all the speculation and give them all the time they need to perfect it ,then one day out of the blue it will drop and will play out nothing like the pastebin.

I imagine that all the people working on the project are probably security cleared and bound by a valve corporate secrets act that could see them go to jail for exposing it hence why we'll never hear anything until the release.

Imagine actually defending valve and sucker their cock at this point. Gabe literally said in an interview long before that leak that they weren't working on HL3 because they couldn't find a way to put micro transactions into it, and therefore it wasn't worth their time. It is amazing how many steambabies still find ways to consider that company 'looking out for the customer'. Coming from someone who still thinks Half-Life in 1998 was one of the best games I've played, valve can go fuck themselves. They are literally no different than any other company.

out of town that date

Valve is dead.

Half life 3 will be the launch title for valve's vr system that directly links into the nervous system.
Screencap this post.

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>I've been on Yea Forums for 13 years
>literally 1/3 of my life has been spent here

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Literally turning 18 when that happened
Weird birthday gift


incel nerds need to HAVE SEX and stop playing videogayms LMAO

>31 years old
>Been here since 2007
Don't forget, you're here forever.

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If you let Yea Forums influence your life negatively, you only have yourself to blame.

They’re not waiting for hype to die, they’re waiting for a miracle of teams coming together with enough momentum to finish a damn game.

Valve builds stuff constantly, they just never stick with anything long enough to finish it. Based on leaks, there has been at least one unfinished Episode Three and at least three unfinished Half-Life 3s that were scrapped halfway through because momentum died.


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>I expect that IF Valve ever revisits Gordon again, it will be as before, to use him and the Half-Life name as an engine to push a new technology or new concept in how a genre should present itself.
valve isn't capable of this anymore

ligma balls

Because we're on the internet or playing video games.

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Those fuckers at valve could have at least finished the episodes so we have some closure

>be me, 33
>here since 2003
>regged on SA in 2001

This. It's also relative. As a five year old you think a year is a long time because one is a lot when compared to the five years you've been a live. As a 30 year old, year goes by pretty quick because one year is so small when compared 30.

Because 2010-2020 is a shit decade that basically nothing memorable happen.

gladly, when and where?

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>Cave Johnson here.
>Some of you guys been asking "Why does Cave wants us to save energy? Hasn't he found an entire universe made of money?"
>Well, let me explain the situation in simple terms so even the over grown monkeys in sector G can understand: while we have unlimited money, the State of Michigan does not have unlimited power.
>In fact, we have expanded out operations so much, we had to look for alternative energy sources.
>Solar, coal, wind, all bogus. So we used our multiverse portal machine until we found an universes made of Pure Energy. While some of our scientists debated what was the physical meaning of pure energy, what matters for us is that we plugged a 120 feet wide power chord to the portal and we have a lot of energy. Somewhere between 7x10^85 and 9x10^92 Joules.
>Well, how does this answer your question? It does not. Here is the real situation:
>While messing with the multiverse we met multiple hostile beings, from Galactic Empires to Tentacle Octopus Gods.
>For instance there was one alien Empire that tried to wage war on us through the multiverse. They had multiple of the so called "Denis Spheres" or whatever, and they thought they could face us. We might have the better science and resources, but we don't have an army, so what was our solution?
>Open an unconstrained portal to our Pure Energy Universe in the middle of their home system and let the uncontrolled energy discharge get rid of them. And the rest of their galaxy.
>0.017% of our total stocked power released in a few seconds was enough to destroy pretty much anything.
>But the bad news is that we found ourselves in that situation too often, and we are losing power.
>Moral of the story: we are using most of our energy to fend off untold horrors, so unless you want ugly creepy Alien Warlords sipping into our world, keep the door of the office mini fridge CLOSED.
>Cave out.

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>basically nothing memorable happen
Perhaps for you

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>expecting anything from (((valve)))

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shadilay my magapede

What's a henweigh?

Maybe to you bitter fucker lmao

Fuck you, I love it.

Nigga you're almost 40 go fuck your wife or something

this can't be right

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i love trump more than words can describe

Here, not caring because I never liked Half-Life.

Valve could hire people who are. Their costs are basically zero, their staff tiny, their profit immense, their investors nonexistent.

But without Laidlaw it's really not Half-Life.

>the fall of Yea Forums, abridged

It’s not a talent problem, it’s a coordination problem. They keep abandoning projects halfway through over stupid disagreements.

I wasn't browsing Yea Forums yet

I'm just saying that it was a memorable event, not a good one. There are many like it, too. Not to mention whatever happened in your personal life. I really don't know how you could say nothing memorable happened in the last 9 years.


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I got a job and have been working for about a year plus. It's not best paying or shittiest job ever so I'm fairly content.

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Their current focus seems to be on hardware, specially VR, likely because they believe whoever gets it right first will rule over an entire technological revolution. .

I graduated high school, did a bit of college before realizing a cs degree is worthless and not worth the 40k (still trying to get certs though with internships) , trying to get a job right near me that is a little bit above min wage.

Despite the screaming flood that started after Depression Quest, I think a lot of people on Yea Forums still don't care about politics, which is a reflection of the way it always was. For them, memorable things are those that happen in the world of their hobbies - the things they come to Yea Forums for.

>we're closer to 2040 than we are to 1990

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About 40 lbs

get killed, frogposter

>time flies so fast and we do not use it as we want and one day we die without doing what we want

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Yeah, I think they're learning on technology research as well, myself.

*rapes you*
I'm sorry, I didn't hear that! What did you say?

Then you've still got:
>TV,TV, TV, TV, Sports, Sports, Sports
Valve releasing what would become their last games
The entire Wii U
moot's abdication
There's still quite a lot

>after 12 years in development, hopefully, you will never see it face the light.
>kill me.

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dealing with some Health problems, is like a fucking nightmare without ending , overall some old games playing, and some of the new ones

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If HL3 happens in our lifetime it would avoid doing anything Epistle 3 revealed.

It has been an amazing ride and I'm glad I was there from the beginning.

I was only contradicting the one example. I wasn't the guy who said it originally, but I do agree with his general point that this decade in video games has been much less interesting than the previous two. Just take a look at your video game related examples:

Wii U: The only mainstream console in my entire memory that none of my family or friends bought.

Valve not making games any more: Exactly.

Moot leaving: This is probably the most memorable thing to happen that I care about this decade, honestly. It coincided with the end of Yea Forums's identity as a completely unique place that worshipped nothing but irreverence, rather than being sincerely obsessed with normal boring drama like politics and blunt hatred of out-groups.

blowing a load/replying to a discord tranny probably.

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I hope everything works out for you, man.

That's because MvM was a big deal at a time when it felt like the game was quite old.
Now the update itself is even older than the game was at the time.

only boomers care about half-life
fuck off

You mean 2014 right?

Threads gonna die but, I was a former intern level designer at valve who worked on episode 2

Which levels?

Specifically, Ant Lion Caves, The Inn Ambush, and the section where you meet the Advisor in the barn then your car breaks down.


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Do you remember the map file designations? Like outland_01 etc

I dont remember designations, but you could probably search them by just searching what they are called and episode 2.

>Ant Lion Caves
Wasn't that the one where playtesters were too retarded to figure out they were heading in circles?

I was here, mourning with my fellow anons.


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Yes, aaand no.
The thing is, the original ant lion caves was WAAAY more maze like. It was confusing and horribly laid out, there were 2 sections that even took you back to the start.
We tried placing hints and the occasional rusted sign that pointed players in the right direction, but eventually decided against it because Playtesters were getting lost, and because even we were getting lost in the maze of the caverns.

It’s because you experience time quicker as you age. A year is a drop in the pond for a 90 year old, but at 10 it’s a tenth of you entire memory.

I actually agree with the play testers here. I didn’t even notice the linearity at first because of how well they hid it, whereas going in circles was annoying as hell in On A Rail in Half-Life.

>I think a lot of people on Yea Forums still don't care about politics

I don't know about everyone else, but this is the way I feel myself. I got here around the early 2010's times when the off-topic stuff on Yea Forums was just Yea Forums-tier shitposts like "19.95 plus tip", so I guess I'm still used to Yea Forums being non-political.

>even we were getting lost in the maze of the caverns.
God I wish a comment like this had made into the dev commentary.

How does internships work at Valve? A friend of mine who interviewed at Valve commented that a lot of devs feel stuck up and elitist and think a lot of coding stuff is “beneath” them. Do they hire interns for that?

I have no money

get a job in a corporation

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They hire interns in any category that relates to game making.
When I went, they had interns for Sprite making, texture designing, sound designing, level making, programming, modelling, ect. If it relates to making video games, they allow interns for it.
Valves intern process is very strict but very lenient. They want the best of the best for Internships, but once your there they dont really expect much. Sometimes they even let you work on projects, like was my case with episode 2, as a part of showing the interns what it's like to work on a game with a team. When I went it was a 5 month process and it was pretty fun, the college paid for the flight, Valve pays for room and board.

>Where were you?
At work. What happened?

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Are you able to enjoy Episode Two having worked on it?

Yes, but the nightmares of dealing with Hammer will never ever leave my mind. Literally everyone at Valve hates hammer and dealing with it. If you thought it was bad when you made a meme map, it's even worse when it's your job to do this shit.

I actually have to farm gold in Runescape to make a living lmao

that makes me feel better

New years was 5 months ago.
Where did the 5 months go?

>Finally the truth of antlion caves

Why the fuck wasnt that in the commentary.
It made it look real dum in the spot it was at.

Jesus christ, I really wonder if more things arent just misunderstandings and poor communication.

Agreed, the commentary would have been a lot better if it had been “even we were starting to get lost in the maze” instead of “one play tester constantly got lost so we changed everything.”

Why is Hammer so fucking shit when it comes to playing music in levels. I spent 18 hours one day trying to get 3 different pieces of music to play in 3 different areas. Can't use env_soundscape it has autistic fades doesn't doesn't play well client side since the music is play from a certain point and you can't make a square fucking box because it looks at distance from a radius. ambient_generic has the same problems and throws a hissy fit when there's more than one of them trying to play a song in a certain area. I don't even remember how I got around the problem but it was some hackjob involving a billion of the point_clientcommand entities controlling sounds from the console. FUCK

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Shazbowl happened over 7 years ago

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Here, mourning.

I don't mind a prequel at all.
I'd like to see more fucking around in Xen or Aperture not being a complete fucking joke

HL2 is one of the most well-designed games ever made. It has TWO (2) bad moments, but they're utilized well to set the stage.

I'll try my best to write you guys a novelized version of the VR game since I have VR. It's the best I can do

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>it's been 5 months since the start of 2019

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really fluids my brain

Weird dude, did you catch it at Saw Con?

saw con?

I found the ending pretty shit considering Gordon has a mysterious time-controlling inter-dimensional space super agent guiding him towards something. I highly doubt G-Man would take such an interest to a random scientist if his ultimate goal was to throw a pebble at a solar system sized Combine structure.

Saw Con deez nuts


the real issue with the ending is that g-man is still a non-character. He doesn't have goals, he doesn't have a personality, why is he there?
Might as well hand Gordon an actual time travel machine or something.

Maybe keeping the Borealis out of Combine hands by destroying it in a pointless suicide mission was the whole point.

Marching band practice.

ip2 rent free

We're half a year from ending the 2010s and entering the 2020s

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This is objective fact but Yea Forums has shit taste.

Laidlaw’s a Borges fan and really likes exploring stuff that is so big and complex that it is beyond human comprehension.

Just like the Combine is so infinitely vast that humanity’s greatest weapon can’t even dent one of their many outposts, the Gman is not supposed to be a character, but a representative of something beyond human comprehension. Replacing the Gman with a time travel machine would take the mysticism out of Laidlaw’s vision.